"MoeC»?ADtAjN SATESMN.goIA = N M Too Many Urnited Churches Says Speaker At Oshawa Presbytery Meet There are too mnany Unitedi marks also touched on recruit- Churches in some rural areas, i ment for the ministny. claimed Rev. J. F. Lane. presi- He said there were more dent of the Bay of Quinte Con- Iministerial candidates today ference of the United Church than at any other time. o! Canada, in an addness to the "'We are slowly gaining Oshawa presbytery last week. ground, but it will be some time He said this was partly due before we are out of the woods," to deletd rralpopulation. he added., "The only thing keepîng sor e of e nte d Clsohrch's churches open today is senti- ports o h ntdCuc' rnent," he obsenved. "People l8th General Council held in don't want to sec the churches Ottawa last month. Local comn- in hie thir othrs ndfa- missioners to the council wno thnr wichihe moes ndspoke were Mrs. W. C. Ives, thrs uvrshpped Close. Mrs. J. H. McKinnev, H. W. ChurhesTo Cose Hoskin and W. S. Pogson. Trhe horse-and-buggv days are gone and churches are too close to each other in these, days if eilinSiio fast cars he said. eteo Sain *He urged laymen ta work to- wards the losure of superflu- Mrs. Dowding and Mrs. Gladys ous chunches and the strength- H-orton retunned this week fromn ering af kev congregations. their cottage at Sturgeon Lake, The confe-ence pDresident Thurstonia where they spent the spoke of the "upsurjge of lav- summer. rnen's interest" in the church. Mrs. George Forder was a He believed they could assist visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Han- ministers even more. citing old Crawford. Blackstock. famnily visiting as an examp1e% Kitchener Burton spent a few Mr. Lane noted $6.800.000 had days in Bnockville where he was been 5set as the United Church's a guest at the. wedding of his targcet for missionary work this nicce Miss Jacqueline Metcalf year. The target for 1960 is $10,- ta Cecil Marshall on Saturday. 000,000. Miss Marilyn Jackson was a -That's onlv peanuts compan- pretty bridesmnaid at the saine ed with what is being spent on ceremony. liquor and tobacco.", he said. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. More Candidates G. Langfeld, Mildred and f am- Mr. Lane's wide-ranging re- -ily on Thanksgiving wene Mr. Wampole's Extraet 1.50-2.75 Neo Chemnical Food 0 Halibut 011 Caps ---- 1.95 - 3.45 - 7.65 i Capsules 1.15 - 2.29 - 4.29 AlphametteS 1.00 - 1.85 - 3.50: One-A-Day Multiple Vi Cal Fer Vitamins and Caps 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.9j5 - 7.95 i Minerais 1.95 - 4.95 VaumSPECIALS DeBant Bottles edrn 79e 63c sîze Colgates Paste 1.25 __________Free Lustre Creme Sham. 00ASA. 63c size Palmolive Shave Cr. Nives Tablets Free Bail Point Pen Creme 49c 69c - 1.25 ___________63c size Gleem Tooth Faste .. ________ BufferinFree Nail ScrubDepHa Tablets 89e Brlsk Tooth Paste Rub 39c-79c-1.23 Free - 5 asst. Combs 98c 89e COLGATES PASTE and NYLON HAIR BRUSH Both for 89c 98e Lustre Creme - 79e 1.10 Lustre Creme- 89C Enden ShampOO 98c-1.69 35 0 29 , 5.49 S'u îtîu 8e Larvex Spray Prevenis Moih fDamage 1 .09 m-1.69 COWLINGIS PHRONE G TO E FIT MA 3-569sý DRUG T R TRUSSES TRIS'THUES. TO SAT. - OCT 16 - 18 Sal. Malinee 2 p.m. PThe Taîl Stranger" Actionful Western in Deluxe Clai with JOEL McCREA AND VIRGINIA MAYO also "Johnny Trouble" Good family entry starring ETHYL BARRYMORE "Straiîger" nt 7 and 9:50> "Johnny Trouble" at 8:30 NEXT MON. TO WED. - OCT. 20 - 22 Excell ent drama of love and wvar for adults Two completeshows at 7 and 9:15 CONqING NfOV. 5 -6 (-Wed. - Thurs. 8 p.m.) In Some Areas Skating Club Plans * Many New Activities» 0f Interest to Members and Mrs. Philip Langfeld and four daughters ,Toronto, Mt. and Mrs. Georgs Seagrove,_ Peter- borough, Miss Seagrove and Mr$. L.angfeld's marnîed sister and ler husband from Wood- stock. The Grant Thompsons enjoyed a viait with Mr. and Mns. Eldon McCabe at their cottage at Cry- stal Lake. Mrs. Wesley Campbell is en- joying a visit in Galt with Dr. and Mrn. Robert Bonney and iamily. Mr. and Mrs. James Harrig are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ru- pert Morris. Lindsay. .Recent vistors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mr., and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bow- manville, Mrs. Theodore Wat- son and two children, Norland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn Janetville and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Irvine and Canal of Lindsay. Sunday supper guests w.ith' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt were, Mrs. L. B. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. George James, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Edgar 'Horn, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Nesbitt attended Norwood Fair on Thanksgîving Day Earl. Jerry and Ralph Bows and Clifford Dayes enjoyed a motor trip to Huntsville Sunday. PElmer Mis. John Tregunna. with ca-hosteus Sonia Kazak and Mns. Lamne Tregunna entertained with an evening Party at the farmer's home, honouring bride- to-be Mavis Tregunna, with a miscellaneous showen. Winnens of prizes in contesta included Mrs. E. Poole. Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mrs. A. Tregunna, Mrs. H. Rose and Jeanine Wenry Mr. and Mme. William Werry were guests at the wedding in Cornwall af Murray Jackson and Sharont Patterson. and at the reception at the bride's home. Before returning home, Mr. and Mrs. Wenry attended the International Ploughing Match. and holidayed briefly at Lake Placid. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke. To- ronto, were Saturday dinner guests af Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Will Mountjoy returned home with them following recent sur- gery. Miss Beryl Mountjoy, London, was a Thanksgiving visitor at her home here. Mrs. Russel Robbins, Os.- awa, was a Thanksgiving visit- or wîth her brother, Russ-el Down arqd Mrs. Down. Five-month-oid Brian Wayne Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Han- old Carr, Was among the young invites you to vi-sit their showrooms Thurscuy, Fridcuy, -Suturday and see the B3rand New 19 59 1 Suies. 2 Z. PLYM 6".-OUTHI q you see it in live action or eye it at parade rest! An al.- new car that will move you-more easily and comfortably th an ahy car going! It just arrived at your Chrysler-Plymouth dealer's. See it today! SEE Lively! Lovely! New ail over! CHRYSLER CORPORATION 0F CANADA, LIMITED ITe DRIVE IT NO\V AT -YOUJR PLYN'O1IYH DEALER'S SALES Phone MA I-5,487 There was an enthusiastic dis- cussion of the extensive plans for the coming season at the general meeting o! the Baw- manville Skating Club held ini the Council Chamber of thp Town Hall. last week. There was a good attendance. The president, Charles Bur- dett, was the chairman. Othen members oi the executive pres- ent were, A. A. Merkley. the 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Adele Finnigan, the secretary; Dr. John Hendry, a director and carnivai chairman, and Mrs. Da- .vid Park, a dinector. New Professional Speaks The new Bowmanvilie Skating Club professional. John Wilde, also attended the meeting. He toid the audience that he had planned ta hold group figure skating lessans at hours which would give ail the chiidren plenty of tirne ta corne ta the -Motô-- a Oct. 16, 17, 18 Plymouth Geritol Contains Vitamins and Minerais Llquid or Tablets IS THE NEW 1959 1 0 Tickets wiIl b. on sale 1- Monday, Oct. 20. Aduits - $1.00 at the theatre heginning Phone MA 3-5589 STUDENTS - 60e PALMER 20 Kingi Street E MOTOR Bowmanville Memonial Arena from aschool. Mn. Wilde also neferred ta the pnojected program for this vean's carnival. He particular- ly speci.fied the 'entertaining aspects o! ane spectacular num- ber planned. Registrations There were several more re- gistrations received at the gen- çral meeting af the club. Sept. 2flth was registration day. It was held by the Bowmanville Skatinri Club at the Town Hall from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 9 o'clock in the evenin.g. Mrs. Adele Finnigan, the secre- tary, Mrs. Lois Lycett, the tre asurer, James Mantyn, and Mrs. Jack Leddv, directors, were in charge. The president. Charles Burdett. and Alfred Samelîs, a director, were alsa present on Friday evening ta assist in giving information ta those registering. Registrations now number more than 60. attendants at Kedron on Sun- is1 extended Mrs.. Norinan Gerovo day mornlng. 1 and other members of the - am'i Mr. and Mns. A. Lewis of! ily of the late Mrs. ,R. Dun Kingsvile, were among Sunday' who passed away 'Saturday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sept. 13 at Weligt" . 1Mr%. Bishop. ,Dunn, mothet f t If. -Gero'v' Mrs. Milford Shephard and! Zion, and Mrs. Don Morder i Mrs. W. Griffith of PPreston,1 Wellington, made many friencis were among Thanksgivingi in this community who regret guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wer- lier passlng with soiXrow.' ry. 1Mrs. Earl Orr and Murrav Trhe Oshawa Presbyter.y Young Lakefield, called on Mr. Fred People's Executive and several a d Hl a R b u d y at r ministers with their wives, heldadHiaRbySudytt- a dinner meeting in Kedron! noon and were supper guesis Lower Hall, on Tuesday even- of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ý!eneI1- ing. when the Doubles Club at ly Kedron catered. Mr. Peter Mozure wbA ner. _________________ went an operation at the Peter- boro Oivic H~ospital is nwick ZION (Hope Township) improved arid expects ta b hoe this week. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. E., Ruthveii Anyone wishing tp) ser.di spent the weekend Ini Toronto. woollens for blankets etc., con-!I Mrs. Stanley Jones was ad. tact Mrs. E. Ruthven, Welcorae,' mittcd to the Port Hope Hos- 21-11 immedjately. 1 pitl Monday. Her many frienas Delightful weather favoured! trust her stay will be short'. Morrish United Church Anni- Mrs. Chas. Rabv attended the versary services held Sunday,1 Teachers' Convention held at Sept. 28. Several were present, Niagara on Fiday, and visited fromn Zion and enjoyed a fine relatives there and at Fenwlck, message by Rey. H. O. Hannah returning home Sunday. of Gore's Lariding and special music by Morrish choir. Mr. and Mss. Chas. Raby and Only what feeds fnd fis the nephewv George, spent last week- sentiment with unworldliness, end with brother Harry Raby, ýi can give peace and good will Stirling..i towards men. - Mary Baker Sympathy of the eommunity; Eddy.