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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 17

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-Coming Events Orono United Church Turkey SDinner on qtober l3th, Thanks- 4glving Day, rom, 4 o'clock on. Admissi C; and 75c. 39-3 Yelverton Turkey Supper .'-ith Variety Concert on Mon- day, -Oct. 13; 4:00 p.m. start. Admission 1.50. and 75c. 40-2 *Wednesday, Oct. 22, Club 50 will tiold a bazaar, bake sale -and afternoon tea in the Tyrone Sunday School room from 2 to 4:~0.39-4 Dance in Tyrone Community Hall, Saturday, Oct. 4. Music by Jubilee Five Orchestra. Danc- ing 9 to 12. Sponsored by Hall Board. 40-1 Plan to. attend the Eastern * .Star Bazaar, Afternoon Tea and Nearly New Sale at the Lions Centre on Friday, October l7th. Everyone welcome. 40-1 Court Venture, C.O.F. Bazaar in Lions Centre, Saiturday, Oct. 4th at 2:30 p.m. Home baking, tea cup reading, baby clothes and mammoth draw. 40-1 St. Joseph'k Bazaar, Lions -Centre, Friday, October 3rd, home baking, candy, aprons, country store, lucky/ draws, fancy work, good used clothing. After- noon tea. 30-2 Organ Recital, Kendal United Church, Friday, Oct. 3, 8:15 p.m. Mr. Frederick Geohegan, Toron- to. Adults 50c, children 25c. Refreshments. 38-3 Tickets available for Ennis- killen W.A. Turkey Supper on Wednesday, Oct. 29th. Three sittings, 4:30, 6:00 and 7:15 p.m. Admiss.ion, adults 1.50, children 75c. 40-2 If you are shopping Friday inorning, Oct. 3rd or at your -coffee break, drop in to St. Andrew's Church for a cup of good coffee. The ladies are also selling. home cooking of ahl kinds. 40-1 Woodview Communlty Centre _-mMonster Bingo. Twenty games ,-twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $150. Door SRizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., id Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Plowmen's Association wcl- cornes you to the Match at Gordon McGee's Farin, High- ,way 3E), North of Codrington, Friday, October 3rd, 1958. Presi- dent, Wesley Down. District -iroctor, I wçý er.40-1 Rogular wC'ebingo held Thursdays ex4t third weck In, the xnonth Which will be held on Tuesdays in the Union al,20 regular games and o $25 jackpot games. No under $3.00.Adiso 5G~. 37-tf The Lions Club Bingo, advcr- t6sed for Tuesday, October l4th Ihas been cancellcd. The first Lions'Bingo for the Fall Season *ilL be held on Monday, October 2th, in the Lions Community Centre at 8 p.m. 20 gaines $5.00, 2 special gaines, 2 jackpots of $25 each. Admission 50c. 40-1 Bus Tours: Saturday, October 4th, bus trip to Bobcaygcon, Peterborough and surrounding districts; Saturday, Oct. llth, bus trip to Buffalo for Thanks- giving Woekond, hotel accom.mo- dation included. Rescivationsi for the Buffalo trip must be mnade weflin advance. For in- formation please 'phone Mrs. H. T. Couiner, MA 3-3265. 40-1 DAN C E TO HENRY KOSS and The Homesteaders Saiurday, Oci. 41h ai Beihany Hall featuring modern and old time, round and square dancing Dancing 9 tili 12 Admission - 75e 40-1* Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Rest Home, New- castle, Ont. Phone 2426. Ac- 1 commodation for bed or up patients at reasonablo rates. In Memorîam HEARD-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wes- ley Heard, who passed away September 29, 1957. Ho had a cheery smile, a pleasant way. A helping hand to all he .knew; Ho was so kiind, so generous and true, On earth he nobly did his best, Grant hirn, Jesus, heavenly rest. .-Sadly missed by wife and son Gordon. 40-1* MOUNTJOY-In 1}oving memory of a dear father and mother, Norman H., who passed away on October 2, 1956; and Margaret E. who passed away November 17, 1956. Those whom we love go out of sight, But neyer out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Loving and kind in all their ways, Upright and just in all their days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories they left behind. -Lovingly remomborod by the family. 