TP!URDAY, NOV. fqth, 195R District High School Board's Dele gai ion Vis ifs Toronto Millbrook Que, From% decision arising out. Public Sehool and growing pub- of a recent meeting of the Dur- li c sehool enrolment threatens ham District High School Board o sq ueeze the high school out at Millbrook, a delegation of of the ýui'ding. members of the board accom- panîed by D. Fowler, chairman Attending the meeting in To- of the Millbrook Public Schonl ronto were Carroll Nichols of Board, conferred in Toronto, Hope Township, chairman of last week, with S. D. Rendal. the H-igh School Board; Dr. J, superintendent of secondary W. Wrght and Reginald Fallis, educatIon in the Ontario De- Millbroo k and Cavan represen- partment of Education ont'he tatives on the board, Walter Possibility of extended hi g i Reyvn,'-ds of Bowmanville, board school facilities in Millbrook. secretary and Mr. Fowler. At present, the district board Mr. Nichais said that neither rents space from the Mlibrool-. the ininister or deputy minister, Enlarg'ed Music Festival To Have Six Adjudicators New classes, awards, rulinzs, and the enlarging of two sec-1 tions are the features when tael 13th annual Peterboraugh Ki-i wanis Festival, spansored byl the Peterborough Kiwanis Club, starts on March 13, 1959. 1 The festival, which lias heeni extended by two days this tirne1 because o! increased entries in1 past years, will have six adjudi- cators.1 Ronald Biggs, Henry vCum -1 xnings both of England;, Mrs.! 13arbara Meiklejohn af Ottawa, Martin Boundy of London, Ont., (for brass and woodwind instru- ments) Boris Berlin of Toronto (for piano) and John Montague Doos your dog 1%go" for ( Mnsbest friend" is' isometim es so friendly that IOý jhe wil let a burglar walk .away with everything bis mnaster owns. The onIy sure protection against loss of this kind is a Theft Policy.' It costs just a few pennies -A day. Call us f or details.. STUART B. JAMES1 REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmianvillh- o! Toronto (for strings) are the adjudicators. The~~s fallowing arc the new Church chairs from village and rural areas witb a popula- tion o! ,000 or less; mnezzo (amateur or professional and amateurs anly): boys' solo, changýed voices from rural and village schools only; pia'no ac- companiment, for people 18 I ears and under; tonette (en- semble, 14 years and under, solo, 14 -years and under, and solo, Il years and under.) Enlarged Sections Twa sections-viola and via- loncello and smalb instrumen- tal ensemble-have been enlarg- ed in order ta pravide 'for young people who are takung strin' music in school. There are six new awards being presented by thé' festival committee. The South Peterbor- ough Kiwanlis Club Trophy will go ta the school with the high- Cst mark in the school chorus for village school's section. 1 Dr. and Mrs. R. Y. Kenny are donating $20-$5 ta cach boy and girl gaining the highest mark in sonatina, clementi or kuhlau, 11-years and unden and ta the boy and girl in a piano solo, 13 years and under. A $25 string scholarship will be given by Hunt Brothers. Mrs. A. D. Vaisey, festival se- cretarY, said music for ail test pieces are available for perusa] at ber home. This is a new mIle, she added. She said the festival commit- tee is hoping ta have a langer entry this yean in the famiby cbass. Mrs. Vaisey warned that the closing date for entnies is Jan. 9, 1959. Mrs. Vaisey said the final concerts will be beld in St. Pc- ter's Auditorium on Apnil 4, a junior concert in the afternoon and adubt at nigbt time.--Ex- aminer. * BLACKSTOCK The October meeting cf the United Church W.A. was beld ai the home o! Mrs. John Car- nagban Tuesday afternoon witb 35 ladies present. Mrs;- Gilbert Marlow read thé seipture pas- sage usualby spoken o! as the Good Samaritan and gave a fine pape" entitled '"Lives Osscure But Great", .basing ber tbaughts on the Inn Keeper and bis part of the story. O! what great value would the Samaritan's work, STONE-STONE-STONE -Build.with stone, it adds dignity, value and permanence to your home, at very-littie extra cost. Marbo Stone Co,, Ltd. ofi, OSHAWA have the finest sciection of Precast and natural stone in Ontario 1437 Ring S-1. E. ____ __ I 'PLASTIC COATED PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS SAVE YOU HOURS IN' DECORATING Ail you need is Water Tra,ý Sponge and Scssors Asic for aur simple lnstructiàrl Foidcr. It's freed J He ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St. W. Phone MNA 3-5431 Bank Manag Classifica tic Lions Meetij E i The commercial banking sys- 1 tem forms part of the general were avaibable ta meet the de-' banking system which, in tunn, begatio and tht no deintr s part o! the over all financial legaionandthatno efiitesystem ro! the natian, James A. conclusions were reached at the Bell, manager o! the Bowman- meeting. ville Branch of the Bank o! Dr. W. S. Turner, Belleville, Montreal, stated in bus addness Hig SeoolInsectr fr ~r t the dunner meeting o! the Hig Scoo Inpecorfort1ie owmanville Lions Club on area said recentby that depart-: Monday, Oct. 27. Mn. Bell gave mental1 nclipv eiorages:..........- -- EChOIS of iuitbï U13nent w*ý hs classification tal on "Car Estimates of future attendance tee Bnin. at the Millbrook school indicate1 "The Bank Act of Canada was that within the next five years passed first in 1871, shortly af- enrolment would only reach approximately 125, to 150.- Evening Guide. have been had not the Inn- keeper continued to care for the wounded man until he- was well. Often the obscure lives are just as important as those of leaders. She also led i prayer. Plans were completed for. the W.A. - Township Convention which is to be held in the Blackç- stock United Church, Nov. 13, v~ also for the annual bazaar which - is to be held in the Recreation Centre in the evening of Nov. 18. (See Coming Events next week). Treasurer was authorized ta send donations to the John Mil- ton Society and to Port Ferry Hospital. Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Mrs. Herb Swain were appointed James A. Bell nominating committee to secure siate of officers for next meet- ter Confederation, and gave par- ing. 1 liament exclusive control over Program was in charge of ý bnk, banking, currency, coin- Mrs. Hector Shortridge who, age, and the issue of paper gave a reading "God Forgivej money." Me When I Whine". Mrs. Hr xlie htteBn old Kyte read an excellent p Hect oe pla orned that te Bank Per entitled "An Effective tcore up forrevisioner Church Woman" which had vears95. theflstrevision e- been prepared by Mrs. Ivan in a1954. Befonqre ac h v- Thompsan. Roll cal was an- dra earcyhegBiniyisan- swered by a photo of each mem- domertae byteeankngtae behienh was eng dy adHouse of Commons. "Tbrough whil luch ws bingprepar- these revisions banking legis- ed by the group a very inter- lation is kept up to date with esting time was spent trying to the economic changes and de- name the photos. velopments taking place in our A meeting of Cartwright country," Mr. Bell said. Branch of the Upper Canada "aaahshdabac Bible Society was held Mon- "aaahshdabac day evening at the home of Rev. banking systemn since its earli- P. Romeril to arrange for the est days of banking. On June annuàl canvass. The annual 30, 1958 there were 4,603 bran- meeting is*called for Nov. 27 at ches of chartered banks in Can- 8 P-m. in the Parish Hall. ada. This represents a domestic Blackstock, when ail reports' branch of a chartered bank for will be made, officers elected 1 every 3,700 Canadians. The for .1959, and other business. comparable figure for Great Rev. Romeril is to prepare pro: Britain is one for every 4,000, gram and possibly a film. and for the United States one One hundred and fifty years for every 8,200., ago the British and Foreign Bi- A Vital Rois ble Society was formed with "Branch Banking bas played oýse purpose - "To print the a vital role in the development Scriptures in every tongue"l. of Canada. with