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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 1

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* -.'-. .e.- ...................................................................................----.-------......-.----'---,---------- ALesson in Hula Hoopin-g by an Expert Mb nba The Hula Hoop craze hit Bowmanvillç and district a couple of weeks ago and stores are 'having a difficuit tinfe keeping them- in stock. Cathy Curtin, five-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Curtin, 5 Pine St., is showing The Statesman photographer how it should be done, while'her young pals, from left to right, Brian Callan, Donna Curtin and Brenda Callan look on in envy at Memorial Park. Glasses Produice $1100 HeIp Pay for Centennial Joe Flett'. Is Big Winner The Centennial Glass draw was beld on Friday evening on the steps af the Town Hall and the names of the fortunate winners ai the three prîzes wvere announced. Fîrst prize ai $300 went ta Jaseph Flett, 29 Centre St., Bowmanville; sec- ond prize of $125 ta Kay. Vice, (Mrs. Gea. Vice), Martin Rd., ]Bowmanvllle and third prize of $75 ta Ldn -.Connors, 205 King St. 4 owmanville. His Worsbip rYor Nelson E. Osborne drew!Ae tickets. The presideht ai Bowman- ville's Chamber of Commerce, R. P. 1Aickaby, welcamed the crowd that had gatbered for the draw and called an Bill Eteven, chairman ai the Draw committee. Mr. Steven thanleýC th memnbers of the Draw commit- tee. Fred Cale, W. David Hig- gan and Glen Lander for their wark. He praised Mr. Lander for doing. a wonderiul job as treasurer. He also expressed special appreciation of the belp given by Ken Moà~is, sec- retary-manager ai the Cham- ber ai Commerce, The draw was a praject ai the Marchants section of the C. ai C. He also thanked W. H. Brown ibr the use ai his sound truck. Cheque Presented A cheque for almost $1,100, the net proceeds ai the draw, was handed by Mr. Steven ta the Rev. A. C. Herbert, chair- man ai the Centennial qoin- mittee. "This shows what 'can ha ckuqAe" Ir.--- Hgrberts*d "When theé Centennial cale- Bank Sta.ff Honor s Depcuting Muinage' Mr'. and Mrs. George Hack- lng were honoured by the staff of the Ca'nadian Bank ai Coin- rnerce at a dinner held at the Flying Dutchman Mator Hatel on Thursday, Sept. 24. Mr. Hacking, wha had been manager ai the Bowmanvllle brancn ai the Canadian Bank of Commerce since Oct. 23. l9?0, leavas on Oct. 15th ta take up bis new duties as man- ager ai Collingwood brancb. On behaîf ai the staff, Mr. Charles Stewart, accountant, exprassed regret on losing Mr. Hacking froin the bank. He also voiced the staff's regret in saying farawell ta Mrs. Hacking, Cynthia and John Prasentation ai a camera was mnade ta Mr. Hacking, for which ha expressed sincere thanks and the regret be and Mrs. Hacking fait in partîng wîth staff members and so' many other friends ,in Bow- manville. Also present weite Mrs. Charles Stewart, and saven ex-members ai the st'aff who bad worked with Mr. Packing during bis tarin herë: Mrs. Doris Roughlay, MVs,ý Doris Battams, Mrs. Chris 'Selbý, Mrs. Bey Turner, Mrs. Carolyn Gar- rod, Mrs. Dorothy Dawell and Alan Dayas.- Present members ai the staff ara, basides Mr. Stewart, Wal- ter, Baines, Eleanor LaI'mer, Evelyn Strikwe;da, Muriel S am- is, Louila Heli,.ar, Trudy Stev- ens, Eileen Vondracek and Nan- cy Jarvis. New Skating Pro brations were in the planning stage wa wondered Where we wauld iind the money ta fi- nance it. Thanks ta splendid voluntary efforts such as this, Bowmanvilla has had a thor- oughly enjoyable and wonder- full lOOth birthday and we will have a report ta tender ta the town council soon." On behalf ai the Centennial cammittee, Mr. Harbert thank- ed Mr. Steven, the merchants cammittea and the people of Bowmanville for the gif t ai money. Gita oHosp