?KUESDAY, TEE. 27th, 1958 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAKVILLE. ONTAItIO I I s G By Verni Giri's Banketball The B.H.S. junior an& senior M s lravelled ta Cobourg on 'WIesday of last week where tey won bath #ames. In the ,j unior gamef *? '.McRobbie, D onna Bragg' Linda Rack- h a meach scared four points apiece to help -defeat Cobourg 14 ta 9. The B.H.S. senior girls defeated the Cobourg tcam b'; & score of 29 ta 18. C. Smith and B. Bathgate eacii scored il points foir the wifiners. The Cobaurg teams played in Bow- znanville on Tuesday night but nio results were available. On Friday night of this week the girls wü$l continue their league and Pickering in Oshawa a' O.C.V.I. Good luck girls and keep fighting. i ccreec.4 (9w/ a Foran and Charlie Trim by number on picture outside of the office. Examinations Examinations will begin on Thursday March 6! The Tim- etables are now up 50 I guess that's the cue ta begin those tediaus studies. Good luck, kids' The Rotary Club is present- ing a play entitled 'January1 Thaw" tonight, Friday night, and Saturday night. We sug- gest that you go either Thurs- day or Saturday because at B. H.S. Friday evening we play hast ta O.C.C.I. came and root, for our teams because they cer- tainly need more support. Drama Rehearsals are now well un- der way, regarding the four plays that the Drarna Club will Pictresbe presenting in the middtle o' PicturesApril. The plays are entitled The poctures of ail the differ- "Orange Blossom", "The Man ent clubs and teamns are naw in the Bowler Hat", "Mama's available. The price per picture Baby Boy" and "The Price of is 40c. and you must band in Coal". the money to the office before Again. may 1 remind each' Friday, Feb. 28. Please order form representative ta find out MEMORIAL ARENAI I Bowmanville 1 PUBLIC SKATING Friday, Aduits 40c February 1%-10 p.m. 28 Childrpi 25e Combines Takef-7 Second Game From Cobourg : Two third period goals by Raye West gave Bowmanville- Orono Combines an 11-9 win î over Rockets at Cobourg Fni-l. day n4ght and moved them ntano' a 2-0 lead in their best-of-seven Lakeshore semi-final playaff. Rye's goals came after M I~ Arnold's third goal of the night r ý had broken an 8-ahl deadlack" eary in the third periad. Syd, Arnold scored twice in the se- 'i cond frame as Combines clung ta an 8-6 edge over their hasts. Veteran Maxic Yourth paced B.O.C.'s in the opening period as he cauntecl a pair. Dean West, Art Rennick, Wally Sam-, anski and Cliuck Armst.rong, scared singles. Playing coach Bob Parnell paced Rackets with a hat trick. Coon Medhurst and Jan Fisher scoreci twice each and Scotty Dowle and Rallie Campbel added singles. if his (her) form intends ta put on a skit. When bis (her) form is readv, please tell Verna Fa- ran (12A) at least a week ahead of when you will put it an, sa that preparations cati be made. By ibis time next week we will have started writing ex- aminations. Just a pleasant thought ta end this week's new's, we thought! 1 Boys' Basketbal Last Friday niglit in Oshawa the O.C.V.I. teanis won twa garnes while B.H.S. wan one. The Juniors were dcfcated 55 ta 35 with Robert Allin scor- MANY 0F' 'rE MOST PR1ZED AND BEST DOGS on this continent xill be on display at Canada's biggest dog show, one of many features of the 1958 Canadian National Sports- men 's Show which gets underway in the Coliseum, Toronto, on March 14. Dog shows will be held on last four days, March 19, 20, 21 and 22. Here Canadiàn artist Annie Mae Marchant portrays on canvas one of the canine bluebloods which will vie for coveted awards. Dog is a prized beagle, named "Gypsy" and is owned by Marilyn Walker, age, 9. ng 12pointsad a CtrnI. also picking up 12 points. The I P' fearless five or B.H.S. seniors J'Çecreatt*on 5 evfeews werc cestroyed again ta the i tune of 122 ta 39. Hartley Lewis p'cked up 12 points while B oglsRg teammate John Mason scarcdByDuls ig il points. This Frîday in B .H.S. 4 ýs 75e wiil bring ta a close the boys' Ltl ...itadMs om atn o riintersehool basketball with '0. Lti ...itadMs om atn 50e C.C.T. visiting the school. Ali On Saturday, March lst, the prano, will also take part in the - three teams will be in actian, Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. programme. s0 show yu spor-o at Champianship Tournament will, The concert is being held ta least the last game of the sea- be hcld at the Cobourg Arena help the Rouge Hill United son. starting at 12:00 noon. Churcli ta raise funds for the James Stars Eleven tearns representing jpurchase of a ncw argan. La-st FridaBowmanville -(3), Port Hope Ail miembers of the Choral Lat .ria in Oshawa saw (3) Cobourg (1) and Trenton Society are asked ta be at the the B.H.S. Bantams win the (2)' will be in action in the Town Hall no later than 7:00 Bantam league championship threc different age' categories. p.m. on Fniday. by beating O.C.V.I. 28 ta 27. The various age graupings are Atom Hockey League The boys have not yet last a Junior A (Atom) under 10, I h is tmLau league game and thcy will play American League (Pce Wee> n tefrt tmLau onridanghlgintCn under 12 and National LeagueI game played last Monday af- ta.