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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 8

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'PAGE lIEE? TEN CANADIAK STATESMAK. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO TmJRSDAY. OCT. lOth, 1958 Traxi Radicis Helpful in Many Emergencies With the addition o! thîte their customers the most eff i- inaw mobile 3 way radios, Cab cient taxi service. 500-King's Taxi, can now offer' These new radios are of the latest design and have an ex- tremely long range. Laine W. Haynes, owneî of Cab 500- Kig's Taxi, announccd bodav. Along with making for a more prompt service, the radias in the past have proved their worth in other wgys. Only the other day the radios ware usad ~.in this respect whan a boy wa3 being rushed ta the hospital froni Tyrone. Ha appeared ta be quita badly hurt so the dri- ver radioed thc dispatcher to Scaîl the hospital and have a Sstretcher and a doctar waitinn at the ernergancy entrance o! e,~~ the hospital. This was dont and ~Z~-'. ~J many valuable minutes were - V ~ savcd. Nedesta say, tht mobile radio is a walcomc companion A DURO P M in a race with the stork. Tht PUMP drivers report a faw close calls Meam Better Livig! but haven't lost a race yet. Many motorists are also indebt- () U R DURO Water Sys- ed ta the taxi fiîm for radiolng ./tern gives us fresh, pue for halp when their cars were wateî when and where e broken down. This was parti- nee it. *ads t ae co- cularly truc last winter when venience and comfort of daily many cars slid into the ditch lifeL and a caîl was put in ta the tow truck through tht mobile radio DU'RO Puimps are avait- and dispatchers telephone. able in ail sizes ta meet in- Of course the main purpase dividual needs. See your o! the radios is ta get the car Plumber or DUTRO dealer ta the custamen in the least for full information or write possible timne, whare they have for FREE foider, "Ruunuhg also in the past rendcîed a val- Wate, the Farm Nêeamity". uabla public service. PUMPS & LONDON PLUMBING Division MIA 3-5615 HAMPTON (Intended for last week) Miss Mary Niddeiy spent the wcckend at Scarboro with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez. Mr. and Mis. Offa William- son, Petaîboro, wara Wednes- day visitons wîth Mr. and Mis. Sam Daweil. Mr. and Mis. Nar- val Wotten, Sauina, visited on Fîiday with tht Dewell's. Mr. and Mis. Franklin Truli. Toronto, were weekcnd visibors with Mr. and Mis. Lewis Trul]' and with bis parants, Mr. and 1,.orenzo Trull. SOFTENER11 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooleran - CANADIents, Mr. and Mis, S. Kersey CANADJon Sunday. Mis. Joe Chapman spent the B1110 U G H3 weekend with ber sister, Mis. H. E. Tink,'Solina. an BEATING Teachans engaged at tht two schools this term ana Mis. Has- Street South Ian of Oshawa, grades 1, 2 and BOWMANVILLE 3 in aid school teaching 40 pu- pils, Mis. D. Hall o! Hampton, teaching grades 3 and 4 with 40 wA 2 ot t~?es cil 1Nicsol toit jseaêGçesSe. the 5 POINTS Iàtt otr 1ct les tlIl' for CORRECT t iti or willat. coin courr1 c &DA pos y 0 F u1 c .. .. . .. . .. .. ..........1F..C ... pupils, Miss B. Kellar. o! Ma- rysville, Grades 5 and 6 with I t r a i n l S u e t 35 pupils, and Mr. Cromir. n er ti alS u ns presantly from Bownianvilie, grades 7 and 8 with 30 pupils- G.iests of Rotary Oct. 25 new school. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox, Mrs.- An annual avent hald by the expectad ta be gucsts o! the S. Kersey and Miss Grace Ker- Bowmanville Rotary Club that local Rotarians for the week- sey took in the Ganton bus bas !ar neaching a!!ects towards end. In the last thnee yearý tour to Bobcaygaon, Peterboro understanding and good will in mare than 50 students from Eu- and surrounding district on Sat- different countries is the Inter- rope, Africa, Asia, and the West urday last and report ane Iy national Weekcnd o! the local Indies have been antertained able trip.anny Rotary Club. This yan Inter- by the Bowmanville Rotaiy Several members o!the jnational Waekend wiIl be heid Club. Hampton Woman's Missianary by the Bowmanville Rotary Plans for the International Societv wera guests o! the ry. Club on October 25th and 26th. Weekend this year includea rnn W.M.S. who were c elebra-- Ross Stevens is chairman o! hockey game with the students ting their 5th anniversary on the committee in change o! ai- as guests o! thae owmanville Wednasday îast. rangements fan the event. Mare Rotary Club. and a social func- A pleasant evn jiws pet than 20 foreign students are tian on Sunday. on Wednesday evening also, at Blackstock, xvhen about thirty- five ladies from our Women's Institute visited the Blackstock group and presentcd tht pro- gram a!tcr which ail enjoyed a social hal! hour togethar.withi re!reshments served. At the Sunday School session on Sunday afternoon, R.ally Day was observed with tbc prepaned printcd 'program baing usad. The thame xvas "This isMy Fa- thcr's World-One Neighbour- hood". The caîl ta waîrship was led by Mis. Lewis Truil, foi- lowed by the Invocation prayar raad by Eddie Smale. :Mi. Har- oid Balson, supeintandent, ledi in the rasponsiva readîng. The Seripture lasson story was tak- an by Ann Balsoni, and tht prayer following was îead by Louise Terrill. Mrs. B. Killen very capably presented tbc ln- terasting story, "My Father's Worid." Tht offering was re- ceived by Terry Haskin, Wayne Trull and Bill Mceeeli.s; Dedi- cation Prayer by Darlene Hall. A promotion service was aiso canducted when the different classes ware lad by their teach- ers ta the platform whana they passed bhrough an attractive gateway which had been anrang- ed and were received and wel-' comed by their new teachaîs for the coming year. Those who were promatad from the Prm- ary class each ncceivad the gif t of a Bible. Hymn books wcre ali o nr..conte o tjr hp foloi ,;nel scholars fc -Diane IM el], Debbi Luke. Jai Smala, R Kcnnv Ri Hall and fect attenc MI trustworthy eyes I atM 'f ypi* have a banking problem, it's nice to know there ople you can rely on for sound judgrnent and advice. t year Toronto-Dominion people have gained wide ience in ail phases of banking. So, if you'îe thinkin ~iing a savings account or are faced with a more con king problem, why flot place that problem in the hý ipeiienced people who can give you sound, helpful, ti hy advice? New customer or old-we'll be happy ta Drop int t your nearest Toronto-Dominioni branchs IqORDNTO -DOMINION THE B*ANK THAT LOO0KS ^HEAD B. L. BURK, Manager, Bowmanville Branch e rs st ýd ry al a 'e Kinsmen Club Hears Interesting Adidress on Executive Responsibilities. A number o! guesta attended the enjoyable dinner meeting o! the Bowmanvile Kinsmen Club at the Flying Dutchman Motor Restaurant on Oct. 7, evaning. The president, Dr. Charles Cattran, was chair-. man. The guests fnom Bowman- ville were Harry Collacutt, Elton Brock, Murray Kane, Harold Stevens, Jack Milîburn and Jack Robinson. The guests from the Oshawa Kinsmen Club were George Russell, Frank Simpson and Don Cran- field. There were also four Lindsay Kinsmen, Malý De- Groat, Lindy Mackay, Sel Pol- iti and Grant Baldwin, who were guests at the dinner meeting. Information Nlght The occasion was Kinsmen Information- Night. Past Presi- COURTICE Evening Auxilltary for faithful attendance Evening Auxiliary met Oct. 1 Macnab, Carolyn Dew- at the homne of Mrs. E. Gearing. bie Reynolds, Raipli President Mrs. A. Muir called ane Balson, Gordon the meeting to order and Miss Rodger Farrow and Ann Hoit gave a very timely ice,ý and to Darle.e'i Thanksgiving devotional, basing Cathie Hall for per- hier talk on David's Psalm. She ndance. closed wlth a Thanksgiving prayer., Ym7YTI~TMinutes were read by Mrs. W. IBITUAIL J. Brown, Roil eau taken and î frendships report given. Mis. JR W. MAGUIRE IH. Sweetman gave the treasur- Willams aguie, 06 er's report showing amount rais- W1lam promine em ed, $163.05. It was moved that SAlberta Liberal Partyi our Wiener roast be added to the st president of the AI-. flower fund. It was decided to tor Association, died hold, a bake sale at the Family following a lengthy Party to be held at a date to be lï w s set in November. Autumn RallY it. so ofthelat T.was announced, Oct. 21 at New- rs.,sno Mahie ad mov-tonville. A letter was read in- skiwi i nd06mTo-yiting us to attend a joint meet- rakii he cameto.Clgar ing on Oct. 22 at 2 o'clock when or ecmeteCagaW. the W.M.S. will. have a guest Company liere.j speaker, also a quilting with the ny years hie was in the WM..Olct14 furniture business and Mrs. Carl Down, 10esident o in the chemnical in- W.M.S., gave a very interesting talk ini keeping with Literature fonged to Renfrew i&ht, her theme being "Read- :134, G.R.A., A.F. & ing in General, W.M.S. Reading to the AI Azhar Shrina 1lin. Particular". She spoke to He was a 32nd De- the members encouraging avery- nberStthRiea one to try and do some reading fiChamber of Comn- every day. Her teàk was most d the Old Time Trav- enjoyable. Mrs. Mmfr dedicated ociation. the offering. Following the ng are hîs wife, Aima, meeting, pictures .Mere shown ss, and a daughter,1 by Mrs. Down of the trip Mr. T. Rowe, and three1 and Mrs. T. Gearing enjoyed the dren, all of Calgary. He! past summer. Next meeting to, ýceased by a sister, be at Mrs. Alex Muir's on Nov. ry Hammn, Bowman- 5 at 8:30. Refreshn.ents were servad by Mrs. Gearing. services were con- The Chiidîen's Health Clinic rDr. G. B. Switzer at was well attended on Monday at F'uneral Chapel. Tues- the Courtice Church. Remem- 30 and cremation fol- ber next clinie Nov. 3 at 1:30. Congratulations to Virginia Brown on wînning the Inter- mediate Girls' Championship at Bowmanviile High School. Sympathy is extended to the faily and relatives of the late Mr. E. Rose of Oshawa who died suddenly while at Markham Fair. Mr. Rose xvas well known i n the community. Mrs. Rose is the former Louise Courtice of Ebenezer. Miss Luise Wehnert who is In third year Honour Modern Languages at University of Toronto and Mr. Roi! Wehnert who is at Ryerson Institute o! Technology, Toronto, spent the weekend with thein parents, Mr. and Mis. R. Wehnert. Mr. Charles Fulton is a patient In Oshawa Hospital. Wa wish *him a speedy recovery. We welcome two new fami- lies to the community, Mr. and Mis. C. Cameron at Garton's house and Mr. and Mrs. J. . Bggs in the house vacated by Mi. and Mis. Eggleton who have returned to, Peterborough. Miss Virginia Brown and Mr. g Bob Fairey, Bowmanviile, visit- p ed relatives in Newmarket for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne and Linda, Hamilton, were here over the weekend to help cale- brate the 5Oth wedding anni- versary of his parents, Mi. and Mis. H. F. Osborne. Côurtice Home and School held a Grade I Mothers' Tea at re are thé Highway School on Oct. 7. About 40 mothers met Principal Over Mrs. M. Grer and Miss C. Noble. Mrs. John Gay, Presi- le ex-dent o! Home and School, wel- C ex-comed evenyone. Lunch was kg of served by the comm-ittea in charge under convenor Mrs. N. MpléxAdair. iplex Thaniksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herron hands were Mr. and Mis. J. Hiliman, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. J. P. trust- Crei ghton, Nepton; Miss Béatrice Steph ans, Nepton; Mr and Mrs. D helpLinton Herron, Oshawa. help Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne ý sooI and Linda, Hamilton; Mr. and Mis. Ralph Ormiston and fam-. ily, Bowmanville, visited with Mrs. A. Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. RaY Fulton, Stratford, vislted with Mis. C. Fulton over the holiday. Mr. Way ne Hooey, Toronto, visited his grandparents, Mr. éi-741 and Mrs. C. Kemp. ~-7IIS Mi. and Mrs. Harold Nugent. den Irvine Brown was in charge, asisted by H. Rowe and K. Lathangue. A particulaily intcrasting accounit o! tht responsibilities, operatian and function o! tht Kinsmen executive !rom the national ta tht local levai was given by Mi. Brown. He ex- plained the duties of cach cx- acutive inciuding that o! the Bawmanvillc Kînsmen Club. Ha aiso spoke eloquently an the purposa and objectives o! the Knsmen Clubs. Birthdays Tht singsang was led by John Graham, Irvine Brown and Ken Hockmn. Birthdays wcîe ceiebratcd o! tht follow- ing membens a! the club, Ban~- nar Passant, John Graham and Gardon Wilcox. It was announcad that the fail council meeting o! the Kinsmnen Clubs wili be hald in Pcterborough on October 25th. An Inter-Club meeting wili ba heid in Minden on Octoben 17th. What Others Say WISE PRECAUTION London Fiee Press- Attorney Genaral Roberts has ordered registration o! ail drivers sufferlng from diabetes or other physical disabilities. Explaining this action Mr. Rob- erts saîd that the defence put up by some drivers charged with being drunk or impaired has been based on such disabil- ities and flot on the use of al- cohol. A drivai may be impairad by many things, physical or psy- chological, but it is only tha marked and obvious physical disabilities wvhich can be negis- tered. A man's abiity ta, driva safely can be impaired by spon- taneous factors as anger result- ing fîom a quarrel, or confus- ion resulting froin a business situation. Mr. Robeits takas a wise precaution which should help to reduce accidents due to impairment. Representative 0f- Bell Gives T a k at W.I1. HAMPTON-October meeting was held in the S. S. roam wit.h a large attendance. Mis. Wiifred Smala, vice president, in charge, and opencd as usual. Miss Horn was at tht piano. Roll cail was, "name a fruit or vegetable we can ail use". A letter of thanks was rcad from Mis. Ankless o! Oshawa Cane- brai Palsy School, thanking us for the donation of $25 at last meeting ta help themin h their work. Minutes weîe read and tîeasuîer gave ber report. Mis. Chas. Daw o! Toronto, former- ly o! Hamptan, bas accepted aur invitation ta open oui ba zaar in November. Nextu meet- ing Oct. 30th on account o! the U THE CASE OFI.HE MISSING HOSTESS No need to callin a detective ... it just took amodern -m--automatic electric range to restore this happy hostess to her party! Automatic electric tinlers and temperature controls free her forever from pot-watcing . .. and now she has tinie to spend with her guests while dinner cooks without constant checking. You'll enjoy carefre entertaining, and a cool, clean kitchen too, once you own an automatic electric range. live botter... ELETICAL[Y the safe, dlean, modern way 2k so much . a . costs so littie convention in Toronto the next week. We hope to hava a bus load -on Thursday, Nov. 6th to attend the convention. Mis. Macnab, Mis. Smalas. Mis. M. Mountjoy are a committet to ar- range for the bus. Some beautiful roses from Mis. Herb Rundle's garden graced the pnesident's table. and gladioli from Mis. Chant's and dahlias from Mis. P. Dew- all's made the noom look beau- tiful. Mis. Sam Dewell took charge o! the east group program. Master Douglas Daweil played two piano solos very nlae]y. Mis. Adanison read a paper on the motta, "Smiles and aunahine are luxuiy goods flot subiet ta tax". Topie "Industry" was takan by Mi. Cari of Bell Tl'oe- phone who bnought mnovlng pic. turcs in black and white and also coloned alides and talkies showing us about the telephorie ~ and how far-reachinz it can be. Eveiyona enjoyedi, 4 films, Thanks were teiiý.ged Mr. Cari. A dainty lunch was served by bbe east graup, Mis. H. Run. dIa conveflor. ~I TENTION!i Industrial -Commercial Ref rigeration and Restaurant Equipment Owners Ail Repairs Guaranteed 3 to, 6 Months New Installations Guaranteed 2 Years 5-Year Warranty on Units MILK PRODUCERS We carry complete refrigeration parts for ail BuIk Coolers: Craf t, DeLaval and Unicol. Ace Refrigeration 281 Wilson Rd. South Oshawa Phone RAndolph 3-2452 electricity does fi TffuRSDAT, om. loth, leu - THE CAMADL4N STAIIMMAN. ROIMANVffAM, ONTAPJO -

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