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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 6

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PAEsx-suV A5afiAN r'tÂm nMIVLL.OTROz'USA.OC t.1 Helping 'Shape thé Future By Sharing Rotary Objectives Subject of. Friday 'Address The second address of a series 'Was given by the Vîce-Presi- dent, George Vice, at the lun- cheon meeting of the Bw~î 'vile Rotary Club held at the Balmoral Hotel on FrîdaYx. Mr. Vice spoke on -Helping te Shape the Future by Sharing Rotary Objectives." The rcre. xj in- spired by Cliff Handali, Rotiýiry FAST RELIEF FOR PAIN The International President, and was inaugureted here lest month with a speech on "Help Shape the Future by Community Serv- ice" by Rex Walters, President of the local Rotary Club. In introducing the speager, Mr. Walters stated that Mr. Vice was b)ora in Toronto, but hed moved with his femnily te Oshawa when lie wes very young, and xves educated in the latter city. Mr. Vice joinedthe Canadien Postal Service in 1938. He joined the i Canadien Postal Corps in 1942 and served with it for four vears. Two years of his service .vwith the Armny's Postal Corps jWas overseas, Mr. Walters said. After the xver Mr. Vice xves cmpioyed with the financial hraincl pf the postal service in O:hjji\va. He xvas appointed postrnaster for Bowmenville in Ma,1954. Mr. Walters paid Iribute to Mr. Vice's exceptional- ]v fine Rotary servýice, and said Ihat lie is an outstanding Ro- '7"-.rvice Is 11.y Business" tohc ld of this essignent Ly Wj]Ier DeGeer I re-read nr,,ny Rotary books in prepara- tion for it," Mr. Vice said. He nG.ç iiJ igent people d eal wî-hl Us . . . . They kitowv % z;!t ,es . . . an d appreciate quelity and cheaxIL-uce s .. made possible by our il years e xpofc~ raig ART2S 194-196 Churcli ~ MARKET Bowmanville S Pe c Specials 1.75 size Spray Net -l.89e COLGATES TOOTH PASTE Noxzema Shiave cnIch 52 NYLON HAIR BRUSH Palmolive Shave Bomb *'c Boîh for 89c One-plece Gillette riazor 93e Vacuuni Botties - -------790 Enden Shampoo 98c *1.69 Bayer Nose Spray 98c Ipana Plus 1Give Extra Vilamîns fo your child xcyi nI.05,2. 45, 4.90 Trivisol 1.55, 2ý8Q, 4.00 A.D.('. Drcps. - 1.60, 4.25 Osto A.Di.C. 1.00, 1.65, 1.90 Oleurn Pescomorpum- Ilruid1.45, 3.75, 5.85 ('a"suli - . 1.50, 4.75 laliè,orang-,e 1.19, 1.98, 3.49 Nyal Creoplios for stt'borni coughs - Deodorant 1.25 Nivea 69c - 1.25 Clearasil Cream 69e - 1.19 ------- 1.50 Nyal Croup Syîup for coupy coughs----- 49c - 75c Vicks Medicating'Cougii Syrup-------- - ---- -69c C W LIN G'S PHONE WE FIT Il A L BOWMANVILLIC MA 3-5M8 Froni THUR., OCT. 9 Io WED.I OCT. 15 ONE'1VK Evening Shio,%'s at 7 and 9 p.rn. Mat. 2 pn. St., Oct. Il and Mon. (Thanksgi'ving) SUN. NID-NITE (OCT. 12) GNLY "A ttack of the Puppet Peo pie"' with JOHN AGAR and JUNE KENNEY a Iso "War of the Colossal Beast" Aduit Entertainment stated that he had found them stimulatlng and filled with' valuable information. He par- ticularly recomxnended "ServiceI Is My Business" te his fellow Rotariens. "We can help shape the future1 by sharing the objectives of' Rotary in varieus ways. One isi te, foster the ideals cf service. based on worthy objectives; an- other is te, maintain speciafly high standards In our . business and professional life, and third- ly., we must apply the ideals cf service te business and protes- sional life." Mr. Vice urged' ail the Ro- tarians te, remember that by the application cf high ideals te bus- iness and daily lite they will be advancing goodwill and under- standing. He explained that it is by the spread o! such under- standing and goodwill dthat world peace cen be secured Enthuslasnm Essentia 1 Ne asserted that enthusiesmi is essentiel te any project. Its I bzneficial effect on eny work is; immeesurabie, he seid. He; spoke o! the great project cf helping toe hape the future and, illustrated it by expiaining iti couid be likened te a fire. This, f ire was lit in a furnace byj Rotary International, and now, Rotarians in niany countries are the pipes through which the fire, of enthusiasmi is running. "It is up te us te, see it soread through- eut the world," Mr. Vice said. He referred te the recent, Friendship