Births ARMSTRONG-To Flying Of- ficer and Mrs. Barry Armstrong (nee Nancy Smythe), at the R.C.A.F. Hospital, Baden-Baden, Germany, a son, Conrad Phillip, en January 18tb, 1958. 5-1 ]BATTAMS-Bruce and Doris (nee Larmer) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a soxù Kevin Bruce, at Memorial Hosptal, Bowmanville, on January 19th, 1958. A brother for Judy. 5-1 GRAHAM-Harvey and Joan (nee Hoskin) are happy to an- riounce the birth of their daught- er Cheryl Ann on January 26th, 1958, at Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. 5-1 KING--Jack and Eva wisb bo announce the arrivai of Barbara Jacqueline, January lth, 1958, a sister for Patricia and Marilyn, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 5-1* I'URNEY-Gien and Marie (nee Roblin) announce the birth of a baby girl (stiliborn), at Mem- criai Hospital, Bowmanville, January 25th, 1958. 5-1 Engagements Mr. and'Mrs. W. E. Hagerman, Newcastle, wish to announce the engagement o! Ibeir daugbter Betty L., bo Charles Conianit Queener, New Yonk, N.Y., son of Mrs. Queener and the late Mn. LaVemn Queener. The marniage will take place la Febnuary in Ridgewood, New Jersey. 5-1 Deaths CULLIN, Florence Agnes-In Newcastle on Satunday, January 251h, 1958, Florence Agnes Cul- lin, dean mother of W. W. Cullin o! New York, U.S.A. Rested at Nortbcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmaa- ville, until Monday, January 27 then 10 bbc residence o'! Mrs. Frank Parker, Newcastle, where service was held on Tuesday, January 28 at 3 p.m. Interment St. George's Cemetery. 5-1 FIFIELD-Entered mb rest In Memoial Hospital, Bowmanvillc on Sunday, January 26, 1958, Rcv. Frank B. Fifield, beloved husband of Lula Shaw and fatb- er of Mrs. R. W. Yeomans (Eun- ice), Oshawa, in bis 52nd year. Rested at bbc Armstrong Pun- eral Home, Oshawa, until Wednesday noon and then at the Oshawa Pentecostal Church, 245 Simcoc Street South, for service at 3 p.m., Wednesday, January 29. Intermeat Oshawa Union Ccmetery. 5-1 FLETT-Enbered labo rest In Columbus, Ont., on Wednesday, Jan. 29bb, 1958, Thomas Flett, beloved husband o! Jessie Gnab- am and father of Douglas o! Solina, John o! Peterborough, Robert o! Oshawa, Ronald o! Toronto, in bis 76th year. Rest- Ing at tbe Anmstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memonial service ia bhe chapel on Fiday, Jan. 3lst at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. 5-1 GREEN, Mary Teresa-In Danl- Ington Township on Friday, January 241h, 1958, Mary Teresa Green, daughter of the laIe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Green, sister of Joe, Lco and Charles. Rested at Notbcutt & Snmith FunenalI Home, 53 Division St., Bowman- ville. Funeral Mass was held In SI. Josepb's Cabbolic Church on Januamy 28th at 10 a.m. In- temment Bowmanville Cemeteny. 5-1 l{ONEY-On Jan. 7, 1958, aI Vancouver General Hospital, Mr. Arthur James Honey, laIe of 4595 W. 6tb Ave., la bis 89th year. Deeply mourned by bis daughbcr, Mrs. Carl Licîze, bis g~randdaughter, Mrs. Kcnnctb Dakin of Vancouver, and grnd- son, Dr. Arthur C. Lictze o! Corvallis, Oregon; also sunvived by nieces and nephews, Mrs. Neil W. McKay o! Edmonton; Mrs. P. Wyenbroek, Vancouver; Mrs. Cecil Upper, Peterborough, Ont.; Mr. Charles Bickle, Mms. G. F. Jamieson, Mm. Howard Bîcklc, ail o! Bowmaaville, Ont., and Mr. W. A. J. Honey, Toron- to. Funcral service at Canadian Memorial Chapel, lSth Ave. and Burard, Dr. J. G. Gorwill of- ficiating, on Jan. 11«. Intermeal Ocean View Burial Park. The late Mr. Honey was an Honorary Eider o! Canadian Memorial Church, a member of the Fair- vicw Lodge o! bbc I.0.O.F. and a member a! bbc International Typographical Union. Mr. Honcy was a native o! Bowmanville and was bbc oldesî living em- ployee o! The Canadian States- mnan wbere he was a member o! the staff in bbc early 80's. 5-1! MvcLEAN, Wilfred Joseph-Sud- dcnly, aI Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thusday, Jan. 23md, 1958, Wilfred Joseph Mc- Lean, bcloved busband o! Lois Swiadell, and dean father o!f Richard and Lary, in bis 441h year. Rested aI Nortbcutt & Smibh Funcral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Funeral Mass was beld in St. Joseph's Catholic Cburch on Monday, January 27tb at 10 a.m. Interment Bow- mnanville Ccmetcry. 