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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1958, p. 14

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dr..a i nwr'5M WWWEAV&T !IATZUSAY IT 4à O -Births CHARD-Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chard (nee Marion Biddie), an- nounce the birth of a son, Charles Grant, on August 22, 1958, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. 36-1* FERGUSON-Keith and Joan Ferguson are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Kathryn Marie, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Mon- day, August 25th, 1958, a sister for David and Brian. 36-1 FIRTH-Mr. >and Mrs. James Firth are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter. Terfy Lee, in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, on Thursday, August 28th, 1958. A sister for Dougie. 36-1 FRY-Glen and Joan P.re happy to announce the arrivai of their daughtcr. Shelley Ann. at Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville, on August 28th, 1958, a sister for Sharon. 36-1 ROBERTS-Mr. and Mrs. E. Roberts wish to announce the birth of their daughiter Patricia Lynne on Sunday, August 31, 1958, at Memorial. Hospital, Bowmanville. A sîster for Michael. -36-1* Deaths BRANTON-In Oshawa Hos- pital on Wednesday, August 27, 1958, A. Cecil Branton, beloved husband of the late Sedella Page and dear brother of Mrs. Harry Pye and Mrs. James Oke and uncle of Marjorie and Greta Oke, Bowmanvilie. Service was held at McIntosh Funeral Home on ýSaturday, August 3th at il a.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 36-1* WILCt)CKS-Suddenly at bis home, Bowmanviile, on Sun- day, August 3lst, 1958, James Arthur Wilcocks, loved son of the late Horace S. and Alberta Carter Wilcocks, loved brother of Dorothy (Mrs. Percy Miller), Toronto; L. C. Wilcocks, Guelph and the late Julia (Mrs. F. H. Blackburn), Ottawa, and devot- cd friend of John A. and Eileen Noble, Bowmanville. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the SChapel on Thursdayv at 1:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cerne- tery, Picton, on arrival of motors &bout 4:15. 36-1 In Memoriain. ISCOTT-In memory cf my dear husband Ronald Bruce Scott who xassed away on Sept. 2nd, 1952. Six years have passed since that sad day The one I îoved was called away. God took hlm home, it was His wlll, But in my heart he liveth stili. -Ever remembered by his wife, Florence. 36-1* THOMPSON-In loving memory of our dear parents, James Thompson, -who passed, away September 8th, 1937, and Annie Maud Thompson who passed away June lst, 1953. -Ever remembered by their two daughters Olive and Ferne and sons-in-law. 36-1* Cards of Thanks Many thanks to sn friends, neighbours and relatives for flowers, cards and fruit sent during my illncss. My thanks to the nurses anid staff of Meinorial Hospital, Bownan- ville: Dr. K. Slemoii and Dr. H. Rundie, to Rev. Herbert, the Beehive Rebekali Lodge and Corapanions of the Forest. Sincerely, Mrs. Harry Smith. 36-1 We ,wouldlike to e::press our heartfelt thanks to friends, neightours and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and acts of kindness -dring-o-r recent sad bereavement. A special thanks to MINrs. Victor, Jeffery and her neighibours for GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIWICATES Aricles for Sale TOMATOES. Phone MA 3-7189. Elmer Cox. 36-1 LARGE oul stove, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2662. 36-1 STAKE body, 14 feet, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2493. 35-tf GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, like new, reasonable. Phone MA 3-7017, 36-1* LADYS C.C.M. rigure skates, size 61-,±; piano. Phone MArket 3-2091. 36-1 DRESS, grey, nylon iace over taffeta, size 38, like new. Phone MA 3-2367. 36-1' POTATOES, 75 lbs. $1.50, de- livered. Bill Griffioen. Phone MArket 3-2042. 36-1* REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, excellent condition. Mrs. P. Schwarz, MA 3-2895. 36-1* 2,200 SQUARE bales muxed, well c'ured hay. Phone Black- stock 74 r 6 after 6 p.mi. 35-2 BEATTY washer. walnut ward- robe. electric stove, refrigerat- or, oak desk. Phone MA 3-3495. 