Day heid with suc- cess by the Oshawa Rotary Club, but he pointed eut it would have lost its usefulness if it were con- fined only tp Rotary Fellowship. He advocated that Rotarians, carry the desire te shere triend-1 liness and tellowship wlth non-l Rotarians.1 Ideal of Service The speaker reminded the members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club o! the impressive Rotary induction service and cf the responsibilities each had assumed., "Service before per- senal gain is an obligation," he told thern. "One gets fromn Rotary ,&hat is put in. We must be mindful of our obligations; responsibil- ities and the duties we owe the world. There are 46,400 mem- bers of Rotary in 110 countries," ,Mr. Vice said. He added that Rotary Clubs now number 9,902. He urged ail members te ap- about November lst-cone frein Consumers' Gas Cornpany's Un- ited States supplies. When the western gas becomnes availabl, southern imports will be halted. The present ges cornes via e WESLEY VILLE ply the Rotary four wey tests te Sincere sympathy is extended1 ail their dealings. He aise te the farnily o! Mr. L. Toppin advoceted support of the local whose death occurred lest Set- Chember of Commerce. urdav. His funeral service was He spoke of the obligation Of, beld fromn his borne te Wesley- community service. RotariansI ville Cemetery on Mondey efter- should shere in all good works noon. Hlis neighbours le the for the comrnunity, he said. Mr. community mourn the loss o! e Vice spoke o! some of the eut- good tniend. standing undertakings in Bow-I Iays-o! Autilte arebastening manville such as those support-' on and severe frost bas held off ed by the Memoriel Hospital so fer. although a white frost Board, the Board et Directors o f ls ensa ih i e the Bowmanville Public Library, ,ls e adnsdaynihe dd e and the scbool boards. Asome grdonprduce. ura Code of Ethies cburch is quite an adventure fori Mr. Vice expressed the hopeine one is very sure whethes the thet International Rotary weuld ,ladies will be required te serve draw up a code et ethics for 1 100 or 200. The lest recosded traveilers. It is importent that fowl supper in this church was travellers te other lands act as in 1934 se there were net rnany they would et home, and a s left wh o remembesed how it they would like visitors te their was done. FHowever, lest Wed- homes te act, he said. nesday night 300 lbs. o! turkey Mr. Vice aise spoke of the with all the trimmings were evils o! segregetion and men- prepered and oves 260 persons tioned the troubles in the south- were served. The night w-es al ern United States and Sou th thet could be desîred as fer as Africa. He aIse remasked on, weether was, concerned. there the recent racial iots in parts *as lots o! turkey, lots of pote- o! Engiand. Twe thirds o! the tees. and lots o! work. world's population is coleured, Ms. and Mrs. Carroll Nichois Mr. Vice stated. He said thet attended the wedding o! the lat- the members o! the Rotary Club ter's cousin in Belleville on Set- here hed taken a stand wben urday. they invited coloured students There xvas neither Sunday and others from many lands te School nos church service hese their homes every year for the on Sunday but regulas services club's international weekend. In j will be resumed next Sunday the past three years 50 such with church service in the even- students bave been entertaine d ' in by the Bowmanville Rotary jMss. E. Barsowclough Ns Club. spending this week with ber A vote of thanks te Ms. 'Vice mother in Marvelville. for bis inspiring talk was moved ýMn. H. Schwarz o! Toironte by Captein Norman Coles. The! celled on tsîends in Wesieyville President, Rex Wlters, aise i and Port Brtaîn on Saturdey. thanked Ms. Vice and seid thet j Mrs. Ida Plum, Toronto, and ell the members who had hed Mr. A. Mckay o! Newtonvîlle the epporturiity et listening te visited wîth Mr. and Mss H. bis address would be bettes Barrowclough on Sunday. Rotarians because ef the infor-I_______________ mation, ho had given them. Man KiiIed In Accident Near Courtice One man, Angelo Vasîleros,t 249 Adelaide Street, Kingston, was instantly killed, and twe men were injured in a metor. accident on 401 