THURSDAy, OCT Oth, 195S THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVTLLE, ONTAR!O PAGE TTTTEE!I Ps vcholoaical Prob Iems Form TyrOOn4 .M03.Celerate Greatest Medica Hqme anc Psy , ical probiems are the g ~t challenge in1 medi- cine oday, Dr. A. Sylvester told a large audience at the Home and School Association meeting on Wednesday eveninc, Oct. 1. Mrs. Clinton Henniîg wvas convenor of the prograni. v The meeting was held in On- tario Street School with Mrs. Rose McDonald, President, pre- siding. An entertaining feature of the evening was the singing_ of a group o! numbers by boys and gZirls of! Dntario Street School. They were directed by Mr. Murdoch Beaton, music super- visor, who also played the pi- ano accompaniments. The chil- dren sang weil and with evi - dent enjoyment. Their numr- bers were "My Zither and I", "Red River Valley" and "Maria Nina". the last verse of which was sung without accompani- ment. Little Psychological Progres Bacteriological diseases have been pretty weil conquered by antibiotics, but in psychological problems, especialiv in children, very littie advance has been made, Dr. Sylvester toid the Parents attending. Most o! thesel problems are caused bv 'ema- 1 Scho tional conflict, due tc child reiationship-suct due pressure' for acc ment, playing with aic dren and trving to keep them: feelings of phyý feriority or social jrý or anxiety in the hon parents quarrel or arg Ne Simple Answ Some of the resuits derweight in the chul ness. reacting more er ly than no-mal ta prob nervous habits such as sucking, teeth grindin, holding, stuttering and1 ting. There are no qt simple answers to the: lems, said Dr. Sylveste: times they take thec tian of parents. teache: masters and ail wlio ha ings with the child. Develop Sense of The best thing to do, parents, is to develop of love and happinesE famil v so that the cl feel loved and wanted, then understand that w pline is for his own gc Rheumatie Feve Dr. Sylvester also tW thing of such diseases Congratulations DARLI NGTON TOWNSHIP on the completion of their new Municipal Buildin, AND Community Centr ~~as our pleasure to decorate this up-to-date structure. Howard S. Brookiî DECORATOR 45 Division St. Phone MA 3-3931 Bowman IOSHAWA WOOI exiends sini C ongratuJ The Corpi of the T0WNSIH DA RL.IN( on the complelial MUNIC'IPAL and COMMUNI,N 0 We are pleased Io par construction of Ihis fin providing qualily lumI building supplies in whic] 0 HAWA WOOD Pl ýMain Office and Showroom COURTICE MA 3-2130 'fittietfl Annuversary I t c il e n g ItTYRON-Over 125 ladies tional, Mrs. R. J. Hadgson. Mrs. arn Bowmanville, Hamptan, F. J. Reed and Mrs. L. Truil. Enniskillen, Haydon and Salem Mr' M .FseNwate tendd heSOh .MS.Aai President o! W.M.S. Presbytery, >1~~~~~ :I b TTc ~ s y rofle United Church introduced the guest 'speaker. ing the guests were Mrs. F. S Mtyfrs.C om'~etivens parent- matic. fever, epiiepsy and Jackson, Mrs. A. His and Mrs. Bh ere ery or Hoeisins.n :h as un- Bright's disease, which mned-R. GlaspelI. Ushers were Mrs. Bothvereil veryfoonterstng and ,omplish- cine has neat yet been able ta Arthur Hamilton and Mrs. J. C.gaeilmc odfrtugt der chil- conquer campleteiy. Rheuma4ic Cook. The ladies were ail invited ta pup with fever is one of the mTost impar- 1 Mrs. Russell Wright occupied the Sunday School room which vsical in- tant diseases of childhood be- the chair for this interesting was also decorated with flawers, uferiority: cause more permanent damage1 occasion, welcoming ail ladies candelabra and a nicely decorat- ne, when and even death resuit from itipresent and apened the meeting e.d 50th Anniversarv Birthday ,ue. between the ages o! five and 'with a poem, "The Hindered Cake, 1908-1958. Mrs. R. J. 7rs 19 than tram any other single Christ," hymn and prayer. Trin- Hodgson, Mrs. R. Wright and