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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1958, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN oe eANAn!AN EA~IAN.- UOWMANVff.TZ ONTARTO A ~VZ~d~ 59 BETHUNE - Eugene and Barbara Bethune (nee Cryder- mnan) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Laurie Jean, 7 lbs., 1 oz., in Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanvllle, en Saturday, Dec. l3th, 1958. 51-1 CHANT-Joyce and Paul are happy ta announce the birth of their son on Saturday, Dec. l3th, 1958, at Meniorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 51-1* LAMONT-Gord and Helen (nec Clement) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Michelle Louise, 6 11s., 11/ ozs., at Momorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 1958. ,A sister for Barry. 51-1. PIERSON-Bill and Lucille (nee Wade) are plcased ta announce the arrivai of a baby daughter, Gaye Charmaine, at Oshawa General Hospital on December l6th, 1958. 51-1 PRESCOTT-To Murray and Lais (nec McMullon) at Toronto Western Hospital on Thùrsday, December 1l, 1958, a daughter, Cindy Ellen. Baby sister for Susan. 51-1' ROBINSON -To, Gerald and Dorothy, a son, Christopher Earl, 9 lbs., 143/ ozs., at Memorial Hlospital, Bowmanville, Decem- ber 9, 1958. A brother for '1eddie. 51-1* Deaths BROWN-At Sunnybrook. Hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday, DeIcemer llth, 1958, Roy A. Browp, aged. 59 years, doar fath- er of Leslie K. Brown, 49 }-lorsey St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice was held at thie Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, December l3th at 4 o'clock. Interment Bowman- 'ville Cemetery. 51-1 JONESS-At Stettler, Alberta, on Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958, Katherine Alberta Argue Joness, wife of the late F. H. Joness. M~emoria1 service will be held ln the Marris Funeral Chapel, towmanville, on Friday, Decem- ber i9th at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment BowmanviIle Cemetery. MASON-Suddcnly at Oshawa on Thursday, December 11t1, 1958, Charles Frank Mason, Newcastle, Ontario, aged 74 ars. Sony *ýe was held at the .orris Funenal Chapel, Bow- nville, on Saturday, Decem- of der wfe ndmother, Mrs. Edith Beckett who passed away Dec. 18, 1956. 'Tis sweet ta remember, mothe] so dear, Tho' absent fnom us, yet ever byaursnear tTnseen by the world she stands And whispers, "1dean ones death cannot divide". --Lovingly remembered by ho: 1husband Oliver Beckett andl BRENT-In loving memany ai ta dean wife and mother, Lillian Mabel Brent, who passed away Dec. 19, 1956. *'Too dearly loved ta ever be -Ever remembered by Arthur GOODMAN-In loving memory of aur dean mother, Mary Grace Goodman, who passed away Dec. 19, 1956. Loved, remombened, longed for always. --Sadly missed by Louise, Wyn and Allen. 5i-j' LUXTON-In loving mcmary of aur darling daughten, Cathy Marie, who passed away sud- denly, December 20, 1957. We little knew when we woke that monn The sornow the day would bring For the caîl was suddcn, the shock severe, To part with anc we loved s0 dean. Sametimes it's hard ta under- stand Why some thîngs have ta be But in Fis wisdom God has planned Beyond aur power ta sec. God gave us Uic stnength ta fîght it, And courage ta bear Uic blow But what it cast ta lose you, No anc will ever knaw. -Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Mommy, Daddy, and brothers Larry, Dormie and Bobby. 51-1' PATTON- In loving memory of Mrs Elizabeth Patton who pass- ed away December 18, 1956. Our lips cannot tell how we miss hen, Our hearts cannot tell what ta say, God alone knows how we miss her Ini a love that is lonesome taday. -Lovingly remembered by hus- PAYNE-In loving memary of a dean mother, Eva Payne, who passed away December 28th, 1 '13 7.1 E>~ ay time heals aur sornow Aind helps us ta fonget }X1t lime so fan has only proved -l-ow much we miss you yet.J lilny a silent tear is shed When others are asleep, Pr-. when wve lo-t aur motherj W~e Iost our decreýt fiend.1 -2ver r2mcmbered by tel Sualily. 3- F In Memoriam LUXTON-In loving memony of o ur dear granddaughten Cathy Manie, who passed away Dec. 2th, 1957. Two littIe hands are resting, A littie heart is still; A little granddaughten is waiting For us over the hill. --Sadly missed, Grandma and Grandpa Mencen. 51-le Coming Events Christmas dance, Blackstock Recreation Centre, sponsored byl C.H.S., Friday, Decomber 19th at 8:30 p.m. Music by the Laurentians. Prizes. $1.00 per couple. 51-1 Woodview Comniunity Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and twa jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo held Thunsdays. oxcept third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays in the Union Hall 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. ?o game under $3.00. Admission 50C. 37-tf New Year's Eve dance span- sored by O.N.O. in Recreation Hall, Blackstock. Dance ta Reid Virtue's orchestra. Noisemak- ers; hats and* fun for all. Ad- mission $3.00 per couple, dress optional. Refreshments. Daec- ing 9:30 ta 1:30. 51-2 O. H. S. Silver Magic Baîl, 25th annivorsary of Christmnas FormaI, December 19th, Orono Town Hall. Dancing ta the Sevon Aires, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. In- struction by the Arthur Murray Dancers during intermission. Re- freshments. Admission $300 a couple. 51-1 te HENRY KOSS and the Homesteaders Round'and Square Dancing Dancing 9 tili 12 Admission - - 75e 51-1 Cards of Thaniks We wish ta thank ail those who assisted in making aur Christmas Draw a wonderful success. Bawmanvillc Legion Pipe Band. 51-1' 1 wish ta thank Uic nurses and staff of Memorial Haspital for thein kindness ta me during my stay in hospital. Aiso relatives and friends for the beautiful flowers and cards. Mns. Alex Adair. 51-1 I wish ta take this opportun- ity ta, sincerely thank the many fiends and relatives for the many lovely gifts noceived at the bridai showers given in rny honour. Mrs. Moana Adcock. 51-1 I would like ta thank Dr. Ferguson and the nursing staff of Memoniai Hospital, Bowman- ville, for the cane and kindness given ta me during my stay there. Also neighbours, friends and relatives fan the many gifts of flowers, candy, fruit and thc cards I neceived. Harold Allin, Hampton. 51-1* I would like tta express my thanks ta Dr. Rundile and nursing staff of Memonial Hospital, ta re- latives, friends and neighbours who nemembered me wîth flow- ors, cards and gifts during my illness. Special thanks ta Mrs. Harry Lycett and Mrs. Dave Alldread. Ruth Yeo. 51-1 To aIl the kind friends and neighbours who romnembered me with flowers, plants, fruit, magazines, books, lettons and cards my sincero thanks. Alsa thanks ta the skilful doctors and consîderate nurses. Merry Christ- mas ta you ail. Mrs. Roy Langmaid. 51-1' We would like ta thank Dr. Miklos, nurses and staff of Memnonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, fQr the splendid came Charles -rcceived following his accident. We are also grateful ta Father Malane, friends and neighbouns for the lovely flow- ers, gifts, cards and prayers, and many acts of kindness. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and Charles. 51-1 The family of the late Kenneth John Baker wish ta express thein heantfelt thanks ta their rela- tives, friends and noighbours for their mnany acts of kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad and great lass. Special thar.ks ta Mrs. Dudley, nurses and saff of Momorial Hospîtal, D.Austin, Rev. F. Reed, F. F. Morris Ca., and the West Group of Solina W.l. 51-1 My sincere thanks ta Dr. Fergusan, the nurses of Me- marial Hospital, Rev. W. Hous- lander, Pastor Alfred Bell, Women's Institute, Trinity W.M. S., W.., and Group 11, relatives, friends and neighbours who so kindly sent mc. flowers, fruit, cards and kind enquiries, while in hospiti'l and since b2ing homne. Season's Greetings ta all. Ada Passant. 3 Aricles for Sale WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf TWO storm windows, 35 x 553/ and 34 x 553/4. Phone MArket 3-2769. 51-1 BOY'S hockey game; toboggan. Phone evenings or Saturday. MA 3-7178. 51-1 DRY light wood in stovewood lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf G03D quality mixcd hay, 50C per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf ROOSTERS, large quantity, 5-6 lbs., ready ta kill, 22e lb. Phono MA 3-5250. 51-1l CHRISTMAS trocs for sale. George Mutton, 22 Albert St. Phone MA 3-5981. 49-31 WATER, 1,600 gallons for $10. Raines and Alldred. Phono MA 3-5376, MA 3-5758. 51-1' SWEET cider - haîf gallons and gallons. Apples - haîf bushel and bushels. Delivered. MA 3-2927. 51-1' SAVE on lumber, direct from mill ta yau. Phlllips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontaria. Phono 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatlcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- cd. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electnical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf HEINTZMAN piano; combina- tion-radia-phonograph, 12 record automatic changer; bath in good condition. Phono MA 3-2569. 51-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Hanry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complote stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sanden, faonr polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) fnom Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmnanville. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf CHRISTMAS trocs, pruned Scotch Pine, about 2,000, 50c ta 51.00 according ta size. Cut ncady for loading. Came early' for best selection. Lenoy Ham- ilton, grower, Orono, Ontario. Phono 1 r 16. 47-51I ADDING machines, typowriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, choque wniters, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs ta alI makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MAr7zet 3-4986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tires-We service and seil every make of tractor tires: Goodyear - General - Fire- stone - Goodrich - Dominion. A-i retreads - 6.00x16 - 6.70xl5 at $10.95. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf TURKEYS .PECIALLY SELECTED FOR FINE FLAVOUR FRESH KILLED DRESSED and DELIVERED 47-51 PIANO for sale. Cail Oshawa RA 5-7001. 51-1w PIANO for sale. Reasonable. 30 Division St. 51-1' GIRL'S Junior C.C.M. bicycle, like new. MA 3-5718. 51-1' WAXED table turnips, $ 1.00 per bushel. MArket 3-7019. 51-1 QUAKER space heater with blawer. Phone 2157 Newcastle. Phil Dost. 51-1* LUMBER, quantity of new 2"P x 4" and 2" x 6" and one inch. Phone Clarke 2420. 51-1' TABLE carrots. reasonable. Any quantîty. Phone MArket 3-5482, 73 Concession St. E. 49-tf AFRICAN violets - a gift of beauty. Base Lino, corner af Hoît Rd. Mrs. A. Barnes. Tole- phono MA 3-2853. 51-1' TYPEWRITERS - Underwoad, Remington, Royal, from $39. P. A. Frank, Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church St., MA 3-3986. 51-tf ONE black Persian lamb coat, worn two seasons, size 38. Good Christmas gift for mother or wife. Very reasanable. Phono MA 3-5919. 51-1 R.C.A. VICTOR three-way port- able radio; baby carniage, gray; two 5' venetian blinds, alum- inum; four 7:50x14 tuboless tires, almost new. Phono MA 3-5548. 51-1* FOR THE BEST Chrisimas Trees IN TOWN Choice Plantation Grown Pruned Scotch Pino VIRTUE'S TEXACO 218 King St. E. MA 3-3432 49-31 8 0 R R y »... But ail our Christmas Trocs have been sold. To ail our customers, many thanks and Season's Greetlngs. B3UD FOGG 24 Southway Dr., Bowmanville 51-1 DO yaur Chrigtmas Shopping while "«Ed Wilson" doos his Christmas chapping. Chester- fields and sofa beds slashed ta fantastic clear-out prices. Two- tone sofa bcd suite, trimmed with Pabrilite, $188 ... Restanic chesterfield set, spring-filled construction, $139 . . . plus for 99C you can choose cither a 5- picce chrome set or a set of 3 Arborite living-room tables. Wil- son Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 51-1 TURKEYS For the ln town Phil Flnney Maple Grave 49-tf "THEY Said It Couldn't Be Donc!" Well, look at what Ed. Wilson is doîng! Prices chopped ta rock bottom. Ends of Broad- loom Scatter Mats, $1.99. Cedar Chests, $29.95. Bunk beds, complote with springs and mat- tresses, $56.00; GE Steam Irans, $15.95; Portable Radios, complote with batteries, $19.99; Floor Coverings, many lavely patterns and calouns. Only 37c per ft. Ed. Wilson, F urnituro, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 51-1 NEW SKATES ALL SIZES ln MEN'S *WOMEN'S BOYS' -GIRLS' TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Bowmanville 51-1 FABULOUS Sale now on! Love- ly maple finished bednoam suites, spaciaus "Mn. and Mrs." dresser with bevelled tilt-back mirnon, bookcase bed with slid- 4,ng door panels and a largo roamy matching chest of dnaw- ers. Rogular $269, slashed ta $188, plus for 99c you can choose cithen a 5-piece kitchen chrome suite or a Restonic spring-filled mattress and matching box spring. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 51-1 TURKEYS PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW for Quality and Freshness 12 lbs. fo 28 lbs. DRESSED and DELIVERED C. BOREIK HAMPÉTON MA 3-2936 49-3 Articles for Saie TWO step end tables, blonde Arbarite, 4.5 for the pair. MA TWENTY-FOUR electric light fixtures, complete with hoavy glass globes. Suitable for store or office use. Apply Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville. 51-1 FOR Christmas-Table' floor and TV lamps, hassocks, floor mats, rugs, coffee and end tables. platform rockers, chrome kitchen suites, bedroom and chesterfield suites. Trade-in- Refrigerators from $49, Ax- minster rug 6 x 9, daveno-bed chesterfield with one chair. Murphy Co., King W., Phono MA 3-3781. 51-1* PHONE MA 3-3942 51-1 Notices Notice ta rabbit hunters-$1.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please bo careful when hunting on Nursery proporty. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 46-tf Would the persan who mis- takenly took the wrang over- shoes at the Bowmanville Milk Producers banquet, kindly tele- Phono Mrs, Sain Buttery, MA 3-3207. 51-1 $25 reward for information leading ta conviction of low, despicable, cowandly cur re- spansible for the theft of anc case of Guiness' stout fram truck parked on Division St., north of King, betwcen 7 and 9 p.m., Saturday, December l3th. Gordon H. Mooncraft. 51-1 THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: CHRISTMAS DAY, DEC. 25th BOXING DAY, DEC. 26th NEW YEAR'S DAY, JAN. lst Christmas Day garbage wil ho picked up on MON., DEC. 22 Boxlng Day garbage wilI bo picked up on TUES., DEC. 23 New Year's Day garbage will ho plcked up on FRIDAY, JAN. 2 In addition ta the above collec- tions the Department will pro- vide an additional FREE PICK- UP on MONDAY, DEC. 29th. Arrangements for Froc Pick-up must ho made by cantaeting the Departmont BEFORE WEDNES- DAY, DECEMBER 24. LLOYD R. QUINTON, Dept. Works Superintendent. 50-2 Lost SMIALL tan dog. Last seen at Arena. Reward. Phono MArket 3-5176. 51-1' WALLET, lost on Monday, Dec. 8th, contained driver's licence and money. Please contact Mns. Siene Jensen, Blackstock 15 r 4. 51-1 RED change purso, lost Tuesday, between Rickaby's and Walker Stores, containing largo sum of maney. Children's Family AI- lowanco. MA 3-2067. 51-1 Livestock for Sale EIGHT-month aid laying hens. Phone MA 3-5271. 51-1 FIVE good pigs, seven weeks old. L. J. Wood. Telephone MA 3-2001. 51-1* FIVE-month old Yorkshire boars. W. A. Tomnlinson, Onono. Phono 13 r 3. 51-2 FEEDER Tamworth pigs; wean- lings and older pigs. Leslie Taylor, Buketôn. 1-1* GOOD bnoeding ewes, Leicesters, Suffolks. A. J. McLaggan, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phono MA 3-2557. 51-le Cars for Sale HeIp Wanted CAPABLE woman as house- keeper for aider couple, in Bow- manvîlle. Live in. Phono MA 3-5890 aften 6 p.m. 51-if WANTED. Man for steadytravel among consumons ini Bowman- ville and Whitby. Permanent connoction with large manu- facturer. Only reliable bustIer cansidered. Write Rawleigh's Dcpt. L-140-131, 4005 Richelieu, NEED knitters ta learn machine knitting- in own homes, part- timo; wool and instructions sup- plied and a now automatic knit machine on a pay as you earn basis. Send name, address and telophone number ta H. Pritch- ard, 78 King Williami St., Ham- ilton. 51-1' JOIN now a prosperou; firm that has enough possibilities to provido a roal future. If you are flot employod, or if you wish to botter yoursolf, write to-day, for details. High commission and no risk with aur agency. Vacancy in. your surroundings. Familex, Dept. 86, 1600 Delor- imier, Montreal. 51-1 Work Wanted FOR reliablo baby minding cal] MA 3-5548. 51-1* CARPENTRY work and repairs. Free estîmate. Phone MArket 3-5212. 51-1 PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free e s ti m at e s. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA CONCRETE and mason work. New work an repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phono MArket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf Plastering Repairs 1QUICK 'SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Ange r Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 27-tf For Rent APARTMENT for rent. Phono MA 3-5555. 51-1 TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Ontario St. Immediate posses- sion, $50. Phono MA 3-2383. 51-2 FIVE nooms and bath on High- way 2, near store. Modern. Must be abstaînens. Phono MArket 3-2792. 51-1* APARTMENT, four roonis and bath, close ta Maple Grave school. Immediate possession. HOUSE, four rooms, three miles east of Bowmanville. Available January 4, 1959. Sam Buma, R. R. 4, .Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-2595. 51-1 TWO cheenful bed-sitting rooms, kitchen and bath, furnished. Reasonable rent. Suitable for business girls. Phono MA 3-5684. 18 Concession St. W. 51-1 HEATED apartment, available January Ist, campletoly modern, 5 nooms. At Kingsway Apts., Church St. Apply N. J. Scott, Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries. 50-3 FOUR-room heated apantment, 2 bedrooms, living-noom, kitch- en, bath. Built-in cupboards. Tile faonrs, central. Immediate possession. No children. Tele- phono MIA 3-5822. 51-1* Pets for Sale COLLIE pups, six weeks old. Phono MA 3-3924. 51-1 TWO fox hound pups, four months aid. Phono Biackstock, 13w. 51-1' Wanted DEIAD and crippled farni stock, picked up promptly. Phono MA 3-2679. Margwiil PurFarm, Tyrone. 13-tf RADIO and televisian repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewindini, armn- atures turned toa ah makes of electric matons. H-iggon Elec- tic, 38 King East, Phono MA 3-5438. 24-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of sew- ing machines. Froc pickup and deliveny. Laventy's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. .44-tf FOR moderate priced homes and buildings Phono RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf HOUSE, 45 Church St. Easy terms. Possession, Jan. 1, '59. Phono MA 3-2622 or write Box 156, Bowmanville. 49-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralseul L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf 6 room new bungalow on Frederick St., brick and stone, 3 bodrooms, full divided base- ment, thermopane windows. At- tached garage, circular drive. Extras. Torms. $Building lot on Hunt Street, $,200. We have houses, farms, bunga- lows for sale. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontarlo St. Bowmnanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 51-1 Refer Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 100 acre farma near Bethany. 7 noom frame house with furn- ace and hcavy wiring. Large barn. Garage. Pniced ta scîl, with reasonable down payment. Beautiful new 2-storey home with carpont. 3 large bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Large living - raom, dining - room, modern kitchen, 2-piece bath on first floor. ail heating. Priced ta seli or will accept trade. Large commercial building, very contrally located. For pnice and location please 'phono Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 51-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 216 acre farm Witb lange frontage on Lake Scugog, suit- able for cottage development. Flouse and barns in good repair. Must be sold at. once. Asking anly $20,000 with down payment and terms ta suit purchaser. We have a large selection of fàrms, lots, homes and business- os. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 51-1 De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, 90 acres workable, L-shaped bank barn with steel stanchions and waten bowls, stream, etc.; 8- inoomed stane house, nunning water. Asking- $15,000 with terms arranged. 100 acre fanm situated on lange river, 75 acres workablc, 100' x 30' bank barn, watcn bowls, drive shed, etc.; 9 roam- cd house, hardwoad floors, hydro. Asking $12,500. Ternis. 100 acre farmn near Rice Lake, 75 acres workable, 2 barns, ma- chine shed, etc.; 8 noomed frame home, heavy wired. Water in bann. Pnice and ternis arranged. 145 acre fanm, 120 acres wonk- able, 100' x 40' bank barn, ma- chine shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick house with furnace, running waten, etc. Pnice $14,000. Easy terms. 50 acre fanm near Kendal, 40 acres wonkable, springs, 62' x 30' bank barn, machine shed, etc.; 8 roomed stone house wîth furnace, hoavy duty wired. Pnice $9,500. Terins. 7 raomed home, aIl modern convoniences, double garage, on 4 acres of land, located on a highway. Price $8,000 with ternis. 8 roomed franie home, Ponty- pool, ail modem conveniences, double _garage, excellent con- dition. Price $8,500 with $3,000 down. 6 roamed fully isulated home, contre of Bowmanville, with modemn convenionces. Ask- ing 59,500. Ternis arranged. 5 roomed, insu]ated home with aoil furnaco, 3 bedrooais, kitchen cupboards. Pnice $4,500 wlth Iow down piaymnent. Modern baarding house In Oshawa, separate living quart- ers, 6 showers, grass incarne over $10,000 yearly. Down, $5,000. 5 rooened bungalow on hlgh- way, attached garage, ail mod- ern conveniences. Asking $10,500 with ternis arranged. 7 noomed homo with garage, modern kitchen, furnace, run- ning water. Price $6,500 with $1,000 down. -Real Estatef 'al Pedwell'Real E'siais Large and smnall farms, hous., es,- service stations, genr-il stores, etc. Salesmen: Maurice R. Pedwefl Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, BrookiE E. Jeffery Phone 238, Coiborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3858 51-1 Mortgages IMMEDIATELY avallable for first mortgage on improvedi town or rural property, $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000 in separate mortgages. Fivo year open; interest payable semi-annually. Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono 1 r 16. 50-2 AND Agreements of Sale First and Second Mortgages anid Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and Farm Praperty and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP, LTD. 112 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone RA 5-3568 51.ti Reception Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kilpatrick, 76 Scugog St., will be at home ta their relatives, friends and neighbours on Saturday, Dec. 27th from 2 ta 4 and 7 ta 9 on the occasion of tlfélir 35th wved- Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant, 177 Riverview Gardens, Toronto, will be at home ta their rela. tives, friends and neighbours, an Saturday, December 2th, from 2 ta 5 p.m. on the occa- sian of their 65th Wedding An- niversary. 50-2 Wanted U ent THREE-bedroom7«ge wanted, close ta public sclîool. Respons- ible family, twa children. Write Advertisen 897, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, or Phono TWining 5-9254 New- market. 50-4 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goads) mailed pastpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice iist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Business Opportunity WE need people ta raise Chin- chilla (they are not rabbits>. Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 H add ntAe., Tornt12 HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, televisian scwing machines, etc. Also sel1 and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST pnices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks,. scrap iran, rags, metals and raw funs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto pnices paid at your door for large oe small quantities. We have aur own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono collect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf The trouble with a chronle' bornower is that ho aiways keeps everything but his word. Those things that come ta the man who waits seldom turn out ta be the things he's wait- ing for. The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR BALI LIVESTOCE FOR SALE rOt RINT - HEP WAYMT CARS FOR SALEC LOBT - FOUND - ETC Cash Rate . . . 40 Ve Word wlth a minimum of 0eu lOust b. pald by date atinsoertic H charqmd. au additlonal 25c wifl be added. A char;. of 25c will be mode Sec ail repliàidirected ta diii office. NOTICES » CONMNO EVEM AND CARDS 0F TRAMES do a word wlth a minimum od $1.00 for 25 word. ou lem sMTxs . DGAGEoI 01.00 per In.ulm 01.00 plus 100 a U»in. fa, Dlupluy Clasuilled eta1.80 pu iich witb a minimum cetrn h.d Addltlonail Insertionas e * mue rate.. JO ClaulfJed Ad. muai be ta thii office not later th=n Il o'clock naon, Wedmned. Send cash, stamps or morny cria, and Bave Uonay. Clip hiii out for handy referensos OFFICE BoumS tonday tirough F 0.30 «.m. 10 à pa., Saturdr 8:30 a.m. te l Dial Akt330 fat ClassUlied Ad se £--. el. n 1 £--i r1 t s - L- t p - n tI- PAGE EIGHTEM_ Real Estate for Sale 1

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