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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 3

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-----e---- - ~-~--.-r~--~ - - - r, MAT lut, 1958 THI~ ~A~fAflTA7~ AW~MAiT UflWMA V~77? .1'.W f~M'I'AUW~ PAGE TNREI w ie Leaf Circle j lds Joint Meeting 1 th Port Hope Group AnenIjoable evening was1 .Sntin tâ,k Union Hall on April 7 wlff aple Leaf Cir- cle of the WpeÇfnions of the Forest entertained 35 members of Qu en Mary Circle, No. 184, Of P rt Hope. Chie! Compan- ion ena Bathgate was in charg. The joint meeting was hon- oured by the officiai visit of High Chie£ Ada Hartrick o! Toron o, td%owrnanville.Other distin uisbed visitors were High Chap1 in Emma Nelson, To- ronto, and District Deputy eRg.Y Wakely o! Port Hope. &I ere escorted by Mary EÇgdb nt af Queen Mary Cir- cie and Right GieJa Lin- ton of Bowmanville througb. Bai y Bondi Hol s Thani The ter Thank-offering admeeting f St. Paul's Baby Band, wa beid in the Lecture Roomn 1, esday, April 22nd. Sixteenr others and 21 child- ren were present, aiso the W. M.S. an(] Evening Auxiliary Were rep, sented. Mrs. G rge Graham, Supt. was in c rge af the program, assisted Mrs. James Col- Ile. A eir welcoming the F rien ds Honor Orono Couple On Anniversary ORONO - Saturday evening April 19, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pigott celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Orono. One hun-. dred guests were present to wish the couple congratula- tions and best wishes. During the evening's enter- tainment, cards were played and dancing enjoyed by ail. Mr. G. Emsebiy, Brantford, present- Emsebly of Brantford, present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Pigott with a lovely eight-piece set of stain- less silverware. Lunch was served by the co- hostesses, Mrs. Fay Adams, Mrs. Leland Bail and Mrs. S. T. Ba- rabali, bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. Guests were present from Brantford, Hamiltipn. Toronto, Ajax, Bowmanvi1JI.lAoseneath and Orono. <W7r the guard -of honour formed by members o! the Queen Mary Circle. Corsages were present- ed to Higb Chie! Hartrick and District Deputy Wakely by Chie! Rena Bathgate. A gift to the High Chief from Maple Leaf Circle was presented by Jean Linton. During the evening an initia- ting team from Queen Mary Circle initiated a new member, Martba Gowdy, into Maple Leaf Circie. The District De- puty congratulated Maple Lea! Circle and also the degree team. A banquet supper in charge of Companion Mrs. C. Bea-d and served by members of Ma- pie Leaf Circie, brought the evening to a close. of St.è,Paul's koffering guests the meeting opened witb hymn, "God Sees the Little Sparrow Fail" followed with prayer, by Mrs. Graham. The members' prayer was said by the children. Mrs. Andrew Dilling, mem- ber of the Evening Auxiliary told a story ta the children, "A Walk With Jesus". A motion sang was given by the children, "I've Two Little Hands ta Work for Jesus", asslsted by Mrs. Col- ville. Three birthdays were celebrated. Offering was taken up by Eileen McQuarrie and Ronda Hetherington. Mrs. Gra- bam gave prayer before and after offering was taken. A recitation was given by Eiieen McQuarrie, "Sbaring Througb Our Mite Boxes", also smail recitations by Ronda Hetherington, John Hacking and Ann Graham on mite box giving. Mrs. Turner presented two films for the children. Lunch was served by Mrs. Hacking's graup and a social baîf-hour enjoyed. ZION Twenty-four Explorers paid a surprise visit ta one of their members on Monday afternoon wben tbey visited Donna Pingle at ber home. They bad their regular meeting and Donna re- ceived a pair o! slippers made for ber by Mrs. Fred Dart from wasb cloths. Explorer girls are going ta sing at church on Mother's Day. Everyone enjoy- ed supper of hot dogs, cookies, 28 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5551 Mapie Leaf