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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 17

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AS1TU1LJAY, MAT lut, 158 Ckusifed Cards -of MThanks *Iwsh to thansk my egbus ~sand aUl. thers who help- rmake my e a success. Sbirmly, Mrs. Ro MeCulloch. wo ldlike ta thank Dr. ~ os, urses and staff at MemoialHospital, lso those Who sent gifts and cards while Î was in hospital and since re- urning home. Brenda Brown. -. 18-1 The members of Tyrone Com- Munity Hall Board would like to euress their thunks toa ah thasdlin the eommunity who he=, inl any way with layîng and finish ing- the new floor in the Community Hall. It was greutly appneciated. 18-1 I wish ta thank Doctons Gill ind Rundle, nurses and staff af Memoial Hospital for cure, ulsa ail bload donors from Goadyear; friends, for cards and flowers, and toa ai those who helped Mrs. Leetooze ta visit me. Alfred Leetooze. 18-l* 1 wish ta thunk ail my friends and neighbons for gits, curds -and visits when I was in Me- iriorial Hospital and a special thanks ta Drs. Gill and Rundle, the nurses and staff ai Memor- Iu jospitaI for thein cane and kip M.ess. - -_ Rudolph Nitschke. We wtuld like ta thank al our Long Sauit and Tyrane friends for their good wishes and lovely gits on aur departune fram the community. We wii always remember you and the gaad times we have had with 3o.Paul, Dawn, Paul and Bessie Vaneyk. 18-1 1 wish ta express my thanks ta my fiends, relatives, feliow employees and Local 397 who sent me curds, flowers, fruit and gits, also ta the nurses and staff, a special thanks ta Dr. K. Slemon and special nurse, Mrs. J. Bine, during my stay in the hospital. Shirley Tennant. I would like ta express my thanks ta relatives, friands anti rseighbars for the curtis, ilaw- ers anti gits I neceiveti while ln the bospital anti ut home. A special thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, D)r. Gill anti Dr. Sylvester anti the nurses anti staff ai I4emorîal H~ospital. Mrs. Ana 1 wauld like ta take this op- portunity ta thank Drs. Keith Ulemon anti Howardi Runtiiè, t~4e-njurses anti staff ai Memoial ~."ispital, al thosa wha sent .flowers, curtis anti gits anti inost sineane thanks ta niy kinti neighbars, tiuring my stay in the hospital. Lillian Harvey. Mrs, Norton Chambens anti famlly wish ta thank their frieptis anti aeighbours for thein kintiness, sympathy anti beauti- ful floral offerings, especially thanking Rev. Bansteel ai Pontypool anti Rev. M. Sander- son ai Toronto fan thein coasal- .ng words during their recent bereavment.18-1 I.wish ta express mny upprecia- tien anti thanka ta ail relatives. .ighbours anti friands for »wPýIjers, gits, cartis anti acts ai **ntness while in hospital anti slace .returniag home. A special thaak you ta Drs. McKay, Sheman anti Fergusan, nurses andi staff ai Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mns. Doris Ormiston. 18-1 I woulti like ta express my sincere thanks ta Dr. Gui, Dr. Sylvester, nurses anti staffai Memonial Hospital fon the kinti cane I receiveti during my stay there. A.special thanks ta Win- nie Woanaeott for han constant care, lso Mns. Audirey Knie; ta ail thase who sent me the beauti- fuI flowers, cartis. glîts, anti came ta visit, a million thanks. Vi. Wootiiock. 18-1* The family ai the late Weshey Elliott wish ta thank relatives, friands anti neighbours ion the kindness anti sympathy shown us la the los ai aur belovati husbanti anti fathen. We aller special thanka for the floral tributes, the pahibearens, the nurses ai Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Dr. anti Mns. Me- Keazie, anti Rav. Long for bis comforting message ut the time of aur sud bereavement. 