THUBSDAY, DEC. 18th. 1958 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVHLE. ONTARIO John Vonk, Veenendaal, Hol- land, called on his niece, Mr. end Mrs. A. Baars and family. Mrs. (Dr.) Birks has left to spend a month with her daught- er M ~G. Stapley and fam- ity r~n1pg, Manitoba. ifihave sormeone in hos- pialtus know. Passing along a word of cheer, particularly at -this season. neyer cornes arniss. 2Mr. E. Gardiner of Englehart Ont., is visiting his sister. Miss Florence Gardiner, Church St.. and expects to spend most of the winter here. Miss Anne Harrison's.c.ass.. Vincent Ma--: ýv School is mak- in place cards for the trays nt Memorial Hospital as one of their Christmas projects. Little Miss Kim Perrin of Newcastle spent last week with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock while her moth- er was irn Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti left ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Fourlh Advent 8 and Il - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL EVENSONG GIRL GUIDE AND BROWNIE CHRISTMAS SERVICE by plane from Malton on Wed- nesday to spend Christmas holi- days with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King at St. Andrew., Jarnaica, B.W.I. The padlock bas been on the local blacksmith shop for sev- eral weeks as Mr. Frank Cry- derman bas not been enjoying bis usual good bealth. His manv friends hope he will soon be feeling well again. Toronto Rotarians will be giving their annual party at the Ontario Training Scbool for Boys on Mondav nigbt for those wbo cannot go borne for Christ- mas. A number of Bowrnanvilie Rotarians will also attend. Congratulations to Mr. Alfie Shrubb, our farnous long-dis- tance runner. who celebratezi bis 79th birtbday on Friday. Bowrnanville had the honour of having Mr. Shrubb take part in oocning ceremonies of the Centennial celebrations this year. A fire broke out in a broorn clgpet at the residence of Arthur e Iman, 17 Centre Street, on- Sunday morning at 11:45. The Bowmanville Fire Departrnent responded quickly to the alarrn, but Mr. and Mrs. Belîrnan bad succeeded in putting out the smnall blaze before the arrival of the firemen. Ontario Hydro tecbnicians have been undergoing tests at tli'e Lions' Commun ity Centre, Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. Rex. Walters, mani- ager of the Rural Hydro bere, said that the written tests are in relation to thIe Commission' s salety program. The tests are aimned at prornoting safety arnong line and forest crews. Among those in Mernorial Hospital are Mr. J. Infaritinb Divisirn St., who suffered -à stroke recently. Mr. and Mrs. Infantine have mnany friends who have fond memories of the days when they were proprie- tors of a fruit store where the Fairway Food Market is now located on King St. East. Assist- ing them in thé' store was their nephew, Phil Cancilla. Mrs. J. W. Hynds, Chapel St., lsa'apa- tient in Oshawa General Hos- pital. We hope these folks wl soon Limprove. We welcome Mr. Dave Spence to Bowmanville. He lias join- ed the staff of Robson Motors Limited as Service Manager. He is well qualified and brings with him a wealth of experience, be- ing in the auto business for 15 years, 12 of them spent in supervision. He is a graduate of the GM Flint School, worked in Fort William and Milîs Mot- ors, Oshawa. Mr. Spence will make bis home ini Bowmanville as soon as suitable accommoda- tion can be found for his wife and tbree children. Winners of the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band Christmas lJraw were: Harrv Farrof. IMrs. Reg. Hearl, Bowrnanville; W. Ferguson, Oshawa: G. Ail- dread, Newcastle: Mrs. Rhea Burns, Mrs. Norman Luxton, Bownianville: N. Oke, Port Perry; C. Hutchinson, Wood- stock; Mr. Carmîchael, Mr. Holmes, Oshawa, R. Fraser, R. R. 1, Hamp)ton; 1. Cruickshank, Bowmanville. Sellers of win- ningr tickets were H. Therteil. June Ruiter. J. Knight H. Hobbs, ail of Bowmanville; L. PhilliDs, Tyrone: L. Pears, Or- ono: P. Clark, Oshawa; S. Coe, jBowmanville; C. Keith, Oshawa. Two Bowmanville girls, Caroi Sheehan, 12, and Shirley Pat- field, il, a tap dancing tearn, will appear on the Uncle Jerry Club talent show over WBEN- TV at 10.30 a.rn. on Jan. Il. The pair auditioned for the show îîi Nove'nher. Carol is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. She- ban, Liimb's Lane, and Shirley is the daughter of Mr. and Mr3. R. Palfield. 