its vast area Numberless volunteers and fui] and a scattered population. One time workers have faithfully of the main advantages of a struggled at this task and now branch bank system, is that it it is barely baîf done. The de- permits the resident of a- small miand for the Bible is far be- community to enjoy the corn- yond what we can supply. If it plete range of banking services is to be ptunted in another at the same general level of thousand tongues, we need far cost as the resident of a big City. greater financial aid, more la- "A branch banking system bourers, more transiators, for, permits a concentration of funds it is a very exacting and diffi-1 in a particular community far cult task to prepare a new tran- in excess of, its own financial slation. Ail denominations use resources because a branch with the Bible, therefore we are ap- deposits exceeding local lending pealing to every citizen. potential, credits 4its surplus to A copy of the Bible in a seek- head office, and this is distri- er's hands may far outweigh the buted to branches where depo- benefit received fromn material1 sits do not corne up to lending gifts which soon disappear. A demands. In this way the sav- $2.00 gift entitles yau to mem- , ings of the Canadian People are bership and a- monthly maga- put fa work where mast r- zine. Be generous when our1 quired in the development of canvasser calîs. the whale nation. A very fine service was held l'Another advantage of this in the United Churchi Sunday systemn is that by having bran- morning. The following babies chies in different economic areas were baptized:-John Howard, with varying business, geogra- son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gun- phlie and soil conditions, a bank ter, Paul Ernest, son of Mr. and can diversify its ,portfolio o! Mrs. Ralph Larmer; Anne Ce-' bans. This places it in a posi- rile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs tion to stand the shock of crop Jas. Marlow; Harold Ferguson, failure, sudden dislocation of son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, regiorial industry, or loss o! a Wright. The choir sang a.rnostl major market, by off-setting it appropriate anthem, "When I with' normal conditions else- Hear the Stories of Jesus" and where. The full resources of a Rev. P. Romeril preached a' bank stand behind every branch. timely sermon from the sub- f "A branch bank is a self con- ject, "Is Anyone There"-Job tained banking unit, with a ful 23. Baautiful flowers in the range of banking services. The church were ini memory of the staff may be as few as two or late. Alan Werry, John Sinclair three, or as many as 300 or 400. and Mrs. Walter McGill, as well The bank manager, because of as those placed there hy the bis knowledge of local condi- floral committee of the W.A. tions. bas broad discretionar *v Fourteen couples spent an powers. For instance 90 per cent enjoyable evening in the par- of boans are granted by bran- sonage Wednesday. Mr. and ches witbout reference to bigh- Mrs. Alan Strike, Bowmanville, er authority," he stated. visited the club ,and sold tick- "At any given moment there etq, for their Jack and Jill dance are on the books of the charter- ini Bawmanville. The group ed banks about 1,250,000 loans. made Hallowe'en masks, tht.n Bank credit is essentially short held an interesting discussioniterm . Chartered banks extend on "Should women take a I credit to producers, industry, greater part in public af fairs?"1 institutions, municipalities, cor- social lhaur followed. 