?RtTRBDÀY, FIE. lStlm, INS ?NE CflfADA!# SAT!SMAY#, flOWMM~V1LL~. ONTA!1O PAGE TETRTEZ~< fai thful service to the auxiiary especially in the Literature department. Her kindly per- sonality is always an inspira- n o N es0 tion at the meetings. Miss Gilfillan made a gra- ne 127ecous reply stating that she felit 10 127 very unworthy of this high'1 ____________________________________________ honor, but. also. that this was W u ne of the nicest surprises she TH E and Mis. Archie Watson, John Kitchen, Niagara Falls, bad ever experienced. SAT S N , were Sunday visitors Visitors with Mir. and Mrs. rendered a chorus, after whîchHIS lthMr and Mrs. A a Chas. Wood were Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. Schauffler brougbt an in An.Wt-Ca. on, omn Mle~ r teresting and up-to-date report N W A E PIII 1IAÉ Ét~T and Mrs. Lame à2lamp- and Mrs. Fred Parish, Oshawa, from the Citizenship Depart i Blackstock, visited ber Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey, ment. "EDCA DI- - ter, Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Miss Helene Waddell, in DTO C - ___O n. Sunday. Margo and Trevor, Tyrone. 1 dealing with Our Study Book, -i - Mrs. 1jarold Cobbledick is a Mr. and Mrs. Victor Han- gaeaslni Ql n"h EPOR___ - atient i Memorial Hospital, cock, Bowmanville, Mc. Har- 1 Women of Japan. Drn h osi erie- u r U W ow m anville. old Hancock, Belleville, v s co nuc t e wy rs. D r vice,.. u ~ w~IL exeutvemeeting o! Dur- cock. i a moment's silence wvas observ- arn Teachers in Port Hope Raye West Jr., is visiting bis! cd, for the four memberswe N V N S atTbursday evening. gandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P.' have lost by death the past- -- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl, Hayward, Bowmanville. year: Miss Edith Sherwîn, Mrs. Ms.and Mrs. Chas. Wood vis- Mr. Raye Good bas purchas- Robinson, Mrs. Beebe and Mrs. AS 4 YNESTLT ted Mr.,and Mrs. Fred BrooksI ed and is now operating th e IF. Duncan, Teaher ofIn Bonathan Hardware in New- Thank you cards were re-AS T - Th Wme Tacer o I-castle. ceived from Mrs. Tebble andAS I mnctorate of Durham Two, held Mrs. I. Winter. An invitation- ei banquet at United Cburch, to attend the eleventh anni- E dr ' 'r ~ versary of the Evening Auxil- onneengr n îu ie iary, on Feb. 2th, a dinner Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutton meeting at 6:30 was accepted i ~elertdtir ls weddîng t with pleasure. Mrs. Win. Cob- knfiversary last week, wen a SCh1001 Board bledick and Mrs. Neil Porteri lumber of friends and neigh- were appointed as dele gates to brs called to congratulate atden and report on tbe Osh- ~hem. Hold eeting attenPresbyterial meeting ini Miss Connie 'iyrrell and Miss ig St. United Church, Osh- Joan Allin spent the weekendi Monday evening, Feb. awa, Feb. 2th. ith Mr. and Mrs. Allison members of botb Orono Pub- The Women's World Day of Mrs. Howard Linton is con- Police Trustees met to discuss. Orono United Church, on Fni- Valeseing at the home o! Mr. the scbool problem in connec- day, Feb. 2lst at 3 o'clock. AlfM u Rnd Mrs. Wm. Glanville. tion witb the advenit of Incor-1 women of the comunity are in- *UU l ssEn etMUm n Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- poration. The meeting was an vited to attend. ýwa, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl informai discussion. 