~HVfl8DAY, SEPT. 4th, 195S THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. HOWMANVILLE. O~rA~TO PAGE U~EV Could Double Production if More Fertilizer Used Canada could double her an- fluai production of agricultural erôdutcts through more adequ- -&te usm of fertijizers, the Sea- &t-ý' land uses Committee was *told. 'Dr. K F. qiesen, head ot the secti . à oil fértillty of the A r1Ir Department's experir entlW arm service. sa!d a grPi. many Canadian farm- e-s do flot appear to realize the value of fertihizers. Hére's the New THREE NUFFIELD (Universal) TRACTOR (Diesel) with Fîve Power Options te meet Your every farm need .. . POWER TAKE-OFF RYDTDAULIC PÔW]MRt TAPPING9 flELT PULLÉY N5YDRAULIC LIFI COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT POWER TAKIK-OFF Pricsd froua $2,,470 Phone or Corne ln for a Free Déonsntration KEN TREW EllisabethvtIIe Phone Oaulen Bill 18 r 23 - "a Canada was using crnly aboui four pounds of fertiizer ar, acre on land pnoducing farny products. That compared witý 21 pounds ini the United States 101 puunds in Bitaîn and 29. pounds ini New Zeaiand. Many farmers, Dr. Nielser. said, use small quantities QI fertilizen and then stop becau.%i production shows no apprec:- able increase. However, il they would only inc-ease.t amour.t used from four to 4, poundi an acre they couit double current production. Dr. K. W. Hill, head of the tarin service's field husbandr-ý sêctior., said Cane~ian farmere tufr 1osÉeà of $400,000,000 annually through inadeýuat4e .sveed contrai losses due * ýveeds were more than the tômbnied loÉses caused by in- sects anô plant diseases. Despite' such high loss there were only 24 Canadian scien- tiste studyîng weed control, 12 employed by the Dominior government. It was a field whene much could be done to increase production and neduce 1production costs. Dr. P. 0. Ripley, director of~ the farm's field husbandry di- vision. naid many Canadian farmers are not employine àvailable research information tô 'increàse production. Bétter methods were needed ta hell farmers becomé aware ô! new agicultural d e v e 1 p mn e nts which would baost their output. KENDÂL Mrs. C. Thompson andArthur were ln Cobourg last Sunday visiting Mr. and Miss McBride. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son and lamily holidayed in IWANTED I Dead, O014and Crtjppled FARM STOCK Pleked Up Free of Charte 24 Houi ServIe Phono Colleot Coboars FR 2-3721 Peterberough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterbor'ough - Ont. 1 __________________ I 5 A. H. Sturrock 114 #4010Y p4ppY1-f A C/IAPPY WMIS'fWCK(Y ENOVIC# To 1/l'E MN A #OME T/fiArT 0 /1 #1. rtED» -1)Tere'. extra eomfort .. - for wôrldng. - or for relaxation aftW a diy'owork la done - .' . ashes are just a memory in a home that's oil heated. Every nook and corner can be kept '"hospitaI" dean. W. carry top quality Eso heatirig ois for space heaters, floor- furnaoes, oil burners, hot water heaters, utoves, stock trough heaters or chieken brooders. They're tops for economy and delivery le free.. On if you want to be a Happy Pappy get your fuel tank VIhed well ahead of tinu. Furnace »ud St.ve bIe AUTOMATIC METERED DELMVER SERVICE I »FR MR S ""WHEN TEE ROLL IS CALLED AT NASSAU "KICK" WILL BE THERE!" As w4s announced in lat week's papher "Mlck" Brown is assured of bis trip to Nassau . . . but knowing "Mick" as we do we believe Mrs. Brown i. quite justified in not wanting hlm to go alone with ail those grass skirts . . . Mrs. Brown is determined te go along . .. 3o the sale is stili on Prices are eut to rock bottorn on ail machinery. Corne in and look over oui stock of: Traclors - Combins -Othor Nachinery Operation Nassu lu Under Way .. . Dom't D.Jsy . .. Corne in To-day: W. H. Brown 9.' 