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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 18

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- qu -&A A VkA W 'PASDAWnWAWWVUN9'AMTC TUE WsN.n,.=A . a=.saNUVV Birthis DeMfLEF-Mr. and. Mrs. Har- old DeMlUe are happy to an- nounce the - birth of their daughter, Joanne Marie, on Oct. t 1958, at Memorial Hospital, owmanville. A sister for BiUly, Walter and Ronald. 41-1* H-ODGSON-Glenn and Manjorie (nee Mutton) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son David Glenn, on Sept. 3th, 1958, at Memorial Hospital, eowmanville. 41-1 MUIR-Robemt and Gwen (nec Osbomne) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Linda Dianne on Satumday, October 4, 1958, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a sister for Robert, Gail and Heather and birthday present for Heath- er. 41-1* *Deaths COLE, William A. - At 56 Church St., Bowmanville, on Sunday, October th, 1958, Wil- liam A. Cole, beloved husband o! the late Sarah Cole, and dean father o! Suzanne and Bill, age '11 yeams. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Div- ision St. Requiemn Mass in St. Joseph's R. C. Church on Tues- day, October 7th, at 10 a.m. Interment Bowxnanvifle Ceme- tery. 41-1 HONEYWELL - Suddenly on -Sept. 2th, 1958, at Ford, Plymouth, England, Mary Eliza- beth (Bessie), dean cousin of Mr. W. J. Snowden, Mr. C. H. Snowden, late Thomas,. John, Sam, Dick Snowden, Mary (Mrs. J. Sanders), Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Munday). Funeral service was held fmom the church on Wad- nesday, Sept. 23rd and was iargely attendcd. A number o! relatives, and friends will re- inember when she visitad- hem cousins in 1947. 41-1* SEYMOUR-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, October 2, 1958, Joseph Seymour, aged 58 years, belov- ed husband o! Kate Forsythe, (R.R. 5, Bowmanville), and dear father o! thirteen children. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, October 4th, at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetary. 41-1 In Memoriamn 'WILKINS-In ioving memony o! a dean father, George Blake who deported:this lifa at Bow- * manvilla, Oct. 10, 1934. Your presanca is aven near us, Your love remains with us yat. You were the kind o! a father Your loved ones would neyer * forget. -Ever ramembened by Roy, Nina. and George. 41-1 Wa would lika to express our thanks for the lovely gifts given to us by our neighbours and friands of No. 9 School Section. Mr. and Mms. Freeman Eddy. 41-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Simpson 'wish to express thair thanks to thair many friands and rela- tives for making thair 5th anni- vesary such a happy and mcm- orable occasion. 41-1* 1 would like to thank my relatives and friands for remcm- bering me with flowars, gi!ts and cards while I was a patient in Mamoial Hospital and since returning home. Gaye Hubbard. 41-1 1 would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. McKenzia, nurses 'and staff o! Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville, also for the many cards and gi!ts from my friencla and relatives. Joyca Payne. 41-1 I would like to thank Newton- villa W.A. and W.I., neighbours, friands and relatives for carçis, flowers, gifts sent to me during my recent stay in hospital. Also my sincere thanks to Dr. Rundie and nurses and staff for their kindncss shown me. Mrs. Wil!red Cox. 41-1 My sincare thanks are extend- ed to Dr. Rundle, Mxs. Bell, R.N., and the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, also my achoolmates and friands for fiowers, fruit and cards sent'me during my stay in hospital and ince my raturn home. Audrey *Spicar. 41-1* In the midst o! our sorrnw, we wish to express our heart- faît thanks and appreciation to ail our relatives, friands and neighbours for the kindncss and gympathy shown us in the loss o! a baloved wife andzmother. Wa aepecially wish to thank ]Rav. Wie Dr. MeDerment and nurses and staff o! Port-Hope bospital. David Denauit and famlly. 41-1* POLICE dog, can be cluizned by showing ownership papers and license. Mrs. Roberta Dean, R.R. 4, Burketon. To be claim- ed within 30 days. 41-1 Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Rest Home~, New- castie, Ont. Phoue 242&. Ac- commodation fer 'bed or up Mttents at reasonable rates. 