PA &TWuLyV TEE CANADIAN STATESMANq, EOWMANVTLLE. O!TAETO' a, ... a. ...n~ au ~'IflT~T~AV £WD'P ie.h lame i1/e /Veuiodc-ae Ynee4 1urin Âgnsw, Edilor Phone 3621 DélegationDend cL»oý Thre~rrSit Down Over ~y401Deili NEWCASTLE -A of some 20 residents o, .- thern section of tie waited on couicl ' 't cial meeting onT'r ing to demandci îc mediate action to hLavcs Street detour at thEi on higbwav 4011 îî.c. a sidewalk bilt 1or vt use. George Walton w, sDokesman for~ r and told of tUe i. children were :n x. anived at school on "c morning afterbi" wîth mud and xa" vi t " ing 10 navigate imiV Newcca5A, ""cb'b1glîxhwvxcon- C) on !lie Sui- ,~and . aid thc' euý- K"v p 'îc deserveu, 'i I 't ci cinn in 't.1 h.e c oa i br %\"- i V u 14) wille W"nul b.' F t - t' 1:. O n Cv31ý' l-ý(- H(, said if *Ibis AKcct. o c(l pi ýck ac'tion ' 'i sta e Ž,t cmx' t .'Rt'on ilit' hix'anad hlctiup ci. ý m Li " on. c"lo'iP 'led 'n lii'a' 1 P anxd ofv this dcle, tt u io! zecns ii orn'i v to i "tr rt ' n. * t'îigth s .1 i t* fo,'te' cin 'i, i' sx l..0P ~ r rlrm ill 24 Uîi. e~ !the areti 1c)('oniicilIe)r Pul- tt'nuî Conîtact wxvl h ' '. * 1,iî; * f'oîremîilan aî t' . . *i 'i, iitnp: vecl bîti bast hi. beecs (I" u t" 1ui5I tit dent "i.. ~ j Y" ~îif t, ~tV e, lii ConcenTmY77 7 NEWCASTLE -The cý)ni-iiil- central site for theseol"- i tee appointed by the Dî'i; cîîcîJî tc t-ari .1aid. "'Ill District Hijgh School Boarci-'o ottîc xx ir.t 'iccihorci k pli -lex san-mî"c n- interview co incils xi c'. . i hi'i t t iý l a ('lioLil lii Orono refused 10 O.K. d1,j- clo' m ti- t. 'i 1 r um i ilîî t cc tV the proposed Higb SP ttil t ct lui, i' txti 'ai-, beî ci. tlt uiî ii I Orono, met xithebbcNe:' t.'u-;! cml'Vi .r dac 'Village Couiîilc o ii t c]i ; hri ' '\ , ' 21) x tre'ii P ' ' evening tb diSCci.l im te â».an A C' '*t ti'..î.. i~ i-cii tuî in wvhich thie Board l fincis i - ninc til-,,boa ci tic 'ieiboc's a .cdlil o- 1 "i 'i7'i self. Alan Stnike. ox, i'l ,l'îicdct.,3'Stiko eask ci 'was chie! spokesman I " t *ce . îuci,1)r;)i mii n c'mli lt t icil Li. .ic t.Idt À delegation from thce Iioa'r vt .-ii t i.L ta.., din..iîbers for aci"i wvhich also inclcîcied Reg. F>' l i. i ii .t' >c xAh.. ns Ii'i. o! Cavan. Iî'wîn Cl ln ) 'cttti i'~it.~i t u cc Il fti 1 k 'ut Newcastle and W.le e~oit- xh'l ce cuiilLt l lîxuci an- i'i tr c tthi n. t~. i "'," secretany-treasuren of tht' Boni' I. iltix'."i-' reqci c ý xas gt'ui I Fi 1is lxu' i' Mn. Strike spoke at somý" cd lai.ti theot' eccl xx'ct ilti Jî.oy').I length on sehool populationis m cluIlit ticex'tteharmii io.?l'. eiîit the Dalinglon, Bowrianxillo it bcrs.' tcîci'csr.cicr sites tdi iL a< ii 'ci la) tii i"Fmtt" "i Clarke and Newcastle area anîl mieght ii.i c'cnsidered.Btiltlîtxiiî.P 'x î' ' said three Phools wocldl' ~'Foliox'n, la cnnlt \c-n.-îcîîi î' 'L .N\'l 'i (u needed toi loc afler tîis area nelng h. Strikî' th-ink ýl 1 ii;Iloxcii i tS r' " 'î. " , i..l 1ey by 1960 or l 0Jg"The hoard biýs îthe iciiî cf coincil forx tlîteRxa. i. L'. ctl'n lound that e osing a site ii, itu-i. nI tcui t oi sncb short notice 'c rlte [cc' .Xi'i 'i '. xt iit . Clarke TownEkhip bas -pnoved t i titi nll, .ii lnî,. i ti ' iiîî 'î li' i' ) tI ' ' i t niol n ollisn,)i.r. Rtlocal1 J: c 'i xcî'cî'i -î 'be verv conlentiocîs. ill~~ 1 t îî t ca eie the board was anxious 'to g LIa "î~ îc foi' theîr atteîn t .il' ticitc 01h i ' ' ' i ' " i i the views o! the counicils on an'iiîl 'tc"est Reve Cuîîî t'tie"i î .ii t ' ii ' i.ucuîac 'suitable .ie Acodn l .