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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1958, p. 11

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% V~S1~AY, NOV. 2?t~, 1g55 TEE CANAIIIAN SATTISMAN. EOWMANVLLE. OWTARIO Tlewvcastle Social anc1 Ekersonal11 Mn. and Mrs. James P. Love-. kmn enýertained at luncheon in the Granite Club for the Ho:î. F. E. Cumnming-Bruce, Deputv }tigh Commissiener of the Un- ited Kîngdom and Mrs. Bruc2! and for Dean and Mrs. Fielding cf Tinity Coilege. The Cum- rning-Bruce's w-ere in Toronte, for thec Royal Winter Fair. 1 Mr. Bruce Fortnum. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren of Newcastle bas been awarded a second scbolarship at Ryerson Institute cf Technology where lie is completing bis course i Radio and Television Arts. Bruce was the recipient of a scholarship awa-dcclannua'Iv by the London Frce Press Print- ing Co., C.F.P.L. for Speciulý Proficicncv in Operation. Pér- formance and Administration cf C.J.R.T.-FM.. Rverson's Radioý Station. Last ear ha won te scholarsbip) for Special Profici- encv in Writing from C.JCA Edmonton, Bruce was ont0 announcing staff cf C.K.A.R.'î when it opened at Huntsvi"lci last summer and expecis tc re- turn when he graduates this1 Spring. theim empîcy ,ces, The raiiwayrs at their meetingz last week ini- tiated five ncw membcrs into the %roui). They w.ere: Sharoni Pruner, Diane Pearce. Audrev Mille-, Patsyv Montgomery and Jill Williams. Recnt visitors with Mr3. Florence Ferguson were Mrs. Ni. Jones, cf Newtonville, Mis. Geo. Campbell of Welcome and ber daughter. Mrs. Bickle cf Germanv and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Mountjev cf Blackstoýck, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wiiiiams cf Bowmanviie %were Sunday evening visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew. Mrs. Harvey Seekins cf Van- couver. B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joli cf Eatonia, Sask., are visiting- with their mother, Mrs. E. JoIl and other relatives in the village. Mrs. R. Dickinson, Mrs. C. R. Lovekin. Mrs. Godfrey, Mrs. Marga, et Smnith, Mrs. N. Butler and _Mrs. Turner motored ta Oakville on Wednesday te a'l- tend the Bazaar cf St. John's United Churcb which %vas held in the homes of four Oakvill.e Estates. The members cf the Siema-C group cf the United Churcn wilI ha makinz their regular tour of the village on Mondsy evening te pick up nid newspa- pers. The annual meeting cf ttb2 Merchants' BaIl Club was heid on Saturday evcning when pre- s entations were made te the Juvenile Champions. A com- plete re~port cf this banquet wili be published next week. Extra Commissioner Forces Village Election Acclaîm Ail Others o v r I s - t NEWCASTLE - Less than 20 of the eligible voters of the Vil- ELECTION lage of Newcastle turned Up at the couricil chamber on Friday ARDS 0F T ANKSevening for the important tas) CAU S F TH - «--S ofnominatlng candidates for election to the village council, Your confidence in re-electing public schcol board and hydro rne to council was greatly ap- commission. Elections wvll b- preciated. 1 will, as in the past, held te fi11 onl.v one seat on the do my best to further your inter- hydro commission where Ross ests. . Dickinson is opposing the sit- R.Rlckard. t ing meriber George Waiton. fflll' -Al otheys were acclaimed. My grateful thanks te the Reeve D. J. Cunningham was elictors of Newcastle for elect- the onIN man nominated for the Tngý me to serve on your council office of Reeve, while five mer. Jfor a second term. I will try F. G. Couch, R. B. Rickard. M. tI warrant your confidence. R. Paterson, W. F. Hoar and R. MuryR. Paterson. B. LoGresley were nominated Murrayfor tXe four scats on village~ * * *couni. The four members of Ma.ny thanks te the electors last Year~S council were re of Newcastle for electing me e1ected bv acclamation when for my ninth term as one of your Mr. LeGresley failed to qualify. councillors. I will try as I have 'flere were five nominations in the past to serve your best submitted for the three vacan- interests. ciei on the Public school board, Fred G. Couch. Mid. Paulinie Storks. E. W. Fish- * * *er, Marlow Hancock, George I wisii to express my apprecia- Ckard and Abert Pearce. E. W. tion to the electors of New. Feher dropped out after 21 castle for the confidence you ytars on the board and Albert expressedi by electing me as your lf arce failed te qualifyI leaving Reeve for another year by ac- Itrs. Storks and the two new clamation. I wili try to do my 4ntries, Marlow Hancock and best to warrant this confidence. 