'ý1ns o te eeed. 1 t a stated ytecar At "M ick" Brown's Show Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell 1 man of the sebool board, H. HAMPITON A capacity crowd filled the *Two films were shown, the famiy, shaa, pen Bet, tat heyexpcte Or j owvn Hall auditorium Friday first entiled "World Premier of ~unday witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ono Public school to be fillocilI unday dinner guests at the nlight for the l3tb annual J. 1. Case-O-Matie" and the second, itchell. botb upstairs and down b, home of Mr. and Mrs. Keni Ca- Case Show, sponsored by W. H. "Indianapolis Speed Racing." Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun 1962. It is expected that whein1vrywr r ebRgr, Mc"Bon oa aeda- Nra on saadsrc nd Sharon visited witb Mr. the High School leaves the vrL. erS. erb ogesMc"Bon oa aeda- Nra on saadsrc nd Mrs. Reg. Bell, Oshawa, building that there will be pro- illMadMrs Bucma- e soa sul a farmer, made the draw for the >Sunday. motion for a kindergarten ai-d, vile, Osbaan . Brbuegeasehwss ig lhtd byfin prizes. He thanked "Mick" on Miss Mildred Holdaway, Pe- by 1959 it is Possible that two 1 iss Madîyn Wiîcox, Bow- entertaînment. An enjoyable behaîf of everyone for the en- erborough, visited Mr. and extra rooms will he operating1 manville, was a Sunday visitor luncheon xvas served at the joyable evening. rIs. Egerton Hancock. for public sehool cbildren. wth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ar- sbow's conclusion and many per- Prize winflers were: C. W. Mrs. Harvev Ginn visitcd The possibility of forming a moradBeta1 sons were fortunate in winning Downey, Jack Brown, Mrs. Ken ec husband on Sundav in To- cnrlsho area o! thr-ce;M.Tm ivatn O 1aaIrie na.pca da.Sakleton, Matt Marchant, Mrs. 7onto General Hospital. sections xvas discussed, bow-1 visited bis sister, Mrs. Winter- The opening number featured M. Elliott, Mrs. O. Plummer, Mr. and Mcs. O. W. Rolpb ever nothing resulted in thati burn. eight pupils from Bowmanville Jack H-allowell, Leland Crago, )roenoe Cobies ockneyaths irction. In theaveninM r. Chas. Johns, Bowman- High School in a square dance Hilda Thompson, Mrs. C. Hoves- :)fno ombneshocey amethi diecton.In he dvnt of ville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lor- number. Tbey xvere: Barbara tadt, H. J. Brooks, Wes Martin, n Rochester, N.Y., and spent a Incorporation o! the village of enzo Truil. Brown, Carol Massey, EMaine Jim Sides, Mrs. R. Callan, Mrs. !ew days witb Rev. and Mrs. Ocono and adjacent area it. Ms itnPtrTrnoBnet id orsn Bill Frank Cook, Ron Shackleton, wsthought that the school IOboneville; rel en Mrs. .K id, ClofnîshR.R. 1 enrolment would juinp by 10 1spent a few days witb the Sal- OvinlWanlTetel e Mrs. S Kerr ah , Bowman to 15 students with Most of 1 ters. Parks and Garth Taylor. Bwavle r.K ritn k d C o sMr. and Mrs. W. Harrison 1 Young Don Brown officially Bwavle r.K ritn these eoming f rom the Antiocb n itl agtoPr Prv opened the show by weîcoming R.R. 2, Bowmanville; Mrs. A. InencrprCross. . visited ber parents, Mr. and or I.G Acc nVuia. Bb Brown then took over and A. H. Brent, David Brent, Mrs. Incoeors ret r poatont, . - Mrs G.Adeok o Suiay excelled in bis role as master Gordon Brent, R.R. 5, Bowman- -I ar Rep rt flos R.00 fit C or h aisSrie Cu rete pite ot tatAtichITh Ldes Sevce Clbof ceremonies. He did a com- ville; George Trewin, Enniskil- would set $37,0 0 o.its sneo i realized $150 in the annual asesmet o roo.Reene oters' ac o oioyî-mendable job in introducing the len; Harry McLaugblin, Ever- for he shoo, iftheareawasý ti. gest artists and added a toucb dine DeVries,. Nestleton; Mrs. B. Ilet ffce s o te choould i nr%,w is Helen Burrows, To- of humour with bis own colorful Taylor, Burketon; Mrs. Isaac Annual Red Cross meeting at by $1800. Mr. Best pointed ouTot, pn be kr emarks. Hardy, John Cruicksbank, Hamp- rono was held January 30 at that it costs $75,00 a year ta brno penttMc weeken wîth Barbara Brown gave intricate ton; Robin Alldred, Ulrieh Rue!