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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1958, p. 3

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?PUUDAT, IAN. IOUi, 1,58 ?~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWM&UV~Y~ 6NTAWIC~ 1.15 S1 creec/z (9w1 I By Verna Foran and Charlie Trimn Basketbail 4On Tuesday, Jan. 21, B.H.S. Bantam and Junior teams play-. ed basketball in Whitby. The ]Bantanis were dqatd40to3 wt Jon *U and Alex .àKsenian ea(f'Wicoring ten *jnts. The B.H.S. Bantamns Wéreè without Cooper, one of their high scorers. The Juniors were defeated 38 to 22 with Gary McCullough' scoring eight ]points.4 Thursday, Jan. 23, the Jun- Sweet, tender corn... every golden kernel packed with sunshine freshness! V37-4 ior and Senior girls' basketball teams played host to the girls' teamn from Orono High in an exhibition game which saw a 20 to 2 victory for B.H.S. Bar- bara Bathgate led the Bow- manvile team to victory, scor- ing nine points. On Tuesday night at B.H.S. the Junior and Senior girls played with Port Hope but no resuits were available. These two games were only exhibi- tions and the real league begins on Friday night at Bowman- ville beginning at five o'clock. This will be the first league tournament with teams from Pickering, O.C.C.I. and O.Ç. VI.. plus our teams competing. If you baven't any money and lots of time and you are not going to Oshawa to see the boys' basketball teams play O.C.C.I. beginning at 6 o'clock, or not going to the Talent Nigbt in Ajax, beginning at 8 o'clock tbis Friday night, you should corne down and cheer the girls on to victory because they should have two wonder- fui teams. In Cobourg on Friday nigbt of last week the B.H.S. Bantams defeated the Cobourg Bantams by a score of 26 to 17 with John James picking up 161 points. The Juniors were downed by a score of 68 to 31 and the seniors who sure fought, were defeated 41 to 28 in which Hartley Lewis scored 8 points. Ed Kowal and John James who plaved both Ban- tam and Senior, eacb sco-ed six points. Mason and Trimble also played well. Girls' house league basket- bail is now under way. Tiie games are aIl played at noon hour. Band Plays Last week the students heard the senior band play at their assemblies on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. This was a warm up for the band's appearance tomorrow ni.ght wben they take part in the Talent Exchange Night in Ajax. Tickets may, stili be bougbt from eitber Verna For- an 12A, or Greg Cooper 11A at any time before noon Fni- day. The price is stili one dol- lar whicb includes bus-fare over and back. Meetings At one o'clock Friday the Art Club met and worked on their decorations for the "At Home", wbich, in case you have been sleeping since before Cbristmas, is on Feb. 14. The Student's Council met on Tbursday to make final plans for the "At Home". The dramia- Pep si- Cola k Trade Mark Rgstered 7W kinith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Directors of Durham County Co-op Attending the officiai opening of the DurhamJ manager; John Stone, président; Alvin Blewett, secretary. Farmers' County Co-operative's new miii and warehouse Back row: Carlos Tamblyn, John Holmes, Bruce Tink, John near Orono, are the directors of the Co-op. They are from Knox and Orme Falls. the lef t, front row: Gien Piekeil, Ernie Bryson, Ernie Spry, tic society which was to me on Tue sdav night of' last we. was cancelled because Mr. M' tbewson was ill. Skits Last week Grade I1D put a very amusing skit for t] scbool and Student Council encourage the boys to ask ti girls to go to the "'At Home The skit xvas written by Hoý ard Rundle and be must congratulated on. bis sense humour. j Guest Speaker Mr. Dippeiliwbo attend tbe Rotary meeting last Frid, brought back Mr. D. Walkir ton who gave a very interestii and educational speech Chemistry and the presence it in everyday life. Due to la, of space in the assembly or grades nine, twelve and thi teen heard Mr. Walkingtor fine speech and we hope1 will return to B.H.S. again the near future. Form Parties This is the terrm in which th form parties are beld. 11A laý Thursday went to the Lbo Centre wbere