PAGE TEN TUE CANA~AN 5TA~MAN. UOWA1IYffL~ oeTAaU~ ~' / ~' By Frank Mohun - Phone MA 3-7070 SOCCER The chamrpion Maple Grove Club took the first game of the best of three finals by a 2-0 score in Zion, Saturday night. Hockey player Ray Preston led the way with a tremendous two- way effort. The second game was played in Maple Grove last 7night, with the Zion outfit facing elimination. In the Junior finals, Zion and Courtice are waging a ding- dong battie. with ail three games played thus far ending in ies. Zion stav-ed off elimination with a desperation rally i the final five minutes ta gain a two-all ie Monday night. The sudden- death fourth game goes to-night in Maple Grove. t. t. t t t1 SAILING We endeavour ta caver as many sporting activities as possible in this column, but little did this reporter realize that sailing would be one of aur efforts. Wallace Dilling represented, the Oghawa Yacht Club at the North American Sail Boat Racesl over the weekend. This outstanding event of the season was held in Boston. About 50 entries participahed, including represen- tatives frorn the United States and Canada. Wallace, a staunch rnember of the Oshawa Club for the past seven years, was enhered in the *'Firefly-" class, a recent division which had its origination in England. The Bowmanville sailor finished second and fifth out of sev'cn events. The winner of this race was a member of the Rayail St. Lawrence Yacht Club of Quebec. BOWLING With the fail season just around the corner, Martyn's Bowling Academy lias become a beehive of activity. Manager George Elliott lias leagues in action every night of the week except Saturday. when open bowling predominates, and Sunday when the alleys are closed. Some of the leagues parhicipating this season are: the Ladies' Major, Legion, Men's Major, Good- year, Rotary, Mixed League and the Teen-Age League. ïT ti. t GOODYEAR HOCKEY LEAGUE one of the original leagues ta play ah the Memorial Arena is nearing collapse. Last week, we were asked ta issue a eall for hockey players. but only a handful of replies were received. 1h has been decided ta ask for more names of interested players again this week. With ice time at a premium, the arena is unable 10 hold the period reserved for the Goodyear League, open much longer. Anyone who would like ta play hockey this seasan, must contact one of the following persons no later than this Sunday: Don Masters. Jim Coyle, "Butch" Cole, Gord Sellers, Jack Baker, Don Childs or this reporter. ILadies' Major Bowling Mary Harrison rolhed a nice > garne of "322" along wîth many other girls who olhed 200 and over. Here are the top gamea rolled. ,\,ary Harrison 322, Doris Joll 292, 248; Joyce Lyle 282, 201: Shirley Davis 280, Eilecn Holroyd 257, Barb Buthonshaw 250>, Jean Luxton 249, 205; Lau Lyle 248, Mary Wilcox 241, 224; Bernice Budai 240, 237; Dohhy Brooks 239. 209, Babe Brown 233. Hilda Brock 237, 231; Del Vinr-on '130. Eva Whitehead 226, 203, Joyce Tennant 225. Peggy Haines 225, Helen Dunn 224, Kay Stephens 222, Ena Etcher 217, Dot Brooks 2h6, 203, Lola Wright 208, Ollie Patfield 206, Ella De Jardines 202, Shirley Biekeil 201, Onie Etcher 200. High Scores High single-Mary Harrison, 322: high tripe-Doris Joli, 687; high average-Doris Joli, 229. tir, Rail or Steamship TI1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W'. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville 1qONE y AVAILABLE FOR MqOETGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Individual Average% Doris Joli -- Bemnice Budai - Joyce Lyhe .