PAGE h1X~< TEE CNAD!AI< TATESMAN DO MANVLL~. ONART T.TTàlA .TT4Y 8h 08 Births Cards of Thankcs H_______e BENTLEY-Jack and Edith wish To the neighbours, friends,1 WOMAN ta do part time bouse- to announce the arrivalo ther relatives, Enniskîhlen W.A. far work. Phone MA 3-3176 before baby daughter, Barbara Ann, on r kindness ta me during my stayf 6 p.m. 23-1 May 23rd, 1958, at Memoriah in hospital and since my return WME foprsigadok Hospital, Bowmanville. A litthef home, thank you. WOE oIrsigadsa sister for Edie, Ronnie and Jobhn.j Howard Pye. 23-1 finisbing departmcnts. Apply 23-1I in persan ta Bowmnnville Chean- 1 I would like ta thank Dr. Mc. crs and Dycrs, 84 King St. W. CAS WELL - Jim and Marjorie Kenzie, Mms. Smythe, nurses 23-1 wish ta announce the arrivai o! and staff at Memarial Hospital, Rodney Eugcne, a brather for also those who sent cards, books RAWLEIGH business naw open Pbilip and Brenda, on June lst,f and baskets o! fruit during myi in Bowmanvilie. Trade wchh 1958, at Memorial Hospital,fjstay in baspital. . established. Excellent oppor- Bowmanville. 23-1 Gardon Morton, Orono. tunity. Full time. Write at I 23-1 once. Rawleigh's Dept. F-140- CORNISH - Carman and Faej h aiyo h aeTed 189, 4005 Richelieu, Montieal.~ (nec Joncs) are happy to an W Te arrn ofish e a tbnTfrends3- riaunce the birtb o! their son, tWre ihttakfins John Carman, a brother faor ncîghbours and relatives for ARE you planning ta earn extra Chemyl Lee, an May 29th, 1958 floral trîbutes and acts a! kind- $$$ for youm holidays? Jain a at Memarial Haspital, BowVman- ness sbawn thcm during their progressive company with 250 ville. 23-1 recent bereavernent in the loss guaranteed products. Evcry _______o! a dear sister and aunt. bouse in your territary a poten- COULON -Mr.nnd rs.23-1* tial custamer. No dull season in (nce Len-orr.IawdsMrstalaur lune. Write for details and Robert Coulson to ne Lnune 1friends thnnk the manylcatalogue. Familex, 1600 Del- Osborne) are happy t none red who generously sent me orîmier, Montreal, Dcpt. 42. the arrivaI a! a daughtcr at îvîc get weîî cards, cigarettes, fruit 23-1 Hospital, Peterborough an May; and fhowers during my stay in 27th, 195. 23-1 ugS. Jsph's Hospital, Peterbar- WOMEN, full or part time, ta - P- Ka -. .and,. £ettv ,J,,iogh irepresent lcading American cos- ]Bmock) are happy ta announce the arrival o! their daughter Sharon Anne, 8 lbs., 14 ozs., an May 30, 1958. A baby sîster for Judy. 23-1" VINE-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Vine are happy ta announce the birtb o! their son Christapher Ralph Stephen on Saturday, May 31, 1958, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 23-1; WOODWARD-Jean and Walter are happy to announce the birth o! a son Thomas Richard, on May 2ist, 1958, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, a baby brother for Lcab. 23-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Charles Clay Southey a! Oshawa an- naounce the engageme nt o! their daughter Mary Davis, ta, John Pringle McCàrter, son o! Dactor and Mrs. Arthur. Bumnet Mc- Carter ot Guelph. The marringe wilh take place on Snturdny, June 28, 1958, at 3:30 o'chock in St. Gearge's Anglican Church, Oshawa. 23-11 Mr. and Mrs. Elgin R. Taylor, Enniskillen, Ontario, announce the eniZa«emnf lhih- au...., Tom Westlake, Millbroak, Ontario. 