fû. t, me -M T ANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANMVIL. OPITARJO I ~verett Spire, and LaL Yak these thïngs, which it is, said the I wles. publie wants, are 'dreaxned up'F r A bî a o e r e A A.Z tae'iaae -y the lansa, and then laws o m W th laTnor n saa are enacted to sponge up tihemW o dt U s fu <Iss fie d À Deamiorn Teetin As et W.1 whe amporan Part ofEeyFr ýC arsV f75or S i al e J etl ed . In the Suee y til be and4 thus are ' artially WTînta r ist he tr toa 1re i g t h ~ l r il ih s ,. thBnl eve,$ >94 dIE . o7 r wl r d S f~hl n th u nday Svehoolourselves out of certain markets- for xvork in the woods; a t1 et n te 0ec tti er * * lie~r er iroi thlng uselul. Telepre more it lso thrdyeenn he tax rate, the ptu h leod u e nadto hr r b!! So~. A 3.114.6-1 te reularmor reamwe hae ai che- F.. 1~ et ~ moreit l yraîded ilaamig ogs or reaîr umbe, ortaferatel 100 oiesof vrieu bjb* A321 .j Followig th sher on-ad fr *,hveal hr The Explorers e nSt the line - omraw material to prepare timber for mgrket egh hc aebe u t 3042 ..~~ $2X Lar Chant for cood used 1ig service in St. Paul's Unite se do a long tirne," Sunclay urday atternoon with the Chief the finishedprut.Abso Thcron id itrlape. -~ ~ & ca0a osnMtr t. 6 hrh s udy e.2aSho Superintendent Wîlirid Exzplorer, Phylia- Wstlake, in1 export business reduces bath the odto is. wi~ît. ~ lto Kng S t. E., Bewmanville. 6-tfi service of dedication was held Carruthers àtated. 11I believe At thé chair. Mrs. ]Reed was pres- level of ou.r economy and wor poding ie arm codtsfr Tepn lnain lto frlerids ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t makth ffca opening of is money and tne w pen. ent te give a very lnerestg 'taxation revn.woknthfam oo1t.Tetpec ieouo atelgh moot laerey, b7 FMAAO %-ton, $l95. the new Christian Education ta provide larger and bottai Introduction on the new study "ewatactaes la c ta makes hu in mosbe u the g hr oniu1f i latalsgfer thé many Iôvoly &plafnteéd. Lis-t price 0191ïRooms. 1 quartiers in whieh ta teach our book "Kenji". In -the w6ruhip c"Tthe Such tatio txshold provies hal ciim os fracalitblwI erelzd card, g~t8a4 krid cta hOor- r rce $095 W.lnia's, The minister, ]Ray. Harold A. Sunclay School chilclren the serice with the theme 'Jesus, take the lieat off pricos and th3 preparîng the product; cl .R isn .las be 0t bitthday. $-l' Obhawa, RA 3-~4431. 6-1 Turner, choir and gcongrega- way of lite. For our iaithlul p rl.nd of Ail People". Jean steamn out of wage demnanda, be- wahrat mrvdhuigDsrc aetr I would11k. t 'thask frkns ALI.SATg Auo Insuaruce.tien moved ta the new rooms Sunday School teachers, their IBaker rond the Seripture p a us e uies - wnivd ala codi nd m areydev a ou4 eltie othn maitnd love-AT Auto 20.~ fIn ae. in the basement of the churcli service is a labour of love." 'age Additional prograinin cawusdae mories adindtheuals coten amusot s an id - 1l' carda, tr-it flowoysF gd gat Fr personal service et your foliowing the regular service. "The new roomus were dafin- Icluded storles raid by Wendy nuoney left ta spend as thcy sec portant part of the farni, ic"r r'qelvýed durlng mny stay home eall Oshuawa RA 3_2802,1 Mr. Turner. Mr. Ronald }Teth- itely needed ta give aur Sun- tN a s b 1 t t and Jean Baker. lit instèad of having the goveru- requires periodic inspectiontei