- __ Mary Harrison-____ Jean Luxton - Mary Wiheox ___ Hihda Brock ---- Eva Whitehead Kay Beauprie ------ Shirley Davis- Peggy Haines Del Vinson -- ---------- - Joyce Tennant -- ---------- Dalhy Brooks --------- - Elleen Halroyd . Em. Stringer ---------- - Emma Bronieli . - Ruth Barclay ------------ Onie Eheher - ------ - -------- Helen Piper -- ----- - -- B3abe Brown -------------- Lola W right --- -------- Sadie Bucknell June Baker ----------- Marion Shaght ----- ---- Helen Parks -- Elia De Jardine --- -- - ---- Ena Etcher -- Marie Yea ---- Bemnice Teî-ry ---- - ---- Hehen Dunn ----------- - Audrey Osmond --- Muriel Holroyd ----- Audrey Burns Duaine Palmer Audrey Bickeli -- Kay Stephens --- -- ----- Mel McNulty ----- Barb Butonshaw Shirley Biekehi - Ollie Patfield ----------- Bernîce Partner Ada Richards Team Standings Namne Points Wilma Bates -------- Helen Dunn ------ 2 Bemnice Budai 2 Kay Beauprie 2 Doris Joli -- ------ 2 Lydia Bates------- - 2 Hilda Brock ---- Betty Westlake Onie Etcher------- Joyce Major -- Lorraine Martyn Normna Gay --------o 229 219 214 214i 212 210 208 205 202 200 200 198 197l h94 h93 190 h89 188 1814 184 l81 h80 h8C 176 176 175 h73 172 172 172 171 170 169 169 168 168 168 167 166 166 165 163 163 160 Pins 2745 3026 2833 2682 2657 2504 2788 '2681 2577 2567 2497 2318 Back to the Stables James J. Parker, the one-hîme cowpoke who was flattened by George Chuvalo in Monday's f isticuff bout, had bether stick to riding Old Painter. He wvas canvas bound in the f irst round of what was ta have been a 12-rounder. IGoodyear Bowling I The Goodyear Bowling League! bock. Last year's finalisha,th got off ho a good start last Off icc and the Hase Rooni met Thursday nighh, mwilliail bul od-n with the white collar three m2mbers ini action. Fiirc- \wer'-cr.s comring out on top by a well Blackburn, of the Lcad 5-2 maurgin. Press teami startcd the season Team Standing off ini fine form, putting to,ýctlî- Combines ----3 O 3033 7 er games of 259. 226 aind L593 Pres - -- 2 1 3290 5 again for the night's high triple OfIj'e ------ 2 1 3067 5 of 744. Other high triple scores:. Fan Beits ------i 2 3010 2 were rolled by Maurice Conway Hase Roorn 1 2 2971 2 (683), Howard Davey (670), Ron Machine Shop 0 3 2596 0 Maynard (666) and Pal Arm- High Averages strong (6i3). Games Avg. Office tearn captain Jim AI- Farewcll Blackburn _ 3 2481 lin's 270 effort took high single Maurice Conway ---- 3 2281 honours, followed by Armistrong Howard Davey ------3 223 (269), Blackburn's two 259 R on Maynard------- 3 222 scores, Davey (254) and MVurray Pal. Armstrong ---- 3 218 Grant (241). Tom Masterson ---- 3 207 The power-packed Comnbine Jack Dunn-------------- 3 207 crew swept ho easy victories *Jim Alin ----------.--- 3 204 over a below par Machine Shop Jack Potts --------3 203 team ta take a 7-0 win. Led by Jim Houck --- -- 3 202 Blackburn, the Lead Press roIl- Fred Smith------------ 3 200 ed the team high total of 3,290 Bill Joli . ----------- 3 200 to hand hast year's cellar-dwell- Bill Shotter ----- 3 197 ing Fan Belt outfit, a 5-2 set- Pehe Bathgahe 3 193 IMixed League Bowling.I 5 The Mixed Bowling League 1 B. Edmondson ------- 6 .167 3moved into their second week of C. Oke - ------- 6 165 3competition last Friday night at D. Mutton --- 6 165 «Martyn's Academy. Elton Brock's R. Mitchell --------- 3 164 bowlers continued unbeaten as R. Mutton 6 163 1they handed Jim Richards' crew D. Charles------- 6 163 3a 7-0 pasting. Brock led bis1 J. Evans ---- 6 155 1teamn with, a 247. 237, 232 effort, J. Eldridge---- 6 152 jwhile the best for Richards was 'A. Winacott__---.... 