91 King st. W. MA 3-S4#7 th le rs 0 "IfcE CUTIT . -..Angle fr um mutel Mn mbe bout M Leplank makes exoellent feumc Ufer. A f ew tapa wlth a baznner * wMl de the cuWng job wbem a.gle itoà@ a.Upped MdS e o. *Algonquin Park with Betty's fôI 2sisten, Mns. Box. K S l o Mn. and Mns. Frank Miler -day from a two week -,k B eer-iwBne near Dorset. The rainy cool weather did flot add to thetr LI ( L holiday pleasurs. 4 -. i H Cl~ubs Mrs. Norman Therteli,'Toron- nta and Mrs. Norman Elgeor, Results were announced ne- 9Bonn'e and small brother, were cently for both the Durham 4-H nat their summer home here Swine Club and Beef Cali Club rfor a few days. for 1958. V Miss Dorothy Mercer spent a. Points wene awarded for judg- couple of weeks with Mr. and ing. care an-d management, a Mrs. Orval Zeaiand, Campbell- quiz, reports, attendance, show- croft. manship and the awand' on calf. Mn. Jolin Patton and Mr. and Prize moneys ranged fnam $7.00 Mrs. Roy Patton attended Ken- to $4.00 in the caîf club and dal ciiurch last Sunday to hear $8.00 to $4.00 ini the swine gnoup. Mn. T. Hempstead of Cobourg BeeÏf Cal! Club Results rwho pneached a very interest- David Rickard 968, Ed Kowal ying sermon. 962, Jim Rawan 953, Ricky Mns. Mary Luxon, Mr. and Rickard 942, James Rickand 940, Mrs. W. Mencen and Mr. and Don Rickard 935, Gail Baker rMrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria 933 Marie Kent 928, David holidayed froin Fniday to Wed- Brent 928, Ronnie Baker 915, nesday at Lake Kushog. Jerry Hasiuk 878, David Craw- Our district has had some ford 869, James Osborne 866, good rains recently which were Don Allin 814, Murray Brown gneatly needed. They have how- 813, Murray Allin 807, Walter ever, 'gneened Up" the tobacco Verleysen 754. and most gnowers laid off pni SlnCubRsut ming part of the week. wnCuRelt We were al pleased ta see Ed. Kowal 976, Carman Bal Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Hon- 950, Loran Pascoe 935. James ey and Mary -of Milliken back Coombes 928, Grant Glaspeil for a visit ta their old home 918, Don Welsh 914, Bruce Bow- here. Mns. Jackson looks fine man 904, Bnian Annis 904, Don- and is enjoying gaod health ald Bradburn 891, Victor Hall consîdiering her 91st binthday 891, Allan Syen 887, Jim Rowan is fast appnoaching. 884, Kenneth Murphy 884, James We wish to extend congra- Byers 858, Allan Asselstine 851, ulations and best wishes to Mr. Billie Olan 850, John David Allun and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of 848, Winston Olan 826, Mervin Orono. Also to Mn. and Mrs. Stnith 822, Alfred Van de Velde Wm. Moffat, nee Shirley Quan- 820, Don R. Swain 784, Wm. trill, who were married Aug. John Hlasiuk 750, Benny Koro- 23 in Orono United Church. patwa 708, Robent Ruth 667. Callers wîth Mr. and Mrs. Mult Rcbinson were Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. W. Honey and HAYDON Mr ofMilliken, Miss Mary McLean, Mrs. Brown and Cal MSilr aeu Thompson. Toronto, Mrs. Lenia Mr. '%alter Silr acu Wilev, Victoria Harbour, and v(er, is visiting his nephew, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Newtori- Mr.* and Mns. Walter Loyer- ville. idge. Alec Llttle, Toronto, was Mn. and Mrs. David Morrow home with Mrs. Neya Little. and Alexander, Toronto, Mn. Recently during a light thun- and Mns. Clifford Tnewin, Mn. der .stonm,,lightning hit a,.Wil- and Mrs. Silas TreWin and Jud- low tree beside Ned Foster's ith spent the holiday with Mn'.' tobacco field when two of the and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, and Mr. workers were under it Wes- and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. ley Johnston who was standing Richard Dawson, Onono Io up, was knocked down and was holidaying with Mn. and Mrs. unconsciaus for an hour. He Ronald Rahin and family. was taken by ambulance to Mrs. Mabel Crawford, Mn. and Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Mr&. Stanley