'~0 - - - s -- - f f i. t t - FAMElTwO- CARDIK TAýIEMX. B OWMMiYTLEONTAM.O TntRSDAY, MAY 2Mh. lOf Emib lem' S Sign ific nce Told to B.,&P. Club Members During Installation Meeting The sligificance of the Busi- niess and Professional Woueen'a Clubs e iilem was gwven Thrà day by eiss Dorothy Rlmxnlng- ton, Toronto. She spoke at the dinner meeting of the Bow- manville Business and Profes- sional Women's Club held at the Balmoral Hotel. .The president, Miss V'elma Gay, conducted the meeting. Iheports were given bv Mrs. Ina McNaughton, sick and sunshine commlttee convenor; and Mrs. Alleen Turner, convenor af the ways and means committee. Mrs. Florence Tomllnson, memn- bership convenor, reported that seven new members had join- ed the club during the ye3r, and that the total membershlp cf the club is now 46. Many ProJecta Miss Isabelle Davis, Interna- tional committee convenor, gave a resume of this committee's activities during the year. She MONUMENT%"S AND> FMNEQUALIW MA RKERS Stafford Brbs. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. É., Whitby Phone l'w'htby MOhawk 8-3562 told of the tag days held by -the club in October on Uheic Fida: and Saturday nearest to United Nations Day, October 24th. lle- ceipta fnom this for UNICEF were $447.04. Thiere were, also 48 boxes of UNICEF cards sold. Anether donation was made to the School for the Blind in Ghana, Africa, a project o! the Canadien Federation o! B. and P. Women's Clubs. Miss Violet McFPeeters chair- man of the civic cemmittee, te- ported on the accommnodttlôn arrangements for 400 boys dur- ing the Little N.H.L. Hockey Tounnament this âpring. Sh< told of the plans for Old Home Week, June 28th ta July 6th, when *the club will be In charge, of regiÈtrations, copWe of tihe Centennial progiam and sou- venins at the Badminton Club. Canva for Advte. Twenty club members are canvassing for advertisenients for the Bowmanvile Centennial Souvenir Progrem, Miss M~ee- tenu said. She reported on the many Welcomne Wagon caI1 miade an newcomci-s te the town during the yean. Tultior for one girl ta attend ight school was paid. As the B. and P. Club's reptesentative on the Centennial Committee, Miss Mc- Feetets reported on the meet- ings and plans made. Ilhe treasurer's report was given by MIss Dorothy Virtue. A letter froni Mrs. Marion Jef.ý fery thanking the club for flow- ers sent when ber mothen dled, was read by Mrs. Anna Wat- son, the coresponding secre- tary. A letter o! thanks was aise read froni 1,rs. Minerva Kerr for the plant sent by the B. and P. Club for the opci-ing cf ber Goodbrand Fabrics Shep. Miss Franecs Hearle, the pro- le Ir El i. d. ie id le te gram convenor, t-eported on all the excellent progranis given gt the manthly meetigs during the yeir. Speakers Itout. In Intreducing the Seclal speaker, Miss Marioanc Ceuch said that Miss Doethy Run. mnington Is a. peson oi outatand- Ing abillty. She la a peat p±resi- dent of the 100 A NA. Business and Profeuaianal w.Vmenx> Club of Toronto. Miss Rlrminiton lu supeviso ofspeclal educettion~ and duning the wan %vas an education ofilcer with the C.W. A.C. Miss Couch told the audi- ence that she iirst met Miesi titmmlngton v.hen they wetel both eikchànge teachers ln Eng,. land..1 Per more Thaus Badge The emblem cof the Businesi and Professianal Women's Clul >e la far more than e badge worh tby the mrembers, Miss Rim il mington explalped. It has, > deePer significance and bInd! ethe members ti a mystic sister. 13 haod ta WAtch for the welfare * f aIl women, furnish assist. * arnce when nceded, and aise tc it promote progress. d , The face on the emblem. i esymbolic of aUl B. and P Worn. >et's Club members, the said. Il -is a face af high purpose, lofty ailms and courage. Trhq rays ol sthe rlsing sun behxnd It gIve >the face a glow and is Iluia- tive of the brlghte - dayt ehead, *she explalned. 