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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN T! CANAD!AI# STATESMAN. EOWMMIV~L~ O1~?ARTO ~!YUMflAY AI~ InA. lema -. r av Summer Pro gram 0f Recreation Dept. Took in- Many Pro jects iSix playdrouad were op- erated for seven weeks in the foilowing areas: Lions Centre, n Franklin Park, Central Schooi, D' Ontario Street School, Mernor- ial Park and Vincent Massey School. A combined playground and waterfront programme was h carried on at the West Beach. The average weekly attend- ance at the playgrounds was 1,973, with an average daily at- tendance of 409. The seasons accumulative participation fig- !o uire was 13,814. The attendance ,h at the playgrounds was down V slightly last year. Some of the le reasons was due to the inclein- ,e ent weather and the introduc- tion of special interest groups to the summer programme. n A total of eleven staff mein- h bers were hired to operate the V playground programme. Al staff members received train- ing at a one week Playground Supervisors Training Course, prior to going on the play- grounds. The staff aLso met, once a week throughout the summer te, plan various programm45 Pi and receive additional instruc- )j tion and to report on their weekly activities. A total of 32 special events were held on the various play- grounds throughout the suimner te help add interest to the re- gular programme.* A number of fMature pro- grammes and special interest f. groups were conducted through v out the summer. LI Penny Fair The Fourth Annual Penny Fair was held at the back of the Lions Community Centre on Thursday, July 24th. Al playgrounds participated in the planning and operation of this event. Prior te the fair itself was the Annual Costume Pa- rade by ail the playgrounds. The theme of this year's parade t was "Around The World". F.ach playground depicted a different country. The winner of the event was Franklin Park (Ho]- land), Central School (Egypt), Ontario Street School (Italy), Vincent Massey School (Japan). Memorial Park (France) and Lions Centre (Mexico). Ap- proximately 300-400 children took part. un the parade and the penny fair. At the conclusion of the Pa- rade ail events of the Penny Pair swung into action. Some of the events at the Fair were as follows: Bucking. Bronco, Rocket Ride, Penny Toss, For- tune Telling, Shooting Gallery, Dart Throw, House of Horrors, Refreshments, Pini the Mask on Zoro, Ball Toss, Bean Guessing. Lucky Draw and many others. SArchery This class wvas revived after a year's abscrce. and expanded to incJ.ude b~ boys encd. .gigls. Instruction was held' every Tuesday and Thursday after- noons behind the Bowmanvilie High School for children eight to fifteen. George Marlow was instructor for the boys and Bey. Cowling înstructed the girls. At the end of the season a Tournamnent was held with Dun- can Syers being declared win- ner followed closely by John Goode and Kinsiey Van Nest. Tennis Instruction and supervision In the skills of playing tennis were held twice a wveek for both boys and girls at the Lions Cen- tre Tennis Courts. George Mar- low and Bey. Cowling were thei VIGOR 011 NEW LOW PRICES PREMIUM STOVE QIL FUEL OIL FOR DEI IPhone Oshaw lmLL BARC ftMEL ChurcF, Officiais Conduct Impressive Ceremony instructors. A Tournament was held at the end of the season with Linda Steele winnîng top honours in the girls' events andj Keith Banting taking the boys championship. Children's Theatre This was another new acti- vity introduced on the play- grounds this past summner. The Children's Theatre was under4 0 the direction of Tom Park and met once a week at the Lions ...... Centre. The group put on ea~ pantomime entitled "The Shoot- ing of Dangerous Dan McGrew" as part of the Talent and k Awands Night. In speaking l wîth the childnen at the end of the summer many hoped thet _ the Chldren's Theatre wou:dz continue on during the Feul andz Winten months. Day Camps :k This was a completely new venture underteken by the " Dept. and wes very successful. "" Two camps were held during the summer one for boys and one for girls. The instructons for the twa camps were Bey. Tom Park. A total of 39 boysColnGog elwadt attended their camp, and 26 girls ettended their camp. At the f i- nal night of each camp a Par- ent's Night was held and the.. children pnesented short skits and deinonstreted the various skills theY had learned through-, E out the week. ît is hoped with the success of these twocap that Day Camping wil become a regulan part of the Recrea- tion Departmient's Summer Pro-. _ gramme. I