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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 20

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PAGE UVUETI TEE CANADIAI~ STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL~, ONTARIO TKURSDAY, OCT. l6th, 1~5B Need Faioth and High %c -To Continue Our DeveJ District Governor TelIls The importance of four dif- ferent parts o! the Rotary prô- gram was stressed by Ed. L. Ruggles, Cobourg, the District Governor, who was the special speaker itt the luncheon meet- ing o! the Bowmanville Rotary Club held at the Balmoral Hotel on Friday. Mr. Ruggles was making an official visit ta the club. In introducing Mr. Ruggles, Rex Walters, president o! the Bowmanville Club, pointed out that it is only once a year that mnembers o! the Bowmanville Rotar-y Club have the oppor- tunity o! listening to an address by the district governor. His official visit has been especially anticipated by the members, he said. Mr. Walters told the meeting that Mr. Ruggles was born in Regina, Sask., and received his early education there. He at- tended the University o! Sa- skatchewan in Saskatoon and graduated as a civil engineer in 1935. He entered geological survey work for the federal government that same year. Mr. Ruggles joined Burt Arch- er, Ltd. in 1937, and has re- mained with this firm ,ever since, Mr. Walters said. In 1946, he moved to the Montreal head- quarters o! the comDany, and took Up residence in Cobourg in 1951 when the executive offices Edgar L. Ruggles o! Burl Archer were moved to that town. He is vice-president and general manager o! the company. Prominent in Communlty Service The president o! the local Rotary Club told o! the prom- iner.t part Mr. Ruggles takes in Community service in Cobourg. LIQUOR INTERES ADAI You, the cilizens of Bowmanville, are being a, once more, within a short period of three years, fo pro more liquor outiets here. The strategy of the pro-alcohol group in our tov and their backers the brewers and distillers - is tob down your resistance by the ding-dong frequency ofJ threats to the well being of our people. We know ihat you will not be deceived by tactics and that you will put the besi interesis of yourf and your family ahead of the financial gain of the Ii interesis here - and oui of iown. Let us face up fo the liquor problem as if affects of our lives. Your Citizens Committee will present the1 of the situation each week in these columns from nowi the date of the voie, Nov. l9th. We ask now for1 support and active participation so that we, a volun group, may make the best fight possible fo keep Bowu ville a good place in which to live. HELP PRESERVE OUR TOWN'S FIN EST ASSI ITS LOCAL OPTION STATUS FUNDS ARE NEEDED FOR THE CAMPA PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY *1~ Use the coupon below and pin it ta your contribution. (A receipt w mailed ta you). If you can't give cash give your services. To Mrs. M. E. Leask, Treas. Citizens' Cominittee 65 Ontario Street Bowmanville Find enclosed the sum of-- ----- I caxi give my services as: (Driver, Canvasser, Babysitter, Scrutineer) Signed Address __________Phone_______ The Eowmanvâle Citizens' ""VOTE NO" Commiti Opposed ta Looser Liquor Contrais ALEX McGREGOR CAI'T. N. COLES MRS. M. E. LE, IPresiden.t Manager Treasurer E NGroup 5, wt uIIJINI1I1FI1Ne Standardsmented onth may make aj but one match c lion trees", clos lopmentwith the poem, were enjoyed1 The guest R otary eeig r eBoard of Con- and the original group of Rotar- falkmogave rai nunity Concert ians. A sound organization has also showed pi ewith the Y.M. been buiît on a firm founda- Margwell Fur etary o! the Co- tion. Many men who have Langmaid on b uts Association. proven themselves as leaders dies, thanked' Ld the Montreal have worked toward the great for his enlighti 1946 and has achievments of our organîza- A contest wz ig work as a tion. They have brought aPar Lec a past president wealth o! experience to Rotary.PerLac Rotary Club. "This year our Rotary Inter- served by the tive o! Rotary national President, Cli!! Ran- tendance 35. ave looked for- daîl, has given us a challlenging Mrs. Stan t. My position message. He asks us what we the missionaryi rnor was given can do here and now to make day School, Si lubs in Rotary Rotary more meaningful for our- A Thanksgivinj Iappreciate the selves and others." and a film of erve Rotary i Four Circles Eskimos wass *uggles said. He enga egnMiI ie lîson readin hep an cacha- diagrams. To me Rotary is ex- Snary S by WadteraDe- emplified by four concentric 10:30 o' clk [le p atedsrict- circles. The inner circle on my t:obr 19. T ill, pst istictchart, while the smallest, is yet er1, T extremely