H-ighway et 12:30 a.m. Tuesdey. The acci- dent occurred on Highway 401 near McKnigbt's Roed below Courtice. A tracter treiler driven by Robert Lardie, 970 Ben.nyview Avenue. Eunrlington, xves in- volved in a collision with a car which was pulling a treiler. it is believed the tractor trailer broke lose fromn the bitcb, and the truck which was followngl jeck-knifed and slammed into ine hait. TPar o! thearewa tnh arf.TePart fthwarshaed knocked te one side of the road and the second half went te the other side. Angelo Vasilaros, whe had been in the beck seat of the car, was killed by the impact. De- mon Vasilaros, Kingston, a bro ther of the deed man, suttering trom lacerations of bis scalp and face and shoclc. His injuries are net considered serieus. Gus Panaios, Kingston, wbe also is. in Oshawa Generai Hospital, sustained a fractured arm and multiple injuries. Both Mr. D.1 Vasilaros and Mr. Panalos were in the frox$t seat of the car. Constable Jack Cartwright. of the BowmanviUle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the accident. There Wdlý bc an inquest, 14ow ... fer you and your fomily ..-. mortcomplote, protection against accident und. sickness!' This insurance, offered by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, gives you far more pro- tectIon than orcýinary, hospitalization plans. Wt helps you meet most hos-. pital bis. Assists you. with major medical ex-1 1 penses. Helps replace' earnings lest through disability. Provide8 bene- fît&, te dependents if you' suifer fatal or cripplirrg 'injuries. Call us and get, zomplete details.. STUART 1R. JAMES office MA 3-5681 King asme'IL KEAL ESTATE Residene UA 3-s493 ne- aamvllk. on was observed. Next Su nday at 2.30 as usual. On Thursday Mrs. Helen Campbell, Mrs. Vic Malcolr-n, Virs. M. Emerson, Mrs. B'ucel Ashton and Mrs. Herb Swaîn. attended a 'tee given by Mrs. Dymond. Port Perry, in aid of the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wither- *y returned from- their tiip and sDent Sundey et Mr. and Mss. M,! Emesson 's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm, Yelverton, spent Saturday ever,- ing et the Vie Malcolm's. Mr. and Mss. Ralph Sadier and girls spent Sunday with Mr. and M-s. Robt. Sadier and Vi- vian, Bowmanviiie. Mrs. Roy Lowrey and friend,J Toronto, were supper and even- ing guests o! Mr. and Mrs. M. s Emerson on Sunday. Mr. Geo. W. James, Bowman- ville, and Mr. Leslie Cox, New York, calird on Dr. R. P. Bowles througch the week. Mrs. M. Emnerson spent a col,- pie o! days et Don Milis, with her son Edgai and fernily.* Mr. and Mss. Herb Mackie, Oshawa, called on Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Mackie. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles. are enjoying e trip througli Northern Ontario and Quebec.; STARK VILLE Miss Beulah Hellowell spent' the weekend et Mr. Llew Hello- well's and entertained e group o! friends at dinner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cloughc ff!, Scarboro, have been spending a! few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Gardon Trirn. Rev. R. C. White, Mss. White, Mr. and Mss. Benson Fossythe, Newtonville; Miss C. W. Stewart! and Miss M. Lofthouse were guests with Mr. and Mss. Merley Robinson after service et Shi- loh. Mss. Bert Trim, Diane. and e few ladies from here attended, a shower in Oshawa lest weekI for Miss Marie Brown, Newton- ville, who is a bride-elect of this wcek. Miss Gwen Stark spent Set- urday et Castie ton.' Our teachers enjoyed e res- pite fsomn their duties, attend- ing convention lest week et I Niagara FallN. Mr. and Mss. Don Vinkle,I Newtonville, were guests et Mr.: .Brian Caswell's, Seturday. 1 Misses Helen and Avery Car-ý son, Oshawa, visited their par-, ents. Mi'. Herry Forsythe, Scerboro, visited Mr. Fred Todd. Mrs. J. Wennan, Kisby, visit- ed Mr. and Mss. Harold Souch. Service et Shiloh was well et- tended on Sunday afternoon. 