1, The çircle tôuched by al leaves and trillium symbolizes *faith, hope and love of human- is ty. Trllliunu la a flower that agnZows in cvery province In eCanada, she pointed eut. 9 Eech of the eight 'points oî the octagon bas specialI rean- ing Miss Rixnmington stated. T1e first Indicates God In tlis wisdolx. Te second faith. The Importance of faith In thé cIubo Ideals was stressed by the speak. er. She told of two %vomen, in Europe who gave up tiieir lives rether then give Up thelir be- llets. The third point la for abllity, she explalned. 4'gveryone has ebillty, éven If in tome it la 'dor- ment. We mxust each do w'hat we cetn. AUl tan help In the little things that a"Biot greater achievements," the said, "The !ourth point la uprlghtness. This ls e quality eo! grett import- ante an-d has il.luenced the clubs' acconxplishrnent, ow'ands leglslatlon, and çqual pay for equal work. Womnen new serve on luiles, and many more are taklng an active interest in pol- !tics, municipal, provincial and federel, ahe asserted. No zoomn For ,Iealou8Y The flfth point nieans hat'. meny. Thete la neno rom ler jealousy. Harrnouy la needed In the wonld today ta alhay feer. When a declaration o! human nights lu a living reality %ve will see the gnowth af international harmony, and there wlll net be rooni for intolerance, -gree d and pettiness."1 Miss Rfrnnxingtoný predicted., Fouders Were Dreamers "The slxth point l Inche aa goi- means vision. The vision ta see and toaechieve. The founders o! oui' clubs were dreamners who made their dreeni came true. 'There are now 142 Business and Professianal Wom- en's Clubs in Canada, and 5,000 In 25 countries thnouk(hout the wvorld." "The seventh point la mem- bership. Our clubs must gain in quality and numrber through increasing nxembcrship. Our, members must be cager, and alent. Age la not a- enitenlon foi' members. While the wisdom and expenience aofnxaturlty 13 desirable, the freshness and en. thusiasm io! yauth is alsa need- cd. The elghth peint in oui'c- tagon meens revenue. This i needed ta sustain ai the points, Miss3 R!mmnington expleined. Symbolie of Knawledge lShe painted eut that the scrol the icemblem is asymbolle of knowledge, and sald that with- eut kcnowledge. and wladom, inembens would be helpîcass to Iniplement their aims and Ideals. ne~ letters on the scroll shouhd be burnished by accani. Plishment and ioyalty ta wem-. eri everywhere as they stand for the Canadien Federation ai Business an-d Professleneh Womn- en's Clubs, the speaker explein- cd. Miss Leria Taylor on behaîtfaf the members ai the club nxoved a vote o! thariks te Miss Rlm- mington for hex- lnsplring ad- dress. EKxpre.nThanke Misa Velma Gay, thc pneui- dent thankcd ail the niembers fer their support durlng the two ycars she had held office. She sald she veny much enjoycd warklng wlth themn, and appre- ciated their ca-opcretion. Miss Gay misa thanked the. aificers, and the convenons for theïr dili- gent wark. She exýpreâEed -hcr I M1LTON EWLOI? Chairmau GEO. VAN BRIDGEX Manamo Look Out for Deer When Driving Through AIgonquin Park Area A sharp increese In. the nuni- ber of car accidents i.nyolving dcc',- môose and bear là expect. d bY conservation officers eo he Ontario Departinent <>1 Lands and Fol-cita wlth the an- hvpol o! Warnier weather. An. Incea«se in accidents cf this typ, t this tlxne oft ycar in et- tributed ta the greater niumbér of' rAotorists on the hlghways as weli as te the.'fact tlat the arilmalt theriselves are xneving aboùt'- imore freely than durlng thé suniier inon-ta. lIn thc fi ca1 year endine March à 1, 1957552 cdet wei, killgd on the province's high- ways, 93 o! thern in this dis- trict, third highest total fter Lake Erie and Lake Huroni dis- tricts. AverAge coât of repairs ta cars waa abolit $130, to Bay nothinig o!fpoflble injuries. District Forgster Ddugles N4. Oznand points out that many of these accidents ccxx at night when the animeals are blinded by car headllghts.' "Most, motoriÉts travelling through Algonquin Park at nlgbt have.