TNURSDAY. DEC. luth. 195&Ain, ONAflAN fA»Qtq.M MlWMIJffJIKONTR!L PGPVV Mrs. E. Snowden Brings Christmas Message Z:BENEZER - Thé December meeting of Ebenezer W.M.S. mnet in S. S. room with 25 pres- .ent. Christmas carols Dlayed by .Mns. Chas. Found bnought the mneeting to orden. President Mrs. Carl Down opened with a poem, ."Lo, the Light", a Christmas I .thought and prayer. Mrs. K. C. Hopkins reported on books ile ieuî~ rsyeilhb ry.'rebtraIlba *h Te'ective meeting w1 be held on Dec. 30 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Carl Down. 1 ThLe following siate of off - zers was approved for 1959: Hon. Pres., Mrs. R. E. Osborne; *]Past Pres., *Mrs. Cari Down; Pres., Mns. K. C. Hopkin.s; lst 'ice Pres., Mrs. H. F. Osborne; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Elmer Dow.ý; Recording and Pres3 ae'y, Mrs. Allan Down;, Cor., 'Sec'y, Mrs. Eber' Snowden;, Treasurer, Mns. Garnet Tubb, *Assist. Treas.. Mrs. R. C. Pearce. Christian Stewardship Sec'y, MXrs. K. E. Courtice; Citizenship eec'y, Mrs. Glenn Pickell; Lit- eratune Sec'y, Mrs. G. F. Annis; 1Jnited Nations, Mns. Wm. Bic- kle; Supply, Mrs. R. Muir, Mis- 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 a-hl dkk l N- .-- Gif f Suggestions from IF Ladies' WqIdemaicn s Wear] BLOUSES - SKIRTS .DRESSES SWEATERS by Lansen Ban-Lon and Orlon SLIPS - NIGHTIES $2.98 Io $5.95 GLOVES Scarves' Hankies -Wr&ol stoles 50 -o 5cb $1.00 Is That Our Tree ? sionary Monthly, Miss Louise Osborne; Communitv Friend- ship, Mrs. J. C. Found; Assoc. Member Assist., Mrs. A. J. Gay; 1 Mission Band Leader, Mis Sa Caveriy; Assistants., rs 1L Down; Miss A. Arnold and Mrs. C. Down; pianist, Mrs. Chas. Found. C.G.I.T. Leader, Mns. A. Macý Donald; Assistant, Mrs. Bruce Down; Explorer Leader, Miss Joanne Mackie: Assistant, Mrs. Danford and Mrs. G. Goyne;I Baby Band Supt.. Mrs. Wm. Henrv; Assistant, Mrs. K. Or- miston, Mrs. M. Osborne. Mrs. K. C. Hopkins discusseà the chapter of the Study Book 1 on Mexico. Mexico is a land of contrasts from great wealth to the lowest form of pov - erty. There is no United Churcn and no missionaries in this cou ntry where th e popula- tion is 75 percent Roman Cath- olic. Our main concerns in Mexico today are: (1) to improve stand- ard of liv4ng in rural areas. A mis6±onary agriculture centre has been started where boys are trained in the use of mod- It doesn't take much imagination to suggest that these two children are staring wide-eyed at the Christmas tree which has just been erected in the living-room. On the left is one-year-old Randy Hayes whose birthday was Dec. 6th. This will be his f irst big Christmas. His brother IGary xvas five years old on Dec. l5th. They are sons of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayes, 156 Base Line. No doubt their adoring grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allun, 80 Duke St. and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Haves, Carlisle Ave, are busy right now wrapping up beautiful gifts for the great 1 day next Thursday. These two are really going to be lucky because they also have a great grandmother, Mrs. Nathan Hayes, also of Carlisle Avenue. Jest ' Fore Christmas Father cails me William, sister calîs me Will, Mother cals me Willie, but the fellers cail me Bill! i Mighty glad I ain't a girl - nuthen be alboy, Without them sashes, cunis, an' things that's worn by Fauntlenoy! Love to chawnk green ap ples an' go swimmin' in the lake, Hate to take the castor-ile they give for belly-ache! 