23-1 The family o! the late Robert Graham wish ta extend their heartfelt thanks fam acts o! kind- ness, messages a! sympathy and beautitul floral afferings eccciv- e d tram relatives, 'ncighbours,] arganizations and many friendsJ in the sad bereavement af a lov-j ing father and unche. 23-1" Words ahane are not enough ta express aur gratitude ta aurj relatives and friends o! Bow- manville and district for their 'danations o! mancy, clothing~ and canned goods madetau since aur fire. Again many fthanks. Cc and Kay Tomlinsan and family. 23-1* I would like ta thnnk Drs. Miklos, Sylvester, Sheman, Hub-' bard, nurses and staff o! Me- mariai Hospital, my sister-in- lnw Mms. Louise Bell, R.N., fori their care and kindness, alsa neighbours and friends for flow- ,ers, cards and help during my recent illness. 1 Mrs. Alma Bell. 23-1* I wauld like ta, take this op- cm, Evelyn Grace, ta the Rev-f the nurses and staff for the erend Robert Franklin Sherwin, wonderful came I received dur- Delleville, son o! Mms. Frank îng my stay in Memorial Hos- Sherwin and the late Mm. Sher- pital, also my tiends, neig h- win, Cobourg, Ontario. The boums and relatives for the many niarriage will take place on Sat- cards, flowers, fruit, etc. urday, Juhy th, 1958 at 3 'clack Mrs. Herbert N. Scott. in Eldad United Church, Sauina,123* Ontaro. 231* 1I wish ta extend a heart!eht D eaths thank you ta aur many friends for their variaus kindncsscs ta NESBITT - At Nestîcton on me during my ecent stay in Tucsday, June 3, 1958, John Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ]Reginald Nesbitt, ini bis 68th ville, and ta my family at home. year. Beloved husband o! the A special thanks ta Dr. McKenzie late Myrtle Devitt and dear I and special nurses, alsa the bas- father a! John and Maurice ofI pital staff for their services. Xestleton. Rcsting at McDer- j Hilda R. Tamblyn, Orono. lnatt-Panabaker Funemai Home, 23-1* Part Perry. Service June thi at 2 p.m. Interment St. John's We wisb ta extcnd aur sincere Ccmetery, Bhackstock. 23-1I thanks ta neighboms, relatives 1 and friends for their floral of- NEWTON, Harriet -At Mount ferings and messages o! sym- Albert on Thursday, May 29th,j pathy, also Rcv. T. A. Morgan, 1958, Hamiet Brown, belavedr Dr. H. B. Rundie and the Mor- wi!e o! the late Richard Warner is Funemal Home for their kind- Newton and 'dear mother o! the ness sbown us during aur recent late Merwyn Newton; Gladwyn bereavement. o! Chilliwack, B.C.; Unie (Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo. Oscar Silversides) Zephyr; Mur- Miss Ruby Colwill. 23-1* iel (Mrs. Harold Ferguson) Bow- manville. In hiem 94th year. i The brothers and sisters o! Rcsted at the esidence o! hem the late Ross Henning wisb ta daugbtem, Mrs. Harold Fergusan, thank their fiends, relatives 117 Qucen St., Bowmanville. and neighbars for floral tributes Service was held Saturday, May and acts o! kindness at the time 3lst, at 2:30 p.m. Interment o! their recent beeavement witb Hampton Cemetery. Funemal a speciai thanks ta the staff and private. 23-1 emphayees o! the Bowmanville Foundry, Fife and Drum BandA WARREN - At Newcastle on Goodyear Engineering Office Thursdny, May 29, 1958, Theoda and Foremen, Public Utilities Elizabeth Warren, in hem '86th Ernployees and ta Rev. Herbert year, dear sister o! Jane (Mrs. Ifar bis cansoling wards. . 