*sceti .dazens ef brightly glosvitx pairs Qft eyea fefIécting headlilghtà from the brush ahong the aide ai the koad," says Mnr. Omiand. *"Be. wlldenèd an-d blnded by the lights, any ot these pnlmals may lump directly luto the path 'of a car. ýWise inotorlats, knotv- ing this, slow. dovn and are Élert for a qiuick stop. Éveh during the day, a deër or moôse may baund eut of the !arest Into the path ci a speedhrxg car.* As Wiîth Most highwae hazardg. the best defehse is reduced speed and alertness. "Before Imposition of a speed lltnit'a! 35 m.p.h. 1hýrôugli tbe portion Gi AlgonqUin Park high- wvay Where. dýez, àtè flxakt nu-. merous, dée kilîs were much more coramon and accident iMuslkrc.ts from Rice Lake Now Thrive in Finland fTwýenty years ago, a smafl nation of Noïthern Europe ask- a d the Ontario Government for t~ a glift which, it -hôpèd then would help its reàidm&nts who, inli some %cases, wtre havllxga hard struggle te liv-e..1 The nation wvas Finland. In DÉta et -the eoulitty, thé top o- grajphy greatly resembles that Buisliness Direclory I ccouniancy Chartered Accoutitant Second Floor Ne* zLibrary auildtng jCor. King anid Tempérance Sts. P'honxe MArket 3-3812 IMONTIETH - MONTIETU uIEUL &iCO.1 f Chartered Accountants 135 Slincoc St. N. Oshawa RiA -3527 Partxners : J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith B Coornn C.A. G. W. Biehi, C.A." (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. TALEK, FRIXDLANDER, HUNTER S& CO. Accountants and Au4ttors 64 King St. le. fRA 8-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Friediander, B. Comm,, C.P.A, J. Huntér, C.P.A. fi. EDWIN MANN, D.. Office Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of fforsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By AppoIntment D e ntfa »IL. W. M. RUDELL, D.».S. Office: Jur ZJubilee Bldg. 40, King St. owrantVille Office fours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pari. il Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-6790 flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. B. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.D.U. Office In his homne 100 Liberty St. N. - Bownxanvllle Office Heurs: 9 a.mâ. ta 6 p.m. dally à arn. ta 12 nooni Wednesday Closed Suaday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. P. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Kilng St. E. - Bowmnavi-le Office H ours: C arn. ta 6 pin. dally Closeci Saturday and Sunday Telephône: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga STRIKE and ST91KE BarriËters, Solicitors Notarles Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. K. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bownanvflle Telephione MA 3-C91 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Berrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Prlday, 7 p.rn. to 10 p.fi. Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 pan. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barristen, Solicitor Notary Publie King St. W. - Bowmianvllle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APIJA L. HODGINS Barnister, Solicitor Natary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvllle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2248 Consultation br eppointmcent o r tg agqe-s LERO ELU TON- ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Fund.