illness. In the United $tates, ity Ladies' Quartette, Mrs. L. Mrs. A. Hills poured tea. Dainty are un- 100,000 men were turned dowru i w. Van Driel, Mrs. S. James, cookies and tarts were served. d, tense- because of heart .canditions, the Mx's. O. Richmond and Mrs. D. Mrs. S. T. Hoar wvas honaured ýmotional- resuit o! this disease. It is not Alldread, sang two numbers. ta cut the cake, which was then ýblems, or caused by a germ. but seems Hampton ladies gave the devo- served ta ail present. Ls thumb- aften ta folaow strep infections, g, breath Dr. Sylvester said. 1 be e- Epilepsy, he explained, In a SOLINA TYRONE juiék and certain percentage of cases is ese prob- caused by bràin injury at birth. - The Womnen's Institute wilh Mrs. G. White and girls, Bow- er. Some- The disease should nat be con- meet tonieght <Thursday). Mr. manville, visited ber parents, escoea usetihifntcnuso Wm. Thiesburger o! Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry on Sun-I ~r, cotusuailv caused by the effect of wili be the speaker. day. kave deal- bigh fever on the bràin. Epil- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink . Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman Loe epsy can now be treated with were guests at the Jackson-Pat- visited her parents, Mr. and Love drugs which lower the tender'- terson wedding in Cornwall onl Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton. >he told cy ta seizures. Saturday afternaon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Daw and a sense Nephritis, or Bright's disease, Mrs. Margaret Chapman o!fgrsPr reispn h ;s in the is not an infection, though again gHamptoPorisited with Mrs Ad- ýhild, will it seems ta follow an infection diHamto ink. wt rs d weekend with Mr. and M.:s. and wýIh such as streptococcus.. Since it; Mr. and Mrs. Rahph Davis ac- M.a any disci- is not an infection, it cannot be companied Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Mr ad Mrs. Jim Woodley ood. treated with antiobioties. HaV-1 don Davis an a pleasant moto ran PtistdM.adM. or m- evel-, fortunately 90 percent get trip ta Minden on Sunday- John Carrigan, Bowmanville. completely better within a year. seeing the gloriaus autumn col- Mr. and Mis. N. Woodley Ddsm-Ini the remaining percent ors at their best. visited Mrs. Hattie Jackson at asre-there is some damage ta tnaj Miss Pat Davis was a Su>1 Youngs Point. kidneys, resulting jr' a chroni_1 day tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Otto Virtue visîted Mrs.. state which cannot as yet be Rod Simpson and family, En- A. Geiders, Bowmanvilie. completely cured. fied. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, Great Advances Coming Mr. and Mrs. B-uce Montgon'.- MisJa1hhp eeSna These diseases and the psy' ery were Saturday tea guests guests of their brother, Mr. and1 chohogical probiems in childrc.n of Mr, ar'd Mrs. Everett Cr.y- Mrs. Cyril Philp, Waterloo. are fields vet ta be conquered' derman. Mri n r.H.Prnr n and provide a great challenge nt Keitýh Crvderman- and Stan M.adMs .Prnna' scientists and doctors. "I1 be- Naylo,. o! Columbus, spent tli family visited hier parents,. Mr. ieve we wiil see great changes weekend in Buffalo and Nia- and Mrs. C. W. Quinney, Nevi- and advances in the treatmetnt gara Falls. castle, on Sunday. o! nervous and mental ilnesti Mrs. N. Fice, Taunton, *and Mrs. Paul Chant ai-d child- in' the next couple of decades,", Mr. W. R. Westiake, Oshawa, rer', Bowmanville. visited hzrr Dr. Sylvester predicted. 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank ný.stE#r, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Henning expressed' Westlake Sr. Cobs thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and aiso Mi% and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees Joy Chamberlain spetit the ta Mr. Beaton. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heanry Wood, Oshawa, Minutes were read by Secre- Art Blanchard at their cottage, Ann MciNev'n celebrated bie, tary Mrs. . J. Cuddahee, and Williams' Point. 'Ohbrha at the hoe o theTrasucrs epot y Ms Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden ,bler prandpar ,ents, Mr. and Mi. J. C. Burdett. Mrs. K. Sumers- and farnily. Oshawa, visited Mr- D. Mc'Nevin, Oshawa. ford, Corresponding Secretary, an r.Fank Westlake, Jr. read a note o! thanks from Su- r n r.Rs h c pervising Principal A. M. Thom- Mr. and Airs. Tom Baker and M.and MrÊns. RonsSpn d n j ainily were Sunday gueýts of ahEiiklesetSn Ig ~pson fra* akto! fruit rn- Mr. and Mrs. Keit .h Ormistonj day with ber parents, Mr. a-id ceived from the Home and and family, Ebenezer. Mrs. H. Skinner. Schooh Association. Mr. Thomp- Mr. C. M. Mumford's sale on Mrs. Lamne Annis lef t Mon- son is in Memorial Hospital Sauday afternoon wvas qu±t'fdymrigt atn h u, after suf!erîr'g a heart attack successful. Ladies o! the hall eral o! lier' aunt, Mrs. L. eariy in September. cmte evdlnht n hiz tCelv Parent-Teacher count vas omteesre unhi n Suta Iel.l 'e onatCenra Shoo b Msscrowd. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Harold Skinner ae wonat Cetral S StoleetMis Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stevens: Ontarioatre Stanley attenc'-td an anniver- Lamne lcCov, Brookiin. Mis J.Gabrath Vicet Ms-sary party for Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten, sey-Miss A. Harrison. Victor Wilson o! Peterborough B urketon, spent the %veekendl The president announced that at tle home of Mr. and Mis. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson.1 the Navember meeting v 1Rowouidjbeeer r ad M. n Ms . .Hise, be in the form o! open hooulakatEenzr.M.aniMi ndMs.H1J eiir the thmee schools. uea Mrs. Wilson were obse-vingo Saskatoon, spent the weekend their 05th wvedding anniversary. with Miss Arvilla Beckett. Mr. Beaton played the piano» Dr. George Werry and Don- IMr. and Mms. J. W. McMahon ng for opening exercises, andl M:s. Iaid of Oshawa, spent Sur'dayI and chlildren, Toronto, Mr. and George Graham for closing. at the Werry's, Roselandvalc. Mrs. C. W. Hunt, Belleville, Mm. and Mrs. N. Metcaif o! wçre guesi' o! Mr. and Mrs. A. nville Do ai the 'good Yau ca n an . d 4Oshaw'à.ýe'.'Satiïrýcay-' 'iîsi"t- Ifam. make no fuss about it.-Charles ors at the Wer-y's. M a rnd Mrs. Lloyd Alldread Dickens. 1 Mr. \Vill Bentham. Bowinarý and Miaxine accornpanied Mr. jReading is seeing by proxy.-.!ville, M1r. and Mrs. Wm. James' and Mrs. C. Bradlev and Bey- Herbert Spencer. and Mi»ss Cora Cruse, Oshawa,' eriey of Bowmanville, and vîs- visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten. î ted Mrs. Cecil Alidread of _______________________ jMr. an'd Mrs. N. Wotten were Gravenhumst on Sunday. guests of Mr. an'd Mrs. Sam Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. Virtue iDeweil, Hampton. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralpli Vir- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephen- tue, Enniskillen, on Sundày. son, Nestieton, visited at Mm. J. Mrs. A. Hoar and Louise ,iveli's.1 Mrs. S. T. Hoar. visited Mrs. W. D PRO D CTS 'lMr. and Mrs. D. Flett. Linda, J. Miller, Oshawa. and Marie, visited at Mm. Jini Mr. and Mrs. J. A Rosevear IFlett's, Oshawa. and Esther Anne. Mr. and MrË. M. Yeo, visited Mr. E. A. Rose- ,cere vear, Coboumg. kTe+a1~n~ffçn Mr. and M-s. T.Sctan I 1esÂ.IAUle LLSaion family visited r.HbSct The at the Generai Hospital, Toron- neNorman Oliver and Ivan tao ySna. (a i n sRofhrer families attended a hap- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinni- la ti o n s py family reunian when theïr vzsited friends at Frenchm-an' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Ba,,cn Sunda. Rohmer o! Mitchell ceiebrated MJrs. James MeýQuiinn visited their Golden, Wedding Annivdr*- hem sister, Mms. Robert Bruce, sary on Friday. Cobourg, on Manday. Mm, and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamil- viere in Woodstock visiting hier ton and famiiv., Ken and Donald s.serMis Sagrveandoter Staintor. visited M. and Mi-.j * meiah cixGardon Graham, Uxbmidge, and Dicir Daviýson drove thie Grant also called on Mm. and Mrs. Thomiosons ta the Toronto Fui- Douglas Mackie, Nestieton. 