M4eporial, Hospital, Bowiàa eôfle0ct. 2-t i eringtan representing the con- day School accommodation for 1a Poem read by A r 1 e n emetpndtfothm Ay aesafilweegrnanI*II trator, AlinandHeterig- nçreased nunibers, and a lit 1 Westlake who misa asketi ridmn pditfrhe.Aysieaafelweega vile. imCuron. '57 DODGZ Mayfair Hardtop - ton Construction Ltd.; Mr. Rosa in surroundings. We wan thei dieu, a piano solo by uctls eduto in byax cuts maude ncre a e ro awel aodlieta 6-1 ibleby ax cts wuldincraseers ouldbe eToddvy ush-button, transmission, radio, Stevens rapresenting the Coin- best Sunday Schooi facilitics Weke anti ames conduce h purchasing power of past taica a walh through thairwo- in tM nudst of our serrow we tetome, underdoateti, 1,000 mittea of Stewards, and 11r. availabie for the lule ai St. by Joan Westlaire. savings as wall as current earn- lots, with an eye ta im]r~e on a rmteCow violste epressoui eartcîtatuel miles one owner, iullY Wilfrid Carruthers, Superin- Paul's sehool. I feel it will belI The final meeting of the Se- ings - a double gain! Lower cutting. At this time pastuel h o~ eina tisanth epres oup heeîat t u araritaed, 42,4900. Wellmn's, jtendent of the Sundav Schooi, an Inspiration ta greatar things. lina Safety Saillies was held prices would, or should, reduce could ba made ta harvast maueAYc ~e hsmsinr o thnsadlQsettontibr hawa, RA 3-4431. 6-1i toolc part in dedication cere- on behaif ai the teachers and Feb. 1 at thé home of Mrs. the cost ai governiment, a2 an aeiu.tncrddsadaNeTsam t.Ianooy' ieletlvo friand> and nei~iboursmanies. officiers ai the Sunday School, Burnby Hooey> the leader. Sub- expenditure ai less money would and take out diseasedad idho is'nrtebok fer the kades nd syïmpathy L Mis Aa Nhln Sh I ivi a- aâiwu uç In the lft of ou be- WELLM N The minister and choir. and1. tthn tecorea jects for discussion were the buy the former volume ai goods damagecl traces. ~i1ntcm ni h a leved husband aîhd fatNer. choir leader- Mrs. Rata Dudley, à untrter~apeat uP- ". "ar, nt the Feet", "Car* af and services, if indeed the iorm- A Zone Foraster ai thaD-atrtmro" Tebyi- Ida Nieholsand îaniiî. i lih Anriersary S l took thair places at the south part", Mr. Carruthers saici. the Eyes", "Care ai the Teeth", 1er volume wvas needed. Obvious- partment ai Landis andiFrusqie ai Wa r ora aIdi Niefl the building Ilhereerar pa: A printeti order ofsrie"Care ai the 5kmn" andi "lIow iy, a ihlevai ai government 0- * Ixceptilaal Values tîtioning doors were folded vs olwdu hu the; ta Spand Lelsure Time". apenig, il warranted, can hawulbelasttaccmavtoro " Wewilitethnkar nijqh- * Eto Budget Ternis back ta reveal the large prim- minister led and the congrega-' Mrs. Hooey distributed the achieveci througli fewer dollars, you, anti t% assist ini marig Wews atak-Top Tra4e Ini Allewance ary raam. Ticnbe dvie tion joineti. Mr-. Turner tieclar- farticles for the first-aiti kit. ai higher purchasing powver just 1 trees for cutting. This sicecre aalBbeSode n bour , friands, and Father Ma- 3 aWrteGuate Ijt frrom bymeans of ed the Christian Education Preparations were mnade for as readuly as through more dol- 1 mavaibe fraaindb chrge titerspoestoa. nt syrnpathy .th folding doors. The congre-,Rosofcal open. The chair Achiievement,ýa. Helen Knoy, lars of lesg value." ithe haiti d bFo riti taCLirein