'xeorge Chard, to be elected by Douglas J. Cunningham. acclamation. * * *Three men were nominated for the lone vacancy on the Hy- My sincere thanks to the New- dro Commission, George Wai- castle electors for their confi~ ton. Ross Dickinson and Lloyd dence in electing me once agair; Steph~enson. When the deadliine as one of your councillori.1 came around on Saturday ever,- Though I had intended to dre ing onlv Dickinson and Walton out this year, pressure by ete had signed the qualification pa- electors made my decision to pers. Stephenson drepping out, stay for another year. making an election necessary to W. Frank Hoir. fi this seat. TO 711E ELECTORS 0F THE VILLAEOe F NEWCASTLE Havingbeen nominated te serve on your Hydro Cotnmission, I1 solicit your vote on Monday. Lieed my many years' service on the School Bo#d and Village Council give me the necessary jualifications. Vote Ross Dickinson TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Ha'ving served on your Hydro Commission for 10 years, the past two as chairman, and hav- ing been nominated for another term I solicit your support on Monday, so that the present Commission may be able te complete present plans for the Substation without increase in the cost of power to you, the customers. Having purchased the Substation from the H.E.P.C. of Ontario, we have been able to purchase power at $5 per b.p. less than previous- ]y. Without this saving it would have been necessary to raise the rates. HELP US TO FINISH THIE JOB V «e George Walton lndustry and Alcohol Form Discussion Basis At Meeting of WCTU NEWCASTLE - The regullar meeting of the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union was held in the board room ofthei United Church on Thursdav, with the President, Mrs. T. G. Sowden presiding. The Countv Convention was held in Northminster Church, Oshawa, la.st month and four mernbers of the local Union at- tended. Miss Gertrude Camp- bell of Leamington. Ontario Field Secretary. was the guest speaker and said Enxland deals with drug addiction by allow- ing sufferers to buy medicines at a reasonable price. This bas helped to do away with the illi- cit drug trade. During the evening sessions.of the Confer-1 maie quartette from the Osh- awa Missionary College and two selections were given by Gold Medalists in Elocution. Miss Ferguson, reporting for the "Listening Post" read an article on "Provincial Youth AI- cohol Conference" which was held last December with 96 iii attendance in the 16-21 age group. This conference was held in the College street Y.M. C.A. and conveyed factual and scientific information on the as- pects of alcohol of particular interest to youth. An executive council was appointed and chose "Toc-Alpha" as the name of the organization. The conference formed in groups for studY and interesting questions. such as the first drink. were discusscd. The second animal Youth Con- ference will be held in the Cen- Western Canad Discussed at St. NEWCASTLE-The rmembers 11 of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Church held a special meeting on Thursday, Novemi- 7/te /ecdeYeee Moron Agnew, Edilor Phone 362 tral Y.M.C.A. in Toronto frorn A finat prize o! $15 wili be December 27 to 30 this year. offered with second and third The worship service conslst- prizes cf 10 and 5 dollars. De- ed of a hymn. Scripture readlng corations will be judged on Dc- bv Mrs. Farrow and prayer byv ceamber 23rd taking into account Mrs. Awde and it was decided te withdraw the December*a meeting and Mrs. Awde a-id Mrs. Baskervilie were appoint- Good wil, Is January meeting. dustry and