6 142 7Onie Etcher who for the secondi B. Charles --------- 6 139 7straighh week rolled the Ladies' 'E. Winaeoth -------------- 6 139 3High Single (288) and took high A . Holdshock-------- 3 139 triple honours with a 670 total. M. Nowhan-----__ 6 136 Bob Mitchell with games of D. Edmondson 6 134 284. 259 and 243 for the night's M. Hickling --------- 6 127 high three game tally of 786, K. Luxton - ---------- -6 115 paced his heam ta a 7-0 upset R. Spicer - --_------ 6 92 over Jack Bond's outfit. Mitch- Ladies' high single, O. Ehch- ehl had received similar treat- er 288; men's high single, A. ment by Brock on opening night. Spieer 299; ladies' high triple, Art Spicer's pin-droppers over- 0. Etcher 670; men's high triple, came a first game setback ta B. Mitchell 786; ladies' high roar on ta a 5-2 victory over average, 0. Eteher 224; men 's Morley Etcher's team. Spicer's high average, E. Brock 248. 299 score hook high single hon- ours for the night and wvas large -_______________ hy esponsible for his heam's lash t I~I game decision. The win mov- HA P- T ed the Spîcer club into second YGERADIY place. In addition ta the scores al- ready mentioned, high single ---- scores were bowled by D. Charles (255), J. Bond (242). P. Bartels (233 & 217), J. Cox (232), M. Etcher (232) and E. Bromeil and J. Nowlan (230). Team Standings Brock 6 0 5926 14: Spicer -- 3 3 5288» Etcher 3----- 3 6 Bond 2 4 532 7 5 Richards -- - 2 5 5651 3 AvrgsGanies Ave. - E. Brock ~ 6 248j B. Mitchell ------ i 229 0. Etcher .---------- 6 224 - M. Etcher - ---- 6 2041 1 C A. Spîcer ---- 6 203 H. Brock fi 197 A. Hickling - 6 193I iselossies E. Cox ----- l 191 jAndtlittle guys P. Gould fi 189 J. Cox 6 188 I rink lots of milk E. Stringer 6 1837 For sparkling eyes. J. Richards 3 13>1 E. Bromnel -__ 6 . 185 G. Stringer ~___ 6 181 J. Bond- 6 181ý H. Bromell -- - 6 181 D. Bond 6 1783 J. Nowlan f; 1751 L. Eldridge-----6 1731 C. Muthon 6 172 jF. Luxton 6 170 v Bartells ___ 6 1701 Men's Major BowlýingI Tlhe men's major league op- high triple 3458 good for 3 ened on Wednesday with Vice points and are now on top of President Jack Gay welcoming the league. AI Osborne's team the bowlers on behaîf. of the had high single gaine 1236. executive. President Bill Bates Manager George Elliott had was unable ho attend due to his alleys in good condition and business. , dean as a -pin. Some of the members of long Teams W L' Pins Pisa. standing were not around and were missed. Bill Westlake will Williams 3 0 3458 3 not be bowling this season for R. Oke --3 0 3404 3 personal reasons. Norm O'Ro- Bagnell .21/2 1/ 3212 21/ urke was missing. Doug Taylor McKnight 2 1 3443 2 eould not take part due ho a Osborne 2 1 3419 2 slipped disc ini his back. The Milne --2 1 2995 2 bowlers ail hope Doug will Rundie -i 2 3300 1 soon recover from this injury. Larmer _ 1 2 3289 1 Frank Hooper is working nights. B. Oke __i 2 2901 1 Norm Cowle threw in the spon- Hallman '/ 2 'h 3000 '/ ge. Ted Phillips la still bother- Dale ---O 3 3169 0 ed with his baek. George Poul- Broek -O 3 3048 0 ous has moved to Hamilton. Averages Charlie Disley has joined the GmsAe provincial police. Ray Fry is GmsAe tied up workîng on his home. Bill Hearle ----- 3 284 Ken Luxhon is taking a rest Ross Wright 3 259 ho regain his confidence and George Piper 3 258 dear old Dad, H. C. Osborne Jack Gay 3 250 has asked for a leave of 'absence Paul Chant 3 246 and is going ta give the young- Jack Bond ----_ 3 245 cm fry a crack at it this year. Pete Dobbins_.