'Most ail the time, the whoie year round, there ain't no flies on me, But jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kin be. Got a yeller dog named Sport, sick hlm on t.he cat; First thing she knows she doesn't know where she is at! Got a cipper sled, an' when us kids goes out to siide, 'Long comes the groceny cart, an' we ail hook a ride! But sometimes when the gnocery man is worrited an' cross, An' then 1 laff an' hollen, "Oh, ye neyer teched me!" But jest 'fore Christmas I'm as good as I kmn be! Gran'ma says she hopes that when 1 git to be a man, V'Il be a missionaner like hen oidest brother Dan, As was et up by the cannibuls that lives in Ceylon's Isle, Where eveny pnospeck pleases, an' only man is vile! But gran-ma she has neyer been to see a Wild West show. Nor read the Life of Daniel Boone, or else I guess she'd know That Buff'io Bill and cow-boys is good enough for me! Excep' jest 'fore Christmas, when I'm good as I kmn be! IAnd thoin oid Sport he hangs around, s0 soiem-n-like an' stili, His eyes they keep a-sayin': "What's the matten, littie Bill?" The aid cat sneaks down off hen pench an' wondens what's become 0f them two enemies of hemn that used ta make things hum! But I arn so penlite an' 'tend so ennestly ta biz, jThat mothen says ta fathen: "Haw impnoved aur Wiliie isl" IB ut fathen, havin' been a boy hisseif, suspicions me jWhen jest 'fane Christmas, I'm as good as I kin be! Fan Christmas, with its lots an' lots of candies, cakes an' toys, Was made they say, fer propen kids an' not fon naughty boys; Sa wash yer face an' bnesh yer hain, an' mind yen p's an' q's, An' don't bust out yen pantalaons, an' don't wear out yen shoes; SSay, "Yessum" ta the ladies, an' "Yessun" ta the men, An' when they's campany, dont pass yen plate for pie again; But, thinkingoftehig yer'd lketa see upon that tree, Frmthe Decemben Bulletin, Bnanch 178, Canadian, Legion J 'bm farmn machinenv and good Ifarming methods. (2) Health- the mortality rate is still high. Lack of doctons and nurses and jItao few haspitals hamper their efforts. The eradication of tro- pical diseases is given prianity. (3) Education and iiteracy - educalion holds high place !in iMexico but nat enough schools makes it impassible for ail to be educated. The school systen- is either under state or federal contrai and is weli admninister- ed. A ban has kept religious corporations from operating 1schools, but it is hoped this ban will soon be dropped. The chiEf concemn of W.M.S is evangeiism. Less than 2 per- 1cent of population is Protestant. Protestant churches are harn- pered by lack af trained work- ers and a comprehensive pro- gram ta carry gospel toa al graups. Christian literature is nat pientiful. With religiaus training now being given ta boys attending the Agriculture Centre it is hoped that they in turn xiii spread the gospel in thein own areas. A loveiY Christmas Worship' service xvas prepared by Mr-s. j E. Snowden. Mns. R. Muir nead the Christmas Story from St. Luke's gospel. Mrs. M. Osborne, Mrs. A. Metcalf and Mrs. H. Down favoured with a beauti - cammentary Mrs. Snowden said the eyes of the world are once mare turned ta the littie town of Bethlehem where the world's greatest love story was born. Out of Christ's love has grown a new revenence for waman- hood, a new care for childhoaýi and a niew cancern fan the home. As church members let us plan with aur familles ta make like one in spite of ail the worldliness around us. As ail , of us tejoice once again in tim jay and gladness of Bethlehemn May the spirit of Christ be barn in us anew teaching aur love ta remember, aur anger ta forgive 'and our unkindness ta farget. May it spread good-will abroadl so that hard heants mav ho softened, fears max' be lessencd and hopes l:tted. Mav the jo-v o! Christmas so fil us w 'th compassion for aur fellow nman that we shail find new wa.vs ta brotherhood and peace on earth. Mrs. Snoxvden closéd the -meeting wÂtkl pr ye:. 