MA*daIk Pic To ig TEM !L UAN ETLJLA~4~fr'I MilkPieToH Says Dairy Speaker To MiIk Distribuf ors E. A. Lewis,, president of the ln strong competition with oth!ýr National Dairy. Council, u- dairy products and this com- gested recently that faýrmers petition is not likely to dim- xnay be asking too high a price inish," Mr. Lewis added. for milk going, into the bottied "'It seems logîcai to conclude, product. priual in periods whfenl "It wouid appear prudent flot pti cularly i o xa to* price fluid miik out o! the . econy, is othexandinth market," he said in a speechradyhtth gete th before the Ontario .Miik Distri- price differential between miik butors' Association, for fluid consumption and man- Canadians seemed, on the ufactuied milk, the greateri avergeto b drnkin ies will be the competitive inroads aivkrahe, th e spread bgeenofconcentrated miik produets prices paid farmers forflrlofrs fluid sae. miik and milk going into other- Bottied milk was gettin.g dairy products was increasiag-. comPetition from skim milk This spread now averagedpowder and synthetics. Sciei- $1.87 a hundredweight acrossý tists now were working on ways the country and weii over $2 in o! making a whole milk powder Ontario. Mr. Lewis said. that could dissolve instantly aiïd Meanwhile, daiiy consumption retain ail the tastes and other of fluid milk and cream per qualities o! bottled milk. person had declined to .83 pints "In the iast five years instant from .94 pints, down 12 per. skim milk powder sales have cent in the iast 10 years. Ia On- grown to the point where they tario the decline was aine per are runniag at an annual equi- cent, ta .82 plats from .90 pints. valent o! 80,000,000 quarts... Sees No Letup Evaporated milk sales in Can- "This, o! course, is somnewhat ada also have increased by some discouraging but this section1 30,000.000 pounds during the o! the daîry business bas been same tive-year period," he said. Win ter Works Program Became Effective Dec. 1 The federai govemmreat's program to help municipalities crate jobs by going ahead with winter works went into e!!ect last week. During the five-month incen- tive program expiring next April 30, the goverameat will foot haîf the direct payroll costs o! approved winter works pr;ojects and undertaken by inunicipalities. Eight provinces are taking part in the program. Quebec and Prince Edward Island have not declared their intentions. Four o! the participating provinces have added further incentives te the municipali- tihcls. Manitoba bas offered to Vb 30 per cent o! the remain- ing payroil costs, ieaving the Recent Bride Horiored at Many Events Prior to her marriage ta Ed. ward Richards, Miss Olive Mc. Xeown was honoured by mis« ceUlaneous showers heid hr Bowmanviiic at the home oý Mrs. Ronald Richards and ir Peterborough at the home ol Miss J. Miller. The bighlighi of the latter was the attractive &&ýke baked by colleague MIrs Presentation o! an electric kettie" and iazy susan was made at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrrs. -C. Blackbourn fromn the Peterborough Lumber Company Canteen staff. Before she le! t Miss McKeown was presented with a beautiful firepiace sel by the executive and staff ol the Peterborough Lumber Com. pany and a wardrobe case frorn ie Sales Staff. BETHANY Mr. ind Mii. George Pagc r rchased the residence of thE ate Mrs. Walter Price and r noved here fromn their farn home last week. Mr. Milton Wright suffercc a fall at bis home, fracturing his hip. He was takea ta Clvic Hospital, Peterborough on Tues. day. Foilowing their success!ul re-ciection the Manvers Town- shlp Council held a dance in the Pontypool Hall on Monday night which was largeiy attend- ed. Tonia Lee Badiuk, infant daugbter o! Mr and Mrs. Tho- mnas Badluk (nee Catherine Reynolds) was baptized on Sun- day afternoon, with the cere- niony performed by the Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, minister o! tbe United Church. The ceremony took place at the home o! the baby's maternai grandparents, * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Bethany, and was foliowcd by a dinner party for the imme- diate relatives, inciuding the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ni- cholas Badluk, Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Reynolds, great-grandparents;, Mrs. Clara .Ajmstrong. great-aunt: Mr. andi Mrs. John Chailice and theix