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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 14

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VAG! IOTYRTEEN ?T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAEXO THURSDAY. OCT. l6th, 1958 bDurham'.i At Unitec 1 Twenty farme'-s froi parts of the United ùf Northumberland aný COmpeted in the anni "'g match of the Noi land and Durham branch of the Ontai rnen's Association at ton, on Friday afterr Officiais o! the m 4veather was ideal, ang turnout of district far excellent. Members o rington Women's Insti ed lunches and ref throu.ghout the afterr .William Barrie of the iudge of the pho is the senior rýnan in tario Plowmen's A and is one of the org the internatonal plowi 'He is past p-esieient o tario Plowmen's A and a director of thE tional section. Branch Preside Wesley Down cf' 4resident of the counti o! the organization, ar tural representative Rý bt'ry cf Bri.ghton, is Percy Gooding, past gnd now an honorar of the association. said on the farm of Gordc on Highway 30 where was held, was a litt] dry sidie for gocd plc paid recent rains had in' and the soul was n in top. He compared the p this match with thep the international mnal aid the members cf t WA IlTE Dead. O!d and Cr FARM STOC' Plcked Up Freeof 24 Hour Serivig Phone Collec Cobourg FR 2-31 Peterborough Ri, NID-K PECOý Peterborough PRE-C4 - Col( - Uni I Cone.'q PH( ATM FA You / Yo( m various Countes id Durnrn ual plow- >rthumber- counities ýr Plow- SCodring- imon. iatch said id that the -me7s wi., Dfa Cod- tute serv- frc3hments moen. lAu jundav was able ta etr I ta school on Tuesday. Plowm n Do Weil Master Tommy Martin had htonsils nemoved on Satunday atMemonial Haspital, Bowman- Counties IVlatch l~villedihMs enPri M.and Mrs. Duvy, Guelph, Counties Association an Friday1 WiIl Al]in o! Newcastle wvon and Mr. Bill Morley. With them did a- better job than lie saw i the Esso award - for the best . also on Sunday were Mr. and at the international match at horse piowman in addition te Mrs. Wellington Farrow. Mr. and Killa-ney in Ireland in 1954, bis cash prize. tMrs .Stan Allun, Galt, Neil an-d but not as good as the plowing Carias Cryderman was awand-:Arlene. at the international match in ed the T. Eaton Company spe-J Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson. Don- Oxford. England, in 1956, bath cial tnophy and Howard Me- na and Dianne, Ottawa, with Mr. e! which hie attended. Mr. Good- Cann wvon the Simpson Sears and Mrs. M\cllroy on the week- ing spent eight years in Coun- trophy. end. Mr. and Mns. H. Mcllroy tinspcefth count d i oes. DiEplays o! farmn equipment visited frieffds at Kingston on inspctorforthe ountes. drew the attention o! man-y .the weekend, being the occasion Horse Driver Praised farmers who camne te watch the'o! their 35th Wedding Anniv- Judge William Barrie com- matches and net te cempete.- ensary. mendcd the winner o! the hersa Examiner. Mr. and Mrs. McIlroy -%ere section, saying that although also very picasantl-y surprised team hie used did nat wonk wel! at the home of their daughter aWrL t.I~ ac,-tAL JLULI JtJ Lr VO tvir . r1.ufse1ruweîI, wnen owing. Hfionýe e! the finest he had been 'IIU'4 ,i the On- privilegcd te sec. 1Mn. and Mrs. A. Samneils and £ssociatioti. The winne- in the herse ser c ideBwavle r n alizers of tien xvas William Allin o! childýrenS.Beowmn iltoe, Mr n ing matchi. castie. while Howard Allun o!fMS . Bngus'-ofnMi.-tondwre if the Or- Newcastle placcd second. Sndygeso!M.nd rs ýssocaticn Inhescinpo'I John Mitchell.' e Interna- I tetractoe tin A lw Rv.and r.JWWikn ing a 10-inch furew, Stan Alnso, Rc.batoMssJ.aWy.Wil- o! Orono placcd firet and Ben sn u.bno;Ms ayWl ent Cook of Bewdlcy was second. kinson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Hilton, is Gardon Bradfield o! R. R. 10, Mz's. A. His. les branch Peterboro, was first for trac- Mn. and Mrs. George Willis id agricul1- tors plowing a 12-inch furrow and Ray, Cannington, spent the alph Bari- and mas judged champion plow- weekend with Mn. and Mrs. sccretany. man cf the match. Howa,"d Walter Park, Jr. tpresident. Quantrili o! Campbcllcroft xvas Mr. and Mrs. J. Whinchester ,y dinector second in this class. l and children, Mns. J. Awde, Wil- d the lan:d in the section for tractors lowdale;- Miss Ada Pascoe, Port ýon M\cGxfe with mounted plews, Bruce'Credit, xvere gucats o! Mr. and the mate,' Eag1esoiî cf Cobourg was finst, Mr3. John Broome. le on th, Donald Budd o! Port Hope sec- j Mn. and Mrs. Ror'ald Philp owiniz. H1_ ond and Ben Bickle cf Cobourg land Karen, Nestieton, Warren, flot * unk was third. ýCros, Toronto, with