on i e fo, xresos f smai h th , vith .1rs. Dudley at the piano iead-arv 0ut saehalt Ditrc Fottrhieay opeeBbeshr ne a shown us mn the great bass af a 49 Ponti ac - $245 gation was partiaiiy acconnio- iertay onh hehaî aiettae soOt locghsad n ahr ated here anti in the wiehal led in the sciinla o! t1ue hymui graup wishes ta thank th~e led eut Ont. ta hay added tan thee PlanBiblessno Loisg hus ad ani f49r OI n - $295 1 a xe dn oten)t n "All Things Are Thine". ers, who have matie the club si pt fo m a Bine Plnttin Py Ofan cruain. A ohrfu r o!rr Mce hie bulig ttecnlsoIftesrvr tcesfladitrsig proposai supporteti by the Twanty-eight years agro Larry McL -a 1 f be -ifuilding. sad ed th vice- ail wera invitad ta inspectJ À the opening ai Sunday Iopinion af a business leader questioneti tha wistianu i D r ui 15 om 000 il -'52 Ford $5e95f1ilwrsadd hi the new rooms. A xvide hallhvay Sehool on Sunday, Bruce Tay- Jthoroughly seasane in inu- hiam County Council when, ih1000Nw Tsaet n f eauty to that af the 10vtŽlY running north anti sauth ha.;i 1o0 'a h îtuelso utilmaaeet faia considerable foresight,they nysreGslpainswl We wi rsh ta, thank aur rela- 51 ChOV - $9 roams and includeti a basket crs Zm nete ia i ant thnne Bakriptre letary Iorilo manavent f csdeabl ant- isteao rdn oneeim hCno h ivas, friands anti neighbours for Di o! rati, anti white carnations ini al], and twa wvashi rooms. an "Mounitain Climbîng". Har- n-broCnd'sfn il- landi in Clarke Townuship. h rts niFoeg il oit Vthe lavely fiawars, cartis andi 54 Nash - fram Allun anti Hetheringtc.) There are alotautilitY aid Yellowlees talti of his re- , lbuî vaters .vere ta ponder that sceptics thought tha trees wut ok aisCnda uiirc 'a-set kuinns durlng eur re- JUà $995 anti a basket of carnations and moins anti a sm-ail raomn fo0- cent trip with Dr. S. Osbornea opinion anti make it their oýn die, anti that maney was bigt ettenei nit a- cent ions. *Speal thanks ta the 5 'e n daffodila fromi J. Rae Aberne - Suniday Sclîool supplies. Ail. and other )-ourg mnen ta -it migh bc frnfre th"n wat'tbu'hef-e lv staff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 anti nussa1e2ra9i~JA~ thy xvho did the decorating. wal]s are finisheti in heautiful 1Quecn's University at Kîng- on anc s gt h tasform tifon ]lwavted but tahe ra s ~iat tvnaeo . pîui Hospital, Bowmanville: Dr. SIc- "Here is a day wve have ail 1plvwonti paneliing anti the îa' dat ao n tonlhava murt n t uh ize ht fîa seswee monan RvT. A. Mogn 7Chev 189 looketi forward ta far a lonig eiic are finishi in acoW' r rni oeo ecs policy. theyat hawthncntinuter Sgeterain fret Gien anti Maria uny tirne," saiti 1ev. Harolti Turtuc-n. ýl with flush ceiiing light l ti noke at the church ser-Th hnigpoesa 6.1 Clean, low milcage, one awner: an. "We ail re.jaice in our beau- igfxue.A îuwunace root»ýý, ice. ln his timely message hal In the 1947-1957 period -i- cnt consists ai renovingeer Mnta-Mtte 81-3 ______car - Fuiiy guaranteeti tiful new Christian Education hoss h upt- a il fati; expl'ained the ways the churcli tail pricas in Canada rose at an fourth row ai trees, whicha-Teta - Mth( :- Myind haadt ei h ankas ta mr a 57 M e r p o i $ 1495 11 geoomsit oad a le by t e nt w i h h at ah t e n w j ay heip the young people anti annual rate of 3.7 par cent c m o s f r a r ai i s t e s l c- W d e d y- M th w 991 friand anti aighbu~s fo ail ~~ iviiropuiîan gauerosty o! il." lassroouns anti the auditorium, ai ofa the waN s youngc peoffle ipounId, protiuctivity par member ive ramovai of funthar trace a h"dy - ate :83 their kintiness ta me while ln tha Signais, radio, air conditionei,; Mr. Ronald Hetheu'ington,! above. 