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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 5

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MrAmAN vrATEUWA2i,-UOWXA2IVHL~ ~A ,~ -~-~' r nitys W.A. Bazaar ealizes Over $1,000 So Popula was Trinity Fall a very busy place and the tea lair this year t.hat the Sunday table was a pretty sight with School auditorium was packed its silver services and red can- ith eager would-be patrons dies in sîlver candelabra. bolding items of their choice Upstairs were many well ~ng before the bazaar was of- stocked booths. Delectable sup- 4ially declared open and bu'ý- per salad plates and plates of Ltess &ouldbe transacted. Christmas cookies were amor.g The ~ successful event the many good thin gs available which 'iàlized $1,000 for the at the Food Centre ând Delica- Woman's Association, was heïd tessen. The apron booth had on Fridav afternoon, Dec. 5. every size and type of apron. President Mrs. W. C. Ives op- and ail booths were chock fuil- ned the bazaar at 2.30 and the of items which caught the eye mi~y attractive booths and ta- and opened the pocket book. bles were soon cleared of mer- The children were entertairi- chandýse. Ceneral convenors ed with movies> while the;r were Mrs. J. Van Nest. Mrs. B.!mothers shopped, and at four Heavysege and Mrs. L. God-!o'clocki, Mrs. Santa Claus, in dard. the person of Mrs. Earl Osborne, Downstajrs the Christmas arrived with little Christmns Shop wvas gay with sparkling stockings for all the small fry. and original table and tree de- The bazaar was a most suc- corations, quickly purchased bv cessful event for the convenors 1!ager buyers. The tea room was and workers of the W.A. "Christmasj ;Theme 0f W.M.S.* Meeting TheDecember meeting of the1 picted Joel who considered Woman's Missionary Socie ty ifi him self the unworthy shep- the United Chu-ch was heli in herd, not fit ta look upon the the Sunday School auditorium, tastefuily decorated with ai face of the new born King. A Christmas tree, candies and1 loveiy Christmas solo was sung flowers. Mrs. G. Allun presidcd by Mrs. N. Bailey accompaniezi and opened the meeting, Christ- at the piano by Mrs. E. C. Hoar. mas thoughts, and prayer. During the business period The Worship Service and pro- reports were heard from the gram were in charge of Group various secretaries and plans 2 with Mrs. W. F. Rickard con- were made ta bring donations ducting a Christmas worship of fruit, vegetables, canned service consisting o! readings, goods, clothing, toys etc., ta the prayer and hymns from the Sunday Schooi room on Thurs- hymnary which were read iii day, December llth for the unison. îFred Victor Mission. A ChrIstmar rceading wasj The meeting closed with the given by Mýrs. H. AllEn and de- 'Mizpah Benediction. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS ~ GIRI4S' COTTON DUSTERS 7 to 14 years$3 9 .CRINI'OLINES - $2.98 - $3.98 FLEECE-LINED COTTON PULLO VERS 4 to 10 year--------------------$2 4 John & Judy S hapeo 75 King E.Bowmanville , 10000 9~%5 TYSÀ&S 1- Iîî1NB iJ'MKX4PLE PLASTIC i Shop Early for Esi Snleciioin9 PAINTSETS I Paint by Numbiers $2. 50 up WALL MURAL J. He ABIERNIETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper StoreI L33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 MRT Up TO THE LAST Mil CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! AUTOMATIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC MIXERS ELECThtiC FRY PANS ELECTRIC Percolators ELECTRIC KETTLES - - - m Si SEEQOUR. TOOLSÇ FOR DAD-ç Large Selection Io Choose Fr LNDER HARD 7 N ST. E. PHC -~------------------- OBITARY Papers Given IDA MAY TREWINI On Sunday, November 23, Mda ivMexico at May Stainton Trewin was cal- ed ta ber Eternal Rest. She was born May 10, 1884,Trn y W M the daughter of Joiin and Eliza- beth Stainton o! Enniskillen, Trinity Afternoon Auxiliary Ont., and lived her youth in af the W.M.S. met TuesdaY, that community, wher'e the with a good attendance. Mr.