W'DUSDAY, FER. OUi, 1551 eANADtAII STATUSMAlI. IOWMA~VflLU. i'ÂGE T!~~TE!~N American Pro Players Lack Hockey Knowledge "I was surprised tao ece what littie knowledge pro hockey Splayeru have cf the rules."' Agoch Jirn "Ticker" Crombie 40id upon hi& return to Bow- Imanville 'Xhuda ofat week. 'fydy fls Crombie .1referring ta -I&e three Roch sinAeia Ipyers who had refereed the ,.S.-Combine gaine in Roches- ter Wednesday cvening. "They weren't even certain of where the face-aifs should be held," Crombie said.1 Team Tired "The team was tired and enly showcd the odd spurt dur- ing the gaine. Other than that' the play was in aur end of the1 rink most af the time," he pointed out. Com'bines left Oshawa Air- Port aI 1 p.m. Wednesdayad flew via Sauthern Provijncial Airlines to, Rochester arrivingc thene at 1:40 p.m. They went ta, the arena by bus and. lef t t h e i r equipinent there. They were then taken on a bus tour af the buge 300-acre Kodak Plant. lVait for Bus They ate dinner in the caf- eteria af the Kodak Plant. When neady ta leave thev dis-. covered their bus was flot at the plant. They waited almost two hours and finaiiy called taxis ta, transport thein ta the rink. The players improvised beds in their dressing-room and slept until 7:30, at which lime they got dressed for the game. After the game they drove ta the Airpont and boarded their flight for the return trip. They arrived in Oshawa at 12:50 a.m. Wedn esday. and were home in Bowmanville by 1:30 a.m. Town Hockey League Near End of Schedule With Taximen Leading Murdoch and Welsh Block- husters went aheadl 4-1 before busters edged Miller's Taxi 5-4, the buzzer as Bob Shearer and and Front St. triumphied 5-1 Bun Welsh fired singles. over Courtice Rockets, in a Town Don Masters fired the opening League hockey twin bill at goal of the middle frame at 6:10. -Memorial Arena Thursday even- ýHoward Quinney grabbed a pass ~ fromn Terry Mlasters at the mid- 4i The win moved Blockbusters way mark to tally the winning Iot within two points of the firstj goal for Murdoch and Welsh. place Taximen. Front St. are Don Masters fired another at stili in third spot, ight pointst 11:16, and Bud Perfect got his below Blockbusters. The regular ' second of the night at 14.21i, toi schedule enids this Thursday (to - end the scorin. night) and playoffs are expected Fronît St.' Triumiph to begin next wveek.I 1Gain Early Lead Ron Burgess scornŽd inanswer- Johnny Mason gave Block- ed at 13:20 of the first period to busters an early lead when he give Front St. a 1-0 lead. They opened the scoring at 1:05 of the went ahead 3-0 on goals by Jim firt sana. ob aiey it heClarke and Wayne Venning, be- lamp fer them just cight minutes'fore Reg. Willatts f fred the lone later on a pass framn Bun Welsh. Courtice marker at 17:27. Bud Perfect tallied for the Lauric Garbe clicked for an- Taximnen less than a minute other for Front St. at 6:17 of the Ister, with Luke Prout and Larry final frame to ensure the win. Chant getting the assists. Block- Ron Burgess scored his second ________________________of the nighit as ho ended the scoring at 19:08. V ÀàÀ K~. mvcmvurîer H-kc H;4,k Trinlpi f HAYDON 0 8c3a 1 il 1 R B Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Mark gMarchant and Ronnie, Bowman- l n Teen League ville at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carol Oke's team gained seven Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and points Saturday ta move into a family, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. six-point lead in the girls' Arthur Read's. Mr. Bill Ashton division of the Teen Age Bowl-I and Mrs. Jim Madore, Toronto, ing League. were supper guests Saturday. Lowell Highfield's t 1i ed- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharpad Ing ~ ~ G l th os iii ihaLynda Marie, Enniskillen;'Mr. three-point edge. F'atGod and Mrs. Gardon Werry, Mrs: rolled the high single ,(268) and Walter Murray, Toronto, at Mr.1 Jim Maorcraft came up with the and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. hiugh triple (643) for the boys. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan ~BraaBanhd28frand family at Mr. and Mrs. C. MhftdmbLhilingle and Karen 1Rankine's. liË triple.1 Mr. Lloyd Thompson -and son l"~m Stàndlngs - Girls' and Mrs. Elgie, Toronto, at Mrs. Pts. Pins W. Thompson's. C. Oke 25 10244 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fontain V. Brown 19 10056 and Neil, Mrs. Fontain Sr., B. Brown 17' 9878 Toronto, at Mrs. A. McNeil's. X. Pickard _ --------- 9 9897 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Team Standings - Bays' Mrs. Prout, Mr. and NMrs. Silas Pts. Pins Trewin and Judith, Bowman- L. Highfield .- 22 13242 ville, visited Mrs. Wm. Trewin K. Park - 19 12929 and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love- T.. Piîper ---- 16 13086 ridge. A. Masterson - 13 13053 Mrs. W. Thompson is at her 100K * POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY 7 Feb., "58 ç. PARMESp0FCANADA a home having pent several weeks with her son and iarnll at Carleton Place. Sne lntends returning to her son's on Wed- nesday. Mrs. A. McNeil visited Mn and Mrs. H. Stainton, Hampton. W.A. held a quilting bee on Tuesday at Mrs. Walter Love- ridge's. Several Hampton ladies attended. National Film Board pictures will be shown in the church on Feb. 11h at 7:30 p.m. W.A. February meeting wil be held at Mrs. Leslie Graham's, Feb. 131h at 2:30 p.m.. Starting on Sunday, Sunday School will open at 2:15 and church service at 3:15. We would like ta have more aduits out ta Sunday School. Rev. F. Jackson will be teaching the Adult Bible Class. We welcome Mr. and Mns. Cowell, Oshawa, ta aur com- munity, having moved into Mr. M. Bertrim's apartments. Mrs. Don Morrison and Dougie of Oshawa are visiting lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, Whitby, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MeNeil. Mrs. D. Fontain and Neil and Mrs. A. McNeii aiso called on them. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Darling and Mrs. Hilda Woodsi~Young's Point; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Miss Ann Wilson and Mr. Terry Heard, Lakefield, at Mr. and Mrs. Clemin ahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gniffin, Blackstock. Miss Joan Little spent the weekend at lher home at Col- borne. The social evening held at the sehool on Fniday evening had a good attendance. Proceeds were in aid af Red Cross. Ail -Star Teams Tie and Lose During Week David Werry scored two goals as Bowmanville Bantain All- Stars battled ta a 2-all tie with Port Hope in an exhibition game at Port Hope Friday evening. Ronnie Hooper clicked for the! tieing goal as Bowmanville Atoin All-Stars regîstered a 1-1 tie with Port Ho pe Atoin Ail-Stars in an exhibition. gaine at Port Hope the saine night. Bowmanville Pee-Wee Ail- Stars suffered a 3-0 defeat in an exhibition tilt aI Oshawa Thurs- day af last week. Bath the Atom and Pee-Wee teams are sched- uled ta play gaines here Satur- day evening beginning at 6 p.xn. SALEM IThe annual congregational meeting was bcld in tbe church Jan. 23. The meeting was open.. ed'with a hymn followed by a Bible neading and prayer by Rev. F. Jackson. Mn. Genald Shackleton was ap. poinbed Secrebany-Treasurer of bbc Board ai Stewards. Minutes af lasI ycar's meeting wene glv- on. Financial reports of the vaniaus onganizations were given1 with li showing- a favourablei ba]4ance. IElection af aificers resulted as follows: Pastoral Relations Coin- mittee-Mr. and Mrs. Genald Shackleton; Pansonage Commit-! tee-Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig, Mn. and Mrs. S. Buttery; Pianis- Mrs. S. Buttery; Asst.