Alcohol" was con- In O é at other members assisting. It cx- plaincd that mest industries arc the consequences of alcoholîsniS p a and hcavy drinking among I NEWCASTLE - The regular their employees. The raiiwavs; meeting of the Newcastle Lions deal with it under rule "G" Club was held in the Queen's which reads "The use cf intox- Hotel on Thursday cvening with icants by empîcyces while on the President Lion Chas. Glikes duty is probibited". Their use jpnesiding and a good attend- or the frequenting of places ance cf the members. wbere they are sold is sufficient. Lion Brenton Riekard was ap- cause for dismissal. . pointed ta look after the pub- The commercial air lines are licîzing cf the "Bank of Light" aven more strict and their re- campign in which Lions are ,gulations sa.y, "No pilot niav collecting old unwanted eyc take a drink cof anv alcoholic giasses te be refittcd by special- beverage within 24 heurs before ists in India. It was felt there a schieduied flight". To violate are still a lot of glasses lying this rule vneans instant dism.is- - around homes in the village that sal. Scvcral large companies 1cculd be used if the Liens Club such as Eastman Kodak have had thcm that are cf ne funther organized programs for tho use te theïr prescrit ewners and treatmcnt cf alcehclics ameng ltî was feit thîs was a way in their empioyees and close ce- which citizens could help thýe operation is maintained witli 1 under devcloped countries with- Alcoholics Anonymous. On elout any cost. company is said te provide sick Lien Murray Paterson acting benefits during rehabilitation. as tail twister for the evening One ccmpanv bas reported al brou lit Bill and Mult Walker succassful rehabilitation cf 60 1te the head table and announced percent cf its known alcoholîcs. 1 that they would be leaving the club in the near future and led the members in the singing of I ia IV\ssio s "For They Are Jolly Good Fel- The natter cf Christmas fHomne Deconating mras discussed wras passed granting money for Hassel, vas.,introduced bv Mirs. Dewdnev and gave an illustra,- cd talk oin ber great Van Work'1e r as a M:s-sienarv %.anong the fam- iSt G eor e s ber 20th in the Parish Hall w'b.2'--iî ifi es -iFn-- t-he ê-i s ola teéd aàre a-s--',f.' they were joined by members Western Canada. Her sldes cf 1 cf the Auxiliaries cf St. John'.s the beautiful scenic ceuntryside Church in Bowmanville and St. alcng the Alcan Highwav we re! Saviour's Church in Oreno. very mucb enjoyed by ail pres-i The meeting was conducted cnt.I i~ ,.'. TA-uené i to I, _The appreciation cf the ladies Vv.A. Elects '59 Off icers 3 snceof resden Mis MIn-for the very fine talk and pic- j NEWCASTLE - 71he regular atsnce oPrs in otalMiss Mc-turcs wts expressed te Miss business meeting af the Even- ronto. The meeting opened with Hassel by Mrs. Saxon Grah amng eA uxiliary cf St. George's a hymn, scipture reading andJ and tee was served to the la- Church vas held on Wednesday dies before the close o a moý:. eveniniz last wtith twenty mcmn- pye.interesting and informative bers in attendance. The minutes The guest ,speaker, Miss E.î meeting. and other reports were r.ýad. Mrs. Dewdney announcéd that f th ch airscrdred by th, Branen Detour A rouses Anger been doing a geod Job and h S aprecaleshisefforts. Litizels I-ire Questions EB .Fshrepese i tbanks for the kind words and A7i said that he had served onth 1. At Nomination Meeuaingboard for 21 'ears, tels A T tree as chairnian, and had al- t . ways found it a pleasure te NEWCASTLE - The regular i north end cf the village. Hel work in the interests o! the citizens' meeting folloed the 1 said tic ditches had heen deep- people and the chihdrcn. He rnomination of candidates at the1 ened and a large number of cul- said there wcre now 225 stu- verts înstalled and the streets dents in the school and salaries annual meeting on Frîday even- nortb cf King street ail surfac- for this year are $19,680.00. He 1ing when Mrs. Nettie Butler, ed. said the board had purchasèd the clerk, acted as chairmau more land for expansion of the calling on all who were 'nom- Questioned