1mav serve thair church. Th-e o! the employeti wanlking farce twaen roatis. This providis~yiiyMthw1~-. hospital anti at home; ta the Continental tire, sait top con,- ispaaking on behialf of the gen-' J. e Abernethv titi the de- 1choir contributeti the number, Irose at about an animal rate of ceas ta anti grawing spacefrStriy. Mthw1:64 nurses anti staff wvho waré sa vertible - Fully guaranteed eral canitractors, thanketi the, corating; lighting was by Hiîs-; i"ýRoomn For Jesus"'. f1.66 per cent campouruid, anti the rernaining tracs, antidali kiti nt hakyo orbveyNEW Building Cammittee f o the' o Electnr Ltd., plumbing hyý Annuai m-eetin.« ai Sauina average annual earigs par aun- 1 u!lpvoot as an immediata rp lans nt iowrsiro WA.58H1L~AN Station Wagon Jca-ap.s-ration. "It took a greatJkBruhhetn bySlPbicLrr wihaatint ployeti member ai the wholelFrom these thinnings at h a a tc h oý Church St. Graup, Waman's As- Wrhlta walls, signais, tank ai gas, deal of planning. It wis a by Grant. the Cornmunity Hall, Tuestiay, Jworking farce rose at a rate aif Durham Cou-nty Forest 300 cracag i m u llcag soeiation anti Womnen's Instituta; licanse -Two tome -Heater* picasura foir us, ta hring these These rooms are bencath the fFab. 11 . 6.5 per cent compouid. o! pulpwiood are ready for hu-tashct te Rev. .Morgan anti Dr. Rundie plans anti dreama ta campla- church audiitorium anc ae M.in r.We el Mn er inee e k. $19 !n. ee r ate m rooms andt lees and sons ware Saturday. 6-ni Oke. Mn. Ross Stevens v'oiceti ap- space thera useti for classroan-u avening dinner guests af Mr----------. M. -- _____________________58NELM W L~ E praciation ta the cantractors purposca for sanie years. A newland MIs. Alf Allun andi sans, - -Twotou, sgnIswhie wils (for thein fine wonlc. The ut-;.outsidie entrance et the south' Bowmanville. osttne sinas wht mats Sciperation ai ail matie; enti an the at sida ai thean lhDvi Il trunrings, air canditioncte i asil M.ni Mrs. ap DviV _________________possible__ for the plans af thel building facing Silvar Street anti Pst were Sundav dinneri ,~AK u hie bege$1845 comte ta ba realizeti, îha was putI in ta facilitate en try gucats ai Mr. and Mrs. Gar- hatmti vlcinity ai Provdpa g I4 l tefolaser i ldni et ftelrenm rIdon Davis, Marilyn anti Peter, Phonece Dutch Osrle MAikfoetsspe ml "These roama fui! 111 a hope ofa chiliren using the rooma. fOshawa. 3-2034, Bwmanviile. 6-1* 17 'T Mn. anti Mrs. Bruce Tink Wv E LL N S -anti iamiiy îva-e Sunday visit- I >LAIJ boitg le, blgçlc, white and ti sabler - itllmmu ( I-,r a u u n b.t+us ors ai Mrs. W. A. Onmiston, tan. Vlclnit orh east of New- Metropelitan, IC e r M cgidan Fe tu Brookiu. castie on Saturtiay aiternoon, Nonquen Rd., Oshawa, RA 3-4431 J. ~ . d M.AileTn iie n Finder pleasa phone col ~~ Open until 9 p.m. S n m *pu g u4ms * g' anti Mrs. Perey Dewell and Oshawa RA 3-9695. -ew!Son en D o g t r N *i E UMM family., Hamupton. Misses Joan Creighton anti Motgga - tKism n ClbEvelyn. Taylor,.eebruh ___________________ ejus Mn. anti Mrs. Don Taylor anti- Mone than 40 chultiran were Smala, Raudy Dewell, Ronnie Joyce viniteti at Mn. anti Mrs. SMrD-Priviete ' arty wigh. guasts a the Bowmanilie in-Hooper ant in Jack Lander. E. R. Taylîor'&. -~- elnes ii~-io , gage plama m en Club at theur gnnual Fath ~ndJd r adnPsl.a at - -2460. 