- ~e om o!th Prsient Ms. duatea tudntand thîs 'S 1 A. Bucrows. and" ac colourful demonstrations o! fer, Newcastle; H. Gilîs, David bm. Armstrong. local tax money. ,ran baton twicling; Alan and Clif- Beatb, Gordon Kirstead, A. The treasurer, Mrs. McKen- Mc. Lycett stated that Incor- dbt .LC Smlespernd ford Dayes, and Donald Elford Branston, Oshawa; Mrs. C. Ruff, ie, aveber annual repo t, poration coulci prove a prob-fe dayswtbr iter, MrraLe, s . entertained witb a medhey o! Toronto. e, gaveh an tdnstoteJhsona odn western songs: Joan Zubkavich Haold Drew, Bowmanville, Mrow iing balane o 3 a J, frteScorBar f î Jbso a odn return- and George Macko o! Oshawa, and Bette Ellen Kuuke, R.R. 3, Mrs Btheistiungs oavfaCod L t r oog h mny tents othe i . n home on Sunday. thcilled the audience with their Bowmanville, won the special il Capsules to the Public sebool had vacated. Mc, and Mrs. Lorenzo Tru accordion numbers. children's prizes. thool and surrounding sehool Police Trustees suggested a visited Mc. andi Mrs. Carl Brad-I eaIt was decideci to finance re-designing o! the boundar- eg io, ast w, eek. ile ïpules for the sebools again ies wbich they felt were out- Ra eg Rckbam, Bellevwil, Ih -Li!Crnming year. dated. It is Possible that a meet- as r ecel Ahtnt viski wibCartw right Couflcil The summer swimming pro- ing will be held witb the In- Hampwton friends. rarn was dîscussed, and plans spector in the future.McadMr. ibet mtn E ' es re being made to carry on Oshaadwere rcenWllerSitEx r s C o fd n e i rtI a swimming program Ohwwr eetclesa gain this summer. ~. ~ the Preseott home. c~l~ bve eenhsed elflla Att de heom Ability of 19.57 Rd. Supt. servSe forn aose wo atendeerth Iresident, Mrs. Win. Armstrong; U ITbursday evening enjoyeci very Cartwright Councîl met Feb. 1 be Warble Fly Inspectors for, t Vice Pres., Mcs. Chas. Tyr H norea 'b much tbe program presented by 3rd wîtb ail members present 1958 at a salary o! $610.00 foc the ajor SeretcyMcs Noman~AI Àr~ the talk gîven and pleasîngI [ajm; Tereacr, Mrs . F.rmc-n Oflsic provided. President Mcs. George Blytb requested a Roaci will be plowed Into Mr. Min TeaurrMr. . . e-O ron . ..1TM. Chant conducteci business grant foc Volunteer Fice Brigade 'Grabam's, west of Townsbip! :enzie; Campaign organizer, tCeae.Agn o$200Prk rs. S. Rutherford, Nutrition, On February 4 thereua preceding this, and Mcs. Ca-atCera.Agnt!$200Prk reua el e n ieysn-ogwas given. Declacation was reaci foc bal- rs. C. Billings; Auditors, Mrs. meeting o! the W.M.S. After- verly led ina liveljyesin - Harold Kyte and Ernie Swain ance o! Road Subsidy. Dean and Mrs. E. Graham. noon Auxiliary o! the Orono wbc a lo noe.R-asked foc permission to move Mrs. S. Rutherford is again United Cburch was beld. I Msens Ruh allo re Prs old Orange Hall donateci by Mrs. Road Supt. requested that lanning ber spring canvass. Let It being membersbip month, MicttsesRuthindonoMnariday 1- iTom Smith for Youth Croups, Dora Suggitt ceceive $200.00 per vryone he]p in this, endea- one special featu wre wasTorThe on and j be put on Township property. year for clecical assistance. Re-i &&r', so that the Red Cross may presentation o! Life-Member atne h IeFîî. Council will consider it at the quetgaed ea more active organization sbip" to Miss Viola Gilfillan. and on Saturday "Around the IMarch meeting. Tom Hocton was present ce- Lthis acea.to onrhcfr ecv y World in 80 Days".1 Art Hyland asked Council foc garding bis request for twoj to hnorherforherver Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy spent advice regards people dumping months' salary requested