On Detour buildings in the near future. He iîîatcd te speak te the asseni- Councillor Paterson wast said the school population is bled citizens. questionedi bv Gco. Meadows ccntinuing te grow. He said they Reeve's Address who asked who had givcn per- would hàve needed additional mission for the closing cf space this vear if thé Dutch Reeve Cunningham, the firt I Church street. Mr. Paterson salel children lied net been taken te speaker, gave a brief financial the construction had closed the the new scbool in Bowmanville. report cf the year's business street wvith the approval cf thi He said the detour was a men- mentionig the turnîng over cf Dept. cf HiXhways after a near Bc@ te the childrcn but the the park to the Recreation As- accident et the intersection witlî board was takirig cverv possible sociation with Coun. Fred Couch the detour. Gea. Walton said precaution te cepe with the as manager, te qualify for Gev- the construction company the situation. erriment grants: the purchase cf Highways Dept. or ne cri eelcsc George Chard said he had the two lots formerly occupied but the Council had authority' six eilîdren in scbool and was by the Dept. of Hîghways, ofl te close the street.I most interested in education. He $7a00iv ers streeon500 ais Mr. Paterson said they had said if elected he would try te ta,0t0expemnitrehanlrepirs asked eriginally that the deteuri de a good job. ted teo n ityaludd wn hclrun up Churcb Street and that i $30,000 For Renovations budget. He told fluet the large troad eaid ethat ad n 1 eorge Walton re-nominateci saeoth aktaxes owing told.H adtthea bn for the Hydre Commission said sa hr lae h back olet-t the map cailed for the de- the commission bad purchased e tnd villge ald entohet- tour as is and the village would the sub-station from the On- oedactonratulatied the tex. have te pay for the upkeep of tarie Hydre for siightly over Cunningham said that he had the road if it were kept open. $600 but that if was new rur.- bad real co-operation from the There was a baîf hour discussion ning at full capacity and if members cf council during the on tluis subject witb a large wevuid be necessarv te spend year and said he didn't think number of citizens joining in approximateîv $30.000 for re- any reeve bad ever had a bet- the frey. George Wahten asked1 novations which it is expected ter group cf men to work with. wbet does the Reeve know about can be handled without issuin.g this road closing or who was debentures. He said it hâd cest Fred Couch Runs Again respensibie? Reeve Cunning- the commission $3,400 for the1 Councihlor Fred Couch said hem answered "nothine at ah: I. charge over of Unes te cross ha had enjoved bis eight years This detour bas beceme a tough the naw highway '401 and thpat as a member of coun cil. and problem for council and aIl con- the Dept. cf H .ighways would wvould be pheased to serv-, cerned but no action seems te onlv pay the labour costs wbich again. He said duningthpat be takeri te improve it. amounted te only 15 te 18 bun- vear be bas been chairman of The chairmen then called on! dred dollars. He paid great tri- the property committee which Regînaid LeGreslev who said1 bute ta the manager H. S. Bnt- bas charge of thc Park, street bis only civic experience badifton and te Don Lake for their ligzhting, village dump, and the been on the school board but work for the commission. He outside cf the community hall. he could learri council business.1 said Mr. Britton had donc a He said bis onlv critîcism cf good job ever since it had been Frank Hoar's Report councîl xvas thei r handling of set up. He bas beld the job cf Counciilor Frank Hoar re- the detour and they are spend- manager for the commission ported for the Fire and Police ing tee much money. over the years daîng an excel-. cemmittee stating that the work Schoel Board Nominations lent job. of the fine department is pro- Mr. Walton said the commis- grassina favourablv anîd thet Manlow Hancock wbc was theyhad een ostnomînated for schooi board saîision and the village of Newcas- tby adbenmotfortunate tle had been greatiy