î ianmei r spr Ue peaîr if - ne' ,.:Uý" 'i " l 1iýlofhut: ij.S. Shike's' figures, Newcastle anu thi' e'îhe orcoi in h a .iitt1il"i. C xii i ) 1 Clarke Township xill o puiicii\to taIlkoie-'S. " t liEaî'i ni .t.i a 300 student schiol lw l' 161mii ",ni Tlinc.mht lit. C iîfya However, when qciestioii.ecl b": ptrnNcpA malie "i j rt i f îitiu.l5 Councillon Rickard he ,vuis utur lciiottl- :Clu '.-x'iih .C, l IIt'iei i able 10 say whether tl e:" stcîi de î iicii.iisiorgtcapa-pos-d -t' ' i i le x'ai dent.s would be comîing froîo Onutno Schocl. tiid.tiligt pîti'c ____________E. IVIacles h ici iO", tf ti c ' 'r oti f itlic LO. the nort.h on socth plant of'exic x li tlc (i ii 1 i.' .h tI Iic iilas scri. d Clarke. Councillor Patcroi ~ ?T1 T7atenircanaid M.J 'o. I' 't.t it':Pi.tctn said that aIl public stci OS in, IUARY ~ ogntt the south part cf' Clarke ii,i2e aI. 'r xee t i1 . ith 1MEA been niaking adciitýoni.'ý ; c, rINR OAN len . a."Dcxc. it".-C't'"lih'()fca building new schools ttola.'- -ntx'Porte cr, Wniteî'l.G . -li i t' ', Frt'i"t Il. Szïciiid- er accommodation cicriinc r- Y îc~ îr'R(xx'aîî, aged s îiln.. îîiîi in'lii.. . . tîiiioîîaliîd hie cent years but thene kiiinoscuLcU iii .5 t died sîcel at his Pu ttiinS.Ma': >iî ' rivrDmolU sign o! growtlî un t rthî' i'i * n . e îiu 'ion' iMci ' i i îdavy. ("c'ii n'.St.t'c'r. n h section of the towx'shiip. Iii ePic ' ciioftthe late - - Mn. Strike said the lp!'oiDin>ýe-li W "x. l'tx and ii Us tî xiew Orono Schor) xx'cîi lai.t - i n f.ui.'. 'di'. Ruxan w iý mer.,,,,. ~ i.,- cane of tUe overflow or tV Etrn nlitii ciciiihrto ît 1' rti lington sîudeuts fronii fx îîîî t ailer'.; tumn ni ii hie ou+- --' '..t ville for a tour or t"î î"i il 'i ch' 'la,' h- x c N ~u -~ a school was iuîiltin oa)"'liiîrrtiîît saxm îi à LI~ xs'.J ton and was therefoe tlin. .î tni ' "1 1 î 0icîfc'l SUPPlieIS, ______________ I n E's A TI , e t'i" h P r clJ I i """."lV .er '~ "" '" '"" "'""" i 'i"ui f tt ; lir. t i t-iiîj"' tufld b hafl i 'ccnc 't'. ' nie 11)mbi'c ei \ " )x l iui"x' mr]ua î tw \' tf 1 teulccisUcl MrsMeklciarr f i'.Prc Mn. and Mrs. C!c.reiîec'J", t'Ilci i".Siate. A u t. ttd'I I and faniilv of Bx.i. 3C'. 1ihi'îttoî cf Osmia':!e"n xmine ammun«iti'. . u i s' wvere Sundax- xisiiomw xx':t c Phî1 l ' iii' x'î';tktmd vîitin i tW xxii. i cli' n I tl t- and Mrs. Ross e Allmi an I ý,i'.î " IkI1 t lt' . S.S. Bîit iii'tt' tNt"s w11 t" îî . 1:i. , ily. wx. i ý,ýo ttiî.ni lct Mns. Barbarata imC,mna':tr'licuIl. O. aniîa M1 cf ih ' 'ieliingl]tiHn. ' Tononto spent it tU e kuiî"l' 'îî' 1v c'cm:mcixxs iiicbar"e l N'. ci' 'op'lu;ît ic itlng withî Mr. aiidl I.tint' ri". ic Scirnx t 'h e U 1iu c îaîn n -x,;-t)th .r'~ Coucli and faîîîlv. 'r-hi' W. x . M. C. Fi'he Coii t' i-. lîlili. il t' -1b Mn. and Mi's. G. 1-I.H.I tc' 1 c 'îî' n P"s 'i xx11 e'x'IîrcticI0 îrIi'- aceomipanNîmng Mr. ai.nd in G. rkLanic. tî i cti.'