refused jThursday in Toronto and at- ga chage on bis property and on on legal advice. tended the Sbipstads and John-1 side o! 7A Higbway. Cleck wihh Moved by Coun. Van Camp, ston Tee Follies at Maple Lea!f contact Dept. o! Higbways re- seconded by Coun. McLaubglin Gardens. gading saine. that Tom Horton's application B u d V irlu e 's Rltiedm:b:;a Sues wllbeAsesorfo frRoad a::pt, be publisbed, jKersey home on Saturday 1958 at a salacy o! $850.00. wbieb reads as follows: G a eevening to mr h 35th wed-f F ire fighting agreement with Application foc Road Super- G ar gedig nnvesar o tei pr-Port Pecry ilb renewed. intendenta3, salacy month- ents. wbo wr presenteci witb 1 Reg. Nesbitt and George Johns ly $260.00, yeacly $3,100.00, ex- a lovely television table. The1- perience none, and signed by TEXACO PRODUCTS ~in music and cards. Refresbi- 1 and Ann, with Mr. and Mrs. L. piant.d yCu anCm T E AC PR DU ISeng fowa sent NeHaptonHudson, Millbrook. Camer nd Moed by u.Coun. cm friends extend best wisbes to __r n r.BbCmr)Luhiwbereas Council bas, G EN RAL REP IRSMc ndMr.Kese.AdRyni iM,.-AMc reiedt eods !th 218 Ring Si. East, Bowmanville DUNLOP AND FIRESTONE TIRES NOTICE ZONING BY-LAW- Bowmanville Planning Board is at present preparing and wili later submit to Council, an amending By-Law. AWiyone interested in a matter of re-zoniing shouId advise the Secretary with details. This is an informai notice oiily. Formai ,ýotice of the aniending Sfore its adoption. C. MASON, Chairman. by-law will be given be- ALBERT J. COLE. Secretary, Box 424, Bovvîuanville, Ont. Gibson. Council is satisfied that the Road LO GMr. and Mrs. H. Cameron Supt. bas not witbheld n LO G SAULT were Saturday evening gu.ests credits, or information o! any o! Mn. and Mrs. R. Camecon: kind fcom Council. Seeral attendeci the funecal Mc. and Mrs. T .Barrett an-d Nowv be it resolveci that the of the late Miss Hazel Mal-1 boys were Friday evening1 Council hereby confirm the acts colmson. Bethany, on Sunday.1 guests. o! the Road Sopt. in 1957 and fSym pathy o! the community '-s Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker were express confidence in bis abil- extendeci to ber mother and Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. ity. brother also three uncles andi Lloyd Webb, Drum. These accounts wece ordececi aunts. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs andi Ca- paid: Mise., $860.32 and Rd. Every one is invited to at- briel, were Sunday suppel' Voucher No. 1, $2,258.74. tend the Court Whist party guv sts o! Mc. andi Mcs. Andy Council adjoucned ta Macch held in the school Friday night r Sutch, Pontypool. 3cd at one p.m. Feb. 14, when you will be Mc. Stanley Fletcher, To- guests o! our scbooh teacher and f ronto, spent the weekend witb pupils. I bis parents, Mcr.and Mcs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and Fletcher. ZO family, Toronto, were Sunday1 Home and School Club guests of the Harpers. The recular monthly meet- W.A. was opened by Mrs. Miss Margaret Tbeisburgec ing o! the Home and Sehool Gerry Glaspehl with the poemn spent the weekend with Miss Club was beld Friday night "When I Toucheci Shoulders Jean Baker. witb a fairly large attendance. With You". There were 20 la- Mc. and Mrs. W. Ripley, Carol President Gordon Baker 'con- dean two cbildren present. 