TEE CANAD!AK BTATESMMi, EOWMMqVILLE. O~ITAMO 'T'uTDai AV M Av Oêê~ Ina. Ground'Observers Meet Oshawa Airport Tonight __________________________Dr. M. B. Dymond, Mlzilter very Interesting comments ta of Transport and Test Pilot W. make about the ground observ- byUMCARUTEL VNNEY (Spud) Potocki, of A. V. Roe, ~7Malton, are to be the speakers er carps. at a meeting of the Ground Ob. This meeting wilbe open ta BLOSSOM TIME tan Oper~a Company's presenta- sandwich that we feel sure was seèrver Detachment connected ail past and present ground ob- Thr a esm tien ofPuccini's Madama But- as go as any cooked on a de with No. 54 RCAF Filter Cen- servers and their friends and lovelier thana May day-apple Te tre, Peterboruh hhisb-ti epce haosrvs trees drifting with blossomns we're getting a bit excited driftwood smoke added a fia- edaruhwih1beitiexce htosevs abot t. hi wil e oly-th vur ha cold't e uplca- ng eda the Oshawa Flying will attend from nlot only Osh- whose scent on the wind !à theaouitThs iIbaolth vorhacodntedpia- Club auditorium, Oshawa, on awa, but alsa irom Orono, essnceofa hnded prngs asecond opera we have seen, ed. Coffee was brewed then and essnc a ahudre Srigs athough we have listened ta the there, and one always drank Thursday, May 29th at 8 p.m. Bowmanvile, Pickering, Agin- bobolink spilling notes out af Met broadcasts from New York gallons. Coffee muga and a- Mr. Potocki plans on brlnig- court, Malton, Port Perry, Sea- the sky like musical quicksil- ut.fe.A o nw t:skiet pedtebte it îg with hirm a sound track of grave, Claremont, Myrtie, Ce- ver, every garden and roaduide the Toronto Rotar-y Club which were about ail the dishes need- th' lgto h rowihdrCek odod tuf Illac reborn, and the suni shin-spnosteCmaysana dndkg cu nthv should be very interesting. Dr. ville, Markham, and other loca- ing over al-there may b. but vsonsa orstompany's annuar cd ndkigscoldno.hveDymond, as mirister of Trans- tions. Everyone wiil be most a dutn as eul nr year is fi-rn May 26 ta 31. It is With ail the emphasis on port wili no doubt have gome wecome. owun was beause eacn heso a wonderful thing for the Ro- equipment for fishing, picknick- hssown eculi a glaornu tai-y ta do, giving thousands of ing, or whatever, isn't there a flanc tavell e tha bloso bti people an opportunity ta sec danger of substituting the trap- W eII Planned Sports D ay non oMay. tanboso t and hear one of the finest opera pings for the essential pleas- Every gardcn has its flower- The opera which wc shall sec use a toasting fork or the aid- H l t B t o y My 1 Ing trees or shrubs, even behind on Tuesday night ia one of the fashioned kind af toaster used the mast unlikely looking hou- Company's new productions, over a cook stove (very good ses in the city, we discavered that is as ta staging. The stag- for roasting wicners or toast- o ci g 5 t B*r hy by peering with curiosity fi-arn ing is by Yoshio Aoyama, with ing buns) inatead ai cutting and the street. But it's the littie designis by Motohiro Nagasaka. sharpening a willow stick-but BE AY-Behn Ati cth seesatispaur roads (only a few of themn leit of a Japanese lacquer panel, there is great virtue in simpli- BTLN ehn tl-e hmevso hspesr now) between blossoming or- with cool greens, flat goids and cîty, especially when it cames tic Association fittingiy cele- and others, not sa young, went chai-dg, and the aid fields dot- heavy outlines. They were made round ta washing the dishes. bratcd the 5th Arnniversary ai for the ride for "aid times' ted wjth seedling trees, and the possible by a gift ta the Met * * its founding with a well plan- sake." ravines where the pin cherries from a New York business man NTSB H A ned sports day on Manday ai- The president ai the Athieitc are in flower, and the creek The new sets are said ta be au- NTSB H A ternoon, May lOth, with a large Association, Verne Mulligan and flashing in the sun, that tell thentie as ta detail, and very We are not the only ones crowd attending. bis driver, Creighton Carr, drew the truc story ai Spring. beautiful, producing the effect cclebrating a centenary. We Events gat under way with rounds ai applause when they * . *with wide interests in the Far sec that Mazo de la Rochc's la- a parade beginning from St. brought up the rear ai the pa- THE MET IN TORONTO