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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 8

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PAGP EIHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN R1OWLIANVMLEI. ONTARIO' bYi LSIS CARKE'IjREKS LUJNNEY OCTOBER DAY We shall keep an eye open for pan the menus, arid a workn, j what a pef-lybatf 1 Mention of il agaiin. area w vnâre the menus get 0"D- Fail day this hias been. A co;d- We îooked forxvard ta readi rte nifsmehnjhs' er nip ta the air. mind vou, anîd 1RI e Godden's latest book. throwfl the schedule off anid the anortl -west wind blwnoi TeGee.g ume. a housewile doesn't reach for a stili the sun wvas bright in a' found it disappointing in coin-camiuts oea ine.d tfv flawlessiy hlue sky. Vre walkcdi parison to "An Ep-sode of Spar- mnte smtall kdiceni t where w'oods sh'ýltered us.ru ow" n alers. Sorne peop'e whrds.misnolothn, n thers L'le w",nd. The Iow trees were! ma.v have liked It better. No od.i olne h ,cq full of birds, manv of them writer can be expected ta plearw oer.Acitcsad eo- Warblers. stopi *îg for a mea] ever'ore. As for Rumrer God- ators ore planning big kitchens. before proceeding to a wa-mn:r1 den, I ihink- Ehe writes tc i eas" both new and remodelled In aid climate i the south. The air! hers-e1f. hch is the best w'ay houses. So we've corne round ai-, was ungnt wth.the mei or y al mens.Most full circle again, thoul weavs aung etthd!thledsmi o bt al-?as.to be sure the rmodern kitche i leavs ad erthdistlls b 4' ~ * *witli all the latest electr-«c6l I sur. and we drew in great AN OLD IDEA GETS equipiiient. often setntewl. Featuring an inpi br-ea!hs cf il. This 's the smec',ý of Autumni. Sometimes addeci MODER.N TREATIIENT is a far crv fromn the bgroî mileage along wit 10 t. suaîr n varnerdav. l semstha lis ge s gv-of the 189d's &ith the McClarv i ban Carryall offel iS a faint srnokiness. gon ae:rms i an-e prov'ding heal, cookia u i n t n t asurfacerbmesngfanilit-s. 1 itrky load operal On arer silerda' ~ he sarin bc- aaii.T1 dryir.g socks anîd shoes andâ leaner mixtures a: li17are likc bLiîe snokc d 2gt 0 w nes s:irLs thrown*ig out a rice licat for til- lOà inches more t 'c ea:th £hIimmli2rs Li a 1, 'Just ore instance. Cars are an- Saturda' i l ah n lodav"' 1 Carryall is availal orsnhea-ci b- 'e- kitche'i vou may need en%.neei's bus for churches, oY n Ëohlle,-. The nev: cars, lhev ey hazr. Stabs of colcu ' iar t e..-rie s low that vour lec' pa-ilsta ortrol the switchelî. Iad:ap riw lic s.n:, acaM.tsr~ i oti mlbut once vou get the lhane ocf b-u *uhiOç ý n h I~ou whn llxou sit down. a, ~it 's cuite sinîpe-I gu ?c'v.Soor. whýiereve",- few inclies froin the floor. We're rot that mnechanized vet ' i o i cre travel,,th- ~ v. ll1,? Tiicii, consider kitchens. Timie; But anyxvay. oeople have ce. f. ~ C " 'ilcW. :1n -wsventektle was ['ý turred ta the idea that the kit ci cf blach ejitti,. and borb as a hail roo11-i. hifac't-t !cvra is a n,,ce c3M lacý. oz harv,~c' rd f ciccL we Yc d e socd cd daM;s. tlia-'ý viiereour g~n9rnsalways krxn' B w v i :a' id tl'e_ i a f:cld cf e n-e'-, cînc-1?" \vent an a, hýjue oDV'it .& and the kitchen 'sB ai ~cnthQut'is Fa1l xx-ei '. ties. ',le s'ove w-as :omedines s'rea-ding in size. The clEn tr tl. FeList ,wur ex es on t1he c3lbî carried oulto make more roo n1. al 'wi:t a'y a' vlc.a Wnd foi-~e.riail too soùii There xvas u'ually a ril1? as functiral and held the sa re0H U11% ic iiio:*e auste"e att'-' floor in the kitchen and tiie iiiterest as a laborato-.yý, is ti)H aen or b'ai rnnhe a air acold votonr- folks stepped liîvei'.' lne h hn.1udrtn bý-ou-,ý ,aliv wiljthrulzi reL, siiotiche aiidthere is an article on this living~- The histoi-y of Boý til1 a far ort sp--m.. alzs.Abg kitchen 01 tfie kitchien in the Miagazine Home prepared for the cent .