18-1* We wish ta thank thase who go genenaushy gave ta us the furnishings anti clothing %ve needeti after the fine which de- stroyeti most ai aur beiongings. We wish aspecially ta thank the ]Bowmaviihe Fountiry workars and the Rebekali Lotige. aiso those who canvasseti for us, aur relatives anti aeighbotîns, aiso ut this time wve wish ta thank the Bowmanville Fine Depatment who were sa quiek, ta answen aur cll. Frank, Jeanne anti Daniene Lewins. 18-l* .Wkhemidst ai aur soraw, we wisli'"to express aur heatiait than.ks anti appreciation ta aur many relatives, friands anti neighbours for the kintinass anti symnpat1iy shown us in the losa of.4 beloveti husbanti anti fatb- fhomas L. D. Sykes. We acslly wish ta thunk the ,. F. Reeti for his consoling words, ail the donons ai the - many beautiful floral offeringa, the plîbearers, anti Northcutt and Smith Funenai Home for jirkinti, effici panage- mgt of the se 4 Maiîy P=hnk alsa ta Dr. erguson mnd the nurses *an'~ staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilhe. Mrs.Margaret Sykes, Tom and Elinar. 318-1 Cards of Thcrks The Cubs of the Fourth Pack wish to sincerely thank the citizens of the south area of Bowmanviile for so generously supporting their pop bottie drive. 1 wish to thank my niany friends and relatives for their cards, flowers and fruit and the many enquiries during my iii- ness at home and in the hospital. Special thanks to the Masonic Lodge, Orono Band, Rev. Basil Long, Dr. McKenzie and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Milton J. Tamblyn. 18-1 Coming Events Long Sault Club 50 presents a variety show May 10 in Ty- rone Hall at 8 p.m. Admission 50e and 25c. Proceeds in aid of church work. 17-3 Dance at Enniskillen Hall every Saturday night from 8:30 to 12. Music by Rawhide Ramblers. Everyone welcome. Admission SOc. 18-1 Plan ta attend dance at Var- coe's Hall every Saturday, featuring Cy McLean with Peggy Stevens, vocalist. Admission $2.50 per couple. 16-tf Order of the Eastern Star annual bazaar and afternoon tea will be held October 17, at the Lions Centre. Mark this date on your calendar. 18-1 Rummage sale, May 9, at 2 o'clock in Trinity Church Hall. Good used clothing for all ages: numerous household articles; home baking; coffee and do- nuts. -18-2 Bowmanville High School Drama Club presents four ane- act plays on Wednesday May 71 and Thursday, May 8 at 7:451 p.m. in the High School Audi- torium. Admission 50c. No re- served seats. 18-1 The Companions ai the Forest will hold an afternoon tea and bazaar and sale of miscellaneous articles and candy, also a draw on a wool blanket, Saturday, May 10, at 2:30 in the Union Hall. Tea, 25c. 18-2 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Dance ta the music ai Gary De Larme and his Rock-a-Billys Saturday nîght, May 3rd. Corne one, corne ail, ta the Pontypool Town Hall. Dancing 9 ta 12. Admission 75c. Hi-Teeri admis- sion 50c. Stars of radia and stage. 18-1 Regular weekly bingo heid Thursdays except third week in the manth which will be held an Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and twa $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 52-tf Friday night Jamboree. Dance ta Radia Stars, Chuck Fortune and Band frorn Toronto's Palace Pier. Features Jimnmy and Johnny, the Shey Bras.; Phil Exton, Fortune Quartette, and guests. Every Friday. Admis- sion 75e. Red Barn, Oshawa. 12-tf Ail roads lead ta SOLINA HALL for liARD TIME DANCE SATURDAY, MAY ith Montgoïnery's Orchestra Prizes for Best Dressed Couple. Lucky Spot Dance. Draw for Electrie Clock Radio. 