40-1* VIRTU-In loving mermory of a dear husband, Otto L. Virtue who passed away Oct. lst, 1951. The month of October again ist here, For me the saddest of the year; -ot a morning dawns or evening fades But that I think of you. Nobody knows how I miss you, Otto, As it ends the seventh long year. -Lovingly remembered by wife Pearl. 40-1* Cards of Thanks I would like to thank my many friends and neighbours for so kindly remembering me on my 8th birthday. William Chapman. 40-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorr wish to cxtend their sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, gifts and good wishcs cxtended to them on the occasion of their sixtieth wedding annivcrsary. 40-1*. 1 would like ta, express my sincere thanks and epprecistion ta Dr. McKenzie, nurses sud staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- menville, elso for the msny cards and gifts sent by my friends sud relatives. Ray Brown. 40-1* The famiiy of the late John Menedith Englisb siucenely thank fniends, neighbouns sud relatives fan thein kindness durng aur ssd beneavemeut. A special thauk-you ta Mn. sud Mns. Howa.rd Milîson, Dr. Dymond, nurses of Port Penny Community Hospital, McDenmott & Pana- baker Funenal Hoainsd Rev. Ronenil. 40-1 Sincene tbauks ta Dr. Rundle, Dr. Austin, nurses and staff of Memonial Hospital for thein kinduess ta me. Also Legion Auxihiany, St. John's W.A. for lovely fiowers, fnuit sud the many neighbours sud friends for cards, lettons sud gifts,' sud thanks ta "The Pales" fan fruit basket. Mns. Newman. 40-1 The family af the late Mns. John Luxton wish ta tbauk Mns. William Cobban and staff af Marnwood Nursing Home, Dr. A. Sylvester, Rev. W. K. Hous- lander, sîso relatives, neighbouns sud friends fan flowens, cards sud acts af kinduess during aur nocont beneavement. 40-1* I would like ta tbank l ficnds sud relatives, Hoopen's Soccen Club, Canadian Legion, I1ocal 189, Mn. Elmen Huggins of the Salvetion Army, nurses sud Dr. Austin for cane, cards, flowens, baskets of fruit during my stay in hospital. John Baker. 40-1 We wish ta thsnk oun mauy friends in Onono sud its district fan their countless acts af lave sud kinducss ta us et this tino in the sudden dcath of aur fsth- cm, Madison Hall. Youn many countosies hclpcd ta lessen the shock af a grief sud s groat loss. Catherine Hall Andron. Frank Andron. 40-1. iPre pare Your Car] NOW For the Hlazards of Winter Driving BY HAVING A Preventative Maintenance and Safety Inspection BY OUR FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANICS Pabier Motor Sales Chrysier and Plymouth Citiez Service Products Service 20 King St. E. MA 3-5487 M Ads Wcmted ta Buy GOOD used double disc. Phono Orono 16 r 11. 40-1 HEINTZMAN upright, walnut preferred. Phono MA 3-2060. 40-1 * LARGE coal stove for heating only, good condition. Phone Orono 158. 40-1 CHRISTMAS trocs, 300, 5 ft. to 8 ft. Write Advcrtiger 874, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 40-tf SEED-We pay highest prices for Red Clover and Timothy. Subinit sample and see us beforo you seil. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 38-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. . 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto pricos paid at your door for large or amafl quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bcthany R.R. 1. Phono collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf WANTED' PRUNED AND SHEARED SCOTCH PINE CH RI STMAS T4RE ES Send informafion and details GEORGE JONESKU Balmoral Hoiel Bowmanville 38-4 Work Wanted DRESSMAKING, repairs and alterations. Phono MA 3-5352. 40-3 FOR custom silo filling tele- phone Walter Piersina at New- castle 2118. 