-Mrs. K. Shackleton; Music Commibîe- Mns. S. Butteny, Mns. D. Reyn- olds, Mns. K. Shackleton, Mrs. E. Twist, Miss G. Biackbnn Church Improvement Commýit- tee-Mrs. L. Welsb, Mrs. S. But- tery, Mns. E. Twist, Messrs. F. Blackburn, K. Shackleton and W. Craîg. Elders-Mcssrs. S. Butteny, L. Squain, K. Shackleton, W. Craig; Trustes-Messrs. Gordon Shackleton, M. Marchant, L. Welsb, E. Twist, Genald Shackle- ton, W. Taylor, S. Buîîery; Stew- ands-Messns. Genald Shackle- ton, S. Bubteny, L. Richards, F. Blackburn, H. McClure, Bob Craig, L. Squair, W. Cnaig; Auditors--Messrs. L. Squair and S. ButIçry; Preparabion of the Elements fon Sacramenî-Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. L. Welsb. Our community was deeply saddened aven the weekend by the passing ai Mn. Ken Werry. Although not in the best of health for the past iew months bis passing came as a great I shock ta bis many friends. To bhis wife, Winnie, b is young family, bis mothen Mns. W. G. Werry and sistor Mrs. Ross Lane, we extend aur sincerest sympa- thy. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allia andl famihy wene Saturday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. E. Twist. Misses Waneta Young and Bea Craig spent the weekend in Napanee. Mn. and Mns. L. Richards visîted thein daughten Doreen in Toçpnto Genenai Hospital on Su5 ,day. Glad ta report Doneen is -1naking saisfactary progresa. The right of th. chantened banks to issue bank notes wase canceiled in 1945 and since thal turne only the Bank ai Canada bas been permitted ta issue paper money in Canada. toAoapÂ, I1NE~ TS REALLYNEE weVE~ RELAX ON 7916 SUPER- 0F TUE PO ~SOT-SOFAU' .WI1IAVE tM"EU B - EXCUSE F TYRONE 1 Congratulations and best wishes ta Mrs. Georgina Phare on her 93rd birthday Wednes- day Feb. 4.. Mr. and Mre. A. Youngman attended the funeral last Fni- day of the laIe Thomias Flett, Oshawa. Miss Elizabeth Knox, Bow- inanville, was tea guest Sun- day of Mrs. Flarence Scott. Misses Amie Marehand and Jean Robertson spent the week- end with M-. and Mrs. Russell Moreland, Gananoque. Mr. and Mns. Earl Prescatt, Mrs. K. Hardy, Mrs. Edif h Murphy, wert tea guests Sui- day ai Mr. and Mns. Ace Ab- bott, Oshawa. Mr s. Annie Hatherly with .r.and Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Hamnpt on. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian were Friday, evening guests o! Mr. and Mns. Walter Orrniston, Oshawa. Syrnpathy is extended ta Mrs. Kenneth Werny and fain- ily on the passing ai Mr. Wer- ry. A speedy recovery ta Mns. Stanley Gable, wha underwent an openation in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hannah and Barbara, af Oke River, Man,, were guesta of Mr. and Me4s. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngmnan and boys were with ber par- ents, Mr. anid Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton. Mn. and Mns. W. Vivian and family were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. N. Greentree, Oshawa. Miss Vilda Brown spent the weekend at hen home. Mr. and Mns. Harold Skin- ner visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1 Sharp, Enniskillen. Mn. -and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton, Mr. Luther Stainton, were Sunday callers af Mr. and Mrs. Harny James, Oshawa, on thein golden wedding annivensary and aisa visited Mrs. Maude Harris, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Osh-1 awa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii A1ldneadý visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd AlIdreaa and - Mn. James All- dread. Sorry ta report Mn. J. Alldread bas been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ahf Knowlton and children vis jted her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sidier, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quin- ney, Mr. and Mrs. Cynil Quin- ney, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mns. H. Pantner. Club 50 held a quilting at the home of Mns. Edith Mur- pby. Mn. and Mii. Victon Kresibu- cher, and family, Beaverton, were guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Alf