1$253 million ta construction con- Recent visitors with Mr. and' tractors; $412 million ta grain MIrs. Orr Vennin.g were Mr. dealers and exporters, and $724 Homner Coalter. Toronto, Mr. million ta retailers. Josephn and Mr. William Thomp- j Ezink credit f.bows into every son, Oshawa. isegment of commerce, industry, Mr. and '\rs. Leslie Maunt- and practically every field of joy, Mrs. Johri McKee and Mrs. hunian acti;vity. It helps keep Harold Crawford from Black- men working, machines runnung, stock and several relatives fram goods flowung. The farmer Cadmus and Nestieton. attend- planting his crops, fishermen ed the funeral of Mrs. Jane with their catch, raw materials Southern in Lindsay Friday. entering a nxÎl, the contractor bcf;nn More Outlets PAGE rnrw- travellers cheques, letters of 1 credit, night depostory service, 1 uf l g er G ves sfetydeposit boxes, credit in- formation, purchase and sale of securities, custody o! securitiesEn o e >n l'a 1k af and other valuables, banking by fjo d )n Ta k at mail, acceptance of payment o! 7 utilities and various other ac- A weekend trip b 1~ii.~ > counts. Bus ta Buffalo, N.Y ng Oic t. 2 Bank profits and bank ex- joyed by 28 people1 gpenses were discussed by Mr. manvîlle and x icinitý Bell. He also spoke o! the Mrs. Amy Tait told1 building a highway, the retailer poiiin." akcno man. She described behind a couniter, lumbermen, prohgitions."Aban caniiot u which started on longhormen a railoa ofor seli goods or openate as a morning, Oct. Il. wheat moving across the prair- commission agent, thus compet- Mrs. Tait said the ies, oceafu freighters, homes, ung with commercial companies. appneciated the cc there is bank credit behind rIt cannot buy or lend against itsF and hebpfulness af th them all. I own shares or those of any oth- and cautious bus dr "Bank loans corne In ail sizes, er bank," lie explained. don Brown. She stal from the requirements o! in- "A bank cannot let its ½Iamne special bus trip will dustry or government that run appear on prospectuses for the cd in Februarv for p( into millions, to a personal boan, sale o! securities other than se- Bowmanville whov of $ 100.00 or so ta repair a roof 1 curities issued and guaranteed 1 ta attend the puesenta or pay a bill," Mr. Bell pounted'b h oeneto aaa Ice Fallies in Toront out. ~~Ilt cannot bend unitiaîîy on Tetpt uf He stated that the number o! mortgages, other than chattel 401 Highwav. ta deposit accounts ini ail charter- Imartgages, except under special where the passenger ed banks now is il million, and1 legisiation favoring farmers and at the Clans Restaui o! these 9,229,000 are persona]l veterans, and for new construc- crossed ta Buffalo ai savîngs accounts. This means tion or home improvements Ini Buffalo the g.oup1 there is a bank account for under the National Housing Act. manville stayed att every aduit Canadian, and This Act, revised in 1954, pen- Hofel. strengthens the belief that mitted banks ta make loans for On Saturdav everi Canadians use banking facilities new construction on the security prise part.y was giv( ta a greater extent than any o! mortgages issued by the gov- bus passengers atf other people, Mr. Bell asserted. ernment. for Mr. and Mrs. 1- Types of Deposit Acoounts' Early Legislation During the day on Sa He dscrbedthethre min "he eneal rovsio ofBowmanville group1 types o! deh osit accounts pro- othcrwise prohibiting banks cNityan t'itSio vided by c9artered banks as:r from bcading on- rcal c-ste rta a suii"e cccd cib .-A savings account - one in martgages bas been a part o! or A. Haruiman' of! which savîngs are accumuiatcd Canadian bankung legisiation Two armicd guiards v by regulan deposits. Interest is since the first banks, were paid by the bank twice a year, established in this country. The at the suit&s door. at the end o! April and October. purpose belhind it is to prevent On Surday fiornir A savings accounit should be bank funds from being tied up tcnded their o'.wn chui used for savings. in what might hecome frozen TithalLd. Lter p 2.-A personal chcquing ac- assets, thus endangering the' chair-ý el l ey tok counit - a recent innovation de- bank's abilîty ta repay depositors wci Jrrvs Tbevidcsa signed for the individual who on demand. w8hcb as r oaest paspersonal and househobd Ini cbasing Mr. Bell stated that 8Thefloar o! te 5 bills by cheque. 3.