Bnown, Detroit, ville, whene he remained over- called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd night but then seemed none Siemon on Tuesday. the worse for his experience. M.anMe.Did orw Sonny Boy Winn who was M.aand. ai Mro sitting down, was luckier, just ted Alexander, Toronto. visi- suffering a headache and the tedMr. and Mes. Arthur Tre- shock of seeing bis companion wn in such a condition. Miss Frances Patta, Jimmie Mr. and Mns. Dennis Mid-. McDonaid, Miss Sharon Kenn- dieton and family, Toronto, edy, Collingwood were Sunday were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. visitors at Mr.and Mn&. John T. Stevens last week. Potts. Mn. and Mn.. Thomas Mrs. Jack Neal and Neisha, Potts having spent a week with Oronn. spent Thursday alter.' his son returned home on Sun- noon with Mrs. George Mercer, day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vernon Patsy Thompson and Jennie and Cheryl, Castleton, spent Osmond, Bowmanville, spent a Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Gar- few days with their grandmo- don Langstaff. then, Mrs. W. Thompson. Mn. and Mr"0Ge rgeClr, M . n _Me. A-thr B - thee ~hols ere- ii eipngRoss Ashltonland tamily were prepare these chiidren for sonne at Mr'. and Mrs. Ross Shanp's, job which they could do- often Ennîskillen attending the.Bap- better than other folks, and tismal of Mr. and Mns. Ross thus let thenh lead an indep- Sharp's daughter Lînda Mapie endentiifUe. He gave a very i- - n and Mr. ai-d Mrs. Ivan teresting accaunt of his wo-I Sharpe*s daughter Linda Marie. with the children and said the Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Rahin, reason sonne were netarded a attended the Enright - Littie be-cause certain partions of the Wedding at Newcastle on Sat- brain did not deveiap wh ie urday. others were caused by accidents.. Sorrv ta hear Mn. John Tabb The ladies made plans for a 's a p~atient in Memonial Hos- bazaar and have mare mater- pital, Bûcwmanville. i on hand for rnaking articles. Mr. D. J. Cameron having Flop or not, Milt Robinson sold hi; farmm ta Mn. A. Mili- tells us he reallv enjoyed the ý soi], T.vrne, bas punchased Mr. bull-fight at Lindsay. J. WFll:er's property in the Tommy Foster eîitertained village i.nd moved ini on Mon. hiis playînates and little !niends day. Pniday evening, Aug. 22 on the Gail Thampsan having s-pent occasion o! bis ninth birthdav. a short time with relatives at A dance, shower and plea- Toronto, returned homne on Sun- sant social time was enjoyed in dy the Orange Hall Fniday even- Congratulations to Mr'. and ing when friends and neigh- Mn.. Fred Ashton who celc. bours gathered ta honour Mn. bnated their 25th Wedding An- and Mrs. Johnny Gardon (nee) niversary on Tuesday Aug. 26. Eloreen Aibin who were recent- gathering was held at the ly marnied. Mn. and Mns. Neal home of Mn. and Mrs. Anthu.; of Orono wene the musicians Read when a tunl:ey supper for the dancing.1 was served. Thase attending _____________ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Mr. and Mns. Jin Madort-, Through the finst quarter of IMn. and Mns. Louis Ashton, Mn. 958 Canadian consumens %verej and Mrs. Bert Ashton and farn- pending thein money at a record 1i lv Misr Jean MeLean, Mi'. $3,OO,OO,O-a-year pace. 1I Henry Aelton. Mr. anxd Mr&.' John Boss and family. Mr. and Mia. Arthur Read, Ina Beryl and Lynrie. They were presen- ted with a complete silver tea service. Sympathy of the communîty is extended to Mrs. W. Thomp. soni in the passing of her bro- ther, Austin McDonald of Wh;- tevale. Haydon friends gathered with the Enniskillen Community at the Erinlskillen Hall on Friday evening in honour of the newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, when Mr. Walter Love- ridge presented them with- a Kenwood blanket from the Hay. don community. Sunday School will be held on Sunaay Môrnnng at 10:80 in1 Sept ember. Owing to h Decoration Service at Bethes- da Cemetetrv at 3: p.m. Sun- day afternoon Church service will be held Ini the evening at 7:30. Mns. C. Rankine s,ènt à dAY with Mrs. Stella Beech, Maple G nove. W.