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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 2

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TE ANDA< TTSMN BWAVTL.ONAIOTUSDV CT9h First Steps in Orgi 'Against -Liquor. Pie 'Taken a! "Dry",M< The Importance of organiza- tien and personal canvass ini presenting the views of Vte Citizens Committee against the five questions te be voted on in the plebiscite on November l9th was stressed by Hubert Mcçonnell of the Ontario Tern- perance Federation on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. MeConneli was the spe- cial speaker at a well attended public meeting held by the Citizens Committee in Trinîty 'United Church The next public meeting wlli be held in the Salvation Ammy Hall at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Octeber 2lst. D. Alex MeGregor, the presi- dent, -was chairman. The meet- ing was opened witb a prayer by the Rev. Wm. K. Housland- er. Mms. M. E. Leask, the treas- urer, read the financial state- ment showing a bank balance et the start cf $97.61. In the iast two weeks, three donations have been made te the Citîzens Cern- mittee. The first one was $50.00. and there weme twe of $ 10.00 each. The total is new $167.61. Anyone interested in contribu- ting te this fund was asked te see Mms. Leask. Publicity Cominittee The Citizens Cornmittee have appointed enurtie!'aters for each district Mm. McGýegor said, and womk bas been stamted in cern- piling the voters' iists.. He con- gratula.ted Gordon Elliott. chair- man cf the publicity committee, and the members, Mm. Hous- lander, and Mr. George James, fer the excellent stamt tlXey bad made, and called on Mr. Ellîott for a report. "Publicity is much in the planning stage as yet," Mm. El- Iiett said. "PUblic opinion me- garding the plebiscite is im- portant. Some ef you have tne fatalistie attitude that people ORDER NOW 9 a FUEL Prompt Delivery OIL 24-Heur Service Stephen Fuels 1 IC.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 The younger-you are the easie That's what the middle-aged "duffers" say on the golf when a teenager breaks 80 for the first time. It's the sanie story with familyjprotection. The younger you are when you first arrange it, the more likely you ai to be insurable. And the younger you are, the lower the premiums, too. The Mutual Life of Canada is helping thousands of yoi Canadians plan for future security. Talk to a Mutual o: Canada man soon and he'll show you how k~utual's outstanding dividend record really 9WJheIN pays off for the young man on his way up."T M.unma Ave. FLOYD H. McKINLEY Bowmanvile, Ontario s s I campa ign from being a temper- Club 10 pgrcent is added to the ance cEanpiilgn as that would regular iurchase price of $4.60 a i in no votes. We must firmnly so he must pay $5.06 for it.I R~UM1UAstate that we regard the five There is a irebate to the muni- outlets as bad. Icipality of 20 per cent of the 10 ing for these five questions be- such purchase of Canadian Club ,bb i citecause they think their taxes the town would receive nine s will be reduced. I cannot se cents. He said at 55 cents a I 0w thousands of dollars going, drink the operator of licensed ~e i gout of the town wiil lower premises wudrcie$37 ee tin gtaxes. These votes are brought! for the contents of such a bottie. on by individuals, groups, and Asked about license fees. Mr. organizations who wish to make MeConneli said Chat the extra have already made Up theirç money fromn the sale of bever- ten per cent paid by the oper- Iminds how they xil vote. and age alcohol," Mr. MeConneil ators on such purchases wouid xwi1l not change. This is wrong.! said. be applied to his license fee. For It is up to us all to change their "The industry is conducting1 instance if the fee is set at $150 mind. anexpnsio proram In 956 this percentage payment wouid Three Classeso es votes were held in 23 munici- onfritHwerncth "There are three classes of îpalities. In 1957 there were license fee total had been paid voters for this coming plebis-1 votes in 42 municipalities. In the operator of licensed prem- cite. First the alcohol addicts.1 1958 already there have beenl ises .would have te continue Second, the people who take a dates set for 48 plebiscites and payin.g the extra 10'percent on social drink, and third the te- doubtless there 'will-be more. every bottie of liquer he buys. tai abstainers. The group in December is considered a good "'Beverage rooms buy 17 gal- between, the social drinkers, month by the other înterests ion kegs at $19.50. There is a hold the balance of power. We for such a vote, so probably the rebate of $6.00 a keg te thiý must do something about them," total for this year will be. more municipality. There are 300 Mr. Eiliott urged. than 50 by the end of 1958." glasses 'n a keg so at 10 cents "The personal touch is im-i "I am pleased by the'fine a glass the operater would re- portant. In taiking with themn start made by the publicity ceive $30 for the contents." we must not show any defeat- chairman and his committee. Mr. MeGregor thankedc Mr. est attitude. It is a cut and dried Nothing compares to the per- MoConneil for his heipful ad-. proposition. 1 cannot see what sonal touch. If the voters are dress, and said he hoped that is modern about drink. It was neyer contacted personaliy a the speaker wouid corne te Bew- mentionedi in the Bible and campaign will not win. If yù;u manville a.gain and talk te an- condemned 3,000 years age," lie work hard we wili win. 'Seek. other meeting. pointed out.j and you shail find. Knock and -t "The ]Pay-Off' "Wo must watclr our cotcs shall be opened unto yeu. Asic A motion picture "The Pa- and our personal conduct se and yoti shall receive' applies,ý Off" s-pensorcd by the Woine.Ys, that xve wili see resuits. There to this campaign," the speaker1 Christian Temperanc2 Union. is a building now at the east- stated. and' suppiied by the Ontari3 ern entrance te our tewn whicý, Seven Votes ini September 1 Tempe7ance Federation. was I think is a whitened sepul- There have been seven votes shown. It depicted the value cf eI cre," he pointed eut. helid since Seotember lst, aid! alcohol in rnanufacluring ar:l Notlîng More Valuable five victories for us. Two were- other industries, and thce exnis Mr. Elliott's opinion regard- lest. They won the Brldgeport! of over indulgence in stirn ing personal contacts was back.-L electien. and the one held in drink. 'Mr. McGregor thankedi cd' by Mr. McGregor. "Nothinc 1 Ignace in the Rainy River dis- Ray J. Dilling for operating t' is more valuable. I know from trieîct.1 projecter. my drug business that if peo- "We wrete fromr Toronto toe It was anneunccd that the ple recommendi a product it is the municipal clerk in Ignace, next public géneral mieeting the finest publicity. This works for names of those opposed te xvouhd be held by the Citizeris in every field." 1 the outlets. se we could get 1Committee on Tuesday ever- 'It was left te the executive1 them te work for us. He prompt- 1i mg, October 2ist at 8 o'clock te appoint a manager for- our ly wrote back te us that he didi in the Salvation Army Hall. He carnpaign. None has been ap- net know of anyone opposeL,ý asked every one present te b-ing poînted as yet," he said. "We. and that everyone there wasi one or two people with thein have one or twe people in minci. fer the outiets. He was wrong te the next meeting. I will net mention their names as when the vote was counted i A hea rty vote of thanks te new because there might be! there were il against and 117 Mr. McConneli was moved by some change. I ask you te again for the outlets. Se there were Gordon Elliott. Captain Nor- leave it te the executive." 1i people in that district op- m an C ole of the Salvatien Mr. McGregor explainedà that posed te the questions." . Army closedi the meeting a campaign manager could belI "I coliect material that can with a prayer. Follo.wing, the appointedi under the Act befere be used by the drys in a carn- public meeting, an executive October l4th,' five weeks pre- paign. I will be pleased te send, meeting was held. Mr. McGre- vieus te the vote but net later. you a good supply of advertise- gem is the president; Ernest He then introduced Hubert Me- ments and methods previeusly Bradley, vice-president; the se- Conneil of the Ontario Temper- used. In the Preston plebiscite cretary is Mrs. William Porter:, ance Federation, who had corne over 90 per cent cf the vote the treasurer and head cf the fmomn Toronto te address the turned eut. The date was set in finance cemmittee is Mrs. MV. meeting, i August for early in September E. Leask. The pubiicity chair- "I congratulate yeu ail for; se it was a short campaign. A man, Mr. Elliott, and the other ceming eut on this wet nighit1 tehephone canvass by the dryI memb ers cf the publicity cein- for a dry meeting," Mr. McCon- ladies learned the opinion cf mittee, Dr, George James and neil said. "This shows intemest, each voter early in the cam- Mm. Houslander, aise attended in the campaign. We ail know' paign," he concluded.j the executive meeting. cf the damaging effect cf bev- Aims And Objections N A L Not Temperance Camipaign asked Mr. MeConneil what the L N A L "In this vote we have ne quar- aims and objectives of the Tem-I Iteddfraswek wee drop'. We must keep this you a list cf these aims and ob- radMslIaod upy jectives? We are often askc-d Manand famiroluday up- what the aims and objectives per guests of Mrs. E. Murphiy, cf the Citizens Committee areTro. and I arn sure they am~ the same oe M.an Mr. uraAd s as those of the Temperance MrI n r.Mra dm .11 it iS Fedemation. If we had your list and boys, Bowmanville, were wýe.could answer questions by giving the aims and objectives you have. fcourse "Ail of ours might net fit this vote because we stand for to- tal abstinence, and if you do just that you will lose support, - Mm. MeConneil answemed. But kre one of our chief aims is educa- jin Our second aimn is te op- Pose an increase in outhets. Aise we wouid like te reduce the number of outiets that there )ung are at present."1 *ung Mr. MeConneli could net find f the list of the Temperance Fed- eration airns and objectives among his papers, and asked a #MUTUAL 81NFE I man in the audience te go eut. URANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA Iand look for it in bis car. He USEL DlILAL@i was disappointed that it ceuld n et be found there. Dr. George James asked if five