1 and Tercy, Milton, visited Mc. ducted the business wben it, The Devotional was taken bv,, and Mrs. Rye Gibson on Tues-' was decded that the SecretaryMs. ugtGeserran Mcy. adMs .Paib s-boy an electrie tea kettle fo r Mcs. Jîm Stainton. It was de- Mr. nd rs.F. arih, sh-the 5cbool. Program convenor, cideci to make a donation to awa, xvere Sunday visitoca o! Mc. A. Youngman, then pros- the Marccbo! Dimes and to ce- Mc. and Mrs. H. Murphy. ented the following program. new membersbip to the Oshawa jMrs. Vivian Lince, Port Per- We wece indeed highly privil- Film Council. It was also de-, ry, spent the weekend with hec eged to bave as our guest cided that for the roil cail ùn- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. spepker Rev. R. B. Gceeen, til the bazaar in June each Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Enniskillen, who gave a veny en- member would bcing some- mond Osborne were Sunday l ightening tahk on our tenthI thing for the fisbpond or par- vîsîtors with their parents, province. Newfouindland. As' col post booths. It was also de- Mr. and Mcs. W. Kivel, ýMr. Green had lived mnch of cided that the Aprfl meeting Owen Sound, were Sonda'; bis hife in this province befome, would be a Mîssionarv meeting. eve.'ing guests of Mc. andi Mrs. eoming Io Enniskillen he had! The program was two piano R. Cameron. i anv questions to answer. MrF. solos by Mcs. August Geissbec- Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown and WV. Vaneyk gave a reading anid I ger Jr. Two vocal duets in cos- Linda were Satorday evening a girl's trio !rom Enniskillen. turne, by Mrs. Glen Glaspeli guests o! the Camerons. I Miss Yeo andi the Misses Grec-i andi Mrs. Tom Sobil, "I Don't MmI. and Mrs. H., Murphy sang two numbers accompan'( Want to Phav in Your Yard" iwere Friday guests o! Mr. aîad by M\(rs. G. Yeo who conducted and '"'m Foceven Blowirig Mýýrs. C. Woods, Orono. the program. Meeting closed in Bubbles". Mrs. Mark Atkins (Intended For Last Week) the osual way and a very de- gave a demonstration on ber Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwacden licious lunch was served b.v tbe kxnittiagr machine which was and famil 'v wece Sundav sup-' committee in charge. MacchlIverv îinteresting. The . gro,)uT, per ---lests o! Mc. and Mrs. Il. convenors arc the N. Woodhc, j Mrs. Aogust Gcissborgem. 1 DeMille. Bnwrnanville. D. Davev' and Wmn. Tbeisbur-j Jim Stainton. Mrs. Donald à1fr and Mr&. L. Penwarden ger lamâ" ___ 1YeUcw1eea, Mn.. Alex McMaî- N EWSPAPER SERVES AS ANI EXTRA SALESMAN, IN AIL THE SURROUNDIWG STORES WlTH A HEARTY ter served delicious refresh- ments and ail enjoyed the so- cial Urne tQgether. March group -Mrs. Ed Hoskin, Mrs. August Geissberger, Jr., Mrs. Russell Perkins, Mrs. Russell Stainton. The neighbourly* Doubles' Club met on Saturday night with an attendance of 22. Jim and Maie Howes, Glen and Phyllis Bottreli, Allan and Monie Thompson liad charge of the meeting. It was decided to have a card party on Feb. 28. Crokinole and euchre .vas played. Group for next meet- ing: Guy and Ruth Chamber- lin, Herb and Marie Stewart, Bill and Dorothy Fiee. A Home and School Club bas been organized at the new school with the following offi- cers appointed: President, Mrs. W. Cook; Vice Presidents. Mrs. C. Bradley and Harry Oylcr; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Wil- liam Nemis, Treasurer, Fred Boyce: Corresponding Secre- tary, Mrs. A. Peeling; Execu- tive, Mrs. George Killen, Mrs. Douglas Larkin, Mrs. E. Mc- Quaid, Mrs. Michael Nemis, Guy Chamberlin. Next meet-I ing will be held Feb. 19 at 8 p.m. at the new school. Mr. William Dart bas return- ed to bis son, Henry Dart's home, fromn Oshawa General Hospital and i§ feeling much improved in bealth. Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, spent a few days with bier sister, Mrs. Fred Cameron and Mr. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rob- bins, Bowmanville, visîted at Norman Leacb's. Mrs. James Knox and Stan- ley Knox, Toronto, Mrs. Mel- ville Cooledge, Oshawa, visit- ed at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. William Pow- ell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. H. King, Milton, spent a few days at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissber- ger visited at Bert Nicholas' Maxwell's. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Stainton and Clarke. visited at Gil Thor- burn's, Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. H. Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dart, Bruce anld Ronnie, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. Albert, St. Catharines, visit- ed at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissber-' ger Jr., entertained the Young People's leaders of the Oshawa Presbytery at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Johnnv, Brenda and Diane, Hamilton, were weekend guests at Wes Cameron's.6 Miss Bertha Geissberger vis- ited Miss Louise Wehnert, T o- ronto, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank, Orillia, spent the weekend at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie, visited at Ted Ste- phien's, Peterborough. on Sat- urday and attended Diane Ste- plien's fourth birthday party. Mr'. and Mrs. Fred*Cameron attonded the dance at Utical Community baIl on Saturday' nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dart, Cher- rywood; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dart, Judy and Jay, Woodville; Mr. and Mrs. S. Maybury and Leo- nard, Mr. and Mrs. William Dart, Jr., Scarborough; Messrs. C. Lennox and J. Lennox, West H-ill, visited at Henry Dart's. Mrs. Lawrence Henry and Donna, Hamilton, visited at Ray Cameron 's for the weekend. Mrs. Ray Cameron bas been a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for the last ten days. Mrs. Donald Yellowlees bad aW.A. quilting at bier home on ruesday. Glen Glaspell's sheep are in- creasing fast these days. One of his ewes presented hîm. with quintuplet lar-nbs. I Phone MA 3-3303 The Oroi The Son of Mani conîeth at an bouc when ye think flot -- Luke 12-40. ITbey cay my Lord ix coming! How I wonder wben and where- In His boly House on Sunday He would like to find me there! Perhaps He'l1 corne on Monday Wben my hands are fulo! work; 1 hope that He wilI finci me Doings things I used to sbirk. Suppose He came on Tuesday IWben I'm shopping in the town, Would my purchases quite please Hlm In the lîst I've jotteci down? It may be on a Wednesday I shah bhear His loving Voice, 'Mid the tbcong andi press o! people Shall my conscience than re- joice? Or on some quiet Thursday Wben I'mi reading or asleep. Perbaps He'll 'corne and eall me My tcyst with Hlm to keep! On Fciday it may happen That tbe King o! kings will come, And the planning andi bouse- keeping Will be lef t outside His Home? If on Saturday His chariot Shoulci hait outside my door, Çould I say: 'My Precious Sa- Viour, I am Thine for evermore'? -E. E. Walters CARRUTHERS SCOUR TABLETS FOR VETERINARY USE ONLTI DOSE FOR SCOURS (Ilve cal! 6 tablets every 6 houri foi 3 doses. PREVENTATIVE DOSE Glve 3 tablets dally for first 7 te 10 day. 50 TABLETS 100 TABLETI $2.25 54.00 FOR SALE BY Jury & Loveli Alex McGregor P. R. Cowling BO0WMAN VILLE S. B. Tyreli ORONO 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN Many Extras. A-1 Condition. 1954 PLYMOUTH Sedan 4-Door. Excellent Condition. 