-S Stainton family served in tine Goodwin's Group was in charge work and life of the MethodistI of the Worship Service.. Church. Mrs. Woolley gave a series ~ In 1906 she was united 'in of Christmas poems and then I maraeto the -late Williamne n ryr Henry Trewin o! Haydon, atJ A trio, consisting of Mrs. 0. which time she became a memn- Richmond, Mrs. D. R. Alldreal ber of Haydon Methodist church and Mrs. S. R. James sang a and its associations. She has very beautiful Christmas sel- been a faithful servant througl-- lection, accompanied by Mrs. R., out ber lifetime to berchr, Holiowell at the piano. community and family. The offering wvas received by She wvas predeceased by hcr' Mrs. Markle and Mrs. Jackson husbanid in February 1956. and and dedicated by Mrs. Woolley. one son, William Harold, one Mrs. Goodwin, assisted by Mrs. daughter, Anne Evelyn, and aI Clarke and Mrs. Harvey, gave brother, Hillier. interesting papers on Mexico. She will be everlastingly re- Mrs. W. C. Ives took the membered by her famiiy, Ar- chair for the election for the thur, Silas, Clifford, Verna,, siate of officers that Miss IHa Grace, May, Wînnifred and Weekes, convener o! the nom-' Clare, and eight grandchildren, inating committee, presented. her sister Ethel, (Mrs. Elias The iist will appear in the Jan- Ian and the Rev. Harold Stain- The president, Mrs. S. R. ton. James, presided for the busi- ness session. Reports from the NEWTO VILLE various secretaries were heard. Mr. t and ween atedngM rs. Reichrath VO the O.B.A. at the Royal Hotel, Oakville. no sPa t n ! Mr. and Mrs. Sid LancasterEnoy Pa t on ' were in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beaulieu and 85th Birthdlay I family have moved from the Ormiston bouse ta the Clînton NEWTONVILLE-A number Brown cottage, of aid friends and neighbours Mrs. Cecil Burley is spending dropped in on Sunday after- few days with Mr. and Mrs. nota congratulate Mrs, Earle McEwen o! Peterborough. Andrew Reichrath, on the hao'- ' Mr.adMsMitnKmaî py occasion of her 85th birtii- have rnoved up from the lake dy and her mother, Mrs. Gilmer Foliowin% an enjayabie chit Smith, has returned from hier about aid -timnes, the guests re- stay with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gra- ,paired ta the dining-roorni. ,e ham f Nwcasle.where the attractive tea table was decoratea w1th candelabra Hydro service in Newtonville and flowers. was disrupted for four hours on Assisting in pouring tea andi [Wednesday from 5 p.m. ta 9 p.m. srigwr h agtro Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown the house, Mrs. James Adams, spent the weekend with friends if Toronto, a grand- dau ghter, Le at Bronte. Miss Carol ReicinraZ!h, of Port 14 Little Brenda Caswell had bier Hope, and Mrs. Percy Green- tonsils removed at Memorial fieldr-, Bowmanville. Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sat- M7s. Reichrath is enjayir'z urday. mood health and in ber usual î! On Monday, Dec. 1, voting hospitable fashion, insisted onW was suppased ta, take place at everyone sampling the wonder- , the Orange Hall but wîien itifui cakes and other dainly was found that starlings had set confections baked by her owni up house-keeping in the chim- hands. ney a quick change xvas nia-de ta Her- datighter gave bar a theComuniy IIal. elping hand in opening th!Ž t A miscellaneous shower for pile of prettilv wrapped rei-n-; Miss Inez Gardon, whose forth- embranccs anaC cards receivýcdl, coming marriage ta Mr, Wallace during the day. All p7ezent. Boughen wilI take place at Ken- ioined in wish-ing ber continu- « dal United Church on Friday, ed he-ilth and happiness. Dec. 12, was heid at the home of Mr. and Mr.,. Clinton Brown. Ill Our population h a s risen HAMPTON"tle sharply these last few days.9 Considerable d a m age was Mr. and Mrs. B. Hutchison 'Y done ta Sid Brown's store front Port Perry, were Sunday visit-' whenrammed by a car on Tues- ors at the honie o! their dauilh- day. ter, Mrs. Keith Smith, Mr. The December meeting of the Smith and famaiiy. W.M.S. was beld at the home ofjMr d r.ReodCm Mrs. Arnold Wade, Dec. 3, with eron ,1Ins Linda Cameroî, je 1Mrs. Cecil Burley presidîng. The Bowm1anvil1e, Mr. and Mr, q Christmas Devotional prozram G:ant Viilliarns and farnil' ~vas in charge af Mrs. R. C. Zion, we2e Sunday visitors with iWhi'te. Mrs. Jîm Caswell sanr' Mr. andd Mis. Bert Hoskin. very sweetly, "Silent Night." Mrs. Annme Kuhn, Toronta 1Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Mrs. Arn- was a recent vis itor at W. W'i old Waý1e were appointed ta Horn's. nack ond exnress the bhaie ta the Mr. and Mrs. Raloh Ballard ~ Fred Victor Mission. It was de- had as visîtors on Sundav ber If cided ta send Christmas cards ~o paren.M-. and Mrs. Apnleton, el the shut-in members of the con'- of Whilby. and bis parents, Mr. munity. The pastor Rev. R. C. and Mrs. Ballard of Columbus. s White wig preEent and took , Mr. and Mrs. lia" Smith andi charge o! the election o! officers i famnily, Newcastle, Mr. and Mc's. ~ for 1959. The 1958 list o! officers Allyn Taylor and daughterw was re-elected. Meeting closed Linda, Bowmanville, were nt with prayer by Rev. R. C. White. the home