?HURSDAY, FEU. 2?th. 1950 TEE CA1~ADIAN STATESMA!q. EOWMAMrTLLE. 6NTA~Ib Coming Events Dance ln Pontypoal Saturday, March lst. Round and square .ace music by the Homestead-i Enniskillen Jurigehoir Con- Scert, which was puffoned, will be held Saturd.ay, March ist at 8 p.m.9-1 Durham County Junior Farm- ers' banquet and dance in Bow- manville Lions Ceýtre on March 7th at 6:30 p.m. Frice $1.75. aTyrone L.O.B.A. is sponsoring Nursing Rome aydonce, Cotrmniyall.Hl t-SOT HaeRstome- one COrchest alAdisson caSOTH avOnt. P tHo e , NewA- $1.25 --euple. 9-1 commodation for bed or upi Plan te meet Russell Honey,j patients at reasonable rates. 2t Liberal candidate for Durham on JA WOD urngHm a- Monday, Marcb 3 in Tyrone Hall MANODNrigHm n at 8:15 p.rn. Everyone wcîcome. nounces the opening cf new ac- Lunch served. 9-1 commodation for convalescent ________________________and elderiy ladies. Our staff off Hampton Home and School eight includes two registered Club berne baking sale and nurses and offers nursing Carej afternoon tea on Friday, Feb. 28. f rfsinlsa ad.Tele at :30p.m intheSunay«hone MA 3-5731 or visit 26 at 2:30Rp.m. 9-1 the SundayBowmanville. 7-3 Plan te attend dance at Var- u coe's Hall every Saturday. Feat- uriig y MLen wth ggyPu lic Stevens, vocalist. Admission 1 0 ID and the annual meeting off the International Cemmittee in Athens. Other Bureau staff member3 wiil be visitiug, conducting training courses, and advising International Scout officiais in India, Pakistan, Ceyion, Bur- ma, Malaya, Japan, Korea, For. Maj.-Gen D. C. Spry rnesa and a considerable num- ber off other ceuntZies in Cen- tral and South America and the Middle East. "Iu ail, the Bu- reau staff wiil travel at least a quarter off a million miles on behalf off International Scout- ing in 1958" General Spry sta- ted. W.A. Conducts Service Mrs. W. C. Ives Speaker, $2.50 per couple. 1-2 iii aie a Lieus Club Bingo, Monday, Marcb 3, 8 p.m., at Lions Centre. 1 (The. Rural Scene) i- STwo jackpots, $50.00 each. Eight ,I ou were asked toe cii -~numbers. 20 games $8.00. Two cize the labor unions what gpeciai garnes. Admission $1.00. would your main criticism be?" 9-1 The above question bas beeni the subjeet off a Gallup POIL Tyrene Young People are conducted by the Canadian In- holding a variety concert, featur- stitute off Public Opinion. ing a one-act play "Hillbily luInse far as the answers in- Sue" in Tyrone Comrnunity Hall dicate the opinions off ail the Marcb 7 at 8 o'clock. Admission people off Canada. they show -Adults 50c, cbiidren 25c. 9-21 that 33 percent of the popula- tien are net, suffficienthy inter- Youtb for Christ Rally pre- ested in the unions te have vents tbe Y.F.C. film "Tom Bon- forrned opinions cithor for or niett Story" plus special rnusic, against t.b-em, wbile 20 per cent Sunday, Marcb 2nd at 8:45 p.m. believe tbem te be all rigbt as in Bowrnanvilie Town Hall. they are, and bave ne criticisms i Everyone welcorne. Free ad- to offer. mission. 9-1 The other 47 per cent bave Plante atendthe onseva-criticisms and are willing te ex- Planto tted te Cnseva-press thern. The question a_îk- tive Dance and Social eveningî ed for oniy the main criticism to be beld in the Badminton' in each case. Seventeen differ- Club, Bowmanville, Saturday, cnt answers werc recoîved. Marcb 22nd. Ab Darch and his Eiglht per cent off those ques- orchestra. Everyone welcone. tiened narned the excessive do- No charge. 9-4 mands off the unions as their main criticism. Cartwright Higb Sehool pre- Six per cent tbiuk the union, sents "The Minx From Missouri".! readiness te strike is their most A comedy in tbree acts, at the objectionable fauli. Comrnunity Hall, Blackstock,; Fivo per cent thine tbey have Triday and Saturday, Feb. 28 tee mucb power, and four per and Marcb lst, at 8:30 p.m. Ad- cent tbink tbey are badly ied1 mission 5Oc.91 and are tcoc dictatorial. IOther crîticisrns were that the Centennial Concert tâay tDud- unions are given te racketee-r - ly witb Hart House he stira, ing, tbat they bave ne consid - Marcb 20 in TrinitW'tnited eratien for the rigbts off other bhurcb at 8:30 p.m. ThIkets $1, people, that tbey prornote dis-I fom Lions Club members, aise sension, that their dues aie r"at Rckby's "Big 20" and Mc- tee bigh, that tbere is commun- GrgrsDrug Store. 