38-3* PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free e s ti m a t e s. Harvey Partner, Tyrono. MA 3-2240. 12-tl CUSTOM digging wîth back-hoe for septic tanks, weepers; wator and scwer and other trenching. Ron Rowe MA 3-2725. 40-1* CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArkot 3-5820, ovenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf DUTCH girl, aged 24, wishes position as housekeeper. Write Advertiser 877, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190,. Bow- manville. 40-1* Plasf ering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf BEAUTIFY VOUR HOME with an ASPHALT DRIVEWAY Free Estimates Work Guaranteed H. J. KRAMER CONSTRUCTION Phone MA 3-5984 40-2* Ange r Construction1 LTD. Co.i COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK - BLOCK CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG- MArket 3-3375 ROY- MArket 3-2273 27-tf Beauiify Your Floors NEW FLOORS LATHED, SANDED AND FINISHED OLD FLOORS REFINISHED LIKE NEW Free Estimates Ralph DeBoo Modern Floor Service 71 King WV. BewmanviIIe MOINE MA 3-7276 i after 5:30 ClssifiRed s AU F R .Several fiondas npnised S.~ When considering buil ou the occasion of hon bintbday. Ohw o REDUC1NG INC. Oshwa; Mn. sud Mrs. Hrvey (HOMEPLANDIVIION) Finuey and family, with Mn. (HOE LA DIISON nsd Mrs. Phil Fiuney. Che c OFFERS A Mn. sud Mns. Lionel Mont- Wondeful pportnitygomery, Niagara Falls, FOeE AM LE W neflOprui RnHowell.- Our expansion prograM requires Mn. sud Mrs. Stuart Monton- a representatMve andyour areo.aBdd Cb CEsu ,a rpresntatve l yovisite B dd Mn.rgnsu r oar ad EXPERIENCE ettonded the anniversany son- NO NCSMn vcs. J. O'ersa, Toouto, vis- I NOT NCESSAY vics.et.BetHsaa Sot chvic- ýMust have good appearance and ited hon daughten Mns. S. Go- 2 car. Commnission carninga above l sudMs.Wlia avd avrae Irieusgllg amson, Toronto, with hon parents,2 address, 'phone number, height,, Mn. sud Mns. Allen Suowden weight, background, marital on Friday. (In status ta The Couples Club will meet et Ebenezen Church ou Thurs- SiauffrRedu Ing C. J day. A quartette led by Mn. SiauferReduingChute sud pictunes sbown by 833 Égiinton Ave,. West Mn. Dilling will be on the pro- TORONTO, ONTARIO Congratulations ta, the Maple Yard, Ma WnOfieand or Phone 1(11. ROGERS Grave Sr. soccer teem on win- ning the trophy X,ùn the third COURTICE RU3733consecutive er MA 3-2130 RU 37363Mn. and Mns. A. F. Spencer 40-2 have retumned to their borne -ed ?ETYRSDAT, OCT md, 1958 Tm CAIIA!A2STATEWNOMI 7L&VI=1EO!qTAIUO HAM TONSalters. aften a pleasant and enjoyable and Miss Gail Chapinan, Trn Mrs. H. C. Àly Hurlbert. i Mn. apd Mrs. Geo. Gilbert to, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Toronto and Mn. and Mns. N. J.I spent a -couple of weeks with1 Oshawa, were Sunclay dinner W. (Kathleen) and grand-dau-;. their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mnr. Joe Chapman. ghter (Debbie) Gnose, Hotel 1 Dennis Marshall and son, Bram- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Branton, Brunswick, Wingham, and their pton, and also vlsited in To- and daughter Melanie, of King-j uie home, "Ainberley rot.ston. vxsited- Mr. and Mrs.. Lodge", Lake Huron. Miss Betty Kellar spent the1 H. Burrows on Sunday. Mr3.1 Weekend gucsts at the home 1weekend at her homo ne an Na- AMm Phillip returned to King- of Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer panee. ston with thein after vlsitir.g wene Mrs. H. C. (Molly> Huni1- t Mrs. Albert Balson, Solina, for a couple of weeks with her bert, Toronto, Mr. and M is. spent the weekend with Mn. daughton, Mrs. Burrows. Maurice Winter, Mr. and Mns. and Mrs. Harold Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Hanland Truill A. Crowells aud Beverley, and -Mns. Sam Dewell spent the spent Sunday with Mr. and'Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poison, ail] weekend in Toronto and visjt. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull at thein cot- of Oshawa. ed Mns. Walter Richardson tage et Williams' Point in coin-. and Mns. J. G. Spicer. pany with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mr. and Mns. A. W. Pnescott,1 Cunningham of Fenelon Fells. TYRONE Miss Marie Prescott and Mn. A. Mr. and Mrs. K. Cavenly at- cL. Pnescott were Sunday din- eddaCvryfml ah r.Hre uts r m fnon guests of Mr. and Mns. Her- terndedaCahe sy fmily gath-f Mrs. H Msanve lCrtisanMr s .bort Prescott, Enfield, an d ter.n ttesme ooo ukeMsAlna and Mns.oulsBatn 9pnevious' Sunday they visitpdlM.adMs oga atn A. Houey, Orono, Mns. S. T. 1. r.andMr. JhnConnigan, Bowmanville, last week. Hoar and Mrs. J. Hulis, visited Mn Bwan Mn. JhnMn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and on Tuesday with Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Poterq femlly and Mr. and Mns S A. Huis. Giad to report thet and Ralph, Toronto, Mn. and Kersey, visitedMad Mr.Ms utsi uhipoe David Anderson, Bowmanville, day. Miss Gladys Edwards, Toron- Swere Sunday visitons with the Helen A. W. Laber and Miss' to, Mns, L. D. Sykes, Hampton, Hln Gray, Toronto, were vlsited with Mn. and Mrs. Gor-! weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. dyn Brent.1 Lost Hoskon Smith.1 Miss Anne White spent the' ____________________ Mr. and Mns. Hosken Smith weekend with Mn. and Mns. En- tFEMALE pig, four to five and Mn. and Mns. A. W. Pros- nost Lennard, Toronto. 1 months old, one mile east of cott attended a tunkey supporý Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henny and, Bleckstock. Contact C. E. Hut- at Solina hall on Satundayj chlldncn, Mn. and Mns. Frank chinson, R.R. 1, Bunketon. 40-1 . evening w*hich was held in hon- 1 Wilsoi,. Hector aud Ross, Osh- a ur of Mn. an-d Mrs. Lorre awa, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. HORSE blanket around Septein-I Simpson, Enniskiilen, it being Welsh and Allen. ber 15 north of Swein's Seed teocso ftenGle!Mn. and Mrs. Harry Sheldon, Clenin plnt.Plese aveatWedding Anniversany. 1 Toronts,, visited Mn. and Mns, plant or 'phono Blackstock 76r2 1. f Mn. and Mns. Clarence Bnad- .Henvey Parnen Sunday. 40-1* 1lcy, Bowmenvilie, Mn. Harold. Mn. m-d Mrs. Kein Whitamnore PIGEN, traed roi 37Neî Macklin and Mns. Sain Snow- and Mark, Markham, Mn. and sION, St. yougnen, now7nishdon, Oshawa, wene Sunday call- Mns. Don Rosi and Louis, snd , hte ng facerand fiighens on Mr. and Mns. Bort Stev- Gneenbauk, with Mn. and Mns. rewht i ae n fiht,ýens. W. H. Taylor. C.P.F. leg-bend. If seen please Mn. and Mns. W. Chapma i Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, To- 3-e0ephonewM.asdel 40Anket and Mr. and Mrs. R. Shackle-1 ronto, visited hon sisten, Mis. 3-204. ewen. 4~1*ton, attended a panty at the R. Burgess.j home of Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Miss Patricia McVinnie, Fi-nancial Shackleton, Salemn, on Suudsy, -Messrs. Russell Ahldread snd! in honoun of Mr. Chapinan, who'Dsvid Wigg, Toronto, Mr. snd! neeched his 8Oth binthdsy Art- Mns. Harvey Strng, Mn. and; 43/4% iesy a few days previous. Mr.j Wesh and boys, Bw Mns. Rayn ond Petit and fain- day of Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ail- Intersi Pad Oil ily, Miss Cocule Petit sud Mn. dread and Mn. James Alldread. and Mrs. Faulkner of Toronto. 1Mr. and Mns. E. A. Virttie GUARANTEED Congratulations to Mn. Chap. and Johin, visited Mn. and Mns, TRUSTCERTFICAES man who received msuy lovel;. 