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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 20

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THTMDAY, DEC. llth, 1998 ______________________ - -+ - qpe- - -r ldli Births CASTLE - Jim and Dorothy (nee Winter) are happy ta an- nounce the arrivai of their son at Oshawa General Hospiti&i, Monday, December 8, 1958. A brother for Cindy Lou and Bar- bara. 50-i HARREL-Mr. and Mrs. Irvine 1arrell (nee Kay Tink) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter Elaine Ruth, on Friday, December th, 1958, at Oshawa General Hospital. 50-i LANGMAID--Charles and Aima annaunce the birth of a daught- er, Faye Evelyn, an December 1, 1958. at Memarial Hospital, Bawmanville. 50-1 NADEAU-Raland and Vaughn (nee Stephenson) wish ta an- nounce the arrivai af their daughter, Terri May, on Nov. 30, 1958, at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alta. A sister for Stephen and Roly. 50-1~ VANEYK - Paul and Bessie (nee Yea) are happy ta an- nounce the birth af their sons, Blair Walter (6 lbs. 10 azs.), and Blain George (6 lbs. 7½à ozs.), an Wednesday, Decem- tor 3rd, 1958, at Memarial Hos- pjital, Bowmanville, brothers for Paul and Dawn. 50-11 WHITE-Ron and Gladys (nee 1-lodgson) are happy ta announce the arrivai of a son Bryan Paul, December 1, 1958, at Memorial Hospital. A brother for Doug- las. 50-1* Marriage HOOPER - MARSHALL - The rnarriage toak place on Friday, Nov. 28, in St. Paul's Pro-Ca- thedral, Regina, Sask., of Miss Claire Marshall, daughter of Mrs. W. Marshall and the late Dr. Marshall of Desbarats, On- tario, and James Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hooper of Bowmanville, Ontario. 50-1 Deaths BAKER-At the Hospital for Sick Children, on Thursday, December 4th, 1958, Kenineth John Baker, aged two years and three months; beloved infant son of Tom and Elaine Baker, dear brother of Gai1, Ronald, Jean and James, beloved grandson of John Baker and Edwin Orm- iston. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held in Eldad Unit- e-- d Church on Sunday, Dec. 7 at 3 o'clock. Interment Zion Cemetery. 50-i DORRELL, Annie-At hem late residence, Blackstock, on Tues- day, December 9, 1958, Annie Maud Ferguson, beloved wife of Earl Dorreil and dear mother of Rager of Ottawa; Dalton and Stuart o! Blackstock. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott-Paîî- abakem, Port Permy, until Thurs- day noon. Service at Blackstock United Church at 2 p.m. Inter- mnent Cadmus Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, friends may mnake donations ta Ontario Cancer Society. 50-1 HIORVATH-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, December 4th, 1958, Agnes Horvath (Dudas), Newcastle, Ontario, in ber 3th year. Rest- ed at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville. Requiem Mass was held in St. Joseph's Ro- m-an Catholie Church on Satur- day, December 6th at 10 a.m. Interment Bowmonville Cerne- tery. 50-i LEIGH-Mallory. Martha B. - Suddenly. at the resîdence of ber daughter, 21 Evergreen Gdns., Toronto, Martha B. Con- non, wife of the late George Ed- ward Leigh-Mallory, dear moth- er of Mrs. Vernon Lang (Har- riet), dear sister of Mrs. Hugli Gillespie (Jean) o! South Acton, Mass. Service was held in the Humphrey Funeral Home & Chapel, Ltd., 403 Bayview Ave., Manday, Dec. 8th, at 1 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 50-1 Reception Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant, 77 Riverview Gardens, Toronto, will be at home ta their rela- tives, friends aînd neighbours, on Saturday, December 2th, f rom 2 ta 5 p.m. on the occa- sion of their 65th Wedding An- niversary. 50-2 Wanted" to Rent UNFURNISHED 3-roarn heated apartment for gentleman. MA 3-5061 days only. 50-i* THREE-bedroom bhouse in Whit- by. Oshawa or Bowmanville districts. Telephone MA 3-2287. 50-1 IHREE-bedmoamn home wanted, close ta public school. Respons- ible family, twva children. Write Advertiser 897, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, or Phone TWining 5-9254 New- mrarket. 50-4 Cars for Sale ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six manths ta pay. For personai service at your borne calU Oshawa RA 5-2802, coi lect. 2-tf SPECIALS - 1958 Mercury 1ardtop Demonstrator, $900 off list price; 1956 'Pontiac Sedan, with radio..- Truck: 1949 Chev. J-ton. Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5689, 50-1 Cards of Thanks The family o! the late Ida May Trewin wish ta exprass their sincere thanks and appre- ciation, ta relatives, frîends and neighbours, for the acts O! kindness, messages o! sympothy, and the beautiful floral offer- ings, shown us in aur recent bereavement, in the loss o! aur beloved mother. 50-i* I would like ta thank my relatives and friends, members o! the W.M.S. and W.A. af Trin- ity United Church, for the beautiful messages sent ta me, also, toalah wha sent flowems, fruit and many other treats; ta Rev. W. K. Houslander, Dr. Rundie and Dr. Ferguson, for services rendered. Very sincerely, Leta M. Jackson. 50-1* Coming EventsI Bowmanville Choral Group Christmas Concert, Town Hall, Dec. 12 and 13 - 8:15 p.m. Ad- mission 75c - students 50c. Choir from the Bowmanville Public Schools assisting artists. 48-3 To avoid conflicting dates, the Bowmanviiie Chamber of Com- merce maintains a egister of coming events. Before setting a date for youm function, phone MA 3-5031. 48-3 Woodvîew Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and twa jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo held Thusdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3,00. Admission 50C. 37-tf The Orono Odd Fellows Serv- ice Club are holding a Draw and Dance in their Community Centre on Friday, December 12. Henry Koss and the Homestead- ers Orchestra in attendance. 20 turkeys given away. Dancing fram 9 tili ?. Admission 75e per persan. Proceeds community service. 49-2 Dance ai Solina Hall Saiurday, Dec. 131h JIM FISHER'S ORCHESTRA Admission - $1.00 ver person. Limlted number of NEW YEAR'S TICKETS for sale. Contact Joe Snowden. 49-2 DANCE AND DRAW for 10 Turkeys Tyrone Hall Saturday, Dec. 13 Sponsored by L.O.L. CLARA NESBITT'S MUSIC MAKERS Gents - 75e Ladies - 50e 50-1* DA NC E Every Saturday Nighi to HENRY KOSS and the Homesteaders ai Pontypool Hall Round and Square Dancing Dancing 9 tili 12 Admission - - 75e 50-1 In Memoriamn BICKELL-In loving memnory of a dear mother, Irene Bick- ehl, who passed away Decem- ber 15, 1954. They s£ay tirne heals aur soi'row And helps us ta forget, But time so far has only proveýd How much we miss you yet. Many a sulent tear is shed When others are asleep, For when we lost aur mother We lost aur dearest friend. - Ever remembcred by t.ie family. 50-1" THOMPSON-In loving me- mary of a dear mother Lillian Maud Yellowlees, who passed away suddenly, Dec. lSth, 1947. In this xhole warld you could neyer find, Another Mom of just this kind; She was kind hearted. lavable and true, Everyone was hier friend and she loved them taa. Though sad is the parting from this land I know some day we*ll al -al&k1-Andin1-A.d Articles for Sale WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-736. 45-tf ONE ail cook stove with pipes. Will seil reasonable. Phone MA 3-2444. 50-il DRY light wood in stovewood lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MLA 3-2849. 37-tf GOOD quality mixed hay, 50c per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf CHILD'S sidewalk two-wheel bicycle. Seil cheap. Apply 33 King East. 50-1 HOCKEY outfit, white figure skates, size 3. Reasonable. Tele- phone MA 3-5473.501 CHRISTMAS trees for sale. George Mutton, 22 Albert St. Phone MA 3-5981. 49-3 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill ta you. Philiips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and sof, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf GET your Scotch pine Christ- mas trees early. Availabie now at Bud Fogg's, 24 Southway Dr., Phone MA 3-3688. 49-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances, large and smail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoa method) froma Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf CHRISTMAS trees, pruned Scotch Pine, about 2,000, 50c ta $1.00 according ta size. Cut ready for loading. Came ealy for best selection. Leroy Ham- ilton, grower, Orono, Ontario. Phone 1 r 16. 47-5 ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs toalal makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArkret 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tires-We service and seil every make of tractor tires: Goodyear - General - Fire- stane - Goodrich- - Dominion. A-i retmeads - 6.00xl6 - 6.70xl5 at $10.95. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf FOR Singer Sales & Service CALL LANDER HARDWARE Genuine Singer Needies, Bobbins and Oul available at LANDER HARDWARE MA 3-5774 47-4 TURKEYS .PECIALLY SELECTED FOR FINE FLAVOUR FRESH KILLED DRESSED and DELIVERED W. E. LYMER Phone MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards 30-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Piastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramic Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902' 25-tf1 LARGE size ail burner, "Super- flame". Phone MA 3-2385. 50-i WASHING machine in good con- dition, $25. Phone Newcastle 3206. 50-i HAVE you seen the Boxed Bath Towel Sets for $1.98 at Good- brand Fabrics. 50-i CONGOLEUM, 9 x 10; boy's skates, size four; large oblong mirror. MA 3-3939. 50-i* IWATER, 1,600 gallons for $10. Raines and Alldred. Phone MA 3-5376, MA 3-5758. 50ýl* APPLES-Tolman Sweet, Spy, Deliciaus. Lewis Clark, Gare- vale Orchards, Newcastle. Tele- phone 2195. . 49-2* ADDISON electric washing ma- chine, $25; McClary 26" electric range, $10. Jas. Emertan, Black- stock ring 95w. 50-i POTATOES, dry and dlean, 75 lb. bag, $1.15. Excellent for storing. M. Mantel, R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone Blackstock 82 r 12. 48-3 TWENTY-FOUR electric light fixtures, compiete with heavy glass globes. Suitabie for store or office use. Apply Bank of Montreal, Bowmanviile. 50-i APPLES for sale - McIntosh $1.50 bushel and Spys $2.00 bushel. F. Obrist, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone Newcastle 3028. Will deliver in Bowmanville. 50-i FOR THIE BEST Chrisimas Trees IN TOWN Choice Plantation Grown Pruned Scotch Fine VIRTUE'S TEXACO 218 King St. E. MA 3-3432 49-3 FABULOUS Sale now on! Love- iy maple finished bedroom suites, spaciaus "Mm. and Mrs." dresser with beveiled tilt-back mirror, bookcase bed with slid- ing door panels and a large roomy matching cbest of draw- ers. Regular $269, slashed ta $188, -plus for 99c you can choose either a 5-piece kitchen chrome suite or a Restonic spring-filled mattress and matching box spring.. Wilson Furnitume, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 50-1 TURKEYS Forthe Besi Dressed Turkeys In town Phone MA 3-5058 Phil Finiqey Maple Grove 49-tf "«THEY Said It Couldn't Be Done!" Well, look at what Ed. Wilson is doing! Prices chopped ta rock bottom. Ends of Broad- loom Scatter Mats, $1.99. Cedar Chests, $29.95. Bunk Beds, com- plete with springs and mattress- es, $56.00; G.-,. Steam Irons, $15.95; Portable Radios, cam- plete with batteries, $19.99; Floor Coveings, many iovely patterns and colaurs,' only 3 7c per ft. Ed. Wilson, Fumniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 5- TURKEYS PLACE VOUR ORDER NOW for Quality and Freshness 12 lbs. fo 28 lbs. DRESSED *and DELIVERED HAMPTON 3-29361 49-3 NEW SKATES ALL SIZES ln MEN'S -WOMEN'S BOYS' -GIRLS TRADE-INS ACCEPTED SELF-STORING DOORe $49.50 HALF JALOSIES $63.50 ANY DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW $19.50 Gift Packaged bushel hamper ISPIES $4.75, haîf bushel $2.51, Spies from our orchards won the Top Awards at the Royal McINTOSH and DELICIOUS Bushel $4.00 - hall bushel $2.25 a6-t! 1 Ir £-- LN-1- 1 t. cýlý 1 Aw4,L'i L1LI,ý LUL iJIJlà= 1tirMIA le l sCl U j l TABLE carrots, reasonable. Any quantity. ,'Phone MArket 3-5482, 73 Concession St. E. 49-tf COLEMAN space heater in ex- cellent condition. Phone MA 3-5536, after 6 o'clock. 50-1 LARGE dining-raom table, six sturdy chairs, chaice of two buffets. Ail solid oak. Phone MA 3-2817. . 50-i BOY'S C.C.M. skates and rub- ber overshoes, lined, bath size 5. Reasonable. Phone MArket 3-3200. 50-if ALSCO - Canada's outstanding convertible storm-screen win- dows and doors, raiiings. Lamne Allin, 1 Prince Street. 50-i* MATTRESS and Springs for single bed, in excellent con- dition. Two oak French doors. Telephone MIA 3-5075. 50-1 DID YOU KNOW that Good- brand Fabrics now carry "Bates" Bedspreads in stock? Also Biankets of ali-nylan or wooi l and nylon. 50-1l BEAUTIFUL corsages or bou- quets for your Christmas or New Yeam's parties. Close ta real. Makes a delightful gift. Phone Orono 1607. 50-1 FOR Christmas-Table, floor and TV lamps, hassocks, floor mats, mugs, coffee and end tables, platform rockers, chrome kitchen suites, bedroom and chesterfieid suites. Trade-in-- Refrigeratars from $49, Ax- minster rug 6 x 9, daveno-bed chesterfield with one chair. Murphy Ca., King W., Phone MA 3-3781. 51-1"' For Rent FIVE-ROOM bungalow, bot and cold water. Apply George Adams, R.R. 2, Burketon. 