9-1 ism among tbem, that they are p -_ under American domination, 'Plan te attend "January that they are causing inflation, O'haw", three-act comedy pre- that they wamt closed shops, sented by Bowmanville Rotary and that thoy are no good at Club in the Town Hall, Feb. 27, ail. 28 and Marcb 1. Ne reserved This is quite a formidable ar-i seats. Admission 75c by pro- ray off criticisms; but we be- gram, avaîlable from members. lieve tixey could ail be encom-I 9- passed in ene-namely-tha. the unions have ne regard for Woodview Cemmunity Centre the rights off other people. ;-Monster Bingo. Twenty games The Golden Rule, wbich says -twventy dollars; five games- "Do unto others as ye would thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and ta hysol out o" two ackots t $50. ooris the world>s best mile fer the ' izes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.,Igiac fhmncnut ed Brn, shaa. 4-tfand would bo an excellent mule for the unions te adopt. For if Regular weekly bingo held they weuld observe it, ail these Tbursdays exccpt third woek other fauits would disappear. in the moutb whicb will be But if ive wait ilîl tbey do held on Tuesdays in the Union adopt bucb a ule, we will bave lîaUl- 20 regular games and te wait a long time; and tbhe two $2.5 jackpot games. NO need te free society from un- game under $3.00. Admnission ion domination is urgent. c 50C. 52-tf What steps e au we take nrxv te break their tymanny and me-I Cartwright Local 73 off the store te every man the right O.F.U. are holding their egular te work for anyoue who ist irneeting Tuesday ovening, March willing te hime him withoutc 4th witb brucehlosis disease and having to ask beave off amy un- g contrel as subjoct under discus- ion boss or ta, pay tribute te a sien with Couuty Agricultural any union fumd against his i Representative Daîrymple as will?c special speaker. Ail are weh- Ahi those citicisms are aim- cerne. 9-1 ed at the anti-social bebavieur' off the unions. Such bebavieur Tbe Business and Profession- is net necessariiy inhoront in ai Wornen's Club is sponsoring unionismi. a Moffat Cooking School on lt is largely a product off gev- Tuesday, Marcbh ltb and Wed- erunent laxity in law enforce- nesday, Marcb l2th at 8:15 p.m. ment, which bas encourag-'d i the Town Hall, Bowmanviile. the unions te pursue thei r owI Admission 50c. There xiii be ends regardless of the law anci nurnerous door prizes including off the igbts off othor people. an ehectric pop-up toaster and The romfedy for this is t3 an electrie coffee maker. Tick- make tbe unions subject to e h, ets fremn B. & P. members or at saine laws as the est off folk,d the door. 9-2 and toeonforce the haws we bave l _________________________without fear or favor. This, w,± _______________________suggest, as a first step and alI -very recegsary stop towards The Canadian Statesman makiug the unions acceptable1 CLASSIFIED te the public, tE ADVERTISING e RATES Tne Other Man 1e ARTICLES FOR SALE Porbaps ho sometimes slipped LIVESTOCE FOR SALE a bit- FOR REN[T . MELP WANTED Weli, se have you. CARS FOR SALE Perhaps some tbinigs be ought ar LOST - FOUND 4c ETC. toqi-d Cash Rate."."- - c er word t qit with a. minimum 0 soc Weli, se sbouhd yeu. t. Must Se paid by date of insertion Perhaps ho rnay have fatered- 1 If charged. an additionai 25c Why? t wil b. added.A. I- A .h4rc9of.25cwil 1ý mo....,M , a l mndo and qnri.A Notices Garton Coach Lines Limited schedule Bowmanville ta Lind- say and Lindsay ta Bawmanville via Orono-Pontypool, will be discontinued as off March lst, 1958, until further notice. 