36-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber 'Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r il. 13t! KEYS cut automatlcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 Kig St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-.Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-1771, 43-tf ONE Used Case Trgctor with Back Hoe and Loader. W. H. Brown, 91 King St. W., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5497.* 36-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf WHITE enamel Findlay Condor cookstove with oùl burner. will burn coal or wood; also a Quak- er oul space heater. Phone MA 3-2463. 36-1 COAL and wood range, Quebec heater, electric rangette, pull- out couch, floor lamp, twelve bags blue coal. Apply 89 Scugog Street. 36-1* MIXED hardwood, $18 cord de- livered, resawed to foot lengths; also mixed slabs, $14 cord. Tele- phone Neil Courtice, Orono 8 r 10. 36-1' SCOTCH pine seedlings for fal planting. Christmas tree stock, $14 per thousand. Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 36-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5439. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf ADDING machines, typowriter2, cash re gi s teors, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makés. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArkzet 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tirs-We service 'and soîl evory make of tractor tires: Goodyear - Gonoral - Fire- stone - Goodrich - Dominion. A-1 retreads - 6.00x16 - 6.7Oxl5 at $10.95. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf TYPEWRITERS - Remington portables, 4 models, free demon- stration at $1,00 down and SI.00 a weck. Up to 20% off on dem- onstr'tors. Osha-;a Business Machines, 329 Simcoe St. S. PhneH A 8- 1211.- Evenings RA Ail welghts - Dressed Aricles for Sale WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf A TAYLOR safe, $75. Phone Orono 252J. 36-1 SMALL space heater, pipes and oil drum. Phone MA 3-3651. VACUUJM cleaner, good con- dition, $29. Phone MA 3-3726. 36-1 MIXED slab wood, $12 per cord, delivered. Phone Newcastle 3776. 36-1 RICHMOND seed wheat, grown from registered seed. MArket 3-2341. 36-1* GEN4ESSEE registered wheat, $2.25 per bushel. R. Werry, 98 r 3, Blackstock. 35-2* C.C.M. boy's bicycle;, girl's brown coat and pink suit, size 12. Telephone MA 3-2617. 36-1 NEW 14' Nipissing boat. 6 h.p. motor and trailer. Won at Orono Carnival. MA,3-3840 after five. 36-1* HARDWOOD cuttings. Large truck load delivered anywhere. $10. Caîl Oshawa RA 5-1526. 34-4 COOK stove in first class con- dition. Oul burners installed. Three radiators, good as niew. MA 3-3471. 36-1 WONDER Windows-Aluminum windows and doors. For free estimates and demonstration cail Bill Leask, MA 3-5522. 34-tf SEED wheat, registered No. 1 and Conmmercial No. 1. Panogen treated for disease. MA 3-7150. Garnet Rickard, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. 36-2 USED MACHINERY-Tractors: Massey-Harris Model 30; Mas- sey-Harris No. 20; Case VAC; Ford with 2-furrow plow; Inter- national W-4. Machi.nery: 4-bar Side Delivery Rake, on rubber. Special: International 6 it. Bind- er, $50.00. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 36-1 TRADE-IN allowance on your chesterfield, bedrooma and kitch- en suites, refrigerators and rang- es. Sealey mattresses $39.88, extra firm, $49.50. Congole- umn rugs, ahl sizes. U se d bookcase, vanîty, electric refrig- erator, washer and vacuum cleaners, 3-piece chesterfield. Guaranteed. Murphy Co., Bow- manville. 36-1* TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, MarboIeum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramic Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Service SPECIAL! For those quickly prepared meals during the summer season 2y2 to 3 lbs. Phone orders ln advance to MArket 3-5578 33-tf1 BABY buggy in good condition. Phono MA 3-7283. 36-1 PRIVATE party bas ail cash for' 25 to 100 acres suitable for Christmas trees. Write K Reeve, 6 Firth Cmos., Scarboro. 1 ~35-21 Cars for Sale '57 VOLKSWAGEN van, mileage 8,000, excellent condition. Tele- phone MA 3-3473. 