THURSDAY, DEC. I8t. 1958 B ! rrrqvwTH AAIN TTSA. OMN!LE NAJ Wanted - Three Million Gifts for World's Hungry Three nuion food packages, as personal gifts fromn Canad- ians and Americans, have been set as the goal of CARE's f9581 annual Food Crusade to help feed hungry peoples around the world. Each package contains 22 ibs. of surplus food . . . flour, milk powder, corn meal and cheese . enough to supplement the diet of four persons for one month. One package can ibe sent for a $1 contribution. Good ]Reading for the -1 Whole Family News eFacts e !F!!LW Features 1I* C>istlon Scwencemonitof One Norwey St., Bosonm 15, MOUs. Send your newstopev for the tfrf* ehcked. Enlofed ind mny cheCk or nmomey order. 1 yeor $18 0 6 moths $9 0 3moonth $4.500 City Zonie Stote Under the direction of CARE Mission Chiefs, the packages will ibe distributed ta the need- iest familles and gnoups in 13 countnies: Columbia, E g y p t, Greece, Hong Kong, India. Is- nael, Italy, Konea, Macau, Pak- istan, Poland, West Genmany and Berlin, and Yugoslavia. Recipients are selected solely on the basis of need, negandless of race, creed ar colon. CARE Mission staffs wonk closely with local pivate and official wel- fane agencies to assure effective distribution and use. Deliveies are made directly ta needy fam- ilies, or thnough feeding pro- grams at schools, hospitals, on- phanages and ather welfare in- stitutions. The desperate need for re- lief assistance is dnamnatically evident from UJnited Nations sunveys, which reveal that twa thirds of the wold's peaples are undenfed. Lack of land, of tools, of farming knowledge are the basic causes. Wans, aggres- sions. disasters multiPly the hunger. Today, as neyer befone, nations are stniviflg ta increaSe production. Meanwhile, millionis of people neyer get enough ta eat. "At a time when aur fanm abundance contnasts 50 shanply with world hunger, CARE calis to the Canadian people for pen- sonal action," said Paul J. Cour- ian, dinector of CARE of Can- adia. "During the Christmas sea- son especially, we must do al we can ta spread the spirit of brotherhood across the earth, as well as at home" Contributions in any amount can be sent ta CARE of Canada, Ottawa. An official receipt wil be issued. Is the electrical wiring In vour home capable of safel.y taking the "load" of appliances? Look at it from the standpoint of appliances available then and now: 1913-5; 1930-19; 1958-60 plus. h I PROCLAMATION Friday, December 26th 1958 BOXING:, ,DAY Whereas at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, held on the 2nd day of December, 1958, it was resolved that Friday, December 26th, 1958, Boxing Day, be and the same is hereby fixed as a Civic Holi- day for the current year and that the Mayor be authorized to publish a proclamation in connec- tion therewith. These are, therefore, to mnake known that in compliance with the aforesaid resolution I 'do hereby proclaim Friday, December 26th, 1958, Boxing Day as Civic Holiday. NIlson E. Osborne, Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN For Su ccessf ul Christmas Menu use DELICIQUS WHIPPING 35c RAE GLEN PHONE 98 King St. W. MA 3-5444 Bowm anville SOLINA THE BAFFLES The Sunday school room was .i gay with the spirit of Christmas, rm oeitJ:&Rm a a m -aur Thursday night and a cheery Noim~m lE i M W atmosphere was pravided bv la- MI<JVOCNmmW&LE IE(WLNM vely decorations- lighted. can- erf dies. pretty table centres, win- ter scenes, cards. a Christmas tree with colared lights, flash- ing on and off and the beauti- fui carols softly played.' This was the annual Women's Insti- tute Christmas meeting. Mrs. E. R. Taylor, president, fui carols softly played on Mrs.