would elso like ta Pictured above during the ceremonies in connection boy holding the silver container of holy water; Wayne aagain thenk Mr. Les Coombes with the laying of the Cornerstone of the new St. Joseph's Hannan, altar boy with book; the Deacon, the Rêv. C. who so kindly let us use his property for our Day Camp site. . hurch, Liberty Street South, the officiai group is shown McCarney, Peterborough; the Most Reverend B. I. Minor Basebali inside the church in front of the Cross which marks the Webster, Bishop of- Peterborough; the Sub-Deacon, the Two leagues were operated i place where the new altar will be. Reading from left to Rev. R. J. Garvey, Peterbwrough, and Vincent Molloy, in Miner B.aseball- during the 1 right: Johnnie Connors, an altar boy; Danny Hughes, altar altar boy, holding the Bishop's crozier. past summer. A six teem Atoin League operated on Tuesday,i Thursdey and Friday morflings H1ff~ Raily Day Service was "My, eech week et Memonial Park. H LAYD NFJJUIIord- n Nih Winners and went on te, defeât ~~I I ~ I Mr. and Mrs. David Morrow buho" r e es h the Dodgers fer the League and Alexandra, Toronto; Mn. Sunday Sehool Supenintendent Chempionship. A six teain Pee a nd Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mrs. assisted the .pastor, Mr. Whyte Wee-Bantem League played on T.E. Prout, Mr. and Mns. Sulas by reeding the seniptune lesson. Tuesday. Wednesdey and Thurs- Trewin and Judith, Bowman- Mrs. G. Cathcart reed a very in- day evenings et Franklin Park. ..... ville, were Sundey visitons of tenesting accaunt of how e New The Hornets were the Leegue Mrs. Wmn. Trewin and Mr. and Canadien femîly froin Germeny Winners but were defeeted by Mrs. Walter Loveridge. were welcomed to Canada by the Plyers for the Champion-M.adMs rn eb membens of the church end ship. A total of 206 boys parti-*~ Bowmenville, were Setundy uday Sho n id ele cipated in the two leagues eeigvitretM.ndrs. home in their new life hene. Swimming C. Gerrard's. The frost has held off well In order te, give the swim- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett this yeer, which hes been a mers e more intensified train- Newcastle, visited Mr. and rs: greet benefit ta the tobacco and ing three instructors wene hined D aeo.tometo growens whose crops and an extra day was edded.M.ad rsFrellBck were late due to the rein. Saine The Tedpoles (non-swimmens) burn and Mrs4 Fareaell Black lied lessons on Monday andrnad family, Salemn, were but most gnowers wound up Wedsde moring 9 taSunday supper guests et Mr. and operations lest week, usually Wededy ,mrig :0 Mrs. W. Blackbunn's and attend- with a gala night for their wonk- 10:30 a.m. The Red Cross Be-e h hnkOfnn ginners and Juniors held service, ens.ning lessons on Mondey and Wed- . rsdaeening. ugli o Mrs. George Smithi of New- nesdays et 10:30 a.m. to 12 IMs da MLullno castie visited Mr. and Mrs. Mult noo. he ntrmdiee ndBunketon spent e few deys with Robinson and Mn. and Mrs. mon.orTRe Ctrss simerndMr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton. Cecil Glass. held their lessons et Cream ôf- r.Knel ude aen Barly Pol o Friay mrn-Mr. and Mis. Tom Smith and Benly Pol o Fniay mrn-girls, Burketon, et Mr. end Mrs. ings. The swimmens were under -jack Potts. LONG SAULT the leadership of Bill Bagnell, Ruth Stovein and Bev. Cowl- Mn. and Mis. Frank Osmond, ing. In the Tadpole Cless 71 Jennie and Tracey, Bowmen- Home and School will coin- boys and girls successfully ville; Mn. Lloyd Thainpson, Miss mence their feul meetings, Oct. swam 20 feet or more. In the Taylor, Toronto; Mr. Roy 10,aetm8 p.rn.shewn Mn. Ken Red Cross Beginners Cless 46 Thonipson, Leskerd; Mn. Eanrahi ilso itrs out of 53 pessed their tests. In Thompsan, Bowmenville, et Eeyn srqetdt n the Junior Red Cross Tests 25 Mrs. W. Thompson's. lunch. out of 31 passed. In the Inter-- Mr. and Mis. Ron Mornison Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and mediate Tests 7 out of 10 pass- and Dougie, Oshawa, visited Mn. Miss Grece Smith, visited Mn. ed end in the Senior division a. nd Mns. M. Bentrim. and Mrs. J. Kidd and Mr. and 3 out of 3 pessed. This is th-er.Cari arads tMns. T. Kidd, Goodwood, un best resuits we have ever hadl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorr rdywt.an Mrs. Chrle ererWsent eay in Red Cross Tests. I woldad Gay, Oshawea Mrs. Tom Turner and family, like ta thank Mn. Keith Cor,-Suda afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. Mran Mrs. J iehed .Wmn. Clark and baby, To- neil for the use of Creain of H Ienry Gorr, Solina, were happy to receive