Mr. and mist only Howard McCann of Cedning- Mrs. H. Philp. ton placed Lerst in the beginner3 Mrs. M. Hamilton, Mrs. Fer- )lowing at section for mounted plows and gusen, Mns. H. Skinner, Mrs. plowing at John Goodiellow, aiseo!fCed- Donald Stainton and Mns. Henry ches, and rington placed second. Stainton attended the annual he United In the junior section, for 18- bazan et Fairvew Lodge, Whit- te 21-year-oid contestants, Den-by nis Moran o! Frankferd wa James Coombes'and Miss Mar- D first and Lannie Philips ofgaret Harvey, d.adMs Brighton second. iArthiur Harvey and Helen vis- inpIed In the teami plowing class. the ited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 'KCrydarman brothers o! Be w- rhped Mlbok Charge manvi le teck first place and SehrMlbok the Toronte-Dominion Banki Mn. and Mrs. Waltcr Murphy [ce trophy. A team frem Brigitc'nland famîly with Mrs. Edith ct High Sehool, comprised o! Bru ce Murphy. 721 Belford and James Woof place d Congratulations te Mn. and 2-2080. second, while a Campbeîlfond Mns. F. L. Byam on their 39th Ni High School team, Ross Nich- wedding anniversany con Wed- Ont, oison and Eugcne Brahancy nesday, Oct. 15. A celebration wcne third. lwas heid -Sunday at the home cf Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park xvhen they wene presented with ~~ a platform rocker. Mn. and Mrs. &ST CO CT IE. Byam, Oshawa; Mr. and Mvrs.. George Wiliis - and famnily, Can- Septic Tanks - ningon;. Mr. and Mrs. L.Hoop- ~idwak Sab -and their immediate family Side alk labswere present. Mn. and Mrs. T. Dawson, Sar- ordPto Sas- nia: Mr. and Mns. S. Daw. Wendy and Sandra, Pont Cre- if Sleps - Railings - dit, witlî Mn. and Mns. J..Hls Mnr.and Mns. R. Glàspeli, Mn. - Barb--u's - rMs. John Broomne attended the lck and White Day at -Curbinrr Peterborough Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hamil- ton, Irwin. and Margaret spent hoom minthe weekend with friends at Penetanguishene and Gerge- town. aie iroc uctsMn: and Mns. George Alldread,r LIMITED Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldre.-d ONE BROOKLIN 155 and Maxine attended the Ail- dnead - MeVin nie wedding et -Trinity United Church, Baw- _____________________________manville, on Saturday. Skippen was released from quarantine lest week aften being in contact with rabies. Owner isWalter Parks, Jr. Mrs. Annie Hatherly returned ýRM ERS!home from Fart Erie after spend- ing a couple o! weeks with Mn. and Mrs. W. Tape,.Mr. and Mns. Ed. Stewart, Mn. and Mrs. Br May No BookHawns and Mn. and Mrs. J. Bailey. East group o! W.A. met at the home o! Mrs. John Broomne ur Orders for Tedy NEW MACHINERY and Take 'Spring Delivery! If Mrs. X;rown is going ta niake the trip with "Mick" fo Nassau he wilI need a few more sales ... soe now is your chance to buy that much needed niachinery at great savings to you * and takWr spring delivery. Tracýors - Combines - Other Machinery W.e H. Brown CASE DEALER .St. W. MA 3-5497 BROWN'S The Bnawnies o!* Newcastle and Brown's enjoyed a hike thraugh thte district on Satur- day last, and all repart, an in- teresting time. Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Far- rorw with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hooper, Blackwaten on Sunday. Miss WendX Wilson returned home fronf the hospital on Sat- Celt our Price For, Tour Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3.3303 I.' I THIS U, ÎER CHAIN SA W Quality" dependable Pioneer RA i be :ours absohutcly irrce! Simpl.v vour free contest entrv blank and b'ntest. Ask for a denionstration et biain saw designed specifical for idcutrgindust.ny andi prîeed at Easy Tcriis P)n & Son le, Ont. PIONEER SAWS ia.. PETEflOIOSGH. ONt. W USLII OUUjIM AlRiM U. OPCAUM LIL family wrere --Iltogethen forMr:Rse awlwe h lturkev dinner. and whére the-v were presented with a table and lamp. Mr. Bill Morley and Miss Jean Perrin xith Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art, Peterborough on Sunday, Mt ndMs EneCall and !Mrs. R. Simpson last weekend. MisPeggy Simpison spent vat eekend in Toronto and Niagara. Mr. P. Caîl with Mr. and M.-s. W. Cail last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pickering and IKaren. Zepher. spent Sunday iwith Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pick- ering and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Churchill. O0rangeville with 'Mr. and Mrs. j Gea. Stephenson on the week- f end. ISome young friends of Mr. iand-Mrs. Alec Martin plemaat- Iy surprised them on Saturday night at a housewarming in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Legge, Mr. Fred Douglas. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson on Sunday. Business Direclory Àccounfancy_ WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Phone MAnket 3-3612 IMONTEXIH - MONTEIT% r RIEHL & CO. 35Chartered Aceountants 15Sîmcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER. Car. Kinpe and Temnperance Sts. HUNTER & CO. Aceountants and Auditer Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy .64 King St. E. RA 5-16211 Oshawa, Ontario B. L.,Yale, C.A. F. Fniediandler, B. Com., C.P.A.1 IChi ro Pra cfi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie-Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor, o! Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Heurs: By Appointment D e ntfa DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Hause Phone - Newcastle 35511I DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Ofce Heurs: 9 arn. ta 8 p.m. dally Off 0toç-t VW auoMqd 9 amn. ta 12 noon Wednesday .Closed Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Officef 23 King St. E. - Bowmianville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Clased Saturday and Sunday Telephane: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a1- STRIKE and STRIKE Barnisters, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Salicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHIA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmrranvil!ef Office Hours: By appointmentf Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday to Saturdav 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 4 to 12 Farm Forums .fo Have Regional .Broadcasts will feature a play Dresented by the Mount Horeb Hi-C Club. Mrs. Bonsteel volunteered ta take the renresentatives ta the Peterborough' Presbytery nmeet- ing ta be held at Hastings. Fur- ther plans were made for the redecoration of the Church and the contract given tai Mr. A. Hol- den of Peterborough with the work to ha completed before the anniwersarv services on Stinday October 19. Mrs. (. Mulligan gave the retort o! the treasury. Following the benedictian lunch wa s served by the hostess assis- Mrs .J. White, Mrs. L. Kennedy and Mr.-. Henry Jakeman. .Mrs. P. Canr expressed the thank,ý cf the ?1 members pre- sent to Mrs. Rowland for the use of her home and toalal those w~ho had tak-en part in the Tha- nksgivng prognaa. will discuss "Cnop Insurance" and its many implications. There will probablyi be a panel discus- sien among farmers and Insur- ance experts, on this one. Sask- atchewan Farm Forums wil »probably prepare the Guide ma- tenial for the gnoups. . In British Columbia, a revi- talized -graup o! Forums will have their Raihy Broadcast, as 'juans, now stand. They mill en- joy a somewhat different typ2 o! Regianal show, on t his first occasion. But remember... whether you belong te a Forum or net, the Broadcasts. and the Guides 4re about subjects you'll find interesting. The re.gional Broadcasts, an your CBC station . . .will be an Nov. 10, Feb. 9 and March 9. Don't miss them. For years, farm people across the country have asked that more of their own local prob- lems be aired on Farm. Forum night. This year, there are na few- er than three occasions when just this will be done. Once this faîl, and twice durin% the win- ter months, Monday night will be set aside for a Regiorial Broadcast. They'U range al the way frorn Territo rial Waters .. a hot item in Newfoundland ta the problem of suitable Crop Insurance . . . on the Prairies. Each o! these topics, aii.ci others, in other provinces, will be developed by, and produced by the CBC Farm Department in the region.- In Newfoundl?[nd, the Produ- cer will be Jack Watts, and in Halifax, Keith Russell. In To- ronto George Atkins will hold the reins, while on the Prairies, Lionel Moore, and his Associ- ates, wiIl be in charge. In Bri- tish Columbia, Tom Leach an.d Jack MacPherson will handie all three broadcasts. Let's take a quick look at the Nov. 10 Regional Broadcast, as presently scheduled. In Newfoundland, as -we mentioned, Territorial Waters will be on the agenda. Where they end . . . and -where the rights of nations shaning in-the fishing industry begin. The Maritime Provinces have! tackled "The Orderly Market-' ing cf Maritime Farm Produqts" a hot item in any part cf UCan- ada. The material for the For- ums will be prepared by Clar- ence FitzRandolph, Agricultural Officer, Atlantic, Provinces Economie Council. Ontario and Québec have 'a fine show lined up, on the sub- ject o! "Conservation". Gavin Henderson cf the Ontario Con- servation 'Council will prepare discussion material. On the Prairies, Farm Forums BETHANY Members cf St. Paui's Ladies Guild met at the home -o! Mr.