liAr erweRMa b *~A -. Johnson & Johnson Wi9 Clarke Township Council Makes Several Changes! In Township Officiais A week ago last Saturday the 1 Council appointed Hi. E. ill- Clarke Township Council re-: son to be the Road Clerk and 1 sumed their February session to do ail the accounting for ex- of Couipcil. Much of the work: penditures in the road depari- of Council had to be held over ment affer having been approv- from the regular meeting whicný ed bv Council. One percent of was held on Feb. 4th. the Road expenditures is to be At îhe Saturday meeting the set asidIe for this purpose. Coun- Clerk was instructed to redraftý cil also approvcd office helo for the Trench Excavators by-lawý three da.vs a week at an hour-: to bring it more in line for prac-! ly rate of one dollar. tical use. Also to be includld A. E. Morton was appointed in the bv-law was the appoint-; Buildn* npco Iamnh ing of A. E. Morton as insper- :Iv salary of $50.00 and mileage tor. The new draft is to be of 8 cents. Salary. for caretaker, presentrd before council at: Mr. Watson xvas raised from their next meeting. The Trail- $5000 f0 $6000. L. Lowery xvas er Rentai Bv -law is also to be appointed Warble Fly Inspector: revised for consideration 'Dy at an hourly, wage of $1.25 and the Council. 8 cents per mile car expenses. The Reeve was given a uth-I oriy t met ithth Dalin-iTh e Warble Flv Inspector oriy t met wth he arln, was authorized to purchase theý ton Council at their next mee- ing to anticipate the 1958 Road'ý necessary Warbicide Powder. Appropriation for the Clarke-! Wv. H. Gîbson was appointed Dai-lington Boundarv Road. Clarke Townshîp's representa-' There was no action taken» tive on the board of the Mem- on joining the Lake Ontario orial Hospital, Bowmanville. A Development Association. AlSo, by -law was also pa-,sed grant- included in the correspond- ing the Memorial Hospit.rd, ence vas a letier from Dept.I S 1050.60 as a girant. This rf Municipal Affairs which amounts to 30 cents per capita brought ouf the fact that j-o and arîvone using the hospital action had been taken by Coup'- from'Clarke are exempt .50 cents cil to set up a by-iaw govern- a day on the room charge. ing the setting of fire in the' The Orono Libra-Y \Vas Township. granted a sum of $2500. Goodyear Employees Receive Long.Service P>insi' Charles Cattran, Plant Man- noted as a pretty gond horse ager of the local Goodyear Tire trader a few years ago. He also and Rubber Company. preseot- t akes in some. hockey games. ed service pins totailing 90 Bert is married, lias f iv.e years' service to three employ- children, three girl-, and tivo ees at a ceremony in the plant boys. 1-e is on the shy side but Conference Room recenfly. gets along well with everyoiie The three men, each having1 and is a conscientious worker. 30 vears' service with the corn- 3Iany are Albert "Bert" Quin- rir2v, Harry Bartlett and Edwin "Mike"' Wood. Following is a resumne of the men's careers as contained in the "Wingfoot Clan" magazine: Albert "Bert" Quinney Bert started in the Mill Roomn on trucking and soapstoning in February, 1927, but stayed only four days and quit. Almost a year later, January 3rd, 1928, Bert returned, this time on curing heels and has worked continually in one department, 274, on several jobs, such as heels and soles, fan beits, build- ing bogie tires, shot-blasting and on number four tuber. Besides his Good vear work,1 Bert owns a small farm at Pro-1 vidence, just north of Bow-i manville, where he does somec farming. He owns a small pick- lup truck and uses this as his rneans of transportation 10 work ever *y day. He is ver.y interest- ed in and attends man ' auction Falp.s and faîl fairs and was Harry Bartlett Harrv was born at Hybia near Bancroft, Ontario, wherre he atfended school. After fin- ishing his education he did car- penter work around Hastings Cou nty. Thinking of the future and something that could give him more securitv in another type of work, Harry came 10 Good- year and was hired on Januaryv 9th. 1928, for the Hose Boomn on air brake hose. He continu- ed on thîs job until early in 1944, when a transfer bo curve rad' hose cure was completed. He is still working on Ibis pro- duet. but in another depart- mient, as in July, 1950. Ibis work iwas transferred to 274. Harrv is the kind of worker who is de pendable and con- scientînus. H e is a member of the town volunfeer fire brigade and a very lovai inerber of the, Salvation ArmyV. Harrv, like Bert, owns a small farn on the outskirts of Bowmanvilie. where he has Qshawa Badminton Stars SWE ,mpToui rnameni I