6-I1* et?, Soni anti Dàughter Nightspt J e n utchnian Motel Tuastiay aven- the act, ironi the kuiduies viaw- r anti Mrs. Wm. Knox, Nursing Ho Qme riienm ting hlia h 1 on , The m th Pnchl ad t cf Brougham wiee n Sat om (7'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h chultiren enja3 cd a de- PanastePnhatJuyamvitdonSuryuppet show whuch iailowed ,vt n ni m onKo 0OUTIi Havenu Rest Homne, Xew. ~ f liciaus ehickan clunnar campîcte IThe chidren were thrilled hy at aiy - setie, Ont, Phone 2426. Xe. wt l h rmig.Atrteppesa hysrn aI commnodatien fer b.d or up dinnar. thay jauueti in a siug sang Iou the tiny stage. attendeti church service at St. patients at reazonable rates. f ,1g<uled hy Kinsmen Ken Nicka anti Mn. DaSilva let the ehilciren Staphen's Church, North Osh- 2-t IL1iJ~ en ocln.Thre hlirens oininthe puppet show by caîl- aWa, on Sunday wheu their Wanted - Lavounutes wara sung, ~inclucling ig for the puppets, wheua a ratsn ay oga c Entertainnien was pFoancis oaw h Me e Wecopehildren , i hesrie L X jriian Thrlle Allan di M rs. K en M eM in n anti pee Ppoptly. Phione MA~ b Ray DaSilva anti his assiat- Presitient "Jake" Brown wel- M.atMr.CJ.Waan .... .&'-.'--'...- ~~~~~~~ Mr.ilwr nrdctib ai lb odStigr nipaet anti M s. as C ry and 3-09' nrwl Fur Ferpl, onut Joan Fr-ancis of Coboung. cometi oue uaw member ta the claughtens, Oshawg, visiteti -Tyrene. 20-tf inTwscac li They a!r thaode pro Jack hn wt i cluGr t int-er dge anti aMul. RosCrdr TeTe Tondnet!Lantiar, chairman oth pr-e i.whhsdne bgeadfml Mr FERGUSON TRACTORS TAKE HILLARY TO POLE -Tractors àîilrt hs oe h geu ua Repaira ~ 'riday night will b.t sainiehas grami. Mr. DaSilva opaneti hi$ anti Kin pin. Mn niMp .Cyemn Canada were enuployeti in the Hillary expadition ta the South Fole u egsî ytr rcos nw R e p a i - - - - o t a th r i a y u t at s h wMir . s n eaanyti yd .Gc ts W r : o Mjs i , rsSi t & y t e g u s a w i ha Ed l.E C r as c h y d p ic l w i h t e o i i-e rs o g sa r5 s ti o an a i n a s - urn the perlodl 23 7.30 p.m. 1Mily. FLansing, wea wandIAwy r eitrrtyu rdeto evc i aiso o tw! 1953 FORD SEDAN éNo. of persons on- bliciines - .................rsy FLorsn, Peare wni benefit teyr . epedntby tothae intet bees ItU laoue troth- Locally oxvned, top condition. Low mnileage. pu-evenlion registen 20 endTIT Hanolti PafcMe. adMs eeiteue.;oldntut Services~~~~~~~ BHnainea ~ Jd1i rolnd m a Pascoeat paste, but because it gives themn beautiful teehadapesn rah IRelief -- --- 7 ciîiltiran were Sunday te4 oae u IeI TRI WE-SSEILEy evc o 4 ruie Three M'a met Tuesda.v guests ai M'.r. and Mrs. Gordon 1: Your Sales Copy implea i.sr TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - j Srvie:kc~ No. 2 1 cvening with Ewart Leasik Leask anti Eunice. -IAodln od n ogsnecs la' erhfrtesm1~ 195, PLY OUT rsiivper- Christmas Cher - 1-------2, chair.. Duu'ing the businesspr A word when you write your copy. Salesroam Service fi v----1 ea- v:ara discussati. The nextTh vva Belvediere Coach --*io svaaprjcsTh e l'o No. 4 - Are Your Layouts