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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 11

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TRURSDAT, DEC. Ilth. 1~5S THZCANAD IAN STAT ESMAN. DOWIL&NVn.LE.ONTARIO P G L '~ lm 9 L-ror"o A»g E, di1or- lý4- ,Ilewcastle 1,Social and e/~ersonaI Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MagilI Martina in Toronto. and Janice, Woodstock, spent a Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Carveth, few days last week visiting Grande Prairie, Alberta, arp with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. George Allin. R. Carveth. Mr. Carveth has Miss H. A. Mason bas closed been living in the west since her home here and is spending 1911 and is finding many chan- the winter months at the Stra- ges in the district from what thaven Rest Home on Kin,, he knew at that time. Street in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hîgbee, Mr. and Mrs. Case, Toront3, Burlington, visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daley ancl Mrs. Cetil Carveth on Sunday. Mr. John Howley, Newmarket, Miss Janice Rickard return- were Sunday guests with M..ed home from the Sick Child- and Mrs. Carl Gould and fam- ren's Hospital in Toronto on ily. Sunday. Janice was in hospitai Mr. and Mvrs. Chas. Megit andi for observation. Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Byarm Gilkes spent Sunday visiti1ng and son Terry, Toronto, weïe with Mrs. May Cowan in Oalz- Sunday visitors with Mr. and ville and Mr. and Mrs. Ni:ioIMrs. John Voutt and family. Queen 's'Hotel New Owner Mr. Josepb Dlugosz took avec W eekendon Monday morning, Decembeýr Accocding ta Jack Nesbitt, 8tb, as new owner and propc:e- toc of the Queen's Hotel an cbairman of the Acena Ca rn- King Street. Mc. Dlugosz pur- rnittee, the ice sbouid be readv hsdteoelfý - t for skating by the weekend . chased the oel fk ro bt thealkec's" some weekasega but tel wnathe remansa i.wsthe transfer was held up'pend- ely or wina the week. ing the O.K. cf the L.C.B.0. Preacaoc wok a te rnkThe new ownec bas had con- bas been made and Joe Louis, ieal xeinei h o wbo bas been hired by sdthe xpreueiith o committee ta look after the icetlbsns hvn enp" rnaking, bas been working ln prietor of two stich businesse.i lo ng uthe past, the hast being thn2 hours to get the ice i n s h a [),2Dîrbv Hotel at Crvstal Beacai. as soon as possible. And an- While welcoming the n. carding ta the way it looked on owner, citizens of the villa2e Tuesday, the ice should ho readIY aerlcatt e ila' by he eekndif he eaterMilt Waiker and their wives stays cold. leave the village. During th2 past six cars, ducing their LONG AULT ownecship, the Queen's bas been LONG-SAULT onerated on abigh level witb littlo disturbance. Mr. and Mcs. Charlie Pen- We we1corne Mc. Dlugosz and ,wacden and f.-miiy were Sunl- bis family ta the village and day dinner guests of Mr. and wish him every success in bis Mrs. E. Penwacden. new business. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown _________ and Linda wece Sunday after- maon callers of Mc. and Mrs. E. Penwarden. Mr. Grant H-unter, Prince Albert, was a Sunday visitor of Mvr. and Mrs. R. Gibson. .Mr. Gardon Baker was a Sun- dry evenije caller of Mc. and Mrs.on. 01%Haoey, Tyrone, wa2s a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Xvrs. Harold Murphy. '\I. Paul Veneyk, Newton- 'Ville, was a Sunday supper guzests witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. Mc. and Mrs. Chaclie Pen- wtarden and famîly were Sun- day evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Raymond Camecon has been sick in bcd with the measies. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and family wece Sunday visitors of Mc. and Mrs. John Wotten, ]Burketon.1 ZION f' A good crowd turned out for the baptismal service and 14 cbildren wece presented for ba- Iptism. Robert Alan Beokeli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beekell: Thomas Neal Fountain, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fountain; Laura Grace Fcancis, daugbtec of Mc. and Mrs. Marshall Fran- cis; Kimberiy Ann Thomas, dau- gbter of Mc. and Mrs. Roy Tho- mas; Barry Lloyd Glaspell, son of Mr. and Mcs. Glen Glaspeli; Harold Armstrong Simpson, son of Mc. and Mrs. Derek Simpson. Douglas Alan Stainton son cf Mr. and Mcs. Jim Stainton: Thomas Douglas Lewis, son of IMr. and Mcs. Richard Lewis: jDebocah Anne Nemi.9z, daueb- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Micbael Ne- Newcastle United Chuirch Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Minister