38 Second St. There is a prize for the best nurnbcr on the show. so don't forget ho send in your vote for these gais after the show on Jan. il. Thev have been taking lessons for the past five years from Irenie Har- vey at classes in the Lions Cen- tre, Bowrnanville, under the 1Recreation Departrnent. One tree can make a million matches. One match can de- stroy a million trees. Never use an elevator ho es- cape a building tire. You may be trapped. BATHROOM SCALES $695 $1095 Holiday Tian. Is Time K.ep AIk-Setzr hondy for hecoche or upset stomach due to Chrittmas excitement. 34c 68C ChurchI service <Continued from page onç) join in carol singing. According to their usualî custom, St. John's Anglican i Church will bold a Christmas' Eve service at 11:30 p.m., Dec. 24. On Christmnas Day Rev. A. C. Herbert will conduct services at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. when there will be special Christmas music by the choir under the direction of Mr. Clifford Evans, organist and choir leader. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will have regular morn-1 ing worship at 11 arn. with the 1 Christmnas message by the min-e ister, Rev. A. G. Scott, and alj candie light service at 7 p .m. presented by Mr. M. McCoy. Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T., is cburch organist. Reboboth Christian Reformned Church invites everyone to at- tend a sperial Christmas vesper service on Tuesday evening, Dec. 23, at 8 p.m. when there will be special music by the choir under the direction of the organist, Henry VanderGaast. Mrs. Vye Smith will be the solo- ist'. The meditation will be de- livered by the Rev. A. W. Schaafsma. On Christmas Day there will be a service at 10 a.m. mn English, and 7:30 p.m.i Dutch. Rev. G. E. Leno will conduct special services this Sunday at the Pentecostal Churcb, 21 On- tario St., at il1j.m. and 7 p.m. The evening worship will be a candle light service when there will be several musical numbers and -the message of Christmas will be presented. Capt. and Mrs.. ErnestFae of Toronto will .be special vis- itors at the Salvation Army thisi Sunday, with Capt. Falle con- ducting the Il a.m. and7 p.m [services and speaking on both occasions. The evening service will be mainly a carol service. Roman Catholic worshippers in this parish are happy that Christinas services will be heid iii thieir new church on Liberty Street South. On Christmnas Eve town Toronto, according to St. Paul's usual customn. On Sunday evenmng the C.G.I. T. girls were in charge and al took part in the annual candie lighting service. The Explorers also attended with their leader. Mrs. Kenneth Werry, who told the story. C.G.I.T. leaders Mrs. Harold Turner, Miss Ruth Hew- itt and Miss Ruth Bragg, attend- ed with their girls. a haif-hour of carol singing,j from 11:30, will preeede the' Solemn High- Mass at midnight whidh will open the new St. Joseph's Church. Assisting the Rev. F. K. Malane will bete Very Rev. Thos. MeQuaid Rector of Scarborougli Foreign Mission, çLnd the Rev. R. J. Garvey of Peterborough. There will be Christmas Day Massesi at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. in the new church where all future services will be held. Mr. Alfred Bell will conduct Christmias services this Sunday in the Baptist Cburcb, Nelson St., at 1l a.m. and 7 P:m. The evening service will be in charge of the Young People with the Young People's Choir providing special music. Mr. John Tang- elder of Bowmanville, who is attending the Central Baptist Serninary, will be the speaker. Be sure to attend service in the churcli of your choice this Christmastide. White Gifts Presented at St. Paul's Service Members of the Sunday School of St. Paul's United Church attended rnorning ser- vicau