many friends Toronto, were Sunday visitons ronto, spent the weekend with and neighbors who called to congratulate them on their et Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton's, thein parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er- sixtieth wedding anniversary. They were married-Ida Mn. and Mis. Ronald nRuh-m nest Harper. and femily spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Weber and boys, CO LT . Schleen and Henry Gorr on September 23, 1898 at Kiîlaloe. et Mr. endi Mrs. Jack Salten's, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Kovees L O L D resent on this happy occasion were six of their eight Gocishuli. and Gabriel on Sunday. children. They are proud of their four daughters and four Mn. George Tabb and Mn. sons as well as 22 great grandchildren and 32 grandchild- Kenneth Grahamn visiteci Mn. NO/ N FFCTren. Mr. and Mrs. Gorr are in fair health and were the John Tabb et the Oshawa Hos- QUALTY ecîpenso mny oey heath nd appiessand Thank Offering service was QUAIT fiedswish them continued elhad ais nd well attended on Sundey even-Th 'C extend bs wishes:- ing. Rev. M. C. Fisher, New- per castle, gave e fine message, uis I Oc ein "ookUsan 2C gal. Barley Pool during the past ELIZABETH VILLE ui ctbnd "Lo kndLUp" Tedo n s me.On September l9th a coiIeneeLEwonubrssuw s Paet'Night was helci incMis Mengoetwnkin, slos, per the gym of Central Sehool Our feu annivensary services MsgMThegoRdninso sep b1 - gal. when the swimming ewends were. helci yesterday. In the herd". Autumn flowers, fruit 2c were presenteci and films showîî. morning aur choir, assisted by and vegetebles deconated the LIEYThe chldnen's parade featur- Mns. Skitch and Miss D. Skitch, church. :LIVERY PrI ed t the LegçinCarnivel was zPorft- Hopere-nderec i afine selecp WýMa * New 19 58 PIym< TO CLEAR FA BEFORE OUR NE 1959 MODELS*ARI BUYNOW... ANI Also a fulli une of CLEAN USED CARS Cornpletely Reconditioned and Gui Our Prices Are Rigi Corne in and see for yoursel at Palmer Motor Chrysler- Plymnouth Car and Fargo Trucks -3) King St. Fast Phon e jThe last week of the play- United Church of Canada. ground season was set aside as Anniversary visitors were: KENDAL > UtflS Tournament Week. A full day Duth ofplayground gaines and tour- Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bell, namnt wre el a MeoralGarden Hill, and Rev. and Mrs Mr. a nd lrs. vvn. Âuran Park. The day's events featur- Gardiner, Canton, with Mr. adatne h edn n L ed such playground gaines as Mrs. V. Peacock. ception when his brother E .W bean bags, tethenbail, quoits, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hughes and narTur andsLttlwa s ile horseshoes, tin can cricket, Fred, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. WhTbrny asLithe dMinyWi bubble guin contest, freekie E. Elliott and family, Oshawa, Tuwrnkygir telaityi co ntest and widest grin con- wîth Mr. and Mrs. Quantrili. 'flwr.grl.MKa etr test. Ealier in the week soft- Mr. and Mrs. G. Trew and plrse FredMay turnedkat RIVE bail and paddle tennis tourna- famiîy, Port Hope, with Mr 'pl.aner ond to askat inents were heid -et Central Sain MeMillan.Sskferpndgaco Schoo. Th winers n eah ofof weeks with her sister, 1 D S VE hoo.Thwinersiciac1of Mr. and Mrs. C. Quantrili, Wm. Mercer. Mrs. McKay D SAV an the plnsweaayrudeaccumult- Oshawa, and Ray Quantrill, Ati- mrs. Mercer visited a few d ind the most onts wuate kokan, spent a weekend with with their brother and uis w in h ms oit asteMr. and- Mrs. Quantrili recently.MranMs.AtrGat winner. Following is the final MsBeyThîckson has taken Mrxbnd . Atu rn staekins at the end of the uii residence at Rochdale House GusswtMr. ayL weksactivities: FranklinPa, where she will stay whule she n uy ee Mr. and Iý araneed Vincent Massey, Lions Centre, atnd icoiaCig. aSugha, e n Goia ,arnted intario Street, Meinorial Park Mrs. Sain Moore spent Sun- Hope, and Mrs. Hughes Sr., fr and Central Sehool. ywt epaetM.ndTrto iOn the iast night of the piav- day ith hr parnts, r. . nd Toonto iground season a talent a nd Mrs. Thickson.MatrGne Zaad awards night was held in the Mrs. Geo. Fowier spent Sun- been staying with uis gr ifTown Hall. Each playground day with her son, Mr. and Mrs. grandinother, Mrs. M. Luxai was responsibie for a part of the E. Fowler and family. Miss Phyllis Jackson is attei programme. Awards were pre- Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew with ing Teachers' College in Pet 1 sented to the winners in the Mrs. V. Walters and IV;s. Simith, borough this year. various events and activities. Sunday. Mrs. Mabel'Smith, Califorr