23-tt Coming Events Shilo W.A. will hold a bazaar on Oct. 17 at 8 o'clock. Program and lunch will bel served. 41-1* Cadnius Turkey Supper, Fni- day, Oct. 24th, from 5 o'clock on. Admission, adults $1.50, childmen 75c 41-1* Thanksgiving Service at En- field, Oct. 12, at 2:30.o Rev. Walter Logan will preach with music by choir. 41-1 Orono United Chumch Turkey Dinner on October l3th, Thanks- giving Day, from 4 o'clock on. Admission $1.50 and 75c. 39-3 Yelveton Tumkey Supper with Vaiety Concert on Mon- day, Oct. 13, 4:00 p.m. start. Admission 1.50 and 75C. 40-2 Remember Friday, October 17, 2:30 p.m. for Eastern Star Ba- zaar, Tea and Nearly New Sale at Lions Centre. Everyone wel- come. 41-1 Hot Variety Supper and Euchre, St. John's Parîsh Hall, Blaçkstock, Thursday, October 16. Adults 85c. Euchre only, 35é. 41-1* Wednesday, Oct. 22, Club 50 will hold a bazaam, bake sale and afternoon tea in the Tyrone Sunday School room from 2 to 4:30. 39-4 The original Bolshoi Ballet filmed in Eastman colour, will play at the Royal Theatre, Nov. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. Highly recom- mended. 41-1 Plan to attend Masquerade Bahl, Badminton Club, Oct. 25th, sponsorad by Kînette Club o! Bowmanville. Admission $3.00 per couple. 41-2 Anyone wishing to sand old woollens or cottons for blankets phone MA 3-2856 or 3-2735. Immadiate dalîvamy. Sponsomed by Haydon W.A. 41-1 The Solina Women's Institute will hold thain annual bazaar of homne-baking, sewing, etc., in the Community Hall on Wed- nesday evaning, Oct. 15 at 7:30. 41-1 Tickets available for Ennis- killen W.A. Turkey -Supper on Wednasday, Oct. 29th. Thmea sittings, 4:30, 6:00 and 7:15 p.m. Admission, adults 1.50, children 75c. 40-2 Flower loyers are cordially invited to view the display of choice Chrysanthemums now at their best at the "Rosemy Nur- sery", 73 Qucen St., Bowman- ville. 41-l Lions' Club Bingo. Monday, October 2th in the Lions Com- munity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, 2 special games, 2 jackpots o! $25.00 each. Ad- mission 50C. 41-2 Fniday, November 2lst, High School Commencement in the Hîgh School at 8 o'clock. ]ýe- - serve Wadnasday, Thursday and Friday, Novamber 26, 27, 28, for the High School play. 41-7 Olde Tyme Dancing, Saturday, Oct. 1l, Coldsprings, Ont. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Thanks- giving Saturday night "Hoa- do wn" bring your friands. 9 p.m. Admission $1. 411* Woodview Community Centra -Monstar Bingo. Twenty gàmes -twanty dollars; fiva games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door é<nzs. Next Monday, 8 p.m., id Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo hald Thusdays excapt third week in thea month which will ha hald on Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 ragular games and two $25 jackpot gamas. No game undan $3.00. Admission 50C. 37-tf The second annual Ti-School Track Meet will ha held at the Fair 'Grounds, Blackstock, on Fiday, Oct. 10, commencing at 9:45 a.m. (weather permitting). Participating High Schools ara Blackstock, Millbrook, Omono. 41-1 A Fur Fashion Show sponsor- cd by the Bowmanvilla Business and Pofessional Women's Club on Wednesday, October 15 at 8 p.m. at the Lions Community Centra. Purs by coutesy o! Marten's Purs Ltd. Admission 75c. Refrashments sarved. 41-1 41-2 Kendal Anniversary Services will be hald October l9th. Rev. George Wright, Canton, wiii speak at 1h a.ni. Rev. Geaniof Lokhorst, B.A., B.D., Rosanaath, wifl take the avaning service atl 7:30, assistad by the Roseneath Maie Quartette. The turkayl supper will be Wedniesday, Octoben 22nd. 41-21 DAÀNC E TO HENRY KOSS and The Homesteaders round and square dancing Dancing 9 till 12 Admission - 75e Articles for Sale1 POTATOES, $1.25 per bag. Tele-. phone MA 3-2570. 41-1 FRESHLY killed capons. Tele- phone MA 3-2998. 40-2* CHOICE table turnips and po- tatoes. Phone MA 3-P086. 41-1 TWO 45 gallon oil drums with taps. 155 Liberty St. South. 41-1 ROASTING HENS - Gordon Strong, Phone Blackstock 80r2. 41-1 SMALL cook stove and small Quebec heater. Apply 8 Brad- shaw. 41-2 QUANTITY o! baled hay. Apply to Eber Milîson. Phone MAnket 3-2263. 