23-tf ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home caUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf SPECIALS in Used Cars - 1949 Chev. Sedan, $150.00; 1949 Ford 2-Dr., $285.00; 1951 Monarch 4-Dr., radio, repainted, motor job, $595.00; 1951 Pontiac 4-Dr., new radio, good tires, mechan- ically A-1, $495.00. Cowan Equîpment Co., 134 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3--5689. 36-1 Pets for Sale TWO thoroughbred male Beaglé hound pups. Phone MA 3-2840. 36-1 TWO German Shepherd pups, fine weeks old . One male, one female. Phone Newcastle 2101. 35-2 ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, registered, excellent hunting dogs. Also good pets. Ready to train. Will scîl reasonable for quick sale. MA 3-2410. 36-1 Livestock for Sale PIGS, 30 shoats. A. L. Blanch- ard, Hampton. Phone MArket 3-2544. 36-1 YORKSHIRE boars, serviceable age. MA 3-7150, Garnet Rick- ard, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 36-1 TWO registered Jerseys, due soon; 10 pigs Il weeks old, and baled wheat straw in the field. MArket 3-2388. 36-1* Help Wanted GIRL to look after children. 31 Brown St. 36-1 PIN boys wanted. Apply Màrtyn's Bowling Alley. 33-4 TOMATO pickers. One and a haif miles east of Kirby. Mr. O. C. Van Belle. 36-1 * ACCOMPANIST for Bowman- ville Choral Group. For furth- er details apply to Douglas Rigg, MA 3-5761 or 3-5176 before first rehearsal, September th. 35-2 STENOGRAPHER required for Law Office, commence about October lst. Please apply in writing only with details of training and experience to L. C. Mason, Barrister, Box 29, Bow- manville. 36-2* FAMILEX requires aggressive men with extensive experience in the selling field covering Bowmanviile, Newcastle, Mill- brook, Courtice and surround- ings. Commission basis. Ex- cellen working conditions. No risk. Trial period. Write for free catalogue to M. T. Garner, Dept. F, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real. 36-4 Full and Pari Time WAITRESSES For appointment telephone J.. J. BOURKE 36-1 For Rent APARTMENT for rent. Tele- phone MA 3-3986. 36-1 HEATEIJ, modemn apartment, available Sept. lst. Adults. $65. Phone MA 3-3810. 32-tf FIVE-roomed bouse near Maple Grove, inside water, no bath- room. Phone MA 3-2715. 36-1 APARTMENT, heated, 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath and laundry. Apply 63 King St. W., Apt. 4. Phone MA 3-5996. 32-tf HOUSE, five rooms, central, all conveniences. Write Adver- tiser 864, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 36-1* CENTRALLY located two-bed- roomn apartment, garagè. Pos- session Sept. 1. Write Advertis- er 861, c/o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 35-2 THREE-roomed apartment in Newcastle, modern kitchen, large living-room, bedroom and mut- ual bath: heated; centrally bo- cated. Phono Newcastle 2651. 36-1' SEVEN-room house ini Darling- ton, situated on road bordering Corporation of Bowmanville. Oul beating, bathroom, modern kitchen. Write Advertisem 865, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 36-1' 160 ACRE farm, with seven room home, all city conveniences. Large barn for 60 head cattie, water pressure. Available Oct. 1. References required. Apply Jerry Grace, Hancock Rd. N., R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-4012. 36-2*' The Quebec Bridge is the longest single cantilever span in the wvorld. At 1,800 foot it is 90 foot longer than eacb of the main spans of the Firth of Forth bridge in Scotland.. Notices Miss H-odglns' office will be closed until September l5th. 34-4* Bowling for Men's Rural League will commence Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 9 p.m. Martyn's Bowl- ing Academy. 36-1* First practice Bowmanville Choral Society will be on Mon- day, September th at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. Ahl members are asked to attend. New mem- bers are also- hereby invited. 36-1 Registration of Ist and 2nd Pack Brownies, and any girls in the north section of town inter- ested in joining Brownies, will take place in t he Lions Centre on Monday, September 8th at 4 o'clock. 