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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 19

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-- I*1~U~V1~U~fl*T1TT*TT II*IIIII*II.______ --~-r--.~ r -- IUESAT, OCT. 101h,1958 -- . - ---- --. ----a v. ..aA... v ~ ~c. as-a~~ .-n~rsa .1B.n. M A a~P ?TE !ANAflTAM 9'A'rUcRMAM fttOWIAMa7TT.LV? P Ckassafied In Memoriacm GARROD)-Int loving memaory Of John William Garrod who pass.d awmy October 18, 1942. "Love's greatest gift- Rtemetnbrance" £'.Lovin' remembered by wlfe and 42-1 --sS OTIn loving memnory of 'j a dear brother Bil who passed -away Oct. 11, 1957. ,Oneé year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away. ' Always remnembered by sister * Net, brother-in-law Lloyd. 42-1* WALKER-In loving memory et my dear husband who passed away Oct. 17, 1057. If I could speak ta you today, Joke with yau in the same oid way, ^Iiear your voice and see your smile, Then Ille would really be worthwhile. Iwatched your passing, heard Ail sigh, 'AlI could do was just stand by, 'When the time came I suffered too, For you neyer deserved what you went through. Looking back with memories, upon the path you trod, I bless the years 1 had with you, And leave the rest to God. .-Sadly missed and always loy- ed by wife, Allan, Douglas, Ray- miond and Gordon. 42-1* *Cards of Thanks We would like ta thank the people ai tbe Eafield Commun- -I ty for the lovely table we re- toived as a weddlng guIf. Ruth and John Carrigan. 42-1* Mr. John Tabb wishes ta thank ah bhis neighbors and ftriends for Iheir kindness andc help and beaulitul flowcms, fruit and cards, also bbc nurses and dactors ai Memorial Hos- pi'tal and Oshawa Hospital, dur- ig bis recent illness. 42-1* My sincere thaxîks ta Drs. Mc- staff ai Memorial Hospital, Rev. 'Fisber for visits ta me, relatives and friends for guIts, ilowcrs 'and'cards received by me whiie MA -hospital. Reta Giaxiville, Newcastle. 42-1*. 1 would like to express mry tlicere tbanks te Drs. Siemon and Rundle, nurses off Memorial H!ospital, asoe.k-r the lovely cards, filowe 'îit and guIts 1 received tf j friends and r-elatives [whi pàptetthere qnd since rtrig Donna Preston. 42-1* 1 would 1k. ta express my icere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, frienda and noi.ghbors for the fruit, cards and unot welcome visits, misa for doing my chores while I was apatient in bbc Shouldice Hos- ~ita1l i Toronto and aller I came Walter Ferguson. 'We wlsh ta express aur heart- feut thanks ta friends, neigb- bours and relatives for their kindncss and sympathy during eur recent bereavement in the paasing af a loving husband and father. Also tbanks ta Dr. ]Rwidle and anyane who helpcd in' any way. Thanks. Mrd. Jae Seymour and family. 42-1* W. would like ta express our shicere thanks ta aur ne* hbours1 and friends for their kîindnessî and expressions off sympalby aI the. time off aur recent bereave- ment. Special thanks ta Rev. Long, Mrs. Workman, tbc ladies off bbc W.A., Dr. Mac- Kentie, shaff af Memorial Hos- SiaBowmanville, and the a&rlaw Funeral Home. Egerton Hancock and tamily. 42-1* Reception Mr. snd Mrs. Frank C. Petb- Ick, 55 Qucen St., will be aI home from 3 - 5 p.m. and from 7 - 9 p.m., on Monday, October 20th upon the occasion af their sixtieth wvedding anniversary. 42-1 * Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pinch, former resîdenîs ai Bowmaxî- ville wihl celebrale their golden wedding auinsanv off Nov. 2, 1908, at a receplion in the home of their son Mn. and Mrs. Ed- ward Pinch, 4460 W 5îst SI., Cleveland, Ohio, on Suaday, October 26 tram 4 - 7 p.m. A apeclal welcome is extended to any iriends off the taîîily wish- ing ta attend. 42-1 Notice to Creditors Coming Evenits Morrish hot turkey supper, Wenesay, Oct. 22 at S p.m. -Admsson1.50 and 75c. -42-1 Boy Scout Apple Day will be held Saturday, October 18th. Kindly give them your support. 42-1 Wednesday, Oct. 22, Club 50 will hold a bazaar, bake sale and afternoon tea in the Tyrone Sunday School room from 2 to 4:30. 39-4 Plan to attend Masqueracle Bail, Badminton Club, Oct. 25th, sponsored by Kinette Club of Bowmanville. Admission $3.00 per couple. 