~~~ especially. was a nec-e-- o )Izn ude ooetf, t'leiown's incorpora MUD> AD TMD HEE iVv, for tuera xrere oflen extra with diaqrams. if you want ta rerninng copies of MOOD AN ATMOSmenr 'a be fed besides the faim- start making aven. cently disappeared Wc liîapered ta see hi a Se *o- il-. * *Boy Sco~ut scrap paper, tcnibe: pare-',,;hlch wvc lid Gradually the kitchen was AT CARNEGIE fortunateiy recovered, e%,.den;i'ly miîssed aI the time. reduced in size xvhen new hou- safer resting places£ that a marie lias been mad4 ses were hut, or cut in twa ln Ev the tim-e you are reading Somne lime axa, col b,.,eed on Rumier Codden's baook. the old. It gat after a wvte this. we shall have heard Ratr sent t-3 the National1 "An Ejisode of Snarraws". A* fiat thie lousewife'5 dream aof Dudley play a solo recital in Ottawa, to the Ontarii lcast wve pre'ýume it is a marie thie perfect kitchen was just an Carnegie Hall, New York. Tuef, ment of Municipal The information, such as t was, alley wav between the stove thought of being in this famous head offices of both 1 acccmpanied a Dicture of June and refrigerator on one side. concert hall ta hear Rav plaV - dian National and Car Archer and Christopher Hev and the sink and counter on is most exciling. We will give cific Railways; head who, il said, have leading roles the other, with a table for meals you as many irupressions as Pas- i the Toronto-Dominic in "Innocent Sinners" based rin scqueezed inb a corner. sible on aur return. His recita1t Canadian Ban.k of( tire Godden writing. The mood To save space, the table was is Oct. 8, only for is, you willi and Bank of Montrea contaned sme.tpically sensi- someti -es done away with and now read was. This is the sec- thGvenrGnal tire Godden wribing. The bood a counter with stools substitut- ond time Ray has played in Honorable Vincent Mî would be hard ta catch aaud ed. This is silil found in same Carnegie. His first appearancei Lieutenant Governor maintain, but could possibly lie modern kitchens, but now it there was In May, 1957, with i done by an arlislic director. It is usually in addition ta a dixn- the New York Philharmonic a short talk on C.G.I.T is rather maddening that no, ing area, a living area. a play Orchestra. More particulars a guide ta the leader fîrther information was give. rea for the children, a desk ta 1 vhen we reburn. ._- ucting other n'eetiný Mrs. Broome Speaker At Inst ifut e Meeting The regular meeting of Bow- thanking the W.I. for the beau- mnanville Women's Institute was tiful drapes they had donated. held at the Lipns Communitj Mrs. G. Jones, quit convenor., Centre on Thursday, Sept. 2, said one quit was ready to be Mrs. G. AlIchin, president, ands quilted and another one ini the Mrs. M. Wiseman, Sec.-Treas., making. Mrs. S. Buttery xvas in theïr respective chairs. appointed delegate to W.I. con- A letter of appreciation was vention in Toronto in Novem- read from the Library Board ber and Mis. J. Meachin as LI - - -=rr PHONE MA 3-3136 alernative. Roll cal-namne a Canadian city or town begîn- ning with initial of vour sur- name-was very well answer- ed.1 ,Mrs. M. Wiseman g ave a short talk on the motto "The smaliest good is better than the grand- est intention". MrÊ. J. Abernethy was con-, venor for programn and intro- duced the speaker, Mrs. J. Broome. of R. R. 4, Bowman- ville,.who spoke on citizenship.1 Mrs. Broome gave a well pre- pared and timelv addréss, tell- ing how new Canadians are brought into the country and wht'he aee te* do ta become, citizens. Are we as Canadiansi who have so much handed down to us, living up to ou r heritage and making the most of our wonderful privileges in this free country? she asked. Mrs. M. Colwell moved a vote of -thanks to the speaker. A social half-hour was spent following thue meeting. BU RKETON (Intended