-A current mast a! the statistics and detail o'cîack on Monday a!t accounit - ane designed for bus- hie had "given had been taken__________ iness firms or individuals who from a recent publication by the -__ issue and receive many cheques. Canadian Bankers Association, One o! the advantages o! this and relate toalal the banks ini type is that cancelbed cheques Canada. are returned at regulan inter- Dr. Ivan Waolsey moved a vals, to serve as receîpts, and a vote a! thanks ta Mr. Bell for his statement is given detaiiing ail unteresting and informative ad- transactions and presenting a dress. Mr. Bell xvas introduced baane._ _Bil_ /7maagr f h balance. byBibinBurkmino angrk!. h Many Services Provlded TrnoDmno ak Mn. Bell stated that services pnovided by the chartened banks ET'tT are many and vanied, cntering ENFLD.J. into evcry aspect of financial and ~ ~ business practice, pbayung a use- North Darlington Teachers' fui part in the life o! practicallY Group met at Union Sehool, Oct. every Canadian. The services 21. Twelve teachers answered caver so wide a field that bank rail cail with plans far Halbow- "IF 'You SPANK YO branches have become known as c'en parties. After minutes were w ITH A VIOLI N, YOU( department stores o! finance or read and business completed A MuSIC.Aý. ACKG financial service centres, hie four selections were heard from said.. the Dept. o! Music Summer A partial iist o! such services Course Choir. Each teacher was given by Mr. Bell as fobbows: then told how teaching o! safe- savings accounts, current ac- ty was being carried out ini each counts, pensonal chequing ac- scboal. Next meeting ta be in counits, deposit rcceipts, persan- Enfield on Nov. l8th. ai loans, commercial boans, Glenn Prescott Who is attend- farm improvement loans, N.H.A. ing tle Kemptville Agricultur- montgage loans, home improve- al School was home for* the ment loans, fisheries. improve- weekend. ment loans, foneign trade and market information, buying and selling o! foreîgn exchange, The fuse is the "watch dog" commercial collections and ne- o! electnical safety. The differ- mittances, transfenring money, ence between a 15 and a 301 money orders and bank drafts, ampere fuse can be deadly. ASfafemeçnf by CARDINAL LeGER -Mocre Drinking, THE CANADIAN STATES'4AN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO INSURANCE Offie MA 3-5681 King Street 9. Oshawa RA 5-3189 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Montreal on LIQUOR AN in MONRA 6 Gaming dens, clubs where debauchery prevails, LIQ750SOU ITLETS, places where an UNNINUFUL YOUTH loses ils BODY AND SOIUL> re allowed Io multiply because af unclear laws, occul pro!ections, SORD71 INTERESTS. And Io keep the fPres of passi.on burni n sullied hs3r!e, pornographic shee!s are allowed Io circulale Io spread o;y'hr h brimslone af hell. LET IT DE KNOWN THAT THE 0PENING 0F ANY CA iE,7 GRILL OR OTHER LIQUOR OUTLET, WITHIN TU~E LINITS OF ir-qrSa MONTREAL DIOCESE IS AGAINST OUR WILL. S0 SPEAKS ONE WHO KNOWS! LET'S NOT ADOPT MONTREAL MORALS Vote NO, down the uine On November 19 Bowmanville Citizens Vote No Committee Opposed ta Looser Liquar Contrais. ERVKIE STATION Ili ?U-l ----Maoffo& ý Tri p Via Bus Others Planned >y Garton's the return trip ta oe Y., was en- Community s;ng«ng vas c~. from Bow- ed eu route. The passenveis hl ty recently, supper at the'ClanRcauîv the States- Burlington, and arr-ix-d baý-c the outitig in Bowmanville nt 9.15 pa. 1 LSaturday - Spassengers ro-operation he efficient- lriver, Web- be arrang- people framI would like talion of the nta. laO was via Burlington rs lunched urant. The from Bow- é ning, a sur- ven by the tbe Stat.kýr I. Calmer. ;turday the' toured tYbc,%)U .îg. Mi-,Vnir.D urt ill is lt bY (lover'i- For winning woys ,New ltk.I con't be beat. .'ere postecd ng ah at- urches, Mrs.' Shawn andC part in Un n -prograni, ;t fron'itht' atler Hatel. fiaba at 3 tcrr.oon for ~ PHONEMA 3-3136 for rDUR CIO A iGI VI/ lé41m Pickup and Delivery Service LUBRICATION O]IL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES