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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 3

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PAGE. iloff MUEMAY, DEC. llth, 1958 3. & P. Women to Judge 'hristmas Decorations ~4edica1 Mirror Note to raadert: Thanks 'for al ehe n5ýt etters. As many ques- lion$ , UZ.~ble will be answered un this olumn, but for obvious reasons replies must ha brie!. Q. Uy5,m iu royal jelly? Do iiutritionist# eoeider 1* a sa£- flaciory dieîary supplementl»' .-W'. B, Canada. A. Royal jdlly is a secretion of worker becs wbich is fed te larva (baby becs) that are ta beçcome queens. One or two sci- entifie reports indicate that royal jelly contains one cf the «'B" vitamins (pantothenic acid), but the nceed for this vitamin by bu- aflans has flot been established. According to a top nutritionist, promotion cf "royal jelly" as a cietary supplenient is pretty much in the field of quackery.. The UJ. S. Food ' and Drug Adminis- *tratioa is very.much concerned about the sale cf "food supple- inents" as cure-ails for conditions 'which require inedical attention. T*he leaflet "Food Facts vs. Food Fallacice issucd by FDA is good reading for anyone who is inter- esteii improved health. Copies are. available by writing ta the Pood and Drug Administration, iDept. of Health, Education and ýWelfareWashington 25, D. C. w4nwm do not necessaril,' reffect ,ghe opinion of ail doctors. The diag- goi nd uf reaimeni ot disease is the j4unction ot the pafient'fparonal jphysici=n Questions directed ta Dr. .. D. Raison, ScienoeEditors, e.0. Box 396, Madison Square efatlon; N. Y. 10,-N. y. will be incorporated in these columns when t possible. The Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce announces that a committee cf members of thie Busincs:s and Professional Wom- en's Club bas volunteered ta tour the entire town and select the winners in the Cbamber's annual home and store window In the home decorating con- test a perfect score would be 100 points, made up of 40 points for artistic menit, 30 for par- traying the spirit cf Christmas, 20 for originality, and 10 for ingenuity in utilizing the nat- ural features of the home or its gr-ounds. To start with, the town will be zoned and the outstanding homes in each zone will be list- ed. Filially, the entire panel of judges will visit each selected home and choose the winners. There are three prizes this year cf $25, $15 and $10. Judging will commence next week and the winnei-s will be, notified by Christmas Eve. Win- ner for the last two years has been Donald Wilcox of Lambs Lane. In the store window contest, only one winner will be nam- ed. He will receive the Presi- dent's Trophy, won last year by Ella's Variety Shop. The decorating cf homes and stores at the Christmas Season bas become a popular folk cus- tom throughout North Amer- ica. By the decorations it bas erected on Ring Street tbi-aug'n its Retail Merchants Commit- tee, and by sponsoring these annual contests, the local Cham- ber of Commerce is seeking tai encourage this pleasant custom,. It is hoped that a majority1 cf citizenis will seize this op-1 portunity ta exercîse thein ai-- tistic talents, beautify aur tewn, and spread the spirit of Christ- mas. - Vogueý takes àasure in announcing that q"dc4w2#d d4Iaula Bowrnanville are now the exclusive representative for VOGUE PATTERNS SERVICE MAR RS JEWELLERY STREET WEST BOWVMANVELLE Mrs. Allen Foster Saturday night xvere, Mr. and Mrs. Heî rb.. Long, Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Long, Mi-. and Mrs. Tomn Long, Port Hope, Mi-. and Mrs. Ned à Foster, Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Fos- I ter and Mr-. and Mrs. H. Fosteri Mrs. Alva Swarbrick left Fi- day to spend the winter witt ville showers were aiehl this week for Miss JeanCas cadden. Postponed on account~Ç of the snow storm from last Friday, Mrs. G. Cathcart held ad B showor at ber home ThursdayN