'Mission Band 'Gives Program At Ebenezer jEBENEZER - S. S. No. 4 Christmas Mission Band met-- ing was held in the school an Dec. 12. President Rae Pickeii was in the chair and conducted the business. Mrs. Stan Caver- lv was in charge of the Wor- ship service. Members o! the Mission Band repeated in unisan the Christmas story from St. Luke. Mrs. Coverîr spake of the 'Pilgrims in Bethlehem" and led in prayer. Christmas carols weiPe used thnaugh the service. The excellent program was arranged by Phyllis Mac Afee: Junior Sang, "If We Could Go to Bethlehem", Senior Sangs, "Wonderful Saviaur of Mon" and 'Hear the Belis", Choral Roading, "I Like Christmas"~; Schooi Sangs, '"The Twolve Days a! Christmas" and '"Wil- i.v Claus". Music suporvisor, Mr. Ross Motcalfe, accampar.- ied týe children on the piano for all the sangs. Mrs. Carl Down told a mast interosting story about "Vie Christmnas Tree That Didn't Get Trimmed". Lunch was served by the leaders and a social time en- joyed by ail. ELIZABETH VILLE The Home and School held thoir Docembor meeting on Tuesday evening at Pine Grave School. Tho meeting oponed witi '"0 Canada". Miss Car- ruthers, the secretary, read the minutes. It was docided ta have the next meeting, Jani. 13,, at Beech Hill school, Mr. David Fond to be guest speaker. The pnogram consisted of sangs by Beech Hill school and Penrytown sehool, a recitation by' Rose Marie Footo of Wood- x'ille school. Pinie Grox'e's nunm- ber was by Mr. Clifford Chai- lice, a song accompanied by guitar. For Oak Hill Miss Ar- lene Gardon gave twa numbors. Sandy Gowland fnom Beech ilil danced a number, Chris~t- mas readings were given blk ( erd of low-testing cows will e< Miss Carruthers and Mrs. Thick- 'lxi Nw 1M a p or slightly increase the average & son. Lunch was senved. Aboutl j test of tihe herd. di 20 were thene.I k l Thene is a definite variation fE Wednesday evening the 4Hl j a i v M adje during the lactation period. A Club met at Mrs. McAllister's cow in good condition wvhen ti and only three members attend- reshening wiil give quite a di ed due to cold weather and il- jBy i nes uept. high test for one to two weeks ri fless.11 and will then decline graduai- lI Wednesday aftennoon the W. i A new index map of the pro- ly for ten to twelve weeks after th A. held their meeting at Mns. vince, imuch more detailed than which a genenal rise is indicat- pi Clance Mcenas hoe. Mrs.i any previous production of it ed until drying off. Cows miik- 10 Peacck cte as resden rnkind, has been prepared bv the theabsnceof Mrs. Trew. Mrs.! Ontario Department of Mines.-----Wa4m Welrgave an excellent paperj It outiines every area covered on A laska prepaned from our bv geological maps and reports: study book "Concernlng a Cont- of the Department since 1891.1 inent". It was moved and The new map is now ready« for1 i the M. & M. Fund and $20 to- cations office of the Depart < l# -' ward the projector for the nment. ~L 3'~ ; Cantn chrge.The outlines of the areas are Rev. Wright acted as chair- sup erimposed on the base map and the following were elected townsiips are named to make for the coming yean: President- it a simple operation to p*ck Women's Mrs. Ken Trew, lst Vice-Pres.