41-2 Eastern Star Bazaar, Tea and Nearly New Sale at the Lions Centre tomorrow, 2:30 p.m. In.. teresting booths and lucky draws. Everyone welcome. Last Caîl. Anyone wishing tc send aid woollens or cotIons for blankets 'phone MA 3-2856 or 3-2735. Immediate deliv'ery. Sponsored by Haydon W.A. 42 -1 Dance in Tyrone Conmmunity Hall, Saîurday, Oct. 18. Music by Clara Nesbitt's Music Mak- ers. Dancing 9-12. Sponsored by Hall Board. Gents 75c, ladies 50C. 42-1 Old Tyme Dancing, Friday, October 17, Coldsprings. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. 9:30 p.m. Montreal on Saturday night thariks ta You vonderfu1 dane- ers. 42-1* Lions Club Bingo, Monday, October 20th in the Lions Com- munity Centre at 8 p.m. 20) games $5.00, 2 special games, 2 jackpots af $25,00 each. Ad. mission 50c. 41-2 Corne ta Lions Centre, Oct. 24 for Tyrone L.O.B.A. Penny Sale. Afternoon tea and home baking. Horne-made bread and buns a specialîy. Open at 2:10 p.m. Draw aI 8 p.m. 42-2 Friday, November 2lst, High Sehool Commencement in t e High School aI 8 o'clock. Re- serve Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 26, 27, 28, for the H-igh Sehool play. 41-7 Rummage Sale,-aI St. Johns Parisb Hàll, Evenîng Branch W.A. Coffce and dougbnuts 15c tram 10 o'clock until 5 o'ciock, Oct. 31st. For pick-up of useci articles eall MA 3-7140. 42-2* The Women's Canadian Club wil hold their open meeting aný Monday, Oct. 20 at 3:30 p.m. in St. Johns Parish Hall. Guesîý speaker, E. R. Lovekin, New- castle. Visitors and guests wýel- came. 50e. 42-1 Tyrone Harvesî Home nexî Sunday, Oct. 19. Speaker aI 2 p.m., Rev. G. C. R. MeQuade af Whilby. Speaker aI 7:30 p.m. Rcv. Phiiip Romeril af Blackstock. Special miusic aI bath services. 42-1 Woodview Communtty Centre ~-MonsIer Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars-, five games- thîrty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots aI $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tl ,Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the manîh which will be hcld on Tucsdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50e. 37-tf Anniversary Service and Tr- ley Dinner, United Clîurich, Pontypool. Anaiversary service ta be held Oct. 261h aI 7:30 p.m.;i quest preacher, Rev. Basil Long, Orono. Turkey dinner, Friday, Nov. 7tb tram 5:30 on. Admis- sion $1.50, childrcn 50c. 42-1 ta HENRY JÇOSS and hi. Hamesteaders Saturday, Ocfoher 18 ai Belhany Hall Featurlng Modern, Old Timel Round and Square Dancing Dancing 9 ti11 Ji Admission - - 75e 42-l* to music ai Gary DeLorme and HIS ROCK-A-BILLYS Saiurday, Oct. 18 Pontypool Town Hall featuring square dancing- round dancing, AND OTHERS Rock 'n Rol Admission - 15 cents IN THE ESTATE 0F John Wcs- Dance starta uM 9 o'clock ley Argue. ale offthie Towni off Bowynanville, in the Counîy af Durhanm, relired famer, deceas- ear .4, who died at Bowmanville, anRear or about the l6th day ai August, LE-N and Lau'a TV Anlexinse 1938. Installation. Phone MA 3-3942. TEE TRUSTZE ACT, R.S.O., 40-5 1950, Chl. 400, Sec. 51. Croditors andi others havinî RADIO and Ilvk houx rtprair13. claimsl againsl bhe ;bov-e estate Prompt service. Piok-up and are required ta scuîd particulars ýdciver3-. George's. 85 King St. and full proof thereof to tic E. Phone MA3-13 2-t îudersigned on or before theRPA Sadreuîaga- 201h dey of Noxenber, 19.58. EaturS nd rta indigmaesof after xvhiclî date Itie assets off the cîcîres madto. Hi on ec,-f estte illbedisnibledhaing trie, 38 King East, Phione MA regard ta thie Will aLndth 3-38 4d dlaims thlat have Ihen been the3-5438._________________ ceived. 24-HOUtR expert repair Tel.- DATED at Bowmnanvllle, on- vision Service, toa ai makea. AUl taria, the 291h day off September, parts and work guaranteed. 1958. Television Service Co., MArket Lawrence C. Mason, 3-.3883. 50-tf Barrisher eî EAR aalmksc u 30 Kingr et EAR oalmkso Box No. ~'frig«eraors, doxuestie snd coni- Bou-manville, Ontarn. mnercial; m'ilking coolers. Hig- Solicilor for the ExecutorT. ýgmt Els'iric Lirn-ited. 2?, Kirîg 40-J St. L. Phone MA 3.b438. 2à-. il Ads .Coming Events DANCE t. Bryce Brown's Orchestra Saturday, Oct. 18- ai Sauina Hall $1.00 Per Persan 412 Kendal Anniversary Services will be held October 191h. Rev. George Wright, Canton, wili speak at 11 sm. Rev. Geerlof Lokhorst, B.A., B.D., Roseneaîh, will take the evening service aI 7:30, assisted by the Raseneaîh Male Quartette. The turkey supper will be Wednesday, October 22nd. % 41-2 Attention Diabelies. Canadian Dimbetie Association, Oshawa Branch, will hold Iheir regular meeting on Oclober 16 aI Mc- Laughlin Hall, 338 Simeoe SI. North, Oshawa, aI 8 p.m. Feature of the evening will be a paniel discussion with Dr. Roy Row-1 sehi as, moderalon. Everyone weleome. Reffresbmcnts will be served. 42-11 Road 'accounuts amounting ta tive attend thie Navember mccl- $12,353.37, and general accouaIs ing ai the Darliaglon Munici- Iotailing $3,225,00 were pre- pal Couacil whcn the establish- scnted and passed for paymet ment off a township police farce aI the October meeting off Dar- wil h discusscd. lingloti Township Municipal The Municipal Coutîchl accepl- Couacil. The meeting was held cd land on the Darlinglon- lasI week in the Council Cham- Clarke Line Road irom the De- ber off Ihe Darlingtoa Town- parîment off Highways. This ship Municipal Hall, Hampton. land is la be used for a Iurning The municipal elerk, Walter circle for snow-plaws and gra- Rundhe, was instructcd la write ders. the Attorney -GeneralI's Depant- Il was decided ta arrange a ment and ask that a represenla- meeting wilh the East Whiîb.y New Regimental Ca lors Presented on Weekend To Famous "Hast y Pees" _______________________ Proud memories off battles Leon Connors. Norman Mooney, Pet jduring World War II were evok- Robert BaIe and Tom Phillips. Pesed for the veterans off the Hast- Tenwrgmna oor - ol-pr Prsa ings and Prince Edward Regi- be nwrgmna oor 1SIX monîhs odpr esa ment on Sunday. New regimen - r place names wvhere the skittens ta give away. Phone MA tai colors were received in an Hasimnswan r in eward .3-3908. 42-1-kimpressive ceremony in Belle- AsRe imetalwontreon ,iCas-cl ,ville. Chaplain for the day was ssoroI, Hitlyrhe oroieCas- Piano Tuning incapag, ajrFred HJni L iSa oruat: ARTHUR Collison. Telephane' Goforth, M.C. The veterans and Northwest Europe. MArket 3-3900. 36-tf were led by one off their tam- The parade starîed at 2.30 ous wartime officers. Lt.-Col. p.m. in Bridge Street Park, Auction Sales Angusi B. Duffy, former R .S .M. Belleville. Men off the militia _____________________in Italy. 1 paraded with the veterans who There will be a Community Regimental veterans froni saw the honours won, ta watchi Auction Sale held in Newton- ]Bowmanville who paraded ini the ceremony in whicb hero-sl ville on Highway No. 2 aI the Belleville on this memorable off many actions presented col- home off Mr. George Ryan on! occasion with their World War ours to the younger men who Saturday, Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. E.D. j111 comrades were., Ross Mc- will continue ta carry them. S.T. Anyone wishing ta put Knight, Bill Bates, Bob Haye--, A reception and reunion wvas articles in the sale have them; Ted Sheehan, Jack Knight,, held during the evening. in by 1:30 p.m. an the above date. 42-1w The undersigned bias receiH edinstructions from the Ex- i actr f the Estate off1 thle late à ecreattîo n ieV tewçs Sam McMillan, Lots 33 and'[ 34, -Con. 9, Hope Township, ane concession north and 2 miles By Douglas Rigg wvest of Eiizabethvillc, ta sell by public auctian, Saturday, Ocîob- er 251h at 1 p.ni., ahl -bis farmn Minor Hockey 4:00 p.m.-Ballet (6-8 vrs.) machinery, baled hay and bouse-I Due Ia the sniall regisYitration 4:30 p.m.-Primary Ballet hold effeets. Furtber particulars, in the Atoin Hockey League it 5:00 p.m.-Grade - Ballet see bills., Termis cash. Jack; bas been dccided to accept 5:30 p.m.-Junior Majorettes Reid, auctioneer. 42-2 boys seven years' of age as af 6:00 p.m.-Beginners Tap iAugust lst, 1958. Any boys in 6:30 p.m.-Senior Primary Auction sale af 300 head j Iis age group can pick up bac- Tap Aberdeen Angus catîle: 250 key forms at the Recreation 7:00 p.m.-Grade - Tap stockers and feeders; 50 reg- Office. We still nced about 30 7:30 p.m.-Teen Twirlers istered cows and bred beifers: boys to make up the six teani 8100 p.m.-lntermediate Ba- several government approved league. ton. bulîs; also calves suitable for Any' persan intcrcsted ln Children's Craftz 4-H- Club work; ta be sold by coachingq a Minor Hockey teain Any children interested ini public auclion on Thursday, is asked ta contact the Reerea- Joining the craft classes are October 301h at the Durham tion Office at MA 3-5761. We asked ta register at the Lions County Sale Arena, Orono. Sale stili need eîght coaches for the Community Centre Ibis coming ta commence promptly aI 1 p.m.' Minor Hockey tcams. Saturday. October l8th at 10:00 Further parliculars, sec bis. Home Nursing a.m. If there is enaugbi interest Terms cash. Jack Reid, auclion- There will be a short delay in this group instruction will eer. 42-2 in the sîarîing off the Home begin on Saturday, October Nursing Classes at MemoriRi 251h. Hereford Sale. 38 Head. Tenth Park. We hope 10 gel Ibis class Children's Tbeatre Annual Hereford Sale ai J. R.ý underway around bbc first wcek Any ebjîdren who are inter- Nokes & Son, one mile East off ini November. ested in joining the Cbildren's Manilla on No. 7 Highway on Dancing Class Theatre are asked ta be at t1lie Saturday, Oct. l8th. The seven Listed belaw are the' times Lions Centre tbis caminc Fri- bulls are eligîble for Govern- for the Wednesda,\ afternoorn day, October l7th. at 4:00 p.m. ment boanus off 331,% as IheY dancing classes under the di- Membership ta the Cbildren's averaged a daily gain off 2.85 rectian off Miss Irenie Harvey: Theatre is open toalal children Iba. Twenty females are bred 3:30 p.m.-Pre - School (31,- from five ta thirteen years off to T. W. Regent 27, whose 5 yrs.) age. progeny bas the low conversion rate of 3.79 grain versus beef. Many offered are show cattie. 1 Sale 1:30. Lunch available. ( Write for catalogue.. 42-1 LIbra y'ýBd. Purchases The undersigned bas reeeiv- ntruofiosateof he laIe Carl n Interesting Books cd o intrucetionsfro the lEe cu- McLaughlîn ta seli by public auclion on Saîurday, October 181h aI bis laIe residence, Lot To Sr vice Ail Readers 10, Concession 6, Cartwright Township, Iwo miles north. x% A meeting df bbc Bowman- Bowcr, reported that she went mile west of Blackstock. Sale ville Public Lîbrary Board was ta Taranto on September 7tb la commente. promptly. His held on Tuesday evening. Those la choose teen age books. Shie entire berd af Hereford caIlle, present were L. W. Dippeli, the selected 125 books off biography, swine, Iractor and tractar ma- ehairman, Mayor Nelson Os- Iravel, adventure, science and chinery; bay haler and bale borne, Glenholme Hughes, the sports. Il xvas aulhorized by the elevalor, mnilking machine, litter secretary-lreasurer: R. G. Harn- board thalt these books be bought carrier, baled bay and grain. lyn, George Vice and Miss Apha tram the Ken Werry Memonial Furîber particulars, sce bills.' Hodgins. Fund, and the.) will be in cir- Ternis cash, no reserve. Jack Mr. Vice, the propeî'ty chair- culation in 10 days. Reid, auctioneer. 41-2 man, said Ibat door mats for Mrs. Bowcr reported that 54 the main library and for the members had joined the libra- Trewhaven Dispersai, Wed- junior- section will he purchas- ry in September. Mrs. M. J. nesday, Oct. 22nd, 1 p.m., aI bbc cd. They will be placed in the, Hulebinson, the assistant l- tarmn located a hait mile soutb library Ibis monîb. brarian, reporbed on the bvzo off Blackstock, which is on Scu- A communication xvas receiv- Friday evenings during Septer.a- gag Road, 15 miles north off cd from Mrs. Nora Hornick off ber that the junior section was Bowmanville, or 7 miles east off the Salcm Public Sebool. She open nine books were taken out Part Perry on Highway 7A: 58 wrote Ihal she would like ta on the first and 12 books on1 females, 2 bulîs. Fully accredit- brntg ber six and seven year the second evening. cd, listed, vaccinated, purebred old. pupils 10 look tbrough the More Books Holstein. 4 very goad, many Junior section off the iibrary. Mr. Hamilyn submitted a list good plus. Records up to 845 The board decideci 10 arrange off 12 reference volumes which ft. This is anc off the out- that Mrs. Hornick and ber put- the board decided 10 buy. Thesrý standing herds ta be offered pils come 10 inspeet the junior books will improve the qualily Ibis year, a berd wilb high pro-,i section on a WednesdavT after- off the reierence section. A boni: duction, show type, good udders, noon. The board is pleased ta lisI wNv-s a'so presented by Mr. nany are young and due araund encourage interest ini the li- Dippell, thr' chairmani, and 1? sale lime. Thc top producer is a brar.v. and vil glacllv arrangel was deci6.ed ta purchase the Il V.G. daughlen off Bond Haven for visits froni othier townshipý books lic reeomimended. Mrs. 1-ut R. A. Maple with a record off Isehool groups for Wcdnesday l chinsn submittd a list off 30 4 yr. 2X, 19,153-845-4.41%, aftern oons. books for the junior section and Lulu V.G. has a liftime total off Ken Werry Fund the board gave autbority for 150,000 Ibs. milk. A teature is, The librarian. Mrs. F. W. their purchase. the Sr. Sire Honeyvale Lockîn- var who seils wilh a lovehy graup off 2 andi 3 yr. old dàu ght- crs, santie tram Ex. and V .U. dams. There are inany gaod cow tamilies in Ibis berd, a lovely groiwp off Younîg caIlle sir- cd by' Raeland Refleclion Sos'- ereign and Honeyvale Lochi a- van. Manv are carryiag service of Bond Haven R.A. Maple. Plan ho attend Ibis sale. Own- crs-J. G. Trewin & Son, R.R. 1, Burkelon Station, Ont.Sl Manager, A. Mike Brubacher,1 276 Meirose Ave., Kitchener.1 41-2 M viss Ada Dadson, leani cap- ltin --Miss B. Dilliag, Mns. l-arry Blind DdoMs uryAas mUChiarles Mutton, r.G fil BIM1Z10 t Clarke, Mns. William Edmond- (Coîîtiaued ffram naze oe o.rMs hre aoMs Sihould ie canvasser rniiss oun LaCeiAln, M s. Vc Acder. panticular home, you are r- M . Leroy Short. Mrs. Leslie quested ta leave your dontaloti Piper, Mis. Clary King. at aoie off thie local batiks onrnmailj Mr. George Vice, teani captain 1 direct ho Chainman Donal dH. 1 _ns. S. B. EhliotI, Mrs. L. IWilliam-s, Box 156, Bowmaa-I Lufiman, Mrs. G. Vice, Mn. A. ville. I i -t !h.'ii rs Colin Titylor. frl,,luing 1.îa partiâl l i ýAtOff 1 liitinî (rydernibn, heauu COli ~o in t Ille kiuutiil 'jl captaîu -1I. L. C. Maouii, Mrs. blitz: 1iElletx'uCnlferon. lv. l utchin- Mns. C. Trewin. te.auu captajul soli, I\irs. Roy McMullen, I'vrs.: -Mrs. Don Marsdeiî. Mus. Jack Chiistina Dunn, Mns. Ross; Duan, Mrs. Rance Dillung, Mrs.' Adam;, Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Stuart James. Mus. Don Bop. Mrs. R. Welsh, Mr«. Jac k Bry- Miss Ivy HarkIey. Mis. O Plum- son. Mns. C. W. B. Tait, Mrs. J. mer, Mns. Pery Greetiflehd, .1. Curldahee, Mr,. E. PalIer. i, Mrs. Russ Oke. Mnrs. Ralph1 Mrs. R. Pahfield, Mrq. F. C. Ames, Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mns. ICnowe, Mrs. Harold Lake. Mms. Garnel Gobeen. i T. F. Rehder, Mrs. Fred Smith, Miss Mary Jewell, team Mrs. James Fair, Mrs. Jas. G. captain-Mrs. Ross Grant, Mrs. Marlyn, Mrs. Kenneth Hull, Mn. E. Laird, Mrs. S. McMurter, Mrs.I E. W. Bradley. K. McQuarrie, Mrs. W. Reyn- Mrs. Armistead, team captain olds, Mrs. H. Saunders, Mrs. B. -Miss Vivian Sadier, Mrs. Ed- Syers, Mlrs. G. Webster, Mrs. M.; win Wood, Mrs. A. Watson, Mrs. J. wight. 1 Gordon ElliotI. Mrs. Jack Danch. Mnr-. Reita Hobbs. trani cap- 1Musz. Sani McAlliqten, Mus. Ara- ta;in %,Ir:,. ll ate-. *%r.-. ld Lobb. Miss Olive Parton. Jui Ra;- maii,.iMrs. A. Goodinadn, Mra. Donald William:, teami Municipal Couacil ta discuss an agreement on the apportioning af line roads for upkecp. Instructions were given re- garding a communication ta ba sent ta the Arcs Public Sebool Board contaiaing reports of the roof leakinx snd rain caming in arouad bbc windows ai 1hc new ciassroom off the Mitchell Corners School. This ciassroonî was built withixi the last two mon tbs. captain-Mrs. W. A. Edgar, Miss Madlyn Wihcox, Miss Louise Os- borne, Miss Florence Gardiner, Chakude Kilmer, Ron Hethering- ton, Cari Leslie, Lamne Van Driel. Mr. Howard Gibson, team caplain-Mrs. M. E. Leask, Mrs. Harold Hetîaing, Mrs. Alvin Richards, Mrs. T. Wideman, Mrs. D. R. Alldread, Mrs. Victor Jeftery. Miss I. Davis, team caplain- Mrs. Murray Woods, Mrs. J. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Robert Davies, Mrs. L. Lyle, Mrs. F. Cale, Mrs. A. Lobb, Mrs. Vie Miller, Mrs. Elmer Banting, Mirs. Cea. Johns- taxn, Mrs. Ted Butcry, Mrs. L. Lucas. Miss Dora Purdon, Ieam cap- tain-Mrs. Mcl Moore, Mrs. Jim, Crombie, Mrs. Bruno Miller, Mrs. Carl Devitt, Mrs. Howvard Bradley, Mns. Stanley Duan, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Arthur Falls, Mrs. Wm. Slaght, Mrs. Ronald Richards. Mr:3. Clarence Oke, Mrs. Peler Batbgate. Mr. Jim Bell, team capta la- Mrs. Wm. Whitehecad, Mrs. Kari Hall, Jack Dunn, Mrs. Marjorie Stout, Miss Marjorie Coueh.