childrea, Julie-Anne and Rod- ney, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. * Morris Gillis and their child. ren Peter and Sandra, Ida; Rev, R. R. Bonsteel and Mrs. Bon- steel. Eleet L.OL. Offleers At their annual meeting the Bethany Ladies' Goad Luck Or- ange Lodge elccted the foliow- Iag officers for the coming, year: Worthy Mistress Sister Marilyn Pomeroy; Deputy Mis- tress Sister Joyce Youngman: Jun. Dep. Mistress Si. Miidred Edgerton; Chaplain Sister Ina Palmer; Recording Secretary Sister Derena Clark, Financial Secretary Sister Bertha McGill; Treasurer Sister Miidred Bris- totv; Guardian Sister Violet Phillips; Senior Lecturer Sister Hilda Bigelow, Directar o! Ceremonies Sister Mabel Whit- r.ell;, Intermediate Past Mistress Si.,ter Bertha Ferren; Auditors Sisters Mildrcd Edgerton, Ber- tha Ferren and Mable Whit- nel. There were a aumber o! vis- hors present !rom the Janet- ville lodge and Janetville graup conducted the officers' election. Lunch was served. * Guild Elects Officers 7%e Ladies' Guild o! St. Paul's Anglican Church were *ntertained at the rectory tbis week and the follawing officers were elected: Presiclent, Mrs. municipalities in that province with only 20 per cent. Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta are paying 25 per cent, with- Alberta offering to ar- range financiag o! its munici- palities' share in the projeets. No announcement was made o! aay projects already approv- ed for federal paymeats. It was understood that a number o! municipal projects are being processed. The province must approve the projects before federal par- ticipation is sought. To qualif v for federal contri- butions winter works must liC of a kind not normally under- taken in winter, a slack em- ploymeat period, and must be designed to create jobs. Morgan Bigelow; honorary prc- sident, Mrs. G. E. Meades; vice- president. Mrs. Douglas Smelt;, secretary, Mrs. Glen Went- worth; treasurer, Mrs. John Palmer. Committee reports denoted a successful year. Mrs. Ernest Lamb was appointed to senl -fiowers to sick and shut-ins at -Christmas and cards wîli also -be sent to members who mov- ed away during the year. The n Guild will also sead a Christ- )fmas fowl to the orgaaist, James nGay, in appreciation of bis ser- ýfvices. It was also decided to purchase flowers for the altar for the Christmas service. The sum o! $100 was voted the Wardens o! the Church and ea furtber donation of $100 made eto the Parish Hall building dfund. A committee was appoint- eed to investigate the cost o! new Saltar hangings, also the cost o! new silverware for the cburch d kitchea. Mrs. G. E. Meades led t. .in prayers. Following the business ses- sion a pleasant social hour was speat with the members ex- changing Christmas gifts. Lunch was served ~y the hostess as- sîsted by Mrs. Douglas Smelt and Mrs. Ernest Lamb. The aext meeting will also e be held at the rectory and the emembers will take communion lai a body at St. Paul's Church nprior to the meeting. W.A. Entertained The members o! the United Church Woman's Association - were entertained at the Par- sonage for their meeting Tues- Sday afternooa. The program was in charge o! Mrs. T. Malcolmson and members o! group five. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel led the Christmas wors1lip service, giving com- tments on the various portions -o! scripture read by Mrs. Lloyd e Kennedy, Mrs. G. Waddell, Mrs. -W. Rowland and Mrs. Clarence -Rowan, closing witb the poern, "The Stable Door" and ieadiag *in prayer. rMrs. Preston Neals, Mrs. R. eCarr and Mrs. R. Bonsteel sang, "Christmas Lullaby". Three short skits on "Church Visit- îing" were acted by Mrs. Bon- steel, Mrs. P. Neals and Mrs. Ralpb Preston. Christmas car- ais were sung in unison. Mrs. P. Neals presided for the buiess session. The treasurer, bus.nWalter Neals, reported a successful year with a balance ron hand. Main item a! expen- diture had been the redecora- tion o! the Cburch at a total cost o! $722.00, gifts to sick and shut-ins; donations ta Churcb trustees, donations towarcls !lag for the local Cub pack and towards the Church Bible >Vacation school. It was decided ta send Chris- tmas boxes of cheer ta sick and shutins and cards ta tbose away rfromn home. The sum o! $45.00 was voted ta be given ta the Missionary and Maintenance 1Fund of the Cburcb. The resignations o! Mrs. Pres- ton Neals as