(ri'i'î' Jc nn1e 4 1- ý ;t .1-sS ý,so1 a h Belleville on SLundav wviî1 (1 c ' icdCu e Vc and Mrs. Tonilinsun. *.i" Ie u ' Sevii-ci %11 Mn. and Mns. D. H. ;ilar 1 iln Ille Stnnlv Sellîoîl and daugbîer Nancv o' ol uv-. I XP()u I. i tile Sacra. inanville, were Frîdav vcîV c cf nfat fapii i lbo visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Go.,- an.~c at tlie regular don Agnew. ni ne sux c at Il o'clock. NEWCASTLE JUVE MMLE rFYr,-FHAýNTS a nd NEWCASTLE 1L 77F Mý1C-P!AT E NERCHANTS B ALCLUBS Wish to express their appreciation to the following1 merchants for their co-operation inin akîng the Cni*cî Holiday Sports Day another successfud ycar for the Bail Clubs: Fred H. Graham I.orne Jnhnson's Drug Store Saab and Doors J. Anderson Smith P. G. Newell Lumber Co. Company ,BiII" Durstan's FranIli ;lr's B.A. Service New castle Garage Bill Treleaven's (eerc. sndYî (Graham Elmhurst Hotel CnaIl and (l Enwright's Variety Store. lied (arveth. Ford - Edsel Howard Quinney's 1.and Service Barber Shop C. liioxs Holley IoiIow Ferguson's Sheil Station IEvstaurant Kari Weyrich's Js-Pn .1lldread's Garage Wood spe . t. i ;11lun !kiskerville IayGoo Il1rdxvare ('rocrecria The WaIkct, ?een's Hotel J. Jcfî~ Flying Scotsmn Pauline Stoîksý tQiî:n Ladies' Wear Jk'MLrn. Howard Toms- Fina Service IGA Super Market (ilen Rae Dalryc bers iii aitenclance tUe Septeun- Duning the buîsiness pant o! ber diiec'meeccting cf the New- the meeting, motions were pass- castle Lionettes Club xvus lielci cd authonizing the purchase o! iii thie dining-room o! the 60 stack chairs for the Lions' Qtcen's Hotel on Mondai ex'eu- room ni the conîmunity hall;, te iig '.vlti the president, Mrs. purcliase six pictures o! the Chas. Miegit presicliiig. Queen, one foi' each classroomn Lc'Iicrs xvere î'ead from thead the Coat-of-Annis for Can-ý Wciiicimý'.s Acîxiliary vo! tUe Mem- ada for the corridor at the ciail Ho-pitl mequiesting a Publie Sehool. Grants o! $5.00 gýrtîît anîd f rom tUe Girl Guides c ach were made to the Newv- 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e "iI 'xttr'511tîdsrvi'e hn the United Clîurch the Onono Fair Board for prizes tn'nit il rtrc a , Sunday. Sept. 28tb wheuî for next year's shows. (1«Iý l,,t .cý n ticir flag (doîîatcd b.v tUe Lion- Final Plans were discussed r' ut'-rJ ip'e Cow- et tes) is to be dedicald, for catening to thie T.G.A. ne- I "\11 c, i ýPt.'icn'of I 'rn'uniof S15 xxîas made to tbe gional meeting on Wednesday. '~ i i' ~iSt. Johnî the' Djî liosýp1tul Aîxilianr'. evening. 'n i i i iîd b cilct- Tt imesciecided bo in- The monthly dnaw o! the . ttîîc".ti)'l tîmi ,ltuiext'rii vite the Bowm-anville and Mill- club was won by Mrs. Ken Ste- o'etc. Tie b,1les brook Lionettes le attend the phenson. vca. 1wo erchants *eams .';t, uii cdthe nexi iii nsed bSTL tht' Newvtastle cd at that lime. -T- --i' O NVI LL E l'h ill.I ' ' ï, a list of tUe new Othîr 11111 1 tt iL u',i i 'Jî ' t~ itýiior thîom cd n i ccje 't.x i n t i l til P i Sî uonti. Aî'Iene of. îf >' ob ti .î *i 1 " t x 'rie Jl,J î . Linuda cial in iict nmt .. îî.i~ . iz of l'h B *î'Oti';i Miles, Lois Braîiu.'iniiiNox"'iýinbc v. x* ittii Jctc'"'e , oh r n,,î gP.rl IHoupe ItS,1 1il .. * ' - x li'lt 138 Aduit VJohnfi.hnluui Attend n I ~C Fi 'lSatîdrîaiPorter FI ere iThui-sday "n1. 