8-20 The Trustees of Bethesda School, S.S. No. 10, Darlington, are calling a ratepayers meeting of their section, ta be held in Tyrone Sunday School on March 5th at 8 p.m. Purpose of meet- ing ta discuss plans for new school.9-1 Dramnatic new styling and outstanding engineering advanc Chevrolet. Cempletely new from bumper ta bumper and fron Chevrolet is longer, lower and wider, anid emphasizes flowing headlamps to softly fiared rear fenders. Sturdy coil springs, fror a new "Level Air" system which automatically adjusts ta al 1<c here is the Bel Air 4-Door Sport Sedan. Aiming Quarter Million Canadian Scouts 1958 1ai4 naAna re.Lar, are tanaarUdJ, wniieDoor Prizes oad weigb.ts is optional. Shown Glen Fry and Keith Connel off Bowmanville, and Bruce Gus- tar, Port Hope, were door prize winners. Clarence Cox, Co- tbemselves wait more or less bourg; Monty Cranfield, Osha- patîently. wva, and 'Robbie Robson, Port We suggest that the bank Hope, provided the music for a ought te give their tellers a sing song.. short course in the art off be- Past President Li Pari4r, Bow- ing unpleasant witb people who manville, gave an inspiriug mes- 2are tee lazy te use the ample sage on Kinsrnansbip in bis toast 1facilities provided for rnaking ,,te National Association off Kins- eut ail necessary documents be- men. Deputy Governor Jim 3fore making a deposit, or a Bird respended, giving a brief "withdrawal. It would grcatly bistery off Kmn and urging al "speed up service. - Belleville present te upbold the bigh Intelligencer. principles off this erganization. -- National Sec'y Speaks National Scc'y John Kinny re- ~com .tmindcd the members off the re- S coutcent 38th anniversary off Kin, whicb was celebrated Feb. 20. 0 Kim bas grewn iute 328 clubs Selhrvice across Canada with a total mem- bersbip of some 10,600. (Contnu.~ fro pag one Ken Hockin did a forernost job work to get vour badges." he as master-of-ceremonies for the said. "4Similarly, You have tW quartet competitions. Lindsay work for whatcver is wortb- with their fine harrnony and while in the world." Being colourful costumes, wvon the worthy was the third qualit-Y quartet boneurs. Minden's Quar- off a crusader. The fourth ne- tet provîded a variety off spark- cessity was te bave boueur in ling entertalument and receivedt doing tbings. Scouts and Guide.; bigb recognition. Lindsay Quar- make their promises "on my tet members were: John Joyce, honour". The speaker remind- Gord Scbultz, Art Hill and John ed them that their first duty Thorsen. Minden Quartet: Bob is te God. Harvey, Elwood Cox, Goldie Speaking for a moment te the Henderson and Eidon Deacon. Parents attending, Mr. Groin- 1957 Winners bridge said that be boped thev oynil vsrpeeîe realizcd the work leaders put B their 57entar wbicb w into Scouting and Guiding and btheies19q7arttryw hat earwo take enough intercst te ask tBe use te wrht lu, t how their boys or girls are Blca ua tet wars nlubete getting along. I"How rnany o cf lqate a ieiibe you heip thcm te do their dtycempete this year. However te God? he asked. Throughout tbey presented two excellent bis address be emphasized th numbers. Bowrnanville Quartet: importance off the Christian "Jake" Brown, John Graham, way f lie. 1 Glen Fry and Ken Hockin. Colour bearers were, lst Wes Bulis, President off the Scout Troop, John Twist; 2nd iLindsay Club, accepted the Scout Troop, Bill Bickle; Ist triphy, donated by East Toron- Cub Pack, Stephen Rutherford; te Kinsmen Club. Presentation 2nd Cub Pack, Bihl Crombie; was made by President Brown. 3rd Cub Pack, Stephen Wither- Deputy, Governor Jîm Bird spoon; Ist Cornpanv Guides, presented the Best Authentically Sharon Lucas and Dixie Gill; Dressed Quartet Trophy te Lind- 2nd Cemnpanv Guides. Sharon say Quartet. Minden were Dilling; Ham pton Comnpany, Di. awarded a special consolation anc Macnab. prize for their excellent per- IThe colour party ivas preccd- formance. A social heur off fel- e d by Charhie Biggs, Scout Mas- lowsbip was enjoyed foflowing Iter off 2nýd Bewmanville Troop. tbe contest. ces are combined in the 1958 rn frame to roof line, the.'1958 ysculptured limes from the dual JWorld Scout Bureau Now Moved to Ottawa Serving 67 Countries At least a quarter off a mil- lion miles off travel in 1958 is predicted for the Boy Scouts International Bureau 'staff by