ital Mr. Steven announced that a iew af. the Centennial turn- blars, four ai which. were re- caived by the buyer ai aach ticket in the draw, rèmainad, and the committea had decided ta turn these glasses ovar ta the Mamnorial Hospital. Stanley Wilkins, the haspital administrator, accepted the gift and on bahaîf ai the Mernor- ial Hospital Baard, thanked the cammittee. Syd Arnold New Coach B.O.C. Team -On Tuesday of this week, 'high-scorilig iorward Syd Arnold became the naw ýoach of the Bowmanville- Orono Combines. First prac- tice of the season is slated fer Thanksgiving Monday, October l3th. Practically ail the former Players wiIl be on hand this yeir, . axcept Art Rennick and Mickey Walker who are trying out with Whit- by .Dunlops by invitation. Thé, BOC's may also get somp of the Dunnie hope- fuis who, at the moment, canlýt make the grade. Thý new loop which will play a triple schadule, in- cludeî several new teams, Linds4y and Lakefield have left this area and Kipgston, Mindeh, Trenton, Napanea and the two combined clubs of Porý Hope-Cobourg and Bowmanville - Orono will form their own six team group. Ci tizens WiII Petition Work On Harbour Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 104 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nzt 1958 10e Per Copy Kold XIvupresîve Seorvice. At Zyzng of Corn ersion e Enumeration in Progress For November 19 Vote Enumrerators are now busy c [pzin the names which will be on voters' lists for the liquor vote to be taken here on Nov. 19. All persons 21 years of age or who will be 21 before the day of the election, resident in the town for two months prior ta Nov. 19, and who are Canadian citizens by birth or nàturali7.- tion, or a British subi ect who, has lived here 12 months, are eligible ta vote. When enumer- ation bas been completed, th.c lists will be posted Up around tawn where citizens may check ta see ifý their names are on. Enumerators in the various wards are as follows: No. 1 West Ward-Mrs. Doug- las Taylor, Mrs. Evelyn Allen. No. 2 West Ward (A)-Mrs. Dorothy Fair, Mrs. Erminie Davies. No. 2 West Ward (B)-Mrs. Violet Martyn, Mrs. Ruby Hut- chinson. No. 1 North Ward (A)-Mrs. Ruth Barclay, Mrs. Cgorgina Lobb. No. 1 North Ward (B)-Mrs. Elsieý Montgomery, Mrs. Grace Barrett. No. 2 North Ward-Mrs. Ger- trùde Halîman, Mrs. Lais Pol- lard. No. 3 Nortb Ward (A)-Mrs. Nyhl Sheeban. Mrs. Jean Mc- Murter. No. 3 North Ward (B)--Mrs. Barbara Leask, Mrs. Doris Yourth. No. 1 South Ward (A)-Mrs. Winniired Barrett, Mrs.. Mar- tha 'Woolley. No. 1 South Ward (B)-Mrs. Charlotte Clarke, Mrq. Re'ita Hobbs.1 No. 2 'South Ward (A)-Mrs. Dorcas Mutton, Mrs. Nora A.- lin. No. 2 South Ward (B)-Mrs. Lola Wrixht. Mrs. Phyllis Mc- Robbie. No. 2 South Ward (C)- Mrs. Edythe Rundle, Mrs. Elva Kinnear. Mother, 3 Daughters Suffer Injuries in Two Car Collision Mrs. Don Davey, age 46, R. R. 1 Tyrone, and her three dau- ghters, Kay 16, Joyce 15, and Linda 11, were injured in a ma- tor acÉeident on the 8th Conces- sion Darlington Township road at 8.10 o'clock an Friday even- ing. Kay and Joyce Davey are popular dancers and have tak- en part in many entertainments given by local organizations in the district. The accident happened as a result of two cars approachin'g a hill from ýopposite directions. They collided at the top. One vehicle, a Ford truck, was dri- yen by William Gordon Bullock, age 3e, BLewdley; -The ather, a 1949 Chevrolet, was driven by Mrs. Davey. The three Davey girls, were taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, by a passing mo- torist. Miss Kay Davay, wha suffered a iractured jaw, loas- aned teeth, lacerations and shock, is still a patient thare. Miss Joyca .Davey alsa sufared from lacerations, bruises and sbock. She had two black eyes and a large bump on ber head. She and ber yaungar sister, Linda, 11, wha suiferad iroin