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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 16

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PAG UmTu g', i 4 <ECANADIMISTATUBAN, EOVMMIVff lU, ONTAIUO loiIl AMQ _P] &Pi àail 10~a I once. Rawleigh's Diept.. E-140-ý CATTLE for pastume, Purple Besides above mentioned we borough area, four hoss1he 189, 4005 Richelieu, M 18-1 134 Gi t.E CO.man Hil od hn laktc c tdto By have approximately 200 more large modern barnswihmm Montreal. t.E. Bwmnvll 74 r 6. 18-1V properties to choose from. for 200 cattle, five io.A ' WiE have an lnteresting pro- PoeM -69DA n crippled farm stockHIGHEST prices paid for live Contact: onceln a lfetvu Phn A -69 EDan ne nalieie potuiy18-1 picked up promptly. Phone MA utrgnose feathers, fea ther y at 150,000 with a low onpy position in stock for you. Wc 3-2679. MarwhlPr a tcs scap ron, ags, metaîs JonF De with ment. ir need ambitious representatives FUE e. ag.,' Fuj am, and raw furs. Phone HA 3-2043Ralo Modern ranch stylehm n'<.Qf to selI our well-known products b F oundTyne 13-tf Oshawa, collect. 4-fR. io and General Insurance Taunton Road east. utbeJTelds cn:roitm nvlkNesle, CaPortl STRAYED, young cattle, to Lot FOR YOUR ALL kinds of live poulty want- Salesmen:ent e prca cHof, and lbrooknd wcs Doe0,Portc esin ,Clake Tow - SPRING ALTERATIONS, ETC. wecatl ho e 34e n b le peted$500of Pn lg Hop, ad srmundngs DonoTSTpv Torontooesson2, ark nn- cdiTo TronoDonaslpiddt Dnad MuntoyBomanill 6½ are slad it61iv/2ntaycmetig n te Uio hesitate, write without any obli- STOTT *Lship. Owner may have samneby NEW WORK OR REPAIIR your door for large or small MA 3-3950 roomed cottage, largesree al odyeeig p gation for details and free cata- proving property and paying Blouses, Garages, Milk Blouses, quantities. We have our own Daniel Boehm Canton verandah, stone firepae 8h logue to T. Gardner, C.P. 58, Automatic Metered expenses. 18-1 Generai Buildings, etc., I mamket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. Phone Weicome 2328 fishermanZs paradise. orho Lais fTyneLOI StatonC_________184_____________Serv ce_ Foundations, Floors, W alks, 1. Phone collect to Bethany 18-1 Peterborough. $7,7 0. T r s No 12 4 e re t am w e - Sta io C M n t e a l 1 - 4 2 4 H e , D li er S rv ceT e n d e r s V V a nte d C him n eys, F ireplaces, etc. 7 r 13. 28-tf C ottages of a l size s a d p i s. it d t co f r t e O ng d - Wc tdt etL. TURNER ota e Inquime at office fortils rcfrornwcniae Wa.tedto ent A. H. STURROCK For decorating three class- P.O. Box 1083 Phone 3-3231 PersonalMot ge f r Businesses-We hav mcr laBarpj0db hr rom t Bowmanvîlle High 17-tf - IMMEDIATELY availablefe stores, restaurants,snc SMALL apartwnent, two to four 01T fI~ Sho. For details sec Mm. L. _________ HYGENIC supplies - (Ruibber Fimst Mortgage on improved service statios« aaeadabsns ~o vrwi~ room. Phne A 3.160 18- £3I,îd hi~J.LM JW. Dippell, principal. TendersI gonds) mailed postpaid in plain town or rural poperty, $5 ' 000 very lucrative lumbe inesWrh ~csSel a Pianio Tnng IB I CeOr lare Allin, R.R. 4, Bowma- arth, and it should be the cen-I Six sanîples 25c 24 samples mortgages. Five yeam open; WALTER FRAN dI iulfmn uc a jPliem MA 3-5516 SitUiTock St.1 ville, before May l5th. Work 1 tre. though flot the boundar, $1.00. Mail rder Dept. T-28, interest payable semi-annually. 177 Church St. M -96sre yteldeSse ARTHUR Collcon Telephone BOWMIL LjE te be started about end of June of the affections.