East. test book, fifteenth in the Jal- Paul's Anglican Church ta the rade dressed in swallow-tail More ai this aiter we have na series, is called "Centcnary Athletîc Park. Bethany COITI' coats and top hats, riding in an We are ta sec the Metropoli- attended. at Jaîna" and will be publish- rnunity band directed by Ernest old fashioned buggy and driv- _______________________. s s d next month by Macmillan's. Victors led the parade with ing a team i horses. Air, Rail or Steamshlp FINGERS WERE MADE Who does not know Jaîna and George Smith bearing the flag. Race Prlzewinners T IC KE S EFOE-the Whiteoaks? And Jalna, a There wcrc 40 entries in the T 1 K ET SBEFOE-bouse which grew from Miss de parade, making final decisians There were races for ail ages TO EVERYWHERE Ail this lancy picnic equip- la Roche's imagination, in this for prizes a difficuit task for and prizes for those events Consult ment that we see about these book has a centenary celebra-i the judgcs, Rev. G. E. Meades were awarded as follows: Boys JURY & LOVELLI days is asign of tetims, we-i tion. We look forward ta the and H. F. Rayson ai Guelph, a 6 years and undor, Kenneth 15 KIng St. W. MA 3-5778 suppose. The fact is, however,I story with eagerness. former niember ai the B.A.A. Portcous; girls, Phyllis Young- Bowmanville that you can have just as good In the May-June Bulletin af here for the holiday weekend. man. Boys 8 years and, under, ____________________a time and maybe better withj the Royal Conservatory of Mu- First prize for the best de- Douglas Neals; girls, Sandra none at ail. We were taken i1 sic we read: "Ray Dudley's corated boys tricycle wcnt ta Campbell. Boys 10 years and ~G L TLDhand at an early age and taught well-reviewed appearance in Donald Speller, second prize te under, Brian Hogg; girls, Patsv flIG LY SYLEDthe simple art of cooking a meal Brantford, April l7th, marked Wendy Preston. Best decorated Bigelow. Boys 12 years and un- MODERATELY PRICED outdoors, and simplicity is still bis tenthi anniversary as a con- girls tricycle, Beth Bonsteel, (lez-, Brian Hogg; girls, Dianne LADIES' WEAR the secret. cert artist. A March concert second prize Lynda Neals. Best Smiith. Boys 15 and under, AI- The fireplace in the backyard with Ray and the Hart House decorated boys bicycle, Billy Ian F'owler; girls, Dianne Smith. LaVogue was nlot the vogue that it is now. Orchestra in Bowmanviile ta Smelt. adlvcrtising the Bethaýny Chocolate bars were given to Water was aimost essential, the celebrate its centennial year wasCu PakseodpiAlnevretatwhddfoto- § a u / e creek or the lake; wood was a spectacular success." Smith. Bcst decorated girls' bi- erwise xin a prize. gathcred, a fire lit between We are sari-v indeed ta sec cycle Dianne Smith, second, Thi-ce Bail Gaines stones; some sticks eut from that Canadian Home Journal is Patsy Bigelow. There were three bail games handy wiilow trees ta serve as ta disappear fi-rn our already Prize for the best decoi-ated during the aftci-noon, with two Cor. Atb.oI & Cellua, Oshawa toasting forks, and fingers soi-y- tao small magazine field. Along car went ta Mr. and Mrs. Gar- junior teamns fi-rn Bethany and i ed admirably ta cat a steak with Farmcr's Magazine and don Smith, their entry adyci-- Millbrook making their first an- four business publications, it tising the Fifticth Annivcrsary. peerance. These boys were al bas been sold by Jack Kent Bruce Wright won the prize for under 16 ycars. Th Bet h nv Cooke af Consolidateci Press. the best decorated commercial teami under management of Bob fThe Journal ia being merged by vehicle. Donald Smith and bis Ryley and Gardon Smith is en- The Ulàcern IPWay Maclean-Hunter with Chete- barncssed dog, first prize for tered in the Peterborough Jun- 1laine, and we have no doubti best comic entry. Edger Beer ior- League for the season. The To Be Traditionally this wili be a good magazine, and bis childi-en Ernest, Mai-- final score in this game was 6-1 but we don't need fewer mage-I guerite and Peter with thei- in favor of the Bethany boys. zincs ini Canada,'we need more. entry, "Old MacDonald's Farm" Lnus ehn acl î ~~Correct Lest year thre U.S. magazines which includcd a number aiSet Mra mih o ceesed publication, and the same far animais won the prize for Scott, John Logan, Bob Ed- thing