sback and minar bruises, were allawed ta raturn ta their hame after treatmant in tbe Memor- ial'Hospital's emergency depart- ment. Mrs. Davey, wbo had ramain- ed at the scena ai the accident until tbe arrival ai the police, bhad ber ird)arie&, -attended ta -at the Mamorial Hospital, Bow- manville on Saturday. Sbe sus- tained crackad ribs, bruises, and a sprained ankie. Consta- ble Don Foulds, O.P.P., investi- gated the accident. . Orono Resident Dies When Struck by Car Madison Hall, age 86, a well attended by Dr. Arnott. Mr. and known resident of Orona, was Mrs. At-dron accompanied Mr. killad on Friday evaning in a Hall ta the hospital. motor accident an the main Mr. Hall rastad at the Bar- streat ai the village. Mr. Hall low Funeral Home, Orano, un- was crassing Miil Street near til Monday whan ha was takan bis home at 9.30 p.m. whan ha ta the Orono United Church was struck by a GMC delivary where the funeral service was truck driven by James Tam- held. The Rev. Basil Long, the blyn, Orono. Ha died in St. pastor, offîciatad. Joseph«s Hospital, Peterborough, Many At Funeral at 10 p.m. Many people froin Orana and Dr. R. A. V. Arnold, Newcas- the district attended the fun- tle, was caiied immediateiy and et-ai service. A large crowd ai arrived at the scane ai the ac- Mr. Hail's friands were present cident witbin a iaw minutas. Ha ta pay their last respects ta attendcd Mr. 'Hall, and sent for oniudnpaesvn Bariow's Ambulance Service ta (aniudo gesvh take the injurad man ta St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough.Fu u y Mr. Hall's wife bas been a pa- Mc m l tient there for same weeks. She is recavering fram a fractured leg, and a straka ta her right Skuting sida. Mr. Haii's oniy daughter, Mrs.5 Frank Ardron, Toronto, had fl n a bean staying with ber father during ber mother's iilness. Her The Bowmanville Skai- husband and yaunger son, AI- ing Club will start the lan, il, had arrivad eariy on season with Family Skat- Friday evaning ta spend the in nSnayatron waekend. October 5th, from 3 ta 5 Daughter Rushed To Father a'clock. Mrs. Ardron was in ber fa- Figure skatIng wlll start ther's bouse when sha was toid on Tuasday afiernoon ai 4 ai the accident. Sha and ber o'cluck. Registrations will busband rushed out anund be open bath days for those him wrappad in blankatE n desining ta join the club. Judgment Reserved Un tif Next Tuesdav A group ai citizans wha de- ý8plat-e the sand-chokad state ai A L Bowmanvilae harbour. are cir- a nC s cuiating a patition ta hav il Mv n> T put ýack inta shape forpl- sure crait. ' Ju dgment ln the case ai Mrs. sidered by the department. The petition whan signed by- Bertha Lavinia ("Moam') Whyte On Tuesday morning before a sufficient number af persans, 1 was reserved for ana weak mare coming ta Police Court the Ma- will 'raquast Town Council ta! in Bowmanvillla Police Court gistrate hal raceived a copy ai maka raprasantatians ta tha an Tuesday marning. Mrs. a latter sent ta the Hon. Louis Faderai Department ai PublicI Whyta is charged with being Cecile, Ministar ai Public Wai- Warks Dr othar appropriate au- the occupier ai premises used fare with facts for bis cansid- tharity, for the needed rehabil- as a childran's boarding home, eration, Magistrate Baxter sad. itation Qif the harbour entranca. which are nat registerad as re- There was also anather request It points out that Bawman-; quired by the Childran's Board- that he rasarve judgment ta ville garbour bas beep the i ng Homes Act oi Ontario. give t;ma for action. home base ai a multitude afi Magistrate R. B. Baxtar sta- Refuses Indefinite Postponement shallow draught pleasura craftited that ha had received a let- Magistrate Baxtar stated ha for a long tima. Most ai thes-2 tar a few days aga froin a sal-- had askad E R. Deyman, Q.C., boat owners resida in Bow- of eraetn agapa the Crown Attorney, ta get in manville and district, but many Toronto businessman, wha aaetauch with the departmant and summer residants i alsa haveaa- intarested in assisting Mrs. abtain information on what is substantial investment in coi- Whyte financially and in other conteinplated. Ha expressed the tages rnd boats. No expenditure ways. The solicitor bad iniarm- balief that the case should be or repairs have bépn made *o d himi that a communication disposed ai without further de- J. 