- Mrs. Gardon Montgomery, Mrs. Nor- man Allia, Mrs. J. Marr, Mrs. R. Kent, Mrs. Ross Sînike, Mrs. Joan Mann, Mrs. John Enîmer- son, Mrs. Glemi Landen, Mr. How- ard Jeffery, Mrs. Reg. Cramp, Mns. Garnet McCoy, Mrs. Rau Alder. Mrs. R. Hawthorne, tean capîaia-Mrs. H. Hammond, Mrs. D. Rigg, Mrs. R. Hilditch, Mns. J. Farrow, Mrs. C. MeDon- aid. Mrs. Glexa Martyn, !.'rs. Alex Cameromi, Mrs. F. Kooy, Mrs. J. Colville. Teani Captain George Brown's lîsI will appear next week. OBITUAY MýEREDITH ENGLISH John Meredith Engîlli, fformn- crly off Cartwrightî Township, ?tîîered ini resl aI Port Penny Comniunity Hospital Tuesday,l Sept. 23, 1958, ini bis 6Ib year, toliowiag scycral moathu off ffailing healîli. He was bbc only son ai bbc laIe Daniel and Elizabeth (De- vibI) English. He is survived by Ilîrce sistens, May (Mms. Fred Wilhan), Bowmaaville; Evelyn. Nestieton Station,,aîîd Florence (Mis. T. A. Stinson). Toronto. Mr. Eîîglish cnjoyed out -door liffe sucli as camping, 1i 1ng hunting and converting bis a int xeffonstry, Friciay, Sept. 26, former iriends neîghbouns and relatives as- sembled aI bbc MeDermoît - Panabaker funenal chapel whîcre service \vas conductcd by Rev. Phiiip Ramenil off Blackstock Unîited Chunch. Ititerment wai ia Union Cern- clery. Cadmus. Paillbeaners wene Creilhton Devitt. Lavenne Dev- itI, Howard Milison, Onn Veti- aing. Statnley Palmaleer aud Ross Palmateer. MORRISH Regulan church service ivas helci at 10 a.m. on Thaaksgiviag Sundav.. Tlhe Rev. A. W. Hard- ing offficiatcd. There ivas s tain congregation aIsa a full junior choir bo lead bbc siagiag. Un- tortunabely bhe ongan baq just about givea up and failed ta nesond ta the gea île persuasion off thie orgcanist so the piano was requisilianeci. Hyma lunes verc familiar, the singing was hcarty, and tew missed bbc deeper bancs off the argan. Instead af bbe usuel sermon the Rev. A. W. Hardiag gave us a ffew details off the praceediags off bbe Gen- eral Couneil off United Church. ils steady progreus, churc1aex- tension, especielly in fthc aorlh. Young people are taking greater itercFt in their chrrn. More candidates fo,- the mitîistr ' art, comitîg forwand. Financiall\- andi spinitually the Unîited Chunch is growing. Sunda v Sciîaol. wax held aI il arn. with 45 present. The session wPs conducteci by suîper- itîtenclett Mis. Fred \IcConnel]. There will he no Sundav School uitil Novetiber 2. it beiag witb- dnaxvn. Ioerable members Io attend anx-rev servie-s At WeFle1vville on the 1911î aad Wcl- corne on tihe 2611î, if tbev so We wrlcorne hn Ibis inei.-hbon- baod 1%n1. and Mrs. Egas andi ffamily who have rccently movcd tram Pennytowa. We wisb bbem nîanv liappy yeats ia Ibis com- Mur. Neil Atîder'oru off \\itcd. oi- Ont., 'liellt the lût tg, teeIt t-t wullu his k ther. Mrý, Fraul: Andersonu. lis brother atci fam- Mrq. Ninnifý F. M\cHolm nsnAntr a fe'x-davs îc'cent1ly with Mns. Marv Ualnv-. Newxtonville. Miss Vivia,î Mitchell anci a 'V- moaci wene guesîs off thein cou- sins, Joan. Ruth, June and Ar- thur Marvin on Sunday. Joan Marvin, Betty Rimsik and Elaine Anderson were Sun- day visitons with Mrs. M. E. Mc- Hom. Mn. Isazie McConneli lu a pat- ient in our local haspital for a cbcckup. lHe k estiagcom- fnrIpbl >v Panfd selIl h. rnef uun~ home in a àshort tinie we tru.jt.I R'ose Bush Draw Held Aids Cerebral Pals y Township Will Discuss APossibility of Establishing and have been t.remendous help since. On variaus occasions Mns. T-hrasher anid Mr. Fletcher have gone to Simoe Hall in Oshawa, where the sehool is held ta take mavies of the ebjîdren at worlc and physiotherapy. The par- ents af these handicapped chile dren are lndeed grateful. This school for the handicap- ped which serves the area frrnm Ajax ta Newcastle and north to Columbus is the only ans of lis kind fram Kingston to To. ronto. There are twa quaitied teachers and a physiotheraplat. Dr. R. A. Gill, noted Oshawa Speciahist gives reguiarly of his time, gratis. The schoal equipment Io ope- cialized. for eaeh individuil child, adapted ta partleularly suit bis nced, consequently la very expensive. The equlpment for Physiotherapy has been mainly danated by service clubs in the ares. The children are transported by