Mai. General D. C. Spry. Di- rector off the Bureau which was rccently transfercd from. Lon- don, England, te Ottawa. Now f irrn]y established in new offices iu the Common-1 wealth Building, 77 Metcalie Street, Ottawa, the Internation- ai Bureau is busy organizing. its services te the 67 member countries witb a total world membersbip off seven and oe haîf million Scouts. Immediately plans for the Bureau staff caîl for General Spry te spend a considerable arnount off urne on fund-raising te provide the rnanpower and mobility required for further îdcveloprnent off Scouting in the 1Middle East, Far East, Africa and Latin Arnerica. The Di- rector will spend several wceks in the Far East visiting Japan, Korea, Formosa and the Philip- pines. He plans te be present at the first Fer East Regional Scout Conference in Baguio. Cityr, Philippine Islands, f roni April 22 te 26. During August and Septerm- ber General Spry will attend an International Camp for Handicapped Scouts in England, the European Regional meetingi off International Commission- ers lu Stockholm, the Middle East and Mediterrancan Re- gional meeting in Greece, the Pan-Asab Jamboree in Tunisia One off a series in layman's services, the Wornan's Associa- tien of Trinity United Church were in charge of the evening searvice on Sunday. Conduet- ing the service wvas Mrs. F. Heyland, iniediate past pre- sident Preseident Mrs. W. Claude Ives gave the sermon, taking as bier subi ect, "Ye Shall Be My Witness". Mrs. Ives ii aise President of the Bay of Quinte Conference W.A. 1A ladies' choir sang two an- themns, "Open My Eyes" and "Glory of His Presence". writh Mr. Arthur Coilison at the or- gan. <Mrs. Laurence Goddard, vice- President, read the Scripture Passage and Mrs. 'T. A. Morgan led in prayer. Taking lier text from the first chapter off Acts, verse 8, Mrs. Ives said, "The one aim off a Christian's life should be te make the Saviour known te ail the world." If the good news off what God bas done for us ini Jesus Christ bas real meaning and actuality. we will net be able toi cenceal it from others. One off the inevitable torms off witness is in service te man- kind. grs. Iv es read the Aim and O1ýiect cf the W.A. which ex-1 al relies irectd Iothis office. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F TItANES 4c a çWord with a minimum et $1.00 for 25 wordz or ions SINTIIS ENGAGEMENTS #YA1RRIAGES - DEATES $100 per insertion 1INI4EMORIAMS $1.00 plus lOC a lin* for vers. Dispiay Casified ot $1.50 pr inch with a minimum of on@.inch. Additional insertions ut the smon rates. Ail Ciasified Ad, must b. in this office flot luter thon 12 o'clock noon. Wednasdcry. Bond cash. stamps or monoy ordeir and save money. clip li outfefr handy reference OFFICE NOIRS P4endoy Ihicugh Friday 8: 30 ci.m. to 5 . Satud, 8;30 aa. Io~ 9«r Ca*iiid Ad Servie Ie K.msmen Why. Pupils Fail H@st Dp1oE fe olg :Continued froru Date oee) n er C ll Secretary, John Kinny;_ e - uty Governor, J im Bird; Osha- wa President, Jack Menzies; Port Hope President, Ivan Markle; Peterborough President, Bob Mather; Lindsay Prsdet Wes Eus; Minden Presidient, Doug Pritchard;, Bobcaygeon President, Gus Martin; Inter- Club Meeting and Barbershop Quartet Nigbt Chairrnan, John Grahami; Past President, Li Parker, Bowrnanviile Club. Also seated at the head table were: Jack Knight, Jim Fair, Bill Shotter and Bill Bate cf Bowmanville Branch 178, Canad- ian Leglon who were judges in the Barbershop competîtiens. - .-- - -- ______________________________ ing Christian feilowship aýnd and stewardship. Each one should ask herseif, "Am I using rny gifts to strengthen the life of 1rny churcb?"' Mrs. Ives said. The lives off God's co-workers arle greatly enriched, and God needs. each one of us te carry out His purpeses. Women cani serve in se many ways, and the most important off ail is in reariný, their children te a Christian' way cf life. Mrs. Ives aise spoke off usi.ng human. talents tg noble service and the great need for prayer in the hurry off toda-Y. A ladies' quartette compos-i ed of Mrs. L. Vanflriel, Mrs. 0.! Richmond, Mýrs. D. R. Alldread and Mrs. S. R. James contribu- ted a beautiful number, "Sleep Hely Babe". A Fireside fellowship hejrý which foilowed in the Sundav School room was largely at- tended. It teck the form. of a panel discussion, the group leaders giving a word picture off the W.A. women in action in the Cenferences and Pre~- byteries. Mrs. S. R. James and Mrs. D. Alldread led a bynin- sing.1 (VAat (9t>4ers cSay THE TEST 0F TACT If a woman is beautiful, tell her about ber looks; if she isn't, discuss the ugliness off others.