honoured i in not having any sericus f ires Iha bas been tbinking cf taki ng I th-s ye te cope with. He said thet thev an active part in civic affairs . ar wben cricet its meni-1 were bavin gogod co-prtn and bas given the matter some1 bers, H. Stanley Graham was1 -operationelected president cf the Easterni from the Provincial Police and tbought and wili stand fer dlec-OtaeDvsocfteOan that the large share ef costs for tin1 Municipal Electnic Association. the year bad been covered bv Albert Pearce said he badi Rosa Dickinson whe was nom- fines collected. Coun. Hoar also been approached bv a numberi inatcd for the Hydre Commis- reportcd briefly for the side- cf citizens askingz him te standi sien said that be was flot surei walk committee saving the side- for election te the schooliboar:l.i whetber or net ha weuld runi walk at the foot cf the hillIon He said if ha vas elected he but if he qualified he would do1 King street had been replaced wvould give cf bis bcst ta de a h is best if clected. and 1,000 ft. cf naw sidexvaik gcod job. i o-'dtchsosadews constructed on Beaver street, Mrs. Pauline Storks said siie interested in electrical wonki running from thc school north. bas sarved for four years on the and if elected he would give1 StartHardSurfcing scbool board and bas ahways of bis best ta do the job. Ha StnRaiSufelg tried ta do a good jeb. She said1 said he bad ne axe to grindf Counciller Murnay Paterson thcv had a harmonious staff and. with the prisent commission or1 reportzd for the roads commit- canetaker and everything was with anyone. He said net near- tee stating a six thousand dol- being donc by the board ta cdu- ly enaugh bad been said cf Mr.I lar budget had been set for cate the children. She had been iBritton. He said Newcastle will road wo- and that a start h3d sorrv te learn that their chair-! ey- be able te pay for tht- baccmadeon ard urfeingthe nan Emmersoîî Fisher. was re-, service fiat he bas rendercd ta village roads &tartinagin the tiring this year. She sàaid hoe las the village. Home Deý During C Sponsorec NEWCASTLT,-As the resuit of a motion passed at the regu- lar meeting of the Newcastle Liens Club at its last meeting. Fred Couch chairman of tie civic improvement cemmitteea of the club bas anneunced a contest for the best outside de- coratiens areund homes la the village for the Christmas sea-i son. uéLubejirstana s presonsL, Eire most important te any cus- tomer. He said a good salesman should always put on a good front and he said any clerk cari be made to do this by training and perseverence by the man- agement. He said customers should be made to "Want to go into your store" and this is best achieved by the gôodwill he receives, the confidence he can have in the store and the loyalty of the em- ployees. Mr. Watson said the priceless ingredient every busi- ness must have is "Goodwill". Lion Lorne Johnson express. ed the thanks of the members to Mr. Watson for his mnost ini- spirîng address. for the Little Helpers are ex- pected te arrive by the end of the week. It wis announced that the last regular meeting of 1958 will be held on December 3rd wheri a bale of good used clothing will he packed and new toys will be sent to the Sisters' Mission in Bracebridge. Plans for a card party te bi held in November in the Parish hall were completed. The election of officers of the Branch for the coming year was held at this meeting with the following resuits: Honourary President, Miss B. McIntosh; President, Mrs. D. R. Dewdney; Vice President, Mrs. Aif. Gar- rod; Secretary, Mrs. E. Belsey; Treasurer. Mrs. K. Stephenson; Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Ed. Neilson, Assistant. Mrs. Geo. Crowther; Flower Secretary, Mrs. Gogertv; Little Helpers' Convenor, Mrs. Alex Hendry; Food Convenor. Mrs. R. Simp- son and reporter, Miss Mary Dewdney. The Branch will hold its an- nual Christmas Banquet in the Elmhurst Hotel en Wednesday evening, ]Jecember 10, at 7 o'clock. The meeting was brought te a conclusion with the serving of deliciaus refreshments. Place Boxes To Receive Old Glasses NEWCASTLE-.