----_ 3 243 Goose Sr. says he wilh be back AI Osborne----- 3 241 next year. Dr. H. B. Rundle - 3 241 We have some new anes Karh Biekeil 3 238 this year and we hope they Reg Hearle --- 3 237 end up with a good bahting av- Ruas Oke 3 226 erage. They -are nan-ely, Cliff Clarence Oke------ 3 226 Trewin, Roly Coombes, Walt- Harold Bennett 3 226 er Barnes, Jack Munday and Cuth McDonald--------- 3 223 George Glanville. Dr. Keith Slemon 3 221 Now we had better tell you Phil Cancîlla 3 221 what happened on opening Russ Halîman 3 220 ýiigh't. Bul Hearle was tops Bob Martyn 3 219 %vith games of 206-334-312 for Bob Williams 3 215 852, Ross Wright had 776, Gea- Jim Levett -- 3 215 rge Piper 773, Jack Gay 749, Ralph Kelly ___ 3 214 'aul Chant 738, Jack Bond 734, Ted Bagnell 3 214 Pete Dobbins 729, AI Osborne Ross McKnight 3 212 724, Dr. Howard RlAndle 723, Bill Bates- 3 212 Karl Bickchl 713 and Reg Hear- Frank Samis--- 3 211 le 710. Murray Tighe 3 210 Pete Dobbins sharted of the Murray Larmer-- 3 210 way he finished hast year and Bert Engley 3 210 won high single prize with his Gord Stringer 3 209 score of 344, Bill Hearle was Bud Moses ---------- 3 209 second with his two games of Mel Dale---- 3 207 334-312, Cuth MeDonald had Dr. C. Austin 3 206 332, Ross Wrighh 301 and Jack Ed Leslie --- 3 205 Gay 300. Jack Munday ------ 3 202' George Glanville won low Ted Miller----- 3 201 single score loi, Ceeil Mutton Frank Lewins --- --3 201 had 101 and President Bill Bates Russ Lane --------------- 3 201 115. Roly Coombes won low Bill Shotter --- - 3 200 triple with 452. Math Harrison-- 3 200 Frank Williams teain had George Stephen. __ 3 200 Homer by Osborne Enough to Win Opener As Juvs. Down Oshawa By Jim Clarke Darkness pulled the shades at Vincent Massey's borsebide hall after 51,2 innings of tension- soaked basebaîl. Bowmanvihle Juveniles were hosts ho Oshawa in their initial Lakeshore League playoff scrap. Billy Osbomne claimed Bow- manville's lone safety off tbe jmyshifying offerings of Osha- wa's 'Lucky" Wills. but that lone blow was a prodigiaus poke ho deepeat center pasture for a round tripper. Bill's mammotb swat, shattering Wills' no-bitter. enabled aur gang ta wahk off with a 1-0 tingher. The bomesters portaide fling- er, Bob Osbomne, twirled a glit- tering two-hitter againat the visihors -before the few hardy souls who braved dipping temp- eratures ta see the locaha wring out the vietory. "'Lucky" Wills, wbo usuahly patrols third base ike a pelican covers the seashore, was brih- liant for Oshawa, as he ahhow- ed the home erew a solitary hit, while fanning 10 in bis hosing mound chore. Wbile "Lucky" was contrary ho bis namesake, "Oz" was athbis best in the elutch, steaming bis fast bal] past nine of the visitors for third strikes, Oshawa had a runner on in each of their six frames, but the rangy "Oz" was the master in the tighh spots. Osbawa's of- fensive power rumbled arn- inously in the first frame, with a fielder's choice, Wilis' bhoop- ing single. over second, and a nieked batter loading the saeks with hwo men out. Bob Osborne got Middleton ta baunce ho Ab- bath ho hait the uprising. Ronnie Polhard opened Bow- manville's first with a free pass. Ron thcfted second and third, but Marjermîson, Abbott. and Bihl Osborne were Wihhs' first thrce strikeout victima. Osha- wa opened the fourth with Wihls' single sinking beyond firpt. A will pitch booted him ta second. with an apparent mally bewing for the Oshawa squad. "Oz" snuffed the cm- ber, however, claiming two of the next three men on strikes whiie Dave Vivian in left pluck- cd Middheton's poke down cas- ily. Came the eventful (and for Bowmanvilc) important fourth. After "Red" Abboht waved ah a third strike ho open the frame, Billy launched a guided missle of bis own. This drive was rcalhy tagged, and if that par- ticular horsebide could have whimpered, it wouhd have had every right. Bill was churning 'round third while Oshawa's oenter fielder was just rcacbing the elusive pihi, way. way but there! Oshawa made a mild geshure of coming alive in the sixth, when Cooper, bit by the pitcher. and WilUs, via a walk, got on with anc away. "Oz" whiffed Fuller. before Johnny M-'san h-.ilcsd clow Midleton's bid in deep cenher ho end the bail game.