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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1958, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TKE CANADIMI STATIaMMI. EOWMAYFVILLE. OIqTAEIO ?WURBDAY, DEC. lOtIt, î9eu C OURTICE b ontre onh nasucces sion tbey were given to Mrs. Grade 1 pupils, directed by Lenore Hoar on the Highway teachers, Mms. Howard Greer and Mrs. James Aldous at the a. and Miss C. Noble prcsented North School. their concert on Tuesday night. Euchres are discontinued un- Det.ails next wcek. tii Jan. 16, Mrs. Harry Gay and Sympathy is extcndcd to the Mrs. Jack Gay in charge. family of the late Mr. Archie some fine reading material was Muir Sr. who passed away Sun- available for ail members. day. Mr. Muir was weli known Mrs. Gay announced that in this neighbourhood and dis- January will be a special trict. meeting, it being the l5th birth- Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Baison. day of aur Home and School. Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Remember the Child Clinic at Brown. Courtice Church, Jan. 5 at 1:30. A large congregation wvas in Mr. Robert Henry. Baseline, attendance at the White Gif t guest soloist accompanied by service at Ebenezer Church. Su- Mrs. T. C. Worden of Oshawa, perintendent Lloyd Down xvas sang "0 Holy Night" and "The in1 the pulpit assisted by Walter Birthday of a King." Bath num- Tink and Rev. H. Stainton. Gîfts bers were enjoyed and well were received from the children sung. at the manger placed at the M rs. Lloyd Courtice introdue- front of the church. Mrs. Will- ed Mrs. R. R. Gay of Courtice. lam Henry told a beautiftil Mrs. Gav in her usual free and Christmas story ta the chiidren, easy maniner presented some 'If I had not Corne." The choir very .w o r t h w h lie thoughts sang a" special Christmas Caral on Christmas. To close, Mrs. with Mrs. Glenn Pickell at the Gay presented a beautiful story orga.n. Rev. Staintan spoke on "'Wreath around the Heart."1 "The Other Wise Man." Mrs. Gerald Peterson thanked Home and School Mrs. Gay for, her fine taik and The Christmas meeting of alsa Mr. Henry and Mrs. Wor- Courtice Home and School was den for their music. The singing lield on Dec. Il at North Cour- of Carols closed the program. tice. President Mrs. Jack Gay Mrs. Gerald Peterson and welcomed those' present. Mrs. Mrs. Sydney Warden wha weret Gardon Vinson gave the min- in charge distributed the giftst idtes and Treasurer Mrs. Tom to the memibers frorn the gaily Gladman reported. Room count decorated Christmas Tree. Re.- was won again iy Mrs. M. Greer freshments were served by the and Mrs. H. Cosens but with the committee in charge. FOR BiS? SELICT-Omo, c Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror New Shades- New PattE m 4.95 89C-1.50 Shavlng Brushes 1.00 te 5.00 Shavlng Lotion -- 65c, 1.25, 2.00 Woodbury Shaving Sets ... 1.25 - 3.00 OId Spice Shave Sets 1.50, 2.00, 3.85 Palmolive Shave Sets 85c, 1.00, 1.25 1.35 Yardley Shavingr Sets 2.25, 2.85, 3.35, 4.75 m 6.95 For th Tweed Calai Tweed Toilet Sets Desert Floiw' Evening ln I Perfunie1 ,rnÊ - 11.95 he Lady gne 10,1.95 1.25, 2.00, 3.00 Paris 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 Evening in Paris Cologne ------ 1.00, 1.85 Yardley Toiet Sets 2.25, 2.95, 3.85, M~5 Powder Soap Musical Bath Mitt Sponge Powder Box Pearis 1.25 1.00 3.95 79C-1.50-3.00 -Kodak Cameras Ladies' Brushes 8ýarflash- 9.95 1.00 1.95 - 2.50 - 3.50 Starflash Set -__ 11.45 Men's Brushes Starfiex -_____ 12.45 8 - 1.49 - 3.00 - 6.00 POny HI---- - 29.95 Watermin Pen and Pencil Hawvkeye Brownie Set 17.50 1.95 to 15.00 G en uine Leather Billfolds 98C Io $10.00 COWLING'Si MA -565 DUG STORE RSE Handy Hints on Decorating Your Home for Sa fer Holiday To help you make this Christ- mas scason the brightcst, safest ever, here are some worthwhile hints on decorating, inside and outside, mli around the house. Carinjg for Your Christmnas Tree As soon as you bring the tree home, stand it in a pail or tub fillcd with water until you are r2ady ta set it up and trim it. This will proiong the life and appearance of the tree, keep tne needies from falling, and mini- mize the danger of fire. Trinaming Your Tree Keep your tree stand water. well full and your tree will remain fresh and fragrant throughout the holidays. Bear in mind that tree trim- mi.ng follows a fundamentai rule of women's fashions-accentu- ate the opposite. If your tree is taîl and slender, decorating lines should trend toward the horizon- tal. (Sec Fig. 1.) If it is short and full, trim your tree along lines which tend ta be ver- tical. (See Fig. 2.) Applying this s im pl1e rule will heip you bring out the best in the tree.A. Fig. 1 U Fig. 2 IIow Many Lights? Too often, the number cf lights used to trim a tree is arrived at by guesswork, and r e s u 1 t s look disappointingly "spotty." There is a formula, however, which does a,,Nay with Imuch of the guesswark and hielps produce an evenl ' lighted appearance. To achieve what professio n a 1 s eall a "g o od lighted effect,"I try this for- mula: Height oi Tree (in feet)T x Width of U Tree at Base 4- -j" (in feet) x 3. Fig. 3 Let's say your trée is 6 feet in heiglit and 4',, feet wide at the base. (Sec Fig. 3) The for- mula would work like this: 6 x 4V2 x 3 = 81 lights for "good lightecl effect."1 While personal taste is the last word in decorating Christ- mas trees, each year finds more families adopting the above for- mula which wiil heip in brig- ing out the natural beauty of their tr2e and give a good- lighted cffect'": No. of iamps re- quîred ta give a "Good Lighted Size of Tree Effect" 4P 36 .9' 56 6' 81 70 110 lVhere To Trees should trimmed from the Start always be top down. In working fram the bottom Up, a trimmer is iiterally "in his own way," and ruas the risk of knocking the tree down. Sa start at the top, with your angel or star ornament, and work down. After your tree-top ornament is firmiy in place, string the tree lights, using the formula out- iined above for a good lighted effect. Reflectors and halos are availabie at mod'est cost, and these greatly increase the bril- liance of tree lights. Next, add your "continuous" decorations, such as strung papcorn. Foliow this with glass bail ornaments, snow baîls, candy canes and similar decoratians. Last, add aluminum or lcad tinsel, anc piece at a time, and finish per- haps with a spray o! artificial snow. Most Important of AH-Safety From coast ta caast, some 3,- 500,000 families will light up their Christmas tree this year. If ail of us practice safety, wc may make this the vear when no Christmas tree fire sweeps through an American home, turning a family's joy into grief. There is a highly effective way ta protect against short circuits and overloading. Simply make sure you piug a safety "fused" plug set (such as those offered by NOMA LITES) into your original source of current and then add your other decorative sets ta this set. T.his wili ensure protection against overloads and short circuits, and prevent dark- ened rooms due ta blown-out fuses. In addition, inspcct al light sets carefully for fraying or expased wires. Let's make this Christmas the safest on re- cord. Light Up Those Indoor Focal Points W i n d o w s, end tables,~ manties, foyer tables and stair rails are 91l decorating fao- r--1i cal points at C hristm as. W i n d o w Fig. 4 wr'eaths and candoliers came in a wide variety ta suit the indi- viduai taste, wvhile end tables lend themselves ta small arti- ficial Christmas trees with lighst that bubbie or twinkle merriiy. Mantles provide an ideal set- ting for angel figures, candles, and Mghts wîth reflectors set into a background of evergreen branehes. (Sec Fig. 4.) Foyer tables are just right for a "spe- ciaity" display, such as illumi- nated paper poinsettias in a centerpiece basket. Your stair rail, agiow with lights tucked between pine and laurel bran- ches wiil add stili more cheer ta your holiday. Outdoor Decoration Says Merry Christmas To Ail The exterior of your homne a nd y ou r S grounds offer L rem e n dao u h H decorating op- portunities. But practice safety Fig. 5outside as wei] as inside. Make sure ail outside 1wire- us No. 12 or No. 14, rub- IWide Variety of To pics Form Discussion' Basis At Fireside Meeting At the luncheon meeting o! the Bowmanvilie Rotary Clubý I TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Municipal Garbage Coilletion THEBE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: Christmas Day, December 25th Boxing Day, December 26th New Year's Day, January '1sf Christmas Day Garbage will he picked up on MONDAYy DECEMBER 22nd Boxlng Day Garbage will be picked up onl TUESDAY, DECENDER 23rd In addition to the ahove collections the Deparimeni will provide an Additional Free Pick-up on .Monday, December 29th New Year's Garbage wiII ho picked up on FRIDAY, JANUARY 2nd LLOYD GUINTON, Dept. Works. Supt. held at the Fiying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Friday interest- ing reports werc given of t.-e- fireside meetings arranged by the vocational service commit- tee during the week. The accaunts o! the stimula!.- ing discussions at the f ive fire- side meetings were given by Marty Martin, Dr. Keith Sie- mon, AI Witherspoon, Ken Mor- ris and Tom Rehder. It was felt that these informai meet- ings had benefitted the mcem- bers by impraving Rotary fe1- lowship. Aspects o! business and pro- fessianal matters were discuss- cd. On the question o! service charges beîng based on the re- cipient's ability ta pay it was rcported that this has many precedents, and is standard practice. It was painted out that even income tax is camputed in this way. As ta whcther or not a batik- er would be justified in refus- ing a boan which hie knew was intended for an unwise investý mient, the opinion wvas given that as long as the client offer- cd proper security a bank man- ager wavuld not b2 justificd in refusirîg. However, it was sug- gested hie in such circumstances should offer his personal advice regarding the risk involved. It was stated- that teachers have an exceptional opportun- ity in their profession. Not only do thev instruct their students in acidemie and other subjects, but they also have the chance ta mould character, and influ- ence the standards by which these y-oung people wiil live in the future. iThL, participants in the lire- side mecetings -were o! the. opin- ion that a business should be receplive to suggestions made byv employees. It was said that in manv instances tremendous, savingins had been made, from such 'suggestions. The fireside meetings had also decided that an empioyees grievance should be met witlî patience, and should not be brushed off. Fair consideration in such matters helps build moral e. AU 1111Benelit When empioyccs arc treated equitably aIl benefit. Worklng conditoris are alsn important. if was s ait.I- n summing tna tis aapecà of employer-eim- ,ber lnsulated and heavy duty. s The best source of current for outcloor lighting is a per- minent, protected outdoor-type receptacle, or a garage or porch lamps. Even without such an outlet, you can safely resst an indoor feceptacle. Mcrely drili a hole La a board whlch will fit a convenient window snugly. Close the window on the board and run the outdoor wire in through the hole in the board. The window can be "brace- locked with a stick. (Sec Fig. 5.) Your Doorway and Eaves Lights in outline forni around a doorway, out- door candies and lighted sprays are highly suc. W cessful main entrance decorations, pr o ve d over years of use. Many s t a n d i n g "specialty" fig. 6 units, such as Santas, Snowmen Carolers and the lilce have more reccntly come into greater use near front doorways. Tne caves of your roof repre- sent an ideal display point for Christmas lighting. The mnost commun difficulty in cave lîght- ing is a tendency for lights ta sag. Eliminate this problem bv running the outdoor Christmas sets through drive rings ham- mered into the caves at regular Intervals up to the house cor- ners and roof peaks. The drive rings will carry Your Christmas string of iights in straight and beautifuil unes, outlining your home p2rfectly. (Drive rings arc avaiablc at hardware stores evcrywhere.) (Sec Fig. 6.) Lightlnig Evergreens Outdoors Evergrcen trees on your front lawn can be especialy appea!