Winners in the Central Ontario Badminton Associa-! dock, Ladies' bingles Champion, Ladies' Doubles winner, tion Championships are shown here with their trophies and Mixed Doubles winner; Ken Smith, Men's Singles following the final matches at Bowmanville Badminton' Champion and runner-up in the Mixed Doubles; Bob Club Saturday evening. They are from the Oshawa, Ga]laghcr and Gary Tighe, Men's Doubles Champions. Badminton Club. Shown here from the left are: George Missing are Grant Henry and Ralph Charlton. Peterbor- Long, Mixed Doubles winne'r; Lil Beamish, Ladies' Doubles ough, winners of the Veteran Men's Doubles Match. winner and runner-up in the Ladies' Singles; Dorccn Red- -Photo 'by Rehder lived for several ypars. He is 1mrarried, has two girls 'hnd one boy, of which the eldest girl is a school teacher. Edwin «"Mike" lVood Mike hired with Goodyear on three different occasions. The first time was in February, 1926. Because of ill health he had to leave three months ta- ter. Upon regaining better health he was rehired in Au- gust, 1926, but less than a year later, June 1927, he quit. On January 3lst 1928, he returneu for bis third try and turned out obc beccessîul, being bere con- tinualtv ever since. Until 1937 Mike worked on several jobs in department 273, but when the openside presses. wbich he was wvorking on. and the two-pulley builder was mov- cd and merged with multi V- belts, compass belts and fan beits Pnd made mbt department 271C, Mike was also transfer- red to this department and a!- together has been curing belir, for about 24 vears. In pasi Se ars, during the vacation per- iods, Mike has acted in the cap- acity of supervisor when the department supervisors were on holidays. Born in Orono, Mike moved to, Bowmanville when quit,2 yo ung. He attended sehool hereý and worked on a farmi before being taken on at the Bowman- ville plant. H-e is married. bas! twVo boys and one girl, ail mar- ried. Bell Phone 200 Additkc In Bowrnan Widespread Canadian owni- ership of the rompany's stock and the record payment to Cifi- piy ees of salaries and wageq totalling nearlY $147,00l0.0K!O are revealed in the 78tb annual report of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada issued tais w eek. Shareholders increased dur- ing the year bY 16,100 to 156,- 825. Ninety-eight per cent are resident in Canada and thel own 92 per cent of the stock. Employee and pensioner share- holders now number 13,300. 1 The 41,163 mon and 'Ile employesý of the Bellw coinr- pany received, during the year' $146.952,560 ini wages and.sal- aries. At- vears end, th, on. pany employed 24,345 womeil and 17,018 men. During 1957, there was a net increase of 188,131 telephone' z in service in the BllsOntarjo- Quebec ter-rifory-%. This brought the vear-end Iotal to 2,954,88-1. This expansion mras reflectedf in Bowmanville b'.v the addi- tion )f 200 telephones, J. W.1 Lowrv, Bell manager for ths, region said, bringing the total in service here as of Dece-- Reports jr. Fa rmers HioId mnal Phones Skating Party lil A e The Durhami County Junior Farmers hcrld a skati ng party' ber 1 t 3,60.on Feb. 13 in Newcastle Areria. new construction, an increase Following a period of skatingc of $37,800,000 over the previous the boys divided into two year." the repo't reveals. "BNx' asfr okygae eý far the greater part of our con- tai o okygm.Nx struction effort in 1957 was ýde- bbe girls tried their skill at voted to providing more ciîs- brooni bail. The game ended tomers with local service, and in a 0-0 scorc. This result was imprvin tht srvie." due to superb goal keeoing A continuous effort is being incoe teen fthre aenooplae made to increase productivit.v-y in 0e nd ofthe a'-na. The and thereby help in keeping bysonuddtefnwtI down both operating expenses terbon a ae and the cost of building new Eara and Francis Jose were plant, the report notes. in charge of lunch which was Net income for 1957 was $36,-j served in Newcastle Hll. Dur- 037,169, equivalent 10 $2.15 a i ng lunch the conversation was share. compared xith earnings mainly about broken broomrs of $34949,181 or $2.40 a share and bruises. in 1956. The usual dividend of On Feb. 19 the executive held $2 a share was paid and surplus a meeting in the Agricutur xvas increased by $2,134.488. Office. Bowmanville. Plas& er Taxes amounted to, $39,730,000. compleied for the banquet an.d The microwave radio relay dance which will be held in the network being built by the Bell Lions Centre, Bowmanville on compan.' and other members1 March 7. The guest speaker is of the Trans-Canada Telephone Mr. Dick