23-1* Fred Cowan) Newcastle; George, 1 Swvft Curment, Saskatchewan,j We wish ta extend aur sincere a"-d Edward, Bawncss, Alberta. thanks ta our relatives and Miss Warren ested at the Mor- fiends for the beautiful floral r.s Funemal Chapel, Bowman- tributes, cards and messages a! ville. Service was beld in New- sympathy rcceivcd during aur castle United Church an Satur- recent sad bereavement in the day, May 3lst at 2:30 p.m. In- loss a! a loving busband and terment Bond Head Ccrnetery. father; a special thank yau ta 23-1 the neighbaurs and te nîl thase who gave se frcely a! their hclp In Memnoricani at a time when it was most appreciated. FOWLER-In loving rnemory o! Mms. M. Collacott and family. 1Mrs. Florence F'owlem, wlio pass-' 23-1 ed away May 3th, 1957: 1j The world may change fmom In the midst o!frny sarrmw I ycam ta year, wish ta express my heartfelt i And fiends tram day ta day, thanks and appreciation ta myi But neyer wvill the anc we loved, relatives, fiends and ncighbars, Frarn memrnoy pass away. also special nurses and staff o! -Sadly rnissed and ever me-1 Memoial Hospital for the kind-~ rnbercd by husband and son. Incss and sympatby shown mef 23-1i in the lass a! my bclavcd ie. I Winnifrcd S. Macklin. I especial- PAKE-In îoving memory o! a. ly wisb ta thank Rev. F. J. Jack- dear husband and fath cm Sturleyi son and Rev. A. C. Luffman for Pake who passed away June 1 their consoîing wamds, ail the 1 3md, 1952.j donors o! the many beautiful Years go by, but bis memory!floral offerings, the palîbearers, wîlh always be near. the Morris Funeral Home tari! -Lovingly rernmbemed by bis their kind and efficient manage- wife Mymtle and daughter Betty. ment o! the services. Harald G. Macklin. WOODLEY-In loving memamy 23-1* o! aur sister Gladys E. Woad- ]cy who passed away June 2, Nursing fi ome 1956. 1 -Lovingly mcmembered by Eva,! SOUTH Haven Rest Home, New- Gordon and family, and Jean, castie, Ont. Phone 2426. Ac- Harmy and Joanne. 23-1 commodation for bcd or up patients at reasanable rates. e WOODLEY-In laving memaory, 23-tf1 of a dear wife and mother, Gladys Evelyn Woodley, who KIND came and tray service for passed ta rest June 2nd, 1956: 1 lRa ya eîîvîi ains icemembrance is a golden chain :Rtes 22 and 25 dollars weekly. Death tries ta break, but nl Fairweather Nursing Home, in vain: 1 Milbrook, Ont. Phone 51. To have, ta lave, and then ta' 23-1 part, Is the greatest sorow o! ane's Personal beart. The years may wipe out many 1HYGENIC supples - (Rubber things, f goods) maihed pastpaid in plain But this they wîpe out neer- ' sealed envelope witb price list. The mcmory o! those happy days Six samples 25c, 24 samplesi When we were aîl together. ! $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28,f -_Sadly missed by Clarence and Nov.-Rubbcr Ca., Box 91, Ham - lamiiy, 23-1 ilton, Ont. 1-53 metic company.- No delivering nor collecting of money. High- est commissions and you choose your own working hours. Our proven sales plan guarantees steady, repeat, year-round bus- iness. For complete details write Dept. Y, Peggy Newton (Canada) Ltd., Dundas, Ontario. 23-1 APPLICATIONS -1 wlll be received by the under- signed up to 5:00 p.m. 1 THURSDAY, JUNE l2th, 19581 for FIREMEN on the Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Brigade AUl applications must beliv rit- ýing, statlng age, weight and height and enclosing medical certificate of good health. A. J. LYLE. Town Clerk. Bowmanville, May 27th, 1958 22-2 Cars for Sale '51 HILLMAN Minx, $150. See it at 187 King St. East. 23-1* '57 VOLKSWAGEN van, mileage 8,000, excellent condition. Tele- phone MA 3-3473. 