Mr. Norman B. Williams, Organist 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL WHITE GIFT SERVICE 11:00 a.m. - "CHRIST CdiMES AGAIN" 7:30 pain. - CHRISTMAS ANTHEMS by Newcastle and Orono Choirs and Orono Glee Club in Orono Church. Open'Evenings For Christmas Shopping Ray Goode's Hardware AND Tom's ~I.G.A. and Soe Toms Ready-to-Wear Soe WILL BE OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. DECEMBER 15- 241h N EWCASTLE TAxi Now Under New Management FOR DEPENDABLE 24-HOUR SERVICE ]PHONE NEWCASTLE 2051 ALL PASSENGERS FULLY INSURED >~ , Driver bas certificate from The Safe Driving Clinic -Phono 9621 Lions Hear of Lifte Behind Iron Cur tain ln Comm unisi China 1-Iaving been among a group ed their minds thcough clo.se of Canadian lawyers and busi- censarship of the press and alI ness men wbo were invited t'u communication systems - and visit in Peking China ducing tlxey biave neyer knowi fcee- the past summer, Mc. James dam as we have it, sa are con- Servi ce, North Yock Iawyer, tent with what is being done. told of the impressions he gain- He said China is not, t odav. ed and the conclusions he came a great pawer, but will be with- ta, at the cegular meeting of in a generation the way $he iý the Newcastle Lions Club In gaing. Mc. Service saîd in h;s the diniing-coom of the Queen's opinion the West must ce'ase ta Hotel on Tbursday evening. ignore China as this is plishin.g Lion President Chas. Gilke.z, hec into the acms of Russi-à. He presided for a brief business said they have no great love foc meeting, which follawcd the de- the Russians but are thankful liciaus'turkey dinner, when" it for the hob, they are getting \vas decided the club sbould from Russia while being ignar- continue ta sponsor the Midgct ed by the West. He said we Hockey Club and purchase must try ta bridge the gap ba sweaters foc the boys. Lion aur politicai systems and show Phil Wiliiarms, chairman of the China that the two systems can boys' anxd girls' committee an- live together in harmony. nounced the annual Childrein's The tbanks of the club was Christmas Party would b e expressed ta Mr. Service bv held in the Communîty Hall on. Lion John Rickard for his most Satucday afternoon, December informative addcess. 20th, when Santa Claus wouicl be on band with treats foc the kidSALEM Lion Milt Walker, xvha 15S LE leaving the club and transfer- ring ta Windsor, was presenterd Salemn W.A. will hold their xvith gifts for himself and bis December meeting at the home father Lion Bill Walker as me- of Mrs. F. Blackburn on Thurs- mentos of their membership.-n day, Dec. il. the club. Lion Mult in addcess- Mc. and Mrs. E. Twist and ing his fellow members briefly, family were Friday evening vis- said it bad always been bis hope itors witb Mc. and Mrs. Wm. ta see the club take on some Laird, Maple Grove, andI visited reallY worthwhile project, and, with Mc. and Mcs. Fred Twist, still haping that this would Le. Whitby, on Sundav. accomplished, lie presented. !or th - urose. the money which e r. and Mrs. W. Cc.aig attend- had been collected that evenins thcbienn ftirga ta pay for the dinners. rdson, Dannv Lehman, at Bro- China oklin on Sunday and visited al- Inside CommunlstChn terwacds with Mr. and Mzs. Introduced by his fciend and Bruce Lehinan. colleague Lion Dick Lovekîn, M.adMs .Rnl n Serviestsekr ae Betty Lau, Town, wece Satur- 1evie desccibed bis trip day vnn iioswt r through Czecboslavakia, an-i yeein vstrswtMc Russia ta Peking, China and Mrs. L. Welsb. where he spent several weeks A number from this commun- as a member cf the Canadian ity attended the Holstein ban- Group, describing bis impres- quet at Blackstock last Friday sions cf the Chinese people un- evening. der Communist cule. Don and Ron Welsb attended He said they were sbown his- the Lions dinner on Manday aorical sites, business and :-nigbt when a number of 4-H dusryan me ad tlkd wthClub members and other agri- sore of the top personnel in cultural organization members the Justice Dept. They aiso wr uss vere ailowed ta see bow Chîî- wer guestrs. Sm Bte ese Co-operatives work.* He MssMc.iand Mrs. SandButtry aid China is vecy underdevel- Ms ainBteyadMs ped as evidenced by the don- J. Lancaster were Sunday vis- keypuledcarts which show itors with Mr. and Mcs. Ken the slow mode of transporta- Btey anfed ion. He sa;d these could be (Intended foc hast week) 3en nt any bouc cf> the day or Miss Grace Blackburn spent .