'Ide the new profession of the Bowman- the harbour for many Sears ana was baing iarwardad to the lay, arnd announced that he ville Ska Club, wil start, instruction on the opening the eastarn braakwater is in dapartment concerning Mrs. would not grant an indefinite of the club's figure skating season at the Memnorial Arena seriaus disrapajr. As a rasuit Whyte's cantrary argument and postponemnent of the judgment, on Tuesday afternoon, October 7th. Mr Wilde has a fine ai this, and the low water le- other pertinent matters. Ha re- but would only reserva it for t- val this yaar, not aven the quested Magistrate Baxter ta ana week. Ha stated judgmant record as a skater and has outstanding abiity as a smailest crait had access ta the reserv2 judgment further until wili be givan in the Whyte case professionaL harbour. ' this information could be con- on Tuesday, October thi. Car Hits Pole A car driven by George Ed- ward Hoar, R. R. -.3, Bowman- villa, went out ai contrai Fni- day evaning on No. 2 highway at the Solina Road. It swarvad across the highway,- want off the road, and - crashed into a telephona pale. Damage ta the car was astim- atad ta ba $1,200. Constable Robert Diamond O.P.P., in- vestigated the accident. A charge bas bean laid. Steutesmaun WiII Open Suuturdmys In order ta provîde bei- ter service for ihose per- sons wishing ta do busi- ness ai the office ai The Canadian Staiesman, a new program aif hours has been arranged for the weekends. Starting ihis Saturday, Oct. 4th, The Staiesmnan of- fice will be open for busi- ness ail day, siarting ai 9 a.m. and closing ai 5 p.m. If you wish ta renew your subsaription or purchase a new ana, pay advertlsing or printing accounis drap ini ta The Siatesmnan office during the waek or on Sai- urdays when we shall be pleased ta serve you. These hours will bc in ef- feet until furiher notice. Tha Statesman doas NOT close Wadnesday aiternoons. Ross Metcalf Soloist for Music Teachers Tha Oshawa Branch ai the Ontario Registared Music Tea- chers' Association openad their fali season with a dinner meet- ing at Simcoa Street Unitadi Church, Oshawa, on Sept. 24. Guest speaker was Mr. Ra- ginald Bedford, president ai the O.R.M.T.A., who is a wall known teachar ai piano, lectur- ar. adjudicator and examiner for tha Rayai Consarvatary ai Music. Guast artist ai the avening was Mr. Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.T. (Solo Perfarmer) who. sang thrae solos, ana in Garman, "Mondnacht" by Schumann, ane in Italian, "Dalla Sua Pace", irain the opera "Dan Giovanni" by Mozart, and for bis last number, "A Land ai Silanca" by Quilter. His teacher, Mr. R. G. Gean acted as accampanist. Those who attended iroin this district wera Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtice: Mr. and Mrs. M. Sta- pies. Orono, and Mrs. Stanley Payne, Bowmanville. Sunday, September 28th. was a memorable day for the Rom- an Catholics of Bowmanville and district when the corner- stone of the new St. Joseph's Church, Liberty Street South, was laid by the Most Reverend B. I. Webster, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough. The Rev. C. McCarney, Peter- borough, was the deacon and Rev. R. J. Garvey, athletic di- rector of St. Peter's High Schaol, Peterborough, was the sub-dea- con. The master of ceremonies was the Rev. J. F. Coughlan, Principal of St. Peter's High