Circle Visited by High Chief Maple Leat Circle, Companions of the Forest, recer Hartrick of Toronto on her annual visit, also High Cha and District Deputy P. Wakely, Port Hope. A number fi Hope, were present. Pictured above are, front row, P. Wakely, Right Guide Jean Linton, Chief Companion1 Emma Nelson, High Chief Ada Hartrick, Pianist B. Sm: Mutton. Back row: Chaplain Jean Wood, Inside Guar Treasurer E. Large, Sec. M. Coyle, Sub-Chief R. Bate Past Chief N. Clarke. Will Live in Brooklin ..... .... .... Dr. Alan Graham Stocks and bis bride, the former Eunice Kathleen Leask are pictured following their marriage in Eldad United Church at Solîna, Ont., on Saturday, April 19. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon Leask and the groom is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander Stocks of Cut Knife, Sask. The couple will reside at Brooklin, Ont. -Photo by Canîpbell's Studio, Osbawa ice creani and Freshie. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ray- craft, Paul and Ross, Bowman- ville, visited at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Stainton and Clark were at Lake Simcoe. Max Castleberg, Oshawa, vis- ited at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. James Hambly, Oshawa, were supper guests at R. C. Stainton's. Sharon Fisher bas been ili with pneumonia. Sympathy goes ta Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Beckell and Bert in the loss of their son and brother, Donald Beckell, Osha- wa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Jabnny, Brenda and Diane, Hamilton, were weekend guests at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton visited at Albert Balson's, Solina. C.G.I.T. had a very successful Mother and Daughter banquet at the Sunday School on Satur- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock and Brian, Oshawa, were Sunday visitars at Fred Cameron's. Free Lecture In Oshawa On May 8th Ella H. Hay Preedom from fear, sickness, and sin through spiritual un- derstanding of God will be the topic of a free lecture on Chris- tian Science in Oshawa next Thursday, May 8th, by Ella H. Hay of Indianapolis, Indiana. Now on extensive lecture tour, Mrs. Hay will speak un- der the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in McLau- ghlin Library Theatre at 8:15 p.m, Her subject will be Chris- tian Science; The Practical Road to Heaven. Local mem- bers of the church have invit- ed the public to attend. The lecture is free and no collec- tion will be taken. Prior to entering the pbi practice of Christian Scieunce healing in 1942, Mrs. Hay was active in education. An author of a number of school textbooks and other books for children, she held praminent positions in the National EducationAso ciation, the American Associao- tion for Childhood Education, and varjous women's clubs. Since 1953 she has lectured on Christian Science before public audiences throughout the Un- ited States, Canada and other countries. HIGHLY STYLID MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Yacqu elitn e Cor. Athoi & Celina, Oshawa ntiy received High Chief Ada iapiain Emma Nelson, Toronto, from Queen Mary Circie, Port lef t to right: District Deputy R. Bathgate, High Chapiain forsythia and daffodils. The tea room was a very popular place Iwith a steady stream of pa- trans to keep the chairs f iiled. Home baking, f ancy work, plants, cbildren's wear and home-made candy provided a ready market for the purchas- ers. Mrs. Cecil Adams had a display of cards arranged sa tbat ail could see just the ones they wîsbed. "Smiles and Chuckles" on sale this month by ail Explorer and C.G.I.T. Igroups were also offered for sale. Over $100 were added ta the treasury of the Woman's Association. Both Mrs. Wilkins, convenor. and Mrs. Simmons, the president, appreciated the attendance of ail at this popu- lar event and want to say ai big "Thank You" to aIl who belped in any way. The spien-. did