41-1 STORM windows, 40"x70" and 40½/"x8l", 4-panes. Reasonable. MA 3-5606. 41-if COLEMAN stova, small, n good condition, reasonable. Phone MA 3-5100. 41-1* FINDLAY Oval cook stove, Ai condition. Mrs. William Milli- gan, Newtonvilla. 41-1* HARDWOOD cuttings, large truck load dalivered anywhare, $10. Caîl Oshawa RA 5-1526. 38-4 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13t! KEYS cut automatically, whila you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-t! BED chestamfield and chair; rangette; station wagon coat, size 38. 28 Orchard View, Bow- manville. 41-1 WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cala. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ALSCO - Canada's outstann convertible stomm-scraen win-1 dows and doors, railings. Lorna Allin, 1 Prince St. 41-1* McCLARY combination gas and coal range. Propane or natural gas can ba used, dual oven. Phone MA 3-3865. 41-1* FINDLAY stove, wood or coal, ahl white enamelled, reservoin, with shaîf, in perfect condition. Phone Oono 1416. 41-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to alectnical appliances, large and smnall. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-t! APPLES - Fancy McIntosh. Snow and Tolman Sweets $1.50 bushel. Albert Pos, R.R. North Orono. Phone 13 r 7 Oono. 41-1 SPACE heater, small Coleman, oil; Princess Pat cook stove, 8" oil bumners, both in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-2100. INSULATION, blowing mathod, with rock wool. Workmanshîp guaanteed. F r a e astimates. Hamny L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SPRAY gun, compressor, hose, 21/2~ gal. paint tank, fully equip- ped, in good condition. Phone Orville Hooper, 70 Scugog St., 3-3958. 41-U' SCOTCH pine seedlings for fali planting. Christmas trac stock, $14 par thousand. Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 36-tf No. i FLEMISH Baauty pears for canning and eating, $1.50 par bushel. Lewis Clarke, Gore- vale Orchard, RR 3, Newcastle. Phone 2195 Newcastle. 41-1* STORE Equipment-8' x 8' walk-in cooler (2 yrs. old), pop cooler, Smith-Comona cash reg- ister, Toledo scala, Dayton scala, meat suicer. Apply to Clifford Fallis, Pontypool, Ont. 41-1 USED potato digger, gond con-, dition. Coma and get it for $40. Two honey extractors, capping knife. Copper steam tank and other supplias. Real bargain. Phone Oshawa RA 8-1505. 41-1 ADDING machinas, typawitmm, cash r eg is tears, calculators, chaque wnitams, filing cabinets, office fumniture. New and used. Rapairs to ail makas. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArIcet 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tirs-We service and sali eyary make of tractor tires: Goodyear - Ganeral - Fine- stone - Goodrich - Dominion. A-i ratraads - 6.00x16 - 6.70x15 at $10.95. Jamiason Tire Shop, King and Silvar Streets, Bow- manvilla. 24-tf "Dude" Car Dress THE DOUBLE-WAX ACTION POLISH Does car in 50 Minutes 6 Times - S$1.00 Bottlê 2 botties prapaid anywhere in Ontario or Quebec Money-back Guarantee Agents Ternitories Open PHONE BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-5473 412 - - - . - -- - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - . ,~ i -. . . v #~ Articles for Sale BOWMANVILLE Rome Im- provements-We carry a com- plete line of floor and wall tules, linoleums, "Vina" rug floor cov- erings, aluminum windows and doors, awnings and railings; Complete installations. For free estimates telephone MArket 3-2753 or drop in at 22 Division Street.21t BEDROOM suites, chest, bar bcd, double dresser $139; bed chesterfîeld suite $149; unpaint- ed four drawer chest $19.95; Sealy mattresses $38.88; large table lamps $6.95. Trade-in: oil burning cook stove, large size space heater, refrîgerators from $49, guamanteed, econditioned. Murphy Company, King West, MA 3-3781. 