36-1 J. M. Gay, wbo has recently moved to Orono as an organist and pianist, and well known in the country as music supervisor, is prepared to teach piano up to and including A.R.C.M. students. Preparations will be made for examinations, festivals, and re- citai work. Prospective stud- ents are expected to make early appointments by telephoning Orono 1607. 35-2 BOWMANVILLE MUNICIPAL GARBAGE DUMP ]EFFECTIVE Monday, Sept. 15, 1958 the Bowmanviile Municipal Garbage Dump Iocated on Jackmian's Road WILL BE LOCKED '£HE DUMP IVILL BE OPENED in the Citizens of Bowmanviile only on the following Wednesdays 1 p.m. tb 5 p.M. days: Saiurdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon Anyone found dumping garbage in front of the dump or on any roadway in the Municipality of Bowmanville wiII be prosecuted. Special arrangements can be made for destroying documients, chemicals, etc., by contacting the Works Foreman, LLOYD R. QUINTON, Works Foreman, Bowmanville Works Dept. 36-2 Work Wanted TV ANTENNAE installed, TV rotors. Len'nlou's TV, MArket 3-3942. 35-2* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf FOR any electrical work, new or rewiring, also appliances re- paired. Free estimate. Tele- phono Jim Cofliss, MA 3-2891. 18-tf REPAINT the modemn spray way with Roxatone - furniture, kîtchen, cupboards, bathrooms, interior decoration. All work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Phone MA 3-5387. 36-1 Wanted to Rent HOUSE or apartment for family of five required immediately. Phono Elmer Banting, MArket 3-3345, evenings 3-5627. 36-1 TEACHER wishes to rent garage centraliy located. Apply Adver- tiser 849, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 33-tf Wanted DEAD and cippled farm stock, picked up pomptly. Phono MA 3-2679. Mlargwill Fur Farin, Tyronh.13-tf Real Estate for Sale 1 Real Estate for S5ale Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 4 roomn bungalow in Burketon suitable for retired couple or small family. Very nîcely dec- orated. Heavy duty wviring. Priced to sell at only $4,000.00. Asking $1,500.00 down. Beautifully kept 8 room, 2 family home. Has been divided into 2 separate apartments, with 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 2-car garage. This home is right in the centre of town. Askîng only $3,000.00 down., Rent will almost carry the payments. Enquire early. Beautiful home on Duke St. that should please anyone. Ex- ceptionally well kept. Garage. Bathroom on first floor. Hard- wood and'tile floors. Hot water heating. Terms and price ar- ranged. Barber shop business and dwelling located in well populat- ed section of Oshawa. Asking $2,000.00 down. Full price only $9,000.00. We have several other prop- erties for your inspection. 36-1 Coming Events Turkey supper at Solina Hall, October lst, 1958. Admission: $1.50 - 75c. 35-5 Dance to the music of Arch Courtice and his,"Country Four" Friday, Sept. 5th, at Varcoe's Drive-in. Admission 50c. 36-l* Bowmanville Choral Group needs new members for ahl sec- tions. Those interested corne to Town Hall, September 8th, 8 p.m. 35-2 Decoration Service will be held at Bethesda Cemetery on Sunday, September 7th at 3 p.m. Rev. F. J. Jackson will be the speaker. 35-2 Old Tyme Dancing, Saturday, September 6. Coidsprings Hall. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Real enjoyment for all-don't miss it. 9 p.m. sharp. Admission $1.00. 36-1* Regular weekly bingco held Thursday nights, July and Aug- ust in the Union Hall. 20 reg- ular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 31-tf The Women's Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, will hold their annual door to door canvass for funds on' the evening of September lSth, from 6 to 8 o'clock. 36-2 Wooëview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf DON'T FORGET BARD TIME DANCE SATURDAY, SEPT. 6 AT SOLINA HALL Montgomery Orchestra Prizes for best dressedl couple 75c per person 35-2 Agriculfural Fair Dramaiic Coniesi ONE-ACT PLAYS S8:30 p.m. Orono Town Hall 36-1 Zion United Church (HOPE TOWNSHIP) CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 Service il a.m. - Rev. Dr. J. L MacKay, Toronto, spoaker. Music by Home Choir 7:30 p.m. - Dr. E. C. Keiioway, B.A., Cobourg Music by Port Hope Maie Voice Choir ThÇe following WED., SEPT. 17 A HOT TURKEY SUPPER will be served at Zion Chureh. Time - 6 p.m. on Admission - $1.50 and 75e' 36-2 Nursing HRome SOUTH Hayon Rest Home, New- castlo, Ont. Phono 2426. Ac- commodation for bed or up patients at reasonable rates. 