Tffmmn-kA V ne-W iti+h. PACME LEVER TRE CUA WAflWAW BAq'EMAN. IMWM.AVfflt àXAARMf w Mrs. H. R. Pearce and grand- son Wayne spent the holiday weekend in Toronto visiting with Miss Peggy Pearce. Holiday weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were Mr. and Mrs. Sargent and farn- ilv and Mrs. Don Coultér and family of Toronto. Mrs. E. Craga. Fern, Leland and Donald of Bowmanville, Gary Peacock of Port Hope and Miss Doréen Powell and Mrs. Marie Gart- shore. Pér and Claire Pearce of Brighton visited on the week-' énd with their cousins, Larry, Ricky and Elizabeth Pearce. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew were1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Torrance of Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew of Port Coîborne, Miss June Agnew of Edmonton, M,'s H. Hunter of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams, cf Bowmanville. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Allin were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magili and Janice cf Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Gatcheil and Susan of Bow- rnan ville and Miss Helen Allib cf Toronto. Mr. H. T. Manes. Mrs. Reta Embly and Miss Ôldfield were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gray in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod and daughter Jakie were week- end visitors in Ottawa witb Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Breretcûn and family. Congratulations ta Mr. H. T., Manès who is celebrating bis rinetieth birthday today, Octo- bèr l6th. Mr. Manes in spité of his adviLnced years is enjoying ,very good health and our many readers who remember hinm from bis days in Public Service to the village will join us in wishing him many happy rte- turps ai the day. r is rnany friends will bé sorry tao learn that Mr. D. M. Bernard is a patient in the Memorial Hospital in Bowrnan- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aiken and Camilla and Mr. Chae. Knox have returned home following a two week's vacation in Nova Scotia wbere they visitéd with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aiken and familY in Halifax. Messrs. Fred Couch. Kari Weyrich and Georgze Bonathan spent the weekend visiting in Montrel, Quebec. Mr. Frank Hoar visited in Toronto witb Mrs. Hoar who is in hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and son Bob ai Toronto, visited with Mrs. Fred Couch and Donald on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and iàmily spent the weekend in Newm-arket where thev visitpd with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Daly. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent tbe weekend visiting in Belleville with Mr and Mrs. Neil Brittan and family. Janie re- turned wvith themn for a visit. Holiday guests with Dr. J. A. Butler. Miss C. Butler and Mr. George Butler, were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and Richard of Oshawa and Miss H. Masan. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Rog- ers and daughter Pauline, of Ottawa, spent the holiday week- end with bis mother, Mrs. W. P. Rogers. In appreciation ai their team's efforts in winning the Provin- cial Juvénile Basebail Crown, Newcastle Merchants dippéd in their pockets and dug up enough money ta send the entire team ta the Wôrld Séries. They saw the third and fourth gtaies i New Yaôrk and report a won- derful trip tbdt will long be rememnbered. 8)l1tz Canvass for Blind Under Lions' Direction On M;eonda y, Oct. 20 4t NEWCASTLE - The Newcas- tle Lions Club are making a one night blitz canvass of thé village on Monday evening, Oc- tober 20 convassing on beha].f of the Canadian National In- stituté for the Blind and collec- ting Eye Glasses for the Inter- national Lions Club Eye Glass- es Bank, The work ai the, C.N.I.B. is well known toalal and citizens are urged ta be liberal when a member af the local Lions Club, wbo is giving o! bis time and substance. cails at yaur door in this once a year canvass for iunds for the blind. This one nigbt blitz is being timed ta coincide with collections tbroughout this area. If you are flot ging ta be at home on Monday evening or if for anv other reason yau are misséd ini the canvass and have funds te give you are asked te pléase leave your contribution with Lion Jim Porter at the Bank af Commerce and it will be passed on ta thé proper auth- orities. In cannection with this can- vass members ai the Lion% Club are collecting old used Eye-Glasses which are of no further use te the owner for shipinent te underdeveloped countries çwhere the Lions Club bas the eyes examined and the proper glasses prescribed and fitted. Dig up your old unuséd glasses and the Lions Club will be pleased ta send thein where they can be used. This is a con- tinuing project ai the Club a.nd used glasses may be gven ta a member of the Liens Club at any time ta be sent where need- ed. I NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH I COME TO CHURCH Il A.M. - Guest Speaker Lion Reg. Evereti Int. Counsellor Members of Lions and Lionettes Clubs of Zone 10 wiil meet nt the Community Park and parade to this service. NO-TIC E POWER OFF N EWCASTLE SUN., OCT. 19 8 Io 10:30 a.m. GA. WALTON, Chairnian. 