tbey had a danc On the same night 11D hb thein party at the Balmoral H( tel. In tbe near future the Roy« Tbeatre will show the pictur called the Ten Commandmeni and plans are being mades that grades nine and ten w. be able to sce it. We hope tbs uppen scbool will also be ablet see this wondenful movie. Tickets may be picked u from your form nepresentati' for the "At Home". Progran will be given out laten. Botb the girls' and boys' gyr teams are wonking out ever morning from eigbt to nin preparing for the Cadet Inspec tion. Mr. Johnson is coachin and training both the girls aný boys. The Dramatic Society wil meet on Tuesday night at 7.1 at the bigh school. Everyor, xvho signed the sheet ar( everyone else who is inteneste( is requested to be thene oi time. P. S.- Corne and suppor y'our girls' and boys' basketbal teamns in thein remaining boni games. In 1956 the C.N.R. had ai average opcrating revenue pe rmile of road operated of $31,923 an average operating expensg of $28,978 per mile; the C.P.R h ad an average operating rev. enue per mile of $32,029, and ar average operating expense o. $27,421i per mile. M v FINAL 4 WEEK JANUA-RY CLEARANCE See Our Window for.. ODDS and ENDS *SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Costume Jewellery Clearing at 12 PRICE . EARRINGS - NECKLACES - BRACELETS - ETC. 28 KeW.Bowmi anville Jewellery & Gift Shop MA 3-5747 eekWorte of Local Artists b la- Displayed at Conference ' te Doug- Rigg, Director of Bowv- Bowmanville Adult Art Class, fa to manville Recreation Depart- including still life, landscape M he ment, and Miss Dora Purdonadfoe inng. Tr S ie". Secretary, represented Boxv- adfoeMantns hr )w- manville at the Conference wcre also colour charts and a he Workshop on Recreation at Co- display of the steps in a pplying ily of bourg last Satunday. paint to canvas. The antists at Among the display of worki whose pictures were shown from various centres were six were Jessie Slemon, Elizabeth fa .ed pictures by members of thel Knox and Alice Paterson. M lay j inParent EuctinTopic B ickCou rtice Home & School:G Lir Courtice: Courtice Home and and Scbool Conference would r's School Association beld its be beld in tbe Royal Connaught he montbly meeting on Tuesday Hotel, Hamilton, April 8 and in evening at Nonth Courtice 9. Scbool. President Mns. Harry A cuchre will be held on'I Gay opened the meeting by Jan. 24. The March of Dimes paying tribute to tbe late Mns. will be on Tuesday, Jan. 23, ýhe R. S. McLaughlin and the mem- with sevenal Home and School ast bers stood for two minutes' si- members assisting in the can- )ns lence, in memoriam. vass. Tbe attendance prize for ce. Mrs. Garnet Tubb read the January was won by Grade 1, ad minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Gneen's noom. Founder's 0- Mrs. Lloyd Courtice gave the Nigbt will be obsenved at the treasuren's report. Mns. Harry Febnuany meeting. aI Gay announced that the Home Master Paul Tubb, a pupil of ne North Courtice Scbool, enter- its v~mTw v tained witb a piano selection I UfITUAJiX wbich was much enjoyed by 'Sol aIl. .tj to ALBERT E. BELLMAIN Rev. Harold Stainton of Cour- tice, introduced the guest Albert Edward Belîman slept speaker, Rev. Bruce Miles of 1P peacefully away at bis home, Oshawa, who gave a fine ad- ve 199 King Street West, Bowman- dness on Parent Education. In as ville, on Sunday morning, Jan- his opening remarks, hie gave uary l9tb, 1958. Mr. Beliman seven bumonous steps in the ,m had been in failing health for growth of a boy. In serî*ous .y tbe past year, but was only vein, be went on to say, "Par- ne confined to bed for a week ents need education, and edu- ý-prion to bis deatb. He was 86 cation needs parents." îg lst ovemenNine basic rules were out- ad Mr. Belîman was the son of lined and in summing up, Mn. the laI e Edward and Jane Bell- Miles asked, "What is your at- .11 man and was born and brou,!ht titude? What kind of a person 30 up on the farm north of Bow- are you? What are you inter- ne manville on the Middle Road, ested in and what us impor- id now owned by Mr. Samuel Bttt- tant? Parent education demands Eýtery. Following bis education in a sense of responsibility. Let