-Mary Baker Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Omono BowmanvilleJ nend slnhcn MArket 3-3900, U-U - 45-tiancl coniplcted by Aug. 15. 18-11I Eddy. ilton, ont, 1-52 1 r 16. 18-1181vnr - t. - * -..-. . - - - - -q--w s Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale j Cars for Sale Notices Real Estate for Sale Real Estate oaeRa o MERNZIES-At Clinton, to Mr. HEAVY duty range. Phone MA STUDIO couch. Mrs. V. Jef- TWO G.M.C. three-ton trucks L. C. Mason Law Office FOR moderate priced homes IF YOU 1ATT F In r.E ece eze 3-3474. 18-1* fery. -Phone MA 3-5748. 18-1 with contract. Phone MArket closed to May 26th next. 18-4* and buildings Phone RAndolph BUY OR SELL RPET (nee Peggy Dippell), a 27 52o3215,1- 3-5835 or MA 3-3849 tofter five. iedMy t inl- 5-9877, Oshawa. ar 18-tf Evn "C BrkrRA STTDO R Robert Louis Beecher, on Tues- RANGETTE in good condition. PLOUGH, Ford hydraulle lifte, 18-1 Dr. Storey's office will be ln igBwavl wh day, April 22, 1958. 18-1 Phone MA 3-3725. 18-1 two 10" furrows. Phone MA elj inay Hamp- - elncls-,eNEhodnequrtAra3-58fla8 -RI _____________27x_52._3-315._18- ALLSTATE Auto Insurance.e. 18-20 and six room house, i ap vn TRUCOT-r. ndMr. G N Tlehon M 3306. 8- CURQ oga. CntctHa- Save 20%. Six months to pay. ton, ail conveniences, two hienBo81 îur TRUSCTT-Dr. an hIrs. G.N- TelephForMpers06nal18-erviceH atayo ContaTheaofficepeofonDr.eLvicS.tMikiosh housees, ail Lfruits.loTermssearrangfruiRs.OerPHONErn33 - 17 Truscott (nee Nancy Hagernian) oTiA-tn Enniskillen, MArket home cail Oshawa RA 5-280, Newcastle, will revert tos- cdPhnMA327. 111-t Saemn-.A.aro are happy to announce the birth ICEDARS for hedge, ailsze.3-2640. 1- co(c)2-f e huso Stras com- eMAPon M-3097.88 c f t h i r s o C h a r e s G e r g e , h o n e A 3 - 2 1 7 a f e r S I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m e n c i n g M a y 3 r d . S a t u r d a y N E W 6 - r o o m b r i c k v e n e r R E A L E S T A T E O A EL t o a t n R a , 1 0 7 lbs., 8 ozs., at the Ottawa Civ-I 18-1 ONE small double bed, inlaid office hours will be from il*0 house, ail modern conveniences, PrptesSlend 16' in ci ositaHpospi4t198.Phoe AA-227.wanuc14,etale.TeeponeA waL lnuo :0 .pm.172 losttHaptoei. 10aces Maagehad pprisl rrom sory bicsom Sam1300BALEks.Pixe MA 1813-2227.' _______________ of ln - will seli or trade for th 18-1 GIRL'S ~~~~ ~~~BEFORE YOU DO Tl T W property in Bowmanvile. Apply vr etal oae. O~Jet he Lagagements jnir iwlargebicyc Tle boy's HOET »N TIEAdvertiser 809, c/o Caniadian an DRY g wood, stove leng, MA 3-56109018-ow- Sroom on so.uthBo A9tached gealrage the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. $10 load delivered. Phone MA 60 81or 'IRISH STEW"I Anyone interested in 'manville. 18-1w Phone 2566 - Nwate n.Pie tol 1,0.o gre Tufford, Port Hope, wlsh to an- 3-2849. 12-tf WEEPING tule machine with Neyer Undersold wblcsAt 1 ~youngest daughter, Shir1 AN 0x4. pl eihteMd -76i1- rte uraetp rc bnaocnr ani Marie, to Harold C. Wood, son of Bradley, Pontypool, Ont. Tele-_______________ * Easy Ternis wt OIATA hsya al -hpdlvn n ii Me Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood of phone Orono 8 r 12. 17-3 REGISTERED and Commercial* 49 MONARCR $95 please corne to a room; 3 large bedrooms and JamesNin3bdom ewrckuga ail Newtonville. The niarriage to Garry and Rodney oats, Brant' Godtrsitchen, four piece bath with lw ut etacoet frie take place quietly on May 24th. GIRL'S spring coat, size 12, lightbaeyndgssedsSwi Good unirconditionSTAI ii1 an18-1w green, excellent condition. Tele alyadgasses wi od unn odto efn on t ivaiheantin l J sFe29d 47nave vxg-oo, ceitheSt.vî ______ phone MA 3-5813. 