(Ban4am) under 14. AIl ages ternoon the Bears defeatcd the John James who has been are as of August lst, 1957. List- Bisons 4-0 ta mave into fourth .the star of the Bantams for the cd below is the schedule and1 place in the playoff standing. s 50e last two years scored Il points gamne times for the tournament. Peter Mecullouglh (Walter 35e ta bring the title to B.H.S. Con- (1) Port Hope vs. Bowman- Rickard), Brian Ogden, Brian - gratulations ta John and hîs ville-12:00 noon-Junior A. Forse.y (Terry ïtaltan) and coach and teammates for Friday (2) Cobourg vs. Trenton Terry Walton (Brian Forsey) night's effort. 12:50 p.m.-Junior A. wvc:e the goal getters for the Gym Meet (3) Bowmanville vs. Portl Ecars. On Marchl 1th Mr. Johnson Hope ---2:00 p.m. - American! ln the second Atom game of will take 'a group of bo ys ta a League. the afternoon the Barons de- gym :neet in Peterborough but (4) Trenton vs. Cobourg -feated the Indians 4-2 ta mave 25c this is ail the news on it which 2:55 p.m.-Arnerican League. inito a first place tie in the is now available. The team xii (5) Cobourg vs. Port 1Hope - standing. Larry Perris (3) and consis't of five boys and their 5:50 p M.-National Leag-ue. George Moore (Bill Depew) ac- fine coach, Mr. Johnson. (6) Winner No. 1 vs.* Winner counted for the Barons' four PlyFor Chminsi No. 2--7:00 p.r-n.-Junior A. goals. George Bail scorcd once PIy amînsp (7) Winner No. 3 vs. .inerl in each period ta account for The B.H.S. Bantamns who have No. 4 - 8:00 paîn. - American the Indians' two goals. No pen- won everything this year sa far League. 1 alties tvere handed out in the will travel ta Peterborough (8) Fowmanx'ille vs. Winner game. next week ta play one of the No. 5 - 9:15 p.m. - National' Atomn League games sched- Peterborough schools for the Leie uled for this coming Monday, Central Ontario Secondary LAil unirA aeswllb Mardi 3rd are as follows: Schol asktbal Campon-two 20 minute periods writh th~e'4:30 p.m.-Bears vs. Hornets. shîp, commonly known as C.O. latfvintsofteg ie510pm-Bisons vs. Rams ~.SA. hamiashis. he ea being stop time. American and 1 There will be no Minor Hoc- we paetring eta gt andtrNational I.eague gaInes xiibc key .games schedulcd for this we re ryig t ge anexta thrce liftcen minute periods: coming Saturday, March lst, 50e busta go up ta Peterborough with Iihe last five minute ofdue ta the Little N.H.L. Tour- 50e ifa sffciet umbr anttathe gv: ~n stolp Urne. In nament in Cobourg. The teams 35c go and support the team. It is case of a tîe g r;z!e overtirne1 will ail be back in action the ~. aaha tatth taman lte wÛîil be pla.ýe d-îLe first goal follow ing Saturdav, March 8tlî. decidcs the game. b The Bcwvmanx"il'e teanis wil travel ta Cobou-g by bus. Allr plavers are rec;ucct1ed ta be t Coiiiijîiies and the Arena no later tan1000!.,m.I Lindsay Tournament C b u g B tl VAUSthe Pce Wee AIl Stars entered Io 5 - A l keyTounamnt iel inLin- 1owmanville - Orono Com- say Th Peerbrouh Peýbines and Cobourg Rackets Wees defeated Bownanvile battld througli a scoreless 10 B1IC 5-1 ta advance inta the tour- minute overtime period ta set- ]WICKnarnent semi finals. In the con-, tic for a 5-ail tic, in thc third solation series Boxvmanvi île game of their best-of-seven SPECIA SEDANand Part Pcrry played ta a 1-1 Lakeý;hore seani-final playoffs w.itbDynafow trnsmision.tic. The score was still adcad-! at Memra Aen Tesa wit Dý,aflw rasmisin. locked a heedof afive, evening. Power steering, powver brakes. minute overtimne period and the Tetclae obnswt One owner car. number of shots an goal de- a 5-1 point lcad in the series. cidcd which teamn advancecd jNcxt gamne is at Cobourg Fri- inta the consolation finals. Port day. Combines play at home 195 MODENU LL Perry out shiot the Bowman- again Saturday and this ol ville team in the avertime ta be th e. dcciding game. advance inta the ncxt raund Svd Arnold paced Combines I TlAC - C EV m ing the games t1le1 with two goals. Gary Copéland, ITIA - HEV.memersof te tam ejoyd 1Mami Yorthand Kcith West an excellent lunch provided by added singles. Cobourg came the Lindsay Minor Hockey As- back strong in the third perioa ERsociation. ta tic the gaine. in A-i running condition. On behiaîf of the team 1 would like ta take this oppaI.