- Constellation (Paris). A DIFFERENT ERA The eid-fashioned girl didn't cll ber mother everything. Reason was simple. Unlilte the nodern girl she didn't know everythifig-Woodstock Sentiri- el Reviexv. HIGHWAY "MOPE S" Police forces in tbe Victoria area are preparing a Joint crack- dowu on a character, known iu traffic-safety cJrcles as tbe mope. The mooe is the converse off th speeder - and. iess directly1 nnA,,. i- -A~ u1-u 4-41eea o js You must admit unless you lie, about as dangerous. That se have you. He is the Sunday-driver-on- week-days who proceeds dowu Perhaps if we wouhd stop and i the highway at his own sweet bhink, leisure, causing traffic te pile up Botb I and you, behind hlm and irritating its When painting someone black as drivers until they begin te take ink, dangerous chances.-Vancouver As sorne folks de. Sun. Perhaps if we wouid recollect -e Perfection. we would net, BLAME INFLATION Butec Bu iust a man haif wayi An old man peddling shoe-! correct laces always bas managed te bel Like me and you. in front off a Philadeiphial restaurant wheu the proprietor i I'm iust a man who's fairly good. arrived in the rnorning, jist in I'm iust like you.: tirne te get a daily dime frorn I've doue some things I neyer i the proprieter who neyer took' should (the sheelaces. The other day the Perhaps like yeu. proprietor handed a dinie as But thank the Lord I've sense toa usual te the oldster who there- tee upon said: -l den't like ta bring The rest off men with charity i this up, sir. but the laces are! They're good enouxh if g'ood a now 15 cents".I Syme- Seems that charity, as every- ma ien like veu. thing else, is subJect te infla- "GIeand* -.A.H. tion.-Cape Breton Post. TOO POLITE Everv so often one hiea-rs complaints that courtes' is be- coming a rarity amongsi this or that group off people scrving the public. This dees mot apply te bank tellers-more's the pity. Why is it that se many peo- pie, who presumabiv are abjle ite ceunt moey, add and write their rwn narnes, seem unable te make eut a deposit slip? Do these people believe that they are se busy that Ihes' sbouid net be asked te wast.ý 1 their precieus time filling out! a slip before making a deposir. i This species seems particu- larlv numerous at rush heurs- say labo Friday afternoou when. the banks reopen at 4.30. There is a lino-up at the, door, eue waits patiently, the door opens, eue hurries ilu, grabs a depesit slip, scrl'bbles down a figure, adds a signature -and looks up te discov'er that evemy telher's wicket bas a lino- up in front off it as long as thati beffore the piop stand at a Sun- qay School picnic.i How do ai these people write their deposit slips se fast? The answer, one discove.ý sadly. 15 that they don't. The.; rush tbrouglb tbe door and uo te the teiher and let hlm-or her-make eut the slip. Sa far we have yet te bear a toiler suggest, politely or irn- politely and the latter, wo feel. weuld be preferable, that this is f one place where the customer is net always rig«ht. Withok;t even a black hock the teller makes out the deposit slip- wbIle far back at the eud off the Une ail those whe wc:'ei toolish enough ta du the joli By C. J. Harris That it is money and ffarnily background, and not brain-pow- 1 er, that decirles who wvill go te university in the Province of Ontario is the lead sentence of a newspaper article that reviews the interim report off a study be- ing conducted by the Depart- ment off Educatienal Research of the Ontario College off Educa- tien. Based on research arneng 9,573 