B-NclcBaee X evening,,. F-dyevening theNclcBaee girls gathered at the homea Brooch or Earrings Misses Carolyn, Patsy and Jud BocErigsI"y :~ Foster te surprise lier with a C-BocErig miscellaneous sbower, when se or Necklace ful gift3; and aU enjoyed a fine AVU time. Mrs. Jssie remaie, beNecklace, Bracelet son-in-law. Russel Willan andR rErig three cildi-en and bis mnother, F - Necklace or Earrings 5 Mrs.WMlt Rob inson. Mr.aTre C Mrs. WillaRobvisoted Mr. Tae- - Necklace, EarringsD maine is staying foi- the week r raelt00A R wR with he.n sister.orBaetU W Foter's n heaon eRou- H or Brkacel e J E W E L E R Wctrk s einghameaon eoy H orNecracel e insEach WLL R tbern corner of bis property. Th3 Kong St.n W.sMA 3-5463 Ti he ondteiow aeng putKngS. eM 35 6 weather struck so suddenly. 7t J . 1' - - .. -.4* - Fr TME CAIIAD!MI STATEMAN, BOWMANV!LL.OIITAYU __________ PONTYPOOL \M.I. Convention tr. ln wr cmlted fr Mth .htt5&gae a ver We etendheariestcongat ur annual Christmas party interesting and well prepared Wetin. etendissearis tnga-,,~ and turkey supper on Dec. 18 paper on her trip to convention Uation4 of Missadors.MaettaeportK 'iven with regular meeting at 2.30 ixik Toronto as delegate. Iî made Manett. Dors attnds Lndsayp.r. Members please note us feel that we would iet da.gte c M-.an Ms.San11 ' hagecfdae.Mr. oes ire- be a delegate sometime. High Scbool and was recently tDchane ofSate.ulIerVo awarded the Major Clarence G. B I -,B u wy or e f r e wl orkig ote s erve rs.B eresbmends. gru Weeks M.C. Memorial prize for k W but wuid lay themonside un-sre ersmn Grade 12 Mathematics. With 50 fThe regular meeting of Bow. bt wolafytrhrist as d n much criticism f our present nanville Women's Institute was tilei masu stnas expensive system cof education i Nov. 7. winsCetreon The Januaymwseeting e e ahT - our High SChool Area it is corn- Go,2. Aîci, rsie t coàid ae ourevinst ote for OI ppane forting te see at least one local Mrs. G.istrict p residen lhaeurvt fo h pupil attaining a high award. tconductedtthe business.r Min- throughe Everyda o er theLrAnmu utes were read by Sec-Treas., Roll cali-namne an mndustry STATESMA sace d on d e tenLOBA Mrs. M. Wiseman. A donation that bas contributed ta growth T ESA T he at endanc w as d ssappo nt- R I H A R D S M eK E O N corbas becnnksentw htae rSseringbillsenN.ocfprC ahiadaN .w af verya-w elleran-llCn-A S SIFIE DSD Dane hld n Fidy eeflng. RICARS -McKOWN cosag. fpn n ht oe S., for mining victimrs. swered. Mrs. E. Goodman i-e- Phono MA 3-3303 ng but the Novel Aires Orbes- St. John's United Cburch, Fothiwedgtptote Mrs. R. Webber was appoint- ported for motto "Sow a itra of Cobourg sold tbemselves Campbellford, was the setting Uniote Stae tbrie worte to hoe pesnt.Bypopla r- on Saturday, December 6th fL>r Dior Nlue satin embroidered quest they are coming back in the marriage cf Olive Gertrude, sheath dress and charcoal gray January. daughter cf Mrs. McKeowfl and coat with a corsage cf 'rnums. With tree growers working the late JamesE .ewt Hrht cr n gloves were under adverse road and weather Edward James Richards, son of in winter white and her shoes T h. le conditions te get mcving the last the late Mr. and Mrs. William and bag of black suede. of 95 crp t ws otexpected J. Richards cf Bowmanville. cf 958crc itwasnetThe Reverend D. Manseil Smith Mr.. wÂd Mrs. Richards will they would get any help fi-cm ofcae ttedul igrsd t4 aeS eBw thieves. Two prominent gi-owers ofcae ttedul igrsd t4 aeSreBw hae ufeed1o~s i-r teftceremony. manville. hae hem alsss re lywt-encnlc hat rsen- ST R IL of several hundred trees. Those The bride wcre a beige Arn- igthe best. Any mediocre trees pbasized with a hip length S A K IL lacking in height, coloreakt, adorned witb three- 1were left on the plantation. quarte~ length sleeves. She Mr-. and Mrs. Allen Cornish Mr. Alvin Olan was in Co- chose as ber accessaries a Fail and family, Georgetown, wercŽ bour reenty o Grnd uryRust French feathered