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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1958, p. 6

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PAOE ff~ T~ CA1~ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMMWflLE. ONTAEZO ?HURSDAY, 3AIi. SM. UN Sord.u Àgw,MEior 1' Social and Personal ?&. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and blouglas, and Mr. and Mrs. Franicis Jose, were Christmas Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and f amily in Brampton.é Mr. Elmer Fowler and John, Bowmanvile, and Miss Shirley McCormick, Whitby, were Christmas Sunday guests with Mr~. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and family. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson were Mr. and Mrs. S. Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Barr, Bowmanville, and Mr. Ronald Pingle and sons, Courtice. Christmnas holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew were Mr? and Mrs. F. L. Agnew, Peterborough; Mrs. John Elienton, Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Max Swan, To- ronto; Mrs. John Koropatwa and Benny, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Metcalfe, Oshawa, .C. . OULD Warm Air Heating a Specialiy EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331 and Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams and Nancy, Bowmanville. Miss Peggy Pearce, Toronto, spent the Cbristmas holiday weekend visiting with Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Pearce and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Douglas, were Christmas Day guests with Mrs. Mason in Osh- awa. Mr. Walter Henning, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Eric wcre Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and son Richard, Oshawa; Mrs. Stella Anderson, Miss H. Ma- son, Mrs. Nettie Butler and Mr. Hanlon Parker were Chris- tmas Day guests with Dr. J. A. Butler, Miss C. Butler and Mr. George Butler. Christmas Day guests with Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and fam- ily were Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Claire and Peter, Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and famlly, Chesley; Captain and, Mrs. W. J. Hockin and family, Fort Henry Heights; and Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, Bowmnan- ville. Christmas Day guests witb Mr. and Mrs. William Storks and family wcre Mrs. Mary Friedlander and son Dean, Mr. Harold Deline, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christie and Mr. Fred Green, Toronto, Mrs. Storks, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butterili, Smiths Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare spent the Christmas boiidays with their son, Dr. Jack Hare and family in St. Thomas. Mrs. A. R. Spencer spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bennett and Jon at Mayrose Farm, Myrtie. Master Larry Pearce spent iast week visiting with Cap- tain and Mrs. W. J. Hockin and family at Fort Henry Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collins spent the Christmas holidays with Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Witzel in Toronto. Bobbie Witzel re- turncd with his grandparents for the school vacation. Christmas Day guests with Mr. H. T. Manes, Mrs. Rita Em- pley and Miss Oldfield wcre Mrs. G. T. Manes, Leaside; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heading, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Gray, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embley and fam- ily. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Aluin wcre Mr. Hfarvey Moffat, George- town;, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Eacbcrn and Mary Frances, Markham, and Mr. and Mrs. G. IVIGOR OIL CO. LTD.I PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE QIL 2Oc FUEL QIL 17C FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA per gal. per gal. 5-1109 1- ai REBUCE PRICE! A MAJOR REDUCTION IN PIONEER'S LI1tHTWEIGHT MODEL RA! Bavings have beeni made possible by..... " NEW TECHNICAL. EFFICIENCIEBI " MASS RAW MAT ERIA L BUVINGI *NEW PRODUCTION ECONOMIESI LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL RA WITH 16" ATTACHMENTS NO0W ONL.V 22650' THE QUALITY LEADER IN THE POWER CHAIN SAW FIELD *MA$$ MERCHANDISINO METHODSi I See the famous Model HC 16" Now only $199.50 *INDUSTRIAI ENGINEERING LIMITEB VANCOUVER CANADA £ iA UY V ?Eo TeoOARDmARINE CORPORATION 0P CANADA 1. SS. MORTON & SON BoWMANVILLE ONTARIO Phone 3821 St. George' s S. S. HoId Annual Christmas Part y Members Receive Prizes Newcastle: The A n n u ai1 Christmas concert and prize presentation of St. George's Sunday School was held on Monday evening, December 23rd, ini the Parish Hall. The Rector, the Rev. D. R. Dewd- ney weicomed the parents and friends of the children and the program opened with the sing- îng of Christmas Carols with everyone joining in. The first part of the program consisted of recitations by Tom- my Wallace, Carol Gîbson, George and Greg Gray and and Penny and Donny Mea- dows and Eleanor McCracken. "'Away in a Manger" was sung by Deborah Adair and Nancy Martin delivered a humorous monologue on "Public Speak- ing" which was much enjoyed. The senior girls presented a C. Gatcheil and Susan, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bernard and Terry, spent Christmas Day wîth her sister and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ben- nett and Jon at Mayrose Farm, Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and Paul spent Christmas wîth bis mother, Mrs. Nelson Nes- bitt in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magill and Janice, Woodstock, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allin. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Britton and Janie, Belleville, were Christ- mas Day guests wjth his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brit- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoarl and family, Maple Grove, were Christmas visitors with his mother, Mrs. E. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walk- er were Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wad- dington in Toronto. Cbristmas Eve guests with Mr .and Mrs. Ross Allin and family were Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Allun and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allin and Shirley, and Mr. Jim Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent Christmas Eve in Belle- ville with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and Janie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun and family were Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Freeman in Bowmanvllle. Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard and family were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogg, Toronto; Mr. an-d Mrs. J1. F. Edwards, Bob and Jane, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riekard and David. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rinch, Miss Irene Rinch and Mr. W. E. Beman spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley, Bowmanville, were Christmas Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun and family. Congratulations to Miss Can- dy Storks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storks who won the "Draw Herman" contest spon- sored recently by Radio Sta- tion CKLB in Oshawa over somne 150 other entrants. A voice was broadcast on the radio and con- testants were to make a draw- ing of their idea of the owner of the voice. The prize was a Ijarmonica-Keyr.ionica set. playlct entitled "The Spirit of Giving". Prizes were then presented ta the foilowing children; Jac- kie Garrod, Judy Brown, Pat Bclscy, Penny Meadows, Don- ny Meadows, Eleanor McCrac- ken, Nancy Simpson, Lynda Call, Keith Call, Georgie Simp- son, Kathy Wallace, Ken Mc- Cracken, Tommy Wallace, Jamie Crowther, Joan Cail and Deborah Adair. During the second portion of the program duets were ren- dered by Joan Call and Nancy Simpson, and Keith Call and Georgie Simpson and tbis was followed by the presentation of another playhet, "Christmas Beils" by the Senior girls. At this point Santa arrivcd with toys, candies and oranges for everyone and spoke a few words of good advice to the boys and girls. Alter bis depar- ture a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. Winners of Basebail Club Christmas Draw Christmas Draw held i the Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday Dec. 2lst.: lst, Edgar Kennefick, Newcastle, Ont.; 2nd, C. Gibson, 9 Nelson St., Ajax, Ont.; 3rd, R. Forrester, Orono, Ont.; 4th, J. Geddes, Bowmanville, Ont.; 5tb, L. Ste- yens, Bowmanvffle, Ont.; 6tb, L. Paeden, Newtonville, Ont.; 7tb, B. Veitch, Bowmanvile, Ont.; 8th, T. Des Jardins, 146 William St., Oshawa, Ont.; 9th, Mrs .Ken Wilson, Newcastle, Ont.; ]th, D. Talbot, 473 Jar- vis St., Oshawa, Ont. ]KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- son, Mrs. Neya Little, Kendai, Mr. George Smith, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass and Ronnie; Mr. and Mrs. P. Kessher and Johnnie spent Christmpq with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass and Ray. Guests with Mr. and Mrs.1 Wm. Turansky for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. J. Turansky, Burnard and Ralpb, Whîtby. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacDon- ald, Roy and Tcrry, spent Christmas at Omcmee with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callan. Visitors wîth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer werc Mr. and Mrs. R. Rush and Douglas Middle- ton, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and girls, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Neai, Bow- manville, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. C. Langstaff and wîth Mr. and Mrs. G. Langstaff and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer on Tucsday. Mrs. Howard Quantril and Gloria and Mr. Orval Zcaiand with Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martineil and fam- lly with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Martincîl, Port- Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coien, Hamilton, and Mrs. E. J. Sel- lcck with Mrs. Martineil. Mrs E. J. Sclleck is staying with Mrs. J. MartineiLl Mr. Roy Mercer, David and Don, spent Christmas at Bea- verton. Mr. and Mrs: R. Foster and family spent Christmas- with Mr. and Mrs. H. Poster. Miss Kathleen Jackson Is home for holidays. Mr. Roy Sleep is i Toronto with bis sister, Mrs. N. Ther- tel. Christmas visitors with Mrs. J. Martindil wcre, Mrs. Roacb and family, Peterborough; Mrs. Palmer and Stan Gray, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin-1 cil, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin- cil and famil.y, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martineil and famnily and Kenny Martincil who is stay- îng for a few days. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Glor- ia. Mrs. Watter and Irene are staying longer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Couroux,i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Demontginy. and famlly, Sonny Couroux. Cache Bay, Mrs. Mary Camp- bell, North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moare and family and Miss Shirley Campbell, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. E. Couroux and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Bookiet Commemora tes St. George'ils Centenary A bookiet comxnemorating the Centenary of St. George's Church, Newcastle, has been publishied and is now avallable to the public. The booklet contains a short history of the parish from its beginnings in 1832 on through to the present time ini addition to a number of articles on the Church, and its work inh community including. "Memor- ies of the Nîneties", by Canon Evening W.A. Holds An nual 'Xmas Party Newcastle: The Ev en in g Branch of St. George's Wom- an's Auxiliary brougbt its acti- vities of the year to a close on Wednesday evening, December 1Mt, with a very enjoyable banquet at the Queen's Hotel. Following the meal, gifts were exchanged by the mnem- bers and a number of humor- ous and practical presents were revealed. Ail joined in the singing of Christmnas Carols with entbusiasm, followed by the singing of a number of old time tunes. An interesting feature of the evening was the sbowing by Mr. Ted Belsey of some 200 pic- tures to the members. These included local scenes, pictures taken in England and in the United States. Mrs. Ken Stephenson moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Belsey on behaif of the members wbich was beartily endorsed by all present. OBITUARY ARTHUR H. SIMMONS Editor's note-We are re- printing the following obituary which appeared recently in the Indian J{ead, Alberta newspa- per, feeling it would be of in- terest to the older resident of the community. "Indian Head lost a pioneer builder in the burial here on Saturday of Arthur Howard Simmons, who passed away Thursday, November 21st, fol- lowing a fall at bis home. Mr. Simmons was 89 years of age. "The deceased was born at Newcastle, Ontario and came west in the spring of 1901. He returned to the east that fal and came out with the family i the spring of 1902. He had operated a lumber yard in On- tario and on coming west to Indian Head followed up as a builder and contractor. In car- lier years, be and bis father and brother George were con- tracting together. Following World War II, Mr. Sîimmons was a partner in the firm of Simmons and Handley. He was a member of the Sons of Eng- land Lodge. "The funerai service in St. Andrew's United Church was conducted by the Rev. E. S. Dixon. "Mr. Simmons was prede- ceased by bis wife, two sisters and a brother. Also predeccas- ing him were a son Clarence, and a daughtcr Muriel. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Jim Stanger, four grandchild- ren and fîve great grandchild- ren." FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS rR98ký Omntm. of Po ,nan. Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., WhitbY DID11 85% of ail accidents are caused by oniy 15% of the drivers. yoU STATE FARM keeps its auto insurance iow by auning to insure oniy the careful "less ex-iensive" drivers. KNÏOW You may save on the cost of auto insurance by buying STATE FARM. Phone Newcastle 3671 Dirk Brinkman Mill St. N. Newcastle1 R. W. Allen«. 'Memnories of 1929 to 1936" by Canon F . H. Mason and the story 'of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Mis- sionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, written by Miss B. S. McIntosh. Copies of this historic book- let may be obtained f rom the rector of St. George's, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney or from the Wardens of the church. WESLEY VILLE (Intended for last week> A famous entertainer bas laid dlaim ta the "Sweetcst music this side of heaven", par- ents, grandparents, yes, and friends too, would surcly con- test bis dlaim. on Friday night, Dec. 20. At the annual schoo] concert here that night the vai- ces of children lifted in joyous sang rang sweetly in the ears of an appreciative audience. Rev. A. W. Harding was un- able ta be present but Truman Austin acted as chairman in bis usual capable manner. Roy Austin spoke words of wehcomc on bebaîf of the other children and their teachers and reminded ahl of the reason for kceping Christmas, saying the programme had been arranged with that in mind. A furthcr wchcomc was given by Larry Dinner following the singing of carols by children behind a Christmas trce fo>rmed by hohd-' ing green branches with flash- ligbts for trimming. Cheryl Clarke, Jobnny Tuf- ford, Ruth Nîchols, and Lewis Tborndyke, littie six year ohds, spoke their lines in twa num- bers in chear distinct voices- and their bows wcrc delightful. The juniors-Larry Dinner, Joan Nichols, Jimmie Parnell, Vaherie Austin, Gwennic and Leslie Ford sang "Up On The Housetop" and "'Good St. Nich- olas" with Larry, Ruth, andi Joan taking solo and duet pýarts. Seniors presented two p1ays: Glen Clarke interviewed apphi- cants for concert work and af- ter turning down Roy Austin, tap dancer, Sharon Thorndyke, opera singer, Paul Austin, Western singer, and Yvonne Parnell and daughter Joan Ni- chahs, clocutionist, hired Carol Thorndykc, pretty girl, on the spot. Paul Austin and Ron Dia- ner wbo got themselves in a matrimonial fix failcd ta "put anc over", on Aunt and uncle who arrivcd unexpectedly. A lovely Christmas tableau of the Babe ln the manger was actcd with a background