-Brenton Rick- ard, wbo is in charge o! the collection cf ohd eye glasses for the Lions Club "Bank cf Ligbt" project infonnis us that boxes have been placed in Toms' IGA [store, Jehnson's Drug store and the Bank of Commerce, whene citizens are requested te depo>- sit their old giasses which are of ne further use to them. These glasses wil l be sbipped to In- dia where the Lions Club will_ bave the cyes of the needy ex- amined and glasses used from - the bank ta fill the prescrip- tien. In Newtonville, citizens may contact Truman Henderson, in Shaw's area Dick Lovekin and in No. 9 Schael secticn Harold Gibsori is the mari. These men are working through the Home anid Schaol clubs and wiii be! pleesed te have your aid cye * glasses picked up. BURIKETON The G.R. Kirk Co. of Tac:)- me, Washington, whicb bas been so busy cutting and loading Christmas trees for the past s:x 4I weeks bas finaIly cempleted opera tiens and the last o! the , loadad cars are scheduled te meve towards their destinations4 in United States during the week cf Nov. 24. Mr. AI Reid, who is the G. R. Kirk Ce. ne- presentative, bas bad a trust- wonthy gang of men werking o_ under bis direction. Mr. Reid t4 remarked that due ta these mcei being considerate and werking O4 se co-operatively together he was able te complete the wonk # ini the time which be plannf-d. His crew inciudcd the follow- ing men: Sinclair Robertson, ferenian; Ken Roblin, tallyman; Perey Swain, Sam Adams, Al- fred Newcham. Ernest Lycris, Don Hornoyd and Ralph Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey motared te Toron te on Sucday and visitcd witb her sister, Miss Y'. j4er wu accompanie~u t.cij- ývith Mrs. Edr-a-i Mcaughlin ,on Sunday. The Burketon Hi-Tryers group and their leaders werc guests of the Enniakîllen C.G.I.T. group on Tuesday evening of last week, when they enjoyed being present at thein meeting and beîng instructed in tieing the friendship knot and witnessing a short skît entitled the "Mu- tilated Uniferm" which was presented unrebearsed by the Enniskillen C.G.I.T. group. La'. ter during crafts, bath groups participated in making paper flowers. Mrs. L. Argue, on be- haif of the Burketôn group and leaders, thanked the Enniskil- len group for their kind invita- tion te join them. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oliver were Mn. and Mns. Roy Win- ter& and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winters and family, all cf Pickering, Mrs. James Sme- lie, MrL. George Smnellie, Miss Fern Lusher and Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ceates, ah cof To- rento. Mrs. Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, visîted with Mrs. Ethel Bryan, on Sunday. The JeUly Workers met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Smith on Wedriesday evening, Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. J. Trick, who have been visiting friends LONG SÀULT Mr. and Mrs. Cisyton Brown and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker, Mr. Jack Corn- ish, Mrs. Hazel Cornish and Miss Helen White, Port Hope, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron ettended the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille and family, Bowrnanville, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penwarden. Mr. Needham, Scugog Island, was a Sunday visiter at Mr. and Mrs. McLaggan's. Mrs. Don Davey, Mrs. Stan Goble and Jean Molette, Ty- rone, %vere Wednesday after- noon visitors cf Mrs. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson and family, Cobourg, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson. Sandra Gibson and Margaret Thiesburger were Sunday slip- per guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Baker's. Mrs. A. Morton and Mr. Har- old Laxton, Toronto. were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Danielson. Newcastle United Church Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Mirtister Norman B. Williams, Organist 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.ni. - MORNING WORSHI1' REV. FRANK MUIR of Japan will preach 7:30 p.m. - VISITATION TEAMS MEET