18-1 - Seed Cleaners, Blackstock. 49 OLDS ««8811 $295 MAY Ist at SOLINA SCHOOL ai ere g. ApJ. let,2 Bx 4 Le _____*16-tf G1 ado-HdrmtcCenreStreet, Bowmanville. 6Bo 41M 35824pic tld ahhrdod n G.M._____Radio________ 6rom dellnge% cr o8til30oor18ash1trde7tems Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Randle 500 BALES mixed hay, large TWO roomed cottage, cupboards Clean Car Good Tiresat831817- land, modern bathaywm om oeo hr tet misnto o ne held e g ag e- ier . r t hun r oarey362 ron and sink, three years old. Clean. 51 STUDE $395__ TEN acres with 8 room house, ing, small fruit. $,0 o n eums sm iihn. O mveln Mof te i ldes tu tr R. . 1 P on O o o 36 . Cheap for cash. M ust be mov-I Custom Radio - Nice conditio ep barn, smali greenhouse and 6-room cottage, Wsie c, f m ae ul b s m n. O l an esno r n r.Gog d eehn A324. 52 CHEV double driving shed. Haîf mile insulated, hydroisd o-$,0.u 3000 on an Yeo, sa pon.f TMm. and Mms. Georg on lumber, direct from 18-* usa dn V le frontage on Bradshaw Street, veniences, some fu ntr,$,51 oo ½ soe rc an~ ~~~~~ MeoN amptn. Th weding AVE ___________________ Oustandng Vlue Int will take place at 2:30 p.m. in mil to you. Phillips Lumber HAY for sale. Quantity of. first 55 CHEVS. $1,295 up . UOOwI owmd anl $2,0e. 0od ardenigr ,0 owncncereidnstodsti.ei 17 r 11. x d a , 0 a b a e D e a s .wo ere dh on de $A 0F.00, h a f r c ery i s oeo o o , f m n c .N l e y l n d c p d th ,15.181 7r1.13 livered, .05c extra. J. A. Car- Most popular used car L Cox, 13 Elgin Street East, Osha- mediate possession esnbe rc.Go taMjran]r.Dvi enr KEYS cut automatically, while scadden, telehone Orono 35 r 9. New Look - Low Price wR -47 82 -ombik Mao n r.DvdLoadyou wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- 18-2 '55 BUICK -_ ----_--- $1,595 1rlInno~n piece bath, hydro, prxiaeyAkn ny5,0.0 Be net f ew atl, ntmiwame, 36 King St. E., Bowman-PL N o r p en il early. Radio - Dynaflow ~A AJ~ A ~ ~ ORONO 3/ acre, garage. 000.Tr s We n d fa s fo wain announce the engagement of ville. 46-t f LN yoreenis Sharp condition Pive room bungalow, 5 yeams Salesman - NiaNa1clet.1- their daughter, Jane Grace, to ________________ ood seleclion, healthy, giant 54 HILLMAN - $595 Notice old, overlooking trout stream92KngS.E MreMntGoddard, son of HARD and soft water, delivered. Pacific delphinium, 50c. Roses, close to shopping centre a:nd 9/ igS.E A332 04~ Mrs. Goddard of Grafton and the Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. mums, lupins and rockery plants, Cso ai TAKE NOTICE THAT: sco1 . Fl aeet u_____________ fel late Captain Leonard Morse Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA etc. Ms bas eehn xeln odto 1. The Council of the Corpora- furnace, 3-piece bath, tile and aiGoddard, R.N.R., of London, 13-5805. 48-tf MA 3-2843 or MA 3-5522. 17-tf AND MANY MORE tion of the Town of Leask Real Esiate IT'Smopeing - for dean-up and Englnd.Themariagewil - D NW HILMA OFERSvill inend toconstruct as a for less than $9,000.00. Taxes aitake place May 3lst, 1958, at BARN, 50 x 30, steel roof with BEDROOM suite, double dres- locl mprovemeta orsw-$90.8ombic 91:30 o'clock at St. Peter's Ang- lightnîng rods, near Pontypool. ser, bookcase bcd, $129; two- Manumatic, Selective Automnati ente floca cn, strmts e- 559.00en8ralbic ou n sa-16t 31lican Church, Cobourg, Ontario. Apply Webb Bros., 185 King St., piece chesterficlds, $119; chrome Transmission te n the folinseets e- .C. Evan -wa, rentral, eto I ueirs-BIK okadplseig 18-1 Peterborough. 