Knowlton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfncd Banks and daug'-t.rs, Mr. Mel Madili, Weston, 'Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Gniffin and chiidnen, Enniskil- hen, were Sunday evening cali-' ers of Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahin wene Tuesday evening visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Gniffin, Blackstock. - MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Folliott and family froin the Philin- pine Islands visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and family. Mn. Kenneth Kinister, Gra- venhurst, visibed bis sister and family, Mns. and Mn. Harold Evans. Mn. Garry Beckett was sur- per gucat ai Mn. and Mrs. W. % B rown. ns. Jack Hurnie, Douglas and Bill attended the christen- ing of niece-Jayne Marie, dau- ghter af Mn. and Mns. John Brinning, Oshawa. on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Bryant, Mrs. Maude Purdy, Miss Mac Mitchell, Oshawa, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery on Sunday. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mi]- dned attended the 50th wed- ding annivensany gathering oi andý .-AmîywithM Cha. Mili By Rev. A good-hur cently left a$ uimmuma*1personal matters adviue very ZO Uy ILL I NLIII responsibly. awl-t-oW 1 ZMMs.F.B A mîistr fiendtol me Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli, last week o elt-owm M .B lsel r.Ac RTAINLY MOTi i'hrhfrsm ecapu-1l WELL# I NOPE IT DOESNT an who had given a fine Rif t ta Iý % tr vstd Pt Jh Yffl ORI4 TAKE TUEM 1~W M hose. hrchfosme sasecial pur-! yc asteron~t. e Jh ANDO JUT TUNK » TO LEAN ThAT IS what she had done she becania Miss Pearl Leach, M'~r. .Johnr R NLMBLEWITS ALWAYS WI6EQ AN very interested and started ta IKivell. Solina, visited at o1I i TO SUFER WITIl MOR E EOOMCL Ojew, and then she decided ta Miss Laurie Stainton an JINE-ROCK FLLD BUY RIGI4T ERE IN bquea th le sumn for the overnight guest of her grand- 1 upkeep o h church. He talk- aet.M.adMs .F OR A SOFA TIEY BOWMANVILLE ed her out of it, and Persuaded Sehns. awr. adMs .F ber ta provide money ta set Msn saa ....... . ~~~up a scholarship fund for needv' da ero oel',Clm .~. ~' and worthy student candidatesedaVrnnP el',ol- for full-time church service. bU - Hebelivedthata chrch Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron .~............ jre~ n nd py iS were supper guests at Moricy shosidFlintoff's, Maple Grave. migt nl akean endowments Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidsoni mih nymk the members in he extgenraîon îit~evisited at Elmer Dawn's, Eben- .~ azy. On the other hand he had ezr seen very startling needs for Mr. John Woods, Toronto: Mrs. students. especially during the. Mary Leach, Mr. William West- depression years. And had lake. Oshawa. were Sunday known youing ministers w,-a vîsitors at Norman Leach's. . . . . .. .. .had ta give up because they Mr. and Mrs. George HilI, lacked funds. Oshawva, visited nt Mrs. Aie>. For the majarity of us. pre- MeMaster's and Gerry Glaspell's paring a will is a x'ery simple1 before leaving for a holiday in -. thing. Our estates are so mod- I Florida. est and aur responsibilities so~ Master Kirk Fisher, Oshawa, great that we plan as best we spent a day with his grandpar- can ta provide security for aur lents' Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Roberts. own familles. In some cases1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- there will be faithful friends ori man and family, Tyrone; Mr. servants, and business asso- and Mrs. Douglas Flett and fam- ciates. ily, Sauina, were Sunday visitors ç1Z'Must Face Facto at Norman Leach's. IBut whether aur estate is Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton compex r smpl. wethr ~ visited her aunt, Mrs. W. J. leave everything ta aur fami- Tika r.Eey akrs M an s W IIlies, or make a wide distribu- Oshawa. A M an" W ilition af aur means. we should Mr. and Mrs. Keith