PAGE KIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. SOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TJIIIRSDAY. DEC. l8th. 195S Dancing Cam The Recreation Department's Dancing Classes will hold their annual Christmas Party at the Lions Community Centre this coming Friday, December 19, at 7:00 p.m. The parents of ail the child- ren participating in the Danc- ing Classes are asked ta be on hand. Members of the Recreation Department Baton classes took part i two Santa.Claus parades during the past few weeks, in Oshawa and Whitby. Another interesting note is I"LECTRICAL CONTRM£TINGI - INNG REPAIES that Caral Sheehan aend Shirley Patfield, bath members of the Dancing Classes, will appear on Uncle Jerry's Club aven WBEN- TV, Channel 4 in Buffalo an Sunday, Janurery llth. FaIl Activitien This wcck brlngs ta a close the Recreation Department FaIl activities in Smocking, Reading and Discussion, Choral Society, Dancing Classes, Children's Cnafts, Adult Art and Minor Hockey. These activities will again be started aiter the holi- day season. Watch for notice of turne and place in the New Year's edition af The States- man. Minor Hockey In the fi.nst Bantain gaine played last Srturday morning the Cubs came up with thein first win of the s9ason by de- feating the Tigers 3-2. Don Rickrerd was the big gun for the Cubs' collecting P.1l thnee of their goals. Glen Clarke (2) rend Lea MacLean picked up as- sists on the Cubs' goals. Scott Rudeli and John Phillips (Pat Vinish) were the goal scorers for the Tigers. In the second Bantain game of the, morning the Huskies chalked up their fifth straight win by defeating the Pirates 3-1. James Finn (BMaine Adamns), Russell Balrend Blaine Adams were the goal getters for the Huskies. Ricky Gay (George BaIl, Don McMurter) saved the Pirates main a shut out by sconing in the last min- ute ai play. In the third rend final Ban- tam game of the niorning the Lions dcfeated the Braves 3-0 ,,-Iold on to your Lif e Insurance toô with both hands V>bur 1sf. inaurance policy '18 verx Yeiuable prop.rty a because if anything happena to you, your depen.. dents will receive not merely what you saved, but ail the money that you planned for their benefit.. either in cash or as an income. * because, in policies having guaranteed cash values, your savings are protected against casual apending, yet are always there to use in a firiancial eniergency. a because the payment of every dollar that your poli- cdes promise you at retirement is also guaranteed. iOuaranteed family security aend guaranteed savings make life insurance the number one gilt-edged investment for, over 73/2 million Canadians. This valuable property 1. worth holding onl fo with both hands. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L-658Y to hold their second place standing three points behind the league leaders. Rod Taylor <Ellwin White), Bob Hellain (Rod Taylor) aend Elwin Whitp (Gary Down) accounted for the Lions' goals. By Dougla8 Rîgs SAtom In the Atom *gaine plreyed Sat- unday morning the Barons de- feated the Hornets 2-0 ta move into a first place tie in the league standings. Borys Weres- zczyski rend Stephen Wright (Ron Hooper, Jay Rogers)> were the goal scorens for the Barons. In the Atom gaine played Monday aftennoon the Rams de- feated. the Indians 3-1 to move into Fi first place tie with the Barons. James Manduck, David Wrigret (Paul Parker) rend Dan- ny Nolan scored for the Barons. Wayne Barett scored the In- dians lone goal mld way through the final pcniod. Lions Midget League In the first Midget gaine o the aiternoon the Raiders de feated the Cornets 4-2 ta coin up with thein finst wifl of th seasan. James Laite (Jin Scott) Blaine Pickard (John Bruce) Don Kerr (Larry Welsh) ani James Lane (Lee Rackharn were the goal scorers for th, Raiders. Andy Mathcws scorei bath the Cornets' goals in tài first peniod. In the second Bidget gai the Orphans defeated thc Dod gens 4-2 ta, move into firs place in the league standing Jim McKnight (2), Bruce Qg den (James Rickard) and Lan. ry Pearce (Stephen Barclay: were the goal scarers for thg Onphans. Bill Bicklc rend Alar Cole (Biekie) accauntcd fan tht Dodgens' goals. The win was thi fourth straight for the Orphrens Gaines schcdulcd for this Sat. urday are as follows. Pc. Wee 7:00 a.n.