18-2 Municipal Assessors Meeting Clarence Bird, assessor for the township of Thurlow, in Hastings Countv, was elected president af District 5 ai the Association ai Assessing Offi- cers of Ontario Thursday ai last week. Bawm-anville's assessor, Clarence Oke, attended the ses- sions. Mr. Bird succeeds J. Ed Da- vis, Peterboraugh assessment commnissioner. Annual Spring meeting of the district xvas held in Peterborough City Hall. Other officers elected were Clifford B. Matthews ai Belle- ville, vice chairman, urban mua- icipalities; Percy Gooding of Brighton Township, vice-chair- Sn, rural municipalities; and a vP arnell, of Peterborough, secretary-treasurer. f The district takes 'in the caunties ai Hastings. Durham, Northumberland. Peterborough, Victoria and Haliburton. An item of general. interest, broughit up by Mr. Davis, con- cerned Section 51 ai the Assess- ment Act, which permits asses- sors to add to the assessrnent raIl buildings cornpleted aiter the roll is published. There can be no change, how- ever. in school support. If a separate school supporter sells his propertN' ta a publie sehool supporter after the rail is struck, and the buyer builds a house on the lot, the whole thing is assessed as separate sehool sup- port for that year. A provincial convention of municipal assessors wvas plan- ned for the Ernpress Hotel in Peterborough. May 19, 20, 21. No word has been reeeived oi altered plans due ta thie disas- trous fire which burned this ho- tel over the weekend. Home is a might fptst fcar WESLEY VILLE On Wednesday afternoon, Apri 3, the ladies of Port BritaW held a farewell tea for Mns. Mary Smyda, at the home of Mrs. Carlus Diekenson. She was presented with a coftee table as a token af good wishes for the future. Mr. and Mrs. Smyda have purchased a home in Oshawa and left Port Britain during the weekend. On Tuesday evening the com- mittee appainted ut the annual meeting ta make plans for church renovation and the com- ing centennial, met ut the church on Tuesday evening under the leadership af Rev. A. W. Harding. Leonard Oughtred was appoinýted secretary and several projeets discussed. Measies are stili with us and we are sorry ta report Johnny Tuford has complications. 'In spite af the fact he had been ln bed, pneumonia developed. We hope the new medicines will soan help hlm. Sunday Schaol attendance Is still far from normal, but al teachers were out an Sunduy marning with Donna Ashby reading the Scripture. Mrs. Toppin returned fram Montreal last week binging her granddaughter with her. This weekend the family were down for Sunday from Toronto arnd Mrs. Toppin returned there with them. Mrs. E. Barrawclough attend- ed the Cobourg Presbytery Woman's Association held in Campbeliaord on Friday. Ladies from Port Hope and other local Associations went tagether by bus. Weather has certuinly slipped back a few weeks in temperature but the wild geese still have iaith that this is spring for several large flocks went narth on Sunday. TYRONE Mrs. Eber Snow den Gives Cjtizenship TaIàk at W.A. COURTICZ--Courtice Womn- to, theiamily lite.- Mr. Snow,- an'& Association met at the den said, "The i amily that-plays church on Thursday evening and praya together, stays ta- wlth the cltizenship group in gether". charge af the meeting. Mrs. * Mrs. Harold Graham special- Cecil Sinunons, president, OP- ly thanked Mrs. Snowden, aiso ened the meeting. Secretary Miss Janet Barber wvho favour- Mrs. Robert Cook read the min- ed the audience with several utes and the rail eau was an- numbers on the piano accor- swered by the number Of visits dion. made. Mrs. 'Horace Vetzal read Mrs. Wilkins intradueed Mrs. Thank you notes which showed Eber Snowtlen wha gave a very appreciation ta the flower com- fine talk on Citizenship. "We mittee. Happy Birthday was have real reasan to be proud sung to, several ladies as they af Canada". she said. "ICan Can- danated their pennies. ada be praud af us?" Speaking of the many new Canadians ln Mrs. Simmons spoke brieflv aur midst, she said "What do about some of the answers they find? Is there real evid- whicIh hacq been given at the ence af weleome? They have Presbytery to questions most a fine contribution ta make- argarnzations are. asking. 