questions had ever heen ~ handled in an election before. "Yes, seven have been occasion- a i]y, and in the recent electiono. <is~1 in Renfrew there were five questions", Mr. MeConnellie - I piied. <Iis te keep the iquor store eut, and the next hardest is te stop the dining leunge as people thînk it will be alright."' Dr. George James asked for the definition of a meai,an Mr. McConneil said he had ask- ed Col. C. E. Woodrow, solici- tor for the Liquor License Board and for the Liquor Con-I trol Board. Col. Woodrow had said it wouhd be difficuit te de- fine a n-eal as one man mightI be a light eater and another a heamty one, yet both would have a meal.Pitesokd a Mr. McConnelexplained that itueofkdan enforcement must be lef t ta of boats and barbec the local Police if an agreement fsinadEkm is te be made with the Liquor fsinadEkm License Board te have the are at the scene of ev municipality share the fines Yes, you get more frorn any infringernent. He re- mamked that'Owen Sound, the More articles and oc oily.dry city in Canada, has an agreement wiih the Licquor Li- newepaper value., cense Board te share thè finies. MUDr. George James aski% what WHATEVERE YOUR IN'J share of the taxes on alcohol would be received by the own. GREAT OUTDOORS, N, Mr. McConnell said -a wn must have its own p,,,, ce m INTEREST-IT ci'rS te receive the refundable ax. F-788 He gave an example, if the qp- Phokie MA 3-5372 eator of licensed premiSes beiys FOR HOME DELIVERY TI one 9 ounce bottle of Canadiae More Power 15 Theme 0f Women 's Week Sponsored by Be-& P. This week frmr Sunday, Oc- tober Sth to Saturday, October lith the 7,00 members of the Canadian Fedematien of Busi- ness and Professional Womnen's C lubs will celebrate their an- nual "Business Womnen's Week", with the objective of drawinig attention te the achievemnents of business and professional wemen. More than 3,500 wemen in 75 clubs in Ontario are nwombers cf the B. & P. They are alert intelligent people, interested in the progmess cf wonmen in busi- ness, the professions and pub- lic life. They are wihing te work long, heurs at their own werk and te serve, their cern- munities. Bowmanville Club The Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club has 49 members. Madlyn Wil- ccx is the president: Veima Gay, the past president; Ruby Ga-vcck. lst vice-president; Helen Nelies, 2nd vice-presi- dent; Audrey Richards, record- în.c s.cretary; Doris Rickaby, corresponding secretary; Mary Gilh. treasurer. pianist, Mvrtle Hall; znd Marjorie Couch Bul- leti editor. The therne se]ected fer Bus,- ress Women's Week is "More Power Withi Woimen Power." Dr. Claude T. Bissehl of the University cf Toronto, stateci rccenthy that in order te obtain the greatest potential for this country, ail of its intellectuel resources are needed. Womcn a- e apprexiimately one half cf that total, it bhas been pointed eut. Business Women's Week is a time when ail the B. and P. Clubs in the country have the opportunity te bring te the at- tention cf the. public the con- tribution whiich women are making te the growth and de- velopment cf Canada. They Sundav evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and familv were Su 'nday visit- ors wîth Mr. and Mrs.Ra Bradburn, Burketon. Athel Sterling and Diane, Scarborough, were Sunday vis-1 itors ai Mr. and Mrs. MalcLag- gan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden and Anne and Mrs. L. Penwar- den were Saturday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon IFletcher, Pontypeol, and also spent the evening with them. Sorry to hear of the car acçi- dent which Mrs. D. Davey, Kay, Joyce and Linda were in. We welcome our new teacher, Miss Kocins, to our commun- ity. point out that' an organization such as the Business and Pro- fessional Women's Clubs, beingz international in scope, can bring about wider understanding among women of the problems they are facing ahl over the werld, and the means being tak- en te selve these problems. A Vital Part Today 25 percent of the gain- fuiiy empioyed people in Can- ada are wemen, and they are recognized as a vital part of the womking force, especiaily .:- cierical occupations and. service industries. Manufacturing andi professienal occupations - follow in numerical importance. Growing numbers of wemen are estabiishing themselves in the professions that used te be exclusively man's. The number of women physicians, surgeens, lawyers, chemists, joumnaiists and metallurgists is growing. Women are successfui as labor- atory technicians, biochemists, biologists, ançi in statistical and analytical womk. An incmeasingl number are beceming actuaries. Some have become electrica,I and mechanicai engineers. sur- veyors, veterinarians, and den- tal mechanies. More Power With Women 'Power Officiais of the Business and Professional Womnens' Clubà have stated that the theme "More Power With Women Power" was chosen to point up the fact that flot only "the pow- ers that- be" need to recognize the largely untapped reservoir of power there is in the female population, but Canadian wom- en themselves need 4o have con- fidence in theirwn abilities, and 'the coto develoD them through use. j , . 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