spirit of co-operation of the neighbour church, Ebenezer. who turned out in such large numbers was a fine gesture of friendship. Many New IMemnbers Join ... H-... H uphrey; c' -tlic;l On Fridav evenîng, April 18, ard H HumpreyActing at 6.30 o'clock, the members of e, Outside Guard H. Corden, Session of St. Paul's United -Photo by R. Oke Church and their wives enter- -tained those who were joining the church on Profession of WEDDING Faith the foilowing Sunday. Dinner was served in the Sunday School Room unde-r STOCKS - LEASK the able direction of Mrs. Alex The marriage of Miss Eunice McGregor and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers. The minister, the Kathleen Leask and Dr. Alan Rev. H. A. Turner, welcomed Graham Stocks was solemnized in Eldad United Church at Sol- the guests and, after the din- * ia, ntajoat o'loc onner, showed a filmstrip on the Saturday, April 19, 1958 at maigo hrhmmesî which Rev. F. J. Reed officiat- entitied "Seek ye first". ed. Baskets of white snapdra- On Sunday, April 20, the gons were at the aitar of the foliowing united wîth thp church for the ceremony. The Fachheir by rfesso of ti- *bride is the daughter of Mr. Fiho yTase fCri and Mrs. Frank Gordon Leask ficate: Margaret Corden, Mr., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs: Robert Fredricks, and Mrs. Joseph Alexander IMrs. John Hately, Lynda Hate-' Stocks of Cut Knife, Saskatche- iy, George Kennedy, Miss wa~in. l araeb a Clara Lonsberry, Mrs. Fred Give inmarrageberfa Luxton, Miss Marion Mallery, ther, the bride wore a full Mr. and Mrs. Howard McRob - length gown of white silk or- erts, Carroll McRoberts, Mrs.i -1Fred McRoberts, Elaine Me-' ganza over taffeta. The fitted,î Pherson, Janet Mouatjoy-, Mr.,1 bodice was styled in anc.ir and Mrs. Earl McQueen, Rossit line with a fold of materia. ex-NebtM.Gog Pter teading to the back and tied 1 n ebtM.Gog Pter a tnv ow.theend falin toLola Pring, Linda Purdy, Mr.1 tey hem. the ebrnasnekline toand Mrs. Norman Scott, Owen and longs.eeesheSa rin e edgcdScott, Janet Scott, Miss Dor- and ong leees wre egedotby Somerville, Miss Mar.jorie with Alencon lace. Triple in- Somerville, Mrs. Michael Ves- verted pleats at the waistlixienaLon tcyRbetSih released the deep fuiness of thenaLonStcyRortmih skirt. A coronet of organza with seed pearis held ber fingertip L veil of siik tulle illusion and Mvemoia H spta she carried a cascade of white A u gardenias and stephanotîs. 1 e veek y Report M Mrs. Ewart Leask, the bride's sister-in-iaw, as matron of hon- For the week of April 21 - 27 our, and Miss Barbara Loucks, Admissions .-------------------46 a former classmate of the Births-4 male, 2 female ___ 6 bride's, as bridesmaid, wore Discharges ----------------- 51 identical ballerina length gowns Major operations --15 of mist green organza over taf- IMînor operations - ---------- 13 feta. The princess styled dress- Emergency treatments ------ Il es were accented by two panels Vstn hours 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. of leaf green organza which or- and 7 to 8:30 p.m. îginated at the neckline and ex -_______________ were held at the waist by matching French roses, then Turn OId Furniture feli to the hemline. They wore short, white gloves, bats of leaf mbi Cash green organza with French roses and carried cascades of with white chrysantbemnums. Mr. David Fricker of Toronto STATESMAN was groomsman and the ushers LSIED were Mr. Ewart Leask of Soi-CASIED ina, brother of the bride, and Phone MA 3-3303 h Mr. Neil Murkar of Whitby.L Mr. Douglas Bodle of Toron-- _______________ to, friend of the groom, presid- ed at the organ and accompan- led the soloist, Dr. Donald Jardine of Kingston, cousin or R L D tebride, wbo sang "The Lord's P R L D Prayer"' and "The Lord MVy Shepherd Is". An old-fasbioned, horse d1rawn li __ Surrey with a fringe on top, es-, --h e casion, awaited the bride and groom and escorted