- îng when lighted. Generally, lights of a single color are pre- ferred on outdoor evergreens. For an enriched effect, however. try this. Make Your topmost light white. and mix perhaps two blue lights with an overail pattern of green lights. In order to 4M protect a valu- able Blue sp ruce or Doglas fir, bid a simple Fig. 7 "epý"t carry the light strings. Pound stakcs into the ground around the tree, inside the spread of the branches, at regular inter- vals. Then lcad rigid wire up from fihe stakes to a point sev- eral inches below the tree-top. Fit a padded wire collar around the tree stem at this point and fasten wires to the collar. (See Fig. 7.) Your Christmas Llghtlng Deaier Can HeIp You may have found just the lecorating idea you are looking for. If you have flot and have a problem discu4s it with Your local Christmas lighting deal- er. He will have information on all new products and develop- ments. Don't leave your decor- ating until the last minute; start to plan early while a full selec- ion of items is avaiable and avoid the disappointment of not gettîng the equipment or selection you are looking for. ployee relationships It was con- cluded that if loyalty ta a com- pany is expected o! cmpioyeF!s, consideration must be given the work,-rs' prablems. The best work is donc by people who are imbued with goodwill towards tbff concern employing themn, it r.?-s reported. Keitti Billett, chairman o! the vocational service committee thanked the representatives for their reports. Rex Walters, pre- sident o! the club, misa express- ed appreciation, and stated that, the fireside meetings had been a worthwhile project. He stat- ed that another series a! fire- side meetings would be held in the spring ta deai with mat- ters o! Rotary information. Guests present at the lunchý- con meeting were: E. Gardiner, Engic'hart; G. Reynolds, Toron- to; K. E. Markley, Oshawà. Harold Turner, Dan Milîs; and Owen Mercklev, Toronto. BETHANY 1Women's Institute The Women's Institute meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Rober-t Burgess, leader o! "The Socialite-s Group" and took the form o! a Christmas Party with an exehange o! gifts among the members and aiso a box of iams and j2ilies don- ated and packed ta be sent ta the Chiidren's Aid Society at Port Hope. The rail cail was answered by naming a Christmas carol. The motta, «"Abidinig Joy" was explained by Mrs. Ernest Youngman. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel told the Cree Indian version o! the birth of the baby Jesus and sang Jean DeBruV's Indian Christmas carol, aiso conduet- ing a carol quiz with the mem- bers giving the tities and au- thors. Carols and hymns were sung in unisan. Mrs. Mansel Wright discusa- cd the buying o! toYs for dur- ability and suitabiiity and re-J commended a book on Toy Guidance. Mrs. Hector Morton gave al concise and intcrcsting report1 o! thc Institute Convention hed last manth in Toronto, which she had attended as a delegate Ms-s. Thomas Jennings pre- sided for the business session and Ms-s. Ralph Preston gave the financimi report, minutes of previaus meeting and carres- pandence whhch includcd an- nouncement o! an increase in Federation fees. It was decid- cd to purchase a new cook stova for the kitchen in th-?To07 Hall -,nd the sccretarv was in- struced bte write ta tbf Town. ahip Council ask'na f« o org improvemnents in the basement eeillng of the Hall. Christmas cards wcre signed by ail the menibers to be sent to thoce away fromn home and ta shut- mns. The customary parting gift af a cup and saucer will bc sent to Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy who is moving ta Peterborough this weck and wvas unable to attend the meeting. Mrs. Thomas Jackson ex- pressed the thanks of the group ta Mrs. Burgess and her moth- er, Mrg. Harry Bigelow for the use of their home and ta ail those who had assisted with the program and lunch. Women's Misslonary Society The members of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. George Waddeli, with Mrs. 0. Spencer presiding. The Christmas worship service ini the Missionary Monthly was followed with Mrs. W. Row- land, Mrs. Mervyn Porteous and Mrs. Henry Jakeman taking part. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel sang a solo w-th her own harp accom- panimenýt. The treasurv repart showed a successful year with thie al- location of $210.00 met and will be forwarded ta headquarters. Mrs. Edgar Beer had charge 'of the Study period on condi- thons in the Hawahlan Islands and the need for more mission- arv efforts there. Of!ir:ers elected for 1959 were Mrs. Winnifred Spencer. presi- dent: Mrs. Edgar Beer, vice- presidcnt: Mrs. T. J. Jackson, secretarv. Mrs. lierb Coppins, treasurer: Mrs. Henry Jakc- man, stewardship sccretary; Mrs. Clarence Rowan, citizen- ship and literature secretary: Mrs. Mervyn Porteous, Tem- perance Convener, Mrs. Arthur Wright, supply secretary: Mrs. Walter Rowland. community friendship convenor, Mrs. Don- ald Lowe.-, Missionary Monthly supplies; Mrs. George Waddell. Associate secretary; Mrs. Earl Weatherilt, Baby Band Leader. Following the closing devo- tions, the hostess served lunch and a social hour was-enjayed. To ail Statesman readers: May some speciai joy be added to your happincss at th,*s Christmas Season and may the New Year be one o! many blessings ta everyone. Mrs. Cara Armstrong who was taken ta Civic Hospital, Peterborough last Sunday fol- lowing a sudden heart attack nt her home, is now reportcd as improving. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr8. Hazet Brown in the death of her la- ther, the )ate Edward Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy and Paul Pomeroy moved to their new home in Peterbor- ough on Wednesday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mz's. Edward Mitchell who quietly celebrated their sixty- fourth wedding anniversary on December llth. Mr. Hilton Wright died sud- denly in Peterborough Hospi- tal on Friday, December l2th.) The funeral service will be held from the Uie~1~ho Monday. Dcreberý'LJIvmpa-n thy is extended to hià " e, te former Ivy Hamm, and his sons. Ormond of Waterloo. Mansel of Bethany and his dau.. ghter, Mrs. Ralph Whetlauffe-" (Bernice) Toronto. WANTED Dead, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charte 24 Hour Servie Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough -Ont. RE Swift's Premium Whole or shank portion FULLY COOKED BAN - - Lb.53 - Swift's Premium- Ready-to-eat Cryovac wrapped - 2 - 3 lb. avg. COGKED HANS L~b. 89C Swift's Premium Ready-to-eat - Shankless Popla Fail Szes 2 l. o oerCOOKED PcisL~ Swift's Premium Grade A Young Tom Smoked PciSL* . BUTTERBALL Swift's 1 lb. Dupled Bags c BROOKFIELD L Turkeys 1b.45 CSAUSACE MEAT L.39 Also available, small wcight turkcys, 20 lb. Swift's Sliced - Si de - Sealed pkg. down, at slightly higher prics, and goodEvsweBAO b5c supplies of Chic-kens, Geese adDcs vrwe AO b 9 tin 2 Fr 63c $1.15 tin 2 For31c 35c1 18" roll .55C 33C1 BEST BUY Heinz Fancy 48 oz. TONATO JUICE- BEST BUY Chase & Sanborn - 6 oz. INSTANT COFFEE "FEATURE" Libby's Fancy - 15 oz. PEAS & CARROTS "FEATURE" Welch's 24 oz. bottie GRAPE JUICE -- "FEATURE" "Heavy Duty" - Stuart House- ALUMINUN FOIL "FEATURE" Aylmer - 16 oz. jar SWEET GHERKINS 'FEATURE" Jumbo 16 oz. jar STUFFED OLIVES - 39c Golden Hour - Christmas lVrap Assorted 1 Mb. box CHOCOLATES - 89cr Suprenie 1 lb. cello pkg. DLANCHED PEANUTS 39c 49c 59C 115 45c 25c 25e 51C Fancy quality MIXED NUTS lb Aunt -Mary"s 1 lb. size CHRISTMAS CAKE - Aunt Mary's 2 lb. size CHRISTMAS CAKE $1 Libby's Fancy 25 oz. tin NINCENEAT - Red & White - 7 Varicties JELLY POWDERS 3 Pkgs. Ocean Spray 15 oz. tin CRANBERRY SAUCE Aylnier - Stuffed - 12 oz. I.B. jar QUEEN OLIVES - - 29c BEST BUY Green Giant - 15 or. tin FANCY PEAS - 3 For 49C BEST BUY Del Monte 20 oz. FRUIT COCKTAIL 33C. - Fresh Produce - California's finest - Sweet, juicy Large 113 size Sunkist ORAN.GES )o,. 4 3 c 2 "'h. 35c Ocean Spray Cape Cod- Fresh CRANDERRIES -1.1,. Imig-25c 5 For 29c - cello pkg. 2 For 49C 1't'. 19C FOODS Libby's Green Peas, 12 oz. poly bag 2 for 43e Libby's Strawberries, 15 oz. pkg.- 39C Libby's Whole Kernel Corn, 2 lb. poly bag 49c Libby's Mixed Vegetables, 2 lb. poly bag 49c Shp Red & White For Holiday Foods"' THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 80 WMAN VILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market 3.98 For the Man Shaving Bowls BEST BUY - SAVE 4c Rose Brand Sweet - 16 oz. jar I<IXED PICKLES Extra fancy. large, plurnp RED GRAPES - Crisp, Crunchy DELICIOUS APPLES Fancy, delicately flavouredj DRUSSEL SPROUTS Tender, garden fresh GREEN BEANS FROZEN Arrangements for Free Pick-up must be made by contacting Department BEFORE WEDNESDAy, DECEMBER 24 a la L, j PAGE Sm THMDAT, VEC. ifth, 1958 1 TEZ CANADIAIÇ BTATESUAIÇ. BOWUANMUL ONTAM ý i ý t - 1

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