1 art, skill, music, literature. Several prajeets were dis- The3 are in need of. the frîend- cussed to enlarge the- treasury lytuhsuch as a ehureh can with the resuit a commlttee give. Brotherhaod week pro- volunteered to plan an ama- mates the spirit af brotherhaod teur night an May 23. The de- amang men. Have we done any- votional periad was led by Mrs. thing ta overcome racial pre- George Reynolds, assisted by judice'?" she asked. Referring Mrs. Stanley K insman. Newcastle Sportsmen 1: HoId Annual Draw The Newcastle Sportsmen 's Club held their Annual Sprintz Druw in the Community Hall on Saturday, April 26. Three very interesting films were shown by the Dept. cf, Lands and Forests, Lindsay of- fice. These films presented the attending members and guests with the idea of how conserva- tion, properly sponsored and canried out, can help the farm- er, sportsman and everyday pienicker. "The Return ai the Trees", a film on the Ganaraska Water- ehed, dealt with how planned ai rocks when the railroad wus built and partly by natural landslides. As it is almost im- possible for the salmon ta ne- gotiate these rapids, construc- tion ai special f ish by-pass flumes and waterways has been undertaken ta assist the salmon in their return ta the spawning grounds. The multi-miliion dol- lar Pacific coast .salmon indus- try is dependent upon the spawning ai the salmonl for its livelihoo d. Tom Spencer, George Graham ai Newcastle and Jack Meach- in of Bowmanville. the druav The Apnil meeting ai the reforestation cun andi bus flp- -1m1tee,.ee .-lyassstd. North Darlington Teuchers' ed in this area. F'rom the gath- by Mis i che er bais i Bo- Group was heid ut Burketon ening ai seeds ta the stu ely manville and Mr. Cee. Canveth with 13 members present. Two tree, the film showed the 111e ai Newcastle. Miss Nichais drew students af Toronto Teuchers' story oi a iorest and its bene- the ticket for the grand pnize, College were visitars. The fits tama. Ed Youngmun, a a complete spinning outîit, andi Bunketon pupils sang twvo se- papular columnist ai the Cun- lections and spoke chorally adian Statesmian. wus the. star Mn. Carveth drexv the other "Trees" under the very capa- ai the film, aine pnize-winning tickets. bic leadership ai Mn. McCoy. The maovie. "Dead Out", des- The winners and prizes are It was decided that we have a cribed the right and wrong way listed below: (1) 1345, E. G. soltball tournament. Mn. Mc- la hadling ai fire ta dlean Upton, 62 Grace St. Bird Haven, Coy explaîned Arterial Bleed- brush and scrub around homes Scurboro, spinning outfît, (2) ing ta the teachers. The next and farnms. Undue thoughthess- 1964, Carole LuBrosh,. 25 Baldi- meeting will be ut Union ness and carelessness on the wini St., Port Hope, hp rubben School, May 13. part aima can cause untolti boots; (3) 1467, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cohbury, millions ai dollars ai loss ta tim- O'Brien, R. R. 1, Maple, Ont., Long Bnanch, spent the week: ber stands throughout the caun- fishing vest, (4) 328, Bert Mua- endi with Mn. and Mrs. K. Col- try. "Carelessness is Costly'l. day, King St. E., Bowmanville, bary. A film about the Pacifie Sock- creel; (5) 967, Blle Bnanning, Mr. and Mrs. H. Steele, Mn. eye Salmon brought ta the Newcastle, knife set-, (6) 1598, andi Mrs. J. Kane, Peterbor- membens ai the club a view af Bud Morey, 387, Eulalie Ave., ough, wene dinnen guests ai how the combiaed concentruted Oshawa, box ai buits and line; Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park. efforts by Canadiun anti Amer- (7) 488, T. E. Scott, R. R. 1, Ty- Mrs. Mary Findlay, Mr. and