of their parents, Mr. A number of Newtonville pea- and Mrs. Hosken Smith on Sun- pie enjoyesi a turkey dinner and day. social evening at Cold Spring-s M- . and Mrs. B,'Il Harrison Community Ceo)tre Thursday and daughter Kim,' Mr. Harri- evening, wben Keith Burley of son Sr., and Miss Marjory Har- theBureyBusLies ntrtan-rison, Port Perrýy at G. AI- -edh bi loyeesiq ,in tr wive cks C. Coulter Kimerlea Ann Har- AilOi Prcerison, daughter of Mr. and Ms AU OnePriceWm. Harrison, Port. Perry, (<nee Annabelle Adcock) and Mr.anMrs Henry Goschl,o! o Ch.ads Henry Goschl of! n E Oshawa, formerly Joan Mcçoy si 4 t ,9 15,;and sister o! Mr. Mel CcCoy wbo was present also, and con- tributed ta the music o! the service in a vocal solo wbîch ontained inspiration and was C imressive message was pre- pecia $ 8 . 85 1sented by Mr. Reed. Service next Sunday will be Iheld in the evening at 7 o'clock 9__Ii n charge of the C.G.I.T. The k national Christmas vesper a-id * ~ Icandle-lighting Order o! War- V C EACH ship will be followed. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, in the recent ro? C assing o! her sister in De-. rom troit. t r Mrs. D3onald Adcock (nee Mrs. Moana Mainprize) whose mar- r iage took place in the church! on Saturday. Friends were sorry to learn ýW A R E j ofthe death o! Mrs. F. J. Ja!î- NE P.A ~ess at Stettier, Alta., the former ) Katherine Argue, she was a )NE A 3-5774 one time a highly respected and! - oamm jà capable teacher in aur school. ~ \\ç CHRISTMA.S 4iCANIVÀAL 0F STARS. Il J, >W She Meyer Hus Enough S. &y~Six Sweaters for the Gift List Banlon* Sweaters with the Subtle Clinging Fit - Mock fashioned "Bon-Lon" the sweater with the subtie dling ...that washes sa beautifully and keeps its shope . . . in t;iree styles (she'Il love the set) . . . and in six gloriaus colars - Foi-est GIow, Sopphire Blue, Scenic Green, Red, Beige, Block and White-Sazes 16 ta 20. *Reg. T.M. (A) CjSI arias (A) TSCPUJVr uçk-en Clasi ~ls sic Puilovers 1E Fancy PulIoyers EAHEACH 5 9 8(sh3rt-5Ske«Z'1 Soft, 5SDit High Bulk Orlon Sweaters Fasiioned by o ieoding mo!,er "Brc;adiway Mils" cf Orlon* a favorite for sweaters . . . washes easiiy, dries quickly and keeps shcpe and cclor wcshînp autor washing . . . she Iikely bas o set or sa now but wouidn't say no ta mcre.- In 9 gloricus colors of Blueberry, Red, Turquoise, Burnt Almond, Pink, Powder, Beige, Sea Green, Black and Whit. Si zes 16 -20.b (B) 1w O.3oIr Syle(C) Classic Pullover (D) ClaUSSiC Cag, e , Sp i r,- r V I.'1,' A.(short sleeve) a d g n EACH 'Duponi's rcg'd. T.M. for i-s cicrý, c f e EACH4 S8l.Ç 1 L'ghtwe-*ght Vizzose P:Ss ',Vczl *Double bC se 72 x S *Beau-tfully bcxc-J EACH New viscose and WciV/olrmin without.gt Blaiii-eis by "'Slingsby" . .. à a poe;-i'ed wicov.'eblendedà ta give fine op- peorance, sleeping confort and long w'mr ... washable, of course . . . luxuriovs wide satin bind:ng . choose from such colors as Coral, Pink, Blue, Aqua ... a gifIt ycu'Il Civ or receive with pride. Gifts that are always Welcome (OLORFUL THIRSTY TERRIES " Big bath sizes " Stripes, Prints, Plain colors 1) A H1 .02 9 Granny Style pyjanmas ln Washa b!e Print Flan nelette A-One of aur very papular styles this semson in vi print flannelette . . . Pink or Blue in sizes Smoll, Medium or Large. Eazh ............. ln Washa b!e Print Flannelette Favorite Granny Gowns Aneyer ending favortie styl e with those preferrina nowns Such a selectian of plain colors, stripes and printed pat-... in dainty woshable print of wornm, well napped flan- terns, you'lI find-it easy ta select your gift tawels . *.* each nefette . . . Medium, Large thickly looped for high absorbency and in the populor bath 29 sizes ... see themn early for best selectian - Each 1.29 or O>versize. Each .. ................ . )j~ a namne you know for fine SNU;GLEDOIWN COSTUME JEWELLERY SLEEP WEAR Every woman loves jewellery . .. and a new set or two as PYJAMAS AND GOWNS glfts wln high praise for the giver .. . especiaily when it la by Sieep In the luxurtous'Snuggiedown by Silknit. "Redmanlzed". "Coro" a namne famous for fine costume jeweilery. Choose Colora of Daffodil, Rose and Aqua. Sizes, Gowns 34 to 48; from pins, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. 1Pyjamas 34 to 40. Bach 1 0 Bxe or Pairi Boe 3.98 aid4.98 STORE HOUES Open ail day Wednesdays until Christmas. Evenings until 9 o'clock, beginning Dec. 15 to Dec. 2?z Closed 6 o'clock Christmas Eve. ----------WALK!R STORES LIMITED @aa-j»oà ý %&iIiDzum--immior 2,98 TM e h AT, vw. litil, i9m wow

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