bas» been happening ini Best Farmer's Entry. mns alPmry rc England since the War. It is a In the ciass for Antique Cars, Wrindt, DPeud Woda, ruce very disturbing time for those Laverne Chapman and Melvin Porgte, wav i WoodReoal jntcrested in writing. Pcrheps Wright won eciual prizes for Ross Smith, Neil Finney andt ,, when tclevision's limitations thir od el T Fagrd etriecs. John Jackson as subs. have been fully mesured and go unn retecr realized by the public, thereanthidrvs nfckcts Millbrook - Bred Medd, W. Lets drbybas ad werng grad-Hogg, J. Croak, Ber-t Medd, A.1 wil bea rnassace. .. father beards" were a gi-cat et- Fowlcr, D. Earl, Rod McDowLiuvc, i ne ~~~~~~hope so. The good periadicai .Cutr T atas fuis a definite need. traction end as an edded ieture B oleT ates they advertiscd mile and return Ladies Soitheil - Orono vs.1 trips for 10c. turning over thc Betheny with the final score 17 Bouquet 13LACKSTOCK procceds ta the Ahei so BLAUK TOCK ciation. Many yçung people wbo had neyer seen a Model T avaiT- Invitatirn and Mrs. Arnold Taylor .Ihv tat oif- an Dinneattended the Sun- Sday School enniversery servi- D n to s t 5L4. Pneroo ndevnngan had an e U ne Osa waist Mr. and Mrs. il Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne,Re c Roy Taylor Sunday cvening and $ , 5 Mi-.andMrs Ga-ne Muray Thc Bowmanvile Branch af Mr o M.. and girls with Taylors Mondey. the Canadien Cancer Society W mflg In it t1afle Mr. J. Argue, Bawmenville, bas received wondei-fui epn JJ~~7 ~EW~'~U/V...FEE.'q.J spent Mondey with bis sistersetisapelfrun a Thermio.engraved <'EitkspD Lt1'ERiGr) MsfJicKeght this dreed disease this 1 r.Wm. Carnegban end Miss year end would like-ota te this Wedding and engagement announcements, birth annaunce- Alice Carneghan, Toronto, spent j pportunity ta 'tbank ail those ments, confi-mation invitations, golden and silver anniversary the weekend with the John groupa and' individuals Who annauncements, etc. Carnaghans. gave their vcry layai support Mr. and Mi-s. Leslie Beecock to this warthy cause., The mo-ng avingand boys were Sundey guests The folowing is a report on (RAISED LETTER1NG)ý and femiiy. District Amount LAooks and feels 1ke the. fineat band engràving-. Theletters Did sameone get tired welk- Canvassed *Collected have an clegance and individuality only the fiet band en. ing Setui-day nîght? Sunday Bowmanvillie $2,340.85 gaigcnmatch. mornîng Mi-. John Hamiltons Enfieid ._____ 101.95 graving can acar containing al bis cerpenter Tyroiie -_____ 184.75 Thermo-engraving (LamSEDLzTTERINC>' tools was rnissing forim his gai-- Ebenezer____- 253.90 age just north o! Biecksto ck on Salem 104.6!) Costs about haif as much as hand engraving, because it eliminb' thc Scugog Roed. Mondey John Burketon 204.0 mete copper plate that makes hand engraving 80 expenhivo received e phone caîl saying ai Mapi Gi-ove 284.30_ A" iT' READY WITHIN THE WEEK car unlocked in wbich the find C ourtice 294.52 ci- found some papers w r.ith Mr Hampton 172.?o jwith thcm and continue ta fight Cancer with a check-up l and a cheque. MAPLE GROVE i Whai Others Say. GROCETERIA Washington Post.TAIOI turc made them hai got ta stop. Tho NS __________________________________ j Here a iellow in <Jei-nany Phone MA 33921 cdemis tahave developed a ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___stingless bec which lu aald ta produce even more honey than the aid kind- with the pointcd 1 / 2% l.CiL eUL:1praboscis, and ca e hldi AU. oEAES1Z- -Uihe nd and strolçcd, ta boot. JMaybe so, but bas no one any 3 IL e EIESS -*.79 <1>Aproeug~>~ht for the bee's frutra- -- O.StSMA MI ILeL ilose-de thdrlesig brh oeo ued chiees is tIngyuknthere eili bey 3 là. Cldkouhoipe-ade dresing$19 igess chickens;,and the next ID.iIcEU wih elejus ryon or lu cices tius Alreayuknthere re ltl y wcckend. You'I1 love poisanlcss Poison Ivy. or ador- R C. Pl easlêephone orders at least 3 hours ahead hm less Liederkranz, or silent poli-C T tical orator, aor the aboLition ai C -- T Motua àDar.,. and Mrs. Chai-les Reynolds. Mass X-Ra Ys Credited for diseases, frequently heart con- ,ditions and lung cancers, In 1957 the total of these other cheat diseases detected wus close ta 8,000. Witji two body styles, three body lengths and tc'n handy, hand- some models, Chev- rolet pickups are way ahead in nmeet- ing your require- ments. It's the only one-ton panel in the industry - tcn fcct long by almost si fect wide - offcring fully 213 cubic fet of loAd-spacc! And it's only one of six Chevrolet panels 1 ER to every trucking problem... RE JRSISee ourlocal authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal-pronipt deliver- DYW. NICHOLS BOWMAN VILLE -10 infavor ai tht B;thany team. Lineup-Bethany: Ruby Hudson lb. Audrey Mufligan 2b, Mary Edwardusua, Vera Page 3b, Mary McDowell c, Hil- de Bigclow cf, Marie Van Beek P, Agnes Martichenko If, Gail Moffet i-f. Credits for home riùns ta Hudson, Muiligan, Edwerds end Martichenko. Orano: Mary Found 2b, Aiva Reid c, Gail Willis i-f, Jane Knox us, Hea- ther Rutherfard cf, Joan Al- dred lb, Gail Cooper p, Nora Wood 3b, Patsy Joncs If. Credits for bomrneiuns ta Gail Cooper and Nora Wood. Senior Basebeil: Millbrook vs. Betheny. Final score 3-2 in fa- vai- af Millbrook. Lineup: -Milbrook: Guthie P, Dawson lb, Car- c, Reynolds 3b, Ginn ss, Wright rf, Smith cf, Shep- herd if. Bethany: M. McGili 3b, Smith lb, Scott i-f, L. McGiil c, J. Wegamese p, Eliiott p. Ryley 2b, 0. Chellice ss, Jakeman If, E. Chailice cf. On display werc the trophics won tbrough the yers by the football, basebeli and softball teems. Dr. J. J. Hemilton and William Hanneb, the only two charter members ai the Asso- ciation now living wcre noticed as interested spectators during the aiternoon events. Melville Woods ai Wersew wes umpire in chie! for al garnes tbrougbaut the aiternoon. In the evening e dance was bcld in the Town Hall with mnusic supplicd by Gary De Loi-me and bis Raclt-A Biliy's. Verne Mulligan, president ai tbe Athletic Association ex- pressed their greteful thenks ta ail donors af prizes and ta everyonc who belped meke the Betheny Athletic Associetion's Fiftietb Anniversary an out- standing succcss. Guesis in the village for thc holiday wcckend included Mr-. and Mrs. H. F. Rayson and Tho- mas Rayson, Gleupb. with Mr-. and Mrs. Ernest Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hughes and Miss Wendy Hughes, To- ronto %vith Mis. Richa rd Fallis. Mr'. anxd Ml-s. Ed. MeGlynn and farnily of Peterborough, with Mi-s. Ina Palmer-. Mi-. and Mrs. Douglas Dri- ver, New Toronto, with Mr-. end Mrs. Gervîn Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Smith and family, Caiborne. with Mr. end Mrs. G. Weddell. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Jervis and fernily, Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Jervis. Mi-. and.Mrs. Ray Stinson and femily, Oshawa, with Mi-. end Mrs. Percy Mentie. Mr-. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell and family, Peterborough, with Mrs. John White. Mr. Dennis Challice, Rose- mont, wdith bis mather, Mrs. Richard Chellice. Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa; Mi-. and Mrs. Allen Moiiett and Miss Phyilis Bristow, Peterbor- ough with Mrs. Hilliard Bris- tow. Mr-. and Mrs. John Chellice and daughter, Julie-Ann, ai Millbrook; Mi-. and Mr-. and Mrs. Thomas Badluk and daughter ronia of Pontypool, Miss Pearl Pai-ker, Peterborough with Mr- TEM CANADL« STATEMIM. BOWMANV=Z.. OlqTAMO TRIMnAv- MAV toilh- loft* found 53,306 cases ai other chest Ontario's low dcath rate fi-rn tuberculosls, estlxnated at 3.9 per 100,000 population this year, is mainly due ta the effi- cient system ai mass x-ray sur- veys. Ia 1957, sixty-one percent of thc mass survcy repartcd cases were in the erly stages, according ta a report issued by the Ontaria Department ai Heeltb's Division ai Tubercu- basis Prevention. During 1957 a total ai 355,- 022 persans wcre x-rayed in the Depertinent's mass survey in Ontario. This wes the second highest total af x-rays ia a one- year periad since Uic inceptian af mess surveys i the province. The top "production" ai chest x-rays was in 1955 when 388,- 268 persans were scrcencd. The Depei-trent points out that finding e TB case, even fer advanced, cen be e saving af a lufe. Finding a case early cnough is a greeter seving-of lufe, of treetrnent time, ai fui- ther sceding o! the discase among famlly and friends. In addition ta discavering tu- berculosis, mass surycys have uncovercd other chest ebnor- melities wbich werc reparted to petient's physiciens. In the period 1950-57, surycys have