-Canadîans vs Hawkc 7:45 a.m.-Bruins vs. Giantre (Clean Ice) 8:40 a.m.-Leaf& vs. Wings Bantam 9:20 r.m-Tigers vs. Braves (Cleren Ice) 10:20 r.m.-Cubs vs. Huskies 11:05 a.m.-Lions vs. Pirates Atom 11:50 a.m.-Hornets vi. Rams Mldget 3:30 p.rn:-Dodgers vs. Raiders 4:20 p.m.--Gennra]s vu. Or- phans. Bantam Allstar, Thc Bowmanville Bantaxi AUl Stars will take part in the Peterbonough aend District Ban- tamn Hockey Tauý'nament this corning, Saturday, December 2th at the Peterborough Civ.:c Anena. A total of fine teams wiil be repncsented fnom Napance, Lindsaey, Pctenborpugh (2). Ca- bourg. Millbrook, Oshawa, Port Perry and Bowmanville, Bowmrenville will play their first gaine at 11:00 a.rn. against Pont Ferry. The winncn of that gaine till play the winncn be- tween Peterborough rend Osh- awa at 2:00 p.h. in the Semi- Finals. The teamrn rpresenting Bow- ci le c le Le n ,e Ne arly 200 Children Enjoy HoIy Name Part y ln' St. Joseph's Church Pee Wes In the first Pee Wee game of the morning the Canadians chalked up thein first win of the season by deferting the Leafs 1-0. Gary Butler scored the only goal of the gaine errly in the first period. The wiLfl moved the Canadians inta fifth, place in the League standings. In the second Pee Wee gaine the Red Wings and Rangers pk.yed ta a 0-0 tic. The tie gaine left the Rangers one point ahead of the Giants in the league standings. The tie was the lufth Ranger gaine without a defeat. In the third rend final Pel Wee crame of the motning thel Giants defeated the Haewks 4-1 in a four point game ta move into second place in the league standings. Cris Quinton, Bamnev Hawthorne (Quintan), Gary Akey (Quintan) rend George Moore were the goal scorers far the Giants. John Ballantine (Rickv Dewell) accounted for the Hawks' lone goal. Cris Quinton of the Giants picked up the onlv penalty of the gaine for intenference. YELVERTON Several cunlers (becirnen aend hogmen) were present ret the Bonspiel in Lindsaey Arena on Saturday sponsored by thc Hol- stein Breedes- shame on those disloyal souls adopting a black rend white polka-dot attitude even for a day. No wonder they captured no prizes. Messrs. Howard Malcolm ndm Floyd Stinson attendcd a meet- ai the directors of the Ont- ario Hag Producers, in Toronto on Dec, 10. A meeting of the Session cf Yelverton United Church in preparatian fon thc Coragrega- tio<ial Meeting set for Frlday, Jan. 9, was held at Malconia on F'riday retennoon with Rev. R. R. Bonsteel aend chuneh eiders G. E: Robinson, Arthur Rowen aend Harvey Malcolm in attend- ance. On Saturday evening Man- vers C.0.F. No. 553 was repre- scnted at the dance in Nestîcton sponsoned by thie neighbouring C.O.F. Court thene. The Nestle- ton Court are to b. commended for the many improvements they have made on their hall- New floon, kitchen in basement etc. On Wednesday, Manvers To- sw!nship C.O.F.. No. 553 hcld a banquet for memben, and their 'wives and a few well-wishers from the comxnunity. Janetville W.I. arc ta be highly compli- mcnted not anJy for the sump- tuaus supper provided but for Uic excellent service. Too bad more folk had not been includ- cd ta reap the benefits. A At thc head table were Bro. Arthu.r Gamble af Lindsay, Dis- trict Deputy ai Peterbonough district; Chief Ranger (Lindsay) *Lenoy rend Mrs. Eregen of Lind- say; Bra. Sterling Silverthorn, tDistrict Manager of Peterbor- rough; Bro. Bill Hawkshaw, Fra- Sternal Supervisor of Kitchener, tOnt., Chief Ranger Narman rend Mrs. Wilson, Manarers Court; Sect.