1 Speciel musie by lte Junior Choir w'as undes the direction! of Mss. Westheuses. Mrs. Mer-1 ley Robinson assisted with a! solo "There's e beautiful Land' on High", Two chancel chairs, a family gift in mernory o! Mr. and Mrs. Sueas G. Hallowell, and i -a solid oek communion table, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Forsythe in memery o! bis sister, Mss. Clara Fells, were dediceted. Ms. Forsythe told o!; some e! his early memesies cf the church. heving been in at- tendance when he lived in this area with his parents. Rex'. R. C. White gave a message en- titled "The Church Which Is His Body". After the dedication, the choir approprietely sang "Bless This House". The people o! Shiloh are mest grateful for the beautitul gifts. for eus church. Friends et Rev. and Mrs. White from Bebeygeon attend- ed service. Rev. E. C. Kelloway, Cobourg, xvill be guest speaker at anni- versary service wilh Newton-! -ville Choir in attendance. t THANKSGIVING BUYS Stokely's Fancy - 28 PUMPKIN BEST BUY 14 oz. tini Niblets Fancy Corn 3 ,-, 49c BEST BUY Rose - 4c off pack - .12 oz. jar Polskie Ogorki Pickles 33c Rose Brand - 1 lb. M ARGARINE print 4 Lm nedy's, Port Hope. this week. Everyone is very busy getting1 A large number attended the ready for the fowl supper. A polio clinic on ThursdaY. table setting bee was held Ms id clitretr yesterday, another fowl prepar- Ms id clitretr .ng, dressing. etc is to be to- tained her classmates at a corn lay at Mrs. Sheppard's home. roast and party Saturday night. Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Grade XIII of Port Hope High rhickson are attending the School held a presentation for leadership training courses at one of the classmates who is Bowmanville for the 4-H Club moving to Peterborough, at Miss girls on «"Working With Wool" Sybil Sheppard's last week. ýA. J. Trebilcock RetiresI ELIZABETýHVILLE ~U iThe Women's jnstitute met et t AsStckne a Mrs. Ernest Whîte's home ony ýA s S ock xcha ge H ad 1Oct. 1, Mrs. Quantrili, the presi- i Treilcck as e- xchngewil beW. . Smer dent presiding. The minutesofcf« Arthur J. Teicc a e xhnewl eW .Smr the last meeting were read and tired as president of the Toron- ville Jr., who will continue to e'pproved. A bazaar for later1 to Stock Exchange, havilig occupy the office of executive was discussed. The W.A. also1 reached the officiai retirement vice-president. had a business perîod on accounit I age cf 70. Hg will continue with Mr. Trebilcock was the fi-st of the fowl supper. Further the exchange in an advisory nori-member president of the: plans were , made concerning capacity. exchange, and the exchange's. committees for the supper. Mr. Trebilcock, an honour first paid president. Prior to Lunch wvas served by Mrs. graduate of Bowmanville High his appointment to thýe post inj White's group. School, is a son of the late Mr. 1956 he was the exchange'i Sunýday School was in the and Mrs. Paul C. Trebilcock of chief executîve non-member of- morning with church services Bowmanville. The Trebilcocks ficer wlth the titie of executive held in, the evening with the operated a stationery store for manager. Sacrament of the Lord's S upper many years in the location now A native of Bowmanville, Mr.l following. hiousing 1Hooper's Jewellery. Trebilcock graduated from Os-~ Congratulations to Mr. and1 Their holMe was on Division,St. goode Hall in 1921. He was la. Mrs. W. Beatty on. the birth cf now occupied by Northcutt & ter appointed counsel for the another great-grandchild. Smith Funeral Chapel. Standard Stock and Mining Ex- M The chairman cf the board of change and in 1934 wvas named. *. a, erb rough, KehM r.an governors. J. G. K. Strathy, wiil exhcutive manager of the tw admîl. VPetroug, ith M. succeed Mr. Trebilcock as pre- exchanges-the Standardd and Mr.Vecok udy sident in addition te his present the Toronto-when they were Mr. and Mrs. Quantrili and duties as chairman. while the merged into the present To- family in Oshawa, Sunday, at senior executive offioeer of the. rente Stock Exchange.; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott's. Miss Noreen Prouse, Torontq, spent a weekend with her mother, Mrs. Prouse, Charley lTwo M ore Com unites Prouse and Delbert Fishleigh re- IReceive Consu mers' Gu s Bigtn dt M. n .R Two more cpmffiunities in 32 mile transmission line o! 8 White, recently.1 the eorianBay Mukok and6-iche fro th Trns- Miss Donna Mercer and b1r. theGeogia Ba - ushka nd -inhesfro th Trns-Alan