- Around The Bases -Wilhs hhrew show stuff the large part of the night and had the locals hoodwinked witb bhis heasing junk". -Bilhy Osborne's tremendous swat was aur- guys' lorfe blow - b the outfield. -"Oz" nabbed Cooper with bis very deceptive motion in tbe third. Cooper was crascd ia rundown, resuhh of the pickoff play, between f imat and second. Lineups: Oshawa-Morden c, 2b ini 3rd; Norman 2b, If i rd; Cooper as, Wihhs p, Fuhher rf, Middleton 3b, Clarke If, Breckcnmidge c in 3rd, Haidiuk lb, Rowland lb in 3md, Daniels cf. Bowmanvile-Poilard as, Mar- jerrison 2b, Abboht 3b, Bill Os- borne lb, Mason cf, Vanstone mf, Kennett c, Vivian If, Bob Os- borne p. Tura OId Furniturs îiaCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 East Yorkc Girls Taket Softball Series 2-O The Bowmanville Juvenile, sxashed another four Girls softball tcam droppcd both Shortstop Vanessen pa( games of a best two out of hhree winners wihh a homnex set te a stronger East York a pair of singles. club, lat week. The TorontoR su3 r romped to an early 6-2 hedbr on Wednesday night, Bowmanville 10 capitalizing on five Bowman- East York --------18 vill errors and packing six of their seven lut total into the Bowmanville - McMu first four firames. After the Brown (4th) Piekard <(7 visitas-s ran the count ta 8-2 in B. Brown. the fifth, the locals struck back East York-Loder and' for three runs in their haîf on a walk to Barbara Brown, and- singles by Marie Welsh, Sandra S a f p Chaskovltch, Barbara Hughes. Although the locals had two on 1,V S with only ane out in the sixth, they couldn't cash in a run, with East York -hanging on ho an 8-5 win.I R H El East-York_.------------ - 8 71 Bowmanville -----_ 5 85 East Yark-MacNamara and Magiian.I Bowmanývilie-McMurter. V.- "" t Brown (4th) and B. Brown. Friday night in East York, the Bowmanville Girls saw the W6DYWOK 17D lights too hate ho do hhem any V6Y£TEOK8 good. By lights, we mean the JAWVMEIV 4 floodlighhs which were hurnee on during the game. The home team took the 22-hit slugfesh bý _______ a whopping 18-10 score, runnin, up an eamhy 13-2 lead in th early innings. The locals foun the floodlights ho their liking a they splurged for eighh runs i ' SR ICi the hast hhrec frames. Virgini Brown led the Bowmanvilk ic -DVA batters with two borners and a single, and Bambara Brown BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Starting ai 6 p.m. Fidoy, Sept. l9th Citizens are requestcd te have their old papers and magazines tied ini bundies and placed en the boulevards ini front of their homesfu co-operation is appreciated. .1 ' Let us flush Your radiator now . . . and refi with antlfreeze for winter driv- Lot us check. . . BATTERY TIRES BRAKES ETC. WHEEL BALANCING WHEEL ALIGNMENT' Robson Motors Limited ýBUICK -. PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK D>EALERt 166 King St E. Bowmanville FMA -'9 DON MASTER SON WAS THE WINNER 0F THE NEW C.C.M. BICYCLE drawn by Bob Richards WÇyear Fziday, Sept. lZth Specials . IVY LEAGUE - ALL SIZES$17 COTTON SHIRTS BOYS' T-SHIRTS ___U LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES 79c____ BOYS' JEANS MLL SIZESA» COLOURS jen s Loy PAGE TEN OJNM CmAinm CMAAM