'A Happy E vent Honours Newcastle Couple on Their 25 th Anniversary NEWCASTLE - A happy évent took place in the New- castle Community Hall on Wed- nesday evenirig. Oct. 7th, when Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson Were honoured by about 175 ai their relatives and fiends on the occasion af their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Chairs had been placed against a background of pink and silver Rnd at one side was a white covéred table centred 'by a 3 tiéréd wedding cake on either side ai whicb were triple can- dle holders with taîl tapers. The flowers were Pink mnums. The bridal couple accompan- ied by the bride's brother anâ sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ton Cowan o! Oshawa, entered ta the strains of the wedding maroh played on the piano by Mrs. Chas. Cowan. Mr. Austin Turner was chair- man for the evening and wel- comed the couple withi a fewv well-chosen remarks interaper- sed with plenty ai humour. At this time Kathy Cowan and Richard and Billy Cowan, niece and nephews of the bride, came forward with corsages for the ladiès and boutonnieres for thc gentlemen. The chairman caîl- cd on Mr, George Stephenson ta read an addrèss ta the hon- oured couple sayîng in part: "There are some here tonigbt who have known you from childbood-some whose friend- ship started with you in school -there are those who are hap- py ta have met you as the years passed by. With this gift ac- cept aur heartfelt wishes for many more years ai happiness together". At this time Mrs. George Crowther and Mr. How- ard Toms prèsénted a môst beautiful cofice and tea service complete with tray in the new 'Springtime' pattern. Ross tbanked ail for théir presènce and for the honour done tbem and voiced his thanks on behaîf af bis wife himself and his twa sans for the lovely gifts. Marjory also spoke thank. ing the camrmittee in charge for ahl they had done to give them pleasure. The bride and groom ai 25 years then eut the wed- ding cake. Mr. Turner called on Mrs. Brightan of Port Hope, for a reading wbich humorously gave goôd advice ta marrled couplés. Short speeches were made by ;Messrs. N. Cowan, H. S. Gra- ham, E. W. Fisher and H. J. Toms in wbicb they spake of the mnany years ai public ser- vice given by Ross as member Gardon Âguw, Ma rphone 3621 o N EWTON VILLE NE WTON VI LLEJ, ONTARIO of the Board of Education, and Village Council and his longi connection with the Township Council as Road Superinten- dent and his great lnterest in sports. They spoke of Marjory and her connection with churcb and Fratepal organizations and her willixifgness to always give a helping hand. Mrs. Amy Van Den Hubel brought a group of her dancing pupils front Orono and, ini tancy costume, entertained between the speeches with dance num- bers. The chairman brought 'this part of the proceedings to a close and gav'e the guests an opportunity ta felicitate the happy couple, many also speak- ing with Mrs. Fred Cowan who has been slowly recovermng from an accident and was so happy to be present. The guest bock waà in charge of Mrs. Gadfrey and Mrs. F. Butler and, along with the ad- dress was presented to the bride. As lasting reminders of the event moving pictures were taken by E. W. Fisher and col- oured slider, by ýn Overgoôr. The members of thé committee Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Hoi- mes, Mr. and Mrs. Lake and Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephenson, assisted by many others, served most delectable refreshmkents, cancluding with weddmng cake. Ail )eft with the hope that Ross and Marjory may enjoy another twenty-five years of happiness and be able to celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Lions Clubs Plan Church Parade In Newcastle NEWCASTLE-The last ini a series of special services leading up to the Anniversary services ôf the Newcastle United Church will ha held on Sunday morn- ink whén members