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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 17

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PAOU asvurM Ilt A*AtffAM '5'A'PMUM kW. AWUAIILt& ONAMb LaUzMJDAY, uv*i* u, IM IMM - '-.---. e- --- , -'. - --- -- ZMON Mr. and Ms. E191= Daven- Port, Kemble, called at Russell Perkins. Mrs. John Smith, Orange- ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher, Toronto, visited at Mrs. Alex McMaster's and Charles Nay- lor's. Master- EDuvy Stainton has bee.ste i wth bis' grand- parents, and Mrs.Leonard Shaw~, O'rgsva, while bis moth- er was in Oshawa General Hos- pital. Mrs. Keith Stainton and Clarke spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Clarke Moore. Oshawa. Mis. Jim Stainton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon.- a-'d Shaw, Oshawa, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Staintan and Laurie. vjsited at Douglas Shackleton's, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Camerün visited at William Smith's. Whitby. Mastet Grant Osborne and Bette Lyn Osborne. Oslawa, svent a few days at Tom Sa- bil's. Miss Bettxy Nunn spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gelssber- xer visitêd at Bert Nicklans, 1-lxwel'g. M-s. H-ins Ge!ýsberger Jr. Epent a week at Thessalon. WANTED Dead, Old and CrIppled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Freeof Charge 24 Hour Servle Phone Coileet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough Ri 2-2080 NIOK PECONI Peterborough Ont. iAg - _ 0_1 b_ Prize Winners Chosen For Centennial Draw Joe Flett, popular local buider, was winner of first1 rzof$300 in the Centennial Glass Draw held Friday, ait 2 n the Town. Hall steps. In the left photo. Draw Chairman Bill Steven is addressing the crowd with Treasurer Glen Lander and Centennial Chairman the Albert Eddy visited at Belle- viille. y nîe 5 Douglas Stainton has beenJ v il Sh patient at Sick Children's Hos- As 1/a Ikert< mamb6.À '& r iThem 8-2 in, TAG DAY to benefit UNICEF, (The United Nations Children's Fund) Friday and Saturday Oct. 24 AND Oct. 25 Sponsored by Bowmanville Business and Prof essional Women's Club "For Ail the Worid's Children" 1-By Jim Clark Bowmanville Juveniles tot- tering an the brink ai elimina- tion last Saturday top pled into playoff discard as W alkertan, at home, captured the Juvenile B Championship of Ontario 8-2. ,The gent who provided the. Bowmanville gang with the f a- tal shove was the stocky Mr. Steinhoff who spun a five bit- ter bere in the opening scnap. Steinholf, Walkerton's tap chucker, posed a riddle that aur guys failed ta salve, as ha twinl- ed another five hit delicacy be- fore his home town gathening. With their backs scraping the well knawn wall, *coach Bobi Williams elected ta have John- ny Mason smother the Walk- erton offensive power. Despite spinning fair baîl, neither John- ny, nor reliefer Bill Bates could derail the homesters as they chugged stubbornly towards th., title. Played in almost long red flannel weather, under spank- ing blue skies, Walkerton op- ened the .second frame sco!ling wise. Meyer punched a single ta lef t, with Truskiniski fol- lawing with another rap ta let t. Two successive sacrifice bunts pushed Meyer home wlth the games' initial run. Curt Vanstone claimed aur I I * . f 71èà#d ( -B GRA DE '14 "O0 VEN READ Y TURKE YS YOUNG HENS 10 TO 14-LBS AVERAGE b 53C MoLaron's Manzanilla STUFFED OLIVES Stuart Hous., 18" FOIL WRAP Ann Page KETCHUP Hellman,&s Reg. 2o-SAVE 4. 8-az jar2 5 c Reg. roll 59-SAVE go 25-ft roil 5 1 c Reg. 2 btls 33-SAVE 4* 2 1l-oz btls 29c Reg. jar 4go-4SAVE 10o SANDWICH SPREAD 16-oz jar3 9c Nucoa Rog. 2 for 53-SAVE 4o MARGARINE 21-lb pkgs 49C Nabiseo Reg. pkg 33-SAVE 4o, SHREDDIES 16-oz pkg 29c Fancy Quality Reg. 2 for 30e-.AVE 'la FROZEN PEAS 312.oz pkgs 49C AIP Choice Reg. 2 tint 35-SAVE 4* WAX BEANS 3 20-ztin49c Morves SPECIALI1 IONA PEACHES 2 2sz ns537c [,P5uerM res Rev. Arnold C. Herbert looking on. In the right photo, Chamber of Commerce President R. P. Rickaby takes the winning ticket drawn by His Worship Mayor Nelson E. Osborne. eighth was bis first in the two ip Sinks ames. ip S inksMeyer of Walkerton, wha lAINE ad a single in five tries the his game, was 2 for 4, plating in the order. bareSteinhoff had eight tke F i~nlG m outs, giving.him 18 for the two games. He allowed 10 hits ir, guys' f ' st hit in the third off the 18 innings he worked, Steinhoff when he lashed a