-Treas. of Court Manvens, Brai John Burns who was chair- man for the evening, rend Mn.. Burns. Guest speaker for Uic occas- ion was fnom Hea.d Office at Brantford, Scott Taylor, Super- intendant aif ielduien, who was most impressive. Bro. Taylor w-as suitably intraduced by Bro. Grahamn Palmer ai Peterbor- augh. A social haur wres enjoyed after. Sincene sympathy to tic friends arnd family of the. late Milton Wright oi Bethany who was vcny well known thnough this district. A speedy convalescence is wi- shed fon Leonrerd Joblin aI Nes- tîcton, currcntly in Pont Ferry hospital. Satunday dinner guests of the Art Rowans included Mr .and Mrs. Bill Werry, Donaldend Dennis of Kedron; Mn. rend rs. Douglas Jackson, Ronnie ami Mary Ellen, Mr. Alfred Jackson, Mr. rend Mrs. Murray Jackson,. aIl ai Brooklin,- what a ml'ess ai in-laws for Arthur ta feed eh! Mn. rend Mns. W. H. Stinson caled on the Walter Wrights of Blackstock rend Mrs. Dalton Brown ai Fleetwaod. Mr. rend Mns. Ralph Malcolmn aend fremily were Satunday cali- ers at Malconia. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Archer rend family ai Part Hope, Mn. rend Mrs. Cea. Wilson, Yelver- ton; Mr. rend Mns, Vance Wilson rend family, Toronto: Mns. Row- ena Cherry, Pont Hope ail at the David Wilsons on Sunday. We should like ta express in this edition our sincercst wish ta the Canrediren Statesman staff rend readers ai the Yelvcrton column for the Merriest Christ- mas evenreand the Happiest of New Years froin your Yelver- ton correspondents Cornreand Harvey Malcolmn. marnville is Made un of the fol- low'ing boys: Ken Vcitch, Mich- ael Dickens. Jin Coylc, Bob Slecp, David Williams, Paul Muttan. George Kennedy, Douc Lane, Rae Pickell, David Kerr,1 Jon Hrencock, Graydon Col-ville,1 Gene Balson. Daevid Thompsuyn1 rend Andy Matthews. Harold « Balsan (Coachi) and Paul Chant IThe first event ta take place in the new St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Liberty Street ISouth, was the Christmnas Par- ty for the children af the par- ish which wvas held in the spst- clous basement hall on Sundav reiternoon. Mare than 190 children and] their parents enjoyed the de- lightful ef fair whlch was given under the auspices of the Holy Naine Societv. Joseph Cudda- hee. Tom Mastersan, rend Getu. Chard wene menîbers ao' the committee in charge ai arrange- ments. Carol Slngint A beautifullv decorated èChristmnas treeý dorninatcd the stage. Tom Masterson wvas the M.C.. and welcamed the child- nen rend their parents to the party. He erelled on Joe Cooper ta lead evervone in the carol singing. "Corne Ail 'x' Faýi- fui". "Silent Nighit", and othier favourite carols wvere suing. Little Irene Rietmnuller, age two rend a hall, rend her broth- er Hans, age ljive, sang. "Away In a Manger". Hans relso m'ade a hit wlth a recitation af "I Saw Three Ships corne Sailing." Centennial Movies The audience enjoyed a showv ing by Al Fletcher ai the col- oured motion pictures he had taken ai the Bowmanville Cenitennial. The films were ex- cellent rend depicted the open- ing ceremonies ai Old Homne Week, the greret Centennial Parade, rend the children's ps- Teenage Bowling With anc wcek rernaining ln thic Teenage Bowling League's firat sçhedule, Doug Shirk's league-leadens can eace up, after nailing down the' pennant, last Satunday aiternoon. The first schedule winners downed Ken Park's team 5-2, ta assure a first place finish by thnee Pointa. Larry Piper's crew rect- ed as "fpoilere", when they de- feated Lowell Highfield'a run- ners-up by a 5-2 margin. Don Bagnell'a bowlers, although des- tined for a last place finish, downcd Ben Thompson'a team, also 5-2, for their second con- secutive win. High triple honours wcnt to Larry Piper, wlth a 708 total, while John Rundle's 259 scaor' took thec boys' high single game. Other good singles were negis- tered by M. Charles 254, L. Thompson 243. John James 238, and Lowell Hightield 233. The. girls followed the same pattern, as the boys used, withj Confie Osmond'& term clinch- ing finit place by taking a 7-0! ahutout win frorn Virginia Browns outfit. The first ached uic champs, got assistance fror Brenda Oke', cellar-dwellers who hung a 5-2 loss on Barbara Brown's bowlers. The lou by the second-pla- vers, dashed any hopes they might have had af overtaking the Osmond crew. Linda Brook- ing showced the fellows. a thiflg or two, caming up with a ter- rific 291 game, to ca#turc high single honours in bath divisions. Linda also camne up with a 634 total to daim the girls' high triple, as Well.