1'tcdchaîni fCbu I ani Mis. Harny NEWCASTLE - Onic liicit l"~l,: jîmonFlricitu anîd iiMrt.ct'htocrr I ý il 3lre. Elliott spent adauîge (if îtîe fi tic cl1îIe finSi.ndla v wtbAir. eil %,Irs. Nel- Polio Vaccine cniii 'iiit "e -oin I)cit'lev uitBranipton. Coîîî a al nîîumx 11 i Tt tt te P.Ox,'ns xvho Speit ai aflernoon lust Ut' 1-'VIe nt i "î'îe cî te, 1twitii71\1. and îuîîbeîiland - Dîmehani l'h "\rKc(ml IlStephensoni o! Clark- Uic* b. wiî'cm' i'e lhi iu'ic ciiSucnday. Tho vacL'ine xuu itrVtimr ' ii. Jcîîe o f Bcxvnan- 'Ut Dr. Treiieer. ', 'smu"c hi m At con'nilieiccd hon faîl C1int' Ncmrz..c rs. Pn-o'ie ý'!otc' clac;tat AMiss Anne Nes- P Pttu i. xt'u0t i'tcSC '.W'lficsCix i aptin ch ie amîci t'. t.s V '-, t.'ci e i 's .t ii-d Co s p tin o'cnesc f ',' eNmvtc"'l" i îe I _trom'tu IHospital. Boxvnan- LîOnl'ets ClUcb. Mesdtinics Cimp, xi' Megit. Chias. GI Ros ~ss D . - Coi rtoltoubMn. Harnyl kinso.i and Hx'Tci'oins, rL.n aiîîr'învNexi'ouîville boy, A nîiiýnb ',r cPti.ic 'r ccr ci h 'qi)lpO îîtcriManager o! also aî bile rI'm'tMcIicl i j' tt 0£c Commence ut Ororonn lt.irp ct""x:. .O i5n~ A î~' ' .hMs R. C. WVhite dion of second ciiO)z- ofc!i 'ibch', o011 Salcîr- x'acrncil IIbc, o bu m " 'îYr Vicîte officiated datn, O'oe Phfo'tti)' t ':cc'"tc<M:sDonna :1u,50 >3 hlm -in c1' iii tî'x 0Mn. the C' Di". e'Jaue-: cf Oshawva MoýTrcbants B asc'ball Club. Jut- venillos and Inle:'mediates ar~e still going toxx'ard champion- siîips for tlie village. The In- termediates deteuted Welcome liv a score of 7 t 5 hene Satur- day to lie thie Southi Durhami Leagcîe finals at 2 all in the besit ie binfix'e senies with the dec'iding game scheduled te Ilc pla cd in Welcome on Sat- 1 urdav. The Juxtenile tcan are slill xx'aitiîig, at ime o! wriling, for xx'oncif'orn the OBA. notify- iîîg tht-ni when. their second gaie witiî Nexw Hamburg is in Uc pla.ved. It is expeeted theý locals will go bo New Ham- lîung on Satunday with a third bu hie Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon. Miss Bertha Thompson suffer- ed a nasty faîl on Friday. No bonies were broken but it prov- ed quile a sbock. In faîling health for some lime, Mn. Wm. H. Bunley o! Pont Hope, but fonmerly o! Newton- ville, passed away on Sunday, aged 91 yeuns. Mn. Burley was one o!fItie finst to be inlerested iii. rural 1elephones, wbich ac- counîts for the fact that the first four miles o! our present local telephone systemn were between G. W. Jones' residenoe in New- tonville and W. H. Burley's at Nctwtonx'îlle Station, w h e r e tUe latter bought and shipped grain. Rex'. R. C. White, for sevenal Sundays, is basing bis remanks on famous oid hymns. Encour- age our. pastor by your attern- dance. Turne, 7:30 p.rn. Tbe first game of the semi-' finals in the Juvenile division of tlîe Lakesbore league w3s plaved here last week when the Mercbants defeated the Co- bourg teamn by a score of 7 to .3 with Carleton going the dis- tance on the mound for tbe 10- cals and David McCullough turning in his suai good per- formance behiny tbe plate on tbe defensive and at the plate on tbe offensive. Tbe locals scored 7 runs off seven hits and -committed no errors wbile the visitmng teamn scored 3 runs off 5 hits and conimitted five errors. The winners