23-tf ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cal Oshawa HA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf USED CARS 1957 CHEV. 4-Dr. Deluxe radio, white wall tires, law mileage. 1951 MONARCH 4-Dr. radio, rc-painted. 1949 FORD 2-Dr. repainted.- TRUCKS J 1952 GMC DUMP COWAN I EQUIPMENT GO. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 23-1 YOU AUTO BUY NOW BUT "BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE 'STEW' A TRY"' I wlll give at least $100.00 cash toward the down payment or full price o! the !ollowing GUARANTEED U SE D C AR S 51 AUSTIN ------------------ $2251 A good running as isser 49 FORD ----- ----------- - $395 Custom Radia - Very Chean Good Matar and Tires 51 FORD .----. --------- $395 Goad Motor Customized 53 BUICK ------------------ $995 Local teacher's car 54 FORD ------------------- $995 Custamline - Radia 55 CHEVS. - -$1.295 up Usually threc tai chose fram New Look - Low Price 55 PONTIAC -___$1,295 A Dandy 56 FORD - ----------- 1,395f New Tires - Customline - Radiao 55 di -Hydramatic $,4 58 MÈTROPOLITAN -- ---1,795 New Hardtop - Radio 58 HELLMAN - - ----- -- $1,795 New - Two Tone 58 RAMBLER - ------ ------2,395 New - Two Tone - Travel Bcd 58 CHEV. --$Z,495 New - Fordor Subject ta prior sale Easy Ternis Upt 6Montbs to Pay Upto36at1 WELLMAN'S Authorlzed RAMBLER - HELLMAN Sales and Service Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RAndolph 5-7981 Open Until 9 p.m._ Articles for Sàlei IDRY light wood, stove lengtl $10 load delivered. Phone M, 3-2849. 12-1 RANGETTE in good conditior oven control. Phone MArkE 3-2237. 23- NEW typewriter, $50. 27 Tenr perance St., Apartment 1, Bow manville. 23-1 BOAT, 101/ ft., new, first clas sportsman's boat, only $6, Phone MA 3-2096. 23- TEN'T, wall sides, 15 x 10 wit] sectional flooring, like nev Phone MA 3-3263. 23-1 ORGAN and sideboard in goo condition. Mrs. Hawkey. Tele phone MArket 3-2301. 23-1 MASSEY-HARRIS rope hay loader, new; roller, M.-H. cori binder. Phone Blackstock 94 r 23-1 400 CEDAR posts. Also Hydri poles. Apply Ivan Mountjoy Telephone Blackstock 87 r 4. 20-t SAVE on lumber, direct fron mil to you. Phillips Lumbe Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phoni 17 r 11. 131 KEYS cut automatically, whib you wait, at Mason & Dale Harci ware, 36 King St. E., Bowmnan ville. 46-t HARD and soft water delivered Prompt service. Robert H. Cale Phone MArket 3-5476 or MI 3-5805. 48-t CONNOR washing machine an( cement rinse tubs, A-1 condition Phone 87 r 4, Blackstock. Ivar Mountjoy. 23-1' ELECTRICAL Repairs-Promp service to electrical appliances large and small. Lander Hard, ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-t: INSULATION, blowing methoc I with rock wool. Workmanshil guaranteed. F r e e estimates Harry L. Wade. Phone ClarkE 2420. 39-ti BEAN apple sprayer, used foui seamons, in good working order also manure spreader, binde: and other implements. PhonE MArket 3-2253. 23-1 HEARING aid service. Testin.c service and complete stock oJ batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Bowmanville. Telephone MA~ 3-5438. 20-ti DO youiý own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polîsher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmaniville.. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tl NEARLY newý combine, with motor, bargain; used Oliver tractor, used 1145" haler, usec refigratr;wire fence. W. H. Brown, 91 'King St. W., Bow- manville. Phone MArket 3-5497. 