*A. meeting will be hel1ý Thursdav evenliig Set, il at 8: o'c'.ock at the home of Mis. W. Thompson. Mrs. C. Rankine spent a week with Dr. and Mre. W. Corrigan, Toronto, and attended the Ex- hibition. ZMON Me. and Mrs. Wes Caùieron, Mrs. Russell Perkins, Miss Mar- garet Perkins spent a few days vigiting at Frank Lundy's ICem- bic. Vet-onica, Roy and Jin Fisho-r Oshawa, spent a day with their grandp~arents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Fisher. Master Brian Hircock, Osh- awp, spent a -few da.ys With his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, before staeting school. Mrs. Nelsorft Fîce 'and Mrs. Alian Fisher attended the fun- eral of their counsin, Mrs. Her- bert Richards. Mrs. Russell Stainton spent a week with Mnr. anid Mrs. Rtiy Thomas and Kim at Scarbor- ough. Miss Laurie Stainton has ne- cove-ed fnom a dose of the measleý . Mr. and Mrs. Basil Van Du- sen, Mark, Joe and Janice, Manlbank. Miss Marjonie Van Dusen South Lancaster, New York, visited at Allan Fisher's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Launie spent the long week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters and Kevin at their cottage at Lake Kashagawiga- mog, near Minden. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Flin- toff, Oshawa, Mr. and M.rs. Wes Catnenon took a trip to see the St. Lawrence seaway on the weekend and visited theïr cousin, Deibent Flintoff, near Morrisburg. Mr. and Mns, Tom Currie and Tommy Hamilton, Wilfred Frank, Toronto, were weekend guests at Robert Killen'g. Mr. and Mrs.- Roy Thomas and leini, Scarborough, were callers at Russell Stainton's. *Mns. Marion McDougal and Barbara, Prince Edward Island, were recent visitors at AlIan Fis'her*Ès .Mr..-' eid'. Mrs. Allan. Fisher visited at R4oy Leach's Epsom. Mr. -and :Mrs. Frank Pascoe 'visited, their daughter Mrs. Morris 'Sleep, Mn. Sieep and daughters at Coldwater. ZMON (Hope Township) Sunday- vi.ýitors with thélr cousin Harold Caswell and fam- ily, were Mrs. Vice, Mr,. and Mis. Kenneth Fietcher, Oshawa; Dr. James. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. V. Allen, Mill- brook,'"spent Sunday with Mr. anad Mes'. Edwin Ruthven., Mls.,;J.i ;Pooke, Edmonton, -is spendinË a -few days wlth Mr. and Mrs..'Ruthven. Mrs. Normnan Genow and Dav- id are visiting with Mrs. Diinn at Wellington. Mr. Gerow will joirr them -Tuesday when they wileea the remainder of the mainder of the week. we tthe cottage. Mrs. Boy Best, Mrs. Chas., IMrs. R. Gerow spent the I aby, Mrs. Chas. Meneiliey, weekend in Wellington at Clii idaRbH RBabY ànd> ton Lodge, returning homeS- George attended Toronto Exhi- day afternoon. Tuesday morn- bition on Monday. Messrs. Îà ing she will motor to Picton Raby and Roy Best atteided oi where she will spend the re-'Wednesday. DURBAN CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY F AIR ut ORONO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPT. 5th anid 6th Exhibits in Livestock - Grain - Seeds - Vegetables Domestie - Flowers - Etc. DRANATIC C014TEST By Little- Theatre Group f rom Peterborough, Oshawa, Lakefield and Port Hope in Town Hall, Orono, both nights. Different show each night.:. Admission to Shows - - ---75c' FINALS IN THE SOUARE DANCING COMqPETITIONý IN FRONT 0F GRANDSTAND1 .HAR.NESS EACING AND HORSE COMPETITIONS Music by Orono Citizens Band Admission to Grounds Under School Age - - -- Free Public Sehool Students 25c Others _______ 50.c On September 5th, we willjoin hid ihour partner in CASE DEALER vm.---qqFàý eXVUDAY, SEPT. 4th,1958 THE CAMADIAN STATP.SMAN. BOWMANMMLE, OMAXIO PACM ILIMM