PAfl~ E1XTE~N TEE CANADIAY STATEEMAN, EOWMANVILLE. WftAE ?RUIW1~AY IIAW W'h~ 400ê By-Ilaw Passes Council Permîtfing Four Schools To Withdraw from Area ORONO-The Township Coun- cil o! Clarke reccntly passed a by-law supporting petitions re- ceived by the counicil to allow four former schools sections in the Township Public School Arca to withdraw. The by-law was moved by Councillors Low- ery and Savery and carried by Reeve Brow.n. The by-law al- lows the withdrawýal of ccrtain lands from the Township School Area and permits thc establish- ing of four separate areas of these certain lands. The by-law allows the re- forming of School sections 1, 8, 9 and 21 or more commonly known as Port Granby, Antioch, No. 9 and Sixth Line. The by-law is to corne into effect on and aiter December 25th 1958. The approval of the Ontario Departrnent of Educa- tion is stili to be sought and flot until such tirne as it ap- \~JChoose youi CC .family bikes> in 3 r Canadian ýeSABRE- IMPERIAL trs from the yof fine ranges.... 1Cyco gMASON & DALE HARDWARE LTD. 36 King St. E. MA 3-5408 S M'IcNULTY'S SPORTS, CYCLE & TOYS I .6 King St. E. MA 3-3531 [NE SPORTS & CYCLE MA 3-5897- I OSD'On *26 King St. E. j I Amazlng new-formula DURA-H IDE dloés a whiter, longer lait- lng lob ln on. coat thon two coats of many ordilhory points l You'iI hardly believe your eyes when you sec how DURA-HIDE's sensational hiding power and brilliant wbiser white can beautify your home! Just on2e colt of DURA-HIDE covers solid over any color - eveis black. 1-ides ail small checks and cracks. Provides a tougb, weather- resistant surface rhat lasts season after season. In every way it does a bercer job than'any white bouse paint you've ever used. SeIf-cleansing-, non-y,èlowing properties in DUJRA- HIDE help keep your home bright. It's easy ta apply. Do)esn't sag. Try it! Moe. by the mokers of famous Fl"-glze Colorixer points in 1,322 colora. Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 proves will the bylaw b. in force. A motion was passed at the meeting to authorize borrowing of monies for the purchase of the new grader. The by-law for the authorization wasgiven two readings and sent to the Muni- cipal Boardi for their approval. The supplementary noad ap- propriation was consîdered at the meeting and a sum of $36,- 500 is to be sought 'on the sup- plementary basis. 0f this amount $23,000 wîll be used to punchase the new motor gradier, $9.000 to reconstruct the Ham- ilton Hill anti also $3.000 for a new culvert or bridge at this site. Total cost of the Hamilton Hill project is expected to amount to $12.000. In the sup- plementary by-law a sum of $1.500 was added as miscellan- eous. The total road appropriation for the Township this year amounts to $106.500 providing approval is given by the De- partment to the Supplemen-1 tary by-law. A special rate of two milîs is to be atideti to the taxes on Township property for the nçxt two years to pay for the new Tnotor grader. This also must meet with the approval of the Municipal Board of the pro- vince of Ontario. A by-law was also passeti to license trailers in the Township except trailers in a trailer camp and also to prohibit such t-ail- ens being locateti except in a trailer camp. Thé license fee is $10.00 a month or where a trailer is classeti as a good trail- er the yearly fee can be set at $100.00. Failing to abide with the terms of this by-law a per- son is lhable to a fine of $300.00. The by-law was given three reaçlings and passed. The council adjourneti to meet atthe caîl of Reeve J. T. Brown. -Orono Times. TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. L. Harned andi chiltiren, Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ice Harned, Max Hareti, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Clydie Han- ned, Saint John, N.B., vîsited Mn. and Mrs. J. Thornbeck. Mn. anti Mrs. T. Alltread, Mrs. Mary Alîdreati, Mrs. Par- ker, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Alîdreati and Mr. and Mrs. L. Alltiread.. Maxine Alldread has the chicken pox and Wendly Par- tnier the jaundice. Mn. O. Beckett andi Arvilla spent Tuestiay with Mr. Leon- ard Bradley anti Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Page. Mn. andi Mns. F. L. Byama visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Me- Clellan, Peterborough. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Virtue, Paul andi Grace, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Theo Down, Lakefielti. The June Tea of W.M.S. will' be held at the Manse June 4. Ouest speaker will be Mrs. Capt. Norman Coles and spec- ial music by Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanville, meeting at 2. Mrs. K. Sitiler returned to her home at Belleville on Tues- day after ,spendiing a week with ber tiaughter. Mrs. A. Knowlton and Mr. Knowlton. I No chunoh ber. on Suntigy owing to Salem Anniversany.1 Sunday School will be at 10.1 Mn. Wood and Miss Wood, 4 Exeter, called on Mn. and Mrs. Sympathy is extentied to Mr. Hanolti Macklin on the passingi of Mns. Macklin on Montiay in the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Sor'ry to report Mr. Macklin is also a patient in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary and Frank attendeti the McKnight- Blain wedding at Newmarket.1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna and Denis, Nestle- ton, visited Mrs. E. Murphy.I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. -Cook and Lauraine spent the weekend at Brampton and Geongetown. Mr. anti Mrs. R. McLean and family, King, spent tbe week- endi with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn. Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbary and Frank attended the East- ern District Orange Church! Parade in Toronto on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Eti Olesky, Osh- awa, were tea guests on Sunday of Mr. andi Mrs. W. Dubyk. Mn. and Mrs. W. Park anti Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. S. Daw anti Sandra, Port Credit, spent the weekenti with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hills. Mrs. O. Virtue neturneti home aften spending the winter with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane,. Kirby, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. Percy Byers, Bowrnan- vilîle, visiteti Mrs. O. Virtue on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. M. McCursh .and Francis, Cookstown, spent the weekend with Mn. anti Mrs. E. Deeley. Mr. and Mrs. Fnank Wismner andi chiltiren, Zephyr, visited at K. Colbar's on Monday. Mn. anti Mrs. John Lindsay. Oshawa, visited Mr. anti Mrs. A. Knowlton. TIME MARCHES ON Three turties decideti to have1 a cup o! coffee. Just as they I, got into the cafe it starteti toi1 rain. The bîggest turtle saiti to the smallest turtle: "Go 1 home and get the umbrella." 1 The little one replieti: *" will if Noa don't drink mv cotfee." promised. Two years laten, the big tun- tie saiti to the middtle tuntle] "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee." Just then a voice called from1 outside the doon, "If you do, 1 W04% go." f 6 Miil Lane (Off Scugog Street) Oul th Gas Phone MA 3-3771 1 family, -Mr. - and -Mns.- Anthuûr Trçwin, motored te Lakefielti no Sunday and also calleti on Mr. and Mnm Clayton Read, at Pe- tenborough. Mvr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Bow- manville Mr. Milton Siemon and Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Sle- mon, visited Dr. and Mrs. Gor- don Slemon -and tamily, Don Milîs, on Suntiay. Mrs. George Tabb, Lily and Shirley, spent Monday with Mrs. J. Cowling, Salem. Mr. anti Mrs. Herb Stainton,, Hampton, calleti on Mrs A. Mc- Neil, Sunday. i Mn. and Mrs. Clem Rahm. with Mý. anti Mrs. W. Rahm! at their cottage at Four Mile Lake, Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Ashton and familv visited Mrs. Etina Mc- Laughlin, Burketon, Sunday. Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail Thompson, were Suntiay dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmondi. Church service wilI be with- drawn on Sundy on ccount of SIem Anniversny. Service prac- tîce at 2 p.rn. on Sunday. Havdon School played a soft- baIl trame with Tyrone School, on Fridav. Haydon being thie winnera.$=à lu1-20. 1,1 Th, e Oro Telephio Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Coe (the former Miss Lena Moment of Orono), their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sears Coe and their niece, Mrs. Clifford Cortelyou (nee Moment), Belleville, New Jer- sey, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Miller last week. Mr. Victor F. Auger, Jr., Mr. Victor E. Auger, Mr. Herbert Auger, Mr. and Mrs. Len Au- ger, Miss Mary Auger, Miss Margaret Rose Auger Miss Frances Auger, Miss GaiY>Storn, Mr. Terry Mackie,' Mr. Ray Whallen and Mr. Ken Demau- rier, all of Ottawa and Miss Jean Barr, Toronto, were over- night guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford, and attended the Auger-Crowe wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ginn, Pe- terborough; Mr. Harry Jack- son and friend, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Auger, the for- mer Eleanor