23-1 ANYONE requiring Open Stock~ of 1847 Rogers Bros. "First Love' Pattern, contact Hooper's Jewel. lery. This pattern is being re- produced at 1/2 Price for limited tJme, for delivery in August. 23-1 JUST arrived-We have just made a large purchase of fine Shelley bone china teas an!d saucers to retail at $1.95 each. Regular price $2.75. Ideal show- er gifts for the June bride. Se these at Hooper's Jewellery. ADDING machines, typewriterc, cash re g i st ers, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to all makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanvile. MArIzet 3-3986. 8-tf BOWMAN VILLE Home Im- provements-We carry a com- Iplete line of floor and wall tiles, linoleums, "Vina" rug floor cov- erings, aluminum windows and doors, awnings and railings. Complete installations. For free estimates telephone MArket 3-2753 or drop in at 22 Division Street. 21-tf GRAVEL Chips - Three-quarter Stone Sand - Road Gravel LELAND PAYNE SAND AND GRAVEL Newtonville - Phone Clarke 1304 13-tf TURKEYS Junior Roasters ri to 10 lbs. dressedl PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE Phone MArket 3-5058 19-tf GASOLINE MOTOR OILS PROMPT DELIVERY A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. jBOWMAN VILLE Articles for Sale _ JReal Estate for Sale 1 Real Estate f or Sale1 1 .9 roomned nouse in Bowrnan- - ATRFAK1HNMNOTN Wanted o Rent ville witb water an tnp, heavy 81ALTEusR FRANnKLo vrs I ______________________duty wired. Gaod size lot. 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 .0pls0eai.fovr. THREE bedraom hause wîth Price $4.000 witb $1.500 dawn.î Bowmaville piyIay Cassnifiedt m 1.50 petc# bath. Telephone Clarke 13 r 12. Be9e bv etoe e 23-1 Additionalisertions atiha Besies bovemenione werates. FUNIHE aarmet23-1 have nppraximately 200 more -_Yitck frS leAl&siu. d me .t B o w a n v l e r r a p r t i e s t a c h o o s e f r o m . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f o r_ _ S a le_ _A il_ t h t , o fi e , f l o % I n t u r t hb s a bungalow, in Bwavleamen. Contact:I GOOD Holstein cow due ta 12 o'clock noon. W.dnesda IJJ;*, frondncash. stamps or mon, rý No children. Write Advertiser John De in two weeks. Phone n and *av* mon.y. 820, c/a Canadian Statesman, Jh IF. De Ailh MA 3-2678, 6-9 p.nI. 23-1' Clip t"i out for handy referez«w P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. Realtor and General Insurancef» 1n 23-1 NwatePon 3 jRGISTERED Landrace wean-'c EMOE THRE o fum-aamunurnsh-Saesmn:ling boars, $50. Ronald Powell, 8!0m.Jth r ja THE o ou-bonufunsh alse R.R. 3, Newcastle, Ont. 23-1" 8.10 traySpm cd bachelor apartrnent, central, Donald Mountjoy, Bow - -- le 8:30 carn. ta 12 Noon witb heavy wiing. Apply Ad- MA 3-3950 FIVE purcbmed Landrace boars, verisr 19 co heCaadanDaniel Boehmn - Canton il wveeks aid. Papers available.1 DinE MArket 3-3303 IStatesman. P.O. Box 190, Bow- Phone Welcome 2328 Maurice Nesbitt. Phone Black- frCaafidA eve manvi.lhe. 23-1;6 23-1 stock 52 - 1-2. 23-1* ELL le BUY*,TRADE a 141RE *,Ç 1 6s- SEÀPZVlrlp 19 le LO.ÇT£ïnd FOUND e SERVICE J et HELP WANTED Q> EMPLOYME 'F "e Vr";; fil 1 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESbL4», BOWMANVffLe ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUNE Sth. 1958 0 - 1 h, TWO-piece chesterfield suite, FOR moderate priced homes CHOICE building lot in Bow- The office of Dr. L. S. Mik1osý [A bed and dresser. Phone MArket and buildings Phone RAndolph manville. 