5-1 RUNDLE-Entcred mia orestlIn the family residence, 105 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Tucsday, Jan. 28, 1958, Francis Walter Ruadie, b-'loved husband o! Mary Letitia V.omdea and father o! Hazel o! Oshawa and Walter o! Bowmai- ville, in bis 89th year. Resting at tbc Armstrong Funeral Home, Osbawa, with nemorial service in bbc chapel. Thursday, Jan. 30, 3 P.nm Intermeat Ebenezer totm -i] In Memoriam CULLY - Cbemisbed memonies o! my mother, Martha Cully, wbo passed away Januamy 301h, 1951. Too deanly loved to ever be forgoîten. Daisy. 5-1, DEAN-Ia lovîng memory of a dean son and brother wbo pass- cd away January 28th, 1956. God knew that be was suffcning, That bbc hilîs weme bard la climb, So He closed bis weamy eyclids' And whispered, peacc be Ihine. -Sadly missed and always re- mcmbered by Mum aad Dad, broîhers and sisters. 5-1<' MILLSON-In loving mcmory o! a dean father Edward Orville Milîson, who passed away Jan- uary, 1954. Four years have passed mince that sad day, When anc wc loved was called away, God took him home - It was His will, Within our hearts he Uivcth still. -Lovingly remembcred by sons and daugbbers. 5-1' MITCHEL-la loviag mcmory o! William Mitchell wbo passcd away Fcbruary 2, 1956. Silently bbc angeis book dad Into tbc mansion above, Thene sball be resî from eamb's bail Safe la bbc arms o! God's love. -lovingly rcmembemed by bbc famiiy. 5-1<' RICHARDS-In boving memony o! a dear mother Rachel Ana Richards wbo passed away sud- dcnly Jan. 30, 1956. She is gone but not forgotten As it dawns another year, Loncly bearts are ever present Thougbts o! ber are vcry dear. -Lovingly rcmcmbercd by son. Norman. 5-1 RICHARDS-Ia memomy of oun dear mother and grandmotbcm, Mrs. Rachel Richards wbo pass- cd away suddealy Jan. 30, 1956.1 A wondemful mother, woman1 and aid, One wbo was better - God neyer made, A woader!ul womker, loyal and truc One in a million, thal Moîber, was you. -Sadly missed by daughber Gertrude and graadcbildren. 5-1 JRICHARDS-Ia loving memory o! a dean mother and grand- mother, Rachel Ana Richards wbo passed away suddcaly Jan. 30, 1956. Tby will be donc seems bard to say Wbcn one we love Is called away. God took ber home, il was His will But in our hearts, she liveth still. - Al1w a ys remcmbered by daughter Alma, son-in-law Ernie and graadcbildmcn Marina and' Allia. 5-1 RUNDL-In loviag mcmomy of my dean son and brother, P.O. Sidney Gordon Rundle who wasl missiag over Germany, Januaryl 30tb, 1945. Tendenly we treasure bbc past, Witb memonies thal will always last, And when we cease ta bhink o! you Will be whcn God bas callcd ustboa. --Sadly missed and ever ne- membercd by bis mother and family. 5-1<' THERTELL--In loving mcmory o! a dear mother and grand- mother, Amy Therteli, wbo pass- cd away Fcb. 2, 1955. Hem thoughbs were ail so full o! us She neyer could fonget, So we bhink that wbere she is She must be watcbing yet. As angels keep thein watch up there, Please God just let ber kaaw That we down here do not forget We love and miss ber so. -Sadly mîssed and lovingly re- membered by bbc family. 5-1<' Reception Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, Oshawa, will be happy to ne- ceive their relatives and fricads at tbc home o! their son George James, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, on Suaday, Febnuary 2nd, from 2 until 5 and 7 until 9 p.m., on bbc occasion o! their Golden Wedding Anaiversary. 5-1 Nursing Home SOUTH Haven ResI Home, -New- castle, Ont. Phone 2426. Ac- commodation for bed or up1 patients at reasonable rates. 2t MARNWOOD Nursing Home1 announces bbc openiag o! ncw1 accommodation for convalescent and eiderly ladies. Our staff oti cigbt includes bwo registered nurses and offers nursing cane o! professional standards. Phone MA 3-5731 or visit 26 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 5-1 Notices Attention, ladies! Mms. Murray Logan has opened a Bcauty Cards of Thanks We would like to thank our friends and relatives for the lovely cards, fruit, flowers and gifts we received while in the hospital. Norma Davey and Maxine Alldread. 5-1* 1 would like to say thank you to everyone for their gifts and best wishes during my recent 'stay in the hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Rundie and to the nurses and staff who were so kind to me. Mrs. Wally Bothwell. 5-1 To my many countless friends who sent me cards and flowers during my stay in Sunnybrook Hospital, my hearty thanks; especially the children who wrote me letters (sure, kids, I read them ail). Edward Bird, Sr. 5-1 We would like to take this opportunity to thank Rev. Fuller of Port Perry, relatives, friends and neighbours, for cards, flow- ers and many acts of kindness shown to us in the loss of our mother, Mrs. Fred Hyland, Nestieton. Arthur, Byron and Clifford Hyland and families. 5-1* Mrs. T. R. Bowman and fam- ily wish to express their grati- tude to everyone who remember- ed them during their bereave- ment. Their kindness and sym- pathy is greatly appreciated. Also, a special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mace and staff of South Haven Rest Home, Newcastle. 5-1 1 would like to take this op- portunity to thank Dr. Rundie and bis assistants, my Special Nurse Mrs. D. Alldread, the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie; to Local 189 and ail who sent me flowers, fruit, cards and treats, and those who called to see me; to neigh- bors and friends for kindness to both of us while I was ill. Harvey Hardy. Coming Events Dance in Pontypool Saturday, February 1. Round and square dance music by the Homestead- ers. 51 Tyrone L.O.B.A. Is sponsoring a dance Saturday, February 1 at Tyrone Community Hall, Hol- royd's Orchestra. 5-1* Annual meeting of Tyrone Community Hall, Thursday, January 30, 8 p.m. Come out and hear latest developments re- garding hall. 4-2 Amateur programme, one-act play, Blackstock. Town Hall, January 31, 8:15 p.m., sponsored by St. John's Young People., Ad- mission 50c and 25c. 51 Lions Club Bingo, Monday, Feb. 3rd, 8 p.m., at Lions Centre. Two jackpots, $50.00 each - six numbes. 2 games 18.111. Two special games. Admission $1.00. 4-2 Seats are still available for bbe cbarbered bus b bbce Ice Fol- lies under bbc auspices o! bbc B. & P. Women's Club on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 5th, 1958. For futher information 'phone MArket 3-3811. 5-1 Plan now to attend Ibis dance in Pontypool. Special orchestra, Mcl Lavigne and bis Blue Waten Boys, beard on Tuesday over Channel 3, Bannie. This big event, Friday, Jan. 31. General admission $ 1.00. 5-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thinty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door pnizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Goodyear Employees Recrea- tion Club Dance, Saturday, Feb- ruary lst, 8:30 p.m. until mid- night, Legion Hall, Bowmanville. Club members $1.00 per couple, non-members $2.00 per couple. Dress informal. Couples only. 4-2 Regular weekly bingo beld Thursdays except third week la the montb which will be bcld on Tuesdays la bbc Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 5Oc. 52-tf~ A Bec! Producers' Meeting will be beld in Bethany Town Hall on February 6 at 2 p.m. Speakers wili be Bert Warnica of Ontario Bec! Producers and Chester Hamilton, Zone Repre- sentative. All bec! producers welcome.5- Plan now la attend bbc social eveal of the season, the second annual Valentine Bail with Mart Kenaey and bis Western Gentle- men, featuning vocalist Norma Locke, in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall, Friday, Febnuamy 141h aI 9 p.m., sponsored hy bbc Newcastle Lions Club. Tickets only $5.00 per couple. 4-2 Meeting Cancelled .bd1on in ner home. Your pat- The Annual General Meeting of manage is soiicited. Telephone bbe Bowmanville Chamber of Bethny 1 r 11. -1*Commerce announced for to- I, William Calver, 27 Duke nlght (Jan. 30), Is cancelled. A Street, Bowmanville, vwill flot new date will be announced be responsible, from this day on, for any debts contractcd in my 500fl 5-1 name, without my witten con- sent. 5-*Mortgages Piano Tuning WOULD like ta hear !rom sm party wno would be interested ARTHUR Collison. Telephone in a loan on $12.000 poperty.1 MArket 3-3900. - 5-ti Phone MAu3-2460. i-1 Aricles for Sale BALED hay and straw. Phone' MA 3-2388. 5-1* COMBINATION coal and gas stove. Phone MA 3-3313. 5-1 ONE Hawaiian guitar and case, good condition. Phone MlArketi 3-5279. 5-11 THREE used TV yagl antennae, Channels 2 to 12, good reception. MA 3-5975. 5-1* HARD or soft wood ln stove- wood lengths. Will deliver. Phone MA 3-2849. 2-tf BARN, 92 x 34 feet, steel roof- ing. Priced reasonably. Tele- phone MA 3-2038. 4-tf NORGE electric refrigerator, door sheives, in good condition. Phone MA 3-3446. 5-1 HARDWOOD cuttings, dlean, dry, $10 loads delivered. Dial" Oshawa RA 5-1526. 5-3* DOUBLE bed, spring and mat- tress and bookcase headboard. j Telephone MA 3-3265. 5-1 jSNOW tires in ail sizes at a sav- ,ing. Retread and new, as low as $15.95. Jamieson Tire. 2-tf FUR coat, size 11, good con- dition, for short aduit or school girl. Telephone MA 3-3247. 5-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf THREE to four tons of second cut, well saved clover and alfalfa hay not baled. Phone MArket 3-2035. 51 HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estîmates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf GRASS seeds are cheaper in January. Order now and pay later. Discounts on larger lots. Swain Seed Cleaners. Phone Blackstock 89 r 11. 3-3* GLADIOLI bulbs for sale, four different colors, red, yellow,I pink, white, 50c a dozen, 100 for $4.00. Order now. Phone C. de Mooy, 18 r 8 Orono. 5-2* HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 'Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 44-tf SPECIALS: Unpainted four- drawer cbest, $19; 6x9 Broad- loom rugs, $49; Sealey mattress- es, $39; space heater, 8" burner,l $69; G.E. polishers $42.95; used refrigerator $79; dinette suite and odd chairs. Murphy Co. MA 3-3781. 5-1<' Ace Refrigeralionj Sales and Service GUARANTEED KEPAIRS to ail Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Complete line of refrigeration Ceramic Tile Bathroom Walls 4 ft. bigh - Laid over existing walls - if in good condition $85.00 up - 6x6 white, black bimn $125.00 Up - 4¼ix4!'4 colored with tim We Deal ONLY In Tule Ail Klnds H. G. HEAL MA 3-2902 Hampton, Ont. Bowmanville 5-1 FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatlc Metered 24-Hour Dellvery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BO WMAN VILLE Cars for Sale '49 CHEV. two-door. Apply 35 Temperance St. after 6:30 p.m. 5-1w ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%7. Six months to pay. For personal service at your 'home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1956 PLYMOUTH deluxe 4-door sedan, 8 cylinder witb automatic transmission and many other extras. New car condition, small mileage. Elgie Harnden, 44 Ontario St. Phone MA 3-5332. 5-1 CARS FOR SALE 157 CHEV. BELAIR Four-door bardtop, automatic, transmission, radio, wbite wall tires and fender mirrors. '54 PLYMOUTH Four-door, automatic transmis- sion and radio '53 PLYMOUTH Four-door with radio 152 PONTIAC Four-door, radio and new paint 151 PONTIAC Four-door, new paint '51 PLYMOUTH Four-door '51 DODGE Four-door, new paint '52 FARGO 1/2-ton Panel Truck PALMER MOTOR 20 King St. E. SALES MA 3-5487 5-1 JANUARY IS THEý BEST TIME TO BUY A CAR LOOK AT OUR FRICES AND YOU WILL KNOW WHY! '52 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Excellent condition Power equipment, selecton