important. It is the church service. at Record core of Rotary, the individual MssanMar members. The education andMis arln 1heard the his- development of a Rotarian Hall o! Oshai many tumes, SO should start from the time he is Shortt, Courti( tit now. But I invited to sigri an application Yellowlees, M: rthwhile to look card. His sponsor has an obli- Yellowlees wei i ta e m and y gation, as do other club meni- Sunday evenir .ntîn.man y ber s, to help the new man to Mrs. Ralph Da ineo. t s eî become a cledicated Rotarian. The C.G.I.T. pe i doe to 'The principles of Rotary are Saturday after s bingdon tocarried out in the second circle, J. Knox and Tý .eals o! service your places of business and pro- as new leaders and profession- fessions. There you have an president, oper opportunity to instill our high and Fat Knox years of service standards, and give service to ship service w ful. This is due other people who are flot Ro- and Gail Bake o! the founder tarians. The degree o! action Reed gave an ini the second circle depends to a onl the C.G.I. great extent on what has been plaining the1 accomplished in th first." program-cheri Mr. Ruggles placed emphasis truth, know G on service above self as typical ohters. Under of a good Rotarian. He spoke o! Mrs. E. Ho elo quently on the Rotary ideals enjoyed makii o! service, and stated that com- foami rubber.1 Rotn.gay Cliub. Meadig a iss Bett e He Gsrietesub Crcsi ads be t5t e o oHe erreubwto as e rd Mrs.ertedF by thle i gra etEnsteainMr. adBrs inhch te notedhe omnti hSrober gvedi1 staerty tpeplub.y refa-Mniv esay Fo igteGreatest crisis i itr.ber 12andh wC THediscoery d o!atoemic enaerg M. adMs bhuleasthe greateEist renJr. and mly. Lkdin th hstory o manind.Nt h-dS. b dt ing wielge aet c n itry oga !T )videe icunery f tandi-bet een gest. angr "sUnderstandigi the kceey Mr.and Mr wor o th furt Rtsr ce r and Deba, Bc ithe hRotary sheo ! anind.e N Sunaygust is wrlwie.abWe have otry L DldsoorTae ra ecptofosteru stnddinbteguPrest. rsal differtparts o! Canada and Mr. and Mr: theiroftthe c ou Rt aries. Ce.arolyn, EBa wnHeluspthoe o the plendd wonk Mr. aH.Freia doone y teloarlyouno wavite I in awa ordn eoshnis fo rkyerm a ireakbristudy abr s od. ehellfow- Frana Goodk suhi cha i reactoyn, nin THs projectiof t reend ouks .H ria ton bvlu t Rotary dFongat- wvstdI re ah ing e 00 per centfmrCyemn quor as arlubawih an action o! This 0 ro each m o tembero- fownwalds the Rotary adF onat- Fellowships."j Apex o! Pyramid each In closing Mr. Ruggles assert- ed that "today we are standing facis at the apex o! the pyramid o! human development. We are heirs to, ail man has done, untildreamed, fought and died for, and we need faith and high your standards to live, as well as an Y abiding faith in the future and in the progress of mankind." nieer in thanking Mr-. Ruggles for hîs fine address Rex Walters i n-stated that members o! h Bw man- manville Rotar-y Club realîze that the affairs o! Rotary Dist- rict 707 are in excellent hands. N Hesaid heUwa1sure alNoha Iing to -Mo)ndàa-y.The -re-maàin-der of the evening was enjoyed playing games and contests, which were arranged by Donna Vice. Lunch was served by the group in charge.- Thersdayn'shtInstitute metL Thusda nihtwith Mrs. E. R. Taylor, president, in the LC chair. During the business dis-- cussion period Mrs. Rae Pascoe, assistant leader of the new 4-H Blitz Club girls pro-ject "Working- Xithi Wool", spoke briefly o! as fa the Leaders Training School in Bowmanville. which she, with Mrs. E. Spires, Mrs. Don Taylor and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, * attended. Mrs. Clifford Naylor o! Columbus, will open the ba- - zaar on Wcdnesday evening, Oc- Iobcr 15. Mrs. E. Spircs and M..' Ralph Davis wvere named toi tee ý5ccure and scnd a cen brance to the sister Institute, Bilton, in England, as they ob- serve their twenty-first anni- versary. The letter froni BiltonIfC W.Iwas read by Mrs. E. I Spires. There will be a quiltjng on November 19 and Farnuly or mi ASK night wviI1 bc held on Novem- ber 14. The roll rail. "A Can- r adian tree and its use", wa_ fairlv well answercd. Mrs EVance, leader oi 1Neigiboirs Ulub' will meet Friday night, October children visited at Mr. Frank 17. Mr. Graham Neilson of Sini- Burrows. Oshawa, and Mr. D. coe Hall, Oshawa, will be the N. Spires, Toronto. speaker and Miss Peggy Ring, Mr. and Mrs. R. Eakins and talented Scottish dancer will children;, Mr. Newell. were Sun- also entertain. Everyone will day tea guests of the Werry's be welcome. at Roselandvale. Other guests Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryd er- durinig the weekend were Dr. man and children were Sunday George Werry, Donald and Car- guests -of Mrs. S. Rundie and olyn, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jean, Bowmanville. Harry Grooms, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, and farnily visited Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, visited at Harold Pas- Howad Frro, SarkIl. coes. Howad Frrow Strkvile. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker at- were Friday night guests of Mr. tended the church service. ut and Mrs. Michael George in To- Harmony. Sunday morning ronto. when their grand-daughter Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and tha Jean Smales, was christen- Mrs. Addie Tink visited tle ed. They were guests of Mr. Pickering Funeral Home, Sun- and Mrs. Jim Smales after the day, where they paid their last service, respects to the late Arthur Tay- Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder lor. and Helen were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray, En- field, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glaspell, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and children, Mr. Oli- ver Glaspell, Mr. Wilbert Glas- peli, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy.o Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice, Miss Donna Vice and Francis John- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice, Mr. E. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons. spent Friday evening with Mr. andfo i Mrs. Harold Jebson and Dor- e othy, at Columbus, before they 1 leave to make their home at: Beaverton, later this month. And besides it pay s to bi where SERVICE is dei Z USED ORELECTRICAL RPA'ýS AFEXCEPTIONALLY GOCiD, S e ilT i 1956 PLYM __________ à__ Pli,___Custom radi( ELECRICA cONRAcTNG~One owner car W IRING - REPAI.S «, __________ONLY $ I ood variety of late o BACKACHE' ALL AT REM May b. Warning ]BUY NOW Backacbe is oten caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, eaces acidsanmd wa&tea remain inthc e t otem he a dedutmheayydio b so inbe ethor tm.thtied- nhaR o b -s- headed feeling may soon follow. That'sm the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. i Dodd'a 8bimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better-sleep BUICK - PONTIAC - better-work better. Get Dodd'à 166 King St. E. Boi Kidney Pilli aow. 59 NO HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN DURKETON BLACKSTOCK CAESAREA NEWCASTLE NE WTON VILLE COURMIE TYRONE KENDAL LESKARD NESTLETON anvasser misses you please leave your donation ai any of the local banks iail fo Mr. Donald H. WVilliams.' Chairman, Box 156 Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. L. Preston and -sons, Bowmanville, , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang-maid and children, were Sunday tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Langmaid. Gordon Pascoe was home from Gaît for Thanksgivîng weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lets ard daughters were Sun- day tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer. Blackstock,-- Mr. and M1rs.. 'g.'Scar-. borough, Mr. Chaî'Alin Bowmanville. were Bundav, guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Wes Yellowvlces and sons. -. Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees at- tended a shower honoring Joua Reynnard, bride-to-be, at ti e home of Mrs. Mur~ray Larmer, Bowmanvill e, Friday night. larN vy from a Certified Dealer pendable and guaranteed. CARS_ Week! ýOUTH 2-Dr. io, low mileage. r, locally owned. 1495 lels front which to choose >UCED PuICES - AND SAVE MoPJOs ited G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER wmanvifle MA 3-3321 ONE CAL ~5 v expects to go BLIND one expecis to go hlind yet every year hundreds af Canadians lose their ti through accidents, diseases and other causes. ough confined to life in the shadows, these people are not isolated front the world around ithanks to you. Vour dollars have provided many specialized services to the blind of this nunity and surrounding district. egh the C.N.I.B., Braille and Talking Books are provided to the sightless; Home Teachers uct the blind in reading, writing and crafts; recreation activities and devices provide pleasur- pastime; counselling and guidance from F ield Secretaries, assist not only the blind but y'who are suffering from. faulty vision. YOUR HELP is needed. Our District Annual Blitz Campoign takes place on Monday, October IOth 7 to 8 p.m LEAVE TOUR PORCHLIGHT ON TO WELCOME TOUR VOLUNTEER CANVASSER - 'PLEASE BE GENEROUS - )CAL OBJECTIVE - M - - $4000' zCanipaign Canvass takes place in Eowmanville and surrounding district ollows: M ýPAM 1 Tnz cANAnun sTATmmm. nowmANviLLe orërAiuo THURSDAY, OCT. lôth, 1958

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