- Thirteen pieces in 'a "baker's -tunitv of thanking the parents. dozen" ariginated when*Kin $1 49 .5 who provideci transportation for1 Louis of France warncd ail ba- the team ta las Saturday s eswh aeunder measure C V.taurnamntin Linca . t a tex would bc e edd The Bowmaniviile Choral So Top condition. cictv will presenit a concert at Customn radio. Locally omned. ! the Rouge Hill United Churh this comning Frida.-, February odels Io choose from I 28th starting at 8:15 pm ed - Frcdei'ich Geghegani, ra- MA 3-3303 other f2arns did nat have more' j forh takngfo the school bi:t uaa rs L i itedj teani, let's support it. Once IC ~.C T UCK EALER iucktha Mr.herid a nn igSERVIC rs L m ie more cngratuaions and goodSEVC lie A 3-321P.S.-Let'sshosw the Ban- che.r ini the spirit that the,., have. I D. Reddock Top Star in Tournament Oshawa badminton stars cap- tured aUl the feature events of the Central Ontario Badmin- ton Association Champianship Tournament held at the Baw- man Ville Badminton Club Fri- day and Saturday. Doreen Reddock staged a brilliant comeback to wi the Ladies' Singles Match from Lii Beamish by scores of 5-11, 11- 3. 11-5. She also added to her victory by winning in the Mix- ed and Ladies' Doubles Match- esken Smith won the Meri's Singlei titie from George Long, 12-15, 18-14, 15-8. Bob Galla- gher and Murray Tighe, for- merly of the Bowmanvile Club, captured the Men's Doubles Match 15-9 and 15-4. George Long »and Doreen Reddock won the Mixed Dou- bles 15-11, 15-9. Lii Beamish and Doreen Reddock won the Ladies' Doubles Match 15-9, 15-4. Grant Henry and Ralph Charlton, Peterborough, won the Veteran Mens Doubles Match. Air, Rail or Steamshlp T 1LCKE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowinanville Now-We Can Give Your Our John Seon Skid-Defie crectes hundreds of sturdy grip blocks in the tire tread - traction blocks that cut through the road film and, cling ta the rood. WITH OUR NEW SKID-DEFIERW We con de-skid your tires quickly at low cosi'. De-' skidding increases your traction 25%, eyen on ic>', slippery raé, and increases your tire ife . You can't lose-you consavecalite. Drap in today.!l ONLY $250 per tire Service.Station PHONE CORNER ING AND WAVERLEY ROAD The miost m POWERFUL Add 50c for installation New"Dy-Care"MOR-POWER HI-CAPACITY Bursting with fresh, long-bife power -*'Activated" thie very moment you buY at - . . wlth surplus reser~et give a botter spa rk, brighter lights and fa stest starts in any weather. Loaded wlth 47%/ more "emVegency power- #than original equipment - ta turn your winter congealed motor over 20% faster and 25% longer. The surging power-load kindles weak or damp ignition systems in 1,fe. MOR-POWER "HI-CAPACITY" leaves thier batteries standing stil11. Special "Armor-Cias$" Insulation - the **extra" that retards "stored energy" loss. Cuaranteed and insurcd for 4 fuit years. The most powerful batfer, ever huit. MOR-POWER "HI-CAPACITY" FEATURES: 51-Plates, 165 amp. capaclty. To fit: Chovrelet 1940-54; Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile 6-cyl. 1949-50; Plymouth 1934-55; Pontiac (most) 1949-54; Studebaker 1939-55. (Similar big discounts for other makes and model cars). Save Sfly-at Canadian Tire. ýCODODIRD TIRE- 644 MA 3-3134 85 KING ST. wu NEIL McLEAN, Prop. NO WNAN VILLE Legionnaires ADMISSION Students and Children Adults M I Saturday, March 1 1NTERMEDIATE "A"y PLAYOFF HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. Cobou rg B3owma nville Oirono Combines ADMISSION- ---------Aduits for Reserved Seats and General Admiission Students and Children - Mo ay, March 3 HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. Newmarkçet Robson Pontics ADMISSION- ------------Aduits Students and Children - - - - - - .Wednesday, March 5 Children's Skating 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Aduits accompanying children - - - - Wednesday, March 5 JUVENILE "A" PLAYOFFS HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. Cobou rg 1956 BUICK 15 SPECIAL SEDAN4 A-i condition, Iow mileage. Locally owned car. YOUR CHOICE 0F NIXE MAKES FORD - DODGE - PON' STUDEBAKE These cars have ail been checked and are Priced from $995 to 13CHEV. EDAN 19521 Tvio-tone paint. (wood condition. Good seleciion of laie and older mi Ail prices reduce Robson Moto BUICK PONTIAC - G.I 166Ki~St. E. Bowmanv*l %-Ailluicil Qdlu IWUMMAT, 7MB. 27th, 1938 . à TM CAMADUN STATEMAN. BOWNIANVILLe ONTAIUD PAGE ELZIlý m MA 3-3136 0.9Y. 1 11955 1953