the surpris- ed couple to the reception at G the Solina Community Hall. The GI bride's mother, to receive the EN1 guests wore a mint green peau 1S de soie dress, beige and brown bat and accessories and a cor- sage of yeliow rose buds. In the I(~- absence of the groom's parents, bis sister, Mrs. Robert Fyffe ofJ Toronto wbo assisted the bride's mother wore a blouson suit of beige French crepe, a Breton sailor hat, matching beige ar- cessories and a corsage of yel- low rose buds. Mfter the wedding supper, served by friends of the bride,4 Dr. W. W. Baldwin of Brooklin proposed the toast ta the bride. In bis response ta the toast to the bridesmaids, proposed by the groom, tbe graomsman read many congratulatorv telegrams received from the groom's par- ents, brathers, sisters and friends across Canada, U.S.A., Hawaii and Paris, France. For travelling the bride wore a dress suit of pure linen in Ri- viera blue witb a matching bat and natural accessarie 's. Shie carried her natural tweed coat and wore a corsage of yellow rosebuds. After they return frorn their honeymoon in New York and Europe the bride and groom wiii reside at Brooklin, Ontario. Courtice W.A. North Nesileton The euchre Party beld in C. O.F. hall on Friday evening wis faf*rly well attended, seven ta- bles playing. High and low ladies, Mrs. Don Thompson, and Mrs. C. Gist; men, Bob Kester and Carl Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. Rea Malcolm. Janetvilie, called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Failis and gMr. and Mrs. Vic Malcolm during the week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm, Theé- LiJ pool Friday evening. John Milbury and Rea Coop- er visited at Vic Malcolm's Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emere son and family, Don Milis, dalle ed on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson and left Gre. gory with his grandparents for a few days. Miss Irene Emerson, Oshawa. was also at home on Sunday. Len Joblin had supper and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns, Sunday. The dance in C.O.F. hall tSaturday night, was very welI attended and ail report a good rpf%»rA J dIq.i RA .l A a LU Pepsi- Cola, Toe Mark Q.leiired * Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvilie AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Are You Housecieaning?. Here are' a number of Odds and Ends AT Great Savings Clearing at F or xam Gloss Enamel Ail Colors except white REG. $2.75 QUART Sturgeon'1s Fiaï White REG. $6.45 GALLON Clearing ai -u--$409 9 Many Other Decorating Items at Greatly Reduced Prices. WALLPAPER REMNANTS Nany in Boom Lois A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5431 TO r s Dayy IFT JGGESTIONS 20 piecen"r service for four An excellent way t. sfart savinq y@ui. set of Communify or te enlarge a service. CONTAINS: 4 tellopooue 4 desert epoome 4 forke 4 @&lad lotit. 4 knives n Laclground and golden eng colors. EARRINGS 2ch qelwê $..th' what tlaIf ea ýARR'S WIELLERY BOWMANVILLE fAýcture £/ Vett y £krin ts See Our Wide Selection of Picture Pretty Prints In various niaterials including . .. . .. Drip Dry - Pampered and Polished Coti ons as welI as Silks and Dimities Butterick Patterns in Stock Qoodllê4cuu takes pleasure in iniroducing his New,- Modern Beauty Salon fo Ihe ladies of Bowmanville and District Our Staff includes outstanding hair stylists .... MARIANNE of Sweden - BETTY of Switzerland ROBERTO of Rome, Italy Let ts put Sprin g" into your hair PERMANENTS from $7.50 up 10%7oDIS COUNT on the New Spring Permanent if you clip and bring this advertisement with you. 0 For Appoinimeni - Telephone Oshawa HA 5-8631 FINE HAR STYLING 7omen"110 KingSt E., Oshawa "<The Salon of Smart WAi f 1 r. MAT lot leu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMJANV=. ONTARTO VY IV££" Y LLa.#rý, %JIN 1 lumiu cost PAGE TIMM a a 1.69 osýE awa

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