- Residences - Parms Business Properties &MIE A. BU££=T' 11 Optômetrist 14 la st L- Bwmanvtfl Monday ta Saturday' 9 aam. to 5 p.m. SWednesclayr. 9Rtc 12. Thursday .venunp of Ontario with lakes, rocks, îtx-eams. fore sts and swamp- lands, many oi them. large and much like those of Rice Lake lni southerri Ontariaocor the lrea around Moosonee ln the narth. Would it be possible, the Fin- niîqh Governnient asked, for Onitario ta spare a !ew o! its vast store o! muskrets, the aQuatIc animal on- Wbich rnêny Ontario boys first leanix ta trap wild animais? At the tinile, pi'ebably the fin. est niuskrat peltulin' the wor1d were taken ln the Rice Lake arcs. Properly tneated and cut bv skilled furrierý, they became prized fun coats. But changes wene in the offintr and the de- mand for Canadien fur w-as dropplng. As a gaodwill esure tow- ards thie little nation1 Ontario, through the Depertxent of Lands and Fonesa, egrced ta exPOnt a amaîll stock of musk- rats froni Rice Lake. Skilled trappers took 84 ai thern inj live traPs-wlre boxes resern-j bling a suitcase which snapped shut on thc entrance e! the an- limal. Treated more tenderly than xnany humans migbt have beeri lin those days, thé muskrats wene ShiPPed te> Finland by boat. Enroute, anc of theni died. As ncarly as could be de- terrrdned, the animal ivas killed lin combat with another male. But there were stihi 83 le!t. Governnient officiais met the boat picked up the muskrats and transported themi nto eni- vtirotiment closely rescmbling wvhat thcy had left et Rice Lake. Nothiiig was heard locally about the Onterio animais for years and years. Until e few nights ega when Kingsley Grahami, Consul-Gen- enal ta Finland, happened ta at- tend a social furiction et which thene. were a nurixer of senior officiais o! the Department af -Lanidsaend orests. UBy Uic way, Mn. Grahami.» asked crie ot them, how did those muskrats get elong."1 SMn. Grahami thought fon a minute. "YOU wouldn't believe lt," hie said, "but the Place is sirnPly alive wlth mnuskrats. They thrived beyond belief tifice the clixuate and the con- ditions in parts o! Finland are sa mnuchlikie the Riee Lake area.J Evcl-y Finiah trapper who tftkes e muskrat says a sihent 'thenk you' ta thc people e!f Ontario who are hel-ping him I ta inake a living. In feet," con- tinued Mr. Graham, d'Ontario lu i'egarded as one ai the friend- içst states ini the wonld by the whole people o! Finland.et Mare recently, Ontario ex-f Poteted a niumber o! small-j mnoutbed black basa te Finland. The fiç1î arrlvcd safely and again Finnlsh officiais ioved thcm te lakes and streamn s s- ilan te those in the area between Hunitsville and Temagami.j "In a few ycanrs, we hope an.d exnect, the anglers cf Finland will have furtiier cause ta ne-. gard Ontario as a friendly place. The fact we have some of your fish ini aur country tvon't stoD a lot oi aur people frorn coin- Ing ovei» te Ontanio, as they do .now, ta seeceountry which se 1 closeY resembles many par ta c! their hameland. We hope. ta o, that Ontario !olks will coine aven and sec us-and wc can show them, in a very material way, how gzrateful we arc for their assistance,, sald Mn. Gra- hem. OBITUARY "STAFF SE RGEANT ~ J. M. HINCHCLIFFE Funeral service was bell! et the Church of Uic Good Shep- herd, Cornwall, Fridmy after- neon for Staff Sergeant John Malverix (Jack) Hirichcliffc who dled hene on Wédnesday. Inter- ment was in St. Lawrence Val- lcy Union Cemetery, near In- gleside. A member o! the Ontario Pro- vincial Police Force for 28 years, the deceased entered thc force and was posted ta Bownxanville in 1930. From Bowmanville be wa tnansferi'cd te Port Credit and later te Ottawa. He served et Cornwall !rom 1945 ta 1947 and, !ollowlng his promotion ta sergeant, was pôsted ta Ottawa. Hewas trarisferred ta Cornwal in 1956. Staff Sergeant Hincheliffe Was wvUl liked by both the peo- ple wlth whom he camne in contact and fellow off icers. Hec marricd the. former Win- hftn.rd Melntyre in Peterbor- oulgh in June, 1931. Mra. lunch- C}Ifle aur-vives along wlth oee daughter Judith Afin, et thc fanly haome, 507 Burton avenu.e One brother. Sidney Hincli- du!. éo! Milton, Ontarijo. misa aurvms Nesileton Station (Intended for at week) Miss Jacqueline Metcalf and Mr. Cecil Marshall, Brockville, vlsltéd her uncle, X~itchener Burton. Mr'.and Mrs. Jas. Harris attended the funeral of Rev. Arthur Strothers of Belleville. Intermnent waà in Adolphustawni whene ho was ministen cf the Anglican Church for mnany years. Mr. anid Mrs. Robet't Nesbltt, Claremont; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nesbltt,' Toronto md Mr. an-d Mrs. E. Horn, 05thawa, were re- cent visitons iwlth Mr. Elmèér and Mr. and Ml-s. Marvin Net- bltt. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert B y rs, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Irvine and Carol, Lindsay, viÉited Mi'a. J. W. Irvine an-d Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hfeaslip. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Douglas and Marie visitect sev- éral fniends in the village and dIned with the Nesbltt famiUy. MUt. and Mrs. Noei Swettmah of Schomnberg vlsited Mi'. and Mrs. ltrr McLaughlln. Har'vey 1grs and his bôy. frlend Torry Hewlett of Tôoof- ta, called oli hig grftranther, Mrs..Jas. Saniells and Nomtnan. Mr. and Mrâ. Jas. Hledge, Stewart and David were at their farm hôme for' the weekend. Thé Normtan Rohi'er children Xenfieth, Barry and Barbara are ttaying Wlth Mr. and Mi-s. Oliver Rohrer until their mnoth- er and new baby broth,ýr return from Port Perry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood spent the weekend in Toronto with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mains are staying with the Virtue child- ren ini Bowvranville while Mn. and Mrs. Reid Virtue enJoy a niotor trip ta West Virgitila, U.S.A. Percy Hulbert, Toronto, sperit the weelzend with his father, Arthur Hulbert. Shortly after midnighit on Sunday the fire alarm went out to a lire on Poole's hill, east of Nestieton. The Caesarea ire brigade responded but the barni was destroyed though the re- mains of the log house still stand. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer and Miss Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feltz and Marie, al cf Mitchell, were holiday guests o! the Norman, Oliver and lvan flohrer lamilies. Miss Chrystal Fallis of Port Hope Hospital spent a few days with Mn. and Mns. Donald Thonipson. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fallis and fàmuly, Gananoque, and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Fallis,, Tenante, were at thefr summner home ovér thc holiday.. Mr. Olver of Erooklin vlsltcd his niece Mi'.. Cecil Wilson and Mr. Wilson, *Miss Beth Proutt- of Llndiey John of U±bridge and Donald o! Blackstock were visitons wlth their parents, Mr'. and Mn.. Ivan Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMuften and Carl, Ballyduff, and Mr. and Mrs. Mauric~e Samneils and Shar- op, Peterborough, with Mn. and Mrg. LÉrnién Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Manshall Mal- colyn and Anne, Stratford, câll- cd on Miss Ruth Proutt. Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Port Hope,-vislted Mr. and Mns. A. Williams and faxnlly. Mm'. Mildred Colley and thnee girls na day in Toronto wîty ePhlip Langfeld farn- Grill have installed a chlcken bai'becue whlch was quite pop- ulcr over the holiday. L&diôs Aid met Tuesday even- Ing at the home of Mr4. George Wolfe, who confducted the De- Votiorxal. Final plans toi' the hot supper *érè co'pletéd and a committee appointed te price the r Imnants. Mrs. H. Mc- L&ughin rcad a fine paper on~ "The Club Womnan"; Miss Ruth Proutt, "The Hawaiien Missien- ary", and Mrs. Gist, "Nçver Say Quit". Mrs. Lloyd Beacock favoured with e piano solo, "Stand Up, Stand Up For' .Tesu" wlth variations, and Mms Wolfe an extract froin "Great Lessons for God's. Lambi" b Howard Sugden. A tour of Mrs. Wolfe' tùiny redecorated home was enjbyed and the hostesses Mns. M. ies- bltt and Mrs. L. Beacock served san~dwiches, cake and tea.. The June meetingis ta be,he1d the. home of Mrs. HermaimSàd3 ells 'vith Mrs. 'tC. Wilson an Mrs. W. CampM assistants. Mr'. and Mrt*Fôrge Bawèrs attended the èvth weddln an- niversltry of Mr. and r.Wil- frld Wilson of Omeme. onFr1. day evenlng. The measure of a inana real character is what ho vrnuld do If he knew he wôulé ',ïever be found out.-Thomas Babington Macauley. 1qGNE Y AVAILABLE lM NGRTGAGES Balph S. Jones Barrlster and Selictor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshma WHITE Best Buy - Save 9c Libby's 20-oz. tin Cooked SPAGHETTI5 For 89c Beit Buy - Save 12C Greenx Giant 15-oz. tin Fancy PEAS - 6 For 99C Best Buy - Save 5e Heinz Hot Dog, Barbeque, Ilamburg 12-oz. jar BELISHES -2For 69C Best Buy - Save 9e Intenlake White Cross TOILET TISSUE 5 RailS 59C. Best Buy - Save 4c Five Roses FLOUR reature - Save 2c White or Cider VINEGAR 17c Feature - "Bakery Buy" Sunbeam - Cello wrapped Short Cake or Fruit Ring 29c. 5 Lbs. 37c Plump. select quality 13A NAÀNA S Finest quality, good size, Cuban PINEAPPLES 2For 49C Select Palm' Garden Brand - Cell pkg. TOMATOES - - 23cý Flavorful, xnild, hothouse, CUCUMBEES New cnop yelbow BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS LEMONADE, 6-oz. tins 2 for 29e GREEN BEANS, French style, lO-oz. pkg.---------27e F1511 BITES, 8-oz. pkg. 39C king size 2 For 25c 3 Lhi. 25c TH ERE'S Feature - Save 1 4e Maple Leaf - 24-oz. tin - 12e off LIGUID DETERGENT 69c Feature Supreme 16-oz. jar Sweet Nixed PICKLES 25c Supreme 48-oz. jar Sweet Mixed PICKLES Feature - Save 4c E. D. Smith's Pure Re or Strawberry Feature - Save Ce Rose Brand - Regular Pack MARGARINE 2Lbo. 49C Feeture - Save 10e Si-if t'a 24-or. tin BEEF OR IRISH STEW 37c 59C taspberry 12-oz. jar Feature - Kingsdale Party Assortment -2 BISCUITS - Pkg. 33c 27 Biscuits i Swift's Quality Beef Specially Selected Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS ILb. 55c Mcaty - Tender Short Bib ROASTS iLb. 5 9C Sw%%ift's Dinner Quality - 1-lb. cello pkg. PRENIUN FRANKS 47c BROWN 'N SERVE Su&A 16 linksA~1 ik 9-0z. pkg. 7c 6lo2z.pk. Cé Swif t's Premnium 4 vareties in carh patkage PLATTER PAN 45C BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET IXIN4 ST. EAST OF TOWN LINE O)RONqO - Cornish Marketera BLACKSTOCK- Blyth's Market love that clecirlo water hbater An aiuteratic electrie water heater is efficient and economical. It provides pienty of hot water when you need it ... from Dad's morning shae ... te daily baths and showers . . . froxn washdays te, the dozens of other housekeeping jobs that cail for hot water. Hot water is on tap automatically with an electric water heater to help you Live Bétter Electrically.. the safe, cdean, modem way. ,BOWANILLE PUBLIC IITLITIS CONNISSION 4ffl FRUlT & VECETABLES TEE .1 24-or. bottle a 2Lbs. 29c 1 RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU