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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1958, p. 6

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1-11 i r-,.v f N V Tffr CANADIAN STATES1MAN, EOIMANVflLu, ONTARIO THURDAY, JLLY l7th, 1958; Nestieton Women's Institute held thein annual July Grand- mathèr's meeting at thé home of Mrs. Cecil Wilson with Mrs. H. Sarnélîs. co-hostems. Foiiow- ing thé customsny opeulug. prés- ident, Mrs. Richard Dav-îson. welcomed thé g9athering inciud- ing several visitons. A number o! business items wére on the agenda. Five dol- lars wvas voted ta thé Penny Draiw of thée Port Penny Hl- pitai Auxiliarv. Thank Vaou le- ters were rcreived fnom sick an bt~vd . Thv éxpeusé of the Centernm:a LIto is ta be sbarcd qax thé remain- ing Dislr:ct inst,ý*:uteq. Thé W.I. holiday \,a, ucphiniJuiv aud at epvi Auguatit weré annotunced btno one téit able taated A cmmteeconsistîng eo! Mrs. J %kjo. Ms. Enienson sud Mrs. V \.W s 1nom1illated ta arrange tbe procrani for thé to S~:n ouAug. 14. An iwat.(,) o to neghbournig brao. to\ n.t Nestleton lu Aîgî \ ~** <.I.e with vis- c a I a t itors to providé hahf-hour pro g-ai on thé dsv's subject, et tlzenship and educatian. Th five group leaders, Mrs.C Johii., Mrs. E. Sues, Mrs. Allai Beacock, Mrs. F. Bruce an Mrs. K. Samélsa are te arraul thé lunch for thée isitlnx da3 The fioNvcr garden quilt to was dispiayed and a notéetfap preciation %wai; ta bc sentt Mr%. Mairs for lier generou work ou completlng thé beauti fui top. A suminier visiter pur rhasegd the qiuhît so it was de eided ta finish it as, soon as pos sable for her. Mns. Grant Tiiomp son was asked ta an-t as Publi Relations Officer to report a] meetings to Toronîto headquar ters. The RaIl Caîl was "An Ob Customn Nov Obsolèté" ari severai old keepsakes weré dis plîyéd. Mrs. Allen Beacac gavé a fine talk on thé mottc -Mappinéss adds and multiplie as we dividé it witiî others. Mn., L. Fitze reviewed curren évents o! thé past montb. Thé convener of Histonicz Medical research aime at a longer, happier life for you and your children Thanks to untiring researc.h, many dangerous diseases are under contrai today. A nuniber of other "killeru", however, are stili unsolved prablenis. In the over-ail research effort being miade ta Éolve théni, the medical schools of Canadian universities are playing an important part. To help strengthen and develop their research progranis, the Lif e Insurance Companies in Canada are providing research Fellowships to these universities, every year. Fellowships are awarded ta graduates who have been appointed ta teaching or research staffs of Canadian m-edical sehools. During the past nine years 107 Fellow- ships of this nature, axnounting ta half a million dollars have been granted. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L fl h a ii 'Sc fAi poi ?y». Mrs. M. Emerson Tells Stories of Township ioinfvro- onSafe, lmbrormatio rdielur om sen's rColèeiMositl, yD uD ESN 7 Orono. Captains o!. theé "Get- for fullinfa orD r de i ler olgeHsitl anilary Nakn2pkg. 8 9C SL DD ESN 7 out-he-Vte"campign re s or ne Toronto, from ber récent illuesi. feilows.. Cartwright - Balfour for, R»Z folder, uni MsDesealomshli"SNE FAU " Meore andi Les Taylor; Darling- Waer teFarm Néeee.aity"ý. caying with ber grandpanènts, FEATURE - SAVE 6c "S PundEaeMiE ture" tan-Bruce Taylor, Albert Arn- thé Rae Maicolmi cf Janetvllle. Suprerme - Sweet - 48 oz. jar " on aeMxue oid; Clarke Tawnshlp-Neil Mo!- Miss Karen Campbellisla pend- fat, Gardon Wright, Hope--. ng a few deys with ber grand-. IE IK E C Caaa edCk 9 Lloyd Kellogg; Cayeu .- W parents, Mr. and Mr&. Stewarti Seymour, iusacl cKenedy, Toronto. __________________________________________ Manvers-Floyd Stinson, Law- Mns. Jack Harvey of Van- réncé Staples. couver, spent lait week with ber Birds Eye Dinners, each ------ 69C Thèse captains are heading 10 cousins, Mn. sud Mns. M. Em- BIRDS EYEBidEyGrpfutJce6 .tn___2fo41 ta 15 volunteens lu each tawn- -e rson. id yGrpfutJce6oztn2fr4l ship wbo will personally attend *.Mr. and Mns. Russell Mount- Foe eoae s i o 7 ta getting a cmnioad ot votera eut joy, Blackstock, callèd on Mn. FOE ~~~ ib' ta vote on "H" Day (H as lu and Mrs. Kénneth Saméhhs on, _______________________________________________ 6__oz._tin__2_for__27c Mog>. Anyoue desinous o eté-j Sunday. ting mare informfation ré présent Mr., sud Mrs. Dan Black, TEES A RD A D W IE SOE NA O Hog Marketing Plan now in Courtice: Mn. and Mr.. Franký: T EES A RD A D W IESO ENA O eet or lunéed o! transperts- Emerson sud girls, Peterborough,; tiffte oet wudb a s-weeSna vstr wt r!BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria ta contact any of thèse captains. and Mns. M. Emerson. ÀAI (DfIC -A.-I, lr r. We are pleased te relate that We are gisd ta report that IvIrPLI. G UVIO-JIa '%.JIcweVV etr ,bath thé Farmn Union and Dur- PUMPS & SOM MER! 'Mrs. Rai ph Sàdler la improvingà ham Fédération of Agriculture * ncely after ber opération re- IG W Y S PR M KE are «okn side.b sd t etLIIUD cently in Port Peri-y Hospital. KING ST. - EAST OF TOWN LINE a streng affirmative vote out on LONDON - CANADI Miss Brènda Malcolm is at- Juy25. A fellow-up meeting tending Girls' Camp fan a couple'O O O- Crih M reei te complete plans is scheduléd n __o! weeks. O O OC rih M reei Balfour Moore relatés an od- J1 BLACKSTOCK - Byth's Market aud boys bave gene ta Watén- dity of nature-a péar trée ai- PLTIMBING andi EATING ford for a couple o! weèks. réady with smalh fruit bas again Little Miss Mitzie sud Master burst into a profusion o! blos- Division Street Soutb Marti Malcolm, Yélverton. spent somn. Apparntly even the pear NU 3.5615 OMNLL Saturday night with Mn. sud. ta-ce was fooled by nature s Mrs. Vir Malcolm. --lwqv & . elimatiiethseities tis yeu. We hope te heu stoeé cdm PfM a= Resiearch s.nciCurrent Events, L I . news soon about Mr. Bruce OBPordt ed y Fthe rev. hP. R Mr. aloli m osn, gave an n .a ~ r c aIfC iHeaslip who la ln Oshawa Gen- OBTUARY PordtPerrbyFuhe rel ChP. l, ex. clm tai Hon ConessionsLuncexal Hospital. eril. Blackstock. with interment 9 and 10 ln the Township ofFo The ladies of the W.A. held a ELIZABETH A. SMITH at Nestieton Cemetery. Cartwright, telling the original Fo T p Leg ion V s t bake sale on Saturday which On June 23rd, 1958, there Palibearers wvere Messrs. Ce. and present owntra of each ~was very guccessful. They are*1SihoTrnt.Hlad farni, Interestlng thilngé of each glad to announce proceeds of pas$ed ta her eternal rest Eliza- ci SihoTrnt.Hlad famiyandcfthelae sor ~ A luncheon was held at Bal- J. D. Burpet D.C.M., of Cobough.$5 beth Alice (Magiil) Smith, at Hickson and Fred Shier of Lind- family nd of teClaiténunltyi- $50p ita n ~say, Lloyd Staples of Bethanv, ciudlng Armstrong& and Emer- moral Hotel Sunday July 6, for George EngIsh acted as aide to Thuh the wek vstr ort PerrywHeresheita i allofJntil heso bace. rs Wseyoficr PovProvinciatl'reht hrug te errestosPotidenthresh a aO'Brechtf aetile n so beces M .ese Camp- visting iegion officiais and ofcr Mayor Osborne welcomed the with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele patient for less than two days. Milton Hickson, of Reaboro. G-~ bell favoured wlth an unaccom- of the Ontario Regiment here ta officiais ta Bowmahville, and said included Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ad-1Bonea ntvl 8yar The manv floral tributel._,, Rd panied solo. "Granny's Old Arm attend the 1Xstricý "P"' Drum- he was glad ta have the veterans dison and baby, Dr. and Mrs. Bonna-aet l 5yas siowed the lv ~~te x Chi"adgrae.Topo head Service. The guests were here taking part ln the Centen Pee, aat, n is hr go, she was the daughter of wibhld. ~rend "ýrhe Old Frashloned Gran- invited ta congregate nt 12 floof niai célebrations which have ley Rowan, Enniskiilen. the late John and Catherine hch the deceaqF~a .ni" h rdmtrssang for a social quarter of an hour been a wonder5ui succeas. MaIn 88semare on i R. o tasl OP several oid time favourites and and introductions. A deliclous luncheon wax pre-In19 sh mare Jon A.Ril rStmhl P- Mrs. Jehnston, a visitlng W.I. Those n h e tbewr aredasred ntth LginIYIAB TVVV??Y Hénderson and together they T 1 C K E T S to member from Wexford report- atteha al eep adsre tth egin E u-u.. .I1Jt ived in the Janetville district T VR " R use nteenjoyable fies District Commander Lau Knack, Hall o témr rs of the bands hrteitwdagesVol Consult i- Conférence held nt Guelph in Trenton; the Rev. A. C. Herbert, who were taking p art in the On Tuesday ex'ening the girls and Flora were born. After the J R L V Ir*- May whlch she atteflded. Legion Padre; Mayor Nelson Os. parade and Druni Head Service. held their 4H Club meeting at passing of their daughter Viola URY&bOVEL71 Emra a rmgdborne; Provincial Président Fred by the Ladies Auxillary of the Mrs. Thickson's. Ail were in 1941 and later in the saine 15 King St. WV. MA 3-577 e- Mr@ an ers onteit frate O'Brecht, Durham; Lieut.-Col. Canadian Legion. Comrade Flor- present and they tried their first vear the passing o! ber husband. Bowmanvilie an-uin othé o e F. Stephen Wotten of the Ontario ence Knight was the convenor. work on darning as well as ýhe lived for a short time at -______________ grandmothers -teoewt Regiment; Deputy Distr'ict Com. She was assisted by Cômrade working on slips. Lunch was Nestleton before going ta Linci- the fewest gray hairs, the moat mander James Firth; Branch 178 Ann Piper, the presqident; Com- served by Marie Mercer. Sy grandeblidren, the newest Président Ab Mavin; Régional rade Millie Bates, Comnrade Miss Shirley Muldrew, Port In14 h marriedWm R. r-s bradcildhI-145ile~ dayandnearestheirth- Vice-Premident J. W. (Scotty Edythé Rundie, Comrade Audrey Hope, was h9inie for the week- Smith of Lindsav and made'ber ..ee da and wedding annivermary Broghon, Brighton; Major M.Fletcher, and Cornrade Helen end..hoetrenilhspsign _____________ d rettganchild livigach h c Finiey, Oshawa; 2 I/C of the Cavanaugh, and Comrade Ruth Miss Donna Mercer, Toronto, 1956 when she came ta Nestle- ra.e distanefowhhsh Ontario Regiment; and Mayor Osborne. spent the weekénd at home. Her ton ta makeh er home with ber i presented prizes. k rAllain Beacôck's group grandmothér, Mrs. Beattyan daugbter, r.KnehSm LO, asitdtehséaadéhi- n t Jack Beatty were down Sunday mnels. Csess with a deliclous lunch. Al T rr c u a okDnn akt oo-hl i ntthe tnddofth a m. Wilon Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott and bal! years and confined ta nér weeethàna o thé gatherilg on re M rs. DEIf l e family, Oshawa, bave been with room for the past six months,...... -al anbe sitns.H n * W *er sister, Mr. and Mrs. Quan- she maintainéd lier cheerful op-- Thé régular August meeting Editor'iq note: The foilowing to Tèrrace Bay in 1919tegé riladLailpat !th tstic ouystlookio!f athe bas been eencelled and in it% interésting piece of news con- that élusive moose.wekla.awas hikngo te place visitors will be entertain- cerning the son of Mr'. and Mrs. Doctor and Joyce Rundie wil Mr. and Mns. W. Lee and fam- welfare of others. Shie was a ed ln thé basement of thé Près- Walter Rundie, Wellingtoni St., be staylng at 2015A Northwood ily, Peterborough, with Mr. and member of Janetville United byterian church on August 6, Bowmanvilie, and bis wife, Rp- Apts.. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ter. Mrs. Quantrili recently. Church and later o! Queen St. -- and we wlll énjoy a visit ta peared in a recent issue of the race Bay vsitors are welcomé. Don't for et the bus trip ta United, Lindsay. Solina Institute on August l4th. Terracé Bay News. Guelph anrTuesday. S ahe eae to au(rs ben-sW.05T7UK On Friday nigbt. June 20 a Sunday School was héld in ned agher. Foa <s Ke n- AND/1ûéec VA 445#L large crowd gatbéred to say faré- (YDTUTA DV the mornîng witb most of thé amhdeso!tetn, teloille al YeAS/1 MA VE SST TIN wLltoDo.BilRudl.1JeahrLJ.r. e. r ghtorawhi d n nalileSaméiils, MA V RBTA IN will ta dc.le baRuenpie.GODN eABconducted thé church services of Bowmanville and two great Bih Rndié as béfl pactie GORON MeAHON and held communion aftérward,______________ Mr. Earl McMahon with bis ing médicine in Terrace Bay ýfor théls evc eoeh ae grandcbildrén, Joan and Kath- Sfather and unclé from Saska- two years as an assistant ta Doc- Gardon Fitchie McMahon, 18 bish ltsid ebr eays.rné Samelis. One sister, Mrs. J. _______________ tonSak. alle o r.au tnM.Mcaulndi, and hie left 'Concession Street, Gaît, died sud- ihodas Hall, Oshawa, aiso survives. A IÎ Mrs. Alfred Jahnston one day Terrace Bay on Tuésday, June 24 deniy at South Waterloo Memori- M.sdM.W udeduheVoaadtrebo last week. ta attend thé University of ai Hospital. Hé was in his 52nd Osbaw'a, wére down. thers, Jim, Herb and Allan Ma- E~S Qulte a number from hère Michigan at Ann Arbor Michi- ear. Héeivas born near Péter- Miss Willa Muldréw bas been gi are ail prédeceased ________El______ attended thé Orange Walk in gan, for a four year post-gradu- orouffh, son of the late Charles visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Savory's, Thé funeral service wau held iA383 DWA'IL Mr. aud Mms. Don Wells, for Ear, Nase & Tbroat. Ritchié McMahon who la 91 Toronto, spent thé weekend and Doc Rundlé is a graduate in years aid.I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powell, médiciné from thé University of Mr. McMaho'n liad lived in Détroit, speut a weék with Mr. Trnoadi i oetin Gait foi- three yéars. Hé had and Mrs. Alex Sinclair. dicative of bis reputation that spént înost of!fbis life in Kiniéy, Thee re fw sar consthe University of Michigan ak e iiad beén thé manager around. One of thém climbed ayer inon ythrgi Dcl aciaîi ofathe beverage rooni et the 0v- a bydro pale Frlday nigbt and yac nourse sria pcaiyeln oe o h attie sbut thé power off for five bours. cundbi wfeJ y ears. He ivas an adhérent of Wben thé ré air men cmé o' vry leanis w couîyeFirst United Church and a mém- faue the ornng heyfoud te dad wre eryactve n cmmu'tyber of thé Gait Curling Club. thémoringt e fond hé eadaffairs in Terrace Bay, and they coon an thé ground. It must bath are genuinely sorry ta leavé. Survivin g are his mnother, Mns. have been thé good feed o! corn Bill was activé ln va 'ous Emma McMahon. his wife, îvho out of aur garden last year that wuhaabsbilla thé former 1kuby Mails; two T a b le ] e t, gave It s0 much energy. bsortbuha ail ntnganl hrfjshin sO, Robeit Kéith and Gérald Master Billy Bradley spent à Hé was a niember of thée Men à Ritchie of Gaît; four brohr, e t week witb bis grandpârents, Chorus the Kiwanis Club and Arthur of Pontypôol, Ont., Ern- e t Mr. and Mrà. Wise, Camnpbell- other organizations. Thé ikits est, Bert and Leonard of Kiniey, ford.pnsneattésgweevr Sask., and Mns. Roy Armstrong, Mii. Don MeGregor, Hamil- jgaod, dépicting Biil's akili as a (Annie), o! Purdue, Sask. Thèefr ton; Mr. and Mii. Wm. McGill Doctor and as a hunten. Hé are thréè grandchildrén. and family, Barrie; Mrs. Fred semred especialiy pleaséd with a Thé funeral service was heid Jackson, Tonto, sud Miss softbail pnésentéd ta hlm by thé July 8 lu Gaît, Ontari. sm Merle Baker, Oshawa, wére Salary Téani with éach of thé --- weekend guests with Mii. W. téani mémbens' autograph there- ED"TAD Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johuston appropniaté; ta quote "It loks are léavlng on Tuesday on a liké a salary hall-it bas neyer REV. PARMENAS McLSOD Swif t's Premiun - Shiced - Cello pkg. ' three week motor trip ta thé been bit." A punse of money was west. given ta Bill as his faréwéli gift. Rev. Parnienas MeLebd, 81, M C R N H E EI ,, Major and Mrs. Monk and Most people have heard OL formerlv o 33Chuchii aan-&IlA HV i I W W family o! thé Salvation Anmy ilsfsn epotwhu ib ments. died Juiy 1 lu Winnipeg D9HL AF' ~ ~ Réhabilitation Centré, Toronto, an unrthiable conipanion théy Génerai hospital. Mr. McLeod B T H L A are on balidays et their sum- ippéd thîeir canoe in Jackfish wvas a former pastor of thée mer home neer here. Lake. Ail théir equipuient ivas Presbytenian Cburch in New. IK E&PM NT O FI D L Miss Donna Porter, Newton- _ot nldn ii' lie eécastie, Ontario. Hé was born iunI y the pkg. - 25' ville, spént a few days with ber -that is). Sheer coincidénce at Georgetown, P.E.I., and a!ter C IK N L A