sin- giving up only three runs. gle over. third. The Wakero chucker claimed the netthe Bowmanville hitters leavin 1g ZON1? Tw shp Curt stranded. ZO ~ip o nhp The homesters moved into a Zo .A etn 2-0 edge in their third, as an Zo .A etn error by Richards set the stage The Septemrber W.A. meeting for Walkerton's second run. was held Thursday evening, Bowmanville threatened in tile Sept. 25th at the home af Mrs. fifth, when "Red" Abbott cuff- W. J. McCullough with 12 mem- ed a single into left. Bates skiedl bers present. Meeting opened ta Bolden in center, and "Mae" with the hymn "A Charge ta Richards tapped ta Steinhoff Keep Have V'. This was follow- with "Red" holding first. With ed by prayer. two out, Curt Vanstone looped Mrs. Chas. Raby, in the ab- his second hit into center boot- sence of the secretary, read the ing Abbott to third. Curt stole minutes and recorded the meet- second, but Ronny Pollard's ing. In the absence ai the trea- drive ta center- was hauled surer, Mrs. Meneilley read the downi ta end Bowmanvile treasurer's repart. Comfort rumbling. committee rcported get well Walertn cntiuedta eckcards knd sympathy cards had alketand contied ta p moe been sent and thank you oe away, nd h ialted U Sramoe.received were read. The faîl ba- rustinh fnintoaliteofromuszaar *was discussed and itwa teihfrn in egt as bit air- decided t hold it in November bile' in he ighpt as gbodma,-in the evening. Program coin- vesnrap idl aputteing disly, mittee for sarne are Mrs. Ruth-i ofnortedasithea fain display yen and Mrs. Douglas Whitney. aril poeras te btie te Lunch cainçnittee-Hilda Raby. onlyr twarns.oebune u Mrs. R. Morton. Caretakers of ta the pitcher, Ronny Pollard singled. Mason belted a drive ta center which Balden failed ta hold. A sacrifice by "Archie" Crossey, and Billy Osborne's solid double praduced the vis- itars' best bit of stick work f or the afternoon.s Steinhofi apparently lrked at having bis shutout shattered set Bo wmanville down in order in the ninth, claimng rîtwo çtrikp.. outs. Starting Lineups Bowmanville-Pollard ss, Ma- son p, Crossey cf, Bill Osborne lb, Kenneth c, Abbott 3b, Bates 2b, Richards 1f, Vanstone r!. Walkerton - Doug Lobsinger 2b, D.' Murray ss, O'brecht rf, Meyer 3b, Trushiniski If, Dave Lobsinger c, Boldin cf, Ken Lob- singer lb, Steinhoff p. Around The Bases Despite their loss ta Walker- ton the Bowmanville gang st-ili have a chance in the Lakeshore Playaff picture. Things aren't too rosy here, as our guys dropped the opening scrap to Newcastle 3-2 in the 2 of 3 ail air. .Walkerton's Steinhoffi was a real thorn ta the Bawinanville swatters in bath the games. A paised, fair speed flinger, he was a seriaus, calculating ma- chine on the rubber. Curt Vanstone was Bow- manville's onlv man ta get mare than one hit off Stein- hof! in-either game. Curt had two dlean shot- singles, Satur- day, plus a lone rap in the first game. "Red" Abbott, had a single in the fifth, bis only ane in thé series.. Billy Osborne, aiter being callared in four at bats, finally swatted a double in the eighth. Ronny Pollrd's single in the, and 6/or/oUsj JACK BROUGIR PLUMDINO and HEATINO Division Street Soqtb MA351 OWAV.L 55 King Street E. CHANGE 0F BUSINESS We wish bIo hank our many cusiomers in. Bowmanville and district for the pleasure and privilege of serving them during the pasi eight years, and hope for their continue NO ONE expects Io go BLIND No one expects Io go blindyet every year hundreds ai Canadians lose the'ir sight through accidents,' diseases and other causes. Although confined ta life ini the shadows, these people are not isolated fromthe world arounci them thanks ta yau. Your dollars have provided many specialized services to the blind of this community and surrounding district. Through the C.N.I.B., Braille and Talking Books ar e provided ta the sightless; Home Teachers instruct the blind in reading, writing and crafts: recreation activities and devices provide pleasur- able pastime; counselling and guidance from Field Secretaries, assist nat only the blind but many who are suffering from faulty vision. YOUR HELP is needed. Our District Annual Blitz Campaign takes place on Monday, October 2.Oth 7 to 8 p.m. LEAVE YOUR PORCHLIGHT ON TO WELCOME YOUR VOLUNTEER CANVASSER -PLEASE BE GENEROUS- LOCAL OBJECTIVE* . $4000 DBliz Campaiga Canvasa lakes place la Bowmanville and surrounding district as Iollows: TYlIONE KENDAL LESKARD NESTLETON If Canvasser misses you please leave