ý Boys' Team hast ngu Pins Points D. Shirk ____ 38581 67 L. Hlghfield ~ 38323 57 L. Piper 37107 53 K. Park ____ 36733 49 B. Thompson 36787 45 D. Bagneli ----_ 34588 23 Glri's Team Standings Pins Points C. Osmond - 29064 64 B. Brown -___ 29137 56 V. Browni____ 26983 40 B. 0k. _____ 27049 36 TYRONE Election of ollicers for Long Sault L.0.L, No. 764, Tynane, for 1959 are as Iollawe- W.M., Bra. R. B. McCullough; D. M., Bro. Murray Yeo; Chaplain. Bro. John Hynes; R. S., Bro. Hugli Murphy; FP.S., Bra. Glen Sm-th; Treasurer, Bro. Leslie Brooks; 1 Lecturer, Bro. Herb Prescott;, Mai-shall, Bro. John Wilson; 2 Lectuner, Bro. Clan- ence Bradley, 1 Committeeman, Bro. F. L. Byrei. Mossrs. George Hynes, Will- awdalc; Robent Hynes, Stouli- ville, visitcd their brother John H-ynes. Mn. rend Mrs. Ted Ott rend Debbie. Toranto, visited Mr. rend Mrs. R. Coombes rend Way- ne. Mr. rend Mrs. Clinton Eng- lish rend Paul, Peterborough, visited Mn.. W .Miller. Mr. rand Mrs. Albert Hoopen aend childi-en, Frenchman's Bay, Mn. rend Mns. James McQuinn, Oshawa, visited Mn. rend Mrs. C. H. McQuinn. Mrs. Edith Murphy spent sev- eral days with Mrs. Rose Mid- dicton, Toronto. Mis. Elva Beckett, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. rend Mrs. D. Millenreand Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Bowmianvilîe, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Mrs. Isaaec Murphy Sr., Ton- onto, spent the weekend with Mn. rend Mrs. Waltcr Murphv. Mn. and Mns. Horace Hall so3ent the woekend with Mn. rend Mns. H. Spregg, Hamnilton. Mn. rend Mrs. John Beckett, Scugog Islaend, Mr. rend Mrs. T). Beckett rend Iarnily, Maple Gra- ve, Mn. ami Mrs. J, Holdstock. Bowmanville, Mn. rend Mns. Lloyd Alldrred rend M 'axine i with Mn. -O. Beckett rend Ai-villa. ii Mrs. Annie Hatherly plansloný gpeiidin« the wwmter with her 1dN: sons eat present wlth Harry Hs. theri and famlly, Toroîtoc Mr. and NMr;i. Kelth i<bsOm Bowmanvllle, &petit the wêCIê end at her lhoie, Dougelas J on 0a A >ont tha.o wookencl witl hi% meistir MF4. White.C il Ne rvie WOO sIilW Su l toiy tiltltlll4i t r4e.b ttc, Hc'èoi l evît 'Ilm t'ilAI b lb., J.e, dIAY nit)#*$t111i sallvi' n rlaaw., t wore placrel lit tticîu,,'>, ist lb,. latt' in.( )bbvilrfnr hl.Iri, ihy hi fe.loooly. t#141 ilb,. bref. m iel, , I .ijit: 'hl'h posa'rmel' lit'; tvnbb M Iru. J".l' . l s tt 'oi s illo,.usg hoi n . il1te'< n p 4i til 1 'i 1 .' l ot #uè.f 10 la 'ixvrleel;l ilut. 1 eb 1il', t.1 g i tels, Mre. amndLM1a. IvViiiIl. HAYDON rade. Glen Hughes was the &n- nouncer. Santa Ciut Arriv#o Aillthe children oiii 11n gle Bell.%" to horald Il@h. - trance of Santa Clatnx. 1ThIA wot the hiphllght, ut 1h. o 1ruuis. The .lollv 4ante Clitt,,4(Ancly souch. Pontypool» .tcipuocln talk with many of th.. llttle unes on hlm way tu the stage. l'eexcted atand lhappv c'hild- ren etioli Inhurtiwvnt up le thie stage fo lx, gre'etéd iby Santa (..latts and lu LrIl hlm of their' C7hlstaswlshe*. Each chjld recelved a cellophane bag of candv andi fruit. Firat of Many Events The Rev. F. K. Malanè, the Piiolh pricat. in a short address stated that ho was glad that the first event In the new hall was one for the chlldren. He said special thanks wvere due ta 'he nicn who had organized the par ty. "This is the first of many events ta be held in this hall" Father Malane said. "It will be, long rernembered by the child- ren." Father Malane