- L. Kellett's record player. This conducted the business periad. The members answered the ral caîl with "What 1 like about Christmas", and presented a gift for someone in the County Home at Cobourg. Donations will be forwairded ta the ljosp- ital for Sick Children and the Scott Mission. A gift ta the sis- ter W.I. in England was sent by Mrs. E. Spires. Mrs. Bruce Tink will be the next correspondent. A'card was sent ta DarsMil son missionarv in BoliviiMs G. Heal reported an the annual bus trip taken in November ta Toronto.I Mrs. Wes Hilîs spoke briefly on the short course "Sew to ma- ke dollars and save cents" which will be held in the new year. Mrs. Ralph Davis reported on the Tweedsmuin History Day which she attended in Bawman- Douglas, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. ville, Mrs. E. Cryderman will Tom Westlake, Roy and Cecil, assist Mrs. G. Heal in complet- Millbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. ing the history of aur commun- Frank Westlaks ,Sr. ity. The graup will make a don- Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, ation ta the church treasury. Bowmanville; M i s s Florence Mrs. Harold Pascae, leader of Werry, Hampton, visited Mr. Gnoup 1 under the heading of and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Home Econamics, presided for Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Slack and the program. "Oh Holy Night," Karen, Ebenezen, visited Mr. was sweetly sung by Mrs. Ho- and Mrs. I. Hàrdy and Stanley. wand Milison. Comments on Messrs. Narval and Francis The motta "Health is God's gift, Wotten attended the funeral of yaur part is ta dlaim it"~ were M.Tlag eTy pnepared by Mrs. A. J. Balsoa M. Tanmd Me Hetn My. nan and nead bv Mrs. Rae Pascoe. 3Mn. and ns.Sa Mîlisn a "No Room in the Inn" xvas the sans, iie una vnn fine neading given by Mrs. Isaac wihM.anvr.RoetEk Hardy. Mrs. S. E.. Werry then ins andi children. demonstirated how ta canvea Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, turkey. This with a tasty salad B rougham, visited on Sunday at plate, Christmas cagke and tea Mn. and Mis. John Knox's. pnovided the deliciaus lunch May I, youn Sauina carres- served by the gnoup. Mrs. C. pondent wish the Editor and Hamer was the winner in the staff of the Canadian Statesman musical game. A Christmas film and ail the neadens of this week- was shown on Sunday afternoan ly column "the great jay of with Harold Yellowlees readin.g Christmas and may the New the commentary. as Year bless you with an abund- rie Aduit Bible ls had el- ance of Faith, Hope and Lave. ection of officens on Sunday. Re- "All the world is yaung on sults wene as follows: President Christmas Day. Our gnown-up Mrs. Bruce Tink; Vice-President wonnies seem ta meit away. - Mrs. Howard Milîson; Secre- There is a feeling that we can't tary- Bruce Tink; Treasure- explain for we become like chul- Mrs. E. R. Taylor; Committee dren once again. The faith of for visiting the sick- Mr. and childhood springs in us anew. Mrs. E. R. Taylor; Mn. and Mrs. Our' heants grow lighten, brigh- C. Pascoe, Mn. and Mrs. B. Hoo- ter, warmer, too, and life takes ey; Committee for Congrega- on a sweet simplicity. God comn- tional meeting lunch- Mrs. C. es s0 close- not veiled in mys- Vice, Mrs. B. Tink, Mrs. E. Ho- terry-~ But as a child- a small ckaday and Gladys Yeîîawlees. and helpless thing. The baby vice will be held at 2:45 a'clock This is the thought that breaks when a Christmas film will be down human pide- the tender shown by Rev. Reed and the thought that cames at Christ- lavely carols will be sung. Came mastide. with yaur family and wonship. Patience Strang The Three M's will meet for their Christmas meeting' onK Monday evening, December 22. ]ENDAL Mise, Donna Vice, Mrs. H. Yel- lowlees and Miss Gladys Yell- W. Christmas Party owlee3 attended the trousseau tea given iby Mrs. D. Cole, Bow- On Wednesday evening, Dec. manville fan ber daughter, Hel- lOth, in sub-zero weathen. a en. Christmas panty was held by Due ta unfarseen cincumstan- 4the W-1. at the home of the ces the cantata "Wonship at the president, Mns. Martin Man - manger," will not be presented dens. The roll cail was answer- an Sunday evening, Decemben ed by a verse containing a 21, as had been announced. Christmas wish. On Sunday, Decemben 28 a Thank you cards were reaci special Christmas proranmwill fram Ann Danchuk and Char- be pnesented during the Sun- lie Murphy. The W.I. received day Schobol hour. $9.50 from the Plastic Demoi. The Explorer and C.G.I.T. stration and a donation of $5.00 graups with their leaders at- was voted for the H-fospital -for tended the Vespen service at Sick.Childnen. As the members Haptn Sndynight. cansidened the W-1. shauld help Hamptond . S a ogsn the folks at hame more, instead Mr. ad Mrs StanHodg oaf sending aur money away, it Bowmanville. were Sunday tea was decided ta naise aur con- guests of Mr'. and Mrs. J. Yel1- tribution ta the Babby Falls' owlees and Gladys. Be nefit Fund ta $50 instead of Mrs. Addie Tink visited at $25 -as previouslv mentioned. Pency Dewell's at Hampton. The gifts, candy, cookies, etc.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crpdenman for the Home For The Aged and Mrs. A. Balson were Sun- are ta be left in at Mrs. H. Fos- day guests of Mr'. and Mrs. J. ter's by Dec. 17, ta be taken Legen, and family. Oshawa. down the first af the week. The Mrs. N. Fice. Marilyn and1 first meeting on "Sew ta Save, was livened Up by a number -~f contests and games. Much hil- aity xvas occasioned when Mns. McMackin pinned the nam o some well known persan Ofl: each ane's back and we had ta guess who we were fram th? verny helpful answers of aur fienis. It was quite a problemn ta unscramble words nelated ta the Christmas seasan and thase with yaungen childnen had the advantage when it came ta nur- sery rhymes. Spirited bidding unden the hammen of aur effi- cient auctioneer, Mns. Law, again left the Travelling Basket withaut anv additions. Our hostesses. Mrs. Mander. Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs. Stoker served a dainty lunch topped off bv a cake deconat2d with **Merry Christmas" and a deli- i cous fruit cake. A heartv vote of tharks was extended ta tlîem. Mrs. H. Foster invited the W-1. ta h'Žr home for the regultr Januarv meeting. Fniends of Arthur Saper were veny sarrv ta learn that he fel j while cnassing the street in Orno iast Tuesdav and broke h:s lez nean the ankie-the same legc which was bothened by polio years Pgo. He is naw in Mvem-f oi al Hospital, Bowmanville .Mr. and MNrs. Saper had been visît- ing their son Clarence for a while.I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neil, Nel- j a arnd Labv, vwere In Kendal. S.-n'vvist'ng Mr. anid Mrs.j jGo i dii I.aiir-gýiâft and otlîir j jMr. and Mrs. Ra,,- loore an.i sons %vere Sundav guests wt Mr. and Mns. Eddie Cuox Mrs. Ken~ SoDer &DentTus - HALF PINT By Mahon.y i day with' Mr. and Mns. Bert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs, Lamne PaedEn and Jean were Sunday guests with them. Mn. and Mrs. Orville Zealand McLaren's Manzanilla STUFFED OLIVEe Maplo Leaf MINCEMEAT Stuart House, Heavy Duty FOIL WRAP A&P KETCHUP Su n nyf, e SALTED MIXED NUIS A&P Fancy Quality Fancy Quality A&P PEAS Atm Page Famous FRUIT CAKE Mary Lou CHOCOLATES Re.g. 35c-SAVE 10o 3 15oz pkgs 95 C Reg. 2 for 37c-SAVE go 3 12oz pkgs 49C i-lb piece 49,C i-l box 75c UA ) u A IAIC£pe MlA ,.AIjf 1 PriceS In This Ad Guaranteed Through Sut., DecJt20th, 1968 hauser played the organ and Mrs. R. C. White sang very feelinigly, "The Wedding Pray- er"I and "l'h1 Walk Beside Yau". jean laoked charming in hgr white gown and had as ber at- tendants ber cousin, Kathleen Ceach and Argus' two nieces, .uth Gordon and Peggy Sut- cliffe. also very becomingly gowned. The receptian was held in the Sunday School raom catered for by the Kendal group of the W.A. Best wishes for a long happy 11f e were extended the happy couple, who lef t for a honeymaan at Orillia. On their YOUNG TOMS @vu 18Ibm and family were with M:s. Mary Luxon. Sunday.1 Kendal is stili getting mare snaw and zero weather. The I other marning thermameters (note the S) here registered- 10' but the newscaster in To- ronto gave it 13* at the time. One wonders howthr cani bc a spread of 23 degrees from here ta there.j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Peterborough. spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Garry Smith. Two lavely edns were solemnized in Kendal church last week with the Rev. R. C. White officiating. Friday afternaan at 4 Miss' Inez Grdon and Wallace Bau-1 ghen were united in a double ring cercmany as strains of "Here Camnes the Bride"' werel played by Mrs. Wm. Jackson, the bride looking lavely in ber white gown. Her attendantsi were Miss Ruth Gardon and; Mrs. jayce erompton af Perth! Road and the lovely wee flow- er girl was Karen . Stec. Mr. Thoma3 Moorecraft of Oshawa, sang very pleasingly "The1 Lord': Prayer" and "Perfect Lave". The reception was held in the Sunday Schaal when1 about '015 guests sat dawn toai turkey supper served by the Sixth Line group of the W.A. The happy couple left aidi showers of gaod wishes and, confetti for a honeymnoan in North Carolina. Far their wedding date Miss' Jean -Carscadden and Argus Curtis chose Saturday. Dec. 13.; On this occasion, Mrs. West- L75 King St. E. ý Bowmanville :.: BE G UL ADRLALESVNS AKAP FSIEG OF XtaSPC GRADE I"A"f OVENmREADY YOUNG H ENS 10Oto 16-lb av. 6h54 9c -. in43c DUCKS, 'PRICED. c ir own î 19C 15C1 t9c 13c e9c l44 COOKED HAM READY TO SERVE - SMIOKI No Centre Suices Remov SHANK PORTION lb 49C PORTION lb 51 WE WILL ALSO HAVE A FINE SELECTION 0F TENDER, PLUMP, GRADE 'A' OVEN READY GEESE, CAPONS, ROASTING CHICKENS, BUFFET STYLE FRUITED HAMS & BUTrS, ALL ATTRACTIVELY Reg. jar 69c-SAVE 4e s 16-oz tee Box jar 65 c Reg. tini 43c-SAVE 2o 28-oz tln 41c Reg. raIl 59o-SAVE 4o 18" rall 55 c Reg. 2 btle 33c-SAVE 4o 2 l-oz btis 29c Reg. pkg 69c-SAVE 10o 12.oz plcg 5 9C ProduceS peials California, Seediest Navel, Sweet, Juiéy, Extra Large ORANGES clozen 6 9 C 5-lb ceflo 689 5 9 Ontario Grown, Mclntosh Red or Delicious APPLES 3-lb clo ba 34 Cold Storage Stock, Firm and Crisp, Packed in oui plant under A&P Label, Fancy Grade gzn TANGERINES Large Size dc ze California, No. 1 Grade, Large Clusters EMPEROR GRAPES Fresh, No. 1 Grade, Christmas Stock. Cape Cod CRANDIERRIES 1-1b celi o b ag California, No. 1 Grade, Tender, Crasp ICEBERG LETTUCE 2he ad California, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Green BRUSSELS SPROUTS l Callfprnia, No. 1 Grade, Sn-.. White, Wrapped CAULIFLOWER a0h fa e fs SJrooe i' MR 11E HOIDA Y SL'ASOA6 GINGERN CLUB (Contents OnIy) GINGER CASE 0F 1 ALE 30-OZ BTLS1.3 Reg. Prie for 25c - SAVE lic p lb1 POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES cartt n of 200 2.8 9 JANE PARKER POTATO CHIP Reg. Pkg. 59c SAVE 10c 12oz&g49C TURKEYÏ BEEF ROASIS o« STEAKS BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROASI BONELESS RUMP ROASI BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROASI lb8iS3c Lean Shianklesi PORK SHOULDERS Lean Meaty ib33c BUTT PORK ROAST Extra Specluls! CREAM FRESH DAILY FROM DRIVER OR AT DAIRY Bakery FeutureçI Baked ln A&P'a Own Bakery By Master Bakers Jane Parker (8l, 24-oz Pie) Reg. 49e-SAVE 10o APPLE PIE each 3 9c Jane Parker (Large 9", 33-at, Pie) Reg. 69e-SAVE 4o APPLE PIE each 65c Jane Parker Reg. 59e-SAVE 14o ANGEL CAKE each 45 c Jane Parker Reg. dot 29c-SAVE 9o D)ONUTS PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON 2 doz É49C Frozen food 5Seciuis! DAIRY 1 CH RISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS SChildren's - 4 - 14 yrs. PYJAMAS - * $1.98 - $2.98 IGirls' - 2 - 14 yrs. --$19-$38 Large Selection to Choose from Boys' and Girls' SWEATERS Ail Sizes and S Varions - - - Price Range styles m 1 r 1 1 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWJANVr=. ONTARIO PAMP IrnTMIEIN return they will reside in Ken- dal. The"* church was very pret- tily decorated with baskets of yelh:w and white 'mumns for both occasions. The gaad i- es of the community are ex- tended ta bath couples. A handful of patience is worth more than a biishel of braina. Be not angry that vou cannot~ make others as vau 'sh thein to be since yýou carg, make yourself' as Vou vWisK b. Thomas a Kempis.