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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 1

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Forced to Don Smoke Masks biat Durham County's Great Family Journal Firemen fighting an early Wednesday morning blaze at the home of Mrs. Ernest Lunn, Division Street, were forced to don smoke masks due to the heavy con- centration of smoke. Fire Chief Walter Hackney is at lef t, making certain that Pireman Joe Kilpatrick has his mask adjusted properly before entering the house. ÇBtts an §Pweces ANOTHER BIG DRAW - Bill Steven at Robson Motors Limited tells us that he has been pestered every day by customers wonderîng when he is going to run another of those big Vauxhaîl Draws. Finally, he gave in and you will see by his advertîsing that the draw starts this week. As in the former one, Robson's post rip on a bulletin board the name of every person who buys a new or used car. When 150 have been sold, the dravý will take place and a winner selected. i. i. . i. i TRUE CHRISTMAS STORY-Pupils in one of our local public school rooms were well organized for Christ- mas. They~ collected $1300 to purchase a present for the tewc> The big decision came early this week when 'tt <teacher had to leave early, providing Sexcellent opportunity f or the class to decide what ,,resent would be best. The girl in charge of the .1campaign took the floor. The choice was beiween. several different articles. Were there -any other 'suggestion.Z, Omelite boy in .the .baë4v -piped up "Why flot buy ber a one way ticket home?" t. t t t t FROM THE HOLY LAND - Many friends wili remember Pete Brown who was in town a short time back. This week, E. E. Murphy of Murphy's Furniture and Appliances, King West, received a United Nations card from Pete who is now a Captain with the Caiiadian Forces part of the UN group guarding the Gaza Strip. Pete writes: "We peacemakers find life unbearably duli! The Arabs want the country. The Jews want the country. We don't give a d -- - who bas it but have to stick arourid to make certain some- body doesn't finish it. They caîl it the Holy Land. 1 won't tell you what I caîl it." Peter, apparently, is not impressed. t t t i. t FAST SERVICE - Frank Cowey, 91 Duke St., Bow- manville, was one of the most thrilled men in town Iast Thursday noon - a more than satisfied advertiser. His little terrior dog was lost and after searching al over, Frank 'phoned a Lost advertisement to The Statesman which was in the mails Thursday morn- ing. By noon, a lady had contacted him to advise that she had the terrier, safe and sound. They were reunited within minutes and bath owner and terrier ,were ovcrjoyed. A happy ending. t t t i. t NO MIND READERS - Postmaster George Vice tells us that the Christmas mail is beginnîng to roll in heavier and heavier each day with his staff starting to go a bit "stir crazy" as they try ta guess where the mail should go. Apparentlv, in their attempts to spread goodxvill at this tîme of year,~ many local people send cards to other Bowmanville friends and write the addresses something like this: Mr. J. îPoakes, Town - no street address, no post office box ruumber, no complete name. With many new people in town, and new Christmas help the post office sortérs start yellîng as follows: "Anybody know where J. Doakes' mail goes?" After a few days of shouting,' they al get hoarse and give up, especially when cârds come .-addressed to "Lucy" James or "Sparky" Osbýrne, two 'dogs whose mail is fairly heavy. So, please try to :'help. If you don't know the post office boX number, iruclude the street address or give somé clearer indication than J. Doakes, Town. That re4lly drives post office clerks to distraction. *1~ *I- + t i 1 1 1 T 1 TART DECORATIONS - This week, tÈe Public ,17'iities crews have been replacing broken bulbs and generally putting the Christmas tree liÉhts into operation. We understand the large starý will be erected this weekend and other decorateions will complete the front street Yule preparàtions. A ,nativity scene is planned for the area sou'th of the ibrybuilding for the first time in rec ýntyoears. When this wiIl be constructed has flot been announc- ed, but it is expected, within the next t,ýo weeks. t t t t t WATCH THE BUM CHEQUES - Already,i'the artists ~f the underworld, those chappies wh deligpt in forg- '4Ig cheques have been operating inthe ar a, accord- .ing to reliable sources. This year, they pparently :are conducting a high level campaign, using he names -of outs taiidîng,' campanies over their signat res. Shop.. keepers wvould be well adv'îsed ta cash n cheques unless the gare well acquainted with the customer. Clerks n aid old should be warned im ediately. Th-"rie is profit in cashing bogus cheque for any- body. evoi' at Christmas. New Position Officiai word was rcceived this week that William G. "Bill" James, son of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and former Mana- ing Editor of The Canadian Statesman has been appointed Assistant to the President of the St. Lawrence Corporation Limited. His