ican wildlife authonities arc rone. tacklc box; (8) 1747, J. Mrs. Dean Findlay anti Curtis, helping ta, ovencome diffilculties Armstrong, 7 Ruiston Rd,, Part Unionville; Mn. and Mrs. A: eneountereti by the saîmon in Hope, ianding net; (9) 1070, Richards wîth Mn. anti Mns. C. their return ta, the spawning Fred Bond, R. R. 1, Cobourg, Bigelow anti Mrs. A. Hawkey. groundis ai the Fraser River trout net; (10) 507, J. A. Car- Mrs. K. J. Ferguson, Ottawa, anti its tributunies. One ai the dinal, 636 Carnegie Ave., Osh- visited hien daughter, Mrs. M' biggest obstacles is "Hell's awa, stninger and Lune. Hamilton anti Mn. Hamilton Gate", a raging rapids urea, Prizes will be on their way an hier return tnip from Cali- formed partly by the dumping ta the aboya winners. farnia. Mn. Lloyd Hour, Montreal, visiteti Mrs: S. T. Hoar and Mr.andlMs. A. Hord Junior Farmers Hear andi Wayne visited Mn. andi Mns. John Coomibes, Camp- hean littie Rodney Coombes, son ai Mr. anti Mns. John " * outside his home ant i s ri,"rQr. I stt t Compbeiiford Hospital. Ris_______________ parants hope ta have him A particularly intenastiag home this week. meeting af the Young Durham Mrs., J. A. Pogue ai Banff Junior Farmers' Association accompanieti by lier brother, was halti on Wadnestiay eve'i-Th e n Ar Mr. and Mrs. Ted MeBride ai ing,, Apnil 23rti, ut the Orono Brampton visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Cammunity Hall. The president. By Lewis Milligan J. C. Cook. Ron Brooks, presided. It was Juvanile delinquency was ne- Mn. anti Mrs. A. Hamilton announceti thut thena was a cantlv reparted ta be rampant and Margaret visiteti Mn. anti substatial neuse aven hast in the United States, particu- Mrs. W. F. Eanie, Georgetown. year in the number ai mcmn- larly among higli sehool pupils W.M.S will meet ut the bers, and thut ull dues hav2 in big cities. The situation was home ai Mrs R. Coombas on bean paid. seiaus enough ta eaul for an May 7. Don Green and Garalti Brown investigation and it wus attni- Mrs. Isaac Murphy anti fam- wene appointedti t inquire into buted ta disraspect for authar- ily, Willowdaie, visiteti Mrs. the eost ai abtaining and frarn- ity, inattention ta studies anti E . tiM s . V uep ing a photograph ai the late E. a craze for amusement. But the and boys, richon HV. wieoth A. Summers, ta be placed in pnobiemn is apparently flot con- n. os an ics.h.ondtailon. itthe Ontario Agriculturul Of- finedti tathe States. A wonld Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar and fices in Bowmvranvilla. It was poli bas been taken ia thirteen familv wera tea guests ai Mr. decideti ta saîl by tender a cam- countnies on the follawing anti Mrs. F. Werry. bination record playen and ra- questions: Tyrana W.A. ladies attendeti diao vhich is owned by the or- "How do you feel teen-agers the W.A. Prasbyteny ut Brook- gunization. behuvNe totiay compared with lin hast weak and led la a ne- The basebahi schedule be- teen-agers in the hast generu- membrance service, during tween membens living ini the tian? Do you think they behuve which names ai 90 members east part af the county, anti better toclav, worse totiay, or who hati passed uway since last those fnom the western portion about the same?" annual meeting wene reuti. White was discusseti. Margaret Har- Majorities polled felt thay be-1 carnations were piacet inl vey, Dianne Scott, Bey Gray, have about the sanie. Very few1 vases in thain menlory. Suntiay Jim Coambas, anti Bill Tumblyn saiti they are better, anti abouti morning the lovely flowars wera named ta, organiza teanîs. hall condemnati the current wera la iTyrone church andTih'e lunch committea for the cnop of youngsters as "worse." were sent ta sick people la the meigwscmoe iEe-A Dutch mothan la quoteti as cammunity. Fiowers