Mercer, Toronto, were area received natural gas todav Canada line through Vespra hm, o heweed when Mayor Charles Parker of Township outside Barrie. Tii hmrs.fCor tenceeatte hs ee Penetang and Mayor A. B. line wves built by F. E. Shaw. bus CrecrBatigth hbes Thompson of Midland, collab- and Harvey White with Mid- i on o!e tnns orating with Consumers' Gas Canada Contrectors Limited inThiowfilers med nte th Company officials, turned t'le completing construction in the 'community this week se expect valves in their respective towïis two towns. therunigm t.ote while light tiares heralded the Ian Hope irdistrict mnagerfwtek arrivl ofthe e~ uelfor osueris'Gsrinttheger ek arrial f te nw ful. or onsmer' Ga intheGeo- WThe weekend frost put an end -Provincial, civic and Consum- gien Bey area, Richard Hollend to t1e tobacco harvest. Mr. Buls- ers' Gas officiels took part ini is Owen Sound aea manager mez esceped the lest frost and the brief ceremnQnies et 12 noon and John Black is chie! inspec- hed been filling ehle st week. in Penetang and at 5 p.m. in tor of wvork. Ail three today ex- Mr. Orner Malfait had a kiln of 'Midland which saw naturel gas pressed apprecietion of co-op-, tobacco burn down a short time Iturned in" to the two com- eration received from ail off i- ago. munities, te becerne available ciels during the construction o! 1 Miss Eva Trew bas been mov- imrnediately to homes, business distribution system in their 1 ed from the hospital to a rest and industry. Other commuai- communities. pointing eut that ihome in Peterborough. ties in the erea aleng Georgien this co-operation greatlv heipedl Mr. Joe Gordon who was et ai Bey 'e Collingwood and Owen Consumers' in its efforts to'rest home in, Newcastle is now Sourîd should be receiving Con- bring gas services te the areastaying et Mr. and Mrs. S. Ken- surners' Gas service by mic- et this early date. Ther "turn-in" ceremoniesj were followed bv a buffet lunch N rt Itltn in the Bruie Hotel. Penietan Iand.teMdonMtl Mid- The church se-vice yester- ~ lad.day xvas flot tee weil attended I Natureal gas for Barrie, ty The fine weathex was ideal for I .- tner, Midland, Penetang. Col-1 visiting but those who were ' ~ A ling-wood, Meaford, Thornburv there enjoyed a splendid ser- j~ and Owen Sound xil - unti mo b our pester. Rev. Philip1 ~e~en ~,dI1Ud dS ~ emeîi. eivce u '.iiixuiF Gallon Hoses, Thermostat and Water Pump C.hecked for leaks Complete Engine Tune-up Brakes Cliecked Front End Alignment Wheel ga1ancing Robson Mot ors Li mited BUICK- PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK -DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle NIA 3-3321 Swift's Premiunm, Smoked Cry-o-Vac [lf Pieces - Boneless HAN FILLETS Lb. 79c Swift's Country Style - 1 lb. cello pkg. Swift's Sliced Side - 1 lb. sealed pkcg. Brookfield SAUSAGE 47C Eversweet BACON 69c PRODUCE oz. tin 2 'For 35c Luscieus, California ]RED GRAPES Deep red, Ocean Spray CRANBERRIES, Tasty, Golden SWEET POTATOES -2 l'lis. 25c i h Pkg. 25C *3 "'bs 25c Mild, Flavourful WAXED TURNIPS Large, Sweet SPANISH ONIONS- 1l), 5c 2 For 15C BEST BUY Chinaware in every pkg. Giant pkg. - 10e off EXTRA DETERGENT 71c Mother Jackson Jiffv - 5c off1 PIE CRUST MIX FEATURE Black Diarnond Old. white - 8 oz. wedge CHEESE -- FEATURE Kleenex - 40 to pkg. TABLE NAPKINS- FEATURE Red & White - 5 oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE 1 FEATURE Lincoln Brand Choice - 15 oz. PEACHES 2 For FEATURE Appleford's K.V.P. - 100 f t. ro WAXED PAPER FEATURE Aylmer Stuffed Manz. - 8 oz. ice box OLIVES - - -: THERE'S BOWMAN VILLE -Ydo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grave Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTQCK Blyth's Market FROZEN FOODS Libby's Frozen Peas, 12 oz. poly bag -21c Birds Eye Orange Juice, 6 oz. tini 29e Birds Eye Strawberries, 15 oz. pkg.- 45c $1.001 phg. 27c 43c 29c 89C tini 35c [Il 29c jar 39C A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU WINTERIE NO0w ----a iý C M7ý.ý 7HURSDAY, OCT 9th. le58 I-H r-AMADIAN STÀTESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO n.ni frý cTf-NDE mh à àmim _WM Anti -Freeze INSTALLED FREE

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