Everyone welcome at these services. Vote and Eleci on Dec. Ist R. JOHN PA YNE fon Coucillor m Nanvers il years' municipal experience DECORATE YOUR HOME FOR CHRISTMAS 2a à 3rd PRIZES 0F * a - a $15.00 * a a10.00 * a w a 5.00 will be given to the three householders with the best decorated homes (outaide) JUDGING WILL BE COMPLETED DECEMBER 23rd Contest sponsored by Newcastle Lions Club and relatives for the past feý,v %veeks. returned te their home corating Contest einitinds R. uDay o S Mrs. D, Davey. Tyrone, visit- M.adMrs. Harold Larmer hnst as S asonand Kenneth, accompanied by by Lions Club b nat guests et Mr. and Mrs. Percv Kerr, originality, lighting etc., and and will do much te brighten Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson. will include ail homes in t'le Up the village and foster the village having outside Christ- spirit of Christmias, mas decoratiens. Mr. Couch tehis us that theMO In the past, the Property order has already been given te Committee of the village coun- have the overhead coloured MranMr.Crls it- cil hav e done an outstanding lights turned on in the King Mran s.Crls ith job in decorating the main street business section and tie ell, Toronto, visited at Russell street and the preperty around trees on the hall lawih decorat- Perkins. the community hall and mc.m- cd with coloured lights and Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, bers of the Lions Club feel this these will be turned on the lat- Oshawa, visited at Keitli Stain- contest will be an incentîve te ter part of this week or the ton's. more householders in the resi- beginning o! the month. Se, i; Mr. and Mr-s. Jack Cameren dential areas te decorate theïr is net tea early now te get and family, Millbrook, visited at residences for the sea.son com- workirig on your ideas fur Wes Cameron 's. memoratinz the Birth of Chr;st -Christmas decoratiens. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton visited Mrs. Albert Baison, on te reurntripandwillre-Solina. mainwiththemfor few Mr. and Mrs. Atibre.y Hircock P riceless otiw e tur tpndwi ane-d a siOsa a eeSn mainwit't tem or afew and Birin, Oshaw a er 'Sn Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White,,Mc Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flin- Laughlin Fisheries, were Satur- ff 1al Grv, istdt a B ui nessl C ay evening guests oi Mr. and WtsCf! aperav, iste.a - Ms. oyBone. fGnea Miss Betty Nurin spent the Quit a umbr ofGenralweekend at Toronto, ter at Lions atede th U.A.W. union Ms Alex MelMaster, Joanan meeting in Oshawa on Sunday. Ross, Mrs. F .B. Glaspeil, Nvere three prizes for the best decer- Mr. Stan Taylor held an auc- supper guests at George Hilts, ated residence during the tien tiale cf some surplus stock Oshawa. Christmas season with the C:- on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naylor, vic Improvemnent Committee Mrs. Jack Smith and Mrs. B. Joe McMaster visited at Grant Lions Fred Couch and Frank Hubbard spent Menday in Pe- Jacks, Scarborough. Hear te niake all arrangements terborough. Mrs. Paterson, Vice President and advertise the contest. Don't forget te attend the so- cf the Dominion Board cf W.M. The guest speaker o! the cial evening being held at the S. Toronto, was the speaker at evening, Charles Watson, Pub- home cf Mr. and1 Mrs. R. Bene the church service on Sunday. lic Relations Consultant for the on Frîday, Nov. 28. The C.G.I.T. girls and the Ex- Drug Trading Co. was introduc- Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, plorer girls each singing oe ed by Lien Bill Walker and Oshawa, were Sunday visitors selection. spoke on "Business GoodwilLt". cf Mrs. Esther Carnochan and There will be a Baptismal Mr. Watson said that goodwill Mr. Thos. Trick. Service next Sunday November %vas priceless in business e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- 30 at 1.30 p.m. caue frstad + * *bne-sn qLauglilin, Blackstock, visited IPÀM Me* 0- el 0- -0 »-- 00 7 1 cioc-0 ---- NOV. 27th, 1959 JURSDAT, TEZ CAIÇAVIAN STATTMM. BOIrMANVnalaZ ONTAM PAGE ELEVM 0

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