110 foot frontage, Newcastle, will be closed for tf 3-3938. 23-1 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf facing south. Phone MA 3-7230. holidays from June l6th to 20th 23-1 inclusive. 23-2 nNEW Lawn Boy power mower, SIX rooms, hardwood through-' et Deluxe 18" Model 5100. Phone out, il furnace, pressure system,te Fe emCH N E'0 H UR ~ WSHIG mchneConoring, chicken or turkey ranch. REAL ESTATE BROKER Ini the future we will be WAHN Thhne ono Write Ad vertiser 818, c/o The * ermo tub, good condition, $25. Canadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi 100 acres-8 room brick house, CLOSED 4Duke St. 23-1* 190, Bowmanville. 23-1* large barn, hien house, garage,1 SATURDAY AFTI<MOON -neyer failing creek. Price, We wlIl be 15 FOURTEEN-foot boat and 10 IF YOU WANT TO $1,0.0 Tem.IMntoF.8:0a.-530p. -1 h.p. Johnson motor, 1953 model. BUY OR SELL PROPERTY 100 acre pasture farm in Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.n, Sel resonbly OndislayatOrono district, good creek, . SeIlreaonaby. n dspla at"C"fences- in good repair. Asuing V anstone Flour and th MA 3-3891. 23-1 price $6,000.00. Ternis. * ALSCO aluminum windows, Evans - Broker h100 to acrs room fram ineed Mi - door awnings, and carport patio, ORONO PHONE 33 - 17 bouser, two banilfes imNegoo PHONE MA 3-5777 )d Doors start at $39.95. Lorne 3t ear w ie rm Nw i 22-40 e-_______________________3-871._____ castle. Price $12,000.00. Terrnis. 1_________________ 23-AllinALelephon M-Fket 3-387C.440acres-7 acres planted with 1Eeee udySho n 234 REL ESTTE FORSALE hristmas trees. Two neyer- IEeee udySho n LTM~ -Properties Sold, Rented failing streams. Asking price nversary, Sunday, June 8th at n UBE f.4J~rom shed torn down, Mnae an Aprie $50.0.Trs 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Buttars, consists o beams, 4 x 6 scant- -- 10 acres-7 room frame bouse Pickering, is the guest speaker. *lings, planks and inch lumber. L. M. Allison barn 30 x 70, hien house, garage': In the afternoon music by the -Would be good start on hous6'. odlcto.Pie$0000.SnaSho ndMsHzl 'o Phone MArket 3-2521. 23-1 Real Estate Broker go oain PiesIoo' udySho ndte M iss Haze Down $1,000.00. Rundle, soloist.Inhevnn, Y. - Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. 8 acres-4 room bungalow, music by the church choir and USED chesterfield and two Two blocks north of traffic signal small barn. Priced at $4,000.00.i the male quartette. Wednesday, f chairs, also one farmi wagon withNecsl - Gvusa fe.OnrmtJn ihuprwl bsr- - ,steel tires. Apply to Mr. Clare Nwasl -t îelu n fer w er mus J n 4:h30spper oniFobearl nM Allin, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Nionsel.bedroom bunalw full gneot6:30 omn Foblle n ýr Telephone MA 3-5074. 23-1 JamesNio basement, gas furnace,' bath, Courtice and a play at 8 '0ir if ,INCITrs It Looks Like Ramn" pr e tf PCNICtables built of new REAL ESTATE BROKER garage. Price $6,500.00.Tens - wood, unpainted; may be fin- 6-room dwelling, 3/ acre land, 4 room bungalow near Osha- by St. Andrew's DramatneSo moden bth, eav wiingwadoule,'lot. Price $5,000.00. ciety, Hamilton. Supper and lished to match existing gardenmoe bah hav wing concert $ 1.25, children 50c. 1furniture, can be knocked down, small fruit. $2000 down. Don$,000.2- 1-$14. 82 High St., Bowmaiwille. 