radio, heaber, spotlight. This car must be seen bo be appneciabed. $1,595 '51 PONTIAC SEDAN Heater, refinished paint, good condition. $495 149 METEOR COACH Clean car. $295 '49 MONARCH 5-Pass. COUPE Radio, heater. $295 '49 MERCURY COACH Refinished paint. $295 '149 MONARCH SEDAN Radio and beater $195 '47 CHEV. 5-Passenger COUPE $95 These cars can be bought for as littie as $10.00 down at Buck's Body Shop 361 Bloor St. E. Oshawa Phone RA 5-4513 5-1 WELLMAN'S 11 th Anniversary Sale~ 49 Exceptional Values Easy Budget Terms Top Trade In Allo,% 30 Day Writcn Guar: Pontiac - 49 Olds 52 Ford 51 Chev 54 Nash 55 Chev vance ,antee For Rent HOUSE. 6 rooms. centrally lo- cated. Apply 31 King St. West. 5-1 STORE, heated, at 65 King W. Apply Apartment 7 over store. 5-1l GARAGE. Apply 33 Centre St. after 5 o'clock or telephone MA 3-3523. 5-1 FOUR-room beated apartment, and bath, available March lst. Phone MA 3-3057. 5-1* GROUND floor apartment, beat- ed, 3 rooms and kitchenette, bath and laundry, $65. Phone MA 3-5277. 4-tf APARTMENT. 78 King West. Ground Floor. Phone Oshawa RA 3-3559 or 410 Athol East, Oshawa. 5-1<' APARTMENT, heated, three rooms, kitchenette and bath,. Apply 63 King W., Apartment 4. Phone MA 3-5996. 5-1 TWO-roomed beated apartment, centraily located, separate en- trance and bath; immediate pos- session. Phone MA 3-2436. 5-1 THREE-roomed heated apart- ment, modern conveniences, hydro suppiied. Clean. Posses- sion Feb. 1. Phone MA 3-5813. 5-1 * ATTRACTIVE 4-roomed bouse, hardwood floors, bath, furnace, heavy wiring, central location; aduits only. Immediate posses- sion. Phone MA 3-2433. 5-1 THREE-roomed downstair apart- ment, separate bath and en- trance, heated; Feb. 1. Write Advertiser 765, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 5-1* EIGHT acres of good garden land in the Town of Bowman- ville. Wiil lease for five years, $100 per year, no charge the first year. Please contact H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Rd. Soutb, Oshawa, Ont. 5-2 Pets f or Sale COLLIE puppies, wonderful for farms, watch-dogs, pets, $10 and [$12. Phone 3186 Newcastle. 5-1 Lost CAR keys in black leather case. Phone MA 3-3247. 51 GREY and white tom cat from Duke Street, Christmas time. "Snooks". Reward. Phone MA 3-3160. 5-1 PIGEON, strayed from 37 Nel- son St., January 13, black and white roller hen, CPF banded. If seen please telephone Mr. Blaisdell, MA 3-2094. Reward. Found GREY and wbite Persian cat, around Christmas. Phone MA 3-2798. 4-1 Wanted ta Buy LITTER carrier and tmack. Mer- ril Van Camp, Biackstock. 5-l'h HIGHEST prices paid for live poultny, goose feathens, feather ticks, scrap mron, rags, metals and naw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, coliect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone coilect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Help Wanted $ 1 BOWMANVILLE Higb Scbool, $24 lady janitor, appoximately bal! 1 9 tirme work. Contact Principal L. $25 W. Dippeli aI High Scbool, MA $595r 3-5834. 51 $55 NEED WORK ? $9 50eO brings list by rcburn mail $95o! 50 flrms who want you bo 1 9qq work at borne for them. Scnd to a LoiU 57 Chev - - 1895 Clean, low mileage, anc owner car - Fuily guarantaed 57 Metropolitan $14951 Signals, radio, air conditioned, Continental tire, soft top con- vertible - Fully guaranteed NEW 58 HILLMAN Station Wagon White wa]ls, signals, tank o! gas, license - Two tone $1595 NEW 58 HILLMAN DELLXE SEDAN Two tone, signais, white walls, trim rings, air conditioncd $1845 Ride ln style for less per mlle W ELLM AN"S Rambler -I Hillman Metropolitan Nonquon Rd., Oshawa, RA 3-4431 Open until 9 p.m. Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked Up pomptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Famm, Tyrone. 