49-2* TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Ontario St. Immediate posses-1 sion, $50. Phone MA 3-2383. 49-2 TWO apartments. one five-room, beated; one sîx-room, unheated. Immediate possession. Mrs. Gus Annis, 105 King East, Bowman- ville. 50-1* TWO cheerful bed-sitting rooms, kitchen and bath, furnished. Reasonable rent. Suitabie for business girls. Phone MA 3-5684. 18 Concession St. W. 50-1"' HEATED apartment, available January Ist, completely modern, 5 romrs. At Kingsway Apts., Church St. Apply N. J. Scott, Bokdale-Kingsway Nurseries. 50-3 HOUSE ta rent with hydro. References required. Immed- iate 'possession. Write Advem- tiser 898, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 50-le FOUR-room heated apartment, 2 bedroams, living-room, kitch- en, bath. Built-in cupboards. Tile floors, central. Immediate possession. Na chîldren. Tele- phone MA 3-5822. 50-i BASEMENT apartment, one large living raam, two bed- rooms, kitchen with cupbaards, four-piece bathroom, ail heated and continuous bot water. Suit four adults. Five miles north of Bowmanville. Ten miles from Oshawa. $65 monthiy. Hampton, Phone MA 3-2460. 50-if. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED cleaning wa- man, top wages. Phone MArket 3-5577. 49-tf SOMEONE ta look after lady for Christmas Day from 8 a.m. ta 8 p.m. Write Advertiser 899, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 50-1 RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanville and Whitby. Trade well estabiisbed. Excel- lent opportunity. Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. L-140-189, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 50-1 AGGRESSIVE men! You con start a business of your awn, selling aur 250 guaranteed household necessities in your surroundings.' Splendid oppar- tunity with aur Christmas beautiful sparkling gifts, and regular line needed every day. Top commission. No risk. Fami- lex, Dept. 85, 1600 Deloimier, Montreal. 50-1 PART-TIME help wanted, fe- male-A Canadian mnarket re- search organization requires part-time representatives ta bondie occasional public opinion poils and telephone surveys on radio listening and TV viewing. Since same surveys are conduct- ed from the home, a private tele- phone is necessary. Write Elliott-Haynes Ltd., 515 Broad- view Ave.. Toronto 6, Ontario. 49-2 STENOGRAPHER PREFERABLY WITH EXPERIENCE Apply in persan or by letter ta TWENTY-FOUR weaned pigs. Phone Blackstack 72 1 3. 50-i TWENTY-FIVE pigs, six weeks aid. A. Richardson, MA 3-2979, Hampton, P.O. 50-i* VACCINATED Jersey heifer, ta freshen Dec. 10. Gardon Rab- inson. Phone Bethany 18 r 2-2. 50-i * BRED sows, purebred York- shire and Tamworth and cross- bred Yorkshire Landrace. Tele- phone Clarke 3103. 50-i REGISTERED Landrace gilts and boars, ail ages, also bred Landrace and York saws. Reas- onable. Martyn Rennick, Port Perry. 49-2 * Eletion Cards of Thanks Ta the Electors of Manvers Township: Sîncere thanks for yaur sup- port in aur re-election for fouth term, as Cauncillor; trusting we shahl continue ta warrant youm confidence. Harvey Malcolm. 50-i To the Ratepayers of Cartwright Township: I wish ta thank ail those who supported me in the recent elec- tian and also those who worked in my bebaîf. Your confidence in me is sincerely appmeciated. Season's Greetîngs. Fred Trewin. 50-1* To the Electors of thc Tmyn of BowmanvilIe- I wish ta express my apprecia- tion ta those who voted for me on election day. I thank you for your confidence in re-eiect- ing me ta a second term as councillor. I take this oppotunity o! 1wishing you a M< ry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A. H. Sturrock. 50-1 To the Electors of Town of Bowmanville: I wish ta express my sincere appreciatian ta those who voted for me on December ist. Youm vote of confidence bas given me the appartunity ta serve the cammunity ta the best of my abiiity for the next two years. To all, I extend Season's Greetings. Lloyd Preston. 50-1 Financial 43/4% Interesi Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES TERM 3 TO 5 YEARS THE STERLING TRUSTS Corp., 372 Bay St., EM 4-7495 50-1 Notices Notice ta, rabbit huntes-$i.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when hunting on Nursery property. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 46-tf NOTICE Municipal Garbage Collection THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: CHRISTMAS DAY, DEC. 25th BOXING DAY, DEC. 26th NEW YEAR'S DAY, JAN. lst Christmas Day garbage will be picked up on MON.. DEC. 22 Boxing Day garbage will be plcked up an TUES., DEC. 23 New Year's Day garbage will be picked up on FRIDAY, JAN. 2 In addition ta the above collec- tions the Department wlll pro- vide an additional FREE PICK- UP on MONDAY, DEC. 29th. Arrangements for Free Pick-up must bc made by contacting the Department BEFORE WEDNES- DAY, DECEMBER 24. LLOYD R. QUINTON. Dept. Works Superintendent. 50-2 Wanted to Buy HIGHEST prices paid for used fumniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also seli and exchonge. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iran, rags, metais and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, colleet. 48-tf ALL kinds o!lilve poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your daor for large or smali quantities. We have aur own market. M. Fiatt, Bethany R.R * 1. Phone collect ta Betiiany 7 r 13. 2.8-U FOR moderate prlced homes anti buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf HOUSE, 45 Church St. Easy temms. Possession, Jan. 1, '59. Phone MA 3-2622 or write Box 156, Bowmanville. 49-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sod, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M..- Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tl Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L.. Bowmanvilf Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 100 acre farmn near Bethany. 7 room frame hause with furn- ace and heavy wiing. Large barn. Garage. Priced ta seli, with reasonable down payment. Beautiful new 2-storey home with carport. 3 large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large living-room, dining- moom, modemn kitchen, '2-piece bath on first floor. ail heating. Priced ta seil or will accept trade. Large commercial building, very centrally located. For price and location please 'phone Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 50-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members o! Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Daimy farmm with subdivision possibilities. 971/4 acres dlay loam, nearly ail w-orkable, on outskirts of City of Oshawa. 10- maom bouse with furnace ,and bathroom. Bank barn 100 x 45, wing 28 x 58, 2 cement silos. Priced at iess than $500 per acre with temms. 216 acres with large lake frontage on Lake Scugag. Good buildings. $20,000 with $7,000 down. Farms fromn 10 acres ta 600 acres with prives anyone can afford. 100 acre Christmas tree farma in Orono amea. 34,000 trees planted. $8,000. Terms. Incarne home on King St. $13.000 with $2,000 down. Some o! aur business listings include service stations, car and farm machinery agency, snack bars, motels, sand and gravel business, grocery stores. En- quire at office for particulars, WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanvllle 50-1 De WiIh Real Estie DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, dlay and dlay loam land witb 12 cons quota, 3 ponds, 42-can bulk cooler instal1sod, 100' x 52' bank barn with water bowls, large machine shed, cement silo; 7 oomed new bungalow with ahl city conveniences. Asking price $30.000 with terms arranged. DAIRY FARM, 114 acres witb 5 cons quota, bulk cooler in- stalled, almost ahi workabie, 100' x 30' bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse, running water, furnoce. Price $16,000. Terms. 120 ocre farm on 35 Highway, 60' x 36' bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 9 roomed frame bouse with running water. Asking $14,000 with easy terms. 100 acre famm, 80 acres work- able, creek, 90' x 36' barn with running watem, drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed brick bouse with furn- ace, running water. Price $9,500 witb $3.500 down. 100 ocre farm, near Orono with large stream, 100' x 35' bank barn in excellent shape, implement shed, double ben hause, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse with f urnace, beavy wir- ed. Price $18,000. Terrns. 7 roomed -home with all mod- ern conveniences, double garage, on 4 acres o! land, located on a highway. Price $8.000 with terms. 5 roamed bungalow west Bowmanville on higbway, alI modern conveniences, attached garage. Price- $10.500. Terms. 