1 H. Wonnacott and Ross, Toron- TRUT ERIFCAES cards, flowers and gifts. , to. TERM 3 TO 5 YEARS Nincteen membens of the1 Rally Day Service was held 1 Woman's Association from e1 t Suiiday Schooi on Sunday. THE Dalnyinple wcne guests of Reýv, Chiidreu will be promoted to THE Iand Mns. F. J. Recd lest Thurs- thein îîew classes next Suuday. - y 1Mn. and Ms aodMGn STERLNG TR STS ommunion- Service will be nis, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Ru- Corp., 372 Bay St., EM 4-7495 held on Sundav noxt et 10.45 pont MacLesu, King City, 40-11I a.m. wene guests of Mn. and Mrs. C.j Wanted I Mrc.ian rs. Charlie Simp- DEAD and crippled fermn stock, AA~~.± Saundens, and Mn. and Mrs.1 picked Up promptly. Phono MA Sevenal friends and relatives dinue ral r get o n nd Mwrs.i -2679. Mangwill Fur Farin,, inrgetofM.ad rs Tyrone. 13-tf, called on Mn. Fred Hockin on; A. Hilis. ______________________ Wednesday, Septemnber 24, on' Mn. and Mns. John Mitchell uithe occasion of his l74th binth- visited thein daughten, Mr. and. HLelp Wantèd day. 'Mns. A. Semeils, Bowmanville, fVeny pleased to hoar that'also Mrs. A. Judson at Glen!' HELP wented. Apply between Mn. R. R. Stevens is home aften Havon Newcastle.1 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. at Down- being in the Bowmauville hos- Mrs. V. .Mlsn omn hem. Nursery. 40-1 pital. vile sE. MhisonB wan- LABOURER required, must be Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Whitevilsette ekndwt- handy with tools. James Mol- and Alwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mon- ton, Bunketon. Phoné Black- loy Burgess, spent Sunday et' stock 9611. 40-1*TwnIaks PLEASANT wonk for you lina, wene Sunday suppor, guests ladies-Why not use your spare with Mns. L. C. Snowden. tino to selU Rawleigh's Christ- Mrs. H.>-Harton-;'Mrs. William. masCars ad iftSet. SllMonnison sud Hanny, Miss Ka-i to youn friends, neighbours, etc. thy Martin, Oshawa, visited Good profit. Write Rawicigh's, with Mns. L. C. Snowden, Mil- Dept. J-140-PW, 4005 Richelieu, dred aud Bob. Montreal, Que. 40-1 Mns. Roy Metcalfe bas ne- 1 tuneci home eften iiolidaying AVON Pnoducts 'offers fine op- with ber daughter and son-iL-; portunity to capable women1 law, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ste- with spare turne. Take advant- phenson, Detroit. - age of aur big Faîl and Christ- Mn. Klemi Hambourg, Pc- mas business. Good tennitonies tenboncugh, spent Sundey with available in and nean Bowman- Mn. Ross Meteelfe. ville. Write Mns. G. Tate, 304 Mn. and Mrs. Elmo Daven- Frederick Ave., Peterborough. pont, Kemble; Mr. and Mns. 39-2* William Asht-on, Enniskillen-~ LARGE United States ad and Mrs. Cr Swallow te wt! Canadien manufacturing coin- M.adMs lfodSa payrequires field representa- on uua« pavs ny Cak n Drig Master Jimnmy Noble enter-. Townships. Exceptionafly high tie lltl red nte esrnirrgs. Guaranteed repoat occasion of his seventh birth-: business. Automobile essentiel. day on Saturday.j Agnicultunal on fanming back- Mn. aud Mns. David Bothwell ground most important. Sales Sr. speut the weekend et Twin training given. Reply ta Box Lakes, 84, London, Ontario. 40-2 Mn. and Mns. Elmer Herrnug,! Oshawa, were Sunday callens START a business of your own et Mns. Stella Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. 1 Mrs. Annie Hatherly return-'O e H n r ed home with her nephew and One Hu d niece. Mn. and Mrs. W. Tp,' Fort Erie. TpAttend First Faîl Unit of the 4-H .Class is working with wool, and will - start in October. Any girls i12 ie ..a c years and over, who wish to take the unit, contact Mrs. A. McLaggan and Mrs. A. Youn- The first Teen Town man this week. of the season wvas hcld Miss Nellie Scorgie. Oshawa. Lions Communîty Cen'i Mr. and Mrs. H. Spragg and Friday' cvening. More thi Cheryl, Hamilton, with Mrs. W young people had a del T. Worden and H. Hal's. t ime. Grade 9 students of Mrs. H. Couch and Miss Mar- manville High School we jorie Cauch, Bowmanvillevis mittcd free to the oni ited Mr. and Mrs. A. His. party. Mrs. Harry Sowers and son A series of dances w Tom, frorn Fredericton, 'N.B.,! held by Teen Town duri spent a weck with her daugh- coming months. It is pari ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mc- Bowmanviile Rccreation Quinn- and attended the Mc-i partment's regular youtl Quin-i and Markç wedding on gram. It was the firsta Saturday, Sept. 27, in Port Per- organized by the depai ry. ia 1947. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs visitcd Mr. and Mrs. K. Acheson, Scar- boro. NWOVL Miss Jean Philp is spending N W O VL a few days with Hon. and Mrs. W. -A. Goodfellow, Codrington. Miss Hazel Barrie of 0! Mr,. Taibent Findlay, Thori-! and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P hili, spent Sunday with Mrs. o of Toronto, were weckei Virtue. itors with Miss BerthaT Mr. and Mrs. Rugsell Virtuel son. and Paul Moore, visited on Sun.1 Mrs. Wilfrcd Cox ni day with Mr. and Mns. Bert. homne from Memnonial H( Bounsaîl, Haliburton. Bowmanville, on Fniday Miss Catharino Rice and Jim Mn. and Mrs. Sid Lar Meikie, Courtice, with Mr. and and daughter, Dorella, Mrs. A. Youngman. Sunda with Mr. and Mr! Mrs. M. Russnell, Whitby, ie ll fKee visiting with Mn. and Mrs. K.,li akyofKe. Hardy and Earl Pzescott's. Messrs. Cecil Burley, Mrs. W. Miller spent a cou-i Vinkie. Wiilis Joncs anl plc of days with Mrs. Alma Caswell, spent the weeký Yellowlees, Enniskillen. Tory Hill. Mrs. K. J. Fenguson, Ottawa, Miss Gloria Lane field is visiting hier- daughter,' M-s. cellaneous shower at ho: 'M. Hamnilton, Mr. Hamilton ai-d Wednesday evening for childnen.1 Shirley Marie Brown Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley and! forthcoming manriage t Bnian, Maple Grove, visited Mr.ý Herbert Raymond Tnir and Mrs. Don Staintoii on Sun- take p!ace on Saturday day. >'! 11th in the United Church Mrs. Mary Findlay, Union-! tonville. ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C.I1 Mn. and Mrs. Elmen 'R Bigclow and Mrs. A. Hawkey.1 and son Neil of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott, Mis.I Sunday with his sister, K. Hîîrdy wene tea gucsts Sun- Minnie Randali. day of Mn. and Mrs. Ace Ab- bott, Oshawa. adMr. A lln s ar The Explorers met with *a son, Jas. of Alen tewa' good attondance on Monday in and Mrs. FlrecAethur' the Sunday School. The bus'- Toronto,. Fioneen N ness and roll cali were givcî' with Mr aee r. a and games planned for next Bruce. meeting, Mrs. W. Murphy nead M.W.HloelI a Thanksgiving story. MeetinglM.Wn -IloelI closcd with hymn. prayen and ing a fcw days with hisc a gaine.l ten-in-law, Mrs. Garnet Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Griffin, lowell, of Toronto. While 1Laura. Muriel and Rober t,_'-Mn. Hallowell attcnded thf niskillen, Mr. Wilfred Banks ding of his great grands Grace and Benyl, Weston, cal: j* Commencing next Si icd on Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahin, Oct. sth our church servi( Sunday, at Four Mile Lake. be et 10 a.m. 1Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White Miss Anne Nesbitt la and Debbie, spent Suilday withi ing in Oshawa whci'c shE Mr. and Mrs. J. Darch, Stur- mêeed her fail milline:, géon Lake. son some littie time ago. Mn. aud Mrs. David Alldrcad, Mns. Clarence Haywo Bowmanville, wenc Monday -Orillia spent a few day, evening callens of Mr. and Mi's. her parents, Rev. and Y G. Aldread. C. White. idance et the tre eu han 100 iightf ul f Bow. rero ad- ijyable wlll be ring thp ýof the )n De- th pro. actlvit3r îrtinent 2 Dshawa, Pethick ýnd vis- Thomp- -turned Iospital, yF. uncaster ,spenrt rs. Les- Don id Jlm, kend a: 1a mis- !r home )r Mis whose ta M. ly, Oct. h, New- Randali aspent r, Miss ce, Mn. art aud ýsMilîs, JIce of visitos ;ymom'd spenti- daugh- ýt Hal- le thora he wed- Ison. Sunday, ,ice wihl board- e cam. ýry ses- uuod of ys's '1i M1rs. R. il PAGE SZVETTM 40-1

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