Ban- recent visitors with Mrs. Victor bour recntlyon Gand urydeau worn on a profile, long Farrow.r f e h ne t het. Mr. din s hedu-MssColenFelnoona duty. shirred beige gloves and rust. r.Sutavstehred Sriy ta learn that Mrs. Mick- coloured leather shes. Mrn O3hwa vstd red ey Adams cf Oreno Is in pooi- Her flewers were cf bronze i àea worn as MratanMirs. lewHackmAitT iRosTEss! She knows toay's ghd tehis .iandge. BilHck n gl ab mm, aSwels jcn-trial modems prefer light refreshment. Plnood atcf d th lla eastycoTh r.ie. ony tenanShe serves today's Pepsi. Never heavy, Plan t atted at Maitsor T e brie ofyattndat, A few ladies attended thenertosetireehewtou own Schcel Christmas Tree Cc- Ms aeMlrc eterbor- shcwer for Miss Inez Gardon ertoswtirfehswtou nicert this year. Teachers and pu- ough, chose a two-piece . nNwovllls ek.fun.Pant ev t tyu at puls put a lot of work and time crepe suit in Dioi- blue, featu-inNwovle at ek.ffngPanosrei tyu pty preparing for these concerts ing the new short look jacket Mr. arnd Mrs. Gardon Trim and menit your attendance and in blouson style with three- and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trini support.quarter length sleeves, straight with friends in Oshawa recent- supot.ski-t w-*th sun-ray pleat treat- ly. I nWe always thought we were ment in the centre back. Her Mi-. and Mrs. E. Shier, To- : the cold and snow belt. Wea- bat was cf Dior blue and bierrntaMi.Lod alwe', * thrfe-cat f-r Ptrbr tr~-urei ent goesilSunday. Buy it in the handy ough TV Station last week this dusty Pink. Her corsage was cf MradMr.ADbsn ee6botecta district as b-avîng the bighest variegated pink carnations. gue.tsatd Mi. E. DRuthv en'sot aro tempratre radig inmos cf Mr. Gardon Jollow cf Bow- Zion. , Canada. Some day we may mer- avlewagrosn. it the namne cf the "Banana" mnllWS rosa. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid ibeit. However, Mi-. and Mrs. Er- Follawing the ceremany, a and daugbter visited Mr. E. nie Cavano took no chances and receptioii was held at the homne Graham, Third Line, recently. À-. lef t for their winter home in In- of the bride's mother who wore Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogers and SMITH BEVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. tercession City, Florida, xecently a navy ticotina crepe dress family, Oshawa, at Mr-. M. Mi-. and Mrs. Jimmnie Cuitis with black accessories, and a Sbutka's. plan te move into their fine new borne on Hwy. 35 before Christ- mas. For a"CORO" Christmas Miss Phyllià Jackson cf Pe- " terborough Teacher's College J .L D C wsassigned to Antioch school See the BEST i Costume Jewellery at for a week's observation and practice teaching. Witb MissIq Catherine Stewart at Stark- ville school were Miss Farru - gia and Miss Phin fi-arn Toron-NR rJWLER Y toTace'aCllg. Gue.sts cf Mi-. and Mrs. Jack e, Carscadden and Jean, Sunday, Î* .1 .7>. wei-e Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mc- IRober-ts, Toronto. Mi-. and Mrs. AA' Chai-lie Gay and Mr. and Mrs. jRalph Geacb. Mrs. G. Cathcart, IMrs. Thomipson and Arthur, Mrs. H. Foster and daugbters 1 also attended Jean's trousseau tea. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Courcux, Ray and Marie, were in Toi-on- to visiting Mi-. and Mi-s. Ray Moore, Sunday.N f. Misses Margaret Jackson, R. N., Ruth Jackson, R. N., and Kathleen Jackson, nurse-in. training, at Civic Hospital, Ot- X tawa, are witb Mi-. and M- .V Wm. Jackson. Rutt and Kath- leen eacb underwent an eper- ation last week and are home Il recuperating for a short tim~ W-2dnesdiay girl fiends andt neighboui-s fi-rn the Sixth Line VA and Orono, enjoyed a. pleasant evening at the home cf M"s. Jack Stapleten when they held in honc'ur cf ber apprcaching wedding to Wallace Boughen. Mrs. L. Greenwoed wsCo hostess witb Mrs. Stapleton. f' Mrs. Ted Coathani and fam-e ily and Mrs. Vance Allen and *. sw- e

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