on Sunday and presenteci gifts in the annual White Gift Service. Rev. Harold Turner officiated. The white costumed angels receiving the gîfts as the child- ren brought them forward, were Carroll McRoberts and Marjorie Stewart. The Junior Choir occupied the loft and l2d in singing and also gave à spe- cial number, 'To Bethlehem", with Mrs. C. H. Dudley at the organ. The choir is under the direction of Miss Ruth Bragg and Miss Bertha Colvilie. Mrs. Wilson Pring, a Senior ChDir niember, sang as a solo, "The Gift". Somne of the gîfts rernained in Bowmanville to be distribut- ed where they are needed. while others were taken this week to Centre in down-i Santas At Kinsmen Club Party An enjoyable Christmas Par- ty was held by the Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club at the Fly- ing Dutchman Mohor Hotel oa Tuesday evening. Guests rs ent were Don Wilson and Vic CoUr1ey, Lindsay; Bill Hunter,l Oshawa; Don Plain, Bowman- ville, and a former mem ber of the Bowmanville Kinsrnen Clu,, Roy Swindells, Toronto. Therel was a 100 per cent attendancei of club members. A delicious buffet supper was St. Andrew's Church under the direction of Mr. M. McCoy prescRis CAN1DLE LIGHT SERVICE DECEMBER 21st, 1958 7 p.m. Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T., organist. 10 a.m. (English) a 7:30 p.m. (Dutch) "Back To God Hour" Broadcasi 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, C.F.R.B. .St. Paul's United Church Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - "The Eternal in the Heari of a Child" 4:00 pm. - CAROL SERVICE (Please note the heur) COME AND WORSHIP A HEARTY WEÈCOME TO ALL Sunday School Party in the Lions Centre Monday, Dec. 22, ai 7:45 p.m. Trînif y United Church 1 Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 10:30 a.m. - ORGAN RECITAL 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "Christmas Brings Us Home'f 3:30 p.m. - CAROL VESPER SERVICE Senior, Intermediate and Junior Choirs under the direction of the Organist and Choir Leader Mr. A. Collison. Beautiful Christmas Anthems and Carols of many lands will be heard in group and solo parts. 12:10 pan. - SUNDAY SCHIOOL WHITE GIFT SERVICE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th .Christmas Eve Service - 8:00 p.m. AFRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL IF: -- ---.---.-iI~ - - o .4 r A SPECIALTY A lex.- McGregor, Drugs Your Local I.D.A. Drug We Deliver Store Phone MA 3 -571 g f >2 Automatic mien's and 6 in chrome or b p enomelled f finishes. J0 yeor guorantet. $1 .98 Oî-irF Oir mels ... $9 TABLE LIGHTER SET Lg hier, cigarette box and Iva ash ....y ...... REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MOeJNG SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - Engllsh 2I.NG SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SER VICES"ý CHRISTMAS DAY, DECEMBER 25th PRESCRIPTIONS PAGE SEVE1I served at eight o'clock. Season- Claus. Ken Nicks as helper for al decorations were effective in the pair of Santas assisted ini the banquet hall, and tbe Kins-. distributing the gifts. rnen's own unique Christmas A surprise guest at the festi- tree wvas in tIe centre of th2 vities wvas Kinsmen Governor room. Not one, but two Sanha Walter Bellian, Bramipton. whe Clauses arrived at this enter- brougît best wishes for Chri-st- taining party. The Santa Claus for 1958 was, Ken Hockin, and i maý and the New Year train Don Stuht was the 1957 Santa other Kinsmen Clubs. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Outario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES il arn. - "GOD'S GIFT TO MAN" 7 CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE Several Musical Numbers and The Message cf Christmnas "The Church where you are neyer a stranger" REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowrnanville Everyone is invited to attend a Special Christmas VESPER SERVICE on Tuesday, December 23rd 8 pi.. Special miusic by the choir under direction cf Organist Henry VanderGaast. Soloist, Mrs. Vye Smnith. Rev. A. W. Schaafsnia will deliver the nieditation. ýTwo L- :Uor 13 a IDV la