graudparents, Mn. and Mrs, W. thé stag on Frîday night pro- atteuding Prncé o! Wales col- C IK N L A N. Porter. duced a pickerel caught in 4ack- leke in Charlottetown, taughti _____________ fish Lake wéaring eye glasses, school for seven years. Hé en- Swift's Preniium - Fully Skinned - Whole or Haif o! course! téred thé University of Toron- YELVERTON ~ ~t is no exaggeration to say ta in 1903 graduating with bon-.o m u u~U r~ u~ a friénd. o! Bill Rundie. Hé snd Hé then atteuded Knox cal- Sîts-B h ic Deepest symfuathy la extended bis wifé Joyce, lu so short a time légegradu-ing i theolgy ii m oMrs. Donald Johnson in thé as twa years, became known and 1910. Following ordination iuta Stark sud Mns. Gea. Black o! community. chargés in Ontario, Manitoba P eium B ologna 33c lb. Cadnius (ber mothér). Howévem, Bill bas Iéft ta seék and New Brunswick. latér él Sit'ennr-uht -1 z clopg Visitais recently witb thé mare knowledgé about bis pro- tering thé United Church. Mis wfsDneQult -10o.cl pg Hugh McGills wère Mr. sud Mrs. fession and hé and bis fanîuly last chargé was at SimýPîon, Johnny Griffin aud Robent, En- receive every good wish for their Sask., from which hé rctired inl Prem ium rranks c pkg. niskillen; Mn. sud Mns. Bill Car- future. Aften bis four year 1944. He moved to Winnlipeg ____________________________________________ negie and Caral Ann, Port Penny, course Daoctor Rundie wili set up in 1951. Miss Chistine Boon aud Mr. practice in Ontario, aud ineiden- Hé was a life member ao SVfc- ETBYp j Aida Nasato werè weékend vis- taliy plans on a Faîl hunting tip Wéstmorélauti Masanic lodge, SV c BS U jitans at Malconia. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. aud A. M. at Port Elgin, QUAKER RDC Roy Werry aud Debbie a! Otta- N.B. Mis first wite, Mabel Heu- egu.um - wa were Sunday caliers. ry of Newcastle, Ont., prede- j 'IUFE kt _ Select fine fiavouned Thé nnue plcic a euelimb ~ ~céaséd hlm. Hé laten married- - of the Malcolmn trewas hèiciauonRubv J. Rid îof Port Elgi n.I'N.~ S U AE4 A A A .l. Psnt wer thé alh loman Mai- vîîn sriew ss, h mals H. UY -SV cB g% b 9 Suuda-y41et B--i- whein sriesos b.Aoasur- Shirriff's Good Morning - 24 oz. jarFaclrepup calmas o!towrotorthé Mrlno.éî n ei .o Ic- VaACam .,_DAl-4sud M lméuetatoria, WwovdaAMhtW sa M isslaar-, plAR M 13OWMANMLI Il Y A L\ MA 3-5589 MHIS FR1 Ami) SAT. - JULY 18- 19 Malines Sat. 2 p.m. "The Hard Man" Good Western in Color tarring GUY MADISON and VALARIE FRENCH plus comedy feature "Up in Smoke" with the "NEW»" BOWERY BOYS Two complete shows at 7 and 9:30 p.m. [EXT MON. AND TUES. - JULY 21-22 ACADEMY-AWARD WINNING! CYN*r^AAWoo« MANNE ~. '~Of*4 ~ WOOWARD Special Added Feature Mon. at 9:15 p.ni. On our own stage - for a return engagement! "Mr. Harry Ross" aan extra-ordlnary display of the uses of the èience of Hypnotism, In whlch local subjects wll articipate. Prices for complet. evenlng's entertainment: duits 75e Students and chlldren 50e Show Times: Cartoon and Short at 7 p.m. Three Faces of Eve at 7:30 idios!. . . lon'! iss the lNon. P.N. 5c Mainoes VE». THUIS - JULY 23 -24 "Dragstrip Riot" (Aduit) wlth YVONNE LIME, GARY CLARKE - Ah.e Teen Age Thunder' (Aduit) t f g, w &-PMU Mme 1- - - 1.

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