Crowe, Bowman- ville, on their marriage. May 24th in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Chu-Ch, Bowmanvilie. Mr. Auger was a former mem- ber of Orono High School. Dr. J. B. Tucker, Leask, S ask., Dr. and Mrs. M. Tucker. Flushing, New York City, visit- ed friends in Orono last week. Dr. Milton Tucker attended the Ontario Dental Co'nvention in Toronto. Mrs. A. Drew and family, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer have purchased Mrs. Albert Harris' house. Rev. Basil E. Long, was the guest preacher at St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville on Sun- day. Miss Sadie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford, Paul, JoAnn, Heather and Janice, were guests at the Auger- Crowe wedding Saturday and reception at The Acres Restau- rant. L/C John Coryell and Mrs. Coryell. Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hooper, Orillia, visited Mrs. Chas. Awde and Mr. and Mns. D, G. Hooper.' Mrs. Frank Ardron and Ai- lan, Mrs. J. Hosking, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Sunday. Orono United Church choir assisted at Burketon Anniver- sary on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ba, 11and children, visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Virtue, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Tony and Brenda Mitchell, j Keene, visited their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. it- chell. Mrs. Jim Tamblyn and Mrs. Robt. Moffat were patients in, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. R. R. Waddell, Miss Al- ma Cutteli, Mrs. Don, Tennant, Mrs. Gordon Simpson. Mrs. Roy C. Forrester, Mrs. Gordon Cot- ter, and Mrs. John Forrester, HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, and daughters, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gnaham's. Mrs. Ace Abbott. Oshawa, Mrs. Ken Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott, Tynone, called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeil, j on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Thompson and family, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mrs. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb and family, Bowmanville, were tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Judith. Mr. and Mrs. Jim 16& no News. sttended a farewell shower on Friday evening for Mrs. Chas. Disley, BoWmanville, the for- mer Beverley Payne of Orono, who is moving to Bancroft this week where Mr. Chas. Disley who recently joined the Provin- cial Police is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. James Ball vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears and family, Bowmanville on Sunday. Rey. R. M. Seymour. who was' formerly minister at Enniskil- ]en, will take the services on the Orono charge nexçt Sunday. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pickell and children, Mrs. George Annis, Eýbenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, Don Mills, Mrs. R. Gilbert, Messrs. Chas. and Wes Allin, Bowmanvjlle, Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Hampton, were tea guests on Sunday witý Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowleesý and sons. Mrs. Floyd Miller, Kalamazoo, Mich., Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Toronto, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Hampton, visited at Bruce Tink's, on Tuesday. Sunday visitors of Bruce Tink's were Mrs. W. A. Ormis- ton, Brooklin, Mrs. Margaret Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Perey DewelI and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gatcheil, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean and Bobby, Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa; Misses Linda Mutton and Sheila Jackson, Bowman- ville, and Chester Milis, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy and sons, Columbus, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. L. Preston and sons, Bowmanville; Mrs. The- ron Mountjoy and Miss Flor- Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dyer and Eli- zabet.h Mr. and. Mrs. A. Beevor and David, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Glaspell and sons, Taunton, were guests for tea with Mr. and Mns. Rae -Pasc.oe and children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Bowinanvifle, visited at Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray, ecce Werry, Hampton; Mr. L. Squair, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. MeGill EnniskIllen, were Sun- day visitors oi Mr. and Mrm Roy Lahgffaid. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bracken- bury, Agincourt, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Paseoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crawford and sons, Whitby, visited at John Knox 's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson and Patricia, Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Miss Betty Ferguson, Mr. Bil McHugh, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery.% Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Os- borne, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Os- borne. Ebenezer, Mr. Francis Johneton, Tyrone, were tea guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice and Donna. Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Oshawa, were with Mr. apid Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mr. *and Mrs. Bob Flett and daughters, Columbus. were Sun- day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boss Cryderman and children. Mrs. Dechert, Helen Dechert, and Douglas Dechert, Scarbor- ough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and family. Mr. David Savage, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilis, Mr. and Mrs. David Craig, Tyrone, were tea guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilis and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Black- stock, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Yellowlees and girls for tea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor visited Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright's, Ty- rone. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormis- ton, and family, Mr. Edwin Or- miston, Ebenezer, Mrs. Winston and children, Willowdale, visit- ed at J. and Tom Baker's on Sunday. Messrs. Wlbert and Oliver GlaspeIl, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and family, Peterbor- ough, visited at Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and children, Kedron, were tea guests on Sunday at Campbell H1amer's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and children visited Mrs. Ethel Sut- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Be- mis, Oshawa. Id Enfleld, Mr. Chris Coot. kntf Dale, Toronto, viaited at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrlnder's., Mr. and Mrs. J. Leixer anti, children. Oshawa, were Sunday,, visitors with Mr. and'?&&. HarSý old Pascoe. Karen and Brenda YeUoi. lees visited several daysata Glenn and E. Larmer's, -@ *stock. - NOW is 'lwTin TO PAINT YOUR NOME a For One Coot Painting .. Streamnlind Brushing " Wonderful Durt(bWO " Dress Parade Appdrcf« Jus# esk for Benjamin Moore paints MASON & DALE HARDWARE' LIMIED Phone 3-5408 36 King st.I Bowm,&n.dile 1955 Buick Sedan 4-Dr. 2-ton. paint, customi radio, Dynaflow transmis- sion. Tinted glass, one owner. A top car. $199à5 1955 Chev. Sedan 4-Dr., 2-tone paint. On. owner, locally owned. A-i condition. $1595 ORE-CAST CONCRETE -Sepiic Tanks -Sidewalk Slab s- Ooloured Patio Slabs- -Unit Steps - Railings- -Barb-B-Q's -Curbing- Brooklin Conçrete Pwoducts LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Selby Grant Heating-Sheet Metal PEASE GAR WOOD HEATING UNITS I Specials Good OnIy During Week of May 29th to June 4th Ail Types lloofing, Eavestroughing FOR INFORMATION CALL AT Bowiuanville 19 4 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 2-tone paint, locally owned Exceptionally cdean n'y *$995 1956 PONTIAC 4-Dr. HARDTOP top condition ________ 1956 PONTIAC Deluxo 2-Dr. condition, 17,000 miles2-o.pinAi$182 1956 BUICK SPECIAL 4-Dr. SEDAN 2-ton. paint, A-i condition, one owner, f locally owned $219~5 1956 Neieor Sedan Customi radio, one owner, locally owned. A-1 condition. $17945 1956 Meleor Coach 2-ton. paint. On. owner, locally owned. A-i condition. $1750 S PECI AL! 1953 FORD SEDAN 2-tone paint, customi radio. A good clean car. OnIy $895 1953 METEOR COACH Motor compIetely overhauled. New tires. A good reliable car $875______ SPECIAL! 1955 PONTIAC V-8 Station **Wagon Locally owned, radio Very good condition OnIy $189 5 1952 CHEV. SEDAN 2-ton. paint, custom radio, A-i condition - - ------$69 1954 FORD COACH Completcly reconditioned. A good reliable car$8 5 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN Customi radio, 2-ton. paint, locally owned, 30,000 miles. Exceptionaliy good-$1 9 Nany More Laie.and. Older Nodel Cars from which lo cIiwSe. ALL GREATLY EIEDUCED, Robson Motors Limite ntiac- Buick- Vauxhal Cars - GMC Trucks-, 6 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 & 3-33227 r -'w TMC.JMAbUN STATEMUS, BOWtANVI=. OMAM» PARE 9DVrEm d --4