Staînton face the fact of death square- and Clarke visited at John A. C. Forrest have ta go ta work, which is a Iv. 1 have seen widows embar- Moore's, Oshawa. l good idea." rassed because the husband Jim Stainton attended fthe mored Texan re -1 In Toronto there was a cyne wauld not bring binseif ta Implement Show at Toronto on $300 bequest ta his 1 wo ef s ,rs n re'e planning for the time when he Saturday. minister on condition "that he promises never ta preach an- othen dumbbead sermon on pal- 1 itics." A man's lasI wiil and testament is supposed ta be a mirrar af bis character. That wiil tells us something about the Texan; It may ar ma,,,-nal. be a cocnmentary on the boni- iletics af bis pastor. 1 nemember as a boy gaing ta; concerts and other affairs in a community hall which had bec-n bequeathed by a rugged Metb- odist pioneer who stîpulated it, nmust neyer be used for danc- ing. The yauth af the commun- ity used ta have saine rather bitter thoughts about him and bis ideas. 1 understand that in more recent yeans tbey have gaI around the stipulation and naw rock and raIl over Ibis benefactor's pninciples. Lawyer friends and trust ai- lice people fell me that tbey have saine choice stonies about wills, like the man who leit bis i wife ta the chauffeur. And an- 1 other fellow wbo lef t "the equi- ty in my car if I baî.re any, ta my son. If he continues ta burn1 up gas day and night he wil stock toaraticulate temperance preachers, and vocal opponients ai horserace betting receiveda nice block ai jockey club stock-. During the depression thete wvere sanie funny wills like the store-keeper vha hefI bis fix- fores ta the junkman "Who bas lhad his eye on thern a long time," and the husband who bequcathed bis ovendraft ta b;i wifc, "for she is the only ane who understands thein-i." Depcnd On 'Endowments Recently we have heard a lot about heaving money ta chur- ches, charîties, calieges, hospi- tals and so on. Such institutions bave always depended upon endowments, but ini recent times a great many persans ai, very ondinary means have un- dentaken ta beave a litIle por- tion ta wonthy community or- ganizations. Publicity given the big charitable founidations has no doubt simulated good ex- amples. This makes it very important that lawyers, trust officiais, ministers and others wbo are called upon give advice in such would not be present. And il is ironie sometimes ta sec the estate of a mian who bas pinched al bis life being squanaiered necklessly by his chilIdren before the funeralisi over. Or ta see another whose chief joy in life was ta autwit the incarne fax people, have bis estate bitten in twa promptly by the succession duty men. To prepare a will, and divide aur estate is a privilege and duty in aur society. Govern- mnents talie greaten interest than they used ta and in Eng- land it is now said ta be im- possible for an aid country es- tate ta survive through twa deatbs, duties are sa heavy. It rnay be immoral ta try and perpetuate our own prejudices tac far int the future, or be miscbievous in our plans. But il seems abligatory ta try and be good stewards at the enda those things which it isau duty ta treat as Christian stew- ards duning lie. And a gni1 reflecf ion on us if aI the end of life we act irresponsibly tri those and that we eared for during life. jPhono MA 3-3303 .4 Have You PýRI TINO *PRO GRAMS *CIRCULARS *PAMPHLETS *LETTERHEADS *ENVELOPES *DODGERS *BLOTTERS e BOOKLETS e LABELS * WINDOW CARDS e STATEMENTS e BUSINESS CARDS! * RULE FORMS e INVOICES e WEDDING INVITATIONS The Canadian Statesman COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT. Ring Si. W. - Bowmanville Phono MA 3-33OUI PRODLEMS' Let The Statesman solve your commercial printing problems for you. Your prinîîng requirements will be given prompt attention hy fully experiencedi and qualified printers and pressmen. vm. m, 1958 PAGE TffmTzm iffl CARAM" BTATZEMAIÇ. BOWILIÇVU..M O"ARM