41-1* TURKEYS Choice Young Roasiers Ail weights - Dressed PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE Phone MArket 3-5058 34-tf BETTER-SIEAL Aluminum Doors and Windows Self-storing Door $49.50 Windows from $20.00 Up Cali "Hap" MA 3-3136 FREE ESTIMATES 39-3 Cail Colonial Now FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON CANADA'S FINEST Aluminum Combinalion Windows Doors and Awnings at a DOWN TO EARTH PRICE Manufactured locally in Colonial's New Whitby Plant Quality, Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed Display Courts - RON MOFFATT ..,-: BOWMAN VILLE MA 3-2425 OSHAWA 289 Park Rd. S. RA 8-8571 Plant - 515 Brock N., WHITBY MO 8-4891 38-tf ELECTRIC RANGES $29.00 up AUTONATIC WASHER $125.00 REFRIGERATORS $69.00 up GAS RANGE Bargain for' Qulck Sale USED SPACE HEATERS $29.00 up SHOF IN BOWMANVILLE You can't beat these prices anywhera! Kelvinator AUTOMATIC DRYERS Reg. $289.00 Sale Fnc $209.00 Kelvinator AUTOMATIC WASHERS Reg. $359.00 Sala Prica $289.00 Kelvinator WRINGER WASHER with Pump Reg. 8179.00 Sale Price $129.00 Kelvinator REFRIGERATOR S12%. ecu. fi. Freezer Across Top Fully Automatic Reg. $499.95 Sale Price $379.00 Guerney 30" ELECTRIC RANGIC Reg. $285.00 Sale Prîce $185.00 Guerney GAS RANGE Reg. $249.00 Sale Price $189.00 Corne ln and see our -selection of PHIIPS TELE VISION As Low as $10.00 Down King St. E. MA 3-54891 BOWMANVILLE ý TENDER young hen turkeys, fresh killed, 60c lb. Allan Mack- lin, MA 3-2202. 40-2 QUANTITY of wood, hard and soft, Also cedar posts. Eric Clarke, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 40-2* HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete' stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmnanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramic Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL Rt.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf NEW SKATES ALL SIZES in MEN'S *WOMEN'S BOYS' -GIRLS' TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Bowmanville 38-tf TOWNE TV Aniennae Sales, Installation and Repairs Bill Leask MA 3-5522 40 CONCESSION ST. E. 39-tf FUEL OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Service 36-tf SPECIAL! For those quiakly prepared meals duning the fail season 21/ to 3 ibs. Phone orders, in advance to MArket 3-5578 37-tf WHY PAY MORE ? ALUMINUM COMBINATION SELF-STORING WINDOWS AND DOORS EULLY GUARANTEED $14.00 up FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATION CALL Articles for Sale I1iReal .bstcte ior baie1 FOR moderate priced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. . 18-tf INCOME house, three apart- ments, two rented, $14,000. One ready for occupancy. Phone MA 3-2383. 41-1 FOR sale-Seven roGgn house at Bethany, .4-piece bath, hydro, $5,000. F. W. Bigelow, Fraser- ville, Ont. Telephone Millbrook 182R21. 40-3 NEW brick bungalow in Orono. Four-piece tiled bathroom with vanity; oil furnace, breezeway, garage, well, good location. Sam Brown, Station St., Orono. 41-l* SIX-room semi-detached brick house, hardwood floors through- out, modern kitchen and bath- room, picture window, oil heat- ing, garage. Apply P. E. Green- field, 2 Carlisle Ave., Phone MA 3-5521. 41-1* NURSERY, landscape gardener -Here is an excellent business location with no competitors, located on No. il Highway near Orillia, offering 2 bedroom house, plus 13/ acres, 1,500 ever- greens, access to lake. Priced reasonable, $7,200. Write Box No. 3, Orillia. Phone f5. 1089 evenings. 41-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Eented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf DRY light wood in stovewoodj lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) fmomn Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf SPECIAL-New 81/2 ft. Culti- vator, on rubber, reg. $365.00 for $265.00. Tractors: Massey- Harris Model 30; Machinemy: 4- bar Side Delivemy Rake, on mub- ber; 2-furrow Hydmaulic Plow. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 41-1 Elna Sewing Machines For Home Demonstration Phone Dennis Tierney MA 3-3084 (Cail after 5:30) 39-tf I'UEL OIL and STOVE OIL Automatic Meter Delivery Stephen Fuels Phone MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards 30-tf Cars for Sale '53 PONTIAC, in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-7168 or 71 Brown St. 41-1* '52 DODGE 4-door sedan, ex- cellent condition. Phone Oshawa RA .5-8124. 41-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to, pay. For personal service at your home call Oshawa HA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 7 rooma solid brick housa, central location in Bowmanvilla. Don't miss this one at oniy $9,600 with $2,000 down. Carrnes for $37 monthly. 