and Typog pySi l? V-S with overdrive transmission. concessionervices - coveie cMrayad F oener esies con1Vanat The Muorama atie Fay! tTa e Comp'ot.ly re-conditioned. An A-1 car iÎ%îIOî - --2VceThprranate T x sTry not to crowd your ads with tee nxanyelm tsAoi igto fMn. Glaeorge--- -i- su :te 1 ]n-i Jan Tealor ant thai By C. J. Hlarris inany diffarent typa faces. Use sufiicient wiesaet rn u the siata of afficars tinchang- group. It be.gan with the wor- 'The4 ta toettxsi oidvdatems, ____________________________________________ ei ec'pt tô' he position of sh1ip) service prasentati hi' n ih." 1953 PONI'IAC 2-door SEDAN T:-aasurer which hati beau vta- jean Tay-ian and ti Enice ,Letus' ia ln tvc rn J aeidet lns.Te an h hm vs'oe . Vantierploeg, affa'ed in hi No. 5 -Are ~You Fair Wilh Your Comifos Cuitonsradio, :c.ptlnafly dcii. JBowmanvilla Brncl of Thc dranialie play ý'Cyrano de; a! the Canadian Exporters' AsN-rmk eoaor opnsn ihto rdcuadsrie aiMotralwa pops rargiro, exxvasnll givan1 h i- sociatian, is not the Impractical of yoqr colnpetitors, no inatter svhat the prooain orfins On. owuer Sl~ce ,I~~eI unanlmnously acceptati with Taylor. Ha aiso played s ne- propoa ilà wih en tfrt~il win frieuxds and earn the resptet of yor5muiy J ter tadin mebas. n.cortiing ai several speeches iglance. As Mr. Vanderploeg 1951 NE8CRY SEDAN B~~~~Bll ail previous axpericace fnom the play. To test aur wits pitt uardcin . a lln oy Cutou mdo.l tp oniton thth Gnaoqecommit- Bruce Taylor had charge of the rate can Increase revenue trom Ifo. 6 - Are You ttn Prices In Tou êdmlCto rdo. la top cd itier o. Cars tee coteîssiarwhchcofeat that tax. Famrly recent ex- annnoetitiot fdoughtîuts were arujoî'ec. amples hava bCan the faderai The first thing a resider wants to know when ecniesteprhr to choo. front. Caruk lias been nrrnoted ta 1 The symipathy of the con tes onx autobies ati cr of a product is: "Wlbat does 't cost?» Eceti r pcialcru Public Relations Officar with m nuaiti' is extended ta Doug 1 awered prices, which increaseci stances, nover fmil te quote prices in yourad ALL Pglpfvaeo REDUCE» Central H datquarters iin Toron- Flatt andi hie farnily an1 »te the volume et sales andi more to .The fistniet was pleased passhing of hie father, Mr. M%-i. thapi restored the governue t'a o sitnendavc npanigyu esae dctsn ' t' 'l s goo ti fortune but iît Fl tt ai C olum bus. i un e cate l as of revenue. Q s l th di p a a ve i in regret te lose hum as ha was Congratulations bo Howard IThere are other peints te csup.hedslyadetsngsafa necently appointeti ta this Dis- anti Éelen Milîson on the bm-tii port the case. "I have ne R obson M o tors trc.of their third danufthen an Jan. patienee with he people who vb e r.Bb ade s i sc A njybl 4othei" party, cd becauqe it weuld ba mufa- .f~~u ~VCK - In'?'dG.bLd TRUCK DEALER wa's0beînz given ta capab1,i iage group of the W.1. wvas hiele expects a liigh level oi govern- Io JOAS stL. sovnmvil. 3A à'.3321 Mad. Nr. Patdaen himisai! in the Cornmunity Hall on Fn:-: mènt spendinu " stiteti Mn. Van- IRead by an estmiated 1,000 prospective qutmr ahw. blinti. has beeii (-otncted 'vi"î dav iiilî. Prir.c winners %ve--e derpioea. "?henre im ouspieiei __- the- work ai the Institute un Pearl Leach, Wei Yeilowleeâ, in îsome quarters usis ta o of _________________________________________________