us' 'n public and high scbools bere accept our childnen as they he took a commercial course rcaîîy arc, realize their capa- rt and entered business with the hilities and limitations". In clos- Slate Mr. Iarry Rice, but due ing hie said, "Parent education e to iii bealth was forced to give is an invitation and a challenge this up. to ahl of us." He went to California for a, Mrs. James Aldous thanked' vean and a baîf and on his re- the speaker and those taking nturn tn Bowmanvulle punchased -,art. Mrs. Tom Gladman ar.d- rthe Bates farm on the King- fier committee served refresh- 3ston Road, west of town. After ments. ;e remodelling the old home, lie brought bis bride to live there -62 years ago last December--.This IL I n rcmained bis home tbnoughout iflst ue od >f bus life. .ttl * Mr. Beliman was a past pre- C Agricultural Society, past pre- rd ary a sident of the West Durbami Farmers' Institutë and a mcmni N w o ville ber of the Northumberland and Durham Fruit Growe-s' Asso- Newtonville: Newtonville comn-, ciation. He maintained a keen munit7v hall was well filled on interest in bis orchard of cher- Xedncsday evening, Jan. 22, ries, peans and apples up to bis when 26 tables of euchre took deatb. part in the friendl.v game. The Mr. ellan as or he ostfollowing were prize winncrs: Matar. elmn Lea forlte most ILadies' high score, Miss Anne r par a tnog Lbeal.I-l licdNesbit; gents' high score, Mr. to read the Globe and Mail and Percv Tamblyn; lucky draw The Canadian Statesman, kcep- .r ing up witb world and local prize winners, Mrs. L. Milîson, events. He was a memben of Mrs. A. Redknap, Mrs. H. Rob- Trunity United Church. inson, Mrs. W. Joncs and Mrs.' M. ONeil. The evening ended lis wife, the former Effie, with the usual hearty lunch May Worden, prcdeceascd hî nd ocalbor in 1948. le is survived hv five, and __social ________ daughters and one son: Greta I (Mns. Russell Osborne) New- castle; Olive (Mns. John Hilîs) NE WTON VILLE Tyrone; Marion, Bowrnanville; Dorotby (Mrs. Beecher Barrettî Clarke teacbers held thei Kingston; Bennice (Mrs. John regular nîonthly meeting in Clayton) Port Credit; Cecil of Orono Sch'dol, Jan. 20, witb the Bowmanville. le also leaves President, Jas. Pollard, in the one brother, Arthur, Centrechi.RvLog pedte Stret, Bwmanillj meeting witb Scripture nead- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan con-1igadpae.Atrtemn ductd te fuera ser~cc utes M r. Watt, Principal o fOrn the Morris Fuincral Chape]I on ono High School, discussed thel Tuesda 'v. January 21st. M"s. necessary qualifications of a Albert Cole prcsided at the or- Grade 8 pupil' entering 1ligh! gan. Manv relatives and friendý School. attended the funeral from Bo.A'- NMc. Holmes continued the mianville and district. Walkýe!- discussion, bis topic being, '"How ton, Guelph, Port Credit. To-: %we' can improve Grade 9 stu- ronto, Kingston and Peterbor-: dents b en mr ffcet'in ough. Grade., 1 to 8"'. le spokep- rPalibearers were four Fons- cifiaflv, on the '*Paragrapb i i 'hursday evening when a num- er of the local ladies attended. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair and *arry spent Saturday in Toron- Mr. and Mrs. R. Page and Fmily. Enniskillen, Mr. and: Mrs. W. Bennett, bad 'dinner aturday evening with Mr. and Irs. T. Wilson. Glad to see the Bailey fam- ly out again after their recent ttack of mumps. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and amily with Mr. and Mrs. C. Valley, Orono, on Sunday. Misses Syl0via and Nancy Laa- a with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown. Sorry to bear tbat Miss Lucy raham is confined to Memor- al Hospital, Bowmanville. We, vish ber a speedy recovery.i Eleanor Pickard Wins 1.Ontario Bowling Trophy Eleanor Pickard, aged 15, 127 West Beach, placed second in the Junior Ladies' Singles of the- Ontario Bowling Council's Christmas Tournarnent held re- cently. Her score was 713. She will receive an Ont.ario Championship Trophy in the near future for ber outstanding performance. The trophy will1 be presented to ber by Jack Munday, superintendent of the Bomnille Teen Age Bowl- ing League. Miss Pîckard was just seven pins behind the Ontario