18-1 kitchen suites, $49, G.E. floor You are invited to test drive Name of StreetPhn33-1Oro month besidesamllingPneM 355810t -polisher, $42.95; G.E. kettle, titis car wlthout obligation. Liberty StreetPhn33-1 rn quarters for owneiexlen YOUTH bed complete with de- $11.95. Trade-ins- Annex, $15; 58 HILLMAN ~ $1,895 From T 18-1 condition, oil fmae e ON aycekti M rigstachable sides and spring-fiiled Hoover vacuum cleaner, $19.50. New, deluxe seÊan KnTotee BseLie arge Trns mattress, good condition, $25. Murphy Co., King W., Phone Two Tone îinas Ki.gStree BaseLine 5 soom bungalow o aePoeM 3 t ADAMS - DOWNER - On Sat- Phone MA 3-3832. 18-1* MA 3-3781. 18-1* Oil Filter -, Licence I .11of Streeteawell -66. 18-lp urday, April l9th, 1958, ut Wesly IamRoEALret asiy eatd, icurewiEow United Chumch, Mmico, Ont. ROTARY tiller and car trailer, 58 MIETROPOLITAN - $1,845 Base LineESAEB KR ou fumnace, garae 890o.TID omgr ihswm flev. F. James Telford solemniz- good condition. Cheap for quick SEE D POTATOES New, Hardtop, Custom Radio Liberty Street 883 Feet East t38 acres of garden land close Termis. drn umrhldy.Tl. ed the marriage of Barbara sale. J. C. Alldread, 55 Liberty P.E.I. Foundation and Certltied TCotnelTieMo adintendsto spciaîrsess a a N an e.k ha, 56,300. Easy Cntlag;s2aprent$, Eleanore, daughter of Mm. and St. N. P.O. Box 1167. 18-1* Cobblers, Sebagos & Kathadîn 3C onetTire TounAt arditenf th o stpon thyasesland rn c6,00 ash wil uyitgees;nAL 2nd f aitngdoc Mrs. Cecil E. Downer, New 3 OTSTNPY pr o h otIpntelndtri.cIhwl u TootOnt., to Ross Welling- LATHAM and Newbury rasp- R Ç RA M ON NEW CARS AT abuttîng directly on the work. New bungalow on No. 2 High- balance. Go okwt i aig o tor, onof r.ad Mm.Wl- berry canes andwstrawberry R . C.GAHNM2. The estimated cost of th ay east of Newcastle, 6 rooms, We have houses amltyu hn A335.1- lington Adams, Newcastle. plants. J. C. Alldread, 55 Lib- PHONE MArket 3-2473 M t adcl eîw rssr;bnalwec ery N ,P.O. Box 1167. 18-1w -t E I 519,153.40 is $4 o86be0 pa id y he systern, lot 10Y 'x 200', $5,000.' M. E. LEAS K, B O E u pid a d l a o o pe. 18-1* erty N., ~ 916-tf4Corportio Te timabted 50 ldown payment. 65 Ontario St. Bwavlec.PoeMre -03 t GREENHOUSE plants, Dunlop Authorized Croain h siae acresraber pansclose to LRGNesauanwcastsut-le, MAn HLMN wer' os prf3-5919aeis 50aceorloe o3-552l,2A -51 - ulsfor sale. C. de Mooy. able for boys' or girls' camp, Sales and Service $3,50 on Liberty Street and $2.00 n buildings, $6,000.. Easy ternis. H. H. Barton, Salesnsaa17 33ELLMAN - Suddenly at 24 Phone 18 r 8, Omono. 18-2* rcasonable; Scotch pine trans- Nonquon Rd. Oshawa per foot frontage on Base Line. Newcastle 3856 181 A 3-41PLMIG hatncvs Liberty Place, Bowmanvîlle, on- plants, two years old, $10.00 per RAndoiph 3-4431 The special assessment is to bel1- 81togig reest aes Tuesday, April 29, 1958, Mark ELECTRICAL Repais-Prompt thousand, limited quantity; cab- Open Until 9 p.m paid in fifteen (15) equal annual D u. ir ~ -20 2t Edward Beilman, aged two service to electrical appliances, ms, suitable for tool shed, colony 18-1* instalments and the estimated De Wiln Reail stie Charles 1incn months and 12 days, belovcd large and small. Lander Hard- house or milk shed, etc., must ____________perfot__________o