- out the exact area covered by Mrs. V. Peacock; 2nd Vice-Pres. each map or report. The out-- -Mrs. H. White; Missionary nes are keyed with the nuin- ConvnorMrs. F. heelr;1ber given to the map or report . Sec'y-Treas. - Mrs. Thickson; by the Department. Representatîves to the Church Th ine ma israno ' - Board-Mrs. Trew and Mrs. Teidxna srw o Thickson;, Representatives to the scale of one inch to 20 mile. the Parsonage Board- Mrs.j Quantrili and Mns. C. Beatty;,tc Piarist-Mrs. C. Mercer. Lunch  was served. The things donated vv ch for . for the Christmas boxes wereVa at divided and boxes pnepared for o Mrs. McMurnay, Mns. Culpack, V ra i n i Miss E. Trew and Mrs. Peter Faten Conen SMART on . THrd wit r. WL orisd Fat Content. wo is in ay Peteror o rdo- Vrain i h a ecn ph inMs Qanterbo, ruhs. Vnc- a onmîliarethe ftprulenr- U GE eial r s and ril, M ic son w ent along e ofhanth e etion, accr-B TA E AR toan sho . Tiko wn l ng to tathe eDa i onBraccond- B RVEG R Miss ioMAlster, Dan tari h Dare nt fAculO- -TanCs - $99 lene Thickson, Marie and Glen- ture. When too xide a vai- OengtCs 19 da Mercen deconated the Christ- tion in encountered, th e pas - Desn Case 12.95 mas tnee in the church Satur- sibie causes should be studicd DresmingCs 59 day which was donated by Mon-1 and corrected. PlmnCs 59 ley McAllister. There are a numben of fac- Wrrb ae--- 79 Miss Gloria Quantrill spenti tors vhîch influence the but- WaroeCs - 179 the weekend with Miss Andi terfat content of milk. The ini- AlIchin, Port Hope, a neturn dividuality of the cow, for in- Large selection of visit, as she spent the weekend stance, must be cansidered. In- WNE O with Gloria recently. dividuals in ail breeds xiii varyWNER F White Gift Services were heid widely in their tests. There îi a on Sunday with an average at- an average test for each cow 1J LE tendance. from which she wiil not varv yD I Ms. Wheeler vsited Ms. Culan ertoa yar. A aw-tt ng1 L Io, . M. and Mer s ThicksnCuland t an,' arkedAmlounttinfro'n pack in Cobourg, Sunday, and caw shotîlci fot be kept for 49 KING ST. W. also called on Mn. and Mrs. P. breeding purposes. Adding a! Sowden on the way home. high-testing cow ta a small IU m. u::-u:i ed too close to their freshening date will .often show a marked decline in test during their last few weeks of lactation. The factors which influence the butterfat test of miik are [iscussed in Ontario Depart- nent of Agriculture Circular 79, obtainable at the office of the county Agricultural Re- presentative by residents of Ontario. ;TIONs 1IP P E BS Cosy Fur-trlmmed 5 - $5.95 CHILDREN'S $1.98 - $3.95 MEN'S $2.95 * $8.95 n OTWEAR is Shoes BOWMANVILLE 6 411 E for hlm...for hert...for everyon. Make ber Christmas the happiest with a DIAMOND) ENGAGEMENT RING'. $50.00 up A gift of a lifetime. A fine CLOCK for the home. ...Beautiful styles to choose from. WATCHES for everyone in the famuly. Fine Swlss movements..* From $24.95 Open Every Evening for your Shopping Convience LU GGAGE for men and women. The ideal gift for hlm or her. ELECTRIC SHAVERS for hlm and stunnlng SHAVERS'FOR HER. The Practical Gift. PEARLS for everyone. The t ft any woman loves to own. Slmulated and cultured. Visil our modern store for easy shopping with room for you to shop in comfori King St. HOO P ERS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Shop Early for Besi Seleclion PAINT SETS $1 0 p Paint by Numbers WALL MURAL -- -- 17.50 u Make Fine Gift ---------- j. H. ABERNETHYS Paint and Wallpaper Store *"Gifi Cerlificale" (She makes her own choice) SOLVES THE PROBLEM Open evenings for your convenience 48 'KING ST. E. Frigidaire WASHER AND DRYER FULLY AUTOMATIC Special Prices For Christmas iviug Mason* & Dale, à. Hardware Limited MA 3-5408 j 36 ý aSt. E --------- ---------------------------------- PAGE ILPIL V TEUFMAT, DEC. l8th, 1938 THE C-ANADIAN STATMLi%6N. BOVMAMILLE. ONTARIO