Cham- pion, Dora Mallett, of Ace AI- leys, Toronto. The tournament was sponsored by Radio Sta- tion CJBC, Toronto. in con- junction with the Canadian Junior Bowling Council, On- OBITUARY REV. FRANK B. FIFIELD Taken suddenly iii on Sun- day morning, January 26, Rev. Frank B. Fifie]d, minister of the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church, died at the Memorial1 Hospital, Bowmanville. Born in Newfoundland on November 19, 1916, the deceas- ed was a son of Mrs. Martha Fifield and the late Joseph Fi- field. A minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada for 21 years, Mr. Fifield bad been pas- tor of the church In Bowman- ville for five and a baif years. Previously he served as pastor at Port Perry and Dundas. He is survived by bis wife, the former Lula Shaw and one daughter, Mrs. R. W. Veomans (Eunice), of Oshawa. Also surviving are bis moth- er, who lives in Newfoundland; two sisters. Mrs. S. Burton and Mrs. W. Sims (Barbara), both of Newfoundland and a grand- son, Kenneth George Yeomans, of Oshawa. Funeral service was held ati Pentecostal Cburch, Jan.« 29, Rev. R. A. Bombay conducted the service. Interment was In the Oshawa Union Cemetery.1 * A i Swift's Prernium Smoked Fully Cooked - Ready to Eat IPJCNIC SHOULDERS Lb. 45Ç Boneless Skin and Excess Fat Remnoved Leg of PORK ROAST Lb . 69 Boneless - Extra Lean A STEWING BEEF - 49. Swift's Premium Sliced - 6-oz. cello pkg. COOKED HAM . a 43c1 swift's- By the piece Duich Lunch SALAMIlà 59C I FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT ,5 for 29C McINOSHor SpY 3-1b. poly bag 3 *5C FRESH, IVASHED cello pkg. SPJNACHB 2 for 29c tario Division. Runners-up from the local league were as follows: David Milne (603)>, lSth in the Jr. Mens' Singles; Larry Piper and Ben Thompson, (1,192), l4th in the Jr. Mens' Doubles: Elea- nor Pickard and Karen Mc- Murter, (1,003), 7th in the Jr. Ladies' Doubles; Karen McMur- ter and Ben Thompson, (1,- 153), 6th ;n the Mixed Dou. blhes; Ray 'Crombie and Alec Wiseman, (698). 8th in tbe Jr. Boys' Doubles; Ray Crombie (357), 12th in the Jr. Boys' Singles. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cox, Bow- manville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Martin, Oshawa, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. O. V. Shaw, Oshawa, is likely to bave to remain ini Oshawa hospital for some time yet, the resuit of being knock- ed down by a car. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw kept store in Blackstock a few ycars ago. Mr. and Mrs. Merril Henry and familv, Bowmanville, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Bradburn. Miss Chrystal Fallis, Port Hope, spent the weekend wvAh Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and family and the following joined thern for Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Nes- tleton; Mr. Mult Jones, Mid- land; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Failis and family, Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larnier and Miss Joyce Graham attend- ed the Young People*s Confer- ence executive retreat z.4 Smiths Falls. Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Otta- wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreil and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Westbank. B.C., Wednesday. F/O Peter Philp of Comoc air base, Vancouver Island, arrd David Philp, West Hlli, called there and at Dalton and Stuart Dorrell's. 49C 'BEST BUY" Libby' DEEP BROWN BEANS 3 15-oz. tin 49c "BEST BUY" Red & White Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS 65 Bags 49c Niblets - Fancy KERNEL CORN 3 i'i-oz. tin 49C K1LEENEX TISSUES Regular or Chubby 3 for 49C LICORICE ALLSORTS 14-oz. pkg. 39c BIRDS EYE Birds Eye FROZEN GREEN BEANS, lO-oz. pkg. 2/49e :ROZEN FOODS Birds Eye FROZEN MIXED FRUIT, 1-oz. pkg. 49e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWIMA NVILLE Yeo's Marketeria sui MAPLE GROVE Olt Maple Grove Croceteria .si ORONO Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK Blyvth's Marketeria 1 THE CANADUN STATES14AN BOMIJAWVME ONTARIO - of 1-PEUIMAT, M. SM, 1958 IpAem prww» r 1

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