6 roomed bouse in village witb 4-piece bath, ail fumnace, modemn kitchen, bot and cold water, etc. Price $5.500 with $1.500 down. 7 roomed frame home with modemn kitchen, fumnace, run- ning water. Garage, etc. Price $6,500 with $1.000 down. 5 roomed insulated home east Newcastle with ail furnace, kitchen cuphoards. Price $4.500 with low down payment. Incarne home, 9 roorns with 2 kitchens, ahi canveniences, newly decorated and painted. Asking $10.500 with terms. 5 roorned airnost new, ranch style bungalow witb al modern conveniences. Recreation room in basernent. Asking $12,000. 'Terms arranged. Contact: John F. De Wiih Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 331 Salesmen: Donald MouatJay, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Dan Boehm, Garden Hill Phone 6 r 111 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Real Estate for14&1e Pedwell Real Esiais Large and smnall farms, hoÇzs- es, service stations, general stores, etc. Salesmen : DWaurlce H. PedwelI Phone Newcastle 3851 Win. A. Heron Phone 12, Brook"i E. .effery Phonle 238, Coîborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3854 50-1 Leask Real Esiats 7 room house on one acre land in Bowmanviiie, 4 bed- raoms, 2-piece bath down, wasli moom upstairs, full basement, new fomced air ail furnace. $9,000 full price. Easy temms. We have lots, bouses, farms, bungalows. Consuit us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 or 3-55Z2 50-1 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 7 room frame bouse and sun porch, 3-piece bath, ail fumnace, heavy wîring, basement, garage and garden. 9 roam solid brick, hydro, sewer and water, basenient, hot water beating, gaod lot on pav- ed street, close ta school. In- vestigate this one. Immediate possession. $ 1,500 dawn, bal.. ance monthly payment at 6%. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Dial MA 3-5682 Box 941 50-i. Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER We have a buyem for an extra large, gaod quality home in the town. Contact us now. Properties of ahl kinds for sale. First mortgage money avail- able immediately on suitable praperties. 7% intemest. Ne bonus. 52 King St. W., Bowi anvile DU 3-2453 -or 3-2762 Sal..C 'iil jno. Hills-à... 3-2495 Len Hibbard, RA 8-1022 Pel er Feddema General farm, 100 acres, 7 room insul brick bouse, large barn, implement shed, betn bouse, garage, real good soil, nice creek. Price $2 1,000.00 or trade for smaller farm. 40 acres noth-east o! Bow- manvilie. 7 room insul brick bouse, large L-shape barn, hydro, good well, sitable for poultry farm. On paved road. Price only $12,000.00. Igasy 1 termes. 20 acres neor Omano. 8 room insulbmick bouse, large barns, implement shed, lien honuse, buildings in good repair. Prie.i $10,000.00. Termis. 30 acres wîth neve-fai1irig stream, nice view, ideal spot,%* lxiild a bouse or cottage. Prie $3,000.00. Termis. 5 room bungalow at Maple Grave, thmee-bedroom, kitchen, living-room, full basement. aiumainum windows, large 'lot. Price $5,500.00. Termis. 189 Scugog St. BowmanvilloeI Phone MA 3-3614 Mortgages IMMEDIATELY avoulable for first motgage on improved town or rural property, $4.000, $3,000 and $2,000 in separate . mortgoges. Five year open; înterest payable semi-annua ily. Lemoy Hamilton, Broker, Orono i r 16. 50-2 Wanted DEAD and cippied farmi stock, picked up promptly. Phon MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur' Farm Tyrone. 1- : '1. The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT « HELP WANTED) CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND - £TC, Cash Rat. * , - 4cpor word with a minimum OF6Oc Must be paid by date af insertion Il charged. an additjonai 25e will be added. - A char ge of 25c wilI be made ftS a]l repliez directed 10 this oflice. NOTICES. COMING EVENTU AND CARDS 0F THANES 4c a word with a minimum cd $1i.00 for 25 words or [es$ SIRTH5 . ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES . DEATHS $1.00 per insertion 1N MEMORIAMI 81.00 plus foc a lin. foi verso Disploy Classiied ai 1.50 P. inch with a minimum of one lnch. AdditionoJinsertions ai 1h. smre rates. Ail CIassiffld Ads must h. ta this oilicflot later thon 12 o'clock noon, W.dnesday. Bond cash. stomps or money oru and save monsy. Clip thfs out for handy refeeno. OFFICE gQp S Monday throbA]~i fdcW 8:30 a.m. **0Satur4ýr' 0 Dia1 MArket 3.3103 fer Classilied Ad Service wI PAGE TWV"r TM CU«ADL« BTATML«. BOWMANVMLT4 MITAMD 1 50-11

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