of this seriees will nieet tbe winners of the Oshawa -Bowmanville series for tbe Lakeshore League Chamn- pionship. MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITT MARKERS 0V W STAFFOE» ait BROS. Staffordi Erpi. Monumental Works 318 Dundau St. B., Whttbl Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-355S OBITUAtY MRS. SARAH JANE CAREY HUTCHINSON Tbe death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital Mon- day, Sept. 8, of Mrs. Sarah Jane Carey Hutchinson. o! Mapie Grove. Mrs. Hutchinson, who was in ber 65th year, had been 111 for nine weeks. The former Sarah Jane Chap- man, lbhe deceased was a dau- gbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Chaprnan. She was born at Harrowgate, England, Dec. 17, 1893. She had lived inj Oshawa for 39 years and at Ma- ple Grove for the past four yeans. Mns. Hutchinson was a meni- ber o! St. George's Anglican Church and was a bast chief of the Oshawa Pythian Sisters. Predeceased by ber fîrst hus- band, Harny Carey, in 1932 and by ber second husband, Jobn Hutchinson, in 1949, she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Charles Hester (Dorothy) and Mrs. Ron- ald Wilton (Margaret) both of Maple Grove and two sons, James Caney, o! Grimsby and William Carey, of Oshawa. Also surviving are a brother, William Chapman, o! Toronto, and 10 grandehildren. The memorial service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 10. Rev. C. D. Cross, rec- ton o! St. George's Anglican Church, conducted the services. Intermenf was in Oshawa Un- ion Cemeteny. The members of the Pythian Sistens held a memonial service at tbe ehapel at 7.30 p.m, on Tuesday evening. Sept. 9. Doos your home insurance protect yoU as weII os the holdêr of your mortgage note? If you were to be burned out tonight, chances are your insurance money would be sufficient to pay -off hhe mortgage note on' your home. But if you can't count on enough, xnoney to cover the full, 'Value of your equity,l you're under-insured.ý Corne see us for a prop-' erty insurance checkup. STUART B. JAMqES ENSURANCE Office KA 3-5681 King Street I. NVIGOR OIL CO, LTD.- NEW 10W PRICES NOW IN EFFECT S T C per STOVE QIL IOc ,ai FUEL QIL 161 j~n FO ew1VEym Phone Oshawa RA per gai 5-1109 REAL ESTATIR Regldenoe MA 3-5493 Bo*maawlj 1 f T.Iephe Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Mrs. H. Whyte attended the RussellMuryM.'dMs .B Beal wedding in St. George's Memorial Anglican Church. Oshawa, on Saturday, September I l3th. Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A., L.Th., officiated. Mr. and Mrs. R.-J. Pears, Oril- lia, and Mrs. Cottril, Huntsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pears and family last week. ~W'W The Clark Township Teach- ers held their monthly meeting Monday afternoon at Newcastle. Congratulations ho Mr. John B. Moat, Oakville, formerly of Orono, who celebnated his 1001h birthday, Sept. l6th, 1958. - Mrs. John Morris spent last . . . .. >ýweek visiting in Port Hope and Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond with thein son Mn. Alex Drum- mond visited the 'St. Lawrence Seaway last week. Mn. Wm. Riddell is a patient, in Memonial Hospital, Bowmai - ville. Mn. and Wrs. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. *Mr. Garry Cooper has retun- ed home after spending the sumn- S.mer in Montreal. R. A. V. Arnold, M.D. Mn. Roy Patton, Kingston. vis- ited his father Mn. Perc. Patton. who ameto he ommnityon ondy t wok ~ Miss Elsie Rowe, Newcastle; %vh o c a m t o h e o m m nit y o n o n d y t o w o r i n M n. a n d M rs. H a nry R o w e, M rs. cit-operation with Doctors L. S. Mikios of Newcastle and, John Morris, Mn. and Mrs. AI- A. F. McKenzie of Orono. Dr. Arnold will act as assistant bent Morion, Mn. and Mrs. ~i ltiti ;~IGeorge Morton, Mr. and Mrs. ir ohDr. :Mikios and Dr. McKenzie, alternating his lnHl tene h uea Cïî cc betcenthe xvocommnites.on Monday of thein cousin. the Dr. Arnold was born in BoBerkinhead, England, in 1932ý late Mn. Fred Bennett of Bow-1 , îd cairne 1 b Canada with his parents when seven years mnllewopasdaaysd o a%ýe st'L1inrî in the Toronîto area where he receix'ed hi dely '~njon grduating fî'om the University of Toronto in isCro! oesrtre hýome lasI vzeek froni hoiday- I in Bermuda. Duiif the past two vears Dr. Arnold has been serv- Miss Mary Bowen, Niagara j ýîî, ac an interne in Vancouver and Toronto. Falls, visited ber mother, Mrs. D r. A rnold, -wýho ;s a bachelor, will be residing in~ Fred Bowen. ý,,ewcsll_ i; akee sk, 2nns ad hcke enhusast 1Mn. and Mrs. P. Welsh, Mn. Wcxvctn le i~a ken ri, enns ad hokeyentusist. 'Jack Welsh and Miss Donna Ter- I - willegar, Oshawa. visited Mn. fandMnýrs. D. S. Hres ~qt"~"\ ives Miss E. Duncan, Toronto, vis- .'jre F l~*ited lier classmate, Miss Marie r __ Lewis. L " ' ~~ u ~Congratulations to Mn. and ~uwwmw Mrs. Allan Hancock. the former Louise Elizabeth Hughes, on N',C.'ISTLE Tlie .S-neme- spent at Laurel, Virginia. Sh'c t1ein niarniage in United Church, i ~ 0(J~ f Un tiite,1 ,ocr sldsof alîîgtnPort Hope. Saturday.Ste- C ~"cn iVnitn' A n"ît:n and Wiiliam.,,burg and the Blue; ber 13, 1958. Rev. B. K. Cronk :.toUnited ('Churici Ridze Mouintains and manv officiated. I u vllin tiu' ScLirclax' v 'boul 0ot11r intéesting places they Mr. Wm. Mercer, husband of P cioim on Thirday ai-, visited.. Irene Grant Mercer, Kendal, te 'icon Septeniber11h Mrs. W. Rudeil expressed passed away at Memorial Hos- Tiic" Devotional Service xvas thanks to Mns. Fisher on be- pitl, Bowmanville, on Fniday. il ci ap,c c, f greu 3. wv1ithbal! of the membens o! the As- Funeral was on Monday froni l ,:.W. Fairrow readingl th I sociation for ber most interest- Kendal United Cburch. Inter- i crip.'une Lesson taken froni ing and informative talk. ment was ini the family plot, "I. i!cbx"C'nl chap)'c'r Following a short business Onono Cemetery. ver:ses 1.4_29', \'.'îti conirmen- meeting conducted bv the pre- Mr. Bruce Channian, Toron- trý r"gvc. v Mrs. FI. Alli:î, sident. Mrs. Allia, the membens to visited Mr. and Mrs. Orville ýIc s. W. Rcideil led ini prax'- of Group 3 senved refresh- Chatterton and Carol on Satur- er. ments and the, members enjoy- day. iXr.M. C. Fishier. the guest ed a friendly chat. The ladies Prof. and Mrs. Harley Bill- s ,al:"r fan flic me2tin.g was xvene most happy 10 welcome ings, Philadelphia, U.S.A.; Mns. inircciuc'ed by iVrs. Ailin and to tlieir meeting, Mrs. Rogers. W. J. Inch and Mn. Carman I an illuc-traied travelI- cf Bowmanville, widow o! the Inch, Weston, visited Mr. and recic cf their AuguLst vacation late Rev. W. P. Rogers. Mrs. Carl Billings. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Arnold and Ruth Ann, Brantford. were JJjweekend guests o! Mn. and Mrs. L~re0sr rcn seRobt.Hancockan miy homne on Sunday after sevenal weeks in Memorial Hospital, 6 Pic tures of Quteen Bowrnanville. tohePlc Trustees on erecting the smant street signs whicb were in Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Mn. NEWCASTLE-With 13 nieln-1 Octoben meeting o! the Club. land Mrs. Clarence Allin, Mn. >no News and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr' ancY« Mrs. E. Rainey, Mr. and Mrs./ Neil Rainey were among the Orono relatives who attended the funeral. Monday, of the late Mr. Albert Balson at Eldad Church, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter'attended the 25th wedding anniversary of, 1Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Winter ,, Whitby. Mrs. Ellen Allun, nee Baxter, wife of Mr. Samuel E. Allun, passed away at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvjile, on Sept. lOtb. Funeral was on Friday. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Miss E. Penfound. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples 'attended the Penfound - Cairns wvedding in. Northminster United Church, Osha wa. Mr. and Mrs. Long, Coe Hill, visited their son Rev. Basil E. Long, Mrs. Long and familv. *Mrs. Alex Elliott. sister of Mrs. R. E. Logan, w~ho lias spent the summer visiting with rela- tives in Orono and Milton bas returned to ber home in Saint John, N.B. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bomen and Mrs. D. S. Harness attended the funeral of Mr. Albert Balson at Eldad on Mondax. Mrs. Davis, Willowdale, is wvith Mr. Ross Gilbert and fam- ily while lier daugbter Mrs. -Gil- bert is a patienît in Breasan Hos- pitl, Toronto. 1 1 1 IWMMT)AIr. xrj>T. lAthý imm m*emAI onf REV. ROBERT H. HARPER COING FISHING sEVERAL of the disciples ot Jsus were fisherinen of the Sea of Galilee and we may clairn that the sport of fishing is sanc. tioned by great persons and lors- use. Jesus hiniseif once gave di- rections about the draught of sucli a large numnber of fish that the nets were broken. And anotiier tin'e he directed that a hook be cast ini Galilee. And Peter caught a fish and in his mouth was fouticl a coin for the tribute money. Sa why not go fishing Ibis summer witb the feeling that the pastirno bas good associations and Bibli. cal backing. You will go, ar.ywvty. for there Is an ageiess fascination lu tishing. From the barefooted bo ,il wearing a broc d-brimmed str,z,4 hat, wîth a polé on his ahoul and a can of Worms ns a hand, i., the deep-sea fishcrman ini a clxn7- tered boat, the urge te flsh has ne limits of age or condition. So. if somnething has been worry- lng you of late, leave il behind for a lime and get out where you earn be alone with God and his great world. The exercise will do yoir good and the shadowy alales ce the foreit and the ripple on. the surface of the stream or lake wi!I chase away your worry and he.âp You to take heart again.