6 moomn solid brick housa, modern bathroom, fumnace, 31/2 acres o! land with stream. A real buy at $10,000 with $3.000 down. FARMS-Wa have dozans of farms ini this area. Sand and gravai business, crusher, ail equipmant. Gond pit. Pricad to sal. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 41-1 Leask Real Estate 4 ooma bungalow, gas fumn- ace, large kitchan and living- moom. A 4 room cottage on the lot with gond incoma. Temms. 2 apatment brick house, 4 rooms in aach, complately self- contained, naw nil fumnaca. Live in your home while income from extra apartment pays for it. Maka an offer on this dlean, cantrally iocated housa. A large brick store in a thriv- ing town with ample storage room at back. 5 room modern apatment upstairs, 3 badrooms, large living-moom. E xt r as. $11,000 with $2,000 cash. Easy temms. Consult us before buying houses, lots, apartmants, etc. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St.. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 41-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lid. 6 Room Bungalow One yaar nid, living-room and dining-room combinad, extra large modemn kitchen, tiled bath- ronm, 3 bcdrooms, full size high basament, nil heatîng, N.H.A. mortgage, locatad in one o! Bow- manviiie's most dasirable areas, pniced to saîl at cost. Cal Kaith Paters, Oshawa, HA 5-8761 or avanings HA 5-4162. New 4 Room Bungalow Pull price $5,500, featuning hardwood and tule floors, kitch- an with cupboards, basament, large lot with varîety o! fruit, cali Sid Martyn, Oshawa, HA 3-9810. 10 Acre Farni Full lina o! farm buildings, hydro and running water, 6 room house, dlean condition, bathroom, hot and cold water, early market garden land, close to Bowmanviiie. Cail Kaith Paters, HA 5-8761. Tyrone Farrn 115 acres, 50 acres workabie, 6 room house, bank barn, 3 acres o! springs make excellent trout pond, long range view fromn buildings, substantial cash me- quimed, caîl Sid Martyn, HA 3-9810. Farms betwaan Oshawa and Bowmanville, excellant location for subdivision or industry. L. S. SNELGUOVE CO. LTD. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 .41-1 1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Unfinished home, 40'x30'. full basement, 10", blocks for brick- ing, rof on, 1001 lot. In Hamp- ton village. One and half storey attractive rural home, 5 ooms, furnace, bathroom, cupboards, heavy wir- cd. Priced to saîl! 35 acres in Town o! Bowman- ville, excellent sub-division pro- perty. Contact office for furth- an particulars. We welcome your listings. 52 King St. W.. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, Jno. His, MA 3-2495 41-1 1952 INTERNATIONAL ton platform truck, high and low racks, mud tires nealy new, all in splendid condition, ideal farm truck. Mel McHolm. Phone Welcome 2489. 41-2* '55 DODGE Crusader, 4-door, radio, whitewall tires, wheel I discs, in excellent shape, 40,000 miles, one owner, $1,000. Apply aftemnoons, H. VanHeùvelen, 3 miles north o! Bowmanville on Scugog Rd. 41-1* SPECIALS-1952 Cadillac Con- vertible, fully equippad, A-i condition; 1948 Chev. 4-dr., $85.00; 1949 Ford 2-dr., $285.00; Trucks: 1952 Chev. ½/-ton; 1951 Mercury ½/-ton. Permanent anti- freeze, $2.49 gai. Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bow-î manville. Phone MA 3-5689. 41-1 TIS WEEK HI L LMA N 1959 Models Now on Display Styling, comfomt and aconomy Power to humn Motor in the right place Gas at back - not in your iap Station Wagon $1,795 Deluxe Sedan $1,895 complete We have no competition on the present market. Frae Damonstration BRING IN THIS "AD" We will giva you $100 Discount on a NEW HILLMAN Small down payment or trade 36 months on balance You'll do well at WELLMAN'S Nonquon Road Oshawa RA 5-7981 40-4 Livestock for Sale GUINEA hans, $2,50 aach. Also 30 chickens, alive or dressad. Phone MA 3-7037. 41-1* PUREBRED Suffolk ram lambs, raady for service. Best rams for cross-reeding.. John B. Car- naghan, Blackstock. Phone 13W. 40-t! PETERBOROUGH FAIR GROUNDS TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2lst 10B ls12:30 p.r. 16 Bred Heifers and Cows 4 Cows wlth Cal! at Foot 3 Open Heifers Animais Approvadi by Dominion Haalth o! Animais Branch. 