ý-. Mervin Smith for their meet- ing with Mrs. Morgan Bigelowr presiding, and Mrs. G. E. Meades leading the devotional period. Treasurer _Mrs. John Palmer ne- ported the financial returns -o! a successful sale of Home Bak- ing held previously and At was decîded to hold a similar sale Andy Watson's store, with Mr's. G. E. Meades and Mrs. Douglas Smelt as salesladies. Further plans for. adding to the fund*s were discussed, announcemnts to be mad e later. Lunch was ser ved by the h ostess _as:sisted by Mrs. Glen Wentworth and Mrs. G. E. Meades. 'the ladies were plesýsed ta accept the in- vitation cf Mrs. Morgan Bige- i low to meet at her home in Nov- Mr. axid Mrs.. Mansel -Wr.ght lef t on Friday morningita re- main until Monday with Dr. G. M. Long!ield and Mrs. Long- field at Flint, Mich. Thomas Currie spent the hol- iday weekend with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Currie at Gananoque. Mr. and Mns. Carl Smith 'and family and Mrs. T. Jackson were with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall at Whitby for Thanksgiv- ng Sp.nday. Alex. H. Monk spent the week- end with his son and daughter- in- law, Mr. and Mns. Kani Monk at Sarnia. Bob Edmunds visited with Randy Longfield at Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Woods 'and daughter Barbara, Miss Jane Fallis, all of Ottawa with Wellington Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Abren and San- dra Ahren, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Frank Hamilton, Montréal, Que. with his parents, Dr. J. J. Hamilton and Mns., Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Braith- waite and daughters Faye and Catherine of Cobourg with Mr. and Carl Porteous. Mn. and. Mns Wlliam Mail- ichenko, Taronto, with Mrs. Martichenko's parents, Mn.,and man and famlly, Maple Grave, farmn some time ago ta Mr. Wil- were Sunday supper guests Of frid Carruthers, has gone ta live Mr. and MIrs. E. Twist. Other with Mrs. Ken Werry, Shaw'a. callers on Sunday wereMr. and We will certainly miss her at Mrs. Fred Twist, Whitby; ýMr. church and other community and Mrs. Peter Van Ham, Port activities but hope she will be Perry. jable« ta came back ta visit un Mrs. W. Werry, wha sold her loften. :t. 20-21-22-23-24-25 Monday thru Saturday lj,~<Items regularly selling for as much as $4.25! Now buy two for the price of on ...pfus a penny. Corne in and get your Rexaîl t le t Sale Handbill today. Check As Advertised in MACLÉAN'S STAR WEEKLY e WEEKEND MAGAZINE FAMILY HERALD e FREE PRESS PRAIRIE FARMER JURY & LOVELL PHIONE MA 3-5778 BOWMAN VILLE' TRURSDAY, OCT. 1 ôth, 1958 TYM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTAIUOý' SÂALEM q Salem Home and School Club heid their October meeting in the sehool hast Wednesday night. Pres. Mn. Bob Craig took charge o! business. Junior room won attendance banner fan th's month. -Mr. Craig mentioned the regional Hor-' and Sehool conféren.ce at Ebefiezer Chunch on Nov. 13. Seven o! the senior pupils took part in a public spcaking contest. The contest- ants and their subjeets werc: Lanny Ceoper "Ceai Mining in the Maritimes"; Fred Shackle- on "How Hydre Helps Differcut ( People"; Margaret Shackleton "My Trip ta Niaaara";, Carolyn Tennant "Seasons": Donna Moon ' "Safety";* Bruce Richards "Hec- kev"; Lena Larsen "Denmark." The judges, Mn. F. Black- burn, Mrs. M.-Stacey and MissI Bea Craig gave thein decision l in favour o! Canolyn Tennant O with Bruce Richards second. Canolyn wiIl go tg Hampton te compete with puoils from other sehools. A social heur xvas en- joyed after the meeting. Thene will be ne church ser- vice here next Sunday as it is Tyrone Harvest Home services. Sunday Sehool xiii be held et ope o'clock thîis Sunday, Oct. l9th. Salemi W.A. will hold their October meeting et the home o! l6th. W ragTurdOt Mrsh.W.Cig hrsaOt Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Miss Çerda Cnaig, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Craig, Mr. and Mns. David Cnaigp Mr. and Mrs. Deug Reynolds, Miss Bea Cnaig attended a fam- i'y Darty and shower in honour o! Mn. H. Cnaig and Miss Sonia Jacobson et the home of Mn. Pnd Mrs. Bruce Lehman, Brook- 6 lin. last Fniday eveni ng. Mn. and M rs. Gary Kunkel. Oshawa, wene Sunday suppen guests e! Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- burn. SMrs. M. Marchant and Suean__ spent the weckend with ber parents et Trenton. Mn. and Mrs. L. Welsh accom- panied -Mr. and Mrs. L. Rundie and Betty Lau, Town, on a motar trip ta Algonquin Park j on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Howard Cryden-

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