of argan music; Barbara Dinner singing a lullaby,Paul , Roy and Ronnie sang as they prcsentcd gifts and a choir of six girls in white sang the accampanying carols. There wcrc recitations by Barbara, Ruth, and a salo by Joan and piano solo by Gloria. Carols by the seniors witlh threc girls singing the descant was very iovely. Six girls dress- cd la the cohours of the rain- bow witb a buge rainbow in the background, went through1 a long and intricate drill with-ý out a misstep conchuding with singing "Over the Rainbow". Cheryl Clarke cxpressed the hope that the programme had been enjoyed and wished ail a happy Christmas. These few numbers briefly mcntioned give litthe idea of the fine calibre of the performance of word and sang and the amount of work donc by the teachers, Miss Ski- binski and Mrs. Carroll Nichais, wbo traîncd the children's mus- ical numbers. A vote of thanks was cxtcnded them bath by the chairman. Before Santa's appearance certificates and gifts were pre- sented ta 34 of the childrcn who had been present at Sun- day scbooi the requircd num- ber of Sundays. Marie Austin was present 49 of the 50 Sun- days schoi was held. These a, rds bave been made pas- _Le for many ycars by friends :ho wisb ta remain anonymous. The Port Britain children presented, their concert an Thursday cvening ta, a packed bouse. Mrs. K. Ashby acted as chairman. Several were present fromn Wesleyville and rcportcd a fine programme there too, prepared by Miss Perritt. Candhelight service was held in the church Sunday evening which was lovely in its simpli- city and truly a worship of sang led by the sixteen member chair and Mr. Harding's Christ- mas story. aId and amily were Christmias dinner guests of ber brother Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson. Sarry ta report that Mrs. Walter Bryan is eon fined ta Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahan and Hal spent Christnmas with! bis parents, Mr. arld Mrs. Mc- Mahon, Lotus. Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith spent Christmas with her moth- er and family, Mrs. V. Viekers, Oshawa Mr mm. u r en <1/se4 i(<ca4e9464« LBOWMANVUL R~OYAL ,k MA 3-5589 TO-NITE (TUES.) MqID-NITE Twin "Spook" Program "Daughter of Dr. Jekyli" and "The Undead" Aut Matinee Wed. 2 p.m. WC,/ a 2 / Mj~APP"' SONO i-ITS .vj ariYour Hearti WaIt Dismey's LAPLA N D color by TECHNICOLOR Two complete shows at 7 and«9:O5 FRI. - -SAT. - JAN. 3 Special A1-Family' Ceniennial Program a4 COLUMB3IA PICTURES b V, runSts1 wilN LARRY PARKS - EVELYN KEYES 'WILLAM DEMAREST -8BILL GOWIN Ilionmopu y $90048 ltofl P'ode.d hSIBNtY 11(K11 oi0he.d by MnflIL Vm and Joison at 7 and 9:45 Chaplin at 9:10, NEXT MON. - WED.- JAN. 6 - 8 NE COUI INSEU $Sru"SUE noaNN Extra- WorId News by J. An Wr Rank MWAM PlONEER CHAIN $AWS j! joxed Christmnas with his sister,' Miss Florence Ribey, Baltimore. A family Christmas was heid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Irons when ail members of the famlly gathered with their parents for the happy oc- casion. Members of the family from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hicks and child- ren, Nova Scotia; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Irons and children, *Toron- ta; Mir. and Mrs. Ron Scott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCullough and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson and family and Mr. Everett Strutt were Christmas Day dinner gucsts of Mrs. Esther Carnochan and Mr. T. Trick. Mrs. A. Hughes who bas been seriously ýihl in Toronto at the home of her daughter Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, bas recovered suf- ficiently for ber to return home and join in the Christmas festiv- ities along with her daughter and grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevenson and family, in the home of her granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Archibald and children. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. ?Howard Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dean were Christmas Eve visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue. Mr. and Mrs. Don Archibald and family spent Christmas with bis mother, Mrs. M. Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams spent Christmas with their daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Smith spent Christmas with ber par- lirupmAT, JAN. ta& lm PAGM M ents, Mr. and Mrs Armstrong, Smiths Falsý. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Hyde and Linda, Toronto, were Christmnas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tho&. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vau Dam and son spent Christmas with his father Mr. Jacob Van Dam, Nestieton. Mr. -and Mrs. R. Bone were Christmas Day dinner u f Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argueqd family. Mr. Maurice I~ell, Pnty pool, spent Christa~s with Jn sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ar â and family. Mrs. John Carter and Fred were Christmas dinner g[uests in the home of her son, Mr. and f4rg. George Carter, Bowman. ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard and Janet, Trenton, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Ail that is human mus#tretro. grade if it does not advance.- Edward Gibbon. NO IfE Y AVAILABLE FOR MGRTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simca. St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 T= CANADUS BTAT23UM, BOWMANVZLLIL CMAMO

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