33%% Premiumn Paid on Government Tested Bulis Sale Undet Cover Milton Comnish, President R.R. 3, Peterborough W. Mood. Secretary, Birdsail 41-2 Piano Tunng >ARTHUR Collison. Telaphone 3-!'MArket 3-3900. 36-t.! fi WLcu ' L e ior DOie V.L.A. THREE-bedroom house with ail modern conveniences. Appmoximately two acres of é land, one mile west o! Maple Grove on No. 2 Highway. Under V.L.A. now.. Ownem transferred. MA 3-5393. 41-2 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Dairy farm nomth of Bowman- ville, 200 acres - 9 moom frame house, fully modemn; large steel barn, implement shed, hen house, garage, milk quota 450 lbs. Included in selling price bulk tank and milking machine. Asking price $28,000.00. Terms. 36 acres '- 8 room frame house - barn 45x60, good garden soul, frontage on Highway 2, suitable for fruit stand, gas station or any other business. Pnice only $8,000.00. Terms. 10 acres near Orono, small barn, garden soil. Pnice $2,000. 5 acres with good stmeam, near small village. Price $1,500.00. 8 room frame house, hydro, good well. Price $6,000.00 Down, $1,000.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3644 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvillg Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 5 room 1½/-storay frama home very cantrally locatad. Forced air heating with gas. Full base- ment. Priced at only $7,500.00 with good terms. 4 room bungalow in Burke- ton. Nicely decomated. Low taxes. Asking $4,000.00. Only $1,500.00 down. Beautiful 11½ -storey franie home on Duke St. Hot water heating. Hamdwood and tile floors. Garage. Price and term aranged. Let your ent fmom the extra apatment pay for your home when you buy this 2-family home. 2-car garage, hot watar heating. Vemy central. Only $3,000.00 do We naa . of houses and famms ~ 1aiting clients. Please list with us. 41-1 Ristow and Olesen REAL1YORS Special Five room. - three bedroom bungalow at Mapla Grove, op- posite school, just thmee yeas old, is a, gond buy at $8,900. Having a full basamant, suitable for a good racreation room, F. H.A.O. haating, aluminum stormns and screens and cament block garage. Attractively financed on one private open mortgage wîth down payment o! $3,400.: Orono Thrae building lots in one parcal including building pres- antly on proparty. Central. Farmn 94 acres choice productive soil, including savan-room insul brick home, bank barn, ahl stock, implemants and faad. Down paymant $10,000. CALL RAY LATHANGUE at BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3418 or OSHAWA RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. W. Oshawa 41-1 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS Craditors and others having dlaims against the estate o! JOHN MEREDITH ENGLISH, retirad farmer, lata o! the Vil- lage o! Ennishillen, are nequired to send full particulars o! such dlaims to the undersigned, solic- itor for the Executor, on or be- fore the lOth day o! November, 1958, after whîch date the Estata's assats wiil ba distribut- ad having regard only to dlaims that have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. 41-3 The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR REliT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOB? FOUND - ETC. Cash Rote . . . 40 p' Word wlth a minimum o O Mluat b. pald by date of Insertion il charqed. an additianal 25C wili be added. A Charge of 25c wuli b. made toi alrpisdirected to this office. NOTICES . COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANI 4c a word with a minimum ci si1.00 for 25 words or lest BIRTRI -ENGAGEMENTS MARJUAGES - DEATES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMI $1.00 plus Ioc a fi» for verse Display Clausified at $1.50 Pet inch wjth a minimum of one lndh. Additional insertions utt h.sMme rates. AU Classifled Ads muet be là this office not later than 12 o1clock noon, Wsdnesday. Send cash, stamps or money ardu and gave money. Clip ibis out for hcudy referenSb Monday ~ ~'Fidal 8:.30 a.*fýe' .mn. Saturdi'Y 8:30 a.m. to 12 Nom0 Dia! MAzket "SU0 for CI-usllied Ad UgrvIce k w . . 1 r - eq -A - 1 R £__ ce-1- 1 £__ CI-1- ln--O «M-&-..&- £__ We-+~fàn, Femp W~I- TRVFMAT, CM fth, Mé- imaimm

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