were also mnoniRgwa, Hel e EenaPatriiasaying:: "Teen-agers ai these placed on the Communion t a-- nax, oaniE Ki Helen dPtii days are flot much different. bic ln loving memory ai Mr. nx n dKwl ee We wcre no danlings, either." T. L. D. Sykes. Strong anti Marie Kent were A commuon comment was, "They Mr. and Mrs. J. Hills visiteti nameti as recreatian conven- act too frcely; they don't even Mrs. Miltireti Grant, Oshawa. ors ion the May meeting of tahe iCteaîta their parents or el- Mn. I. W. Lurmer, Millbrook, mYoun ames. Marg i arge nide rw thcy are misrepresenting with Mn. anti Mrs. J. A. Rase- Jof Comethl e luncharg what treedom means." vear. tkowahlnc. A F:-(nch grocer ramarked: Gladto nowMrs. H. Mack- The meeting tiivitied inta two 'The children xvho expeniene- lin has raturneti home soma- graups. Eti Kowul vas in charge eti the occupation ara, above whut improvet inl health. ai the boys' section. Hle intro- ail, anxiaus ta ive without ex- Mr. anti Mrs. G. Astley anti duceti the special speaker. Len ertion anti have no r.cspect for family, Pickaring, wera guests Lucas, a member ai the teach- their eiders." Othens complain- ai Mr. anti Mrs. Lamne Annis. lng staff ai Bowmanville High cd that thcy were cornupteti by Mr. anti Mrs. H. Trivett af School. Mr. Lucas gave an in- the eifeets af the wan anti post- \Veston spent A he weekcnd teresting anti instructive ad- wxv&r eiod: 'Too much free- with han parents, Mn. anti Mrs. tiress on "Fanm Accounts." dom, too much moncy anti too H-erb Cameroni anti relatives. Fr Junior Institute much acceptance ai American Mn. anti Mrs. Ed. Yaungman, Fon influence." That influence Pontypool, with Mn. anti M. A Junior Institute wvus fanm- seemcd ta have spreadt t as fan A. Youngmun. eti by the girls. Miss Frances off as Australia, where a fac- Mr ndn Mrs. W. Lake, New- Lumpmaa, Lindsay, homne econ- tory worker with two teen- castle; Mn. anti Mrs. A. Brown omiat, wus in change ai the agers la quoteti as suying: anti Jack, Bowmaaville, visit- eleetion ai officars. Ana Harri- "There is tao much primitive ed Mn. anti Mns. Harolti Skin. son wus ehecteti presitient; Mrs. dancing. ika rock-anti-ral. ne atMn. Ken Buttery, vice-prasidant: calypso anti jitterbugging. Tbey Mrn r. M. Dubyk anti Miss Shirley Pollock, sacretary- are aping American films whîclh Diane attentiet the 25th WVed- treasurar;, anti Mrs. Ron Brooks give them a false outlaok en ding Anniversury ai thein district direetor. Eheunon Row- 11e." friands, Mn. anti Mns. Eti. 01 an. Cavun, Marie McHolm, Wei- Canada wvas not inclutie i hi eskv, Oshawa, on Saturtiay. came,, anti Mrs. Gordon Wilson. the poîl, prasumnably bacause Mr. anti Mrs. R. Glaspeli, Garden Hill, were electati di- we are so chose ta the Unitedi Grant anti Gwen, visiteti rs rectors; anti Mrs. Richard Van States anti on the assumption W. E. Lewis, Welcome. * Camp, anti Mrs. Glenn Larmer. that aur teen-agers along with Mn. anti Mns. John Broome' both ai Blackstock, audîtors. the rest ai us are dominated by anti fainily visiteti Mn. andTih'e constitution was reuti by Anierican' influence. 'mat is Mrs. J. Winchester anti Mrs. J. Ana Harrison, anti the name true enough ini many respects Awdce-ai WilIo;vdule. decidad for the new organJza- anti particuianly la raierenceata Mr. anti Mns. D. C. Hamil- tioiî for girls is ta be Durham voungsters wlîo e stutilesr ton anti family, Oakville, with County Junior Institute. Mr,- chially confinedti t Amenica»t Mnr. anti Mrs. Arthur Hamil- MeLean, Welcome. president ai comie strîps, movie magazines ton. the East Durham District ai andti taevision pragrams. With iMrs. Douglas McLeoti. Craig Women's% Institutes welcomed sa many such luring attractions the recent convention ai the Cunadian Educatian Associa- tion, Mr. J. R. H. Morgan, su- penintendent