main duties wiii include assistîng in the formu- lating and directing the corpor- atian's Public Relations and Ad- vertising policy. Ail. VOJLJl .M .in I .. a, « *2- Osha*a Will ý-Te A. W. G. t*orthcutt No Longer Permitted to Issue Driving Permit s New drivers in this district will have to go to Oshawa in future for their tests at the Driving Examina- tion Centre opened Monday at Oshawa's Shopping Centre. This will be in addition to attending the two night classes at the local Driving Clinic conducted by Bowmanville and Provincial Police under sponsorship of Magistrate R. B. Baxter. This information became obvious this week although no officiai announcement h ýd been released for publica- tion. The Oshawa Drivingexamination Centre will now serve citizens living within- an approximate distance of 25 miles. 1On ascertaining this informa- tion The Statesman contacted A. W. G. Northcutt of Bowmanviile who confirmed that he wouid no longer be testing drivers, effective Monday, Dec. 6th. Mr. Northcutt has been examing prospective licensees in this area for the past 15 years. The officiai opening of the new centre was attended by Bowmanville's incoming Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers and Chief of Police Bernard R. Kitney, as weil as other officiais from civic and service bodies in the areas affected. Ontario's Min ister of Trans- port, the Hon. M. B. Dymond, well known in this area, was the main speaker at the event. He stressed that at the centre the tests wvould be more rigid than ever before, but that the departnient's desire was not to put drivers off the road. Rath- er, it was to encourage more by making it safer for them ta be on the highways. Opening of the centre will be the first step in a vigorous safety campaign. The second will be the intro- duction of the points demerit systemn on Feb. lst, the minister deciared. Tests at the centre will be visual, written'and on the road. No person will be issued a licence who cannot read and understýdig1l highi*,', esai There were severa! reasons1 why the centres were being established right across Ontario,. Choral Socie ts Christma For Friday ar William G. James Christmas music Is the most heart-warming of ail, and a Mr. James, for the past year, varied and enjoyabie program bas been Public Relations Direc- has been planned by the Bow- tor of the Canadian Weekly manville Choral Group for its. Newspapers Association with annual Christmas Concert be- headquarters in Toronto. In his ing presented this Friday and new position, lie and his faro;1Y Saturday evenings, Dec. 12 and will niove to Montreal. Mr. 1.3, at 8.15 p.m. in the Town James is alreadv there andi his Hall.* Mr. Hugli Martia will di- familv are expected to follOw rect. in the near future. Assisting artists for the con- The St. Lavwrence Corporation cert will be a choir of boys is anc of Canada's larigest prà- and girls from the Bowmanvillej ducers of pulp, newsprint, kraft, Public Schools under the dli- shipping case materials a"d rection of Mr, Murdoch Beaton, box-boards for packing. They Supervisor of Music. have five mills. three in Qu2- Among the numbers which bec at East Angus. Three Ri- the Choral Group wiii sing are (Cantinued on n)age seven) two Christmas anthems, "The It had been quite obviaus, especialiy in some communities, that inadequate tests were being gîven drivers under the old ex- amination system. The new tests, which were demonstrated at the opening, are part of a master plan by the Province ta standardize ail driving tests ta assure everyone concerned that when a citizen receives a driv- ing licence hie knows the me- chanical functions of handling an automobile and is a comn- petent and capable driver, the minister stated. He hoped the abandoning of the district examination systemi and the creation of the one centre for the whole area would not create hardship. He did nlot believe it would. The Ministerwas accompanied by severai o 0 epartment officiais, including '. J. Collins, deputy minister of'Transport; A. G. MacNab, asst. deputy min- ister and registrar of, motor vehicles; W. M. Earl, 'deputy registrar of motor vehicies; W. B. G. Reynolds, commissioner of highway safety, and W. J. Mc- Intyre, chief driving examiner. Mr. Colins stated that "aur aimi is te create safe, pleasant and efficient drivîng conditions, good highways, and good driv- ers in a general policy support- ed by the people". liéence plates for Oshawa, but in the Bowmanville area, they will stili be available fromn Higgon Electrie this comidng year. àty Plans is Concert id Saturday Ange! to the Shepherd"l and "Hark the Glad Sound"; a charming Dutch carol, "A Lit- tle Chiid": and "Carol Noei", based on "The First Noel". The ladies will sing a group of num- bers, and the entire group will be heard in a '"Snow White Fantasy". The selections men- tioned will give an idea of the whole program ta be heard this Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Stan Payne is the cap- able accampanist who bas takicn over from Mrs. Albert Cale who served in this capacity sa ably for the