pointed out that the new church was built for the children of the parish. He thanked Santa Claus for his visit, and asked him, ta corne again next year. Those who assisted the corn- mittee in charge during the party were Martin Molloy, jim Laverty. Tom Sheehan, Paul LaPrade, Jlmn Fair, and Louis Mayhew. MA 3-5778 blà )ittilNo Drnnks Afler 6 p.m. 71 1j'.1e',i4 1 01 p On Dec. .24 3î.111 ,.e's t> W'>7 àa Jegal drinic ip C; 0 ,A" , "r.' f , '.r r.i"n4ý P'/P mter 5 pin, j 0 J; If 4^ 0.q *,'r " ,rit iuor Control L~~i A a. î~a ,,s. '~'~ . t'. r e 'il'*rprI aIl heer, wine 'fi,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~e .4 >'r' '>.r tr0.hrparlon3 01 uf 00,01 Me I/ 'Il 01t~, irr A '<,.bd'i ! be losed r,~mPe,'>ng Day and w no k rî,î nj h w); of. r. <'" f',r ta lx-dây opera.. YIOoM pH h .e i" s»t ' trnd ay ere //il!l, 'r. se&tra , ura f orsale in Y,',jr ($f(e, ' ' t, .,ru one dav 1)16684(1 rr.*, <"r àr~ tit foiIi r-'1iair, cprri for thie neici PICK UP A CARTON!! BEVERAGES ALL UN HANDY CARTONS KING SIZE BOTTLES YOUR D§ALUR UAt YW mo.TH§ CARTONS OF buys a WILSON'S SETER QUAUTfY * GINGER ALE md * COLA SIGGER u * ORANGE Agir f« Wilson'. * GRAPEFRUIT * CLUB SCâ 6-Collector's 'Item -for GChristmas Hèlll Rbillstoin's (olgnos IIID -ooat Four reaeons why a real old-fashioned Christmas 18 the, best kind: Helena Rubinâtoi n's great cologne cIaSicBe delivered in - old-fashioned apothe- cary botties designed * from a decorator's A viewpoint. The four .. famed colognes have lovely Iightness, Pick bersfavior abt unusuer avrt abit:w blithe, fresh Apple Blossom in pink;, romantic White Magnolia in pale green; flowering Heaven-Sent in blue ;and elegant ~<; Command Performance ~~ in lavender. e 3.50 each for '. thumpiftg 6 ounces. ýone --Bowm aiîl 'i -. - ~ -'c Mr. and Mrs. littrl< (;*y, Oshawa, visited Mr. aend Mro. C. GarrArd. Mr. aend Mr&. Glen Thornipgon aend farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Farrel, Carleton Place, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Osmond,. Mr. aend Mrs. Donald Thompson, I3ow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Roalandi Thompson, visited Mrs. W. Tho- mpson. Mr. Bert Ashton and Brad, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Werry, Lynne and Bonny, Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ornuston, Mrs. Ivan Sharp aend Lincta, En- niskillen, Mr. ai-id Mrs. Ross Sharp and fam.îly, were Satur- day dinner guests at Mr. aend Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. George Bertrim and Geo- rgie, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid, at Mr. rend Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. aend Mrs. Alfred Garrard were Saturday evening visitors at Mr. rand Mrs. D. Camnenon's. Mr. aend Mrs. Lloyd Slexnon At Mr. aend M~rs. Fred Tom's, En- nîskillen, Sunday. Mr. Kerrneth Grahamn visited Mr. aend Mrs. Milton Graham, Ajax, and called on hi#, father Mr. John Graham, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Clein Rahm. and Allison, Mr. and Mms. Raymond Vincent and Marie, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. rand Mýrs. Ron Rahni's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bllackburn and Mrs. K. Cowling called on Mrs. Cale and Miss Blackburn Bowmnanville, Sunday. Mr. aend Mrs. Lloyd- Ashton and Ronald were Sunday din- ner gueste at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's, Enniskillen. Mr. aend Mrs. A1hred Garrard visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin, Blackstock, Sundey. W.A. Christmas meeting wàa held in the church on Thurs- day afterncon. The progranmme was a apecial Christmas one which. consisted. of Christmas Sangs, etc, aend readings by Mrs. K. Cowling aend Mnýs. Err Tre- win. Santa Claus arrived each, onc received a gift rend the younger children were presen- ted with a git. Lunch was ser- JURY & LOVELL DEC. 18th, 1958 TYM CANADIAN STATZSNffl. BOWMANVILL& ONTARIO PAGE ZIGIffT