for last.week) Mr. and Mrs. John Wotton spent Sunday visitipg Mr. andi Mrs. William Armstrong at Armsgtrong's Point. Mrs. Viîgor, Norwich, ts visît- ing her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hùb- bard for a few days. A group of 12 girls ranging in age from il to 16 met at the home of Mrs. Leslie Taylor Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 24 to form a girls' group. The group will be under the leadership of Mrs. Leslie Argue, assisted by Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Mrs. A. J. Turnbull and Mrs. Roy Bone. After opening exercises by Mrs. Argue, Rev. Mr. Logan led in prayer. Mrs. Logan then gave Dc- , o . 0,nam s oeca.se the bous.erain, e P;uggedi L',t'es 'c-O. A'd Oa- Ito-a-,c -asî.r la ubeîe&a W. os' 0- river- bark a8 a tog 1pce to do aund.-y but wiiat c,,, >ou do u, 'Cer the circ.mstances? Noui, i oudles pro'.e tie need for a truly root-proof sewer fi-ieo oça,nmore. tran *ver De1re - sa rnuch cmtrtabe - .r'g depends on ufl'nterrupted sSrvce......... Whei , ou ,epiace 'he lire, maka su.e the.Contracta"- Utes P.Ain Endo Vîtiied Clay Ppe F't:,ngs and Rooj-P,-oof Couplings. Se st-re of tro.bio-f,-o. drains foraver. Plaýn End 'tîîdCay Ppe, Pt.ngs and Coupiinge are root-proof, Ple n& Ppe Fpmom 4' to 24' NAIrIONAL SEWER PuiPBl sales Office- Box sm, Oakville, Ontario Sheppard & Gi!! Lumbert Co. Limited Phone MA 3-57151 i4 >~'~ â9 CREVEROLft APACHE Il SUBURBAN CARRÏALL )roved econamy six cylinder engirie Ihat gives up to 10 per cent b4tter fuel Ih increased torque at low and medium speeds, the 1959 Chevrolel Subur- Drs economical transportation of personnel and equipment. For light or Mions, a furîher economy option, consisting of a special carburelar with and -a lowernumerical axle ratio is offered. Reàr brakes are larger %vith elining area for-better braking, longer life, and cooler operation. The ble with either twa- or fou r-wheel drive. It is eusily equipped as a srn&l clubs, schools, and sim;Ïlar organizalians. Doi 'deI1 )wmanville ienn'al of ,tion. th?~ which c-e- with tiie rbut wî"re has found elsewhere. )pies were .ibrarv at ai Depart- 1Affairs: the Cana- nadian Pa- offices of on Bank, Comrnmercec al; also ta ,the Right fassey; the rof On- '. work as i-s in con- EgS ta fol- low. The group wiîl nol be entirely C.G.I.T. in manner, but Iwill use the C.G.I.T. progranu as a guide. Il is hoped that as many girls as possible, in this age group will become interest- ed and jain in with those Who have aiready shown interest. Crafts*af different sorts will be taught and sewing, cooking, graoming, etc., will follow laler. Afler, Mrs. Logan's interesting talk, the girls relired ta the kitchen where they ail took part ini the preparation and canning of a basket of peaches. Each girl was supplied with fruit. sugar, jars, etc., and when they were finished, each girl was the ,groud - çwner a# f a 16 oz. -jar of canned peaches, which they will have on display ta seil at the Faîl Bazaar on Nov. 12. Ice cream and cookies were served by the hostess during the lime that the fruit was caoking. A suitable name for the group will be chosen at nexl meeting which -will be held in the church hall on Oct. 8. IMisses Norma and Camal Wot- ton, Purpie Hill, were weekend Iguests of their grandparenls, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallon. IMms. Helen Ward, Moncton, N.B., will be the guest of her daughler, Mr. and Mrs. Wnu. 1Pedersen for a manth or two. 1 am glad ta report Ihal littie IMiss Gaye Hubbard who under- Iwenl surgery for appendicitis last Monday, Sept. 22, and Mr. Wal]y Ramsey, Who was operat- ed on for hemnia, are bath back home from the hospilal and im- praving in health. Miss Audrey Carnochan spent the weekend wilh Miss Marlene Stinson, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gaîcheli. Oshawa, and Mr. Doug Mor- rison, weme Sunday visitars of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson. Mr. Harold Larmer and Mr. Alden Hubbard attende&. the session meeting ýaI the parson- age, Ennîskillen, on Tuesday evenmng. The sympathy of the village is extended ta the family of Mr.1 M. English who passed away on Tuesday of lasI week aI Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turribuli and girls were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- bard. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith and girls enjoyed a motor trip ta Rice Lake on Sunday. Next Sunday, there will be a celebration of Holy Communionl at 11 o'clock. The W.A. held a variely con- cert and wiener roast on Sept. 26. There was a very good pro- gram but* the'concert was very consisted of a piano solo by Bernice Grace, a musical num- ber by "The Sweet Adelines", a choral graup fmam Oshawa, and a travelogue by Mr. Gardon Paisley , Principal of Blackslock High School, wlgo showed lovely coloured slides of a conducted tour of part of the British Isles and several European countries. At the conclusion of the concert. hot dogs and coffee were enjoyed and a rummage sale ixas in progress. Mm. and Mrs. Geners of IChalham are x'isiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey for a few days. A pleasant, etening was en- j joyed by sanie 23 ladies en Tues-i day evening of last week when' they met aI the home o! Mrs. Stan McCullough to-honourMs Orvis Smith with a babysh- er. The s-oung mother-ta-be xvas the ecipient of many lorelyl and useful gifts. Several amus- ing games were played during the avening and a iovely lunchj was served by the bostess. Mrs. Geo. Wallen'and Nancy,i Markham, were Suj;day visitors of het parents, Mit. and -Mrs. Roy B0no.. f iso! the book and the soec al ur e PO T JUne 26 centennial dtoi" cu m ents The Statenuaxx to the Provirn- cial Archives in Toronto. A co-py of the bok was similarW' given Io tha Oshaxva Public Li- entenniai brary aild b s intended ta placee 1 brary. Suc'h a volume is of value D istiFIuL iI nI ta those inte*ested in researc:î.* i and tlhe guI t the librarie$ and taria, the Honorable Keilr à8rchivo£ h as been acknowledg- Mackay; and Premier Leshie d itshcrthnsbtoe Frost of Ontario. in charge. Copies of the book and the two centennial issues of Thelý There are mare than one and Canadian Statesmian were aira a third million wamen in Ca': -I given privalely ta the Amen-' ada wlth paid jobs, and l'he can History Division of the Newv I largest group of women worit- York Public Librarv, and co- ers is in matîufacturing. A'pc~.1cntoc the fa:. %,;;:l ta rnuez at the next re.gji' Cas Fan' *0 ." t:cis*~'~e! k:(ifoo bu dl 1 n Cia rk-.e TW p. t .:gvs t a .e aJ:.ior' On Tuesday o' t hs week U it Lv,--:; pci'cd ouit bv -Mr. was Ica;r.ed frcLa Mr Waý.d oý- V,'a-.d that the comt Là':s~i theCuu,î:s Ca., Comoany. r: in flOý..:o 5'O:: .l O.hawa, thet 11:2 Comipany w E1iFn t o0t' e 1t1 i 1] u be applvlng lir tÈhe fra*clii--e tinuated at, $14àY~ The fe4i. La instaýIl gas with«n th:e TowL)- ibilMty b e onz:2 it le th Ues shio cf Clarke including tao lins "et ta Ln ;alsr- wlih Village of Oroi:o. the Onîtario FuEl Eca-rd. enjoy ail the hot water you need electrically It takes a lot of hot water to look after a growing family... and to help get the housework done! That's why an automatic electric water heater is such. a wonderful convenience. Lt supplies you with the hot water you need whenever you need it! An electric water heater is one of many wonderful appliances that help you 'live better electrically"- the safe, clean, modern way. electricitL' does sO much. .co8ts 80 littl6 96 King St.. E. Bowmanville Umm 4& HAP PAGE EIGHT %llý' "I F"ý Mz» 1.? 4!.- 11 a 1

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