students off Grade 13, tbe survey's general findings pre- sumably wvould apply natieually. The report states that feWer than haif of the students witb average marks off 70 or more in Grade 12 go te university. The Local AIl1- Stars Sweep Series At Port Hope Bowmanville's tbree Little N.H.L. tearns swept top hionours in the Young Canada Night Hockey Tournament held in Port Hope Tuesday eveningy. Atom Ail-Stars defeated their hosts 6-1 in the first gamne. Steven Burns and Danny WVil- kins starred with twe goal s apiece. while Garfield Web b and David Puck added snls Pee-Wee Ail Stars edged Port Hope 2-1, in their first xin off the year. Ricky Ga * opcned the scoring for Bow- manville and Pat Vinish tallied the xinner. John Twist paced the Bantarn Ail-Stars te a 4-3 xvin with bis two goal performance. Scot Essry ndAlex Wiseman tal- li-ed -singletons. These team-s Play at Cobourg Saturday in the Eastern Ontario Little ý. H.L. Playoffs. Report Card Police lu Ehiensburg. Washi- ingten, say a 16-year-old boy~ bas admitted setting a $16,00 fîre in the junior bugb sebord. there in an attempt te destroy bis bad report card. That seems te be' carryimg- things a bit tee far. Police arrested tbe lad in th-- principal's office at 3 arn. wbh' he was laboriously typing a taise report card. lie told themu that be bad broken into the scbooh twice after ho discover- cd that the fire bad tailed te destro-,' is scbooh rec;àrd. Tee bad ho didn't apply h;n-- self as diligently te bis studies in tbe first place.-Saint John Telegraph-journal. Grade 13 student w'ith the best chance off entering unîversity is pictured thus: he is under 18, cornes frorn a farnily' of net more than three chiidren, bas a fath- e- in a relatively higb occupa- tional status, and well-educated parents; be attended a private school or collegiate ini a larger city, bas doue ne part-time work in his last year off high school, and most or ail off bis friends plan on geing te university. Dr. Robert W. B. Jackson, who diî'ected research on the stucly, notes that, while the presperlty off recent years bas brought a tidal wvave of students te uni- versities and other schools, there is increasing concern over the xvasted talents off a large part off eur youth. "Lack of knowledge, of interest. of financial means, of favourable environrnental in- fluences have prevented tbera from reachîng the maximum level off educatienal develop- ment." Since direct compulsion is eut off the question, the solu- tion miust corne frorn persuasion and sympathetie guidance and, says Dr. Jackson, 'Ve rmust show that we mnean business ai hast. that we value beyond pricc the powers of a disciplined and highly trained nmmid." It is x'ery prob>able that in the Canada off today very fcw youths w~ho possess the capabilities and desire for university training ara denied that end by poverty. Bursaries andi scholarships exist in the thousands. thougli ne doubt more sucli aid wouild find worthy recipients. If the in- centives exist. the way te the achiex'ement of higher education xviii be found. And if the wav involves seme financial sacrifice for both parcnts and student, who is te say thiat appreciation off the oppertunity will net be ahl the greater? If in this field the nation is wasting the talent off its youth, thec great cause probably is that the interest off those whe seemn- ingly should continue their edu- cation throuÉh unix-ersity fis ýiÀmplr net being cbanuclled in that direction. CRIPPLEU CHILOREN Ckussifi.d FOR FAST CLASSIFIED AD S The few newspaper lines, Iisted ini cach classified ad, pack a te R tSULTS mendous amouat of POWER! Read themn and buy everything you need at great savings! Use them to seli or swap for profit! Find A ND BIG a job or a car! Rent an apartment or home! Get help or- a service! Classified ads serve you ini every -way because they reach everyone BARGAINS! in Our coninunity* Phone MA 3-3303 for. Helpful Ad Taker The Canadian Statesman READ BY 20,000. PEOPLE WEEKLY IWMDAT, rm. 27th, leu TIM CANADIAN STATESM", nowm"vnLz. OlqTAFJCO 1 thp -nlirnrze nf 1