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 4-Door. Custom Radio. A Good Clean t..ar. b1953 CHEV. %/-Ton Panel Good Condition. Good Selection of Late and Older Models to Choose From. Ail Prices Reduced Robson Mo tors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 Telephom Labor Sees the Red Light (By Lewis Milligan) extraordinary increase in credit buving. Thot has saved the Labor union leaders, ai. long' situation for the tinir boing: but iast. are beginning to realize that credtit is dobt. and debts inLiir- Derennial demands for b,'!gher ccd in an inflating currencv a,,cI wa.ge-rates, bigizer fringe bene- recurring credit are nover paid. fits and restrictive working reg- "The time bas corne," said Mr. ulations bave bad something to! Reuther." - and is long ovcr- do with the perpetual rise in1 due - for a dramatie, and electri- prices and currency inflation. fyving step to prove to all c'm- Walter Reuther. President of, cerned that demnocracv is capoble the United Auto Workers. has of mobilizing on a volunt.-.ýr virtually admitted ail that by ýbasi s the resoucces of wisdorci inviting the automobile in- and responsibilitv in miana*ý'e- dustry's Big Three to loin i!n an ment and labor needed to eolve anti-inflation programn by ctigits economie problems." prices of their 1958 modiels bv That sounds reasonable enourz an average of $100 a car. Inland.if Mr. Reuther is sincerelvr support of this, Mr. Reuther and anxious to haIt andl overtal:e his union was drafting new con- runawa.v inflation. it may not tract demands and "would in anv be too late to check the procc-7. event avoid making recomj But it is flot enough to promir:e rnendations that would noces- not to demand further wage in- I sitate price increases." creases next vear on condit.on It s smehin nw fr laorthat the manufacturers redure It s smetingnewforà lborpricos in advance. If productiv-. leader even to suggest that a! itv had kepi pace with wage in- wage increase might bave the creases in the last seven vears effeet of inoreasing the produc- there would have been no infla- tion cost and the market price tion. of the produet. To make sure According to officiai statistic%, what hie meant. Mr. Reuther add- the index of weekly wages ini cd that "the interests of the U.S. industrv, between 1949 and 19,56. people as a whole in a stable rose more than 50 per cent. price level are paramount t o the while the annual increase of out- illusory, short-mun gains obtain- put per man-hour for the sarne ed tbrough inflation." period \vas onlv about 20 per j H i, rather late, but better late cent. These facts werc pointed than neyer, for so prominent a out in The Monetarv Timnes bv labor leader to admit that the Mr. Erwin G. Dentay. Presidct short-run gains obtained by in- of Fine Chemicals of Canada. flating wages bave been long- ".Looking at it fcom the market run losses for both the organiz- angle", 'said Mr. Dentay, "the ed worker and the people as a added purchasing power o! the whole. It should bave been workers raised the demand while quite obvious in the first place supply was not increased to the that when production costs are sainle extent. It xvas the natural increased, the selling price must OuteOme of this upçet balance rise accocdingly. And that when that prices went up." the prîce gets out of reach of The logical anti-inflation thiig. the would-be purchaser, the therefore. for Mr. Reuther to IdO sales decline and there are less is either Io reduce union wakc- jobs for the workers. rates in advance, or to increase The only thing that has so far productivity bv eliminating: anv- held off a precipitate slump in tigi h aueo lwon sales and employment is the or featherbedding in union work- îng regulations. Inflation is merely the effect and flot the WHEN cause of the imbalance between -J -4labor costs and production. v e ---i 2110 3DAT, nm. lm, len "rr eANAD" sTATESMAX. newmAwvffm ONTARIO PAGZ TRIL TM