past several years. Tick- ets may be obtained at the door, Town Hall, at 75c, a-vd 50c. for students. Lbeais Select -New Ridinci President In preparation for the expected provincial election next year, Durham Libe rals held their annual meeting and election of officers at Newcastle's Community Hall, Tuesday evening. Guest speaker for the event was former M.P. fôr York-Scarborough Frank Enfield. By peculiar coincidence retiring President Robert Kent of Bowman- ville wvas unable to be pi-osent due to illness and Elmore Scott of Campbelicroft, who was elected president, did not attend because of another meeting. This photo shows prominent Liberals of the county including, from left to right, Secretary-TreasVrer and federal candidate Russell C. Honey, Port HIope; E. Richard Lovekin of Newcastle who was named a vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Cleary of Port Hope, a poil chairman; E. R. "Ted" Woodyard, the provincial candidate, and Frank Enfield.1 New. Early the a' 'arni. Mr. Morrish found the hall and stairwayvs impass- able because of the heavy smoke, so he scaled a trellis on the outside wall of the bouse ta rescue his children fromn an up- stairs window. The Fire Department res-pond- ed ta the eall very quickiy and- were at the scene of the f ire- within a few minutes. Firemen brought Mrs. Lunn out througn a north window on the second floor, and down a ladder ta safety on the ground. Mrs. Lunn, her son-in-law, daugh- ter and grandchildren, who are visiting ber, went ta the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickell, Concession Street, ta shelter from the intense colri. 10e Per Copy NUMBER50 O~ (entre Drivers ISmoke Blocks ..Rescue Afttempi Jack Morrish of Montret, aqcn_ ~-a S ErnesLunu Wbose Boq*. manville home was on fire in .1t' u à 4 i' enesday rnorning,, was sleep.. ing downistairs.when -he voie~eoeoes'f1 &t~iflr 1~sar a i wife and family on the second floor but was . unab1e to do so because of the dense smoke. Going outside, he climbed the trellis at.the -right"of the picture, cutting bis hands ozu the sharp vine, and af ter rousinig his famaly, h.elped them out the window and carried them down to the ground floor-. Father Climusbs To Blaze TIwo small children, Cathy, age three, and David, one year aid, were rescued by their fath- er, Jack Morrish, Montreal, durinz a fire at the residence of their grandmother, Mrs. Neflie Lunn, 59 Division Street, early on Wednesdiay morning. Mrs. Lùnn was awakened at 6:45 a.m. by dense smoke and called to the other members of her faniily. Her son-in-law and daughter. who were sleep- ing on the ground floor gave I in Wednesday Ail had ta leave the house ort Division street in their night clothes. Fire Chief Waiter Hackney said the f ire had apparentl3r been caused by the over heat. ed furnace. The smoke was ter- rible, he said, and pointed out that the firemen had ta weaie masks ta even enable themn te enter the kitchen. The sub- flooring was burned in several places, but the firemen were able ta prevent the destruction of the hardwood floors. After a stiff fight they' had the fire compietely out in an hour. Chipf Walter Hackney, and Mr. Mo- rish expressed appreciation of the speed with which the fire- men answered the alam. Father Maline WiII Conduct Christmas Maiss ln Liberty St. Ch'urch T he Rev. F. K. Malane, par- church. They appreciate the ish priest of St. Joseph's Rom- j fact that it was iargely due to an Cathoiic Church, announced Father .Aaiane's initiative and on Sunday that Christmas m*d- ,Planning ability that the im- night mass Wi]l be held in the pressive new church has been new St. Joseph's- Church, L;.- built. Frank Burcher, Hamil,. berty Street South. - ton. was-the architect. and J. J. Members of the congrega- Wilkinson, Toronto, the general tion are de]ighted that they contractor, Thomas Cobbett wili be able ta have Christmas was the general superintendent services in the spacious new of t.he work. Planning"'Consultants DiscussýTown's Future SWith Rep resen ta tives Dirk Little and Roass Ray- mond, bath of Toroeto. muni- cipal planraing consultants Wete presen& at a meeting of Bow- manville Town Couneil held in the Council Chamber at theu Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Mem bers of the Planning Board, the Public Utiities Coml- mission, and the Bowmnanville Public Sehool Board also at- tended the meeting. Mr. Raymond an-d Mr. Little will return to Bowmanville. next Wednesday when they-will mneet the Mayor, the chairman of the Planning Board, and the Towýi Clerk, to discuss local plans and see what the requiren-ients are. A price will then be sub- mitted by the municipal con- sultants. The offices of the Town Clerk. in the Town Hall are be. ing renovated and complete!l' modernized. The work started this week. The ceiling la bein& lowered, the walls painted, ana the lacilities unprovcd. -4 t "J,. .1 i - -~----.~ - - - 21 Paue<4 ROWMANVILL. ONTARTO T-TURSDAY. DECEMBER llth.. 1M5 Exa.mination:- Trellis Rescue Children 1/ VOLUME 104 L--UUIMé

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