Hilliard. Dîreetor of Systeni to carry telephone con- Extension for Ontario. Master versations and television pro- Billv Vvade of Courtice, will granis fromn coast-to-coast xvas provide the entertainment. The extnded last year and will be installation of the new execu - compl'eted in the summer of tive for 1958 will also be beld 1958. at the banquet. THrUDAY. TPu. 27th, AgainSponsorSi University Schoiarships Johnson & Johnson Limited,. sity of Western Ontario. Montreal. which companiv has Grand prize in the scho» bought land to ereet a factory ship contest is a $10,000 P-aj * in Ontario, has announced that policy for education. There-ln it wvi1l again sponsor a univer- also bwo second 'prizels ba'in sitv scholarship contest. . a va1!'V s$.000 cach. 11t Te contest was held for the other oliciçs range froma $2.1bw fîrst time in Canada last vear to $ 1.000. . and was welcomed by leading A total of 49 taid-up Canadian educationists. cies is being offered this ye It p'-oduced six Cana dian for the best 50.word essay (MWi scholarship winners whio were "A Good Education is ImPor..- awarded paid-up education ýtant. Becduse. . . . .. . IV policies having a total value of The corttest, -which runs unfMý I$8.500. May 5, 1958. is open to anY Candi* The Johnson & Johnson scholar- adian of any age through ul ship contest in Canada is part' of an officiai entry blank avalée of an overaîl contest sponsored abie at retail outlets through'k in conjunction with its U.S. as- out the counitrv sociale company. Total value However, only th&E youflý of scholarships awarded amounts, er than 20 years and one montb 10 $75.000. 1 as of May 15, 1(.18, are eligible Entries this year wiIl againi to receive a prize. Contestant, be judged by eminent Cana- over that age must designate ., dians. along with a panel of person under 20 years and ormë 1eading American educational month as their beneficiary. . authorities. The Canadian group Johnson & Johnson, ieadinq consists of Dr. Colin B. Mac- ma nufacturers of surgical dresý.. ikay, president. the University ings introduced the scholarshîj> of Newv Brunswick, Mr. Jean, contest last vear as part of its Bruchesi, under-secretarv of the1 corporate policy to afford grea; Province of Quebec. and Dr. G.! er educational oiportunite* E. Hall. president. the Uni\,er-' among young Canadians. Catholic Women 's Lge. Zone Conference Here Bowmanville Catholie Worni-, be held bv the Bowvmanviriz en's League will be host club Branchi of t he Canadian Làx for the zone confercnce of tiel on April 19. AqI C.W.L. which will be held at Mrs. Lloyd Quinton was-a, the Lions Cente in March. pointed convenor of sympathy Plan; fo ths evnt ere is-services an'd in addition she wilt Plsanfrthismeen fthweredi- scnd cards to the sick. .f cussied at.a m eetin uof he1B8.- Mrs. Stewart Chisholm w"g manvlle .W.L Febuary18.appoited chairman of the nor4ý Mrs. Lorne Dorcen. vice-pre- inating committee which wi sident, presided at the meeting be responsible for drawing uj. in the absence of Mrs. Wilfred a siate of officers fo- the e]ac;-- McLean, president. t ion of the executive for thé It was announced at the meet- coming year. Other members ing that the C.W.L. wil cle of this committee are Mrs. Joh1ý for the Ladies' Night dinne' to Regan and Mrs. Lamne Doreeri. Bud Virtue's Garage TEXACO PRODUCTS GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRIC W}TEEL BALANCING GREASE, OIL AND WASHING 218 King Si. EaS. owmanvil1e DUNLOP AND FIRESTONE TIRES MEN'S Dressing Gowns Wool - 5 Only Reg. to $1595 LAST THREE DAYS $7.99 LIGHT WEIGHT W indbreakers Reg. to $14.95 LAST THREE DAYS $4.99 WINTER WEIGHT W indbreakers Reg. to $19.95 LAST THREE DAYS MEN'S Re.Sport Shirts $7.95 ~9 LAST THREE DAYS $2 9 2 for $5.7 5 BOYS' LIGHT WEIGHT Wi ndbrea kers LAST TIIR7E1DAYS Reg. THRE $7.50 $218 2 for $ 5.00 Store wiII1 be closed at 6 p.m. Saturday, March lst Ail Goods- Must Be Sold . 0 . If These Prices Dont Satisfy Corne in and Make us a Reasonabie Offer! SUITS R eg. to $79.50 LAST THREE DAYS 4 NLY SUMMER SPORT COATS R$1199----------------$ .99 ALL WORK 'CLOTHES 1/2 PRICE TOPCOATS Mostly 5mail Sizes Reg. to $55.00 LAST THREE DAYS $19.,, MENS HATS $4.99 Bruce 29 Kïng St. E. MEN'S Summer Underwear Combs. $1.59 Men's Summer Gym. Shirts SmalI OnJy - Reg. $1.25 59C min for $1.00 M.nns $ or make us Clothimng Bow.nenville 999 e a reasonable offer! BOYS' BLAZERS LARGE SIZES Reg. to $12.95 $4.9 LAST THREE DAY9jý 8-w.- Tf!t CARADIAN <STATESMAN. BOWMAIV!LMK ONTARIO or make Reg. to $4.29 LAST THREE DAYS us a reasonable offer! Reg. to $11.95 LAST THREE DAYS $6.99 MEN'S