4-room frame house, bydro, 189 Scugog St. Bowjnanville 2- ti23-1 well, town water available, large Phune MA 3-3644 lot,$,00fl rc.$0 down, 23-1 aeN tc d. SELLING out garden-Good balance $25.00 a month. Make e. selecino hieprnilofr Peter Kowal that any organization or ru t ecil ornf00. itc iee-inofe. tgs Beachwlshlng to use the grounds at IPhiniums, hibiscus, buddeia, nslated, hydro, conveniences, REAL ESTATE BRR any of the Public Sehools for ýd lupins, chrysanthemurns etc' some furniture. $1000 down.. GENERAL INSURANCE baseball and softball games, or Exhibition dahlias, 4/1.00.' Mrs: 47 Queen St. Bowmanville 9Kn t . Bwavle 'cciis uigtesm n, Abrams, 3 Church St., afternoons Box 941n MA 3-56889Kn6t8.Bwmnil teatvtis uigtesm *and evenings. 23-1 23-l* Tel oxe A817 86 mer should make application to Box 817 . . aronMR. DOUG. RIGG t GALVANIZED steel, suitable Leask Real Este aesMAn-3098DircA. ofBartoni s, for truck platforrns, 3' wide, 12' Ba3-3098 D bic hme wh ie co eretuof 1- long, also two Mercury pick-uos, 5 room bungalow. new, at Batfl6ro rc oe wowl eeueteueo f '51 and '53; '53 Pontiac sedan Maple Grove, on surfaced road' very centrally located. This the grounds. -delivery, anc cernent tile mn- near schoo], 3 bedrooms, 4-piecet home has to be inspected to be , chine, power driven. Erniie bath, hardwood and tile floors. apprcciated. It has all necessary h o m nil P Knapp Auto Wrcckers, North On good lot. $9,700.00 with conveniences includinig attachcd Th Bomni e SBowmanville. Telephone MA $ 1,950.00 cash. Immediate pos garage. Why not arrange an Pub lic School Board ý3-5756. 23-1* session. appointment and see it now. Lf6 room new brick bungalow, Only $3,500.00 down. 22-2 -SEALY mattresses, $39.95; G. 4-piece bath, oul furnace, decor- Just listed! 6 room 11/2-storey' 'E. polishers, $42.95; two-piece ated, extras, beautifully locat- trame home in a nice location on r chenrils $119; c h r ome ed, $ 12,500.00. This is a good a beautifuliy landscaped lot. Hot ýrsets, $49; trade-ins, buy. Termis. lwater heatng. Hardwood andi 1 chesterfield, book-case, dinette Brooder farm on 20 acres, 9 tiefloors. Bath. h o isfoor Pr, 7 eu. ft. electric refrigerator. Ichick capacity. Ter Beach,000.00 trdy ood bua t ngonly I I I â. suiteaod d hirvacuum drean roo moae ouswt Bh,0 Loeysnprh. Thsi n voir and Fhelf, kitchen cabinet. furnished, heavy wiring. $2,500',- $13,500.00. Real value-believe Murphyv Co., King W., Phone Termns. US. SMA 2-3781. 23-1* We have lots, tarms, bouses, 3 bedroomi new frame ug-prvm n f ---1t. o ueost ît low with living-roomn, dining ;fec.,o nu us eobuin. area, bath, gas floor furnace. On N tc -osl USE M.E LEASKing sewer and water. Only $9,500.00 N tc r5 Ontari. S. BowmanVl with $1,500.00 down. Act at TAKE NOTICE THAT: FARM EQUIPMENT MA 3-5919 We bave just listed a bard- tion of the Town of Bowmr 9H. H. BARTON ware business with a good prom- ville intends to construct a s, e rctr Oshawa RA 3-4941! ise in a good location. We wihh Local Ipoeetawtr Tracors 3-1 ellhock, stock and barrel in- main oriw the followîng streets 1 1 cluding new building with 5- between the points mcntioned: FORD Dete11~ room living quarters. We will Naine of Street IWITH HYDRAULIC PLOW De i.LhAAReal EstaU1 accept a trade. Be independent Scugog Street 107 acre farmn on good road, -Own your own business- Prom To MA!W TJPV65 acres workable, large pond, You can afford this one. Jackman Road Mill Lane - 25 acres wood, 55' x 35' bank RtrnScthsoe omNaine of Street I No.45 INERNATONAL barn, hien house; 8 roomed brick 11'A_-storey in south-east district- ihLn No 5ITENTOA house with running water, with oul furnace, hardwood and Fo ilLn To P.T.O. BALER hydro. Asking $10,000 with tile floors. In very nice con- Po N . 