26-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samplps $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham-j ilton, Ont.1-5 P.O. BOX 183, OSHAWA, ONT. 5-1* LARGE Unitcd States and Canadian manufacturing com- pany requires Field Representa- tive in Darlington and Clarke Townships. Exccptionally bigh eamnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming back- ground most important. Sales training given. Repiy ta Box 84, London, Ont. 5-2 SALES REPRESENTATIVES REQUIRED To enroil Motor Club member- ships ln this locality. Every car owner and farmer a prospecti for our services. Age from 30 ta 60. Experience not necessary as sales aids supplied. Full ori part time. Reply ta Mm. Jîm Duf!, Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. Monday, January 27th, 2:30, 4.00 p.m. and 7:00, 8:30 p.m. 4-2 Real Estate for Sale Real,2iýte for .gle CHOICE building lots ia Hamp- REAL ESTATE FOR9 . tan. G. Wright. Phone MArket Properties Sold. Rented / 3-2949. 3-8 Managed and Appralsed' Pet er Feddema L.'ýMX Ailison REAL ESTATE BROKER Real Estate Broker 98 acre farm aI Maple Grave, Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont, 8 room brick bouse, bydro, large Two blocks north o! braf!ic signal bama, asking p.ce_ nly$20100Newcastle 5-ti including afulliline of machin- 10 acres, 7 noom brick bouse, bath, full basement, barn 30x40. Good location. Price $11,000. Terms. 10 acres, 6 room, new bunga- low, fully modern small barn, good garden soil. Give us an o! fer. 6 room bungalow on No. 2 Highway. Bath, furnace, nice lot. Asking price $9,500. Down $1,500. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanvllle Cali MA 3-3644 5-1 Peter Kowal REAL MSTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L,. Bowmanvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Lovely 6 noom i ½ -storey brick bomne. Oul heating. Ask- ing only $12,000.00. Terms. 3 nooms and bath. Sewer and water. Heavy duty wiring. Ask- ing only $3,900.00. $500.00 down. 3 bedroom bungalow, living- noom, diniag-noom, kitchen and bath, oil beating. Asking only $9,500.00. $1,500.00 down. Make o! fer. 2 bedroom bungalow, bard- wood and tile floons, full base- 'ment. (Large rooms). Asking only $9,500.00. Terms. 8 room brick, 2 storey home, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Income from upstairs apantment will help to pay for this. Asking only $14,000.00. Very good, terms. jWe request your listings with this office for prompt action. 5-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $2,500 dowa - full price $11,000. New brick veneer bungalow. A complete, modern home. Many extras. $ 1,000 down - full price $7,000. New colonial home, No. 2 Highway, Newcastle. $500 down - full price $2,500. Attractive small bungalow in village. Gravel pit, fullI une of ma- chinery, almost unlimited supply o! Grade A gravel, No. 2 High- way. Garage, service station, licens- ed wnecking yard. Here is a strongly. recommended concera, at a price that assures its sale. 200 acre fanm, good buildings. Near Bowmanville. Sacrifice. $15,000 - $5,000 down. 2, 10 and 15 acre parcels o! land between Oshawa and Bow- manville. Priced 10 sell. Suit- able for V.L.A. buying. 10 acres of land, n'ew sborey and haîf home, modern, small barn. Near Hampton. Pricedi to seIl at $8,500 cash. Suitablel for V.L.A. purchase. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvllle MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 5-1 Work WantedI RELIABLE girl, 18, wishes baby- sitting, day or night. Telephone MA 3-3819. 5-1<' WOOD 10 cut by cord or chain saw for fire. By hour. Phone Welcome 2157. 4-3* PLUMBING, beating, eaves- troughing; frec estimates. Harvey Pantner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cement plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf CONCRETE and mason work, new or repair. Chimneys, foundations, floors, walks, etc. L. Turner. Telephone MAnket 3-3231. 41-tf Plasiering RepF irs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANID NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-50301 6-tf Livesock fr Sal PIGS for sale. Phone MArket 3-2885. 5-1 PUREBRED Landnacc boars, two months old. Gray Bras. Phone Newcastle 3556. 5-1<' REGISTERED Jersey beifer due to freshen soon, also registered Hoisteins. Phone MA 3-2388. 5-1<' Insurance IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR STEADY WIORK - HERE IT IS SURE! A reliable man between 25 D T ad55, married and witb car You Do eeu Insurance wanted promptly ta seli Raw-1 leigh Products in Townships a! B U T.. IWhitby Eat and Darlington Y u o 1' n Selling expcricnce ual necessary. iYuD n'frieea raying' We wili train you ta make !rom $65 ta $125 or more per week. Too Much! No capital required. This is an unsa pportunity for a bard i GET THE LOWEST RATES working man to, build Up a bus-! from bbc Leadlng Automobile mness with secunity for thc Insurance Company. future. It will pay ycu ta in- Just eall vestigate il immediately. Write for Full Details DIRK BRINKMAN THE W T. RAWLEIGH CO. Dept. A-140-lA NEWCASTLE 4005 Richelieu for fui information MONTREAL, QUE. MUML S T. 'N. PHONE 3671 5-14- McQuay and Kidd REALTORÎ Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Buy an establisbed business. Some of our exclusive listings include: Summer resorts, restaurants, service stations, trucking, farm machinery, taxi grocery stores, car agency anJ garage. Also apartment bouses, orchards, Christmas tnee farms, etc. Some with very low down payments. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 5-1 De With Real Esiat~ 216 acre dairy farm with acres workable, 10 acres wood, balance in pasture, large strearn, 116' x 60' bank barn, drive-in shed, lien bouse, cernent silo; 9 roomed brick bouse. Has 5 cans milk quota. Asking $25,000 with easy termis. 370 acre dairy farm with two sets of buildings, situated on Lake Ontario, east Newtonville with '/2 mile lake frontage, 240 acres workable land, 30 acres wood; bouses with running wat. er, heavy wired. Price $37,000 with terms. 100 acre fammi, close to small town with 7q.- or more acres workable, 60' X 60' bank barn, implement shed, hien bouse, garage; 9 roomed brick house with running bot and cold wat- er, bath. furnace, hardwood floors. Price $ 12,500 with easy ternis. 100 acre farmi with 50 acres workable land, 50 acres in wood, stream, 54' x 32' bank barn witlh s t e e 1 stanchions, implement shed, ben bouse, garage; 7 room- ed frame bouse with fu4rnace. kitchen cupboands. Price $7,00 with termis anranged. 95 acre dairy farm, situated 6 n1les from centre of Oshawa, alborkable with 100' x 48' banlc ba.with water bowls, imple- F meiYf shed, hien bouse, 2 silos; 8 noomed home, heavy duty wir- ed. Ahl building in excellen re- pair. Has 4 cans mllk 1ç-Jta. Price and termis arranged. Income home, 8 roonaed, 'h double garage, west of Bowmi ville on highway with running water, sèptic tank, bydro. Ask- ing price $8,750 with low down payment. 6 roomed Insulated framet home in Newcastle on 1 acre lot witb 4-piece bath, oil furnac unning bot and cold water handwood floors, full basemen stonms and screens. Askin price $9,500 witb $2,000 down. 5 roomed (3 bednooms) frarm bungalow in Bowmanviile wit nunning water, inside flush bui et, beavy duty wined. Askin $4,500 with easy terms. 5 roomed, new, brick venee bungalow with large living room, 3 bednooms, modern kibe en, dinette, full basement, ha wood and tule floors, electti water beater, 4-piece bath, ol furnace. Nicely landscape Asking $ý1,500 with $3,00 down. 5 noomned, (3 bedrooms) new brick veneer bungalow la Bow manville with full basement bardwood and tule floors, oi furnace, electric water heaber modern kitchen, 4-piece ba Asking $11,500 with terms ar nanged. Besides above mentioned w have appmoximately 200 MOn properties to choose from. Contact: John F. De Wiih Realtor and General insurane Newcastle Phone 334 Salesmen: Donald MountJoY, Bowmanvll MA 3-3950 Mrs. Jean Woolner, HamiPtOfl MA 3-2175 Daniel Boehm - catt Phone IVelcome 2328 [The Canadlan Statesman ACLESSFRSAE .1 OFFICE HOUis (.Monday through Fridef' 8:0a.m. ta S p.m. 8.SaturdayI 8:0a.. 12 Noon Dial MArlcat 3-3303 for Classified Ad Service