your donation ai any of the local banki or mail b - Mr. Donald H. WNilliams, Chairman, Box 156 Bowmanville patronage b ithe new owner MR. Wm. H. TATE R.R. 2, J3OWMANVILLE Pat Yeo Yeo's'Meat & Groceries RED & WHITE Produce Ontario Grown, Presh Pioked, Juioy, Crisp APPLES Packed in Our Own Plant Under A&P Supervision Fanoy, Ixellent fer Ratine MadNTOSH REDS 3-16 cello bag 1 5 c Faitey, Vary Finest fer Ple NORTHERN SPIES iopk6%19c Priees In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Octoer i lth, 19M0 HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN DUIKETON DLACKSTOCK CAESAREA NEWCASTLE NE WTON VILLE COMMTIE I IL Bowmanville the church for October, Mrs. E. Caswell and Mrs. K. Whitney. Home for October meeting wil. be ma.de known later. Mrs. R Gerow and Mrs. Chas. Raby bath kindly offered their homes for this meeting. Lunch com - mittee, Mrs. Del. Whitney, Mrs. Kenneth Whitney, pragram con,.- mittee. Mrs. H. Caswell, Mrs. E. Caswell; rail cal], an article for the bazaar. A beautiful de- votional pragram arranged by Mrs. Harold Caswell, assisted by others, was given. Mrs. R. Morton planned the pragram. Meeting closed with Bene.dic- Lion. Haostess and lunch coan mittee prepared a dainty lun - 1 chean table around which al gathered and spent a jolly so- cial hour. TIhanks was express- ed ta Mrs. MeCullough and lunch committee for their bas- pitalit.. Mission Bland Meeting Zion Mission Band hel d their regular meeting on Fniday af- ternoon, Sept. l9th. The meel- ing opened by aIl repeating thc members' purpose and siingiing, the Mission Band hymn. RIl caîl was tak-én. Fiftcen were present. Minutes of previaus meeting were read and approv- ed. Mrs. R. Best led the wor- ship service which consisted of hymns and readings by Mrs. Raby, Maxine Tunday and Da- vid Geraw. Mrs. Best read the story from the Study1 Boak. ........... L m 19 Bruce Green took up the offer. ing. and meeting closed with prayer. Election of officers was held at this meeting. Mion Centennial Turkey Supper The turkey. supper arrangeýd by the Centeniiial Committe and held Wednesday evening, Sept. 17th at Zion United Churcri was a success, though a heavy ramn storm that evening, nm doubt, discouraged many. T'he long tables looked very attrac- tive set with white linen clothý;, pretty flower arrangements. new china and silverware. There was an abundance of turkey, hot végetables, gravy. dressinz! and ail the trimmings, plus a great v'ariety of pies and tarts. Approximately 100 guests sat down for the first serving &i 6 p.m. This was followed by an- other complete setting, after that the guests were served a.ý they arrived. These occasions reoruire many hours of planning. Iwith mucb work before. durinq, and after, and great credit is [due ahl concerned. Special thanks to our good friends. Mrs. Maris of Oshawa, who assisted the ladies wîth the turkey sup- per, and also with the recep- tion on Sunday, and to the other ladies, flot ai the congr4e- gation. who assisted so willinzi- ly, and to aur men folk. whc took time off from their Fal work ta truck extra tables. chairs, transport turkeys and ascore of other Jobs, not for* gaetting the yaungx men wha_ rolled up their sleeves acid washed dishes like veterans.- and lastly the ladies af th., church who planned, preparn&i i and served. There is no doubt that each and ev,%ryone fou--.d some pleasure in their service..,_ and their services were appre-, ciated. Mr. qnd Mrs. Normian Gero, - and David, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mordan and family, We:i- ington, journeyed through tha~ north country recently ta enjoi the Autumn scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby,.. Hilda Raby and Mrs. Meneillev- attended the turkey supper at Wesleyville last Wednesd&,V eveninx, vhere a large. gather- ing was served a deliciaus tu--, key supper. The Zion ladies are just recovering from a simiIar., r-vent and fuily.realize the tirre and effort that is require a. provide, prepare and serve - a supper such as this. Congratu-ý lations ladies on your success. - - Rev. C. O. Pherrili. and Mrs;' Pherrill, have returned ta Bramýý pton after a shiort vacation wvitIt'- Mr. aA Mrs. Harôld Caswel]. - Several from Zion attended Wonld Wide Communion Ser- vices at Welcome Sunday, Oct. 5th. M.and Mrs. Norman Gerow- an Dai spent the weekend with relatives in Wellington. vouerrrvberw% à %W %à-mm ý .-eh i 1 .

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