23-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples S1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hlam- ilton, Ont. 1-52 FOR moderate priced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf Leask Real Esiale 8 roomed house on roomy lot near school. 4 bedrooms, Sun room, mantel, oil heating with hot water, garage, divided base- ment. $3,000 cash, balance easy termas. 6 room 2-storey bouse ln ex- cellent condition, fireplace, large lot with fruit trees, new oil furnxý ace, garage. Extras. 10 acres on surfaced road. Low terms. Just off No. 2 near Osha- wa. ,Lot 100 x 165 on Martin Road. Level, extra good building lot. Excellent service station loca- tion on new Lindsay Highway 35, about 2 acres, at corner. No competition. Permit'granted. We have houses, bungalows, lots, farms, etc-. Consuit us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. BowmanvilIe MA 3-5919 or 3-552Z 36-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 85 acres of level land on corn- er of two paved roads. Only 12 miles east o! Oshawa. Ton roomed insul brick home, L- shaped barns, corner ideal for service station or commercial site. $19,500 with terms. We have dozens o! famms from 15 acres to 600 acres. Income home at only $12,500 with $3,000 down. Pàrtly rent- ed at $80 monthly, plus five rooms for owner. Central loca- tion. Solid brick with double garage. Eight roomn brick, upstaims ronts for $55 monthiy. Ideal bus- iness location on King Street-. Asking $14,000 with low down payment. Building lots in Bowmanviile and Newcastle. We have a largo selection o! profitable businesses for sale. Somo of our exclusive listings include snack bars, dance hall, service stations, garages, wreck- ing yard, sand and gravel, con- struction, farm machinery, ap- pliances, Christmas tree planta- tions, grocery stores and sum- mer resorýs. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanvile 36-1 De With Real Esiate 100 acre farm, in village on good road, 80 acres workable, 20 acres wood, L-shaped bank barn, implement shed, etc.; 7- roomed brick bouse, water on tap, kitchen cupboards, etc. Price $12,500 with terras. 150 acre DAIRY FARM, 90 acres workable, 25 acres wood, stream, L-shaped bank barn with water bowls, steel stan- chions, implemnent shed, etc.; 8 roomed stone house, heavy wired, running water. Asking prico $15,000. Terms. 200 acre DAIRY FARM with 12 cans quota, 150 acres work- able, 25 acres wood, 3 farm ponds, 100' x 52' bank barn with water bowls, 42 can bulk cool- or installed, 60' x 38' imploment shed, cemont silo, hon bouse, etc.; 6 roomed bungalow with ahi conveniencos. Asking $3t,000 with torms. 95 acre farm, near Oshawa, ail workable ciay-loama land, 100' x 48' bank barn, Z silos, im- plement shed, hon house; 7 roomed frame home, heavy duty wired. Price and terms arrang- ed. 135 acre farm, close te No. 2 Highway with 100 acres work- able, creek,, 105' x 30' bank barn, hon house, etc.; 9 roomed brick home, heavy wired. Ask- ing $22,000 with easy terms. 7 roomed frame homo in vil- lage on 1/ acre lot with 3 bed- roomns, kitchen cupboards, hot and cold running water. Price $6,500 wîth smal.l down pay- ment. 9 roomed solid brick home centre o! Bowmanville, with oul furnace, 3-piece bath, modemn kitchen, hardwood floors, olec- tric water heater. Garage. Ask- ing $12,000. Terms. 13 roomed solid brick home i.i Newcast.le, which could be made into income home. Ask- ing $8,000. Ternis. 9 roomed home betweon..Bow- manvilo and Oshawa, on higb- way with hardwood floors throughout, bathroom, 2 modern kitchens, furnace, ail newly ro- docorated, water under pressure. Garage. Asking price $10,500. Ternis. Two 4 roomed frame homos on good size lots, iocated east Newcastle. Prices, $3,000, with small down payment. 5 roomed bungalow In New- castle, close to shopping centre with oil furnace, hardwood floors throughout, bathrocm, modern kitchen, running hot and coid, watem. Garage. Asking $l10,000. Ternis. Besides above mentioned we have approximateiy 200 more properties te choose from. Contact John F. De With Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm, Canton Phone Welcome 2328 Loqs Davidson. Town Clerk . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 1 Real Estate for Sale NEW, ranch type, attached garage, brick bungalow, Lib-. erty Place. Apply J. J. Fletti4 29 Centre St. 34-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allisonl Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATlJ BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Liberty South - Fivo roomn frame bungalow on large lot, beautiful shrubs and four fruit trees. Ail conveniences, large kitchen and living-room, hot water heated. Priced to sebi quickly. Hunt St. - Seven rocfm two- storey frame with apartment above, two meters, oul forced air heat, garage, lot 66 x 550 depth. Buildors, attention. Orono - 6 roomed frame on lot 125 x 175, low taxes. A nice place to live. Nestleton - 6 room frame in village, furnace, heavy wired, will soîl furnishings. Low pric- ed. 36-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Attention - Home owners! We are short of listings and have immediate buyers for the following: Retiring farmer wants bunga- low in middle price range. One central home suitable for conducting a small business. School teachor wants good 5. roomed bungalow. 50 to 100 acres of land within 10 miles of town, suitable for market gardening. We have available sevoral thousand dollars for suitable first mortagagos at 7%7. Private fundâ. Regardless o! your problemn in purchasing or solhing we be- lieve we can assist you. 52 King St. W., Bowmanviiie 1MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, Jii, Hills, MA 3-2495 36-1 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER.-ý 7-room frame house, sun'~ room, oul furnace, basement, 3«T piece bath, garage, heavSt wir- ing, garden, close to post office, store, church and school. 5-room solid brick dwelling, 4-piece bath, cellar, new oul furnaco, heavy wiring, garage, 'insulated, nice place ta live. $10,000. Terrns. 5-room frame bouse, 3-piece bath, new oul furnace, hoavy wiring, hardwood and tile floors, aluminum windows, easily heat- ed, $8,000. Terms. 6 room frame cottage, heavy wiring,- some furniture, ful price $1,700. $500 down. 6 room cottage, West Beach, insulated, hydro, conveniences, some furniture, $ 1,000.00. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Box 941 Diai MA 3-5682 36-1' Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER General farm, 200 acres, 12 room insulbrick house, barn 36 x 106, implement shed, garage. Close to school and village. Price $15,000.00. Easy terms. 132 acre farm north o! Bow. manville, 7 room insulbrîclc houso, barn 36 x 96, imploment shed, hen house, garage. This botter than average farm is pricod at $22,000.00. Terms. 135 acres suitable for Christ- mas trees. Full price onfly $5,500.00. Easy terms. 20 acres - 12 room frame houso, barn 28 x 40, good croek. Priced at only $8,500.00. Terms. 17 acres on pavement, 7 rooma insulbrick bouse, barn 30 x 42. Asking price $6,500.00. Terms. 3 acres near Bowrmanville. Price $1,500.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanviile Phone MA 3-3644 36-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FORt RENT - HELP WANME CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND - ETC. Cash Bat* .- ".*4c pr oword with a minimum fSo c Muet be paid by date of insertion Il charged, an additionai 25c wili b. added. A charge of 25c wilI b. made for al replies directed to this otie NOTICES ' * COMING Es'mm AND CARDS 0F THANKS 4c a word with a minimum of $1.00 for 25 word. or loes BIETHI . ENGAGEbMT MARRIAGE8 . DEATES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10c a linolfor verso Display Classified al 31.50jhp. lneh with a minimum ci on.enh Additional insertion& at the.soame rates. Ail Classified Ads must b. in tbis officeflot Inter thon 12 o'cîock noon. Wednesday Send cash, stamps or money orde and save money. Cip ibis out for bandy reference OFFICEMIU Monday thro' Jf, eriday 8:30 a ný 8:30 ar.. b 12 ?4oon Dia! MAzkt 3-3303 1ev Classifled Ad Services BOWINANVnLE. ONTAPM THURSDAT, SEPT. 4th, ltft' pAtiri rouiviinuq

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