1 with friends ta Independence, nephe w, Alan Harm er, and Isa- Missouri, where they will at- belle Speir, Brussels, Ont., Fmi- tend the Convention o! the day evenîng. H A LLatter Day Saints this week. Communion 'was observedi Mr H A L Lrs George Bowems Sundav moruîing. Rev. Fred andM?.andMrs. Wallace Trick Jackson nîentioned that twa andAreneofLindsay, enjoyed dozen smai] hYmuî books hudr a Sunday.,matar trip thmough beeuî donated ta the church by Algonquiun Park. the W.A. licipat in theMr. and Ms. Ehi Mairs arc Miss Ma ' Wright. Osha'wa. spending the next wveek vis- spent the weekend with Mr. and~ i ng Mr. and NIrs. Ted Mal's, Mrs. R., Wright, me building by Brampton, and other fiends, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. ,laspell, Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mc.,. spent Saturday at Collingwood ber and 9iher IanMrs. eiWrvadCm] tdM. and Mrs. . . Clrki Iv nM ars. 1 e* e r nd C r l t dM rand M rs. J . C . C lrk r hwe specialize. Mcs. Neil Baiie.v auîd Mr. aund Lea54de, Suu:dav. Mrs Grant Thompsouî attendipdI Miss 1Marjom*,*e Haidge, To- the weddiuîg a! theJr niece, Dor- onta, Mr. and Mms. Gamnet Mu-i othv Anr.e Francis, ta Allen ' Cov, Bowmanviile; Lance Phare, Patte-son of Orillia in Beavir,- %ith Mr. and Mms. Lamne Phare. taon United Church on Saturdav. 1 Miss Elizabeth Knox, Bow- Trhe Tlinosons spent the weeii-1 manville, was tea guest Satur- euîd with Mca. W. H. Johnston, day DI Mms. Florence Scott, Paffrlaiv.I Expiorers opeuîed their muet - Sor.: ta repart Mrs. Le\vs. ing ou, Mouîday after sciiooli Oowto~n Ofie Sowroma sperd:à.' reca\'ery. lectfon 36 cents. Minutes were Downtwn Ofice howrum MuÊîi maehinery pasi?d read bx' Anne S:inne. Ro 84 SIMCOE ST. S.. OSHAWA tiîr'oughi trie v'llaze 'en rout2j call-favourite program on TV1 RA 8-1617 ta eas.ern lac's and the Canadja, Mrs. H. Sta'iu'nn read a starv P, 1n'Eha 2 o:-o ai1 F o i ý!,qc 1 ~Coonand Tiianksgl-- beg.'n4natoinorrow at Crys.&àeî. iýnna".___ ENNISKILLEN Service Club was heid an the evenir.g of Oct. 1 at the honte o! Mrs. A. Leadbeater with 10 members present. Roil cail wvas answered by the paying o! dues. Lunch was served by Mrs. E. Cox, Mrs. A. Werry and the hostess. Next meeting on Oct. 15 at the home o! Mrs. R. Lamb. Sorry ta report we have three laelies in the hospital, Mrs. W. I-. Moore and Mrs. 0. C. Ash- ton in Memorial Haspital, Bow- manville. and Mrs. Wn. How- wish them ahl a speedy recav- er;y. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving and Rîckey, Thornhill, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, and family, Oshawa, were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Keith, Brenda and Patsy. were wt Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ellis, Buf- falo. Mrand Mrs. Harold Ashtn and tboys were recent cailers at Mr. and Mrs. Allin Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cross and famnily, Maple Grave, were Sunday guests with Win. How- ells. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family spent the weekend visiting with Bert Hunter's, Monk Avîmer Hunters, and their qon Bruce Ferguson, Graâid Valley, wha spent the summer at Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Mrs. E. Strutt. Mr. and- Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, with Mr. an.d Mrs. A. IMartin, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. AI- bert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were Sunday cahiers at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tambiyn's, Cambray. Mr. Wallace Stainton, To'-or- to, visitçd with Mr. and Mis. jHoward Stevens and caiied or bis sister, Mrs. W. H. Moore at Mâemorial Hospital, Bowmarn- ville. Mrs. Eva Tyers, Toronto, is ý'isiti"ng with Mrs. E. M. S'e- mon. HÀYDON Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa,l ;Mrs. Walter Murray, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash,- M Olr. Ray Ashton, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Earh Thompson and baby, Bowmanviiie, were* Saturday visitors at Mrs. W, Th ampson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and daughter, Enniskiilen, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Lakefieid, were recent visitors at Mr. a-id Mrs. Chem Rahm's Mr. and Mrs. Gèrald Shack- leton an~d family, Salem, were Sunday supper guests at Mr- and M-s. W. Bhackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Chivers and family. Toronto, Mr. and MrE. Don Marrison and Dougie, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. George Bi'r- trim, Georgie and Cheryl, Taun~- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Be-trim. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gav iwere Friday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Sun- day visitors at their home were. Mr. Bruce Garrard and famiiy Keswick, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard. Mr. Jim Webb, Ailiston, Mr. Peter Singer, Mimico, Miss He- dy Sigrist, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. They motored toi the North Country ta see the Autumn beauty of the trees on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald, Mr. an'd Mrs. Rus- sell Ormîston, Enniskiilen, Lyu- da and Billie Reid, at Mr. and i the conipletion of their new Municipal, Building AND Comm unit y Centre It was our pleasure and priviIeke to have taken a partin the construction. BERT 1SMO WDEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR R.R. 3, Bowmanville MA 3-2à'59 JACK BROUGH PLUMBING - HEATING 9 Division St. MA 3-5615 extends Best Wishe s to the citizens o&, the Township of Darlington on the (9/f cia! ~ of their new MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTRE «'We are proud to have had' the privilege of installing the oil heating in this modern structure." The hours, days and years of unfolding lime shall nol stand ini the way of progress. We cannot stand stili . . we musi advance wiih the1 limes or go backward. With this in mind we offer our Congratulations to the Hampton, Ont. Phone NIA 3-2994 Corporation o/Ilhe ci7o wns/lip o/ CLainqton in iheir advancement 'on the opening of Iheir new OFFICES AND RECREATION CEN TRE~ We are pleased b o beeîi able Io share in tlhis echievemenl. L. Warren CONTRACTOR TELMSDAY, OCT #th, 1958 THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIC) PAGZ VIE LM Mrs. Ross Ashtan's. when Bar- Ina Beryl and Lynne, at Peter- bara celebrated ber second borough on Sunday. birthday. IMr. Jack Potts and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton spent' the weekend with cela- and Mr. Henry Ashton visited tives at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Mm. Henry Ashton was din- Burketon. nec guest at Mr. and Mcs. Har- Mrs. W. Martin at Mm. anîd j ad XVemy's, Kedron, recentlv. Mrs. Kennetb Rundle's. Salemî'. W.A. meeting Thursda'v Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac evening at Mrs. Cecil Siemon s. Dermid, Stratford, were Sun- Hampton. day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Suuidav School Sunday afte.- Ronald Rabmi-'s., noon at 2:15. Cbucch Service at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, 3.15 on Sunday.____- C§ongratulations to Darlington Township