taxi each dlay, Monday through Friday and school lu in session frous ,9 ta 11:45 a.m. WHAT OTHERS SAI BEWARE HITCHHIKERS Ontario Safely Leagué Most snakes are harmlesa. And masl hlîcbhikcrs are 'decect people. But if you pick bhem up eoasistenîiy yau have only yourselt ta blanie iff you gel a snake with a raIlle in ils lail, or a bitchihiker wilh a blackjack in bis pockel. Don't gives rides ta sîrcingers. DECLINING EAGLE London Free Press Uncle Sam bhas anoîber worry. While the eagle may seneain aven the Formosa Strait il is growing scarcer at home. PatIx-- olie Amexicans wvill join oî*ni- Ihalogisîs un worryiîîg about the decline in numrbers off bbc nation- al embleni. They will also wonder if there is something symbolie in the t.heory that modemn science may be responsible. Ornîtholagisbs tear that bbc bald eagle ini the U.S.' is becomiag sîcrile and, blame widespread use off DDT' for bbe condition. la Ibis anoth- er example ai the eagie's ina- bility ta cape with the nîarch ai science? HAVING IIT TOO SOFT Calgary Herald. Il is entirely natural thal par- ents should wish ta give their eilîdren more thian w~as their fortunie durntg the formatv ycars. But bhîcre is a danigeri in giving 100 much, 100 easily and boa carly. Il could promole a 1 ie e ai values bliat won't souare wibb the bard tacts off lite when adulthood is reached, Youtîgstcrs who are physic- ally able ta parlicipate ia sparts, but who prefer ta devote sanie off Iheir leisure lime tb sotter pursuits, are missing a good deal. The lessons leamnied on tie playing field-tcamwork, di*sci- pline. sacrifice, fellowsbip and fair play-pay dividendas in la- ter lite. SETS AN EXAMPLE Vaneouver Province Onîe ai bbc world's youngest free counîries is setting an ex- ample that same off ils eiders migbht protitably walch. The lalesI achievement ai Mn. Kwane Nkrumah's government in Ghana us bhe negotialion af $20,000.000 in credils tram Israel aven the nexl six ycars. Il will provide sanie off the capital the new independent member off bbe Commonwealth uiceds, and il will be repaid out off bhe gex- eral expansion aithie ecoaomny. What is inlercsbing about this deal is Iliat Mr. Nkrumah con-1 tinues at the same lime ta main- tain fniendly relations wiIh bbc Arab countnies. THE CODFISH 'L*WAR" Saint John Telegraph-Journal ilThe fishîng limita dispute be- tween Iccland and a group ai Europcan countries, off whomn Britain bas broughl mallers te a head by senditîg ini lrawlers under naval protcction, bas gone on for abotiî long enoughi. Sa far there bias been relatively litîle ili.tceiag shown betweexi Ihase an the spat and on severa. occasions elements ai comedy have been introduced, as for example the crews ai British trawlers and Icelandie gunboats pelting one anoîher wibh cod snd haddock. However, il seenis ta bc time ta scek an authomitative ruling froni a competent saure and, if passible, ta arrange a Iemporary conmpromise while Ibis is being obtained. TOTOOT, TOOTSIE, GOODBYE! New York Herald-Trîbune 1Tragcdy lias, struck ovir cit3'. Toots Shior's Restaurant is com- ing down, and tbausands wiil b. homneless. The old watering hale on 5sit Street, where the motley figures ai sport and showbiz rubbcd - and raiseti -lbows wben Yankee Stadiuni and Stihi.man's Gym closed up for thc day, has been bought b3r Webb & Knapp, wha plan te build a iuxury hoîci aon the site. Thus lime sweeps ouI axiother litîle cortner oi the past. Il was in Mnî. S1i's oasis that the spirit of Damon Runycin and Jimmy Walker survivede stubbornly, in a changing tOwil. LThere the guys and dollis made their last stand, secure in' the knowledgc Ibal tbc boss wms not a mani la quish Uic's littie Ipleasures. ROANS RAD BID4IB BBC Londoni Letter Every dalr hundreds et sight- -ers visit the Guildhall Museurt in the City of London. Cani. paratively recent exhibia art the Roman remainis fram the Temple of Mithras diseovered in 1953 when excavations were being carried ouIt t lay the foundatian ai a ruew building. "'What I hound most fascinaI. ing", said Wyn Griffith ixi a broadeasl, '"were the omdinary thîings af cvcryday lite, that in ta say, thet lîhigs that people uscd 2,000 years ago. Saine of [Ithen-a are raîber surprising: a leatber bikini and step-in, hor inîstance; sandals and sbaes that mg have came from Bond -Sre;cupu and dishes and knives and cullery, eyebrow tweezcrs, carnings just hike a pair off Mexican ones bliat myr fwiffc lias,, and especialhy the carpenters' snd blacksmiîhs' I bols". Batik off Commerce, W. L. King, N ew Manager ir ogin o rn h a accontan atthe branch af Cie akes OverCanadian Bank off Commerce in Mr. Kinîg, vhîo was barr ini N ext W eek Victoria Roýad, Victoria Counbyr sîarted bis business career as A. L. Hooey, thc new mana- a junior in the Stanîdard Bank ger off the Bowmanvilie Braîîci in Kirk field. He received his off the Canadiqn Bank off Col"i education in Victoria Road an.d merce, will bake over his dutics Kirkfield. He is actively inter- here ncxt Mondas', Octobe r1 estec int curling, golf, and fish- 201h. He succeeds H. G. Hacz-! in,". And lie i3 an açtive meim- ing. wbn lias bec en i anager ber of the Lions C#ub. off thie Canadian Bank orf Con- Mr-. and Mrs. King Nvill re. mierce Bowmaniville. Mr. Hace- ",ide in tthe hank houzr on Main iîîg and bhis famlilv are Ieavi1 Street, Orono. Theyhae W Bowmanville on saturday for' childrenMrln g 1Ghd Collingwood. Mr. Hacking ha,! Nncy ariyn a16.,~n been appoiîîted manager off tahe16 large brancb off the bank there. Mn. Hooey is wvLl known i_ i MANVERS STATION thîis d rit.le lias been iî ~ a.ger off the Orono Branci of the Canadian Bank off Comn-I Fr:j-ices Johnston, Tor. merde for four anîd a 1131! vea"ýs onta; Mr. Allari Johnstan, Sarn. Hie 5 a native orf Cartw,ýrigbht ia. and Mnr. and Mrs. Knox Mac. Towiwhîp, and sdarled bis ban.:- Leod and hil.Amiasten, spent i'ig career ith"il the Standar ic'le wecknd vth Mr. and Mrs. Bank orf Canada in Blackzstock.IA]f;rec John ton. He x'.as iîîadr mntager o,'\îr andi Mr!. Wi1nlot foier, the Clarcmont branch off t1,e Marlyn, Judy and Mis. Laura Car adian Bank af Comlmere' ýHarner were Sunday dinner in 1937 and spent several ycars icuests vitb Mr. and Mrs. Stan- therp. He ai.so was manager o! ,j'y McCabe. Lotus. thie Woodville Branch for eigbt Mr. andi Mrs. WVm. Stiner and heî bffrc eir iponetfaoil1v, Tornto, were weekend iniag.-. lit Or(uico. l\l. Iu~ViStiijiL pdant h v~;toî~.viitlî Mr. and Mrs. Frank flîmpe ehýildrern. Wa -e.i 8. a Mius Macli.ýe Boggs and 1\is zstLuden4 t e Veeiti Uies London. ont., Neil. 14. a4-;ciaPre pn evdy dent aI B3omanville HiNî ta M ndre-a. EýiztCv SelîoalI. and Cathrvn. age 11. a . aîiMs tn. a'n nupýl off Central Pubfl'c Scîoo:rtteiided bbe aloughing match at here. Crysler on FridaY. Mr. and Mns. Honoeyv and their Mrs. W. Bradley &rd Ross famiv pan o noveta ow-visiled with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. manville on Tuesday. Oct 231h Bkr saa ae h al They wilhl ake up reuidence In d, weekend. the aparîmenî over thc bank. Ufr. M. Baskerville and Miss They are members off the Orono Leatha Montroy, Toronto, warm United Church. Mr. Haooey ,, weekend guesîs with Mr. and keenlv 'inlerested l i sports. Mt's. W. N. Porter. p)artieuiarlyý hockey and base- Mr and Mre. Eard Argue "rid bal].' Mr. C-i Argue wcre Sunday Thi- nrw ninaC-r nI' 01P 0'- CIs..c.ith ?Ir.and Mr. Litec ana Brancli af the Cinadian ,Beatty, Suiplîlde- Through the klndness and generosiîy off Mr. A. Fletcher, owner ai the Roscry Nursery, $271.65 wvas rcalized tram tie Rose Bush draw on 38 rose bush- es donatéd by hlm for the Osh- awa District Cerebral Palsy School and Clinie. The drawv wms made at the Lions Centre, Oct. 9 aI the meeting aithie Oshawa - Bowinanville Movie Club off which Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Thrasher and Mr. Fletcher are valued members. The winners were: 1. 12 rose bushes, won by Ronald Gauld, 35 Teinperance St., Bowman- ville. 2.-9 rase bushes, J. Mca- chia, Waverley Rd.. Bowmai-- ville. 3.-6 rose bushes-Mrs. N. Frizzell. 227 James St., Oshawva. 4.-4 rose bushcs-Mrs. Jack. Crago, N.weastle. 5.-2 rose bushes - Mrs. Lamna Trimble, 262 Kinx St. E., Oshawa. 6.-3 rose busheï, won by seller off first lickel-Mrs. D. Clarke, 35 Temperance St., Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher start- cd the fund for the school and clinie aI à sbowing off saine films in the Legion Hall in 1953,1 municipal Police Force 1 i»Ar.r. >TrmlrrvCwýft 1

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