president and Mrs. Walter Rowland as leader o! group 4 were accepted with re- gret. Tbe nomination o! a new president was left*la charge o! Mrs. Bansteel and Mrs. P. Neals. Other officers elected for 1929 were: Secretary, Mrs. T. Jen- nings; Treasurer. Mrs. Walter Neals, Pianist, Mrs. R. Carr; Sick and Visiting Committee, Mrs. Ross Davidson and Mrs. Addison Scott, Group Leaders, Mrs. 0. Spencer, Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Mrs. John White, Mrs. H. Coppîns and Mrs. T. Mal- colmson. Lunch was served by the hogtess group and Mrs. G. Wad- dcll expressed the thanks of . the menîbers ta the group and ta Mrs. Bonsteel for the use o! her home. FREE STO RAG E The Furniture Sale that will be the Greatest Give-away on Record! Mr. Reg. CHO GORGEOUS SEAMIST BEDO OSUITE and Mrs. Dresser, Large Chest and Bookease Bed. $199M0 TO ---------- ------ ----------- $158 1 ~PLUS DUR 99c BOIN NUS BEAUTIFUL SIMULATED TRIPLE DRESSER BERe%.À4i'M SUITE Roomy Chest of Drawers and matching Bookease Bcd. Reg. $269.00 S SLASHED TO ------------------------------$ 8 PLUS DUR 99c BONUS HOSTESS FLOOR CHAIRS TeeLAMPS Teeprices have been chopped and chopped Reg. 18.95regardless of cost. Reg $1,95Valutes ta $29.9.5 VERY Cash and Carry SPCL$ 8. 8 8 AXED $99 KROEHLER PLATFORM ROCKERS Reg. $59.95 Reduced$3 0 ED . 20 Church S't. G. E. FLOOR POLISHER Complete with buffing pads. Reg. $49.95 SLASHED$ TO- ---- 3è59 -..~ *-. - u.* uAl e W ? N TA Un Model School Graduate Shortly after beinge selected as Bowmanville's Cen- tennial Queen this year, Miss June Wood, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, A.R. 4, Bowman- ville, enrolled in a moclelling course with the famous Walter Thornton Studios in Toronto. She graduated on Friday, Dec. 5 and now hopes to be accepted for a five week teachers' course. Miss Wood does not intend tc allow this new career to interfere with her music studies or her teaching. In January she will try her final piano grades and by next June, if ail goes well, will receive her A.R.C.T. degree. She describes the modelling experience as something every.,girl should have. They give training in exercîses, proper-walking posture, makeup for various occasions, hair styling, correct selection of clothes, etc. She was one of 15 pupils in the graduating class and received a wonderful "farmn girl to model" story in The Toronto Telegram. Her mother, ai-d sister, Mrs. Seth Hunt, attended from Bowmanville. -Photo by Roland's, Oshawa CHOPm-CHOP -CHOP 5 pc. Kitchen Chrome Suite or RESTONIC SPRING FILLED Mattress and guaranteed inatching Box Spring or Genuine Lane Cedar Chest or SET 0F 3 ARBORITE Living Room Tables or Kroehler TV Swivel Chair c WITH THE PURCHASE 0F A LIVING-ROOM OR BEDROOM SUITE TEUPtSDAY, DEC. Ilth1 1958 i FREE DELIVERY Christmas Lay-away A sinali deposit will hold any article until Christmas LIVING m ROOM BARGAI NS FAMOUS RESTONIC CHESTERFIELD SUITE Guaranteed Spring-filled construct-1on. TO--------------------$139 PLUS OUR 99c BONUS GRGEOUS TWO-TONE FRIEZE SOFABED SET Latest rnost modemn styling. Makes into double bed, storagle compartment. Reg. $279.00 AXED TO. - ------$166 PLUS OUR 99c BONUS LAZYBOY END and TBE RECLINING TBE CHAIRS Walnut and blonde fînishies Wonderful selection Reg. $29.95 Greatly reduced AS LOW$ (( AXED _$,4,9 CORDUROY CUSHIONS A festival of colors. Cash and Carry SLASHED $ TO -. ---- 0 - A TABLE LAMPS Way below cost. Reg. to $19,95 AXED TO -----$39 FURNITUM.- RA 3 -3211 4 I k I TI'ey Said It Couldn't Be DoneI WEhl'1 L SHOW THEM!", "EVERY SALES RECORD TO BE BROKEN", SATS ED. 'WILSON "I'LL CUT, SLASH AND CHOP ALL PuICES TO DO IT! 9 - I LIL WILSON OSHAWA BEDROOM BARGAINS ImArzlip ORTir4nmm. YELVERTON Wilsons. Famlly Club meetings should like to sincereiy thnkMe oil H pta to be held the third Friday of the ratepayers of ManversTw e oilH pta Congatuatins t Mr Alertevery mnonth. The President re- nship not only for the fine sup-y epr Congatuatins t Mr Alertported that a carload of mem- port accorded this candidate bt Heasiip of Janetville village bers (maie) had visited the "Re- for taking the necesayotr whowil b ceebrtig hs 8thtreat" near Bewdley and had and trouble of exercising their Foth ekoDc.1: birthday this week Mr. Heaslip contributed a day's labour to its motorriosteheraicprvi- dmssons------=1-7 maintains his youthful physique construction- a most commend- ege, that