îght plodding thcough the the weekend at a Young Peop- treets of Peking. He said thev le's confecence at Five Oaks. ad a great deal cf manpowcc GIad ta report Miss Ruth nd this was used constantlv Shackleton able ta be home whece we in the west use pow- from Memacial Hospital follow- ýr driven macbinery. A great ing an operation foc appendici- reservoir bad been built b tis. olunteer labour where 140,. A number fcom hece attended )00 people work 24 boucs a the Oshawa Milk Producers ay. He said there is a great banquet at Harmony United .Fationalist spirit among these Church and the 4-H clubs award )eoffle and they wark volun- ngta rn nTusa :acily on these great prajects evngbte rn.nTusa ;o they will be able ta look eeig )ack over the yeacs and say: EI heiped ta build that". He said their standards are ENNISKILLEN nuch below thase in Canada at they are mucb cleaner and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, iaîthier than they have ever attended the 40th Wedding An- 2en before and. their new nversary celebration of Mc. arnd aildiiûgs, etc., are far super- Mcs. Merlin Hepburn. r -ta those in Moscaw. He said Mr and Mcs. Harold Skinner, he Cammunists bave imprisan- ,,.,.,,, , . - Imisz: David Wilfred Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank; Donald Walter Haass, son of Mc. and Mrs. Walter HaesF; Paul Edwin Geisberger, son af Mr. Sand Mrs. Arnold Geisbergec; Fcederick John Tate, and Gea- cge Robert Tate, sons of Mr. an cMs. Fred Tate. M.and Mrs. George Leach, Roy Albert and George Jr; Man- chestec, visited at Allan Fisber's. Mcs. R. C. Stainton visited at Mrs. Jim McArthur's, Oshawa, with ber Knitting Club. Mc. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank and David, Scarbocougb, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemisz and family were supper guests at Robert Killen's. Mc. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- low, Maple Grove, Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto, visited at Rus- sell Peckins. Mc. and Mcs. N. Potter, Toc- onto, visited at Henry Dact's. Jobnny, Bcenda and Dianne Camecon, M iillbrook, stayed with their gadaet~Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron wbilc their mother was in Peterbor- -ough Hospital. pMr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas and Kim, Scarborougb. were su- pper guests at Russell Staintan's. Mc. and Mrs. Harvey Webster and Alfred, Little Britain, vis- ited at Allan Fisher's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret visited at Arthur Rae's, Markbamn. Owing ta, the condition cf the roads, Mrs. Wes Cameron and Allen Wesley had ta stay a cou-1 ple of days at Wes Cameron*sj before retucning ta their home et Millbrook.1 Mc. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and family, Oshawa, wece cail- ers at Robert Killen's. Laurie Stainton was avernighit guest at Hacry Poloz, Osbawa, on Satucday. Mr. and Mrs. Keth Stainton and Clarke %vere Sunday visi- tors at Gil Tborburn's, Peffer- law.3 Mc. and Mcs. R. C. Staintan attended the Electcical Main-d tainance supper and danc.e on Satucday nigbt. Clarke Stainton entertained solle cf bis little fciends at bis s5e-onid b'ithda.\ partxy on Fri- M a.Niss 1Bett~ Niinn spent thel Iweekendc in Toronto. -Lyone wee unday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett visited with Mr. Gardon Beck- fett, who is a patient at Oshawa 1General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestîcton,' wece Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Mr$. ROY McGill, recently called on Misses Vida, Sybil and Florence Langmaid, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Oshawa, were visitorsj with Norman and Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Maybee and family, Toronto; Mr. andj Mcs.Len Cheesemnan and Linda, accompanied by her girl friend, aIl of Oshawa, were with W. Howells. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. were recent visitars at Mr. and Mrs. Don Lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass, Bow- manvilie, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill's. Mc W. P. Corbett. Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darland. Mrs. James Henry, Mr. ITl- ville Griffin. Blackstock; Mc. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, Toronto, were wvîth Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Sorry Muriel Griffin was ska- ting on Bownianville Arena. Fciday night, and was knocked down by a teenager. She bas a very badi bump an iback of ber head. with a slight concussion, and the toe of his skate eut her hiD. Mrs. E. Strutt had a very bad fali and is in bed, we wish ber a soeedy reravery. Mr nd Mrs. John Oke and familv. Oshawa, were with Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. George Juran- ics and family. Oshawa, Mr. Bert Norman and daughter She- ila. Bowmanville, were Sundav vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox. Miss Lorna Wearn. Toronto, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. John Borrow- dale and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. J. A. Werry, were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, ha\,P Ieft for the Suinnv South. Mr. and Mrs. Don Acton and Debbie, Brooklin. \vere Monday vi'itors at A. L. Weari's. Mr. and Mrs. .Floyd Pethick and Robin, were with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Miss Berthi Knudsen, spent Sunday with Miss Phyl.iss How- Lnce of evecyone. MILK The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Han- Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. John cok have moved to Don Meýr- Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Milton cer's apartment on C en tr e 1 ý Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin Mra. Fred Toms, Enniskillen Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, at. tended the funeral of Mr. Will* ard Cook, Oshawa, on Thursday Candlelightlng Service' The annual Vesper and Can. dlelighting Services were con- ducted entirely by the C.G.I.T group. A large congregatior wece in attendonce with thE Girls' Group fram Burketon and ather friends from Burketor and Enfield, aIso our owrî Ex- placers' Group, as guests. The invocatiorf was read bý' Pres. Doris Wright. The scrip- ture passages were given by Misses Doris Wright, Brenda El- lis and Cheryl Rowan. The girls and leaders formed a procession into the choir loft' during the singing of the Christ- mas hymn "0 Came AILl e Faithful". The three anthems "Low How a Rase", "Twas in the Moon of Winter Turne" and "Coventry Carol" wece render- ed in twa parts by the grouo with Miss Lois Ashton presiding at the ocgan. A beautiful story "~The Ssep- pard Who Didn't Go" was given by Misses Linda Staintoa and Linda Yeo. The three chief candle light- ers were Misses Doris Wright, Linda Yeo and Linda Staintonl, when ail the group followcd lighting individual candles and forming a line across the front of the church. Ail lights were out except the brilliantly light- cd Christmas Tree and the light- ed candies at which time thý, graup repeated the C.G.I.T. puroDose. The offering was explained and dedicated by Miss Linda Yeo and received by Misses Mary Yeo, Laura Griffin, Donna Yeliowlees and Betty Wright. Miss Lin-da Stainton read the announcements and Miss Doris Wright briefly welcomied the visitors and thanked ail who as- sisted. Miss Brenda Ellis ex- plained that the White Gifts were for patients at Cobourg Old Peofle's Home.. The gifts presented by the, congregation were many and were placed in -boxes arranged by Misses K a thryn Siemnon, Patsy Ellis. The Ordei-s-of-Se:- vice wece distcibuted by Misses Mfary Yeo, Laura Griffin and Caral Yellawleesc, Maureen Mc- Nair, Laura Bowman and Carol Begley. Two members of this lreac's graduation class assisted with the music viz: Misses Car- rol Wright and Nancy Wood. The chucb which was decor- ated with evecgceen sprays red. candles and Chcistmas tree for- med an appropiate background for the special service. Rev. W. A. Logan pronounced the Bene- ldcion. The girls and leaders enjoyed a social houc at the par- sonage aftecwards. Leaders Mcs. 0. C. Ashton and Mrs. W. A. Logan apprec- ate the co-operation and assist- GLEN *Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Everett iBrown. Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, Sand family, attended the Hol* 1steini banquet at Blackstock on iFriday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Watson, Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby, Mr. Er- van Rainey, Mr. Wmi. Riddell and Mr. Fred Graham, were in *Cobourg on Thursday evening attending 100,OF. Rebekah re- ception for Mr. Dawvson of Win- dsor district w-ho is the Grand Master of Ontario. Mrs. Milton Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and David, Cadmus, visited Mr. and Mi-. tReg. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly and Christine, Toronto, spent the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Cowan., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer spent Monday in Toronto. The winners at the Heather Rebekah Annual Bazaar on Sat- urday afternoon were: Mrs. Roy Thompson, Leskard, Cake; Mrs. Keith MacDonald,- Lamp; Mrs. Wm. Watson - Feit Shop- pingr Bag; Mrs. Harold Allen -- TV Caver. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Chapman, Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton and Carol were din- ner guests Sundray of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Toronto. Mr. Neil Moffat is in a Toron- ta Hospital. Mc. Stanley Seymour, Toron- ta, spent Sunday with his Aunt, Mrs. Wm. SeYmour. Miss K. Foster, Oshawa, vis- ited frîends in Orono on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. llerb Burgess and Mr. Rav Biirgess attended the funeral of Mrs. M. Gould of' Oxford Centre. Mother of Mac G6uld, on Thucsdav riight. The Grand Opening of Part- nec Plumbing and Heating Store in the Kumrite 13lock, Orono, was well attended and the free Door Prize of a Beatty floor polisher was woan by Mrs, Jack Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs.Neil Wood, Gail and Sand- Mrs. Charles Wood on Sunday. ra, Lakefieid, visited Mr. and1 Mr. and Mc. Donald Graham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bannie and Norma, Oshawa, F. B. Whyte. Mrs. Thornton Wilson return- 1 ed home iast week from visiting ber daughtec and famiiy in Sim- Cap. A gift that wvil1 be appreciated I bv ail, and a weekiv reminder1 of your thought-fullneS - a subseription ta Thie Statesman, Phone 127 - and a Gift Card will be mailed, for a new or ce- newal subsciption. Canadian Association of Consumers RAE DAIRY NOW SUPPLY THIS MORE SANITARY COVER CAP AT NO EXTkA COST ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS IMPRGVED BGTTLE 0F MILK? GLEN For Home RAEDA1 DeIivery - Phone MA 3-5444 98 King Si. W. IRY sowmanville 't Should Be Skating by HONEY HOLLOW RESTAU RANI NEWCASTLE PHONE 3206 Catering to: BANQUETS AND PRIVATE PARTIES DANCING PHONE NOW FOR RESERVATIONS BOOK NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE ATTENTION, ask for a COVER CAP on milk Nrs. W. A. C. Shepherd, President of the Canadian Association of Consumers, was fld that il wouid necessitate increasinq the price of mîlk by one cent a quart if a caver cap was used. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horner, Oshawa; Mc. and Mrs. Robert1 Gilmner and Tam mv. Cou rticc, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mcs. Roy Barrabal. Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mc. and, Mrs. George Morton in Peter- borough on Tuesday. The Annual C.G.I.T. Vesper Service wvas beld on Sunday es'- ening. Next Sunday evening at 7:30 pin. the congregations cf Newcastle and Orono, will join for a Carol Service in Orono United Church, with the New- castle Choir, Orono High Sehool Gîce Club and Orono Choirpr ticipating. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hcaslip) visited Sunday wîth Mr. agid Mrs. Rupert Byecs, Bowman- virl. adMs a.Hri Mc. ndMcs. Jw as ains are with h~s sisters. Mrs. Pollai'd and Mrs. T. M. Nicol. Glai to, see Ivan Rohrer aroundt again after having 211 emergency appendix operatùri in Port Perry Community Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harrison (Lynn Reid) have rented a house at Caesarea. The Grant Thompsons spent Sundipv in Beaverton with Mri. Jas Thom pson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn-c, Oshawa. vLited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Visitc-rs with Mviss Narina Suggitt wvere Mrs. M, Sproule and Mr. Badgley. Toronto. Mrs. Gib Marlow and Mes. Grant '7hompson attended the Tweed5iEruir Iistory Wock Shop in Bowmanville on Thur.- da v. It -S a plasure ta report M-s. M. Emerson is improving nice- lv foll)iwing major surgery i'i Memorial Hospital. Mr. Leonard Joblin also -wvýs abIL, to return to his own hom2ý afer spending most of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gpo. Johns. Yoiir correspondent vi1l be pleased io renew vour subscrin- tion to The Statesman or orier it for you as a present for your friends for Christmas. If the power ta dlo hard work is not a talent, it is the best possible substitute for it. - spendin.~ a few days in Mador James A. Garfield. 1, Txrj twAT. Dw. lith, isa q ý M . - . - . - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - q 1Say .. . the l'on glve yc Sand happlness whe ail ***Spencer Ir I CALL ~Ph one 127 Ask abc "'MERRY CHRISTMAS"I SPENCER Way! ear-round benefits of HEALTH, comfort en you give the finest Chrhstmas gît of ndividually Designed Supports. MRS. J. E. RICHARDS (Reg'd. since 1931) Orono, Ontario out our Glft Certltlcate Plan Nestlefon Siation CONSUMERS.1

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