6 ewHolad ALR termis dition. Nicely landscaped on a1 Scugog Street 1,254 ft. North No Enin Drivelln AE 95 acre farm on a highway, large lot. Naine of Street EnieDrvn67 acres workable clay-loam We urgently require bornes, Scugog Street 7 ft. INTERNATIONAL land, 25 acres in pasture, creek, farxms, businesses and lots for Prom To CULTIVATOR 160' x 40' bank barn with wateri waiting clients. List with us for Mihh Lane 792 ft. South onrbe bowls, cement silo, hien house, satisfactory rcsults. 23-1 and intends ta specially o rubrmachine shed; 8 roomed whiteKi a part of the cost upon the land 1 SPECIALI -poeche a th nnng atr, McQuay and Kdd abutting dircctly on the work. New 7 ft. aceavy ied. bask ring sîî, REALTORS 2. The estimated cast of Pq INTENATINAL ieav wied. skin $11000work- is $ 15,000.00 of wl., with terms.Members of Oshawa and District $5,000.00 is to be paid by t l'RACTOR MOWER 135 acre farm located 1 mile Real Estate Board Corporation. The estimated Model 21U fram No. 2 Highway with 100 100 acre mixed farm, 7 roomn- owners' cost per foot frontage is $275.00 acres warkable, 34 acres in cd brick house with all con- $1.65. The special assessment pasture with creek, 105' x 301 veniences. Large hip-roof barn, is to be paid in twenty (20) 2-row bank barn, hien bouse, pig pens, creek, 1/2 mile from paved road equal annual instalments and CORN PLANTER garage; 9 roomed brick home and school. Good soil. Asking the estimated owncrs' rate per Specil - $5.00with heavy duty wiring. Price only $13,000 with reasonableifoot frontage is 12.68c. Specal $8.00$20,000 wîth $5,000 down. terms. a . Application wihh be made 100 acre farm, 90 acres work-; 100 acre mixed tarm, 10 room- by the Corporation ta the On- COWANable, clay-laam, L-sbaped bank cd insul brick hause, large barn, tario Municipal Board for its UUIMETo barn, implement shed, hien cement sila, running water in approval of the undertaking o house, 5, acres wood;, 8 roomed aîl buildings; 3 acres of spy the said work and any owner EûUIP ENT rame home with 3-piece 'bath, apples, 1/4 acre raspberries; trout may, within twenty-ane days 134 King St. E., Bowmanville mode Ën kitchen, running bot 1 streami flows through entire after the first publication af this Phone MA 3-5689 and cold water, turnace. Price 1 farm, '/2 mile tram highway; 6 'notice, file with the Board his 23-1 including full line of machinery, 1 miles fromn Bowmanvihle. Only. objections ta the said work be- For Rent$15,000. Ternis. lctdf ie $17,000 with termis. ing undertaken. For Rent 95 ar farm, loae fie 400 acre dairy tarm; 3 bouses, 4. The said Board may ap- tram Oshawa. All workabhe 2 barns with raom for 150 cattle, rv f the said work being APARMENT, thee romsland, 100' x 48' bank barn, four silas. Asking only $40,000 udrae ubfr on APAtE NPho ee r3-5578 water bowls, 2 silos, implement iwitb law down payment. si ay appoint a tirne and 23-tf shedlhen bouse, pig pens; 71 Six roomed modern ranch plaeit rn any abjection ta the roamed insulated tramne hame,1 style bungalow with attached said work ilbcosdr. THITY crs o patue wthhavy duty red.Price-Adgrae-Lre cni.rd PAGE SurTEM