o! voting for the can- Births, 10 maie, 3 female - 13 by remaining active- caughit able effort considerateiy timed didates o! their choice without ishrs--------5 himn the other day busy shoveli- to occur during our "door-knob" fear of reprisai. Our appreci i ags--------___ ing back coal. Albert, with many poiishing week. The David Wil- ation to the ratepayers of Man- Major operations i years of municipal service he- sons convened the Devotional. vers for the fine turn-out Minor operations 9 hind him. recognizes his civie re- Lloyd took the Scripture; Ruth Mr. Balfour Moore was cailedl Emerg3rncy treatments - 17, sponsibility of exercising his read a Christmas story and sev- Out on Jury duty iast Monday Vstn or .0t franchise and takes usiibe racroswrsng itIa- and is subject to recali later. p..,n .0 o83 pride in getting out to vote. WC belle at the piano. Another La3t wandMiss0Maleah6Mai joinin ~ishng hm mny mre Crismas"ram "1 hadn't colm entertained some umpteen happy birthdays. Corne" with Ruth Wilson as na- pre-schoolers etc., on the occas- Talent, like beauty, ta be Mr. and1 Mrs. Ralph Malcolm rator, assisted by Dave, Lorna ion o! her f ifth birthday last pardoned. must be obscure and and famnilyI severed their last tic and Lloyd was enjoyed by the week. uaostentatious.-Lady Blessing- (tangible that is) with Yelver- members. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm ton. : ton this week with the. sale Lunch and games supplied by and family were Suaday guests of their farmn here to a Dutch the norman Wilsons as hosts con of the Raiph Malcolms of Peter- Air. Rail or Steamshlp family who will bc taking over cluded the eveaing. A good turn- borough. T1C K ET S the Ranlgecrof t in the New Year. out was present during the ev- Are you having trouble with TO EVERYWHERE Sorry we didn't get their name. ening. yourChstaistwynoCnut The Deember eetingof Ye- Congratulations to fellow Co- send an ail year round gift,a URV&LoVELL verton W.A. was' held on Friday uncillor Robt. Brown of Ponty- subscrîption to your weekiy pa- 35 UiRgySt.LW.0MA 3-57L alternoon at the home of Mr. pool in headiag the polis iast Der through your Correspond- 15KngS.W.MAn 3-5778 and Mrs. Muirray Malcolm with Monday with 456 votes. We ence of course. omnil aroiind 60 people in attendance - 25 members, 14 Explorers (who served the lunch provided by their mothers to garner some loose change for their treasury) Y A visitors and numerous pre-scho-~S PEC.I.. CHRISTMAS PURCHASE! Moore chaired the meeting with tarial duties. Mrs. R. R. Bonstec- provided the Devotional- sho: wDaisrwantend ilmghsce- SIT wcda Cries masch.fil itMal- colin gave an encouraging fin- t anicial report- their many ac-SK tivities and xvhat it cost (or pro- fited) them. It xvas decided to provide the custornary caady ~ ra o h udyShochildren at Christmas concert W on Yclverton Hall on Doc. 17. erul Skrts ...1 dollars was voted to the M.&M. X fund, $60 to the local expenses V The January meeting of the W.A. was invited to the Bethany * 100% Wool Parsonage- the Bonsteel men-*SotUpesdPas agce. Doris Rowan gave a corn- lu*Sf iresdPet plete se cretarial report of the year. Isabelle Wilson convenedW* Complete with Beit the Program- "The First Gifts".t Unusual Block Plaid bv the convenor; "A Little Bit of*AsotdClr C hristmas", by Marjorie Stin- sotdClr son. The annual exchange of gif- X Sizes 10 to 16 Its hy the members wag held. --4 ,Mrs. Bonsteel provided another v film, "Cinderella", of particular7ý iterest to the children. Lunch1- jA a reai bdant one too..6 On Friday riight the Family lfIA Club met for their December .- WC A 3meeting in Church Hall with 1Arthur Rowan presiding. The ~ *Treasurer's report showed a bal- g Here's your chance to purchase a 100% Wool Skirt )ance of $44.48- really plush for atth eceioallwpreof$66 the Family Club. It wras decidecih xetonlylwPic f$.6 5to bring the annual personal ) givings to the M.&M. up to $20 rTwo cards f0 be sent, one to Mrs. BELN 1W. J. Malcolm to speed her con- W yvalesceace and one to the Jim- W 3my Spenceieys on their new ar- ' *rival. The Nomirtating Comm- .ittee introduced the new siate L D S E 1of officers for 1959 which was f4L D E ' W A Iaccepted as follows: President- XM -5 5 1Arthur Rowan; Vice- Pres W Mr_ KngASt.8W. Norman Wilson; Sect. - 7 KMat.W orie Stinson; Assis t. Sect.- Vera 1ý 1 Staples; Treasurers- the David1 1