ai Secondary Schools, said: "lIt is a somewhat plous ussumption that keeping ayaungsten in sehool makes hlm. a good citizen. He ilust sits anound ad daes nothing. You are just making a bum out ai hlm." Ia former days, before secondary educatian was free ta al, mast publie sehool pupils graduated immediately inta the university af adversity where they soon learned there was no place for a bum. Mr. Morgan condemned the practice ai pass- ing poor students inta higher grades without thorough ex- aminatian. He thought they should be allowed ta drap out. "Our soclety," he suid, "allers many more educative factors than mehoal." If there 15 mare juvenile de- linquency toduy it is certainly not due ta, lack ai opportunities for higher educution, but rather because educution la too cheap and easy. The only educution wonth while is that acquired by persanal application and hard work. 'Ail play and no wank makes Jack a dull,.stu- dent and a deficient citizen. Parents and teachers should nat be kill-jays, but neither should they spare the rod ai mental discipline uapon the dullards and play-boys cam- niitted to their charge. Eternity Ls the divine treas- ure house, and hope is the win- go0w, by mea1â ai wbich. mar- tais are permitted ta see, as thnough a glass dankly. the things which God is preparing. -William Mountiord. USED CAR BA RGAINS' '57 Dodge Sport Suburban - V8 - 4-door Sport Tone - White Wall Tires- Fender Mimrons - Backup Lights 14,000 Miles ________New_ $1,100 Off New Price '*56 Sfudebaker Commander V8 - 2-door clean car '55 Belvedere V8 - 4-door Automatic - Radio - Local Car (Perfect) - '55 Plymouth 6 - 4-door Two Tone Paint -- "53 Ponliact6 - 4-doar Radio, Clean___ __ '51 Dodue 6 - 4-door New Two Tone Paint- '50 DeSolo 6 - 4-door .$11685.00 $1,795.00 $1 ,295.00 $ 99500 $ 495.00 ew Tone Paint-_____ 395.00 '*50 Chev. Spec. 6 - 4-door Radio (Good $"50 NEW CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH CARS AND FARGO TRUCKS LAWN MOWERS - OUTBOARD MOTORS Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487 ARetailer's 6 Point Advertising Check List No. 1 - Do You Plan Carefully ? Haphazard, hit or miss advertising is bound to be wasteful and ineffective. Fix your sights on your objectives. Outline what you want your advertising to do, and then plan carefully how your advertising should proceed to do It. No. 2 - Does Your Copy Seli Human enef ils? Always try to interpret your product or service in ternis of how it will benefit the buyer. People don't buy toothpaste just because it is tooth- puste, but because it gives theni beautiful teeth and a pleasant breath. No. 3 - Is Your Sales Copy Simple and Clear? Avoid long words and long sentences- Always search for the simplest word when you write your copy. No. 4 - Are Your Layouis and Typography Simple? Try flot to crowd your ads with too nîany elements. Avoid using toos many different type faces. Use sufficient white space to bring out individual items. No. 5 - Are You Fair Wilh Your Compeilors? Neyer make derogatory comparisons with the products and services of your competitors, no matter what the provocation. Your fairnest ivill win friends and earn the respect of your community. No. 6 - Are You Sainu Prices In Your Copy? The f irst thing i reader wants to know when he considers the purchase of a product is: "What does it cost?" Except in very special circum. stances, neyer fail to quote prices in your ads. For assistance and advice In planning your newspaper advertising consuit the display advertising staff of Read by an estimnated 15,000 prospective customers each wcek k - . - - - - -- -- - - - àý ý Àý ge'o»M M ýMM mmi6t quWr. *PPA".I"Aw- fflwmAwvm=. O"Am .: olqnluuv%àqp MIFA%9 .ý .-.- PAGI

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