of the Lions Club from Zone 10 wili parade to service led by the Oronù Ci- tizens' Band. l The guest speaker for the oc- casion will be Lion Reg. Ever- ett of Port Credit a Gov- ernor and a ptesent Interna- tional Counsellor of the Lions International and a Sunday School teather and lay preach- er. It is expected there will be some 100 Lions and Lionettes in attendance from Port Hope, Bowmnanville, Oshawa, Lindsay, Port Ferry, Ajax, Millbrook and Newcastle, who will form up at the comniunity park at 10.30 a.m. and parade to the church for service. This is the first time a Lion Church Parade has been held in' this zone and citizens wil be pleased to learn that the plan was first originatkd by a local Lion, Zone Chairman Brenton Rickard. Young People At Conference This Weekend NEWCASTLE - Thé annuai. con.ferene of the United Church Young People's Association of which Mr. Francis Jose of Néw- castie is president will be held in the Bridge Street United Church in Belleville, on Octo- ber 17-19. The thème speaker for the conference will be Dr. D. M Mathers of Queen's Theologi-, cal College in Kingston and the theme of the Conference will be "A Face to Proclaim". 1 There will be the usual B,- ble discussions for those attend-1 inig and the new contest intro- duced at the last conference, a Bible quiz i which the various presbyteries in the conference compete. Another feature of this year's confèénce will be the tour that has been arranged for delegates of the Trenton Air Base. is here!1 GARi Spotted by Ron Powell Drowned Man's Body Recovered from Lake NEWCASTLE - Two weeks on the Newcastle Beach the fromn the time he was last seen body of Reil Jodoin of Lorrair.- ______________________ville, Quebec, was sighted and recovered fromn Lake Ontario g on Sunday afternoon, 21, miles Thànk givineast of the village of Newcastle. Looking over the Lakeshore 'iL__C near his farmn home. Ronald Is Theme o Powell gat sight of the body floating among the rocks at &A1~mv.'u the bottom of a high embank. W .A. M eting ment and notified the authori. ties of bis find. NEWCASTLE - The regular Later members of the New- monthly meeting of the Womn- castle Fire Department, Chief an's Association of the United Frank Miller and firemen Nav- Church was held on Tbursday lor, McManus and J. Miller, as- aiternoon last. Group 1 was in sisted by J. Gray, arrived qn charge of the devotional ser. the scene and recovered the vice with prayer led by Mrs. body, which atml wore a life Holmes and the Scripture les- preserver, fromn the lake and son read by Mrs. Kimbaîl. Mrs. turned it over to the Morris Co. Archie Glenney. very capably undertakers for burial. presented a paper on "Thankful Living for Thanksgivingl'. During the business part of L ifLnm u the meeting conducted by Mrs. VV8ha i MtesSa Clarence Allin the November Bazaar planned by, the ladies NO CANADIAN APPLES wa.s discussed at some length Woodstock Sentinel-Reviemr and the ladieý viewed the new At a commercial exhibition kitchen which will be ready for in Britain recently-described use by the next meeting in No- as the biggest of its kind in the vember. country-H. Watson Jamer, the Mrs. Floyd Butler on bebalf new agent-general for Canada's of the Association presented a Maritime Provinces was struck cup and saucer ta Mrs. Holmes by the fact that Canadian exhib- Who has taken active part In its were conspicuous by their W.A. work for a number O! absençe. years and bas recently moved While American and New' ta Bowmanville. The members Zealand representatives express- are most sorry ta see ber go. ed amazement at their success but Newcastle's loss will bc in piling up what were termed Bowmanville's gain. "fat order" for their apples, The Presbytery Woman's As- there was no sign of a Canad- sociation Convention in Wbitby ian apple anywhere. And this was announced for Thursday, in a year when the Canadian October 23rd and the members apple crop generally is a býWper of Graup 1 served refreshments; one requiring more than iWIe and a social time was enjoyed usual number of outleto to en- by ali present. able it to be disposed of. Tlewcas t/e cSocal and1 6kersonal ew Lions Sunday Sparkling new beau ty ... sprightly new go! No wonder people are talking Dodge right now! This sweetest-of-all, fleetest-of-all '59 cars is front, new in back and new in the middlP new, parks new, rides- new and stops' far the comeliest, going-est Iow-pr; And itis now on sight.. at your Dodge-De Soto dealc today! Before everybody getc CHRYSLER CORPORATION 0F CANADA, LIMITED YOURS TO SEE AND DRIVE NOW AT YOUR DO[ Fr