School, Peterborough, 'and the Chanter was the Rev. V. Gillog- ly, Peterborough. Credit Due Father Malane The Rev. F. K. Malane, par- ish priest of St. Joseph's, whoseI ÇL t s and initiative and planning were respon5ible *for th~e building of the beautiful new church, tank part in the ceremony. Members of the parish through their don- ations have contributed te the building fund. Other priests present were the Right Rev. P. P. Butler, V. G.D.P., P.P., Peterborough, the Rev. F. Grant, Peterborough, thie Rev. J. P. Collins, Cobourg, the Rev. H. A. Black, Grafton. the Rev Joseph Walsh, Woolner, the Rev. J. C. Moloney, Camp- belîford, the Rev. F. S. Mahon- ey, Oshawa, the Rev. Paul Dwyer, Oshawa, and the Rev. A. Quenelle, Whitby. The altar boys were Vincent Molloy, Anthony Molloy, Chris- topher Quinton, Stephen Lip- (Continued on page seven) 9§Aeces THREE-IN-ONE - The Editor's desk 15 the repository of some most amazing contributions during the course of a year. This week, visitors will be able to see an amazing purpie dahlia growri by Mrs. Shirley Davis, 6 Orchardview. It is a perfect flower for office use~ because, although it has just one stem, it has three heads perfectly formed, one to be seen by The Editor and two for the customers. i. t t t i. WATCH IOUR BRITCHES - Several reports have corne in of an.unusual and annoying type of robbery in town. If it :;ere a Perryý Mason case, it might be called "The Case 'oî the Britches Burgiar" or "Where Do Your Drawers &'o When You Hang Them Out to Dry.?" Housewives iýeport that their clotheslines have been stripped of ail fen. 3le-type panties. With winter- coming on, such a loss could be most uncomfortable. t t i. t t FLEW THE COOP - Last week we reported that Mr. and Mrs. George Lewins had i ursed a partridge back to health after it had crashed through their storm door. There is a sequel. Other ne i smen from Toronto papers saw the article and carne, t- the Lewins house- hold seeking a story. Obligingly, i'-jrs. Lewins lifted the cover an the crate where the 'h ird reposed in apparent happiness and contentment. Ffriend partridgG took off like a jet and hasn't been seen since. And it would have made such a nice tasty meal, if only they could have kept it until the season opens this weekend-,. -;11 t1 t t t t AN APPROPRIATE ERROR - Quite frequently, lin, ail newspapers, mistakes in proof reading and type setting cause considerable grief and a goodly amount of chuckling. The Statesman staff prides itself on being extremely careful ini this regard but boners still occur. Last week was no exception. In the birth ,notices, we duly reported the arrivai of a new boy to one of our Durham couples, but were aghast to find an omission in the final line of the notice. It should have -read "a brother for Brenda". Instead, it was printed "a BOTHER for Brenda". i. t j.t j. i. IN THE MONEY - In the September GM Topics magazine, a charming photo of Miss Madlyn Wilcox appears on page nine. Miss Wilcox, the president of Bowmanville's B & P Club won $250 for a suggestion in the system of posting prices on Chevrolet contracts which saved time in the pricing section and the buyers' office. We are not sure if Miss Wilcox was awarded the money before or after a recent trip to the west coast. No doubt it would be welcome at any time. In the same issue, there is a good photo of Ross Souch, formeriy of the Post Office staff here, whose Shetland Sheep Dog, Wolf, capti$red trophies for Obedience recentiy. Laying St. Joseph's Cornerstone The photograph abave showr, the Most Reverend È . I. Webster, Biýshop' of Peterborough, laying the Corneruione of the new St. Joseph's - Roman Catholie Church, Liberty Street South. 'he Rev. F. K. Malane, parish priest of St. Joseph's is pictureci assisting 4>s Excellency. 't NUMBER. 40

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