The Chldren's Theatre put on Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, Mr. visited her mother, Mrs. Ch )ales ' their pantomime. The play- arnd Mrs. L. Muldrew, Oshawa, Thoinpson, Atu n ground supervisors also present- were down for the weekend. Cathcart. Mrs. Smith also st rsed a short skit. Volunteeer Remember the fowl supper. ed with her aunt and uncle1 Leader crests were pDresented The Women's Institute are and Miss McBride while Y~ MA 3-5487 ta the children w~ho helped out having their meeting et Mrs. E. Burwash is at her home the it on the pagoi<. White's homie with a W. A. bus- Saskatoon. ýW durintlîe awuîner. _ ness period aftcrwaxd. On Sunday the therne ofi I (Recreatîo n (R eviews By Douglas Riggf MWINOR HOCKEY start on Saturday, November At the Minor Hockey meet- 15th. Gaines will be piayed Sat. ing he'd at the Lions Centre urday mornings 7: a.m.r te last week the foUlowing changes 12:15 p.m., Saturj ftroon were made: 3:30 p.m. to 6:15 and Mon- 1. Age groupings to be chang- day afternoons 4:30 p.m to ed to coinpiy with the Little 6:00 p.m. N.H.L. and O.M.H.A. rules. Player's certificates are now AtOMUndr 10 Auust st.available at the Recreation Of. AtomWe-Under 1, August t fice in the Lions Centre and Pe eeUdr 2tAgs have been issued throughout the ls t. mUdr1,Ags Public Sehools. Ail players are BatmUdr1,Agst reminded that the fornis must lSt be returned to the Recreation Midet-Under 16, August ist. Office flot later than Saturday, Juvenile-Under 18, August Otb' lh lst. Otbý lh 2. Little N.H.L. Ail Star There wil be a meeting of teas t b fome atth fistail Minor Hockey Coaches and teas t b fome atth fistManagers on Tuesday, October of the season and will play in l4th to draw up the. teains and a higher league i.e. Atom Ail league schedules. Stars play in Pee Wee League, Hockey coaches and manag. Pee Wee Ail Stars play in Ban- ers are urgently needed for the tam League and Bantain Ail minor league teains. If you are Stars play in Midget League. interested in coaching or mani- 3. The Ail Star teains will be aging a team please contact the. allowed to make player changes Rceto fiea A-71 up tili January i8th.-RertinOfcatM 3571 4. Penalties - The C.A.H.A. LITTLE N.H.L. penalty rule will be in effect, At the Little N,H.L. Annual i.e. If non offending team scores meeting held in Port Hope last a goal the penalized player may Saturday, Mr. Keith Carruthers returnl to the ice. Minor Penal- of Port Hope was elected Presi. ties-2 minutes from the turne dent for a two year terni. Mr. the puck is put into play. Ma- Don Gilhooly of Bowmanville jor Penalties-5 minutes from was appointed Commissioner the time the puck is put into for Eastern Ontario. play. A board checking penalty It was also decided at thus will be a major penalty rather meeting that the Little N.H.L. than the usual minor penalty. 1959 Championshîp Tournament 5. Tule 3 minute rule wil ba will be held in Welland during in effect in ail leagues. the Easter Vacation. 6. A team not having a min- imum of 6 players dressed and Not doing more than the on the ice (one must be a goal- average is what keeps the aver- ie) and ready to play by 5 min- age down.-Dofasco Dan. utes past the scheduled turne will default the gaine. 7.Amaximum of fourteen players per team. FAST RELIEF FOR 8. Plyersmissing3Rae without good reason will ba released froin the teain and not allowed to play for any other 9. Al games must start on . R E time. Teams starting late will lose the, ture from their game, as the next game must start as 10. Playerg penalized for pro- F ET fane language and fighting will draw an automatic three gaine - suspension. Il. Ail teanis in each league will be in the playoffs. M @ 9 The Minror Hockey leagues _______________ will get underway on Saturday, October 25th. The first three Saturdays will be practice ses- sions and the league gaines wi L AN AOULT Is ON£ W140 STOPPRO GROWING 0 - E iCEPT tri TUE MIDDLE" --b - 911 41 PHGNE N3.136 Pickup and Delivery Service LUBRIICATIO14 OIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES .and BATTERIES I.,- orporation of the hip of Darlington invites you f the in W. Foot e, M.P.P. of the NEW MUNICIPAL BUILDING and COMMUNITY CENTRE Hampton, Ontario Wednesday, October 15 th, 195 8 ai 3:30 p.m. BUFFET LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Roy W. NichoIq Reeve OPEN HOUSE 3:30- 5:30 P.M. 7:00 .10:00 , e W. E. Rundie Clerk PAGE irouRTEM dJM 'ý"]M "A2]Cýq -- O"AlM a TRUIMAT. CM 2naL laim - 1 L OPENING

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