itinfant son of George and ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf be removed. Write or 'phone LwerySreer t fcrnon te 10ar front 9 ce RA S heldt te Mrri FueraC '~DO ourownflors-en am 18:1 _____________nt._________fr _Sale B as e Line is 20c. workable, 5 acres wood, L-shap- $ 1,000 down only$7motlIA.CWos. hne la Jehanne__________Service_____DO___ 3 Application willabe8m1decd bank barn, implement shed, balance for this2-teybik3r041-t hedathMorsFnrlCa-sander or a floor polisher fmom-- SMALL pigs. Austin Wood* he.Cpration toThbe mOn- etc.; 8 oomed frame insulated home, suitable foriw aiis ci on Wednesday, April 3th ut Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Phone MA 3-2388. 18-l* by heCrrtinto h O-hos with furac,3picbathOlfrae ù p 3 o'clock. Interment Bwman B ow avil.Phone MA 3-5SEED tarîo Municipal Board for its ouse umnwatr ce -plce a hot furae, a thomuictn A E yor gre rt-ild vilBe Cwmaeryv18-1e. fL A W N S E DSHROPSHIRE ew es ~, w it h approvai of the undertaking of ruig w tr rc n l dn o ae, l un r u s ul- M k s r a y t l n. V r t v i l l e C e m e t e r y 1 8 - 1 l a m b s . P o n e M A 3 - 2 3 6 1 . 1 8 - 1 e t h e s a i d w o r k a n d a n y o w n e r a l m a c h i n e r y $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 w i t h i n c p b o a r d s , h e a wie d l a gr a s n b eF oe t it ee S Memoriam INSULATION, blowing xnethod, Stewart's Super Growth Mixture may, within twenty-one dayste.acediyarwthalhiwyfongetNw-pneBBrtM 3391 with rock wool. Wokmanshîp Consists entirely of the finestl'EIGHT Yorkshire pgeîght after the first publication of this odml quota, 8 acres ok $2,000 on ful$90 YELLWLEE-In olon me-gumc- tedguFrranteed.ats.Frareperedwarfndvperennialk andPhne evergr1.eenicweeks wtolde.BordhonealeMAtr3-2111.x 5'noticen nwwithdrthef inory of Walter Neil Yellowlees Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke grasses for a beautiful dense 18-1 objection to the said work be- wt able trcam , ' m5' ak br e ero rm uglw:IFRayeetia ok e Yh p sEL O W E E M a- I n d , 1 9 5 .w2t2 0 w a t eraw nb o w lsd em il ki.n g m a - a h c o n v e n ie n c e s , w t r a d o e î î g l o a p i n e e 'w ho pas ed a w ay M ay 2nd 1952. 420. 39 f la w n.P U R E B R E D H ereford bull, n n e t k n chine, litter carrier, cem ent silo, sew er, adjacent t o c h o s P v- ai e . re e ti te T e . -Remembered by mother, sist - Reg. $1.10 lb. - 1 Mb. 80C ready for service. Phone Clarke 4. The said Board may ap- new steel drive-in shed, hen cd street. Bef o bpoeJi olssM 29 ersnd_________8___DPLEX____________er, 613.18-1 * prove of the said work beîng house; 8 roomed home wîth all this.18t 150 gallon tnkwîth air cooled __________________BrandMixture undertaken but, before doîng SO, city conveniences. Price $18,000 Forced Sale! Bicanfam I F or Rent W~~~~ýisconson engine, in good work- A blend of quick growing grass- BABY Chicks -We have the it may appoint a time and place with terms.3bdro buglw4yarfCLO EDptosbsodan _______________________ing order. O. K. Osborne. Tele- es that produce a smooth, coin- dealership for DeKalb Hybridiz- when any objection to the said 107 acre farm with 70 acres old. Inspect and m k s a ad rc n tn abce PURNISHED room, centrall phone MA 3-2480. 7-2* pact, lasting turf of fine quality. ed Chix. We also hatch and womk wiil be considemed.woabe25crsiwodofr!oral.Frfeetmtead ]ocated. Phone MA 3-3939. HEARING aid service. Testing Reg. 75c lb. -____ 1 lb. 60c recommend White Leghorn, Bar- Dated at Bowmanville this large farm pond-, 55' x 35' bank Farms, businessesadhmsdlvr eehn saaR 181service and complete stock of Stcwart's Back Yard or remd Rock and the popular New 23rd day of April, 1958. 'barn, hen house; 10 roomned to suit your tasteanbugt 3-21clct1-t batteries and cords at Higgon Cottage M~ixture Hampshire X Barred Rock Hy- A. J. LYLE, brick home with running water. 52 King st. W., BwavleEPR acdc n PASTURE for 10 or 12 head of Electric Limited, 38 Ring St. E., A strong, quick growing mixture Toist. H. J. Brook0 wih trns. MArt 3-32453 Mc cattie. Phone Orono 14 r 17. Bowmanville. Telephone MA to stand up under hard usage. -____H.J._roos._________________ 3-2495 clok r, lcatd 4Salsma, J miles53. from l. ag9c 2-iOshawa, al work- SieMAnJh H3-2ch&Cok lnc Wth lEro priet eaaeADIGmcietpwiez b. bager90eb. .Repairs aleclay-loam land, 100' x 48'MAcewey ndRso e IV r oom apan ro .Tm et lep arae A D N a h n s y e rt rr b . o v r 4 e l .S e e d fo r S a le bank barn w ith w ater bow ls, 218 1 i ht s. ro ,O n .-t 1nrni Orono.120erephon8e cash r e g is t e r s, calculators, LAWN AND GARDEN Salead elvsin eais silos, implement shed, hien - Orn 2 6 81cheque witers, filing cabinets, FRI IE rAoadserevi ionrp anrs.house;7 roomed frame insulated reterFe FIVE-room flat, East Beach, office furniture. New and used. FRIZESddllvery. Lomne Doreen, 8 King osineclntrpr.Ak Bowmanville. Phone MArket Repairs to ail makes. Frank FRESH BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED GR I E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ing price $30,000 with terms ar- REAL ESTATE BOE onlti ntle 3-2875 after five. 16-tf Office Equipment, 177 Church ranged. 135 acre pasturefamfecs GvrenIsetd EOURrooed huseon N. 2Street, Bowmanville. MArkzet CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES For your seed requirements* 24-HOUR expert repair Tele- 50 acre farm with 40 acres in good repair. PIEnyowae.$2 STEWART'S SEEDS N. 23-386 contact vision Service, to ail makes. Ail workable, 62' x 30' bank barn, Prîce 540.00 peraceEsyOH BART Highay, ast f Nwcasle. àtf TEW RT'SSEED C parts and work gaate.impeetshed, lhen erms. Bo8mternis. Phone Newcastle 2156. 18-1 ONE uscd Case D tractor; 1 used ERESLMVU.OLRE ARM Television Service Co., MArket roomed sne hose wihfr- 50 acres near Newcsrm Case S tractor; 1 used Case fer- 33 Division St. Bowmanvile 338.5-fae ev ie. Akn hue yrgo el an.1- piee bthheaed.Appy Ms. ale; POVE VAIETES10,000 with ternis arranged. Price $8,500.00. Ters picebah hatd Apî Ms ble;Power lawn mowers;GO RNET ESE REPAIRS to ail makes of me- 107 acres pastureland with 8 Annis, 105 Ring St. E. 18-1l refrigerators and deep freezers; OEN NTESD8 acres, 4 room nubic used Farmal"A" with scuffler. USED eral; milkingcers.d cig- lacgestck. Priced 4,500. QUICK SERVICEn IIALF duplex, four rooms, hot Swift's fertîlizer. W. H. BrownUE DISEASE TREATE» mrcalof Bowmanvihlei-.Blaksoc. Price $542,000.ofBwavleP an od ae, adnes o 1KigS. . owavll:1gon Electric Limited, 38 Ring 5 roomed cottage, size 331 l Ternis.ST COA»NW OR aend cl eron gare 3124.st of Rng Srkt.3-4W. Bwm 8vle.FARM E UIM NT fAGRICO AND CIL. -. St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf 21' with kitchen cupboards, 6 acres at Burkto,6rm TH E r fo r r o a a t e tT o Nw18-1 I .Iw ater under pressure, 3-piece ho s , g r e, a d n t ac o ,K n S. E.-5 3 THURSMAT, MAT lot~ 1058 ýý ÀV ÀwoýWýý -numoe 'W

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